
2020年08月12日 05:09


The four steps involved are illustrated in the Design Spiral ,Ecans(1959)
as an interative process working from mission requirements to a detail design,
旋循环方式是一种含盖 从目标需求到详细设计的迭代过程,如图1.1.
Smaller ,less complex vessels may not require every plan listed for
adequate definition.
In summary, this chapter considers basic design as that portion of the
overall ship design process which commences with concept design and carries
preliminary design to the point where there is reasonable assurance that the
major features have been determined with sufficient dependability to allow the
orderly development of contract plans and specifications.
简言之,本章将基本设计视为全船设计流程的 一部分。该流程从概念设计开
始,进行初步设计直到得到合理保证,即能足够可靠地确定主要特征参数以 便能
and proceed through rational design engineering with crude assumptions
subject to frequent and painstaking revision and development.
the absence of contact with small waves combined with flexible seals
reduces the effects of wave impact at high speed.
the example cited above lies between clearcut physically defined
is similarity to the crude-oil carrier of the preceding discussion goes no
further than that
these vessels are most frequently displacement hulls in their larger sizes.

the multihull ship is an adaptation of any of the basic hull categories to a
special application that requires exceptional transverse stability andor the
interhull working area.多体船源自于基本船型的改进,有特殊用途,即需要 很好
Camber is usually stated as its value on the moulded breadth of the ship.
It may be defined either by the angle to the vertical or the distance between the
intersection of the stern produced with the base line and the forward
It does not matter where the perpendiculars are, provided that they are
precise and fixed for the ship’s life, that they embrace most of the underwater
portion and that there are no serious discontinuities between them. 鉴于两柱
很正规且整个船舶寿命中位置固定,水下部分的高度大多数属于 两柱,并且两柱
Angular disturbance from the mean course of a ship in the horizontal
plane is called yaw or drift. 水平面内平均船舶角扰动称为艏摇或漂移
By erecting a height proportional to the area of each ordinate up to the
LWP at each ordinate station on a horizontal axis, a curve is obtained known
as the curve of areas. 能通过建立一种高度来获得被称为面积曲线的曲线,这
种高 度与水平轴的每一坐标站上坐标站与LWP间的范围成比例。
Because y is rarely, with ship shapes, a precise mathematical function of x
the integration must be carried out by an approximate method which will
presently be deduced. 因为船型中y是一个x的精确的函数,因此必须用现在
On a scale of 14in to 1ft or on a 150 scale drawing以14英寸至1英尺的
The inside of the plating of the structure壳板内部结构

Actually the outside surface would be rather more than one thickness or

two thicknesses of plating, as the case may be, beyond the moulded line in
places where there is considerable curvature of the structure, as for example
at the ends of the ship or below the level of the bilge.实际上外表面既不是一层
板厚也不是两 层板厚,要根据超过结构曲率相当大的地点而定,例如船舶两端或
Alternatively, a deck lower than this may be considered to be the
freeboard deck, subject to its being a permanent deck which if continuous all
fore and aft and athwart ships. 或者,比这一层甲板更 低的可以当做是干舷甲板,
The force of buoyancy acts through the center of forces is considered to
be acting.
The metacenter M, discussed in chapter 3, is defined as the intersection of the
vertical through the center of buoyancy of an inclined body or ship with the
upright vertical when the angle of inclination approaches zero as a limit. 稳心
舶的横倾角度限制为零时通 过浮心的垂直线,的交点。
is the measure of the initial stability or the ability of the ship t
o resist initial heel from the upright position.
Because of the change in the underwater hull form with angle of
inclination, such a ship will list to either port or starboard until it reaches a point
of stable equilibrium.
The redistribution of normal pressure around the hull of the ship caused
by the ahead motion give rise to elevation and depressions of the free surface
since this must be a surface of constant pressure.
The velocity of the forward moving water declines in going outwards from
the hull and although theoretically there would still be velocity at infinite
distance the velocity gradient is greatest near the hull and a short distance
outwards the forward velocity is practically negligible.从船侧向外,水前行的速

Indeed,wave making increases so rapidly as ship speed increases that it
eventually requires more power to overcome than is practicable to build into a
ship. 事实上,由于船速的增加兴 波阻力会增长过快,需要更大的主机功率来克
On occasions when it is not small, as with an exceptionally strong wind
from ahead, the resulting waves are likely to require a voluntary reduction in
ship speed. 有时候空气阻力不小,正如一阵特别强的风逆着船首吹过一样,结
Although it has been shown that the Alecto could have won some of the
races held as part of the trials if she had possessed equal power, the
screw-propulsion detractors had been silenced and warship propulsion was
permanently headed toward the use of screw pro pellers.(注意该句子的时态语
态)——虽然,假如Alecto号有与Rattler号同等 的功率的话,Alecto号可能已
经赢得了部分比赛,这个比赛是实验的一部分,但是螺旋桨推进器反 对者的嚣张
The pitch of any point on a blade is the distance moved parallel to the
shaft axis by the generatrix of the heliciodal surface through the point in 360

of rotation. 桨叶上任何点的螺距等于当通过该点的螺旋面的母线旋转360度时,
When the pitch varies between root and tip, the propeller will take
advantage of the variation in velocities of the wake current around the
propeller. 当桨毂与叶稍方向上的螺距不同时,螺旋桨周围的尾流速度不同。
It is obvious that the lower velocity on the rear surface or pressure face of
the blade increase the pressure of the water on and near that surface in
imparting a positive thrust.很明 显,桨叶背面或压力面的低速增加了其表面上及
These are positioned forward of the propeller, one on each side of the

Proceeding further, he found that by subtracting from the total resistance
an allowance for the frictional resistance, determined from flat plates, the
agreement was very good indeed.他进一步发现,从总阻力中额外减去由平板决
The steps as used by Froude are still used today, refinement being
restricted to detail rather than principle. Froude那时所用的步骤现在仍使用,这
Thus, only the effect on the difference of the two is significant. 因此,估算
Methodical investigation into the first of these two features led to the
adoption at AEW of small propeller type logs to record the speed of the model
relative to the water. 后来,首先严格检查了这两个因素,使得海军试验场采用
Investigation of the temperature effect led Froude to postulate that a 3
percent decrease in skin resistance for every
F rise temperature could be
adopted as a fair working allowance and linked this with a standard
temperature of
F. 傅汝德调查了温度影响后,假 设温度每上升
平的基础补偿,摩擦阻力减少百分之三,并将 此与标准温度
This led to the application of a so-called Iris correction obtained by
running the standard model at frequent intervals and applying a correcting
factor to the resistance of a new model depending on the variation of the Iris
resistance from its standard value. 这就使得引入了一个所 谓的Iris修正,它是
With the model at the correct speed, corresponding to that of the ship
under study, a series of runs is made over a range of propeller ling
the self-propulsion point of the model. 使用所研究船对应的模型以合适的速度
来进行一系列螺旋桨 r.p.m.实验,且螺旋桨横跨模型的自航点的两边

Such testing makes comparisons of different propellers possible on a
consistent basis. 这些实验使得在同一条件下比较不同螺旋桨的性能成为可能

The ship approaches on a course normal to the lines joining
corresponding pairs of “mile”posts and sufficiently far off shore to ensure
adequate depth of water to eliminate the effect of depth of water on resistance.
船依次 垂直接近那些放置有测速标柱的线而且这些线海岸足够远以保证有足够
This method(Fig.11.5) was adopted to avoid, as far as possible, any
interference between the towing and the towed ship.其中as far as possible修
Additional thickness is necessary between the maximum winter and
minimum service waterlines for navigation in ice and, more locally, for resisting
the loads imposed by striking quay, piers, locks, and vessels alongside. 有必
要在最寒冷的冬季和以最小服务水线于冰面上导航时,增 加板厚,而且增加板厚
The stiffening members are generally rolled, extruded,flanged,flat or
built-up plate sections with one edge attached to the plate they reinfore. 这些
加强构件通常会扭转,挤压,带折边的,平的或其中一端剖面连接在它们所需 加
Traditionally, this larger scale was full size, the lines being laid down on a mold
loft floor and templates made from the full- scale lines for use in guiding cutting
and forming opertions. 传统上来说,这种更大的比例即全尺寸,型线在放样板
上进行 铺设,且使用全比例样板来指导切割和形成操作。
The problem can be overcome, however, by avoiding where possible
design details which require alignment of structure on opposite sides of a plate
where the fitter putting in the backing structure has no convenient means,
visual or simple direct measurement, for precise location of the backup
member. 但是,这些难题能够克服,通过避免需要在板的反面进行结构调整的
设计细节 ,装配工没有简便的将板放在后部结构上的方法,只有目测或简单的直
The ship shown in figure14.1 is supported by waves with the bow and
stern each riding a crest and the midship region in the trough.这一句主要是告
诉with怎么翻译。The ship will bend with compression at the top and tension at

the bottom.
To cite but a few of the diacrepancies, 仅存在一点不符之处
the basic guide in considering restorative measures. 当作是补救措施的基
the weights of they various groups are summarized, along with their
vertical and longitudinal moment arms, about the keel and midship section
To any given waterlines or displacement condition, these sectional areas
are plotted as ordinates to some convenient scale throughout the length of the
The computing resources became generally available in the 1970s and
have encouraged efforts that will likely continue well into the 21st century.
However, it has a significant drawback in that the frames and deck beams
contribute nothing resisting longitudinal bending.
In most cases, the products id built to order and customized to the specific
requirement of the purchaser. 大多数情况下,产品订货建造,需满足买方的具
A state transportation agency may need to ferry 150000 passengers per
day across an inland water way over 10 routes averaging 30 trips per route, 一
且每天平均通过每条 航线30次
Alternatively, a shipping line owner may forecast an increase in container
trade between the U.S and the People's Republic of China of an unspecified
nature and amount. 或者,一家航运公司 的老板可能预测到美国与中华人民共

This information called the contract design, must be of sufficient detail to
permit the preparation of cost and time to build estimates by shipyards
interested in the shipbuilding project. 此信息称为合同设计,对此船舶建造项目
Where and how are facility-use question that include determination of the

location within the shipyard and construction tools and techniques to be used.
在哪做及怎样做是关于设施使用 的问题,包括确定船厂的位置,所要使用的建造
Need times for information
The 850-ton spheres for one ship design had to be moved out of the
construction site by a specially designed transporter to a barge, built
specifically for the job, and then transported 900 miles to the shipyard where a
new 1200-ton crane had been installed to handle the spheres. 迫不得已用一
种特殊设计的运输装置将一艘船设计的850 吨球罐从建造工地移到一艘为该项
工作专门设计的驳船上,然后运输900英里至船厂,船厂里安装了一 台1200吨
The extent and thoroughness of engineering work done on contract plans
and specifications by the owner or the owner's design agent varies
considerably, and this can markedly influence the engineering effort required
by the building yard.由船东或船东的设计代理商制定的合 同计划及说明书说明
a graving dock type of building basin is generally preferred for
constructing the very large ships.
European mills can furnish rolled shapes up to 500mm(19.7in) deep and
fabricated shapes, consisting of a rolled angle butt welded to a flat plate, up to
1000mm(39.4in) deep. 欧洲 的轧钢材能够提供最大深度为500mm(19.7英寸)
的轧制型材且能够提供由焊接到一块平板上的 角钢焊接头组成、最大深度为
1000m(39.4英寸)的加工型材。(注意consisting修 饰谁)
Riggercrane operator:installs and repairs rigging, and weight handling

gear, attaches hoists and handling gear to rigging, and operates cranes and
other mobile material handling equipment to lift, move, and position machinery,
equipment, structural parts and other heavy loads aboard ships(may also be
called operating engineers) 索具装配工吊车操作工:安装和维 修索具,和重量

While the treatment will be rigorous with regard to the description of group
technology, the emphasis will be on those aspects of GT which are applicable
to and interpretable in the context of shipbuilding
GT is a technique for manufacturing small to medium lot size batches of
parts of similar process, of dissimilar materials, geometry and size, which are
produced in a committed small cell of machines which have been grouped
together physically, specifically tooled, and scheduled as a unit. GT是一 种制
技术,其是 按指定的小机器组织方式来生产的,其机器是人工组装、具体加工及
Somewhat dissimilar materials geometry and size材料的几何形状和尺寸
A bridge player might categorize the population in samples of 13 cards
arranged first by suit and second by value with the ace at the high value end.

This may seem too obvious to receive more than passing interest.这可能
Shop foremen simply charge resources expended for one job to the job
with the remaining budget.
Workers need some part to complete a task.
Accordingly ,this section is proceeding on a format which is intended first
as a narrative of a typical ship design genesis, its subsequent contracting and
construction, and its delivery and operating inception. 因此,这部分以某种形式
发展,该形式期望首先 能够叙述开始一艘典型船设计,随后是签合同和建造,最
The entrepreneurial vessel built for chartering out is most likely to be one
more of a class built for someone else and modifications or changes are
considered items to be sacrificed in the interest of timely signing of the
The banking community feels most secure with concrete examples
described in the documents and would rather know the ship is a sister ship to
one identified in a previous deal than cope with new specifications.银行业团体
感觉含有具体事例的文件最可信,并且 宁愿看到此船是以前交易船的姊妹船,而
What is good into a concept
Such prospective builders as are interested respond by posting a cash
bond to insure return of all bidding material received by them and by

requesting the full set of plans and specifications prepared by the owner and
his naval architect, if one has been employed. 若某厂家的投标申请被采用了,
那么对此感兴趣的该有希望的厂家就通 过邮寄一份现金债券来保证所有的投标
材料都被他们收到,及通过要求见到由船东和其造船师准备好的完 整的计划和说
With vessel prices escalating as they are
In U.S. yards there is also a nominal holdback, of say percent during
progress payments, part of which is paid upon ship completion and the
balance after the warranty period. 在美国船厂中,也有象征性的暂扣款,比如
进度付款的百分之二, 部分用于船舶完工,其余的在保证期过后再付齐。
Additionally, the contract is subject to the jurisdiction of the law of the
land which in itself is a matter of such impact that it is usual to specify in the
contract which law applies. 此外,合同得服从所在地法律制裁权,该 法律本身
Sale of Goods Contract appears to be beyond legal redress much sooner
than is the case for a construction contract. 商品销售合同似乎涉及法律赔偿时,
Similar factors are equally important in private contracts because the
owner′s board of directors is entitled to make its decisions based on accurate
information submitted to the board by the officers of the naval architect. 在私
人契约中,相似的因素同 等重要,因为船东董事会被赋予了做出决定的权利,该
These rights are stipulated to be in addition to, and not in substitution of,
any rights the damaged parties would have in law or in equity upon
experiencing the events of default.在遇到放弃合 同的情况时,除了规定而非替
Both parties to the contract must agree to be bound by the arbitration, or
in lieu of thereof, proceed to the Courts for recourse.

Whereas every vessel must perform its design function(or the function for
which it is converted),the action impetus for contracting may be as remote from
operation, as, for instance, a financial investment.







