
2020年08月12日 05:20


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科目:航海英语 试卷代号:905

答题说明: 请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B铅笔
涂黑。第1题至100题 ,每题1分

1. chart correction information is not disseminated through the__ _.()
a. summary of corrections b. local notice to mariners
c. daily memorandum d. chart correction card
legends printed in capital letters show that the associated landmark is ____. ()
a. conspicuous b. inconspicuous c. a government facility or station d. a radio
3. lines on a chart which connect points of equal magnetic variation are called ___.()
a. magnetic latitudes b. magnetic declinations c. dip d. isogonic lines
4. in which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain geographic area?
a. chart no.1 b. catalog of charts c. IMO practical navigator IMO d. IMO light list IMO
5. you are to _ ___the convoy at 1745 hours.
b. take d. join
6. You have anchored in the wrong position obstructing other traffic. You must
A. pick up your anchor B. heave up your anchor C. drop your anchor D. drag your
7. Vessels remaining B a few hours should moor with anchors.
A. much than B. more than C. many than D. lot than
8. areas enclosed by a long and short dashed magenta line indicate _____.

a. cable areas b. dumping grounds c. fish trap areas d. precautionary areas
9. I can hardly understand ___ you said.

a. what b. which c. that d. who
10. thank you for your kind attention to this mater.
a. watch b. duty c. affair d. cargo
11. BHP stands for the _C___ of the main engine.

a. breadth dimension b. builder‟s name c. brake horsepower d. revolutions peer minute

12. when there is not a chief officer on board, _ ___ should keep and write up the ship‟s

a. the assistance officer b. the captain c. the officer on duty d. the third officer
13. _ __ the mooring, from 0800 to 1200, third officer is on duty.

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A. on B. at C. in D. during
489. ___ the mooring, from 0800 to 1200, chief officer is on duty.
A. on B. at C. in D. during
742. ____ the morning from 0800 to 1200 chief officer is on duty.
a. on b. in c. at d. during
14. I hold your ship fully responsible __ _____the accident.

A. to B. at C. for D. against
15. _________, as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for an electric fire.
A. Dry chemical or foam B. Foam or soda acid
C. Carbon dioxide or foam D. Carbon dioxide or dry chemical
16. I must hold ____________for any damage which may result from the accidents you have

A. your responsible B. you responsible C. you are responsible D. your are
17. you are getting too old for seaman. You‟d better __ a job ashore instead.

in b. take for c. take up d. take over
18. I regret __________you of the accident.

A. inform B. informing C. to inform D. will inform
19. how many life buoys has your ship been exactly ___.
A. produced by B. met with C. offered of D. provided with
20. anchor is across means that __.

A. anchor is cross the bow B. anchor is in the ground C. anchor is foul D. anchor is
21. The angular motion of a ship in the athwart ship is termed .

A. pitching B. yawing C. rolling D. tracking
22. There are no other vessels in the vicinity those at anchor.
A. besides B. including C. apart from D. in addition to
23. There is sufficient anchorage for at all time around the No.1 buoy and for
smaller vessels around the No.4 buoy.

A. deep laded vessels B. deeply load vessels C. deep loading vessels D. deeply loaded
24. my ship is going astern.

A. forward B. inward C. outward rd
25. ___ is the course to reach you?
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a. what b. how c. which d. when
26. an overtaking vessel means a vessel ___.

is going to be overtaken by another vessel
B. which has been overtaken by another vessel
C. which is going to overtake another vessel
D. which has overtaken another vessel
27. ___ the time of collision, the 3rd officer was on the bridge.
A. at B. on C. of D. in
28. the effectiveness of the action shall be carefully checked until the other vessel is finally
A. past . clear C. past or clear D. past and clear
29. of the vessels listed, which must keep out of the way of all the others?
A. a sailing vessel
B. a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
C. a vessel not under command
D. a vessel fishing
30. what is not a distress signal?
a. red flare or red rockets
b. continuous sounding of fog signaling apparatus
c. international code flags November and Charlie
d. basket hanging in the rigging
31. which vessel sounds the same fog signal when underway or at anchor?
a. a sailing vessel
b. a vessel restricted in her ability maneuver
c. a vessel constrained by her draft.
d. a vessel not under command
32. which statement is true concerning a vessel constrained by her draft?
a. she is hampered because of her work
b. she is unable to maneuver due to some exceptional circumstance
c. she may be a vessel being towed d. she must be a power-driven vessel
33. under international rules ___ .
vessels must carry an after range light
B. vessels less then 50 meters in length need not carry an after range light
C. vessels stoped dead in the water should turn off their range light
D. vessels over 20m in length must carry both range lights from sunset to sunrise
34. all vessels must avoid this area.
A. enter B. cross C. steer clear of D. sail into
35. vessels shall be deemed to be in sight one another only when one can _________
a. be observed by radar from the other
b. be observed visually from the other
c. be observed by radar or by radar from the other
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icate with the other through VHF
36. you are heading towards __ gear.
a. fish b. fishing c. fisher d. fishery
37. the meaning of ebb tide is that ____ .
a. tide is falling from high water to low water
b. tide is rising from low water to high water
c. tide is reaching to a highest level
d. tide is reaching to a lowest level
38. heights are expressed __ meters above mean high water.
a. in b. on c. by d. with
39. Permission is requested to pump out about 200 tons of clean sea ballast water for
A. safe manning B. trimming C. avoiding collision D. preventing pollution
40. all the copper bars are ___ different sizes.
a. at b. in c. by d. from
41. As matter of fact, the damage to the winches was due to __.
a. insufficiency of packaging b. inherent vice of the cargo
c. improper stowage d. rough handling
42. My vessel will be able to take another 200 metric tons of cargo the previous figure
of my declaration.
A. in addition to B. in connection with C. in accordance with D. in relation to
is the winter load waterline on the load waterline mark ? .
A. The line over the summer load waterline
B. The line above the tropical load waterline
C. The line below the tropical load waterline
D. The line between the summer and the winter north Atlantic load waterline
44. six containers will be loaded ___ deck.
a. in b. at c. on 上
45. I saw the cargo surveyor __ the cargo on deck just a minute ago.
A. examine B. to examine C. being examined D. examining
46. the additional cargo is to be loaded ___ board our ship.
a. on b. in c. from d. to
47. while __ , they met with a storm weather.
a. at sea b. the ship was at sea c. she was at sea d. they were at sea
48. should that kind of weather___ _ , the two ships would touch each other.
a. persist b. persists c. to persist d. persisted
49. the weather was __ in Dalian.
A. lovable B. lovely C. loving D. lovingly
50. visibility will not be reduced by _ .
a. fog b. mist c. snow d. cloud
51. the weather is often ___ in a high-pressure area.
a. fine b. cloudy c. rainy d. windy
52. gale warnings are usually issued when winds of __ 8-9 are expected.
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A. wind speed B. air force C. wind velocity D. beaufort force
53. During the voyage from Dalian to Singapore, my vessel _________heavy damages to the
deck fittings.
A. maintained B. sustained C. pertained D. contained
54. The equipment is very old. It‟s not worth .
A. repairing B. to repair C. repair D. to be repaired
55. The shipper has given me a head light.
A. more B. spare C. other D. remaining
56. Point out which one of the following items is not in the charge of chief officer in repairing
A. hull cleaning B. derusting and painting
C. the maintenance of boiler D. docking and undocking
57. I __________having your approval for the routine maintenance at your earliest
A. hope to B. want to C. look forward to D. expect to]
58. the ship has an overall length _ 160 meters.
A. on B. by C. of D. at
59. No repairs can be done without the harbor master‟s .
A. approval B. authorization C. consideration D. discussion
60. The port gang way caught on a on the wharf and was severely damaged.
A. bollard B. bitt C. stem D. keel
61. the ship is located on my radar.
a. found b. looked for c. entered d. reported
62. there are some navigational instruments _ __ the bridge.
A. in B. on C. at D. of
63. please __ me a spanner.
B. fetch C. carry D. have
64. chief, I see that ship _B_ to her port.
a. turns b. turning c. to turn d. be turning
65. your explanation ____ all right.
A. sounds B. have sounded C. is sounding D. is sounded
66. The abbreviation RYC in a marine cable generally stands for
A. referring to your crew B. reference for your captain
C. return to your cabin D. received your cable
67. thank you for ___ cooperation.
B. your C. yours D. you‟s
68. please stand-by ___ channel 12.
a. to b. on c. at d. in
69. can you explain it _ __.
detail B. in details C. by detail D. by details
70. do not, repeat, not over-take means that you should _
A. overtake B. not overtake C. overtake or not D. decide if you should overtake
71. it‟s all right to rig the pilot ladder on lee side __ _ .
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A. to allow port authorities to board B. allowing port authorities to board
C. to allow port authorities to boarding D. allowing port authorities to boarded
固定句型:Get sth ready to do sth.或Get sth ready for doing sth.
72. I am ready __ _ your message.
A. to receive B. receiving C. received D. receive
73. is the pilot ladder all right at this ___.
A. high B. highly C. heigh D. height
74. 402. advise you make course 036 means that you should ___ .
A. alter your course of 036 B. keep your present course of 036 C. change your course
to 036 D. change your course by 036
75. The ship on a low rock was broken in two by the waves.
A. that had been driven B. had been driven
C. have been driven D. which to have been driven
(引导关系从句,要加关系代词, was broken是过去式,被压是发生在was broken之前的事,
76. fire is under control, and ___.
A. lifeboat is no longer needed B. lifeboat is needed badly C. lifeboat is needed not more
D. lifeboat is urgently needed
77. I have ___ with unknown vessel.
A. collision B. collided C. colliding D. collide
78. I have ___ damage below water line.
A. small B. little C. unimportant D. minor
79. I‟m disabled, communicate with me.
A. in good order B. having no capacity C. out of control D. unavailable
80. is it safe ______ a rocket?
shoot B. to fire C. to let go D. to send to sky
81. a true bearing of a charted object, when plotted on a chart, will establish a ____.
a. fix b. line of position c. relative bearing d. range
82. My ship is No.5 berth for loading.
A. onto the wharf B. moved astern C. into the dock D. moored alongside
83. each lifebuoy shall be marked in block capitals of the Roman alphabet with ___ of the
a. the call sign and name b. the official number and name c. the port of registry
and name d. the port of registry and official number
84. Your kind attention to our ship will be .
A. much appreciated B. much appreciating
C. many appreciated D. many appreciating
85. finally, when your ship is alongside, don‟t forget ___
rat guards properly mounted on your moorings
have rat guards properly mounted on your moorings
have rat guards properly mounting on your moorings
rat guards proper mounted on your moorings
86. the- giving way vessel has a same meaning of _.
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a. stand-on vessel b. privileged vessel c. burdened vessel d. hampered vessel
87. a signal of intent must be sounded in international waters by _.
A. a vessel meeting another head-on B. a vessel overtaking another in a narrow channel
C.a vessel crossing the course of another D. the give- way vessel in a crossing of situation
88. that‟s all ___ the time being.
89. the ship ___ about 12 miles southward of the lighthouse.
a. moors b. moor c. is moored d. mooring
90. The disinfection of various compartments in a vessel by filling with a gaseous agent to
destroy rats and all insects pests which act as germ carriers means .
A. displacement B. fumigation C. discharging D. compensation
91. figure of cargo short-landed in ___ .
a. dispute(in+) b. argue c. debate d. discuss
92. this sum may be deducted from hire as per clause 14 of the charter.
a. as well as b. as far c. according to d. about
93. the winch at hatch No.3 is _ __ trouble.
a. at b. in c. on d. over
94. I‟ve already put down the remarks deck cargo __ shipper‟s risk in the shipping order.
a. in b. on c. at d. for
95. Your ship is solely to blame the damage to my crane.
A. to B. for C. of D. on
96. I hereby declare that my vessel has a ________15400 metric tons.
A. bale capacity B. grain capacity C. cargo capacity D. DWTC
97. when visibility is reduce to about 5 miles, we say that visibility is __.
a. very good b. good c. poor d. moderate
98. _________about 20 sq.m to be sand-blasted.
A. The rusting area B. The rusted area C. The corroded area D. The corrosive area
y use the FTC control of a radar ______.
a landfall b. to test the radar receiver rain or snow
crossing the 180th meridian
100. I am ___ fire and have dangerous cargo on board.
A. on B. in C. at D. with

1.Contour elevations on this chart refer to heights in feet above mean ___ .
A. lower low water B. high water C. low water D. sea level
2. Charts should be corrected by using information published in the __ __.
A. light list B. American practical navigator C. notice to mariners D. coast pilot
and bottom inner graduated borderlines of the chart are .
of latitude of longitudes s rose data
4. All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n) ____.
A. mercator projection B. polyconic projection C. orthographic projection
D. gnomonic projection
5. Depth of WK are to be inserted in the chart.
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A. work B. wreck C. wake D. weak
6. Charted depths __ _ by 2 meters due to state of the winds.
A. is decreased B. decreased C. decreases D. are decreased
7. Navigational warnings are published according to __ __.
A. the designed area B. the designated area C. the indicated area D. all area over
the world
ISM Code is included into the of the SOLAS.
r 7 r 8 r 9 r 10
make comment, estimate or guess in your logbook, but__ _____only
A. the specifications B. the facts C. the descriptions D. the details
the logbook, C stands for “altered course”
11. Admiralty charts are published in ___
A. UUSA B. China C. UK D. Japan
12. The port in which crew or passengers go on board the ship is called _ __.
A. port of call B. port of embarkation C. port of destination D. port of
13.A lookout can leave his station ___.
A. at the end of the watch B. an any time C. only when properly relieved D. 15
minutes before the end of the watch
s must not exceed a speed of 8 knots in this area. _____
A. sail at B. expect C. proceed at D. steam over
fire-protected lifeboats are found
satisfactorily condition B. satisfactorily C. satisfactory D. satisfactored
16. If your vessel is dragging her anchor in a strong wind, you should _ ____.
A. shorten the scope of anchor cable B. increase the scope of anchor cable C. put over
the sea anchor D. put over a stern anchor
17. no4523
18. Please tell your captain that your anchor is _
A. moving B. dragging C. dredging D. slipping
19. You must __ your cable from 6 shackles to 3 shackles.
A. cut B. pay out C. slack D. shorten
20. Hatch No.2 must be cleaned up to meet the __ of the cargo surveyors.
A. necessity B. responsibility C. requirement D. stipulation
21. Please ___ all the lines fore and aft, the vessel is just in her position of the berth now.
A. pay out B. make fast C. shorten D. hold on
helm command CHECK HER means
the steering control the compass heading the swing using hard
over rudder the swing using moderate rudder
23. A helmsma receives the command right 15 degrees rudder. The helmsman‟s immediate
reply should be ___
A. Aye aye sir B. right 15 degrees rudder C. rudder is right 15 degrees D. no reply
is necessary, just carry out the order
vessels are all sailing for shanghai. _____
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A. arriving B. bound C. loading D. discharging
tug‟s towing line to _
A. captain B. capstan C. capital D. carpenter
g lines both __ _ were let go.
A. for and aft B. from and aft C. all and after D. fore and aft
27. The ship‟s draught forward is as same as her draught aft. This condition is named as
A. even keel B. even trim C. even draught D. even float
sectors of navigation lights warn maariners of
ng debris y traffic areas ly sunken vessels or nearby
29.A line connecting all possible positions of your vessel at any given time is a _
A. longitude line B. latitude line C. line of position D. fix
30. The morning newspaper was _ __ by the agent.
A. directed B. discharged C. derived D. delivered
31. From _ __ the mariner can understand the data of tide.
A. cargo plan B. tide table C. port list D. sea pilot
the tide makes the water twice a day, a resulting current, or tidal stream, is
and falling and fell rise and fall and
33. If the ship is alongside the wharf, what kind of ladder_ _ is used?
A. pilot ladder B. rope ladder C. rod ladder D. accommodation ladder
everything ready _ __ mooring .
A. of B. on C. to D. for
35. The ship has __ of more than 10 meters at full load.
engine B. an overall C. a displacement D. a draft
37. Mariners proceeding across the main routes are ____ to do so at as wide an angle as
A. recommended B. reported C. applied D. complied
38. The routing system which aimed at reducing the risk of casualties is called as _
A. traffic separation scheme B. recommended tracks C. precautionary area D. in
shore traffic zones
39. In determining safe speed, the rules list all of the following as factors which must be
taken into account except the _
A. limitations of radar equipment
B. presence of background lights at night
C. maximum horsepower of your vessel
D. maneuverability of your vessel
40. We have finished ___ and are ready for sailing.
A. load B. loading C. will loading D. to load
41. It‟s going to rain. Don‟t forget ____ the hatches.
A. close B. closing C. to close D. closed
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42.”Please rig your pilot ladderon port side.””Pilot ladder ___ on port side.”
been rigged rigged rigged be rigged
43.A vessel underway and fishing shall keep out of the way of a __.
A. power-driven vessel underway B. vessel not under command C. vessel sailing
engaged on pilotage duty
44. Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog? __
A. both vessels B. neither vessel C. the stand-on vessel D. the give-way vessel
are overtaking a vessel at night and you see a yellow light showing above the
sternlight of the overtaken vessel. The overtaken vessel is ___.
ay and dredging g ahead or towing alongside
astern D.a pilot vessel
single letter G, sent by an icebreaker to an assisted vessel, means _
A.I require a pilot tude follows C.I am going ahead, follow me not
follow me
47. Pan-Pan is to be used to announce _
A. a distress message B. an urgency message C. a safety message D. a message of
48. The time worked beyond regular hours is expressed in term of
A. timeover B. timeout C. overtime D. outtime
is the draft largest when the ship has an aft trim?_
d ps drafts are equal all over the ship 50. In
practice, it is usual for the ship to be loaded ____to improve the vessel‟s movement
through the water.
A. a little deeper aft B. a little deeper forward C. at the same draught between fore and
aft D. a balance between two sides
51. should be responsible for loading, handling, stowing, carrying, keeping, caring
for and discharging the goods carried according to the normal practice.
shipowners shippers carriers ship‟s officers
loading or unloading baled cargo on board, the straps to lift or drag the
A. are forbidden allowed be used usually used
actual amount of cargo loaded depends upon ___ _____.
A. the broken stowage listed B. the broken stowage calculated
C. the broken stowage given D. the actual broken stowage
54. Dry cargoes are those commodities that ___ .
A. never leak but may be spoiled by leakage
B. sometimes leak and damage themselves
C. often leak and damage other cargo
D. neither leak nor will be damaged by leakage
55. We‟ll adopt the mechanical tallying method __.
A. soon or late B. soon or later C. sooner or late D. sooner or later
56. refers to the amount of water vapour in the air.
ty ature itation
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57.”Nimbus” means
A. rain
speed at which a storm center moves is the _
A. speed of movement B. speed of advance C. speed of storm D. storm movement
59. generally indicates that a gale or storm is approaching.
g barometric pressure barometric pressure circulation of
winds change of wind direction
60. is a high layer of cloud in the form of small flakes or cauliflower, white in colour
with no dark shadows in between.
tratus umulus ratus
61. Cirrocumulus belongs to
clouds clouds l low clouds clouds
62. no4551
63. is a casing used for exhaust pipes from engines.
funnel messroom C. The galley satellite antenna
collision bulkhead is located .
the bridge deck n the passenger and cargo areas
the stern of the ship the first watertight bulkhead ahead
is the intermediate deck between upper deck and the inside bottom of the
stle eck s货舱 tanks首尖舱
at the top is A . It is 300 mm long and 25 mm wide with its upper edge in
line with the uppermost continuous watertight deck.
deck line 甲板线标志ll disc载重线标志圈ll line 载重线
load line夏季载重线
67. On board container carriers,below-deck containers are stowed __A____.
A. in fixed cell guides固定的格槽导引装置内 B. under TFEU C. secured by portable
lashing system由便携式绑扎系统固定D. in block 成批装载
most common type of davit found on merchant vessels today is the __C____.
旋转式-screw 拉杆式y 重力式ntal弧齿式
is the purpose of VRM control?_A____
measure distance accurately准确测量距离 measure bearing accurately准确测量
measure range and bearing 测量距离方位 adjust radar monitor调整雷达监视器
VRM:Variable Range Measurement活动距标圈
70. D is an equipment used to detect the presence of ships, buoys, coast and many
other targets and to obtain range and bearing of these targets.
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marine sextant航海六分仪 chronometer天文钟 echo sounder测深仪
71. Radar makes it possible and much safer for us to sail _A__.
A. in dense fog浓雾中B. in boisterous weather在恶劣气候中C. in the open sea在开阔海面
D. in rivers 在河道中
is the purpose of the radar reflector?___D__
make objects less visible 使物标不容易看见 make echoes weaker on the radar使
物标回波在雷达上变弱 make large echoes smaller 使大物标回波变小 make small
objects better visible使小物标回波更容易发现
73. Before switching on gyro-compass, you should make sure that power supply on board is
A. high or low高压或低压B. AC or DC 变流或直流C. strong or weak 强或弱D. on or off
ic heading differs from compass heading by__D__.
s error 罗航向 heading 真航向ion 磁差ion自差
75. The annual change in _A___ is 0.2 degree.
A. magnetic variation磁差B. marine insurance航海保险C. maritime accident海上事故D.
mean high water spring 平均大潮高潮面
76. All echo-sounders can measure the___B_______.
A. actual depth of water实际水深 B. actual depth of water below keel 龙骨下实际水深圳特
区C. average depth from waterline to hard bottom 从水线到硬底的平均水深 D. average
depth of water to soft bottom 到软底的平均水深
77. C sends a radio signal from the bottom of the ship to the sea-bed, from which it
is reflected.
marine sextant航海六分仪 chronometer 天文钟 echo sounder测深仪
78. The portable radio apparatus means __B___ .
A. the radio apparatus fitted on the portside 装在左舷的无线电设备B. the radio with a
portable equipment 带有便携式设备的无线电 radio equipment which is easily
movable可以方便移动的无线电设备D. the portable radio with some apparatus 带有一些设
AIS transponder is designed to transmit information __A___ .
tically自动地 -automatically半自动地ly 手动地 is not
transmitting at all AIS从来不会发射
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AIS:Automatic Identification System船舶自动识别系统
80. There is a A mine in position 50°N,30°W.
A. drifting B. drifted C. drift D. draft
81. B may be used ship-to-ship for SAR operations.
l 6 B. Channel 13 C. Channel 16 D. Channel 70
82. C is used for distress and urgency traffic, and may be used by aircraft for safety
l 6 B. Channel 13 C. Channel 16 D. Channel 70
should the GMDSS radio log be kept on board ship?___C___
A. In the Captain‟s office 船长办公室B. In the seaman‟s cabin船员房间C. At the GMDSS
operating position GMDSS设备操作处D. Anywhere on board the vessel船上的任何地方
is the most important thing you should do before transmitting on a marine
for permission 请求允许 the time in your radio log在无线电日志中做记录
the push to talk button three times 按下通话按钮三次r the channel to
ensure that it is clear先监听一下频道,确认无人在线上通话
85. In ballast means that the ship is _C__ .
A. loading with cargo装有货物B. in danger处于危险中C. not carrying cargo没有装货D.
discharging cargo 正在卸货
86. I am maintaining my course and speed.___B___
A. changing 改变B. keeping保持C. altering转向D. going前往
does the abbreviation VHF stand for?__D____
‟s hoisting flag B. very high safety
C. vessel‟s homing frequency D. very high frequency
A. Distress messge遇险信号y message紧急信号 message 安全信号
e message日常通信
89. It‟s not advisable to cut _B__ the power supply.
A. out删去 B. off切断C. down 削减 D. away砍掉,剪掉
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you require any further assistance? My ship is safe now and no assistance is necessary.
This VHF communication generally takes place during _____A_______.
A. salvage operation 救助行动中B. cargo discharging 卸货中C. bunkering 加油中 D.
towing operation拖带作业中
91. My captain is trying to _C_ the pilot station before the ebb tide.
A. steam[+to或into]驶往B. proceed [+to]驶往C. approach 抵达 D. reach [+at]到达
92. no4570
type oil is most suitable for reducing the effect of heavy seas?__C__
oil 原油 oil 燃油ble oil 菜油ating oil润滑油
Chinese vessel was _B__ a foreign vessel.
A. in collision between B. in collision with C. collision against D. collision with
Collision 是collide碰撞的名词形式。
was demanded that the injured crewmembers _D__ at once.
treated B. would be treated C. being treated D. be treated
动词不定式被动式to be treated不带to。It是形式主语。
key to rescuing a man overboard is __D_____.
communication 良好的通信B.a dedicated crew尽职船船员 equipment良好
的设备-conducted drills组织良好的演习
97. The ship has a speed of more then 14 ___ at 120 _C__.
A. milesrmp B. milesrpm C. knotsrpm D. knots rmp
98. All events relating to the voyage, such as ship‟s position, speed and details of the weather,
are recorded in______A______.
A. logbook航海日志B. bell book 车钟记录本C. oil record book油类记录本D. compass
error book 罗经差记录本
pilot disembarked our ship yesterday.___B___
A. came来B. left离开C. discharged 卸货D. visited 参观。
100. Stop search and return to _D__.
A. keel 龙骨B. virgin 处女C. origin 原点D. base 基地

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科目:航海英语 试卷代号:905

答题说明: 本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡
要求,在其相应位置上用2 B铅笔涂黑。每题1分,共100分。

1. What information is NOT found in the chart title? C
A. Survey information扫测资料B. Scale比例尺C. Date of first edition
2. Place names used should be those __D____.
A. specified by international authorities 由国际权威机构指定的B. specified by national
authorities由国家权威机构指定的C. on the standard map 标准地图上的D. on the chart
or the Sailing Directions in use在海图上或航路指南中使用的
3. On the Metric chart, the statement
A. on the top of the chart海图顶部B. below the title of the chart海图标题下C. on the right
bottom of the chart
5. When should voyage planning be done? B
A. During the sailing航海过程中 B. Prior to sailing开航前C. After sailing航次结束后
D. Before the pilot is leaving引航员离船前
6. ____D__ will be broadcast every one hour on VHF Channel 6.
A. VHF News 高频新闻B. Channel Rules航行规则C. Visibility Time能见度时间D.
Navigational Warnings航行警告
7. Charts are subject to frequent correction according to ___A___.
A. Notices to Mariners 航海通告
B. Mariner's handbook 航海员手册C. Sailing
航路指南D. Guide to Port Entry进港指南
海图右下角D. above the title of the chart海图标题上
8. All entries in Logbook,__A____ made,must not be erased or amended.
A. once 一经、一旦B. whether 是否C. previous 以前D. just正在填时
9. Which of the following activities should the OOW NOT do in restricted visibility? A
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A. To cancel lookouts取消了望 B. To stop noisy work on deck停止甲板上吵杂的工作C. To
plot targets systematically系统标绘所测目标 D. To switch over to manual steering转换到
10. Whenever vessels are in sight of one another, a good method of early detection of risk of
collision is by ____B__ the approaching vessel.
A. giving warning signals to 向来船发出警报信号B. taking compass bearings of测量来船方
C. plotting the position of 标绘来船方位D. keeping a sharp lookout保持认真了望
11. In the logbook, F.W. stands for _D_____.
A. Finished with engine完车
12. NO4615
13. The Third Officer's duty is to ___D___ when vessel is commanded under the pilot or
A. operate the wheel and stand by操舵并做好准备B. keep a lookout and operate steering
gear保持了望并操作舵设备C. enter telegraph orders in the bell book在航海日志中填写车
钟令D. operate the telegraph and enter telegraph orders in the bell book操作车钟并记录在
14. Who must ensure that the emergency lighting and power systems on cargo vessels are
operated at least weekly? A
A. Master 船长B. Chief Engineer轮机长C. Deck officer assigned指定的驾驶员D.
Engineering officer assigned指定的轮机员
15. Why should you report accidents to the Designated Person(指定人员)? B
A. To find some one to blame找出谁应负责(被惩罚)B. To prevent it from happening again
防止事故再次发生C. So the company can calculate your safety bonuses这样公司可以计算
你的奖金D. To be able to receive an insurance claim以便得到保险索赔
16. NO4523
17. What is meant by veering the anchor chain? D
A. Bringing the anchor to short stay让锚链不吃力B. Heaving in all the chain绞回所有锚链
C. Locking the windlass to prevent more chain from running out刹住锚链以防松出太多D.
Paying out more chain(用锚机)松出锚链
A. broaching the anchor

把锚打横B. shifting the anchor 移动锚C. walking the anchor
D. weighing the anchor起锚
B. forward前部C. Fuel water D. fresh water淡水
19. The expression drop anchor means __C____.
“drop anchor”表示()
A. hold anchor 拉住锚B. leave anchor 离开锚C. let go anchor 抛出锚D. weigh
anchor给锚称重(weighing anchoranchor aweigh是起锚的意思)
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20. You are mooring to a buoy. You should approach the buoy with the current from
A. ahead 前方B. broad on the bow船首方向(左右各22.5度,共45度)C. abeam 正横D.
21. no4621
22. 参考4623(RIGHT)When a helmsman receives the command PORT 15 DEGREES
rudder,the helmsman's immediate reply should be __C____.
C. PORT 15 DEGREES D. No reply is necessary,just carry out the order
23. The meaning of SLACKEN HER SPEED is __B____.
A. increase ship's speed 增加船速B. slow down ship's speed减慢船速C. make up ship's
speed设定船速D. fix up ship's speed
24. The helm command PORT TWENTY means ___B___.
舵令“PORT TWENTY左舵20”表示()
A. change course twenty degrees to the left向左改变航向二十度B. put the rudder left
twenty degrees把舵角打到左舵二十度C. put the rudder hard left for the first twenty
degrees of swing在船头偏离原航向的前二十度内压满舵D. put the rudder left twenty
degrees and then ease back as the vessel starts swinging先把舵打到左舵二十度,当船头开始
25. PORT A BIT SLUGGISH means that port rudder ___C___.
“PORT A BIT SLUGGISH左舵反应迟钝”表示左舵()
A. answers very well反应良好B. rudder answers all right反应正常C. answers slow反应慢
D. answers fast反应很快
26. Horizontal fore or aft motion of a vessel is known as ____B__.
A. pitch纵摇B. surge纵荡C. sway横荡D. roll横摇(SWING偏荡、HEAVE垂荡)
27. A look-out should report objects sighted using ____D__.
A. true bearings真方位B. magnetic bearings磁方位C. gyro bearings电罗经方位D. relative
28. no4628
29. no4629
30. A tide is called diurnal(日潮) when ___A___.
A. only one high and one low water occur during a lunar day在一个太阴天中只发生一次高
潮和一次低潮B. the high tide is higher and the low tide is lower than usual与普通潮汐相比,
高潮更高,低潮更低C. the high tide and low tide are exactly six hours apart高低潮之间间
隔正好6小时D. two high tides occur during a lunar day在一个太阴天中发生两次高潮
31. The navigational term „SET OF CURRENT‟ means ___D___.
A. velocity of current in knots以节为单位表示的流速B. direction from which the current
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flows流的来向C. estimated current估计的海流D. direction toward which the current flows
32. no4632
33. According to the Rules,a vessel's length is her __C____.
A. length between the perpendiculars两柱间长B. length along the waterline沿水线上的长
度C. length overall总长D. registered length登记长度
34. Which vessel is underway according to the Rules? B
A. A vessel made fast to a single point mooring buoy系单浮筒的船B. A purse seiner hauling
her nets一条正在拉网的围网渔船C. A pilot vessel at anchor一条锚泊中的引航船D. A
vessel which has run aground搁浅船
35. A vessel is considered to be restricted in her ability to maneuver under the Rules if she is
A. at anchor在锚泊中B. mine-clearing正进行清除水雷工作C. engaged in fishing正从事捕
鱼D. engaged in towing正进行拖带作业
36. 参考NO4532Vessel constrained by her draught is ___C___.吃水受限船是()
A. a non-power driven vessel非机动船B. a sailing vessel帆船C. a power driven vessel机动
船D. a power driven vessel or a non- power driven vessel机动船或非机动船
37. The term restricted visibility,when used in the Rules,refers to ___C___.
A. situations when you can see vessels on radar that you cannot see visually你能在雷达中发
现他船,但无法用视觉看到他船B. visibility of less than half a mile能见距离小半海里C. any
condition where visibility is restricted能见度受到限制的任何情况D. visibility where you
cannot see shore你无法看到海岸的能见度情况
38. no4637
39. Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look- out _C_____.
A. by sight用视觉B. by sight and hearing用视觉和听觉C. by sight and hearing as well as
by all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances用视觉和听觉以及适合当
时环境和情况的一切有效手段D. by sight and hearing as well as by all available means
except smelling用视觉和听觉和除嗅觉外一切可用手段
40. If there is sufficient sea room,alteration of _C_____ may be the most effective action to
avoid close-quarters situation.如有足够的水域,则单用()可能是避免紧迫局面的最有效
A. speed and course变速和转向B. speed alone变速C. course alone转向D. speed or course
41. Risk of collision exists when an approaching vessel has a(n) ______A.
A. generally steady bearing and decreasing range 一般方位不变且距离减少B. generally
steady range and increasing bearing一般距离不变且方位变大C. increasing range and
bearing 距离及方位变大D. decreasing bearing only只有方位减少
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42. Every vessel shall proceed at a safe speed ___A___ the prevailing circumstances and
A. appropriate to适合B. used byC. liable to对---负责任D. adaptation to
44. A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking when she can see at night ___A___.
A. only the stern-light of the vessel只能看到他船的尾灯时。B. a sidelight and one masthead
light of the vessel看到他船的一盏舷灯和一盏桅灯C. only a sidelight of the vessel只看到他
船的一盏舷灯D. any lights except the masthead lights of the vessel看到他船的任何号灯,桅
45. Two vessels are approaching each other near head on. What action should be taken to
avoid collision? C、
A. The first vessel to sight the other should give way先看到他船的船舶应让路B. The vessel
making the slower speed should give way速度较慢的船舶应让路C. Both vessels should alter
course to starboard两船应各自向右转向D. Both vessels should alter course to port两船应
46. You are the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation. You may hold your course and speed
until __C____.
A. the other vessel takes necessary action他船采取必要的行动B. the other vessel gets to
within half a mile of your vessel另一船接近到离你船半海里之内C. action by the give-way
vessel alone will not prevent collision单凭让路船的行动无法避免碰撞D. the other vessel
gets to within a quarter mile of your vessel另一船接近到离你船四分之一海里内
47. You are underway in heavy fog. You hear the fog signal of a vessel which is somewhere
ahead of your vessel. You must __D____.
A. slow to moderate speed and navigate with caution减速到中速行驶并小心驾驶B.
maintain speed and sound the danger signal保持速度不变并鸣放危险信号C. stop engines
and navigate with caution停车并小心驾驶D. slow to bare steerageway and navigate with
48. no4653
49. no4649
50. Please tell the stevedores to ___B___ the optional cargo.
A. keep way from B. keep away from 避开C. keep from D. keep a way from
选港条款亦称选港交货(Optional De livery)条款)该条款通常规定,只有当承运人与
托运人在货物装船前有约定,并在提单上注明时 ,收货人方可选择卸货港。收货人应在
船舶驶抵提单中注明的可选择的港口中第一个港口若干小时之前, 将其所选的港口书面
通知承运人在上述第一个港口的代理人。否则,承运人有权将货物卸于该港或其他供 选
卸货港 ,承运人有权将货物运过提单注明的港口选择范围,至船舶最后的目的港,而由
托运人、收货人承担风险 和费用。当船舶承运选港货物时,一般要求收货人在所选定的
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51. As a general rule,tally clerks should make their tallying __B____.
A. in warehouses在仓库B. on deck在甲板上C. ashore在岸上D. in the tally room在理货房
52. NO4553目的由新加坡变上海
53. The necessity of the segregation of cargoes is determined by ___B___.
A. experience from practice实际工作经验B. various types of cargoes各种货物的种类C.
different types of ships船舶类型的不同D. personal abilities个人能力
54. NO4543
55. Raw materials belong to ____B__.
A. hazardous cargo危险货物

B. non-hazardous cargo 无害货物C. food product食口
D. consumable product易耗口
56.参考4552 (Gale)When winds of force reach 10-11 in Beaufort Scale(蒲氏风级),usually
we call such winds as ____C__.
A. Hurricane B. Breeze C. Storm D. Gale
57. Mainly east 3 or 4 partly cloudy to overcast occasional rain __A____ slowly south
moderate or good.大部分地区为东风3到4级,多云到阴天,偶尔有雨,雨区缓慢南移,
A. spreading 传开;蔓延B. proceeding前往
A. the cold front 冷锋B. heavy wind
59. __B____ indicates unstable weather.
A. The presence of cirrus clouds 有卷云出现B. The low-hanging stratus clouds低悬的层云
C. The altocumulus clouds 高积云D. The massive cumulus clouds大块的积云
60. Windward means ___B___.上风表示()
A. direction to wind B. direction against wind顶风的方向 C. wind directionD. variable
61. The length of a wave is the length _D_____.
A. of the wave's crest波锋的 B. of the wave's trough波谷的C. measured from crest to
trough 从波锋到波谷的D. measured from crest to crest从波锋到波锋的
62. MAINLY GOOD BECOMING MODERATE.This forecast probably refers to ___A___
in a certain area.
A. visibility能见度B. winds风 C. sea
A. cargo handling machines货物装卸机械 B. deck winches and derricks甲板上的绞车
和起货机C. engine-room tools 机舱工具D. course controlling system航向控制系统
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C. bounding for开航往 D. going to去到
58. The warm front is usually lifted up from the surface by ___A___.
大雨C. high pressure 高压D. hurricane飓风
海浪D. fog雾
63. Ship's steering gear refers to ___D___.

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64. _____C_ is used for lifting cargo.
A. A mooring winch系泊绞缆机B. A windlass起锚机C. A deck crane甲板克令吊D. A
lifeboat engine救生艇机
65. The foremost and aftermost spaces of the vessel are the ____D__.
A. forecastle 艏楼B. tweendeck中层甲板
67. The EPIRB on a cargo vessel must be stowed ____D__.
A. in an inside passageway走廊内部B. in an approved bracket经认可的托架内C. so that it
is accessible from the bridge of the vessel能轻易地从驾驶台到达的地方D. so that it will
float free if the vessel sinks如船舶下沉,可自由起浮处
68. no4664
69. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of radar over eyes? C
A. greater visibility range更大的能见距离B. detection of unlit objects探测到不点灯的物标
C. no possibility of making errors不可能出现错误D. accurate range information准确的距
70. no4672
71. NO4599
72. The common way to obtain your ship's position is __B____.
A. keeping a close watch and lookout认真值班保持了望B. taking a radar range and bearing
获得雷达距离和方位C. observing a radar target and listening to signals 观察雷达物标,并
听雾号D. keeping a well clear caution保持警觉
73. Variation is a compass error that you ___D___.
A. can correct by adjusting the compass card通过调整罗经方位仪可以校正的误差
B. can correct by adjusting the compensating magnets通过调整校正磁铁块可以校正的误差
C. can correct by changing the vessel's heading通过改变船舶艏向可以校正的误差
D. cannot correct不能校正的误差
74. NO4673
75. My gyro-compass error is __B____.
A. east two degrees
77. A Doppler log in the bottom return mode indicates the ___D___.
A. velocity of the current对水速度B. bottom characteristics海底特征C. depth of the water
水深D. speed over the ground对地速度
78. no4678
79. no4679
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C. hatches货舱D. peak tanks尖舱
B. two degrees east C. two east degrees D. two-degrees

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80. A(n)___B___ indicates that there is serious danger for vessel, crew and passenger.
A. distress alert遇险警报B. urgency message 紧急信息C. safety message安全信息D.
routine message日常通信
81. All VHF marine band radios operate in the simplex mode,which means that __A____.
A. only one person may talk at a time一次只由一个人进行通话B. only two persons may talk
at the same time一次只能由两个人进行通话C. the radio only transmits无线电设备只能发
射D. the radio only receives无线电设备只能接收
82. 参考46474688MAYDAY is to be used to announce __A____.
A. a distress message遇险信息B. an urgency message紧急信息C. a safety message安全信
83. You must __B____ in this area unless you have messages about the casualty.
A. keep radio silence B. keep radio silent
84. The satellite systems of GMDSS comprise __B____.
A. NAVTEX, COSPASSARSAT, EPIRBs and Status Recording-system
B. Inmarsat, COSPASSARSAT, EPIRBs and Status Recording-system
C. NAVTEX, Inmarsat, EPIRBs and SART
D. Inmarsat, Direct Printing Telegraphy, and DSC
85. NO4570
86. I have steerage way. It is said that ______.
A. I am underway我船在航B. I am out of control我船失控C. I am not making way through
the water我船不对水运动D. I have the amount of movement forward which the ship needs
to be steered properly我船还有使船舶正常保向所需的向前运动速度
87. __D____ is the draft of your ship at full load?
A. How many B. How much C. How high D. What
88. What does the term TO NAVIGATE WITH CAUTION mean? C
A. To navigate intentionally有意识地B. To navigate intensely密集地
C. To navigate carefully小心驾驶D. To navigate completely完全地
89. When it is accepted to remain on the frequency indicated,you should say __A____.
A. Standing by on VHF frequency ...B. Coming to VHF frequency ...C. VHF frequency ... is
the best place for you to stay byD. remaining in frequency ... and do not change
90. no4690
91. What is the meaning of the word D
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C. keep radio be silent D. keep silent the

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A. Please repeat your message请重复B. Not readable听不清C. Correct 正确D. I have
received your transmission satisfactorily我已经收到你的信号
92. The muster arrangements should ____B__.
A. change every time a drill is carried out每次演习都要改变 B. change with the change in
the ship's personnel随船上人员的变动而变C. never change in any conditions任何情况下都
不能改变D. never change except from Master's orders除非得到船长的命令,否则不能变
93. no4693
94. This is the sign for __C____.这是()的标志。
A. embarkation station登乘位置B. emergency exit应急出口C. muster station集合位置D.
rescue boat救助艇
95. no4694
96. Please ____C__ a quick decision on this matter.请对此事迅速(作出)决定。
A. get B. take C. make D. find
97. Which of the following equipment is for protection against hypothermia(体温过低)? D
A. Safety helmets安全帽B. Buoyancy aids C. breathing apparatus呼吸器具D. Immersion
98. I‟m on fire and have dangerous cargo on board.The most emergent assistance in this
case would be ___C___.我船着火,船上载有危险货物。上述事故中,最需要的紧急援助是
A. life boat救生艇B. helicopter直升飞机C. fire- fighting
A. Safety helmets安全帽B. Goggles and spectacles防护眼镜C. breathing apparatus呼吸器
具D. Gloves手套
minor spills of oil products are caused by ___B___.
A. equipment failure 设备故障B. human error人为错误C. major casualties主要事故D.
unforeseeable circumstances不可预知的情况

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灭火D. medicine医疗援助
99. Which of the following equipment is for respiratory protection? C

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科目:航海英语 试卷代号:905

答题说明: 本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡
要求,在其相应位置上用2 B铅笔涂黑。每题1分,共100分。

1no4701 2no4702 3no4601
revised editions of admiralty charts the _B_ are corrected first.
a. smaller scales小比例尺海图b. larger scales大比例尺海图c. smaller scales and larger
scales d. moderate scales 中比例尺海图
5no4504 6no4501 7no4707
8 In writing up the logbook at the end of your watch, you make an error in writing an emtry.
What is the proper means of correcting this error?____A_______.
out the error with a single line, and write the correct entry, then initial it 用一条线
划去错处,填写正确内容lly and neatly erase the entry and rewrite it correctly小心
擦掉错处,小心地重写 this page of the log book, and rewrite all entries on a clean
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page撕掉这一页,另起一页重新抄写一遍 out the error completely and rewrite the
entry correctly把错处涂黑,并正确地重新填写
9参考4613(Look out)officer on watch must stay at his place of duty untill___B_____
A. watch time is over值班时间结束B. formally relieved 正式交班 ed the master‟s
order接到船长的命令 fired 被解雇
10Which of the following things should off- going OOW do?(B)
ensure that he understands the information handed to him确认他已知道转告给他的信

inform the incoming OOW about the bridge equipment告诉接班驾驶员驾驶台设备的
情况 ensure he can accept the responsibility of watchkeeping duty 确认他可以承担值班
turn over the watch to whoever comes to the bridge把值班工作移交给任何来到驾驶台
11In the log book,__B___stand for „abeam‟.
a. ab‟t ‟m
12 That the __D____ showed that the ship complied with the requirements of the said
A.Looking 看B.Seeing 看C.Sightseeing 目视D.Inspection检查
131936 Who checks the bridge clock for accuracy each day?_____B_______.
A. third officer B. second officer C. chief officer D. assistant officer
151233. vessel must be _C duly qualified officers and crew.
a. supplied with b. equipped by c. manned with d. fitted with
16no4618 17no4619 18no4718
19which would not to use to report the amount of anchor chain out?Three shots_C__.
A.at the water‟s edge 三节水面 deck 三节甲板 the bottom 三节海底 the
(1182. which one of the following anchor orders is uncommon term for using? ___
a. four(4) on deck b. up and down c. six in the water d. seven on the bottom )
201647. A spring line is _C___.倒缆是()
a. any wire rope used for mooring 用于系泊的任何钢丝绳b. a fire-warp应急拖缆(防火用)
c. a mooring line running diagonally to the keel 跟船舶龙骨成一定角度相交的系缆d. a
mooring line perpendicular to the keel 跟船舶龙骨成直角相交的系缆
21no4721 22no4722 23no4723 24no4622
25792. the vessel cleared the port means _A_ .船舶清爽地离开了港口表示()。
a. the vessel left the port properly船舶正常离开港口b. the vessel was clear of the port
shortly短时间地c. the vessel departed from the port slowly慢慢地d. the vessel was clear out
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the port suddenly 突然
26263. lateral movement of the vessel to leeward of its course defines _A_.
A. leeway风压差,偏航eeside 下风舷C. leeward 向下风D. lee moving
( is the_____C_____.
ence between the true course and the compass course
um of a vessel after her engines have been stopped
l movement of a vessel downwind of her intended course
cement of a vessel multiplied by her speed)
2782. What speed can the ship make _D__ .
A.at full speed of the propeller螺旋桨全速B. at full load of the propeller螺旋桨满负荷C.
at maximum horse-power of the propeller 螺旋桨最大马力D. at maximum revolution of the
281695. a buoy marking a wreck will show a(n) _A__.
a. white light FL(2) and a topmark of 2 black spheres 白灯两闪,带2个黑球的顶标
b. Occulting green light and may be lettered 明暗绿光,且有可能用字母识别
C.Yellow light and will be numbered 黄光,且会被编号
D.Continuous quick white light and may be numbered 连续快闪白光,且可能被编号
292337__C refers to the angle between true North and heading line of the vessel.
A. True position 真位置 B. True meridian 真子午(北)线C. True course 真航线 D. True
bearing 真方位
30.__A_are mainly caused by the gravitational pull of the moon?
潮汐.Sea 海浪.Swell 涌浪.Wind 风
31what does the term “tide ” refer to_____B________. “潮汐”一词是指()
A. horizontal movement of the water水体的水平运动B. vertical movement of the water水体
的垂直运动C. mixing tendency of the water水体混合的倾向ty content of the water
(1545. current refers to the ___ .
a. vertical movement of the water b. horizontal movement of the water
c. density changes in the water d. none of the above )
331631. a vessel is in sight of another vessel when _B_. 当()时,一船与他船互见。
a. she can be observed by radar 她可被雷达测到b. she can be observed visually from the
other vessel 她能被他船用视觉看到c. she can be plotted on radar well enough to determine
her heading 她可被完好地标绘在雷达上以确定其艏向d. her fog signal can be heard 她的
34. which vessel is underway under the rules of the road?(C)
a. a vessel at anchor with the engine running 船舶在抛锚之中,但主机在动b. a vessel with a
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line led to a tree onshore 船上一根缆绳系在岸上的一棵树上c. a vessel drifting with the
engine off 船舶在漂航中,主机不在使用 d. a vessel aground 搁浅船舶
351625. a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver is one which _B__.
a. through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by the rules 由
b. from the nature of her work is unable to maneuver as required by the rules 由于其工作性
质无法按规则要求操纵的船舶c. due to adverse weather conditions is unable to maneuver as
required by the rules 由于恶劣天气无法按规则要求操纵d. has lost steering and is unable to
maneuver 由于舵设备丢失而无法操纵
36446. a vessel is engaged in fishing when _C__ .
gear extends more than 100 meters from the vessel 她的渔具伸出舷外100米以上
is using any type of gear, other than lines 她正在使用除绳钓外的任何渔具捕鱼
is using fishing apparatus which restricts her maneuverability 她正在使用的渔具限
制了其操纵性能 has any fishing gear on board 她的船上有各种渔具
371297. The navigation rules define a vessel not under command as a vessel which _D__.
a. from the nature of her work is unable to keep out of the way of another vessel 由于其工作
性质而无法给他船让路b. does not have a proper look-out 没有保持正规了望c. by taking
action contrary to the rules has created a special circumstance situation 由于采取与规则要
求相反的行动而导致特殊情况的发生d. through some exceptional circumstance is unable to
maneuver as required by the rules 由于某种异常情况而无法按规则要求操纵
the circumstance of the case admit, any vessel _B__ in a narrow channel.
A. shall have the liberty to anchor 可自由在狭水道内抛锚B. shall avoid anchoring应避免
在狭水道内抛锚C. shall moor to a buoy when necessary 如有必要应在狭水道中系浮筒
keep anchoring 应在狭水道中保持锚泊
39参考4639. In determining a safe speed ___ shall not be among those taken into account.
A. the state of visibility 通见度情况B. the power of the vessel 船舶的动力C. the traffic
density 通航密度D. the maneuverability of the vessel船舶的操纵性能
40454. A vessel engaged in __ shall not impede the passage of any other vessel navigating
within a narrow channel or fairway.
A. mine clearance operation 清除水雷作业B. towing operation 拖带作业C. dredging or
surveying or underwater operation 疏浚或测量或水下作业D. fishing 捕鱼
421527. every vessel should at all times proceed at a safe speed. Safe speed is defined as that
speed where _B__.任何船舶在任何时候均应用安全航速航行,安全航速是指船舶()
a. you can stop within your visibility range 能在能见度以内把船停住
b. you can take proper and effective action to avoid collision 可采取适当而有效的避碰行动
c. you are traveling slower than surrounding vessels 应采用比周围其他船舶更慢的速度
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d. no wake comes from your vessel 船舶没有伴流
43no4529 44no4744
45297. in a crossing situation, the stand-on vessel should normally _C__ .
A.take action to cross ahead of the other vessel 采取行动横越他船船头B.take action to
pass astern of the other vessel 采取行动从他船船尾通过C.maintain course and speed 保向
保速D. change course and increase speed 改向加速
461200. when shall the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation take action to avoid the other
vessel?(B) 在交叉相遇局面中,直航船何时应采取行动避让他船()。
a. when a risk of collision exists.当存在碰撞危险时b. when action by the give-way vessel
alone will not prevent a collision当单凭让路船的行动无法避免碰撞时c. when the bearing to
give-way vessel becomes steady 当让路船的方位保持不变时d. when the vessels become less
than 0.5 mile apart 当两船之间距离小于半海里时
482685____D_____ is known as a long hatch during loading operation.
在装货作业中,什么叫“long hatch关键舱”
A. The largest hatch of a ship 船上最大的货舱 B. The hatch that is double rigged 有两部吊
具的货舱C. The hatch where a disproportionate amount of cargo is stowed装有超比例货物
的货舱D. The hatch where the most cargo is stowed装有最多货物的货舱
50715. discharging can be completed in no time.(B)
a. without time b. very soon c. in any time d. during day time
52____A______are liable to be stolen, pilfered or may be damaged due to improper
handling or stowage.由于装卸不当或积载不当,()容易被偷、盗或被损坏。
e or expensive cargoes 易碎货或贵重货 materials原材料 ed metallic
products 铁器成品ctured goods of large size体积比较大的产品
53Details about the packing, marking and stowing of _C__ are given in the Interational
Maritime Dangerous Goods(IMDG) Code.有关包装、制造和积载()的详细资料可在国际
l cargoes普通货 bulk cargoes 干散货ous cargoes 危险货
nerized cargoes 集装箱货
54the profit from the carriage of cargo , which is often called____B____, keeps the
mdrchant ship running.商船通过承运货物所得到的利润,一般叫做()。
A. obligation义务B. freight运费C. contract合同 ry发送
55913 broken stowage includes the space __B_. 亏舱包括()的空间。
a. within irregular containers 在不规则包装箱内的 b. between irregular containers 在不规
则包装物箱的c. on uniform packaged commodities d. on general cargo
561446. in Beaufort scale, the wind force 7 with speed of 28-33 knots is defined as __B__.
a. moderate gale b. near gale疾风c. strong gale 烈风d. whole gale
57no4759 58no4661 59no4662
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60The best estimate of the wind direction at sea level can be obtained from observing the
direction of the ___C___. [346](5060)用来观测风的来向的最好办法是观察()方向。
A. cloud movement 云的运动B. vessel heading 船艏向C. waves 海浪D. swells 涌浪
61no4658 62no4762
63__A__is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship. The purpose is to
create less friction with water so that the ship moves more easily.()的是船舶艏部圆形的水
bulbous bow 球鼻首 anchor锚 bow thruster 艏侧推器 propeller
64____B__is measured from the baseline to the summer lad line at the midship section.
e draft 最大吃水 draft 型吃水 e depth 最大深度
65When a ship is in tropical zone and in seawater of density 1.025,she must not load to more
than the upper edge of the line marked___ _B___.当船舶在热带区域内,海水比重为1.025,
a.S 夏季载重线的b.T 热带载重线c.W冬季载重线 d.F夏季淡水载重线
66___B__is measured at midship section and taken from inside the ship‟s shell on one side
to inside the ship‟s shell on the other side.在船中处,在船壳板内由一侧量至另一侧叫做()
Overall 船舶总长 breadth型宽ips 正中e breadth最
67623. roll- onroll-off ships are equipped with ___ .滚装船配有()
a. cargo elevators 货物输送机b. conveyor belts输送带 c. ramps跳板 d. derricks and
winches for cargo handling 用于装卸货的吊杆和绞车
68vertically below the deckline is a circle whose outside diameter is 300mm. It is called
A. the deck line甲板线B. plimsoll disc载重线圈C. plimsoll line载重线 load line
69 what type of radar can activate a SART?(A)下列何种雷达可激发SART()
A. X-band(波长在3厘米以下) B. s-band C. c-band radar can
(what type of radar can activate a racon?(C)
A.s-band B.c-band C.X-band(波长在3厘米以下) radar can)
70174. the officer of the watch should use radar when appropriate and at all times in _B_
A. congesting B. congested堵塞的;拥挤的C. congestion D. congest
71 Radar makes the most accurate determination of the ___B___.
A.direction of a target 物标方位B.distance to a target 物标距离C.size of a target 物标
大小D.shape of a target 物标外形
72The ship is ( A ) on my radar.
a. found发现b. looked for寻找c. entered 进入 d. reported 报告
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(no4561. the ship is located on my radar. A
a. found b. looked for c. entered d. reported )
741552. compass error is equal to the __C__.
a. deviation minus variation 自差减去磁差 b. variation plus compass course 磁差加上罗
c. combined variation and deviation 磁差加上自差d. difference between true and magnetic
heading 真航向与磁航向间的差
75no4775 76no4676
77 what may affect the accuracy of sounding with echo sounder?(D)
bottom 海底B. speed of current 流速‟s speed船速D. water temperature and
78___D__is used for calling and replying, and for transmitting acknowledging and relaying
distress alerts.下列哪一项用来呼叫,回答和发送确认或转发遇险信息()
X receiver 无线电警告传真接收机 and Rescue Transponder 搜救收发
器ncy Position Indication Radio Beacon 应急无线电示位标l selective
79.__A__is used for receiving maritime safety information which is automatically printed
by the receiver.下列哪一项设备用来接收有关航行安全的信息,并自动打印下来()
X receiver 无线电警告传真接收机 and Rescue Transponder 搜救收发
器ncy Position Indication Radio Beacon 应急无线电示位标l selective
80 When making VHF radio calls to nearby stations, what level of transmitting power
should you use? __A__.当使用VHF呼叫附近的台站时,下列哪一项是正确的()
A. Low power 低功率B. Medium power 中功率C. High power大功率D. Extra high power
81 if there were suddenly an immediate danger for both the vessel and its crew, would you
send a MAYDAY on _____D____。当船舶突然发生危及船舶及船员安全的危险时,你应在
06 with dual watch双功6频道B. CH16 with 1 watt output16频道,输出功率为1W
C. CH06 with 25 watt output6频道,输出功率为25WD. CH16 with 25 watt output16频
82___B____is used for safety of navigation ship-to-ship.(NO4681SAR)
A. CH6B. CH13 C. CH16D. CH70
NO468181. B may be used ship- to-ship for SAR operations.
l 6 B. Channel 13 C. Channel 16 D. Channel 70
83. B indicate that there is serious danger for vessel, crew and passeners.
ss alert遇险警报y message紧急信息 message安全信息e
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84. 1847In telex abbreviations, CFM and INFM refer to _A__and _A_respectively.在传真
A. confirm, inform B. confide, inflow C. conform, infuse D. confessed, inflame
86.589589. the pilot station _D__ close west of the end of the breakwater.
a. is stayed 停留于 b. is situated 一般只用于主动语气c. is placed 放置于d. is located 使...
87.参考4647PAN-PAN repeated three times over the radiotelephone indicates which type of
message will follow?(D)当发送下列哪一种信息时,连说三遍PAN- PAN()
A. a distress message 遇险信号 B. a safety message 安全信号C. all clear D. an urgency
message 紧急信号
4685 4505
90. of search nagetive means__A__. 搜寻结果为负表示()
a. the search has found nothing 搜寻没有发现任何东西 b. the derelict has been found 遇难
船已被发现c. the derelict has been located 遇难船位置已确定d. the derelict has been
sighted 已看到遇难船
91. 232our ship is slow in going astern, please __ .我船正慢速后退,请()
A., be careful 小心,注意安全B. be kind enough耐心C. be nice有教养的,体面的,正派的 D.
be looked after 被照看
of the following equipment is for hand and foot protection?(D)
helmets 安全帽s and spectacles防护眼镜 ing apparatus呼吸器
and safety boots手套和安全长统靴
work is commenced___D__,the officer responsible should ensure that power is
shut off and warning notices posted on the bridge and in the machinery spaces.
the ship‟s whistle 船舶号笛附近 the funnel烟囱上 the vicinity of radar
aerials 雷达天线附近 the radar scanner雷达扫描天线附近
of the following actions should you do when you hear a fire alarm?(B)
inform the bridge 通知驾驶台 get the assigned equipment for use找到分配的设备
open the compartment打开舱室 rescue the injured person immediately立即采取
96.A fireman‟s outfit carried onboard vessels, must have a ____________.
er-type gas mask 防毒面具 air breathing apparatus新鲜空气呼吸设备
-contained breathing apparatus自吸式呼吸设备tible gas indicator测爆仪
of the following equipment is for protection against drowning?(B)
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A.a safety helmets 安全帽cy aids 浮具ing apparatus 呼吸设备
ion suits防寒服
98. which of the following is the correct procedural actions when you receive a distress or
urgency message as a watch keeping officer?(C)
radio contact >ascertain the actons meeded>inform the master>plot the position
B. plot the position > ascertain the actons meeded>maintain radio watch> inform the master
C. inform the master > plot the position > ascertain the actons meeded> maintain radio
D. plot the position > ascertain the actons meeded> inform the master > maintain radio
99.1853 I‟ll go and __D____the causes of the incident first.
A. clear of 避开 B. know 知道C. deny 否认D. investigate调查
100.2087 If you wear extra clothing when entering the water after abandoning ship it will
____B___. 弃船时,如你多穿衣服入水会()
you down把你拖下水B. preserve body heat 保持体温C. reduce your body heat 减
少体温D. make it more difficult to breathe 使你呼吸困难

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机考第一卷 JK01

1、1879#ETApilot reverting 后告means_____B_____.预抵引航站的时间后告表示()
A. ETA pilot station has been given 抵达引航站的时间已告诉你 B. ETA pilot
station will be given afterwards以后告诉你抵达引航站的时间 C. ETA pilot station was
not given 抵达引航站的时间还没告诉你 D. ETA pilot station is given
3#517# you are going to ___A__ . (继续往前)你会搁浅
a. run aground b. run grounded c. aground d. run grounding
5#1742#Whose duty is it to examine and verify the state and condition of the cargo carried
on board? C .[17211890] 由下列哪个人来检查确认船上所载货物的情况
A. Tally man‟s 理货员B. Marine surveyor‟s海事检验员C. Cargo surveyor‟s 货物检验员
D. Boarding inspector‟s登轮检查官
6# NO4685 7#NO4701
8#1477. What is the main purpose of dunnage __B______.垫舱料的作用是()
A.To act as ballast for light vessels 作为空船的压载水B.To provide ventilation and
drainage for cargo 为货物提供通风及排水C.To secure the tarpaulins in place固定帆布
D.To support weakened bulkheads 支撑强度减轻的舱壁
9# NO4531
10#1662# The extinguishing agent most effective for combating wood fires is __A____. #903
A.Water 水B.Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳C.Foam 泡沫D.Dry chemical 干粉
11# NO4740 12#NO4684
13# 828#1016# the damaged cargo is not allowed to export without _C_.
a. repairing or replacing b. to repair or to replace c. being repaired or replaced被动式
d. to be repaired or replaced
14#71. when a wind blows round clockwise, it is __D_ . 当风向顺时针方向吹时,叫做()
a. variable 不定b. changing c. backing逆时针变向 d. veering 顺时针变向
16#when reversing, the tidal stream will have a period with little or no effict. This is called
the ________A______.当潮流转向时,将有一段时间潮流没有什么变化,叫做()
平潮 B. range C. rise D. spring
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17# 662#mariners are to ensure that charts and publications are _A__ .
a. kept corrected被动 b. kept correctly c. keeping corrected d. keeping correctly
19#参考NO4745# two vessels meeting in a head-on situation are directed by the rules to
a. alter course to starboard and pass port to port 向右转向,左对左过
b. alter course to port and pass starboard to starboard 向左转向,右对右过
c. decide on which side the passage will occur by matching whistle signals 根据鸣放的笛号
决定哪一舷过d. slow to bare steerageway 减速到能维持舵效的最小速度
20#a(n)______B_______indecates that there is imminent risk for navigation.
y message B. safety message ss alert D. routine message
21#______________port anchor, one shackle in water.抛出左锚,一节入水。
off B. heave up绞起 D. let go
22#NO4877 23#NO4566
24# the master shall be _A__ the marine environment when taking collision- avoiding action.
A. aware of意识到,知道(常用动词固定搭配)B. clear of 让清C. in charge of 负责D.
interested with
25#NO4735NO4835_B_ can be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.
aircraft designed to maneuver on the water 被设计成在水面操纵的航空器
B.a vessel engaged in dredging, surveying or underwater operations正在从事疏浚、测量或
C.a vessel under sail provided that propelling machinery is not used 驶帆的船舶,有机器但
D.a small vessel sailing at night 夜间航行的小船
26#NO4502 chart legends which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed in __A__.
a. capital letters(大写字母) b. italics(斜体字) c. boldface print(黑体字) d. underlined
27# NO4714 28#NO4643
29#NO4707# __D__ are published for the correction of admiralty charts.
a. admiralty sailing direction 英版航路指南b. admiralty list of signals 英版灯标表
c. mariner‟s handbook 航海员手册d. admiralty notices to mariners 英版航海通告
30#NO4681示 31#NO4736 32#NO4713 33#NO4657 34#NO4871
35#if your vessel is the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation __A__.
a. you must keep your course and speed 你应保向保速b. you may change course and
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speed as the other vessel must keep clear 你应改变航向航速,因为应让清他船c. the other
vessel must keep her course and speed 他船应保向保速d. both vessels must keep their
course and speed 两船均应保向保速
37#a ship is said to drag if the anchor______D______
prevent the movement of the ship 能止住船舶的运动 B. will not move over the
bottom不会在海底移动 hold her in position 能使船舶固定在原位不动d, will not hold
her in position无法使船舶固定在原位不动
38#NO4553 39#NO4827
40#914# bottom stowage on board a ship is usually given to _B__.
a. dry cargoes干货b. heavy cargoes 重货c. delicate cargoes易碎货d. the cargoes bound for
the first port of call 运往第一停靠港的货
41#1305#the fog most commonly encountered at sea is called __D_.
a. conduction fog 传导雾b. radiation fog幅射雾c. frontal fog锋面雾d. advection fog平流

43#which of the following statements is true regarding position fixing?(B)
a. it is not necessary to take fixing at every alteration of course每次改向时,不需要定位
b. at each of the position fixed, it is a must to ascertain the course made good每次定位,都应
c. when the ship is at sea, ti is permissible to miss a turning 在海上航行,允许漏掉一次转向
d. it is rare practice to cross-check one nav-aid with another nav-aid 实际工作中,很少利用
44#personnel working aloft (above 2 meters ) should wear ______B_______or other
arresting device at all time.
a. a safety net 安全网b. a safety harness with lifeline安全背带和安全绳c.a life buoy救生圈
d. buoyant garments救生衣
45#please wait for Utopia_______B_______ahead of you.
cross ng crossing
46# 473# a power-driven vessel exhibits the same lights as a __D__. #46
A.vessel towing, when not underway 从事拖带船不在在航时 B. vessel towing astern 从事
尾拖作业中C. sailing vessel 帆船D. pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed, when they
are in a composite unit 顶推船和被顶推船牢固地结合为一个整体
48# medium scale charts mormally have a scale of around 1:30,000 and are mormally
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nce charts 参考图l charts沿岸海图l scale r charts
49#NO4730 50#NO4782 51#NO4664
52#参考NO4737 when visibility is restricted _D__ we can say it is restricted visibility.
A.by long distance 因远距离B. by the darkness at night 在夜间因为黑暗C. by a vessel in
front 被前方的船舶 D. by fog or fallings now被雾或雪
53#NO4831 54#NO4868
55#______B_____should know how to start and operate the emergecy pump.
fire party members灭火小组成员 the crew members所有船员 emergency
party members应急小组成员 the officers and engineers所有驾驶员和轮机员
56# NO4726 57# NO4765 58#NO4633
59#1010# anchor has its own cable twisted around it defines __A_.
a. foul anchor 锚、链绞缠 b. dropping anchor 抛锚c. weighing anchor 锚离底d. walking
back anchor
61# 参考NO4866_________D_______measured at the midship section and taken from
outside of the ship‟s side shell plating on one side to the outside of ship‟s shell plating on the
other side.
perpendicular艉柱 overall总长ips正中e breadth最大
62#659# my propeller was hit by a steel barge lying __B_ .#62
a. ahead船头的 b. astern 船尾的 c. alongside my port bow 靠在左前方的 d. alongside
my starboard bow 靠在右前方的
64# to ease a line means to _____B________
off解掉 out line to remove most of the tention用缆机松出缆绳,使之基本不受
力 up so that one line does not take all the strain再加一条缆绳,使得不会由一条缆
绳承担全部拉力 it off quickly快速松缆
66#参考NO4893雷达天线before work is commenced _____C_____,the officer responsible
should inform the duty engineer to ensure that steps are taken to reduce as far as practicable
the emission of steam, harmful gases and fumes.#3-21 < br>在()处开始工作前,负责该项工作的高级船员应通知值班轮机员采取措施,尽量减少蒸
汽、有毒 气体和烟气的排放。
the ship‟s whistle船上的气笛附近 the vicinity of radio aerials无线电天线附近
the funnel在烟囱上 the radar scanner雷达扫描天线附近
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68#which of the following statements concerning cargo is correct?(B)
s are goods transported in bulk货物是指散装运输的货品s are any type of
goods transported by any type of ships货物是指由各种类型的船舶运输的货品s
usually include goods transported in bulk and in containers货物一般包括散装运输的和用集
装箱运输的货品s are usually packaged in containers货物一般装在集装箱里
69#4607 70#NO4659 71#NO4508
72#182. the lights prescribed by the rules shall be exhibited __A_ .#72
A.from sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility 能见不良时从日出到日落 B. at all times 任
何时候C. from sunset to sunrise, and at no other time 只能从日落到日出,其他时间均不应
显示D. whenever a look-out is posted. 只要安排了了望人员,任何时候
73#1749 VHF radio is one of the very important navigational instruments on board, B
—messages can be sent.#73
A. by which B. through which C. by that D. through that
74#tools and instruments belong to _____B________.
meterials原材料ed metallic products金属制品able products易耗
品 metallic products未经加工的金属制品
75#810. 参考NO4773the principal purpose of adjustment of the magnetic compass is to
eliminate _C__ as far as possible.#75#2-80#3-22
a. variation 磁差b. compass error 罗经差 c. deviation 自差d. earth‟s magnetic force 地球
76#4576 77#NO4677
78#377. can you _B__ survivors ?#78
A.take out取出B. pick up拾起,(偶然)得到;(车船)中途搭(人),学会 C. stretch out
伸展;伸手拿D. draw out拔出
79#512. NO4619
81#When the movement of engine is no longer required the pilot usually gives the order like
this ___D___. [195](5060)
A. Stop engine B. Nothing to port C. Finish engines D. Finished with engines
82#257. midships refers to rudder to be held _D_ .#82
A. in position to starboard 靠右位置 B. in position to port 靠左位置C. in position to
anywhere 任何位置D. in position fore and aft 放在与船舶首尾线平等位置
83#”alto ”stands for _____C_______.#3-4

84#1081. you intend to overtake a vessel in a narrow channel. As you approach the other
vessel‟s stern _C__.#84 ?
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a. you will gain speed 你船船速会变快b. both vessels will gain speed 两船船速都会变快c.
the vessels will drift together 两船会相吸d. the vessels will drift apart 两船会相斥
86#1663. 参考NO4727a relative bearing is always measure from ___D__.
a. true north 真北b. magnetic north 磁北c. the vessel‟s beam船舶正横方向 d. the vessel‟s
head 船头
87#who can contact the designated person?(D)#2-33
senior officer所有资深驾驶员 captain船长 designated person指定人员
officers and crew船上所有人员
88#NO4647 NO4887Pan-Pan repeated three times over the radiotelephone indicates which
type of message will following?__D___.#88
a. distress b. safety c. all clear d. urgency
90#1822 Please C that my ship is ready in every respect to load her cargo.#90
A. advised B. to be advised C. be advised D. are advised
91#330. I expect to _B__ when tide rises.#91
A. aground搁浅 B. refloat 重新起浮、脱浅C. stranded 搁浅D. hit the rock 撞上礁石
92#733.参考NO4753(segregation) a bad separation makes the cargo _B_ at its
a. easier to discharge 卸货更容易b. more difficulty to discharge 卸货更难c. easier to load
装货更容易d. more difficulty to load 装货更容易
94#132. 参考NO4733(总长)the word “breadth of a vessel” in international regulations for
preventing collision at sea 1972 means _D_ .#94
A.the molded breadth 型宽B. the registered breadth登记宽度 C. the breadth amidships
船中宽度 D. the maximum breadth最大宽度
95# Rudder position is shown on the bridge by the __A____.[1362](2050)
A. rudder angle indicator 舵角指示器 B. follow-up gaer 随动装置C. telemotor position
遥控马达位置 D. Rapson slide indicator
96#_______C______is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary.
bulbous bow球鼻首 bow thruster艏侧推器 anchor锚 propeller螺旋

98#in the logbook, sc stands for___C_____.#1-98#3-83
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ite fix卫星船位ard course向右的航向 course定向 by engine
99#1766 There has been a collision in sea area of Fork. A .#99
A. Stand by to give assistance 随时准备前往救助B. Stand by to alter course随时准备转向
C. Stand by to stop engine 随时准备停车 by to go astern随时准备后退

机考第二卷 JK02

1#NO4850 2#JK0152 3#NO4672 4# NO4722
5#the word_____C____will indicate that the transmitting party wishes to change from
speaking to listening下列哪个词表示发射方想由说变为听()
ng ing
6# NO4676
A. Don't take in the stern line. 不要收回尾缆B. Take in the stern line. 收回尾缆
C. Send out the stern line.松出尾缆 D. Heave up the stern line 把尾缆绞上来
8#____C__provides strength and storage space for fuel, lubricating oil, fresh water,
salt(ballast) water and potable water.
navigating bridge驾驶台 cofferdam['kɔfədæm]干隔舱 double bottom双
9#983. if you receive the signal over radiotelephone of Rome Papa Tango while using the
international code of signals, you should _B__.#2-9
在无线电话通信中,如果听到有人对你用国际无线电码语说“Rome Papa Tango”,你应()
a. report to the caller 向呼叫者报告 b. repeat your last transmission 把你刚才说的重复一
遍 c. continue since he received your last transmission 继续说,因为他听到了你刚才说的
内容 d. end the transmission 停止发射
10#NO4865when a ship is in winter zone and in seawater of density 1025, she must not load
to more than the upper edge of the line marked___________.#2-10(winter)#3-95(tropical)
11#NO4645 12#NO4799 13#NO4898 14#NO4842 15#NO4687
16#NO4669 17#NO4881
18#The helm command nothing to port means do not_____D_______
舵令“nothing to port”表示不要()
left rudder使用左舵 to right of the ordered course向指定的航向右侧转向
to left of the ordered course向指定的航向左转向 any bouys on the port side
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19#I am __D____ attack of pirates.[2421](5060)我受到海盗袭击。
A. on B. in C. at D. under
20#NO4618 21#NO4869 22#NO4651 23 #NO4543
24#1320. the anchor was heaved aweigh means ___D___.#2-24#3-89
a. the anchor was weighted锚被称重b. the anchor was let go 锚被抛下
c. the anchor was lost 锚丢失 d. the anchor was clear of the bottom 锚离开海底
25# 1841#Mariners must ascertain that deck loads are stowed in such a manner as
A. to affect the vessel‟s stability 影响船舶稳性B. not to affect the vessel‟s stability不会影响
船舶稳性C. to keep the vessel on even keel 使船舶平吃水D. not to keep the vessel on even
27#1262. the wheel order steady means _C__. #2-27#3-31
A. the steering gear is very stable 操舵设备非常稳定b. the rudder is to be held in the fore
and aft position 把舵板稳在与首尾平行位置上c. reducing swing as rapidly as possible 以最
快的速度减小船舶偏航(把航向稳住)d. reducing amount of rudder angle to certain degrees
29#Your vessel is approaching a bend. You hear a prolonged blast from around the bend.
You should ____C__. [2301](6050)
A. back your engines 倒车B. stop your engines and drift 停车漂航C. answer with one
prolonged blast 回答一长声D. sound the danger signal 鸣放警告信号
30# A light signal consisting of three flashes means __D____.#0014.(903)
A.I am in doubt as to your actions 我对你的行动有疑问B.My engines are full speed astern
我船正在全速后退C.I desire to overtake you 我想追越你船D.I am operating astern
propulsion 我正在倒车
32#1519. fog is likely to occur when there is little difference between the dew point and the
a. relative humidity 相对湿度b. air temperature 气温 c. barometric pressure气压d.
absolute humidity 绝对湿度
33#JK0187 34#NO4675
35#参考JK0146When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed are rigidly connected in a
composite unit, they shall be regarded as __C__.
a. a tugboat 一艘拖轮b. a sailing vessel 一艘帆船 c. a power- driven vessel一艘机动船 d.
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a vessel propelled by machinery and under sail 一艘使用机器推进的帆船
36#396. all of the following are engaged in fishing except _B_.#2-36
A.a vessel trawling 一艘正在进行拖网作业的船舶B. a vessel trolling一艘正在用曳绳钓钓
鱼的船舶C. a vessel setting nets 一艘正在放网的船舶D. a vessel tending lines 一艘正在照
38#917. as to the torn bags, I‟ll tell the shipper to _A__ them up.#2-38
a. resew重新缝合 b. rejoin 重新连接 c. renail 重新钉上d. resold再出售
39# 1784#The present voyage of my ship began at the port of Shanghai after loading 8000
tons of cargo on board and ended after discharging the cargo at the port of Hong Kong,
which is A .#2-39
我船这一航次开始于上海(在上海装了8000吨货物),到香港卸货后结束, 香港是我船的
A. the port of destination 目的港 B. the next port of call 下一停靠港C. the port of arrival
到达港 D. the last port of call上一停靠港
40#参考NO4627573#the ship‟s draught forward is slightly deeper than the draught aft.
This condition is called ___A_ in shipping terms.#2-40
a. trim by the head 首倾 b. trim by the stern 尾倾c. even keel 平吃水d. drafts different 吃
41#___D__is a radio receiver with ability to sense direction of the incoming radio waves.
echo sounder测深仪 radar雷达 course recorder航向记录仪
direction finder测向仪
42#NO4677 43#NO4813 44#NO4760
45#1609. admiralty notices to mariners are published __B____.#2-45
a. every day 每天b. every week 每周 c. every month 每月d. every year 每年
46#1316. the arrangement of charts in the catalogue is _A__ .#2-46
a. on a regional basis按区域 b. on a national basis 按国家 c. shown orderly 出现的顺序
d. appeared from A to W从A排到Z
47#429. a vessel sailing shall keep out of the way of all of the following vessels except a vessel
帆船应给下列各船让路,( )除外。
A. not under command 失控船 B. engaged on pilotage duty 从事引航任务 C. restricted
in her ability to maneuver 操限船D. engaged in fishing 从事捕鱼船
48#you are communicating by radiotelephone using the intermational code of signals. What
is the correct method of sending the group 1.3?( )
point tree point tree decimal terrathree decimal three
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49#1753 Vessel towing with the current shall tow more than two boats and they
must be towed alongside.#-2-49
A. at times 有时、间或B. at any time 任何都可以 C. at no time 任何时候都不可以D. at
51# If Annex V to MARPOL 7378 applies to your vessel,you will not be able to discharge
___ ___ anywhere at sea.0395.(903)
如果MARPOL 7378规则附则V适用于你船,则在任何你都不允许将()排放入海。
A.Plastic 塑料B.Metal 金属C.Glass 玻璃D.Paper 纸
52#134. the VTS has been designed to aid in ___ .#2-52
prevention of collision 防止碰撞 B. the promotion of the traffic flow 改善船舶通航C.
the complying of port regulation 遵守港章节D. the development of navigational technique
53# 1842#Loading cargo operation in hold No.3 stopped owing to ___________.#2-53
A. gangs employed 雇用工班B. windlass trouble 起锚故障C. gangs unavailable 缺少工班
D. shortage of navigational charts缺少海图
54# NO4765 55#NO4839
56#___________is the navigational timekeeper of the vessel.
marine sextant航海六分仪 magnetic compass磁罗经 chronometer天文钟
57#Which action should you take after sending a false distress alert on VHF?( )
A. Send a DSC cancellation message on Ch-70. 在CH70上发出DSC取消信息
B. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-16. 在CH16上用语音发出取消
C. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-13. 在CH13上用语音发出取消
D. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-22A. 在CH22A上用语音发出取
58#NO4882 59#NO4670
60# how long would 15 minutes of longitude be at a latitude of 60 degrees north?( )
A.60nm 60海里B.30nm30海里 C.15nm15海里 D.7.5nm(D  Depsec60---Dep= D
cos60 )
61#NO4710 62#NO4658 63#NO4686
64#1286. the rules state that a seaplane shall ___.#2-64
a. not be regarded as a vessel 不被认主是船舶b. in general, keep well clear of all vessels 通
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常应让清所有船舶c. proceed at a slower speed than surrounding vessels 以低于周围其他船
舶的速度航行d. when making way, show the lights for a vessel not under command 当前进
66#927. a buoy, being a shape of cylinder and with red group flashing , shows that it is_____.
a. left-side buoy 左侧标 b. right-side buoy 右侧标 c. a buoy of safety 安全水域标d. a
buoy of danger 危险标
67#JK0116 68#NO4597
69#1905#________is a full nautical record of a ship‟s voyage, written up at the end of each
watch by the officer of the watch.#2-69
A. Sea protest 海事声明 B. Deck log 航海日志C. Accident report 事故报告D. Seaman‟s
71#参考NO4503Isogonic lines are lines on a chart indicating ___.#2-71
a. points of equal variation磁差相同的各点b. points of zero variation 磁差为0的各点
c. the magnetic latitude 磁纬度d. magnetic dip 磁倾角
72#NO4552 73#NO4773 74#NO4580 75#NO4828 76#NO4606 77#NO4759
78#677. is extra power available _______ emergency while maneuvering?#2-78
a. for b. in c. during d. to
79#at sea, speed is measured in knots. 1 knot equals__________.
A.1 nautical mile per minute一海里每分钟B.1 kilometer per hour一公里每小时C.1
nautical mile per hour一海里每小时D.1 kilometer per minute一公里每分钟
80#JK0175 81#NO4667
82#the purpose of musters and drills is to__________.
应急部署表及应急演习的目的是( )
fires灭水 persons救助人员 well prepared for dangerous situations当
真正遇上危险情况时能做到训练有素 a good organization保持良好秩序
83# 参考NO4529Of the vessel listed. Which must keep out of the way of all the other?( )
下列各种船中,哪一类船应给其他各类船舶让路( )
A.a vessel constrained by her draft吃水受限船B.a vessel on pilotage duty从事引航任务船舶
C.a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver操限船D.a vessel engaged in fishing
84#118. to _______ sanitary water from any vessel, an application shall be made to harbor
authorities for approval.#2-84
为了( )卫生污水,应向港口当局提交一份请求批准的申请。()
a. discharg 排放 b. recircle循环 c. load 装 d. take in 吸收,接受
85#NO4684 86#NO4782
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87#1745 When the ship causes oil pollution to the port, she will be .#2-87
A. fined 被罚款 B. levied 被征收(税等);C. paid 被付款 D. deducted 被减免
88#NO4834 89#NO4622
90# on completion of corrections of all notices from NM, mark _____ on the front cover page
of the NM with the same.
92#1574. before sailing, mariners on duty shall check the headings of magnetic compass by
comparison with _______. #2-92
A. ship‟s clock 船钟B. engine movement recorder 主机运动记录仪C. repeaters 复示器D.
navigation lights 航行灯
93#my ship needs a pilot.我船需要一名引航员。
94#0133. The following ___A___ is a standard phrase.
A.WARNING.You are running into danger B.You are possibly running into danger
C.You could be in the case of running into danger D.You could,I think,be running into
4.1 My position is bearing ... degrees ..., distance ... kilometres nautical miles from ... .
18.1 The conditionals “can”
May:Do not say:
Do not say:
Might:Do not say:
Should:Do not say:
Could:Do not say:
Say: ARNING. You are running into danger.
Can: Do not say:
95#NO4820 96#NO4711 97#NO4734
98#1448. in anchoring orders, up and down means ____.锚令中,“锚链垂直”表示()
chain is not upright锚链不垂直b. the chain is tight锚链紧 c. the chain is upright 锚链
垂直 d. the chain is slack 锚链松
99#NO4809 100#NO4631
机考第三卷 JK03
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1#53. where one of two vessels is to keep out of the way the other _____ .
A.shall not keep her course but shall keep her speed 不应保向保速B.shall keep her course
and speed 应保向保速C.shall keep her course but change her speed 应保向变速D.all of
the above
2#___________indicates the date when this chart was partly or completely revised and
corrections小改正d edition修订版 edition新版 data资料来

3#1837 Masts and derricks of cargo ships are made of _______.
A. steel 钢铁 B. copper黄铜C. bross(bronze)青铜D. zinc锌
4# NO4650
5# when approaching a fog bank or rain squall,___________should always be switched on.
g signals lights
6# NO4727 7#NO4826
8# 1995#The major use of water in fighting fires is to __________.#3-8
ate the fire 窒息 the oxygen supporting the fire 吸收支持燃烧的氧气
as a cooling agent 作为降温材料 the fire away冲走火苗
9#NO4739 10#NO4784 11#NO4566 12#NO4561 13#NOJK0207 14# NO4653
15# NO4660 16#JK0116
17#参考 order for a vessel to be engaged in fishing she must be _______.
ay 在航 B. using gear which extends more than 50 meters outboard 使用的渔具
伸出舷外50米以上C. using a seine of some type [sein] 使用某种围网D. using gear which
restricted her maneuverability 使用的渔具限制了其操纵能力
18#JK0186 19#NO4656 20#NO4688 21#NO4893 22#JK0175
23# Which chart symbol indicates the bottom is clay ________.#0105.(903)
A.Cly B.Cla C.Cl D.C (航海学P33)
海图上表示构成海底表面物质的各种符号,国际上常用英文缩写字母表示。主要名称 用大
先 上层后下层,先形容词后底质种类。
24#2937. While loading bunkers, you notice oil on the water near the vessel. What should
you do first? ________.#3-24
a. stop loading 停止加油 b. notify the port authority 通知港口当局c. notify the
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terminal superintendent 通知码头上的安全监督员d. determine if you vessel is the source
25#which of the following statements about general cargoes is not correct?( )
A. general cargoes are packaged hazardous cargoes杂货即包装危险品货物B. general
cargoes are also called breakbulk cargo杂货又称散装货物C. general cargoes are neither
liquid nor solid bulk cargo杂货既不是液货又不是固体散货D. general cargoes are mostly
carried on container ships now如今杂货大多数由集装箱船运输
26 NO4747
27#389. an overtaken vessel means a vessel ______.#3-27
A. which has been overtaken by another vessel 已经被他船追越B. which is going to
overtake another vessel 将要追越他船 has overtaken another vessel 已经追越他船
D. which is going to be overtaken by another vessel 将要被他船追越
28#why is the NSM Code mandatory?( )
save money for the company为公司省钱 improve safety提高安全 satisfy US
Coasthuard使美国海岸警卫队满意 get lover insurance premiums得到令人满意的保险

30# The injured stevedore paid ______ attention to the loading instructions from the chief
A.Small B.Little C.Few D.A few
32#when steering by autopilot, how often should manual steering be checked?( )
day每天 time allows当时间允许时 least once a watch每班至少一次
checking is necessary不需要
33#_________ is used for measuring horizontal and vertical angles.
chronometer天文钟 marine sextant航海六分仪 magnetic compass磁罗经
34#which of the following cases is the situation when most panic occurs?( )
ng gear failure操舵设备故障ning ship弃船 engine failure主机故

35# NO4854 36#NO4775 37#NO4870
38#___________are generally best for handling acids, alkalis, 【化】碱;强碱;碱金属various
types of oils, solvents and chemicals in general.
gloves橡胶手套-resistant gloves耐热手套 gloves(polyvinyl chloride)
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聚氯乙烯手套r gloves皮手套
40#_________is normally responsible for maintaining records of corrections to navigational
charts and nautical publications.
second third chief PSC officer
41#NO4871 42#NO4625
43#Spring tides are tides that ___ ___.0738.(2051)
A.have lows lower than normal and highs higher than normal与普通潮汐相比,低潮更低,
高潮更高 B.have lows higher than normal and highs lower than normal与普通潮汐相比,
低潮更高,高潮更低C.are unpredictable 不可预测D.occur in the spring of the year 每
44#JK0183 45# NO4819 46#NO4570
47#1205. when is a stand-on vessel first allowed by the rules to take action in order to avoid
collision? _______#3-47
a. when the two vessels are less than half a mile from each other 当两船接近到距离小于半
海里时b. when the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action to avoid collision 当让路
船明显没有采取适当的避让行动时c. when collision is imminent 当出现紧迫危险时d. the
stand-on vessel is never allowed to take action 任何时候不允许直航船采取行动
48#NO4881 49#JK0108 50#NO4891 51#NO4690 52#NO4669 53#NO4574
54#NO4757 55#NO47100 56#NO4701 57#JK0167 58#NO4723 59NO4702
60# 2634#A disk with a horizontal line through its center, equivalent to the summer load line,
is called the ________. #3-60
A. deadrise mark船底斜度B. maximum allowable draft mark 最大允许吃水标志C.
plimsoll mark 载重线圈D. tonnage mark 吨位标志
61#NO4637 62#NO4657 63#NO4880
64#1072. you see another vessel approaching, and its compass bearing does not significantly
would indicate that _______.#3-64
a. you are the stand-on vessel 你是直航船b. risk of collision exists 存在碰撞危险c. a special
circumstances situation exists 存在特殊情况d. the other vessel is dead in the water 另一船
65#________water is the water in the tank to keep the ship‟s stability.
t压载 溢(或溅出)的液体,废油,洗舱油污水ry卫生污水
67#________ must be held, within 24 hours of leaving port if more than 25% of the crew
have not taken part in drills on board the shp in the previous month.
orientation activity定向 emergency meeting紧急会议 abandon ship drill and
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a fire drill救生消防演习d crew training船上船员训练
69#which refers to the living place for seafarers?( )
A.store room储藏室尾甲板odation生活区餐厅
70#491. ______ shall be deemed as vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.
下列哪一种可认为是操限船( )。
A.vessel engaged in transferring persons while alongside 在码头上靠泊时从事转运人员
B.vessel engaged in replenishment of fuel while moored to buoys 系浮筒时补充燃油
C.vessel engaged in transferring provisions while underway 在航中从事补给
D.vessel in the area in which there are too many fishing boats 在有很多从事捕鱼船的海区

72# The BEST holding ground for conventional anchors is _________.#1115.(2051)
A.Sand 沙B.Very soft mud 软泥C.Shale页岩;泥板岩D.Rock 石
73#NO4877 74#NO4820 75#NO4782 76#NO4812
77#143. the term power-driven vessel means ______ in these rules.
A.any sailing vessel with propelling machinery任何用机器推进的帆船B.any vessel
propelled by machinery任何用机器推进的船舶C.any sailing vessel with or without
machinery for propelling 任何帆船,不管是否用机器推进D.any sailing vessel with
propelling machinery not in use任何装有推进器但不在使用的帆船
78#NO4815 79#NO4733
80#449. a vessel is _______ when she is not at anchor, made fast to the shore, or
A. underway 在航B. making way对水运动 C. dead in the water 不对水运动D. a power
driven vessel 机动船
81#all of the following are practices of good seamanship EXCEPT_________.
ining an alert radar watch in reduced visibility能见度受限水域中保持不间断的雷
达观测g a flare-up light to attract attention when you are not under command当失
控时显示强光灯以招引他船注意 meeting, altering course to the left to increase sea
room 会遇时向左转向以增大会遇距离ining a proper lookout from sunrise to
82#________is an indication that the weather is about to clear.
ning clouds厚厚的云层 clouds上升云ng clouds低悬的云
ring clouds分散、稀少的云
83#JK0198 84#NO4678
85#1899#__________will be paid by shipowners after tallyman doing the tally work.#3-85
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A. Cargo-handling expenses 货物装卸费B. Tally money C. Cargo-tallyiong dues 应支付
的;欠款的;欠的 D. Tally fees理货费
87#_____________is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection.
funnel烟囱 galley厨房 massroom 餐厅 satellite antenna 卫星天
88# NO4750 89#JK0224
90# The shortest distance between any two points on earth defines a __ _____.0704.(903)
A.Small circle 小圆B.Great circle 大圆C.Rhumb line恒向线 D.Hyperbola 双曲线
91#NO4676 92#NO4609
93#482. give wide berth to the breakwater means _____.#3-93
B.keep clear of the breakwater 让清防波堤B. there is much berth space near the
breakwater 防波堤附近有宽阔的水域 C. don‟t drop anchor too close to the breakwater
不要太靠近防波堤抛锚D. keep out the breakwater保持在防波堤以外
94#N04745 95#NO4865
96# ________is where the crew eat their meals.船员吃饭的地方是(C)
funnel ['fʌnəl]烟囱 galley厨房 messroom餐厅 satellite antenna卫星
97#1463. 参考NO4616If you shorten the scope of anchor cable, your anchor‟s holding
power ___.( )如果缩短出链长度,则锚的抓力会()
a. decreases 减少 b. increases 增加 c. remains the same 保持不变d. has no relation to the
scope 与出链长度无关
99# First aid means ______.1838.(903)
A.Medical treatment of accident 事故的医疗救治B.Setting of broken bones 接上断骨
C.Emergency treatment at the scene of the injury 对受伤人员的现场紧急救治D.Dosage of
100# 参考NO4505you are to join the convoy at 1745 hours.( )
leave离开b. sail for 开往c. take part in参加 d. make
机考第四卷 JK04
1、No4669 2、JK0290
3、Which of following statements is true about VHF?( )
VHF is used to bridge short 用于短距离之间的通信 VHF,
listening and speaking can be done simultaneously.使用VHF,听、说可同时进行 you
wish to speak, you release the button.当你想说时,放开按钮 you wish to listen, you
push the button.当你想听时,按下按钮
4、No4672 5、No4604 6、JK0245 7、JK0356 8、No4882 9、JK0294
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10、Lifejackets should be stowed in _______.
pumproom泵房内y accessible spaces可轻易到达的地方 forepeaks前尖
舱内 watertight containters上锁的水密容器内
11、No4616 12、No4828 13、No4621 14、JK0236
15、参考N o4784、The terrestrial system of GMDSS consists of______.
-telephony, DSC, Direct Printing Telegraphy, Navtex and SART
B. radio-telephony, DSC, EPIRB, Navtex and SART
T, DSC, Direct Printing Telegraphy, Navtex and SART
Recording system, DSC, Direct Printing Telegraphy, Navtex and SART
16、No4551 17、JK0330 18、No4860 19、No4731 20、No4649
21、Maintennance of charts and nautical publications up to date is a statutory requirement
under the __B___Convention.

23、Which one of the following is not a right way to call an unknown vessel on VHF?(D)
ing to her movements根据其运动态势ing to her characteristics根据其特
征ing to her cargo 根据其货物ing to her crewmembers根据其船员
26、When underway in a channel, you should keep to the______B_______.
side of the channel航道左侧
ard side of the channel航道右侧
of the channel航道中央
of the channel that has the widest turns航道弯度最大的一侧
27、Day-shapes must be displayed_____A_____.
daylight hours in any visibility白天任何能见度情况下
between 8AM and 4PM只能在上午8点到下午4点之间
n sunset and sunrise日落到日出之间
daylight hours in unrestricted visibility only只能在能见度不受限制的白天
28、In a weather report GMT stands for___B_____.
l mean time一般平时
ich mean time格林尼治平时
l management treaty一般管理条例
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30、A vessel engaged in replenishment or transferring persons, provisions or cargo while
underway can be regarded as____B_____.
A.a vessel constrained by her draft吃水受限船舶
B.a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver操限船
C.a vessel not under command失控船
D.a power-driven vessel机动船
31、2665The inner bottom is the _____A_______.
A. tank top 内底板 B. compartment between the tank top and shell of the vessel 内底板与
船体壳板之间的舱室C. inner side of the vessel‟s shell 船体壳板的内侧 D. space between
two transverse bottom frames 两个横向底部骨架(肋骨)之间的空间
35、(参考No4724JK0207)1531”Ease the rudder”means to__A____.
A. decrease the rudder angle 减小舵角
B. move the rudder slowly in the direction of the most recent rudder command 按刚下的舵
令的方向慢慢操舵 C. bring the rudder amidships 回到正舵 D. steer the course which is
your present heading 按照当前的船首向把定
46、_______is the head of the Deck Department.
Chief Officer
B. The third Officer
C. The second Officer
D. The master
52、single up forward to head line and spring means__B____.
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go the head line and spring only只解掉头缆和倒缆
go all the lines except a head line and a spring船头除留一根头缆和一根倒缆外,其余缆
go all the lines forward incluking head line and spring把包括头缆和倒缆在内的船头缆
go the head line and spring including all the lines解掉头缆和倒缆,包括所有缆绳
参考350. forward station, single up forward _C__ head line and spring.
A. in B. on C. to D. by
65、2252 After using a CO
portable extinguisher, it should be ___D______.
back in service if some CO
remains 如瓶内仍有二氧化碳气体,把它放回原处 B.
hydrostatically tested 进行静水力测试 C. retagged 重新贴上标签 D. recharged 重新充装
68、418. a vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall not _C__.
a traffic 横穿通航分道B. engage in fishing the separation zone 在分隔带内从事
C. proceed in an inappropriate traffic lane 在不适当的通航分道内航行 D. enter the
separation zone 进入通航分隔带
71、参考JK0251you will not be able to discharge ___ ___ anywhere at sea.0395.(903)
A.Plastic 塑料B.Metal 金属C.Glass 玻璃D.Paper 纸
72、817. the most important principle in the cargo stowage is _B__ .
a. to avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on board 避免对船上的货物进行翻舱
b. to ensure the safety of the ship and cargo 保证船舶与货物的安全
c. to reject the damaged cargo during loading operation装货过程中,拒绝损坏的货物装船
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d. to prevent the spontaneous combustion of the coal and grain 防止煤及谷物自燃
74、780. vessels required _B__ (Singapore) port service when passing the points indicated.
A. communicating with B. to communicate with C. be communicated D. will
81、参考No4530478. A continuous sounding of a fog-signal apparatus indicates _A__.
A. the vessel is in distress 船舶遇险B. the vessel has completed loading dangerous cargo
船舶完成危险品货物装载 C. it is safe to pass 通过是安全的 D. the vessel is anchored
87、1828 On no account A to be exceeded.
A. is the S.W.L. of the crane B. are the S.W.L. of the crane C. the the
crane is D. the S.W.L. of the crane are
89、Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog? ___B___
A. both vessels两船都是B. neither vessel两船都不是C. the on port side D. the vessel on
starboard side
参考No4644. Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog?
A. both vessels两船都是B. neither vessel两船都不是C. the stand-on vessel直航船D. the
give-way vessel 让路船
91、When the density of the water is 1.000, i.e. in fresh water and in summer zone a ship may
load up to the upper edge of the line marked____D___.
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98、(参考No4603)Left and right inner graduated borderlines of the chart are B .
of latitude纬度刻度 of longitudes经度刻度s rose罗经花
100、1522. five or more short blasts on a vessel‟s whistle indicates that she is __A_.
A. in doubt that another vessel is taking sufficient action to avoid a collision 对他船是否正
在采取充分的避碰行动表示怀疑b. altering course to starboard 正在向右转向 c. altering
course to port 正在向左转向 d. the stand-on vessel and will maintain course and speed 是
机考第五卷 JK05
of the following are distress signals under the Rules except___B___.
-colored smoke橙色烟雾信号
B.a green star signal绿色火星信号
repeated raising and lowering of outstretched arms双臂外伸,重复上下摆动
5.1740 Would you mind D some dunnage materials for us ?
A. order B. to order C. to ordering D. ordering
mind 后接动名词。
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28.___B___is used for providing homing signals from survival craft for detecting by 9GHZ
and Rescue Transponder搜救雷达反射器
ncy Position Indicating Radio Beacon应急无线电示位标
l selective calling数字选择性呼叫
you are on deck and see a man fall overboard, what should you do?( A )
shout “man overboard” and throw a lifebuoy to the man in water大喊“有人落水”并
put on a lifebuoy and jump into the water to rescue the person in water带上救生圈并跳
run to the bridge and keep a sharp lookout跑到驾驶台并保持认真了望
inform the bridge and try to rescue the person in water通知驾驶台并尝试救助落水人

side of a ship which is farther from the winds is____A____.
y side 航道一侧
sea side外海一侧
ead side港外锚地一侧
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ard Emdrgency Drills must be carried out at least___B_____onboard cargo ship.
a year每年举行一次
a month每月举行一次
every third year每三年举行一次
a week每周举行一次
52. 1346. Positions read from this chart should be moved 0.08 minutes southwards and
0.13 minutes eastwards so as __D___ adjoining chart 3446.
为了与相邻的3446号海图(),从 本张海图上读出的船位经纬度应分别向东移0.13分,向
A. to agree upon B. in accordance with 根据 C. to be same as 相同 D. to agree with 相符
56._____B______is a point midway between the forward and the after perpendicular.
e breadth最大宽度
information regarding ports such as buoyed channels, fairway, location and number
of terminals, river channels, details of navigational marks, location of overhead bridges,
underground cables etc. are shown in___C____.
标志的 详细资料、桥的位置、水下电缆等)一般显示在()中。
-scale charts中等比例尺海图
- scale charts小比例尺海图
- scale charts大比例尺海图
l scale charts自然比例尺海图
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79.1890 After dropping the pilot means _____B_______.
A. after boarding the pilot 引航员登轮后 B. after the pilot leaving the ship 引航员离船后
C. after the pilot going on board 引航员上船后D. after taking the pilot接上引航员后
85. 433. a vessel or seaplane on the water is considered to be underway when __D___.
is at anchor 锚泊中B. she is made fast to shore 系岸中C. she is aground 搁浅中D.
her anchor ceases to hold 锚的抓力抓不住时(即走锚时)
is a correct reply to a pilot‟s request.”How‟s your heading?”( D )
to 10°rudder慢慢回舵到10°
g 50°刚过50°
shall change course __B_ starboard.
A. on B. to C. in D. of
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100. 457. a vessel being pushed ahead is required to carry which of the following lights?
( B )
ghts and a stern light 舷灯和尾灯B. sidelights only 仅显示舷灯C. sidelights and a
small white light at each end 舷灯,另在各端部显示一盏小白灯D. a small white light at
each end 在各端部显示一盏小白灯
机考第六卷 JK06
7. 150. the ship should reduce speed in _A_ .
A. the poor visibility 能见度差 B. the good night 好的夜晚 C. the fast speed 高速D. the
good sight 视力好
8.区别No4780No4883 A(n)___A___ indicates that there is serious and immediate danger
for vessel, crew and passenger.
A. distress alert遇险警报B. urgency message 紧急信息C. safety message安全信息D.
routine message日常通信
15.153 the ship is moored ___ buoys.
A. of B. on C. alongside D. to
19.A horizontal line 450mm long and 25mm wide cuts through the loadline disc. It is called
ll disc载重线圈
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ll line载重线
deck line甲板线
load line夏季载重线
23.885If you had started loading earlier, you___C___ loading now.
A. would finish B. will have finished C. would have finished D. will be finished
is motion along the __C_ .
a. longitudinal axis 纵轴b. transverse axis 横轴c. vertical axis 垂轴d. centerline axis首尾
lly, you can best keep a vessel under steering constrol when the vessel
way on, with engines stopped不动且停车时
way on, with engines full ahead船舶不动,主机全速时
should you do in case of steering failure?( C )
master and engine room, sound emergency alarm, and exhibit appropriate signals
master and call all deck hands to stand by on forward station通知船长,叫所有水
master and then inform engine room to stop engines通知船长,并通知机舱停车
master and engine room, sound fire alarm and hoist NUC signal通知船长和机舱,
officer of the watch should ___C__ comply with the collision rules.
a. some times 有时 b. often 经常c. at all times 在任何时候 d. seldom 偶尔
stowage must be reduced to __A__ .
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a. the minimum 最小 b. to little amount 少量 c. the maximum 最大 d. to great amount
sight a vessel showing a white light under a green light. This would indicate
which of the following ? __D__
A. a vessel fishing with nets 正在用网从事捕鱼 B. a vessel engaged in underwater
operations 正在从事水下作业C. a vessel surveying 正在从事测量工作 D. a vessel
trawling 正在从事拖网捕鱼
ing to the rules, the length of a prolonged blast is _D__ .
A. about ten seconds in duration 大约10秒钟 B. from two to four seconds in duration 二到
四秒钟 C. not less eight seconds in duration 不少于八秒钟D. from four to six seconds in
43. The phrase VESSEL IN BALLAST usually means ____D____ .
A. the ship is fully loaded 船舶处于满载状态B. the ship loaded with water 船舶装水C. a
ship with cargo 船上有货 D. a ship with no cargo船上无货
No4685 In ballast means that the ship is _C__ .
A. loading with cargo装有货物B. in danger处于危险中C. not carrying cargo没有装货D.
discharging cargo 正在卸货
hair should always be covered by______B_______when working with or near
moving machinery.
ear plug耳塞
C.a helmet头盔
scale charts cover large areas of ocean and are also called____A______.
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nce charts 参考图
l charts 沿岸海图
l scale charts 自然比例尺海图
r charts 港图
72. Deviation changes with a change in ___C_.
A. latitude 纬度 B. longitude 经度C. heading 艏向d. sea condition海况
参考1396. magnetic variation changes with a change in __D__.
A. the vessel‟s heading 船舶艏向 B. sea conditions 海况C. seasons 季节D. the vessel‟s
of the following equipment is for body protection?( D )
s and spectacles护目镜
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ing apparatus呼吸器具
____B____the information concerning the tons per centimeter immersion of a vessel
shall be usually found.
ion curve磁差曲线图
weight scale载重量表尺
of azimuth方位表
ard assignment干舷要求
89. 1673. a mercator chart is a __A__.
a. cylindrical projection 柱形投影海图 b. simple conic projection 单圆锥投影海图
c. polyconic projection 多圆锥投影海图 d. rectangular projection 直角投影海图
a crossing situation, a vessel fishing must keep out of the way a vessel which is
A. under sail 驶帆船舶B. towing 正在从事拖带船舶 C. restricted in her ability to
maneuver 操限船D. engaged in pilotage duty 从事引航任务
to getting underway, the master or person in charge of a vessel must___C___.
t a boat drill举行救生演习
t a fire drill举行消防演习
the fore and aft draft marks记录前后吃水
the emergency generator检测应急发电机
98.1765 There is plenty of room at the anchorage.( D )
A. a lot of area 很大面积 B. enough space 足够多的空间 C. many rooms 很多房间
D. plenty of berth很多泊位
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