
2020年08月12日 05:11


1. Filling the follow blanks (20 points)
1. Competitors are an organization’s opponents in the external environment. An
organization’s competitors are distinctly different and competing
2. Three general skills are need for effective management performance. They are
human, , skills.
3. The word refers to principles of behavior that distinguish between good,
bad, right, and wrong.
4. Techniques for forecasting resource are hunches, ,
time-series, and .
5. Five aspects that differentiate jobs are , job repetitiveness, skill
requirements, , and required attention.
6. Five more widely used departmentalization bases are functional, ,
product, customer, and .
7. Contemporary organization design theory can be divided into two categories of
opinion. They are and contingency approach.
8. Organizations can adopt one of the three general strategies. They are cost
leadership, focus, and .
9. Three conditions that determine the effectiveness of controlling function
are , information, and corrective action.
10. JIT refers to .
management levels: , the technical level, and the strategic level.
12. The three tasks of world class managers: managing work and organizations,
, and managing production and operations.
important situational dimensions assumed to influence the leaders’
effectiveness are: , task structure, position power.
14. Five key steps in developing a quality control system: develop quality
characteristics, establish quality standards, develop quality review program, build
commitment to quality, .
15. A number of factors affect quality: policy, information, engineering and
design, , equipment, people, and field support.
16. Job depth refers to the autonomy, , and discretion or control
over the job.
17. Strategy involves the selection of missions, and appropriate
courses of action to achieve theses objectives.
18. Richard Hackman has identified five core dimensions that provide enrichment for

jobs. They are variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy,
and .
19. __________ goes well beyond manufacturing operations involving the assembly
of products. It also covers the operation of banks, transportation companies, hospitals
and clinics, school systems, insurance companies, and high-technology firms.
20. Contemporary organization design theory can be divided into two categories of
opinion. The second category of opinion states that the best way to organize depends
upon the situation. This category is termed ____ _ ______.
⒉ Identifying True or false of the following sentences (20
Please write you answer into the following table











1. Mintzberg found that managers regardless of the type of organization or the level in
the organization perform similar role
2. Social responsiveness has occurred when a business has met only its economic and
legal responsibilities.
3. Feedback favorably affects performance.
4. The decision-making process begins with identification of decision criteria.
5. Most individuals make decisions based upon incomplete information.
6. Nominal group technique allows individuals to operate independently.
7. No one should be held responsible for something over which he or she has no
8. An organic structure has many rules with rigid hierarchical relationships and a tall
9. People low in self-esteem believe they possess the ability to succeed at work.
10. When maintenance factors are not present, employees will be dissatisfied,
however the presences of these factors do not build strong motivation.
11. Management is the process undertaken by one individual to coordinate the
activities of others to achieve results not achievable by one individual acting alone.
12. The external environment includes all the forces acting on the organization within
the organization.
13. Ethics refers to principles of behavior that distinguish between good, bad, right,
and wrong.

14. Nonprogrammed decisions have repetitive and routine solutions
15. Span of control refers to the decision of how many people a manager can oversee.
16. Classical organization design includes the following characteristics: High
complexity, Low formalization, and High centralization.
17. The controlling function includes all activities the manager undertakes in
attempting to ensure that actual results conform to planned results.
18. Motivation is inner-striving conditions as wishes, desires, drive. It is an inner state
that activates or moves.
19. Leadership is the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives passively.
20. Customers emphasize different dimensions of quality when judging a product or

3. Choose the best answer for each question (20 points)
Please write you answer into the following table











1. Which level determines the long-range objectives and direction for the
a) Operational b) Technical c) Strategic d) Administrative
2. The skill that centers on a manager's ability to use specific knowledge, techniques,
and resources in performing work is known as _____ skill.
a) Conceptual b) Human c) Technical d) Political
level managers concentrate on problems that
a) Occur frequently
b) Have fairly certain outcomes
c) Have a great deal of uncertainty
d) Will be solved without expanding unnecessary time and effort on them
4. Which group decision-making technique has no face-to-face interaction?
a) Brainstorming b) The Delphi Technique
c) The Nominal Group Technique (NGT) d) None Of Them
5. Which of the following organizational objective can be measured easily?
a) Market standing
b) Innovations
c) Manager performance and responsibility
d) Social responsibility

6. The large size of the company and the use of routine technology are indicators that
which type of structure would be most effective?
a) Strategic organization
b) Mechanistic organization
c) Organic organization
d) Matrix
of the following departmental structures would be used if the grouping were
based on the areas served in the United States?
a) Functional departmentalization
b) Product departmentalization
c) Customer departmentalization
d) Geographic departmentalization
a team-based structure, _____ make(s) the decisions that affect the team.
a) Top management b) Middle management
c) First-line management d) Team members
9. The strengths and weaknesses of each alternative become obvious in which step of
the decision making-process?
a) Identify the problem.
b) Identify the decision criteria.
c) Analyze the alternatives.
d) Implement the alternative.
10. Putting a decision into action and conveying the decision to the persons who will
be affected by it is known as:
a) Problem identification.
b) Decision implementation.
c) Rational decision-making.
d) Irrational decision-making.
11. In using MBO, objectives should be set
A) By the supervisor
B) By the employee
C) Jointly by the supervisor and the employee
D) By top management

12. In small firms, the most important managerial role is that of
A) Leader B) Resource allocator C) Negotiator D) Spokesperson
13. Reviewing reports is a form of
A) Feedback control B) Concurrent control
C) Feedforward control D) Consecutive control
14. Increased use of MIS will change the role of managers by
A) Enhancing the effective decision-making capability of managers

B) Increasing the importance of middle managers at the expense of first-line
C) Making managers more dependent on the organization’s computer department
D) Reducing their workload
15. Which of the following is not considered a legally required employee benefit for
most organizations?
A) Unemployment insurance B) Social security
C) Workers’ compensation D) Health insurance
16. Once a problem is formulated, the next step is to
A) Select an alternative
B) List all possible solutions
C) Observe a discrepancy
D) Decide what is critical in the decision
17. With a _____ strategy, the organization concentrates on a specific regional market
or buyer group.
A) Cost leadership B) Differentiation
C) Focus D) Internal growth
18. Delegation occurs when
A) A manager abdicates some of his or her responsibility to employees in the unit
B) A manager shifts some of his or her authority to another person to perform a
specific task
C) A manage asks an employee to do him or her a personal favor
D) A manager filters information in an attempt to stimulate conflict
19. When would a PERT network not provide much help?
A) When sequencing is important
B) For jobs with many steps involved
C) For complicated jobs
D) For independent projects

20. When work specialization is extensive,
A) Employee perform a single task
B) Employee perform many tasks
C) Employees are often inefficient
D) Jobs tend to be large
4. Case Study (40 points,20 each)
Case One
Target's Latest Electronics Disaster: Best Buy and RadioShack

By Rich Duprey
April 6, 2013
One of the things electronics retailer Best Buy (NYSE: BBY ) had hoped
to use to set itself off from the competition and thwart the effects of
was its tech support staff that could set up, install, and repair the
electronic gadgets and products it sold. Providing service through its
Geek Squad instead of just offering product and price would be a key
differentiator for it.
It hasn't quite worked out that way, but seeking out opportunities to
expand the brand has led it to partnerships in some unlikely places, like at
eBay, where it offers tech support on gadgets won at auction or bought at
the site, but also at more traditional retailers such as Target (NYSE:
TGT ) .
In search of pocket protectors
Yet much like its homegrown efforts, the branding opportunities seem to
be hit or miss. Earlier this week, Target announced it was severing its
relationship with the tech guys in the black-and-white Volkswagen
Beetles, saying the six-month experiment had run its course and it was
not renewing the partnership.

The discount retailer has been in sort of an identity crisis of its own lately,
throwing a lot of options at the wall to see what sticks in an effort to
jump-start sales. When it comes to electronics, however, not much has
clung as it also recently ended its failed store-within-a-store kiosk
concept it had with Radio Shack (NYSE: RSH ) .
Unlike the Radio Shack pairing, where there were some 1,400 kiosks set
up in its stores, Target's foray into tech support was much more limited --
just 29 stores in Denver and Minneapolis. In both cases, though, the
problem doesn't seem to exist within the electronics retailers, but rather
that Target isn't exactly a destination spot for gadgetry. Its lineup of
products may be solid, but analysts have noted they haven't been as
aggressive as their peers in cutting prices.
Shades of Circuit City
Target's hardlines division includes electronics (as well as video game
hardware and software), but also music, movies, books, computer
software, sporting goods, and toys. Even so, it represented only 18% of
the retailer's revenues in 2012, down from 20% two years ago. In the
fourth quarter, the segment suffered a drop in sales in the mid-single
digits, with electronics themselves experiencing the worst falloff.
That's probably what led Target to agree to a year-round price-matching
scheme, as Best Buy did, to meet the threat that Amazon poses. That still

might not be enough to fend off its middle-of-the-road strategy,
straddling the deep discount world of Wal-Mart on one side and mid-tier
retailers such as Kohl's, Macy's, and J.C. Penney on the other.
After all, the only thing usually found in the middle of the road are dead
opossums and flattened squirrels. And if it wants to avoid that fate,
Target's going to need more than cute tricks like wireless kiosks and tech
geeks to revive its electronic sales strategy.
Circuit overload
The battle between bricks-and-mortar stores and e-commerce rages on,
with Best Buy caught in the middle. After what might have been its most
tumultuous year in history, there are now even more unanswered
questions about the future for the big-box electronics retailer. How will
new leadership perform? Will old leadership take the company private?
Will a smaller store format work out for both the company and its brave
investors? Should you be one such brave investor? To help answer all
these questions, The Motley Fool has released a new premium research
report detailing the opportunities -- and the risks -- in store for Best Buy.
Simply click here now to claim your comprehensive report today.
Questions:What’re Target’s problems? What solutions do you suggest?

Case Two







