英语写作常用 Transitional words

2020年08月12日 05:18


furthermore, moreover, too, also, in the second place, again, in addition, even
more, next, further, last, lastly, finally, besides, and, or, nor, first, second,
secondly, etc. a further, additionally, again, also, and, and then, another, as
well, aside from, aside from this, besides, conjointly, coupled with, equally
important, even more, finally, further, furthermore, in addition, in addition to,
in due course, incidentally, lastly, more important, moreover, neither ... nor ...,
next, next to that, nor, not only ... but ..., not only ... but also ..., not only this,
but this as well, not to mention, on top of that, once again, once more, or,
other, over again, plus, together with, too, what is more

alternatively, among, another, between, either ... or ..., else, instead, neither ...
nor ..., on the one hand ... on the other hand ..., or, rather, whether, whether or

and, because, for, furthermore, in any event, in order to, in other words,
likewise, namely, on the other hand, similarly, that is to say, to sum up, yet

because, on account of, since, for that reason, and so, as, as a result, as for, as
for those, because, because of, being that, different from this, due to, for that,
for the reason that, forasmuch as, given that, hence, henceforth, if ... then ...,
in response to, in spite of, in that case, in the end, in view of, inasmuch as,
now that, on account of, over all, owing to, seeing that, since, so, so that, that
is why, therefore, thus, ultimately, wherefore

basically ... similarly ... as well ..., because ... therefore ..., first ... second ...
third ..., generally ... furthermore ... finally ..., in the first place, in the first
place ... also ... lastly ..., just in the same way ... finally ..., just then, lastly,
namely, not . . . but, on the one hand ... on the other hand ..., or both, pursuing
this further ... finally ..., so forth, so on, sometimes ... but not always ..., the
former ... the latter ..., to be sure ... additionally ... lastly ...

that is to say, to clarify, in other words, to rephrase it, to explain, to put it
another way, actually, another way, especially, for instance, i.e., in other
words, in particular, in this case, mainly, namely, one case that, particularly,
specifically, that is, that is to say, to put it in another way, to rephrase it, up to
a point

after a while, after all, another time, apart from, as shown above, as though, as
what, at present, at present, but despite a, but even with, but now, by contrast,
by that time, even after, for all, for some time, from here on, just because,
long after, more often, once all, over the years, since then, so often, that too, to
put it in another way, until recently

Common Adverbs:
absolutely, after all, barely, basically, clearly, clearly, coincidentally,
concurrently, eventually, fortunately, hardly ever, interestingly, mostly,
naturally, obviously, presently, respectively, suddenly, surely, tellingly, truly,
typically, wholly

in the same way, in like manner, by the same token, likewise, similarly, in
similar fashion, alike, also, although, another ... like, as ... as ..., balanced
against, but, but another, by comparison, by the same token, compared to,
conversely, even, in similar, in similar fashion, in the same way, just as ... so
too, less than, likewise, meanwhile, merely, more ... than ..., on the other hand,
rather, rather than, similarly, up against, whereas

to be sure, granted, of course, it is true,, admittedly, after all, albeit, all the
same, although, and yet, at any rate, but even so, despite of, even so, even
though, granted that, however, in any case, in spite of, totally, nevertheless,
nonetheless, notwithstanding, regardless, regardless of, still, though, yet

in conclusion, to conclude, finally, all in all, as a final point, as a result, at last,
consequently, finally, hence, if not, if so, implies that, in conclusion, in
retrospect, in that case, in the end, last but not least, lastly, otherwise, that
being the case, then, therefore, thereupon, thus, ultimately, under those
circumstances, whence

as long as, as such, even if, given that, if, in case, in the event that, on
condition that, on the condition that, only if, provided that, so long as, unless,
whether ... or...

as, as far as, following this further, henceforward, hereafter, immediately
thereafter, in the same way, last of all, not long after, so far, thus far, together
with, up to now, with respect to

yet, on the contrary, but, and yet, in contrast, however, nevertheless,
notwithstanding, though, nonetheless, on the other hand, otherwise, after all,
at the same time, but, by way of contrast, conversely, however, in contrast,
ironically, on the other hand, paradoxically, still though, when in fact,
whereas, while, yet after all, all the same, although, as opposed to, at the same
time, but, but at the same time, conversely, despite, different from, even
though, for all that, however, in contrast, in the other hand, instead,
nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, on the contrary, on the one hand ...
on the other hand ..., otherwise, some ... others ..., still, then ... now ..., though,
whilst, yet

and so, and then, if not, if so, in other words, in that case, otherwise, then, this
implies that, when in fact, while this is true

altogether, as this, both, both . . . and, demonstratively, in this way, that, these,
this, those, together, toward, towards, which, which ... that ..., who, whom,


or result: therefore, thus, consequently, hence, accordingly, as a result,
accordingly, as a result, consequently, finally, for this reason, hence, if and
only if, in consequence, ..., so, so much, so that, therefore, thus

above all, absolutely, according as, always, as ... as ..., as a matter of fact, by
all means, certainly, definitely, emphatically, eternally, even that, for sure, ...,
forever, in any case, in fact, indeed, mainly, more importantly, more
specifically, naturally, never, nevertheless, obviously, of course, particularly,
peculiarly, positively, specifically, surely, surprisingly, undeniably,
undoubtedly, unquestionably, whatsoever, whatsoever, without a doubt,
without reservation

Evidence and Proof:

a significant, all things considered, analogously, another possibility would be,
another significant, as a, consequence, as can be expected, as noted by, at the
end of, by similar argumentation, empirically, evidently, for the same reason,
for this reason, given these facts, in accordance with, in agreement, in all
instances, in fact, in hindsight, in simple terms, in such cases, in terms of, in
the final analysis, in the overall analysis, in view of, most importantly, of
greatest significance, on this basis, one ... such, one such, since, such a case,
surprisingly, that is, the role of, thereof, this coincides with, this implies that


a case in point, an example of, another example of, as an illustration, as
demonstrated by, by way of example, e.g., especially, even this, that, these
those, for example, for instance, for one thing, in another case, in fact, in
particular, in this case, in this situation, namely, notably, on this occasion,
particularly, specifically, such, such as, take the case of, that is, the following

aside from, despite, however, in spite of, nevertheless, nonetheless, once in a
while, sometimes, still, yet

Exemplificationor Illustration:

to illustrate, as an illustration, to demonstrate, specifically, for example, for

as a general rule, as a rule, as a rule of thumb, as usual, by induction, for the
most part, generally, generally speaking, in most cases, more generally, on
the whole, ordinarily, usually

at most, at the outside, by and by, from time to time, in the light of, more or
less, or else, sooner or later, the other day, up to the present time

above all, chiefly, for the most part, largely, last but not least, least, less
important, mainly, more important, most important, most of all, of greater,
predominantly, primarily, principally

indeed, undoubtedly, to repeat, yes, no, certainly, by all means, surely,
without doubt, of course, in fact

admittedly, as an illustration, as for, as in the case of, assuredly, at first glance,
at this level, by way of example, certainly, concerning the ..., first and
foremost, first and yet, first of all, for example, for instance, for one thing,
generally speaking, in all likelihood, in general, in my opinion, in particular,
in this situation, likewise, such as, to illustrate, with regard to, with respect to

category UNDER CONSTRUCTION, for this reason, from now, henceforth,
henceforward, in other words, in that case, it is true that, otherwise, provided
that, such that, thereby, this being so, though ... yet, whether ... or ...

as was previously stated, at the very least, at this point, but even more, by all
means, by means of, by the time, either or both, first and most importantly, for
the most part, generally speaking, given these facts, in furtherance of, in light
of, in the following, in the subsequent, in what follows, last but not least,
often times, once in a while, to a lesser extend, to change the topic, to get back
to the point, what followed

Place- Location and Description:
above, across, across from, adjacent to, ahead, along, alongside, amid, at, at
the rear, at the side, athwart, atop, away from, below, beneath, beside, beyond
closer to, down, eastward, elsewhere, far, far off, farther on, fore, forth,
forward, further on, here, hereupon, in back of, in front of, in the back, in the
background, in the distance, in the forefront, in the foreground, in the front, in
the middle, inside, into, near, nearby, neighboring on, northerly, on, on the
side, onto, opposite to, out of, out of sight, outside, over there, side by side,
somewhere, southerly, straight ahead, surrounding, there, through,
throughout, to the side of, toward the middle, underneath, upon, upright,
upside down, westward where, wherever, within sight

here, beyond, adjacent to, there, wherever, neighboring, on, nearby, opposite
to, above, below
if they clearly refer to a specific word or phrase: this, these, those, that, his,
her, it, its, they, their, theirs, our, your

because of this, for fear that, for this purpose, in order that, in order to, in the
hope that, so that, to that end, to this end, toward this end, with the goal of,
with this in mind in order that, to that end, to this end, so that, for this


almost, perhaps, never, nearly, maybe, always, probably, although, frequently
almost, although, always, frequently, in somewhat, may be, might, nearly,
never, perhaps, probably, some

a bit of, a couple of, a few, a good deal of, a great deal of, a lack of, a little, a
lot of, all, all of the, as much as, at least, enough, evenly, few, for all, for any,
for each, for every, in the first place, less than, lesser, little, little by little, lots
of, lower, many, minus, more, more than, most, most of the, much less, much
more, none, none of the, not much, plenty of, secondly, ... thirdly, several,

according to, as acknowledged, as for, as part of, as told by, away from, by far,
concerning this, considering this, how, in respect to, in this regard, in this
respect, on the subject of, other than that, regarding, set forth, speaking about,
that, the fact that, therefore, Vis-à-vis, what, which, who, whoever, whom,
why, with regard to

as I have noted, as I stated, as indicated above, as noted earlier, in brief, in
other words, in short, in summary, in words, let me rephrase it, on the whole,
perennially, point in fact, put differently

admittedly, despite, even so, even though, indeed, nevertheless,
notwithstanding, regardless

all the same, anyhow, anyway, as I was saying, at any rate, by the way, either,
either way, in any, in either case, incidentally, to change the subject, to
change the topic, to get back to the point, to resume, to resume anyhow, to
return to the subject, whatever, whichever

after, afterward, again, also, and, at first, at this point, before this,
concurrently, consequently, finally, first of all, first, second, third, etc., for a
start, hence, in the end, in the first place, initially, later on, next, previously,
secondly, simultaneously, still, subsequently, then, therefore, thirdly, thus, to
begin with, too

analogous to, as, by the same token, correspondingly, equally, in a like
manner, in like fashion, in the same fashion, in the same way, just as, just as ...
so too, just as ... too ..., kind of, likewise, other things equal, outwardly, point
in fact, seemingly, similarly, sort of, unlike

altogether, altogether, anyway, as has been mentioned, as I have said, as I
stated to summarize, in short, in brief, in sum, in summary, to sum up as it was
previously stated, as mentioned earlier, as we have seen, briefly, by and large,
for all that, given these facts, given these points, in all, in brief, in conclusion,
in other words, in short, in sum, in summary, on the whole, overall, so,
summing up, to make a long story short, to put it briefly, to sum up, to


after, afterward, afterwards, ago, along the way, always, as long as, as of, as
when, as yet, at first, at last, at least, at length, at once, at one time, at that time,
at the same time, back then, before, before long, beforehand, currently, during,
earlier, eventually, finally, first of all, first, second, third, etc., following,
forever, formerly, from now on, immediately, immediately before,
immediately following, in due time, in parallel, in retrospective, in the end, in
the future, in the long run, in the meantime, in the short run, initially later,

meantime, meanwhile, most recently, never, next, now, nowadays, often,
oftentimes, once, overtime, previously, prior to, right now, shortly, shortly
after, shortly thereafter, simultaneously, since, since then, so far, so long,
sometimes, soon, soon afterward, soon then, subsequently, then, thereafter,
this time, till now, twice a day, until, until now, up to, very soon, when,
whenever, while, without delay while, immediately, never, after, later, earlier,
always, when, soon, whenever, meanwhile, sometimes, in the meantime,
during, afterwards, now, until now, next, following, once, then, at length,
simultaneously, so far, this time, subsequently
about, afore, already, as if, as well as, despite of, far away, forthwith, from ...
to ..., from then on, hereby, herein, hereinafter, hereof, heretofore, in
furtherance of, in lieu of, in this sense, inasmuch as, insofar as, only, onwards,
other, somehow, therein, trailing by, under, until then, unto, up to this point,
whereby, wherein, whereof, whereupon, within







