
2020年08月12日 04:57


一、 Vocabulary(总题数:20,分数:40.00)
felt that the uninspiring routine of office work was too______for someone of his talent and
c √
解析:解析:本题考查形容词辨析。根据空前的uninspiring routine of office work(让人提不起精神
的办公室日常工作)可知,他觉得工作过于平淡乏味,故答案 为prosaic(平淡无奇的,乏味的)。insatiable
意为“贪得无厌的,不能满足的”; exacting意为“要求严格的,要求高的”;enthralling意为“迷人
的,非常有趣的 ”。
museum arranged the fossils in______order, placing the older fossils dating from the Late
Ice Age on the first floor and the more recent fossils on the second floor.
logical √

解析:解析:本题考查形容词辨析。根据空后的the older…on the first floor和the more recent…on
the second floor可知,博物 馆是把化石按一定时间或年代顺序排列的,故答案为chronological(按时间
先后顺序排列 的,按年代先后顺序排列的)。alphabetical意为“按字母顺序的”。random意为“任意的,
随机的”。arbitrary意为“随意的,任意的;专断的,武断的,专制的”。句意为:博物馆将 化石按年
代顺序排列,把发现于冰川时代晚期的古老化石放在第一层,把发现于更近时期的化石放在第二 层。
the evolution of wings, insects were able to______to the far ecological corners, across
deserts and bodies of water, to reach new food sources and inhabit a wider variety of promising
environmental niches.

se √

解析:解析:本题考查动词辨析。根据空后的the far ecological coiners(远方的生态角落)和deserts (沙
漠),bodies of water(水域),new food sources(新的食物 源)判断,昆虫能够到达这些地方,只有
disperse(分散,驱散)符合语义,故为答案。rel ate意为“有关联;认同”。transgress意为“违背,违
反(社会规范或道德准则)”。r evert意为“恢复,回复(到以前的状态、制度或行为)”。
recently missed out on the Matisse retrospective, which has taken Paris and New York
by storm, and on the tour of great paintings from Philadelphia's Barnes collection, London is
becoming______in the competition to show blockbuster international art exhibitions.
A.a trend-setter
also-ran √
C.a world-beater
D.a mecca

解析:解析:本题考查名词辨析。根据题意“因最近已错过轰动巴黎和纽约 的马蒂斯回顾展以及来自费城
巴尼斯收藏的伟大画作巡回展,伦敦正在……”可知,答案为an also- ran(失败者,落选者)。trend—setter
意为“领导新潮流的人”;world-bea ter意为“举世无双的人(或物),天下无敌的人(或物)”;mecca,
most______the magazine's critics is the manner in which its editorial opinions are
expressed too often as if only an idiot could see things any other way.


解析:解析:本题考查动词辨析。分析句子结构可知,in which引导的定语从句修饰先行词the manner,
从句中说明了编者表达观点的频率太频繁 ,就好像只有白痴才有其他的见解一样,这种方式应是激怒该杂
志评论员的原因,故答案为[C]ril e(激怒,使非常生气)。belie意为“掩饰,遮掩;显示……不真实”。
impede意为“阻碍 ,妨碍,阻止”;placate意为“使平静,安抚,抚慰”。
e her compassionate nature, the new nominee to the Supreme Court was single-minded and
______in her strict adherence to the letter of the law.
romising √
解析:解析:本题考查形容词辨析。根据空格前的single- minded(一心一意的,专心致志的)和空格后的
her strict adherence to the letter of the law(她严格遵守法律条文)可知,空格处所填词意思应与
single-minded相近,故[B ]uncompromising(不让步的,不妥协的,坚定的)符合语义,为答案。merciful
意为“仁慈的,宽大的”;dilatory意为“拖延的,拖拉的,延误的”;vindictive意为“ 报复(性)的,
gh he generally observed the adage
was______acting in an unconsidered fashion.
ious to
itate in √
nt about
解析:解析:本题考查形容词短语辨析。根据空前的转折连词although,以及look before you leap(三
思而后行)可知,本空所填短语应表示与“Look before you leap”相反的意思,故答案为precipitate in。
precipitate意为“(行动或决定)仓促的,贸然的,突然的”。be chary of意为“对……小心的,对……
谨慎的”。be impervious to意为“不受……的影响;对……无动于衷”。be precipitate in意为“草
率做……;仓促做……”。be hesitant about意为“对做……迟疑不决”。
nded by a retinue of sycophants who invariably______her singing, Callas wearied of the
constant adulation and longed for honest criticism.
ed √
解析:解析:本题考查动词辨析。根据空前的 sycophants(谄媚者,拍马屁者),以及空后的constant
adulation(不断的奉承)和longed for honest criticism(渴 望得到诚恳的批评)可知,空格处所填词应表

示“夸奖,赞美”之意,故答案为exto lled(赞美,颂扬,吹捧)。orchestrate意为“将(乐曲)编配成管
弦乐曲”;thw art意为“阻挠,阻碍”;assail意为“强烈指责”。
is nothing______or provisional about Moore's early critical pronouncements; she deals
confidently with what were then radical new developments in poetry.
ive √
解析:解析:本题考查形容词辨析。根据空后的or provisional about可知,空格处应填与provisional
(临时的,暂时的,暂定的)意义相近的词, 故答案为tentative((协议、计划、安排等)暂行的,临时的,
试探性的)。positiv e意为“确实的,明确的”;dogmatic意为“教条的,武断的”;shallow意为“(指
人 、作品、思想等)肤浅的,浅薄的”。
______the chance to spend a whole day with her father.
at √
解析:解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。根据空后的the chance可知,此处应表示接受机会,故答案为jumped
at(迫不及待地接受(机会),欣然应承(建议或机会))。jump on意为“突然袭击,毫不犹豫地批评”;jump
with意为“与……一致”;jump up意为“迅速上升”。
pointed out that his resume was______because it merely recorded his previous positions
and failed to highlight the specific skills he had mastered in each job.
uate √
解 析:解析:本题考查形容词辨析。根据原因状语从句中“他的简历只是记录了他之前的职位,并没有突
出 他在每一份工作中的特殊技能”可知,他的简历是不充分的,故答案为inadequate(不充分的,不足的 ;
不能胜任的)。disinterested意为“公正的,无私的;不感兴趣的,不关心的,冷漠的 ”。conclusive意
为“确定的,毫无疑问的,不容置疑的”。obligatory意为“( 按照规定或法律)必须履行的,强制性的;
e it was already known that retroviruses could cause cancer in animals, it seemed
only______to search for similar cancer-causing viruses in human beings.
l √
解析:解析:本题考查形容词辨析。分析句意可知,“已证实逆转录病毒能够让动物致癌”,那么“ 寻找
类似使人致癌的病毒”应该是顺理成章的,故答案为logical((结论或结果)逻辑上必然的 ,顺理成章的)。
culpable意为“应受责备的,难辞其咎的”。charitable意为“仁 慈的,宽容的;慈善的”。hypothetical
______is always a source of irritation; she never uses a single word when she can substitute
a long clause or phrase in its place.

ity √
解析:解析:本题考查名词辨析。根据冒号后的内容“她从不用一个字代替 长句或短语”判断,应该是她
说话过于唠叨,故答案为verbosity,意为“冗长,哕唆,唠叨” 。frivolity意为“轻浮的举止,无聊的
活动”。ambivalence意为“摇摆,犹豫; 矛盾情绪,矛盾心理”。cogency意为“(理论、议论等的)说服
is futile to try to destroy pests completely with chemical poisons, for as each new chemical
pesticide is introduced, the insects gradually become______to it.

ant √
解析:解析:本题考查形容词辨析。逗号前的句子提到 “试图用化学毒药完全清除害虫是徒劳的”,由此
推断,每次使用新的化学杀虫剂,昆虫都会逐渐产生抗 体,这也是无法根除的原因,故答案为resistant(抵
抗的,抗……的,耐……的)。draw n意为“(人或人脸)清瘦的,憔悴的”。vulnerable意为“易感染(某
种疾病)的,易患病 的;脆弱的;易受影响的”。indifferent意为“冷漠的,不关心的,不积极的;(水
平或质 量)一般的,平庸的”。
. Ono rarely gives interviews because she believes the news media have______her and treated
her badly.
resented √
解析:解析:本题考查动词 辨析。根据“小野女士很少接受采访,因为她认为新闻媒体对她不好”推断,
新闻媒体对她报道不实,四 个选项中只有misrepresented(误述,对……做不准确的叙述,歪曲)符合语义,
故为答 案。publicize意为“宣传,宣扬,推广”;eulogize意为“歌颂,赞美”;acclaim意 为“称赞,
craftsmanship reached its______in the 19th century, when the introduction of metal tools
enabled carvers to execute more sophisticated designs.


解析:解析:本题考查名词辨析。主语Totem craftsmanship(图腾技艺)表示物, 后面的定语从句“金属
工具的推行让雕刻师能够完成更复杂的设计”,由此推断,应表示这门技艺达到了 顶峰,故答案为apex(顶
峰)。conclusion意为“结论,推论”,reach a co nclusion意为“得出结论”。antithesis意为“对比,
对照;对立面”。rewar d意为“报答;奖赏;报酬”。
delicate and______as insect bodies are, it is remarkable that over the ages enough of them
have ______, preserved in amber, for scientists to trace insect evolution.
ful; disappeared
e; survived √
ious; multiplied
d; awakened

解析:解析:本题考查形容词和动词辨析。第一空根据空前的and可知,空格处所填词 应表示和delicate(娇
弱的;纤细的)含义相近的词。四个选项中,只有[B]项中的frag ile(虚弱的;脆弱的)符合语义。第二空
根据后面的scientists to trace insect evolution(科学家追溯昆虫的进化)判断,只有存活下来的昆虫
才能供科学家 研究,故本空只能填survived(活下来,幸存,继续存在),故答案为[B]项。
unately, the current Broadway season offers some ______fare that sounds markedly like
imitations of previous hits.

aic √
解析:解析:本题考查形 容词辨析。根据空后的“听起来明显是对之前的热点的模仿”可知,没有变化或
新意的,即是程式化的, 故答案为formulaic(程式化的,俗套的,非独创的)。epic意为“史诗般的;壮
丽的,宏 大的”。radical意为“根本的,基本的;激进的”。incongruous意为“不相称的,不和谐的 ”。
those who admire realism, Louis Malle's recent film succeeds because it consciously shuns
the stuff of legend and tells______story as it might actually unfold with fallible people in
earthly time.
A.a derivative
unembellished √
解析:解析:本题考查形容词辨析。根据空前的admire realism(欣赏现实主义)和shuns the stuff of
legend(刻意避开 坊间传奇的那些事儿)判断,空格处应填与realism相近、与legend相反含义的词,故答
案 为unembellished(未装饰的,未修饰的)。derivative意为“模仿他人的,缺乏创意的 ”;antiquated
意为“过时的,陈旧的,老式的;ethereal意为“缥缈的,超凡的” 。这三项均不符合语义,故排除。
ter seal, the common name of Lobodon car-cinophagus, is a______, since the animal's
staple diet is not crabs, but krill.
er √
解析:解析:本题考查名词辨析。根据空格后的“因为食蟹海豹(crabeater seal)的基本食物不是螃蟹,
而是磷虾”判断,“crabeater seal”这个名称属于用 词不当,故答案为[B]项misnomer(用词不当,使用
不当的名称,误称)。pseudony m意为“假名,笔名”;delusion意为“错觉,谬见,妄想”;digression
意为“离 题,偏离主题”。
二、 Reading Comprehension(总题数:4,分数:30.00)
The majority of successful senior managers do not closely follow the classical rational model
of first clarifying goals, assessing the problem, formulating options, estimating likelihoods
of success, making a decision, and only then taking action to implement the decision. Rather,
in their day-by-day tactical maneuvers, these senior executives rely on what is vaguely termed
to manage a network of interrelated problems that require them to deal with ambiguity,
inconsistency, novelty, and surprise; and to integrate action into the process of thinking.
Generations of writers on management have recognized that some practicing managers rely heavily
on intuition. In general, however, such writers display a poor grasp of what intuition is. Some
see it as the opposite of rationality; others view it as an excuse for capriciousness. Isenberg's
recent research on the cognitive processes of senior managers reveals that managers' intuition
is neither of these. Rather, senior managers use intuition in at least five distinct ways. First,

they intuitively sense when a problem exists. Second, managers rely on intuition to perform
well- learned behavior patterns rapidly. This intuition is not arbitrary or irrational, but is
based on years of painstaking practice and hands-on experience that build skills. A third function
of intuition is to synthesize isolated bits of data and practice into an integrated picture, often
in an
rational analysis. Most senior executives are familiar with the formal decision analysis models
and tools, and those who use such systematic methods for reaching decisions are occasionally leery
of solutions suggested by these methods which run counter to their sense of the correct course
of action. Finally, managers can use intuition to bypass in-depth analysis and move rapidly to
engender a plausible solution. Used in this way, intuition is an almost instantaneous cognitive
process in which a manager recognizes familiar patterns. One of the implications of the intuitive
style of executive management is that is inseparable from acting. Since managers often
what is right before they can analyze and explain it, they frequently act first and explain
later. Analysis is inextricably tied to action in thinkingacting cycles, in which managers
develop thoughts about their companies and organizations not by analyzing a problematic situation
and then acting, but by acting and analyzing in close concert. Given the great uncertainty of
many of the management issues that they face, senior managers often instigate a course of action
simply to learn more about an issue. They then use the results of the action to develop a more
complete understanding of the issue. One implication of thinkingacting cycles is that action
is often part of defining the problem, not just of implementing the solution.(分数:10.00)
(1).According to the passage, senior managers use intuition in all of the following ways EXCEPT
up the creation of a solution to a problem
fy a problem
together disparate facts
ate clear goals √
解析:解析:事实细节题。根据题干中的senior managers use intuitio n将本题出处定位于第三段。本
段第二句指出,高级管理者至少通过五种明确的方式利用直觉。下文分别 指出这五种方式:一是高级管理
者会直觉地察觉何时会存在问题;二是高级管理者依赖于直觉来快速完成 熟知的行为模式;三是高级管理
者利用直觉将孤立的数据和行为整合成一幅完整的影像;四是高级管理者 利用直觉来检验更为理性分析的
结果;五是高级管理者利用直觉来绕开深入的分析,快速得到一种貌似可 信的解决方法。[A]项、[B]项和
(2).The passage suggests which of the following about the
Paragraph 2?(分数:2.00)
have criticized managers for not following the classical rational model of decision
have not based their analyses on a sufficiently large sample of actual managers.
have relied in drawing their conclusions on what managers say rather than on what managers
have misunderstood how managers use intuition in making business decisions. √
解析:解 析:事实细节题。第二段指出,好几代的管理学作者早就注意到实践当中一些管理者对直觉的依
赖很强。 不过总的来说,这些作者并未理解直觉是什么。有些人将它视为理性的对立面;有些人则认为它
是反复无 常的一个借口。由此可知,一些“管理学作者”对管理者所利用的直觉认识不足,故答案为[D]
(3).Which of the following best exemplifies
presented in the passage?(分数:2.00)
A.A manager risks taking an action whose outcome is unpredictable to discover whether the action
changes the problem at hand.

B.A manager performs well-learned and familiar behavior patterns in creative and
uncharacteristic ways to solve a problem.
C.A manager suddenly connects seemingly unrelated facts and experiences to create a pattern
relevant to the problem at hand. √
D.A manager rapidly identifies the methodology used to compile data yielded by systematic
analysis. < br>解析:解析:事实细节题。第三段第六句指出,直觉的第三种作用就是能将孤立的数据和行为整合成一幅< br>完整的影像,这通常会表现为一种“Aha!”式的体验。“Aha!”在这里表示恍然大悟的。由此可知 ,
“an‘Aha!’experience”在这里表示,管理者通过整合孤立的数据和行为的方法在 意想不到的情况下找
(4).According to the passage, the classical model of decision analysis includes all of the
following EXCEPT______.(分数:2.00)
on of possible solutions to a problem
ishment of clear goals to be reached by the decision
undertaken in order to discover more information about a problem √
ison of the probable effects of different solutions to a problem
解析:解析:事实细节题。根据题干中的class ical将本题出处定位于第一段第一句。本句指出大多数成
功的高级管理者并不拘泥于传统的理性处理 模式。本句中of后的内容是对the classical rational model
的解释说 明,即传统的理性处理模式是首先确定目标,然后评估问题,想出各种可能性,估计成功率,作
出决定, 最后再付诸行动。[A]项、[B]项和[D]项都符合传统的理性处理模式,只有[C]项不符合,故为答案。
(5).The passage provides support for which of the following statements?(分数:2.00)
rs who rely on intuition are more successful than those who rely on formal decision
ion enables managers to employ their practical experience more efficiently. √
rs' intuition works contrary to their rational and analytical skills.
l analysis of a problem increases the number of possible solutions.
解析 :解析:事实细节题。第一段指出大多数成功的高级管理者并不拘泥于传统的理性处理模式,相反,
他们 依赖于直觉来作出一系列的决定。第三段中主要指出了管理者利用直觉的五种明确方式。而这些直觉
是在 多年的实践磨炼和亲身体验所培养出的技能的基础上形成的。即直觉使管理者能够更有效地利用自己
的经 验,故答案为[B]项。
For some time scientists have believed that cholesterol plays a major role in heart disease because
people with familial hypercholesterolemia, a genetic defect, have six to eight times the normal
level of cholesterol in their blood and they invariably develop heart disease. These people lack
cell-surface receptors for low-density lipoproteins (LDL's), which are the fundamental carriers
of blood cholesterol to the body cells that use cholesterol. Without an adequate number of
cell-surface receptors to remove LDL's from the blood, the cholesterol-carrying LDL's remain in
the blood, increasing blood cholesterol levels. Scientists also noticed that people with familial
hypercholesterolemia appear to produce more LDL's than normal individuals. How, scientists
wondered, could a genetic mutation that causes a slowdown in the removal of LDL's from the blood
also result in an increase in the synthesis of this cholesterol-carrying protein? Since scientists
could not experiment on human body tissue, their knowledge of familial hypercholesterolemia was
severely limited. However, a breakthrough came in the laboratories of Yoshio Watanabe of Kobe
University in Japan in 1980. Watanabe noticed that a male rabbit in his colony had ten times the
normal concentration of cholesterol in its blood. By appropriate breeding, Watanabe obtained a
strain of rabbits that had very high cholesterol levels. These rabbits spontaneously developed
heart disease. To his surprise, Watanabe further found that the rabbits, like humans with familial
hypercholesterolemia, lacked LDL receptors. Thus, scientists could study these Watanabe rabbits
to gain a better understanding of familial hypercholesterolemia in humans. Prior to the

breakthrough at Kobe University, it was known that LDL's are secreted from the liver in the form
of a precursor, called very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL's) , which carry triglycerides as well
as relatively small amounts of cholesterol. The triglycerides are removed from the VLDL's by fatty
and other tissues. What remains is a remnant particle that must be removed from the blood. What
scientists learned by studying the Watanabe rabbits is that the removal of the VLDL remnant
requires the LDL receptor. Normally, the majority of the VLDL remnants go to the liver where they
bind to LDL receptors and are degraded. In the Watanabe rabbit, due to a lack of LDL receptors
on liver cells, the VLDL remnants remain in the blood and are eventually converted to LDL's. The
LDL receptors thus have a dual effect in controlling LDL levels. They are necessary to prevent
oversynthesis of LDL's from VLDL remnants and they are necessary for the normal removal of LDL's
from the blood. With this knowledge, scientists are now well on the way toward developing drugs
that dramatically lower cholesterol levels in people afflicted with certain forms of familial
(1).In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with______.(分数:2.00)
ting a hypothesis and describing compelling evidence in support of it
g a question and describing an important discovery that led to an answer √
g that a certain genetically caused disease can be treated effectively with drugs
ning what causes the genetic mutation that leads to heart disease
解 析:解析:主旨大意题。第一段大部分内容都在解释心脏病与胆固醇之间的关系,在最后一句提出问题:
(2).Which of the following questions does the passage supply information to answer?(分数:2.00)
body cells are the primary users of cholesterol?
did scientists discover that LDL's are secreted from the liver in the form of a precursor?
in the body are VLDL remnants degraded? √
body tissues produce triglycerides?
解析:解析:事实细节题。第三段 第五句指出,通常来讲,大部分超低密度脂蛋白残留物都到达了肝脏,
在那里它们与低密度脂蛋白受体结 合,并被分解,故答案为[C]项。
(3).According to the passage, by studying the Watanabe rabbits scientists learned that______.
remnants are removed from the blood by LDL receptors in the liver √
's are secreted from the liver in the form of precursors called VLDL's
remnant particles contain small amounts of cholesterol
receptors remove LDL's from the blood
解析:解析:事实细节题。根据题干中的by studying the Watanabe rab bits将本题出处定位于第三段第
四句。本句指出,通过研究Watanabe兔子,科学家们发现, 要去除超低密度脂蛋白残留物需要低密度脂蛋
白受体。通过第六句可知,因为肝脏细胞缺少低密度脂蛋白 受体,超低密度脂蛋白残留物就一直存在兔子
的血液中,并最终转化为低密度脂蛋白。结合这两句可知, 肝脏中的低密度脂蛋白受体能够去除血液中的
(4).The development of drug treatments for some forms of familial hypercholesterolemia is regarded
by the author as______.(分数:2.00)
probable √
sting, but too costly to be practical
ing, but many years off
ely unlikely
解析:解析:观点态度题。根据题干中的drug将本题出处定位于第三段最后一句 。本句指出,有了这些知
识,科学家们现在正在朝着研制出治疗药物的方向努力,且进展顺利,这些药物 能够急剧降低受到家族性

高胆固醇血症困扰的人血液中的胆固醇含量。由well on the way可推断,作者认为研制出药物是非常有
(5).In which of the following ways does the passage imply that Watanabe rabbits differ from normal
be rabbits have more LDL receptors than do normal rabbits.
blood of Watanabe rabbits contains more VLDL remnants than does the blood of normal
rabbits. √
be rabbits have fewer fatty tissues than do normal rabbits.
be rabbits secrete lower levels of VLDL's than do normal rabbits.
解析:解析:事实细节题。第二段第三句指出,Watanabe发现一只公兔子血 液中的胆固醇浓度是标准浓度
的十倍。通过第六句可知,Watanabe所饲养的这些兔子缺少低密度 脂蛋白受体。而通过第三段第四句可知,
低密度脂蛋白受体又是去除超低密度脂蛋白残留物所必需的。结 合这三句内容可知,Watanabe饲养的兔子
比普通兔子缺少低密度脂蛋白受体,从而其血液中的超 低密度脂蛋白残留物要多于其他兔子,故答案为[B]
David Maraniss choked up when he saw the two-minute Chrysler advertisement during the Super Bowl,
the annual football extravaganza, with its images of smokestacks, ice skaters and Diego Rivera's
Industrymurals. Suddenly he realized how much he still cared for his birthplace, where
he spent the first six and a half years of his life. So much so that he decided to write his 12th
book about the city, when it was at the peak of its economic, political and cultural power. He
picked the early 1960s, from the autumn of 1962 to the spring of 1964. At the time Detroit was
the economic engine of America. In January 1963 Life magazine published a story under the headline

American Motors were firing on all cylinders. The increase in women drivers, the trend towards
two-car families, the rising income of the post-war baby boomers and the promise of foreign markets
inspired tremendous optimism for the industry's growth. The annual motor show was the biggest
and most important event of its kind, the Academy Awards on wheels; on occasion even the
vice-president came. Detroit was also a center of progressive politics and the civil-rights
movement. Mr Maraniss devotes an entire chapter to Walter Reuther, the memorable boss of the most
powerful union, the United Auto Workers (UAW). His parents, German immigrants, raised him with
visions of social justice and workers' rights. Reuther was an idealist but also a pragmatist,
which made him enemies on the left as well as the right. George Romney, the Republican governor
of Michigan in 1963, called him
bring about
was concerned with civil rights almost as much as with workers' rights. He invited Martin Luther
King to the UAW's 25th-anniversary dinner and afterwards distributed copies of King's speech to
the rank-and-file. When hundreds of protesters were jailed after King's Birmingham campaign of
civil disobedience, Reuther dispatched two UAW staffers with $$ 160, 000 in money belts to bail
them out of jail. could be said that to a significant degree Detroit and its autoworkers were
the civil rights movement's bank,Mr Maraniss writes. In Detroit in June 1963 King led the
to Freedomthen the largest civil-rights march, and delivered a version of his Have a Dream
speech which he would give nine weeks later at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. For all
Detroit's glow, the storm clouds were already gathering in the early 1960s. Mr Maraniss cites
a study by Wayne State University in 1963 that predicted the population of Detroit would drop
from nearly 1.7 m to 1.2m between 1960 and 1970 and continue to dwindle. who
pay taxes are moving out of the city, leaving behind the non-productive,
also mentioned that in 1960 Detroit's population was 28. 9% black and forecast that by 1970 the
city would be 44. 3% black, pointing out that blacks who had the resources moved to the suburbs

the efforts of Reuther, Cavanagh, King and others, Detroit was rocked by one of the worst race

riots in history in 1967. From then on the pace of the city's decline quickened. By the time Mr
Maraniss was writing his meticulously researched book, which at times provides almost too much
detail for the uninitiated, Detroit had declared bankruptcy. Its population was 83% black, its
workers were largely unskilled and the city's headcount had shrunk to 688, 000. The city that
had given America so much was in desperate need of help.(分数:4.00)
(1).How significant was Detroit economically and politically in the early 1960s?(分数:2.00)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:It was the economic engine of America and a
center of progressive politics and the civil-rights movement.)
解析:解析:事实细节题。第一段最后一句指出,大卫.玛兰妮斯选择描写20 世纪60年代早期的底特律。
第二段第一句指出,这时的底特律是美国的经济引擎。第三段第一句则指出 ,这时的底特律是进步政治和
(2).According to the study by Wayne State University in 1963, how is the change in population
structure in Detroit related to the city's decline?(分数:2.00)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:The study predicted the population of Detroit
would drop,especially the productive persons would move out of the city.And it also mentioned
that the proportion of black people will increase.)
解析:解析:事实细节题。根据题干中的the study by Wayne state University in 1963和population
将本题定位在第五段。该段第二、三句 指出,预计在1960—1970年间,底特律的人口由近170万人下降到
120万人,以及有劳动能 力的人搬出了城市。第四句讲,预计底特律的黑人人口所占的比例,将由1960年
的28.9%上升到 1970年的44.3%。
At first glance the patriarchy appears to be thriving. More than 90% of presidents and prime
ministers are male, as are nearly all big corporate bosses. Men dominate finance, technology,
films, sports, music and even stand-up comedy. In much of the world they still enjoy social and
legal privileges simply because they have a Y chromosome. So it might seem odd to worry about
the plight of men. Yet there is plenty of cause for concern. Men cluster at the bottom as well
as the top. They are far more likely than women to be jailed, estranged from their children, or
to kill themselves. They earn fewer university degrees than women. Boys in the developed world
are 50% more likely to flunk basic maths, reading and science entirely. One group in particular
is suffering. Poorly educated men in rich countries have had difficulty coping with the enormous
changes in the labor market and the home over the past half-century. As technology and trade have
devalued brawn, less-educated men have struggled to find a role in the workplace. Women, on the
other hand, are surging into expanding sectors such as health care and education, helped by their
superior skills. As education has become more important, boys have also fallen behind girls in
school (except at the very top ) . Men who lose jobs in manufacturing often never work again.
And men without work find it hard to attract a permanent mate. The result, for low- skilled men,
is a poisonous combination of no job, no family and no prospects. Those on the political left
tend to focus on economics. Shrinking job opportunities for men, they say, are entrenching poverty
and destroying families. In America pay for men with only a high-school certificate fell by 21%
in real terms between 1979 and 2013; for women with similar qualifications it rose by 3%. Around
a fifth of working-age American men with only a high- school diploma have no job. Those on the
right worry about the collapse of the family. The vast majority of women would prefer to have
a partner who does his bit both financially and domestically. But they would rather do without
one than team up with a layabout, which may be all that is on offer: American men without jobs
spend only half as much time on housework and caring for others as do women in the same situation,
and much more time watching television. Hence the unravelling of working-class families. The
two-parent family, still the norm among the elite, is vanishing among the poor. In rich countries
the proportion of births outside marriage has trebled since 1980, to 33%. In some areas where
traditional manufacturing has collapsed, it has reached 70% or more. Children raised in broken
homes learn less at school, are more likely to drop out and earn less later on than children from

intact ones. They are also not very good at forming stable families of their own. These two sides
often talk past each other. But their explanations are not contradictory: both economics and social
change are to blame, and the two causes reinforce each other. Moreover, these problems are likely
to get worse. Technology will disrupt more industries, creating benefits for society but rendering
workers who fail to update their skills redundant. The OECD, a think- tank, predicts that the
absolute number of single-parent households will continue to rise in nearly all rich countries.
Boys who grow up without fathers are more likely to have trouble forming lasting relationships,
creating a cycle of male dysfunction.(分数:6.00)
(1).In what ways do poorly-educated men in rich countries suffer?(分数:2.00)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:They have difficulty in finding a role in the
workplace and thus a permanent mate.)
解析:解析:事实细节题。根据题干中的poorly-educated men in rich countries将本题出处定位于第
三段第二句。本句指出,在发达国家中,没有受过良好教育的男 性很难应对过去50年来劳动力市场和家庭
中发生的巨大变化。继续向下阅读可发现,他们难以应付劳动 力市场和家庭中的巨大变化具体体现在:找
(2).What impacts do the shrinking job opportunities for men have on families?(分数:2.00)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:It entrenches poverty and destroys families.)
解析:解析:事实细节题。根据题干中的the shrinking job opportunit ies将本题出处定位于第四段第
二句。本句指出,对男性来说,减少的工作机会正在令他们难以逃脱贫 穷的状态,并且破坏他们的家庭。
(3).What are the usual drawbacks for children raised in broken homes?(分数:2.00)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:They learn less at school,ate more likely
to drop out and earn less later on.They are also not very good at forming stable families of
their own.)
解析:解析:事实细节题。根据题干中的children raised in broken homes将本题出处定位于第五段最
后两句。这两句指出了破碎 的家庭对孩子的消极影响:孩子在学校能学到的知识少,更有可能辍学,日后
赚的少,并且也不善于建立 他们自己的稳定家庭。
三、 Writing(总题数:1,分数:2.00)
will gradually postpone its statutory retirement age, as its workforce retires the
earliest in the world, said an official on Wednesday. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social
Security is set to publicize a reform plan on postponing the statutory retirement age, said
minister Yin Weimin. Currently, people's retirement age is no more than 55, compared to the mid-60s
of many other countries, Yin noted. The reform plan will postpone the retirement age
step until it reaches a reasonable level,
Write an essay of about 400 words to express your views on the topic.
_________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________
正确答案:(正确答案: The message that China will slowly extend the statutory retirement age has
stirred widespread concerns from the whole society, especially from the working people. According
to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the statutory retirement age — currently
60 for males and 55 for female civil servants and 50 for female workers — will increase by
few months
retirement age step by step can be a good way to deal with an aging population and ensure the
healthy and stable development of social security. At present, China's retirement policy seems
to be out of date and unreasonable. Compared with many other countries, a reform plan is necessary.
First of all, the seniors, in great number and in their
contribute to the society. According to a report from the World Health Organization (WHO) , the
average life expectancy of Chinese people reached 76 in 2015, and according to a United Nations
report, nearly three out of ten Chinese people will be older than 60 by 2040. Given the shrinkage
of China's young workforce, it is all the more important for the seniors to work extra years for

the sound development of China's economy. Besides, many old people favor continuing to work beyond
the current statutory retirement age because of their comparatively light workloads and good rates
of pay. What's more, extending the mandatory retirement age will help shore up the government
pension system. As we all know, in previous generations, parents would have been supported by
several children, but due to the one-child policy they have fewer children to depend on in their
old age. At the same time, a growing number of Chinese workers are approaching retirement age
and will begin to draw from, rather than contribute to, the pension system. Undoubtedly, these
people put heavy pressure on China's pension and social security systems. Therefore, postponing
the retirement age is beneficial for maintaining sufficient funds to support the public pension
system. Of course, not all people view an older retirement age positively. For example, some
university graduates fear that postponing the retirement age could reduce their employment
opportunities. And some employers fear that this policy can increase their burden, as they have
to retain older employees with higher wages. But on the whole, the extension of retirement age
is more beneficial than detrimental, in that it would alleviate the problem of shrinking workforce
faced by China and help maintain the sustainability of China's pension system.)







