高级英语阅读教程(上册)Lesson1-4 期中复习资料
高级英语阅读教程(上册)Lesson1-4 期中复习资料
1. bane : a cause of harm, ruin, or
death 祸根,祸害
2. exclusive : reserved for or
limited to the person or group concerned 独有的,专用的
3. dispense: to deal out in parts or portions;
distribute & to prepare and distribute (medicine),
esp. on prescription 分配,分发
4. rebellion :
an act or a show of defiance toward an authority
or established convention 叛乱,
straitjacket : a severe restriction or limitation
6. authoritarianism : policy of
unquestioning obedience to the authority of a
dictator or a
dictatorial group 独裁主义
paradox : a seemingly contradictory statement that
may nonetheless be true 悖论
8. paradoxical :
seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly
true 矛盾的,似是而非的
9. decolonization : giving
political independence to a country that was
previously a colony.≠
colonization 非殖民地化
10. premature : happening before the proper or
expected time 过早的,不成熟的
11. underprivileged :
lacking opportunities or advantages enjoyed by
other members of one's
community; deprived 贫困的
12. disparity : difference or inequality 不同,差异
13. relegate : ~ sbsth. (to sth.) dismiss
sbsth to a lower or less important rank, task or
state 降
14. erode : to wear (sth.)
away by or as if by abrasion 腐蚀,削弱
prerogative : right or privilege, esp one
belonging to a particular person or group 特权
16. spur : something that serves as a goad or
an incentive 刺激
17. precede : to come or go
before in time, order, rank, or position 在---之前,先于
18. reflex : an uncontrollable reaction of
your body to something that you feel, see, or
19. enmity : deep-seated,
often mutual hatred; hostility 仇恨,敌意
ingenious : very clever and original; marked by
inventive skill and imagination 聪明的,别出
21. unanimous : of one mind; in complete
agreement; agreed 一致的
22. vocal : expressing
one„s opinions or feelings freely in speech;
23. dreadful : extremely
unpleasant; distasteful or shocking 可怕的,糟糕的
24. enact : to act (sth.) out, as on a stage
25. imprecation: sth. rude, angry, or
hostile that is said to or about someone a curse
26. eject : ~ sbsth (from sth.) to throw
out forcefully; expel 喷射,驱逐
27. contrive :
manage (to do sth.) in spite of difficulties 想尽办法做
28. loophole : way of escaping a rule, the
terms of a contract, etc 漏洞,空子
predilection : ~ (for sth.) special liking (for
sth.); preference 偏爱
30. contract : catch or
develop (an illness) 感染
31. pat : exactly
right; appropriate 合适的
32. rebuff : n. a blunt
or abrupt repulse or refusal, as to an offer 断然拒绝,
冷落 & v. to reject
bluntly 断然拒绝
compose : to
make (oneself) calm or tranquil 使--平静, 冷静
discompose : make (sb) feel uneasy or
uncomfortable 使不安; 使烦恼
sardonic : expressing
scorn; mocking 嘲笑的; 讥笑的
optical : of or
relating to sight; visual 视觉的
click : a brief,
sharp sound 卡嗒声
nape : back part of the neck
intercede : ~ (with sb) (foron behalf of
sb) to plead on another's behalf 调解,求情
intercession : entreaty in favor of another,
especially a prayer or petition to God in behalf
another 调解,求情
astound : to astonish and
bewilder; amaze 使震惊; 使大惊
blunt : having a dull
edge or end; not sharp 不锋利的; 钝的 & frank and
not trying to be polite or
tactful 直率的, 不客气的
derisive : mocking; jeering
嘲笑的; 嘲弄的
note : ~ (of sth.) a quality (of
sth.); hint or suggestion (of sth.) 含义,特征
poise : be or keep (sth.) balanced or
suspended 使(某物)平衡或悬起
incongruous : strange
because not in harmony with the surrounding
features; out of place 不
协调的, 前后不一的
congruous : appropriate or harmonious 适合的,协调的
mug : a heavy cylindrical drinking cup usually
having a handle 缸子(圆筒形有柄大杯)
hurl : throw sth.
violently and with a lot of force 猛掷
duck :
move (esp one's head) down quickly, to avoid being
seen or hit 迅速低下(尤指头)
shatter :
break suddenly and violently into small pieces 粉碎
wreck : completely destory or ruin sth. 破坏
pot-belly : (a) large protruding belly (b)
person who has this 啤酒肚,大肚子
pot-bellied : (of
a person) having a pot-belly
misdirect : ~
sbsth (to sth.) instruct sb to go to the wrong
place 指错方向
relive : to undergo or experience
sth. again, especially in the imagination
历), 再经历
vaccine : substance that
is injected into the bloodstream and protects the
body by making it
have a mild form of the
disease 疫苗; 菌苗
counteract : act against and
reduce the force or effect of (sth.) 对抗; 抵消
underwrite : to support undertake to finance
novel : strikingly new, unusual, or
different 新奇的,异常的
inoculate : ~ sb (with sth.)
(against sth.) to inject a weak form of a disease
into one‟s body as
a way of protecting them
against the disease(给某人)接种, 打预防针
fastidious :
difficult to please; possessing or displaying
careful, meticulous attention to
detail 难以取悦的;
succumb : ~ (to sth.) stop resisting
(temptation, illness, attack, etc); yield; give in
屈服, 屈
infectious : easily or readily
communicated 传染的, 有感染力的
agent : a force or
substance that causes a change
conclusive :
convincing; decisive; ending doubt 令人信服的, 确凿的,
exotic : unusual or different;
excitingly strange 异国的, 奇异的
antibodies : are substances which a person's or an
animal's body produces in their blood in
to destroy substances which carry disease
69. optimal (optimum)
: most favorable or desirable 最理想的, 最佳的
irreversible : impossible to reverse or revoke;
unalterable 不能更改的
71. narcotics : drugs such
as opium or heroin which make you sleepy and stop
you feeling pain
麻醉剂; 毒品
succoursuccor : assistance in time of distress;
relief 援助; 援救
73. solace : comfort or relief
(from pain, trouble, distress, etc) 安慰; 慰藉
74. lobby : ~ (sb) (for sth.) to try to
influence the thinking of legislators or other
public officials
for or against a specific
cause 游说(政治家等)支持或反对某立法议案
75. stagnate : cease
to flow; exist in a changeless situation 不流动;
成为死水;停滞; 不景气
76. adverse : not favorable;
contrary 不利的,相反的
77. crumble : to fall into
small fragments or particles; disintegrate 破碎,崩溃
78. crunch : a critical moment or situation,
especially one that occurs because of a shortage
time or resources 关键时刻
79. stride :
walk with long steps 大步
80. thwart : to
prevent the occurrence, realization, or attainment
of sth. 阻挠; 阻止
81. arousal : a state in which
you feel excited or very alert, for example as a
result of fear, stress,
or anger 觉醒
assault : a violent physical or verbal attack 突袭;
83. churn : beat (milk or cream) to make
butter & move about violently 翻腾
84. jag : a
period of concentrated activity, strong emotion,
etc. 一阵集中的活动等
85. insomnia : chronic inability
to fall asleep 失眠
86. clench : close (sth.)
tightly or press (two things) firmly together
87. afflict : ~ sbsth (with sth.) to
cause suffering or unhappiness to; distress
greatly 使苦恼, 折
88. surveillance :
careful watching of someone, especially by an
organization such as the police
or the army
监视, 监督
89. liken : ~ sth to sth (fml ) show
the resemblance between sth.; compare 把...比作...
90. accumulate : collect or gather sth. over a
period of time 积累, 聚积
91. grind : crush sth to
very small pieces or to powder 磨碎; 碾碎
caution : to advise to take heed; warn or admonish
警告, 劝告
93. impair : weaken or damage (sth.)
94. repertoire : the stock of songs, plays,
operas, readings, or other pieces that a player or
company is prepared to perform. 全部节目&the range
or number of skills, aptitudes, or
accomplishments of a particular person or group
95. hassle : ~ (with sb.) to argue or
fight;争辩; 争吵 to bother or harass 烦扰; 搅扰
fantasize : imagining that sth. is happening,
although it is untrue or unlikely to happen 幻想
97. Transcendental refers to things that lie
beyond the practical experience of ordinary
and cannot be discovered or understood
by ordinary reasoning 超越经验的, 形而上学的,
98. imagery : (Psychology) A technique in
behavior therapy in which the patient uses
pleasant fantasies to relax and counteract
99. revitalize : to impart new
life or vigor to 使恢复生机; 使新生
100. stamina :
the physical or mental energy needed to do a
tiring activity for a long time 精力
101. sap :
gradually weaken or destroy 削弱,逐步破坏
fleeting : passing quickly; lasting only a short
time 短暂的;飞逝的
103. transitory : lasting for
only a short time; transient 转瞬即逝的
104. savor
: n. taste or flavor of sth.味道, 滋味
v1: to
taste or smell, especially with pleasure
to appreciate fully; enjoy or relish
1. If an international commission
which has reported to UNESCO is right,education
the world is likely to change __out
of recognition__ in the next generation.
Fixed subjects and curricula are likely to go
__into the melting pot__ and schools
themselves,of not as physical locations then
at least as places exclusively for children,are
__threatened with__ extinction.
3. The
International Commission on the Development of
Education which arrived at these
was ___called on___ to make proposals that would
help governments __work
out__ strategies to
meet their own educational situations.
Why?Because the tradition they were established to
pass on became __a dead
weight___ ,because
school became an institution instead of __an
approach to life__ .
5. The move towards
democracy in schooling has several
causes,including the general
___demand for___
qualified labor to __meet the demands of__
stepped-up technology.
6. Nutrition,family
background and factors like housing all __play a
role__ in success at school.
7. Real solutions
to the problems of inequality can only be found in
a sweeping re-organization
__on the lines of__
permanent,lifelong education.
8. Grown-ups who
want to turn to,say,radio engineering will not
necessarily have the time to
__plow through__
the whole syllabus of heat and light before they
__come to__ sound.
9. Education rarely equips
the individual for __adapting to__ change,to the
10. But now they were ready for me
and,though some dreadful scenes were
enacted__ in that restaurant,I
never ate them again.
11. They really believed
that I was it did begin to __work on my mind__
,of course;I
began to be afraid to go anywhere
and to __compensate for__ this I went places to
which I
really should not have gone.
It began to seem that the __machinery of the
origanization__ I worked for was turning
over,day and night,with but one aim;to __eject
me__ .
13. There is not a Negro alive who does
not have this rage in his blood--one has the
choice,merely,of living with it consciously or
__surrendering to__ it.
14. Almost every
detail of that night __stands out__ very clearly
in my memory.I even remember
the name of the
movie we saw because its title impressed me as
being so __patly ironical__ .
15. When we
walked in the counterman asked what we wanted and
I remember answering with
the __casual
sharpness__ which I had become my habit.I don't
know why,after a year of such
rebuffs,I so
completely failed to __anticipate his answer__
,which was,of course,“We don't
serve Negroes
16. I remember how their faces I
felt,like a physical sensation,a click at __the
of my neck__ as though some interior
string connecting my head to my body had been cut.
She did not say it with the blunt,derisive
hostility to which I had grown so
accustomed,but,rather,with ___a note of___
apology in her voice,and fear.
the repetition of the phrase,which was already
ringing in my head like ___a
thousand bells of
a nightmare__ ,I realized that she would never
come any closer and that I
would have to
strike ___from a distance___ .
I could not
___get over___ two facts,both equally difficult
for the imagination to grasp,and
one was that
I could have been murdered.
Why is the nation
unwilling or unable to __expend the effort___ and
money to launch an
applied-biology and bio-
engineering effort to develop and test a vaccine?
It is remarkable only for the fastidious way
in which it chooses the cell it will attach
and __take over___ .
a new virus,but it's known properties so far
suggest that it is not so exotic as to
__beyond the grasp of___ recombinant DNA
It is not enough to offer __succor
and solace__ .Physicians and scientists should
actively __for__ a nationwide effort
to develop an AIDS vaccine.
Some take life's
large and small obstacles __in stride__ ,regarding
them as a challenge to
succeed __in spite of
everything__ .Others are thwarted by every
__unexpected turn of
events__ ,from a traffic
delay to a serious illness in the family.
Problems arise when the stress reaction is
frequently __called into play__ for inappropriate
circumstances,such as a missed bus,long
line,or reservation mix-up,or when the
circumstances of your life __result in__ more
stress than you can handle at any one time.
Whereas some stress reduction programs offer
only techniques to __induce relaxation__ ,Dr.
Tubesing's simply written self-help guide
helps you __get to the roots of__ your stress
reactions and modify points out that most
stress is not the result of great
tragedies,but rather ___an accumulation of___
minor irritations that “grind us down over the
Too often propel turn to the wrong
solutions for stress relief,such as
cigarettes,and end up further impairing their
health while doing nothing to
___gain an upper
hand on___ the causes of their stress ___resort
short-term solutions--
shouting,crying,taking a hot bath--that help for a
ion's products will not
be measured in terms of so much knowledge
dispensed but of
completely developed human
Graduates from school will not be
evaluated by how much knowledge they learn at
school but the
standard whether they are fully
developed or not.
ng is both natural and
necessary to him,but the systems he has set up
have all had a
tendency to set out to be a
system and to end up as a straitjacket.
It is
normal and essential for human beings to learn but
the system they establish all tend to be a
system at the beginning,but always end as
something that it is very limiting and
universal right to
education,in which contemporary civilization takes
such premature
pride,is often refused
to the most underprivileged.
It's too early
for modern civilization to feel proud itself for
the universal right to education but this
right is often declined to the poor or people
of lower class.
4.I learned in New Jersey
that to be a Negro meant, precisely, that one was
never looked at but
was simply at the mercy of
the reflexes the color of one's skin caused in
other people.
When I was in New Jersey ,I
came to know that a black person will never be
regarded seriously
and that how you will be
treated only depends on other people‟s instinctive
reaction to your black
reputation in town naturally enhanced my
reputation at work and my working day became
one long series of acrobatics designed to keep
me out of trouble.
My reputation in town
surely damaged my reputation at work .I had to act
skillfully like an
acrobat to keep myself free
from trouble.
6.I had scarcely arrived
before I had earned the enmity, which was
extraordinarily ingenious, of all
my superiors
and nearly all my co-workers.
As soon as I
arrived ,I found that all my superiors and
colleagues hated me and treated me with
hostility,which was expressed very cleverly or
began to seem that the
machinery of the organization I worked for was
turning over, day and
night, with but one aim:
to eject me.
The organization I worked for was
like a heartless machine that turned day and
night,aiming to
throw me out.
has come for the Government to underwrite a
nationwide effort to produce an effective
vaccine against HTLV III,the virus that causes
a frightening new disease,AIDS is
no longer so
novel that such an effort would be premature.
It's time for the Government to support
nationwide effort to develop an effective vaccine
HTLV III,the virus that causes AIDS
is a new and terrifying disease,it is not so new
and different that it will be too early for us
to make some efforts to develop a vaccine against
political leaders apparently do not
wish to be involved with this a result,the
clock runs out on thousands of victims without
even the beginning of an effort to develop the
vaccine that might prevent new cases from
Our leaders obviously do not want
to have anything to do with this small group of a
result,thousands of patients came to end their
lives before we began to make efforts to develop
vaccine that might be helpful in
preventing new cases.
others crumble
when the crunch is on or the overload light take
life's large
and small obstacles in
stride,regarding them as a challenge to succeed in
spite of everything.
Other people may collapse
when the critical time comes or when they are
burdened with too much
people can deal with
all kinds of difficulties easily,regarding them as
a challenge to
succeed and not being prevented
by anything.
11.A body lacking in
physical stamina is in no shape to handle
exercise tune-up can
increase your emotional
as well as your physical se enhances,rather than
energy;it also has a distinct
relaxing effect.
A body that lacks physical
strength is not fit enough to cope with ment of
your body
through exercise can increase your
physical and emotional se can improve ,but not
reduce your energy;its relaxing effect is
quite obvious.