
2020年08月12日 05:27


表示“破坏”或“损坏”:hit, harm, hurt, ruin, wreck
表示“放弃”:drop, give up, quit, skip, yield
表示“爆炸”:blast, crash, ram, smash
Aid = assist
Alter = change or modify
Ask = inquire
Assail = denounce 谴责
Axe = dismissreduce
Balk = impede
Ban = prohibit or forbid
Bar= prevent
Bare= expose or reveal
Blast =explode
Begin =commence
Bid =attempt
Bilk =cheat
Bolt =desert or abandon
Boost =increase
Check =examine
Claim =abuse the death of …(夺取。。。的生命)
Clash =disagree strongly
Dip =decline or decrease
Ease= lessen
End =terminate
Flay =criticize
Flout =insult
Foil =prevent from
Grill =investigate
Gut =destroy
Head =direct
Hold =arrest
Laud =praise
Lop =diminish
Map= wok out
Mark= celebrate
Name= appointnominate
Moot =discuss
Mull =consider
Nab =arrest
Nip =defeat
Slay= murder
Soar =skyrocket
Spur =encourage

Swap= exchange
Sway =influence
Trim= reduce
Vie =compete
Vow= determine
Weigh= consider

英语新闻中常常用小词(midget words),以下为部分常见的新闻小词:
Accord agreement accord possible today 协定可能于今天达成
Air to make known TV airs “facts” on arms delivery 电视台公布武器运输“事实”
Assail to criticize strongly Soviets assail US on A-tests 苏联强烈谴责美国原子试验
Axe to dismiss from a job Governor to axe aid? 地方高官将实施助手裁员?
Back to support Algeria backs decision to ignore dollar 阿尔及利亚坚持忽视美元冲击的决

Balk to refuse to accept Union balks at court order 欧盟拒绝法院传令
Bar not to allow Club faces shutdown for barring women 俱乐部因拒绝女性进入而面临倒

Bloc n. a group of countries that work closely together because they have similar police interests
Summit reaffirms bloc’s important role 东亚峰会重申成员国重要作用
Bid v. attempt Bid to open border 企图打开边界大门
n. offer union rejects latest bid 欧盟拒绝最新提案
bilk to cheat clerks bilks city of $$1 m
blast n. explosion; strong criticism tanker blast near Manila 油罐在马尼拉附近爆炸
v. to criticize strongly; to strike with explosives Reagan blasts democrats 里根炮轰民主党人
blaze fire blaze destroys factory 大火将工厂夷为平地
cite to mention management cites labor unrest for shutdown 工厂管理层表示工人暴动是由
claim to declare to be true man claims ghost sighting 男子声称闹鬼
claim to kill bombs claim 40 炸弹造成40人死亡
clash n. battle; dispute marine dies in clash 海上冲突已经造成士兵死亡
v. to disagree strongly; fight mayor clashes with city council 市长与市议会争论不休
cool uninterested, unfriendly Hanoi cool to aid offer 援助计划:河内当局不领情
curb to limit; control Sunday driving curbs planned 周日控车计划已制定
deadlock a disagreement that cannot be settled jury deadlock in kidnap trial 陪审团就绑架一案
drive a strong well-planned effort by a group for a particular purpose cancer drive exceeds
goal 癌症研究超过原定期望
due expected Greek FM due today 希腊外长今天任职到期
ease to reduce or loosen 1000 freed as Poland eases martial law 波兰解除戒严令,1000人获
eye to watch with interest women’s groups eye court vote
eve the day before violence on eve of independence
fault to find in the wrong study faults police
feud dispute; strong disagreement border feud danger to regional peace

flay to accuse; criticize strongly US flays Soviet block
foe opponent; enemy Reagan talks with congressional foes
foil to prevent from succeeding FBI foils bid to hijack plane to Iran
grip to take hold of Cholera fear grips Japan
gut to destroy completely by fire Year’s biggest fire guts 178 homes
head off to prevent President heads off rail strike
heist theft Jewel heist foiled
hold to keep in police control; arrest 7 held for gambling
ink to sign Thailand, Malaysia ink sea treaty
key very important Gov’t. wins key vote
kick off too begin Fiery speck kicks off campaign
lash out to criticize strongly; accuse Warsaw Pact lashes out at NATO missile plan
laud to praise PM lauds community spirit
launch to begin Police launch anti-crime dive
line position; demand Israel softens line
link to connect to Fungus linked to mystery disease
loot n. stolen money or goods police recover loot
vt. to take away goods unlawfully rioters loot stores
loom to be expected in the near future Treaty dispute looming
nab to capture gang leader nabbed
net to take possession of capture customs check nets over $$2 m.
nod approval ministry seeks nod for oil saving plan
office an important government position minister quits: tired of office
opt to choose; decide Swiss opt to back tax for churches
pact a solemn agreement peace pact today?
Oust to take power away from voters oust incumbents
Plea deeply felt request a statement in court indicating guilt or innocence guilty pleas expected
Pledge to promise union pledges support to
Poised ready for action Bolivian workers poised to strike
Poll election October poll? (the general election happens in November in U.S)
voting stating voters go to the polls in Japan
post position in government, business, ect. Unknown gets key Cabinet Post
probe investigation Mayor orders fire probe
prompt to cause Court derision prompts public anger
rage to burn out of control Forest fire rages
rap n. accusation; charge Corruption rap unfair says senator
vt. to criticize safety commission raps auto companies
rock to shock; to surprise Gov’t. report rocks stock market
rout to defeat completely rebels routed, leave 70 dead
row quarrel oil price row may bring down gov’t
rule to decide (esp. in court) court rules today in corruption case
rule out not to consider as a possibility Israel rules out PLO talks
sack to dismiss from a job Jail chief sacked
sack (from “ransack”) to search thoroughly and rob 14 held for US embassy sacking

set decided on, ready Peace talks set for April
slay to kill or murder 2 slain in family row
snag problem; difficulty Last minute snag hits arms talks
snub to pay no attention to Protestants snub Uister peace bid
soar to rise rapidly inflation rate soars
spark to cause; to lead to action Frontier feuding sparks attack
stalemate a disagreement that cannot be settled New bid to break hostage stalemate
stall to make no progress peace effort in Lebanon stalled
stance attitude; way of thinking New stance toward power cuts
stem to prevent or stop rainy season stem refugee exit
sway to influence or persuade president fails to sway union-strike set
swindle an unlawful way of getting money stock swindle in NY
thwart to prevent from being successful Honduras attack thwarted
ties relations Cuba ties soon?
Trim to cut Senate trims budget
Vie to compete Irish top rank vie for office
Void to determine to be invalid voting law voided by court
Vow to solemn promise Police chief vows to catch kidnappers
Weigh to consider Reagan weighs tax increase


Acknowledge 承认
Add 接着说
Admit 承认
Affirm 肯定,确定
Allege 宣称
Analyze 分析道
Announce 宣布
Argue 争辩,主张
Assert 断言
Boast 夸口说
Caution 告诫说
Claim 声称
Complain 抱怨说
Concede 承认
Conclude 断定,下结论
Confess 供认,承认
Contend 争辩
Continue 接着说
Contradict 反驳,否定

Go on 继续说
Imply 暗示
Insist 坚持说,主张
Maintain 主张,认为
Note 谈到,表明
Object 提出异议
Observe 评述
Pledge 保证
Protest 抗议
Remark 议论
Reply 回答
Refute 反驳,辩驳
Reveal 透露
State 称述,声明,声称
Stress 强调
Suggest 建议
Tell 告诉
Urge 敦促
Warn 告诫,警告说


Beantown (豆城)美国波士顿
Big Apple (大苹果)美国纽约(源于20世纪初流行音乐的一句歌词:“树上有这么多的苹
透的 大苹果一样触手可及)
Big Board (纽约证券交易所的大行情板)纽约证券所,纽约股市
Broardway (百老汇大街)美国或纽约商业性戏剧(业)
Capitol Hill (国会山、美国国会所在地)美国国会
City of Angels (天使之城)洛杉矶
City of Brotherly Love (博爱城)费城
City by the Golden Gate (金门城)旧金山
Crescent City (新月城)新奥尔良
Dice City (赌城)拉斯维加斯
Empire State (帝国州)纽约州
Foggy Bottom (雾谷,美国国务院等政府机构所在地。 美国国务院的谑称,以讽刺该院发

Film Capital of the World(世界影都)好莱坞
Ford 美国福特,畅销货
Fun City (逍遥城)纽约市
Golden State(黄金州)加利福尼亚州
Hub of the Universe(宇宙中心)波士顿市
Land of Lincoln (林肯的故乡)美国伊利诺伊州
Madison Avenue(麦迪逊大街,美国广告业中心)美国广告业,美国商业
Mother of Presidents (总统之母)美国弗吉尼亚州或俄亥俄州
Motor CityMotown(汽车城)底特律
Steel City (钢城)匹兹堡
Windy City(多风城)芝加哥
Uncle Sam (山姆大叔)美国政府,美国人
Wall Street (华尔街)美国金融界,美国金融市场
White House (白宫)美国政府,美国总统
Buckingham Palace (白金汉宫)英国皇室
The City (英国首都伦敦“城中城”)英国商业界,英国金融界
Downing Street No.10 (唐宁街10号)英国首相府;英国政府
Fleet Street(舰队街)英国报业,英国新闻界
Scotland Yard (苏格兰场)伦敦警察局,伦敦警方
White Hall (怀特霍尔街,伦敦英国政府街街名)白厅,英国政府
Elysee (爱丽舍宫,法国总统官邸)法国政府,法国总统
Maginot Line (马其诺防线)盲目行动,迷恋于维持现状
Quai d’Orsay (凯道赛码头)法国外交部,法国外交政策,法国政府
Bermuda (Triangle) (百慕大魔鬼三角)危险的禁区
Horn of Africa (非洲之角)索马里和埃塞俄比亚
Zhongnanhai (中南海)中国政府


Authoritative sources权威人士
Diplomatic sources外交人士
Document released by…由。。。发布的消息
Educational circles教育界
Financial quarters金融界方面
Foreign Ministry spokesman外交部发言人
Government official政府官员
Government state政府声明
Highly-placed sources高层消息灵通人士
Judicial circles司法界

In-group sources圈内人士
Military sources军方人士
Official sources官方人士
Reliable sources可靠消息人士
Sources 人士
Sources close to接近。。。方面的人士
The quarters concerned有关方面
The atrical circles戏剧界
Unconfirmed report未经证实的消息
Unimpeachable sources消息可靠人士
Well-informed sources消息灵通人士
Well-placedwell-wired sources重要消息灵通人士


It is said…
It is reported…
Reports say…
Rumors say…
Foreign radios announced…据外电报到
It is learned…
It is understood…
It is authoritatively learned…据权威方面获悉
According to an anonymous source…
A source who asked not to be identified disclosed…
Foreign wire services were quoted cited as saying…援引外国通讯社消息说

1. 名词加现在分词
Cancer- causing drug致癌物质
Oil-producing country产油国
Peace-keeping force维和部队
Policy-making body决策机构
2. 形容词加现在分词
Far-reaching significance深远意义
High-ranking official高级官员
Long-standing issue由来已久的问题
Wide-spreading AIDS到处蔓延的艾滋病
3. 名词加过去分词

Blood- cemented friendship鲜血凝成的友谊
Exported-oriented economy外向型经济
Poverty-stricken area贫困地区
Wasp-waited road蜂腰路段
4. 形容词加过去分词
Deep- rooted social problems根深蒂固的问题
Foreign-owned enterprise外资企业
Long-faced job loser愁眉苦脸的失业者
Quick-frozen food速冻食品
5. 副词加过去分词
Dimly-lit room光线暗的房间
Highly-sophisticated technology尖端技术
Richly-paid job薪水丰富的工作
Well-informed source消息灵通人士
6. 名词加形容词
Inflation-proof deposit保值储蓄
Interest-free loan无息贷款
Labor-intensive enterprise劳动密集型企业
Vehicle-free promenade步行街
7. 名词加名词
Arms-reduction talks裁军谈判
Labor-management conflict劳资冲突
Supply-demand imbalance供求失调
Year-end report年终报告
8. 形容词加名词
Fair- trade agreement互惠贸易协定
Long-rang nuclear missile远程核导弹
Long-term, low-interest loan长期低息贷款
Top-level talk高层次会谈
9. 数词加名词
100-meter dash百米赛跑
One-man government独裁政府
One-way street单行道
21-gun salute二十一响礼炮
10. 名词加to加名词
Ground-to-air missile地对空导弹
Hand-to-mouth pay温饱工资
Dusk-to-dawn curfew彻夜宵禁
Face-to-face talk会晤,面晤
10. 综合性词组或短语
On-the-job training在职培训,岗位培训
On- the-spot interview现场报到
One-country-two-system policy一国两制的政策
Be-kind-to-animal campaign动物保护运动

See-while-you-talk phone可视电话
Touch- and-go affair一触即发是局势
Good-to-excellent care无微不至的关怀
Middle-of-the-road policy中立政策

UK: United Kingdom英国
ME: Middle East中东
UNDP: The United Nations Development Program联合国发展计划
NPC: National People’s Congress全国人们代表大会
PM: Prime Minister首相
WTO: World Trade Organization世贸组织
LA: Los Angeles洛杉矶
POW: Prisoners of War战俘
MP: member of Parliament议员
MoD: Ministry of Defence国防部
APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Co- operation亚太经合组织
ABM: anti-ballistic missile反弹道导弹
UNESCO: United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
WHO: World Health Organization
ASEAN: Association of South East Asian Nations
NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
IMF: International Monetary Fund

Auto show汽车展
Oversee: supervise
Overhaul: ①to examine every part of a machine, system, etc. and make any necessary changes or
repairs: the engine has been completely overhauled. ②an examination of a machine or system,
etc. including doing changes on it or making repairs to it: a radical overhaul of tax system is
Overlook: to fail to notice sth忽视
Oversight: the fact of making mistakes because you don’t notice it or forget to do it忽视
Viability: the noun of viable
Dispatch: to send sb. somewhere, esp. for a specific purpose.
EX: we can ~ a team whenever necessary.
Befitting: suitable | befit v. to be suitable or good enough for sbsth
EX: ①the government is guiding them in a manner befitting a modern 21
century state. ② he
lived in this style befitting a gentleman.
Blood donation van: 献血车
Cohesiveness: 凝聚力

The Olympic torch rely 奥运会火炬传递
Epicenter: 震中
Reprimand: to tell officially sb that you don’t approve of them or their actions谴责
Disclose: unveilreveal
Implore: plead
Dismal: causing and showing sadness; not skillful or successful or of low quality

Economic growth in emerging East Asia will continue to moderate into 2012 as growing
sovereign debt problems in Europe and an anemic US economy raise the spectra of a
deep global economic downturn, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said Tuesday.
Spectrum(sing.)spectra(pl.)幅度 a wide range of sth.
Anemic: weak







