abandon v. go away from (a person or thing or
place) not intending to return; forsake; desert
abstract adj. existing
in thought or as an idea but not having a physical
or practical existence
academy n. school for special training
access n. ~ means of approaching or
entering (a place); way in
accommodate v. provide lodging or room for
accompany v. walk or travel with (sb)
as a companion or helper; escort
accumulate v. gradually get or gather together
an increasing number or quantity of get (sth) in
this way
accurate adj.
free from error
v. gain or reach (sth), usu by effort, skill,
courage, etc
v. accept the truth of admit (sth)
acquire v. gain (sth) by one's own
ability, efforts or behaviour
adapt v. ~ sth (for sth) make sth suitable for
a new use, situation, etc; modify sth
adequate adj. ~ satisfactory in
quantity or quality; sufficient
adjacent having a common endpoint or border also
immediately preceding or following
adjust v. put (sth) into the correct
order or position; arrange
administrate v. to administer
adult adj. grown to full size or strength
advocate v. speak publicly in favour
of (sth); recommend; support
affect v. have an influence on (sbsth); produce
an effect on
aggregate v.
~ sb (fml ) be formed or bring sb into an
assembled group or amount
aid n. help
albeit conj although
allocate v. ~ sth allot or assign sth (to sbsth)
for a special purpose
alter v. become different; change in character,
position, size, shape, etc
alternative adj. available in place of sth else;
ambiguous adj.
having more than one possible meaning
amend v. correct an error in (sth);
make minor improvements in; change slightly
analogy n. ~ partial similarity
between two things that are compared
analyse v. separate into its parts in
order to study its nature or structure
annual adj. happening every year
anticipate v. expect
apparent adj. clearly
seen or understood; obvious
append v. ~ sth (fml ) attach or add sth (esp in
appreciate v.
understand and enjoy (sth); value highly
approach v. come near or nearer to in
space or time
adj. ~ suitable; right and proper
approximate adj. almost correct or
exact but not completely so
arbitrary adj. based on personal opinion or
impulse, not on reason
area n. extent or measurement of a surface
aspect n. particular
part or feature of sth being considered
assemble v. come together; collect
assess v. ~ sth decide
or fix the amount of sth
assign v. ~ sth to sb give sth to sb as a share
of work to be done or of things to be used
assist v. ~ inwith sth; ~
(sb) in doing sth (fml ) help
assume v. accept as true before there is proof
assure v. tell (sb)
positively or confidently
attach v. ~ sth fasten or join sth (to sth)
attain v. succeed in getting (sth);
attitude n. ~
way of thinking or behaving
attribute v. ~ sth to sbsth regard sth as
belonging to, caused by or produced by sbsth
author n. writer of a book, play,
authority n. power
to give orders and make others obey
automate v. cause to operate by
available adj.
that can be used or obtained
aware adj. ~ of sbsth; ~ that... having
knowledge or realization of sbsth
behalf n.
on behalf of sbon sb's behalf; US in behalf of
sbin sb's behalf as the representative
of or
spokesman for sb; in the interest of sb
benefit n. profit; gain; future good (used esp
with the vs and preps shown)
bias n.
opinion or feeling that strongly favours one side
in an argument or one item in
a group
orseries; predisposition; prejudice
bond n. written agreement or promise that has
legal force; covenant
brief adj.
lasting only a short time; short
bulk n. size, quantity or volume, esp when great
capable adj. having ability;
able; competent
n. ability to hold or contain sth
category n. class or group of
things in a complete system of grouping
cease v. come or bring
(sth) to an end; stop
challenge n. ~ (to do sth) invitation or
call (to sb) to take part in a game, contest,
fight etc to prove
who is better, stronger,
more able, etc
n. sunken bed of a river, stream or canal
chapter n. (usu numbered)
division of a book
n. detailed map used to help navigation at sea,
showing coasts, rocks, the depth of the sea, etc
chemical adj.
of or relating to chemistry
circumstance n. condition or fact connected
with an event or action
cite quote; commend
civil adj. of or relating to the
citizens of a country
clarify v. (cause sth to) become clear
or easier to understand
classic adj. having a high quality that
is recognized and unquestioned; of lasting value
n. group of words that includes a subject1(4a)
and a verb, forming a sentence or part of a
n. (system of) words, letters, symbols, etc that
represent others, used for secret messages or
for presenting or recording information
adj. connected logically or consistent; easy to
understand; clear
coincide v. ~ (of events) occur at the
same time or occupy the same period of time as sth
v. fall down or in suddenly
colleague n. person with whom one works,
esp in a profession or business
commence v. begin (sth); start
comment n. ~ written or
spoken remark giving an opinion on, explaining or
criticizing (an event, a
person, a situation,
commission n.
~ action, task or piece of work given to sb to do
commit v. do
(sth illegal, wrong or foolish)
commodity n. thing bought in a shop and
put to use, esp in the home
communicate v. ~ sth make sth known; convey
community n.
the community the people living in one place,
district or country, considered as a whole
compatible adj. ~ (of people,
ideas, arguments, principles, etc) suited; that
can exist together
compensate v. ~ for sth give (sb) sth good
to balance or lessen the bad effect of damage,
loss, injury,etc;
v. ~ sth (forfrom sth) collect (information) and
arrange it in a book, list, report, etc
complement n. ~ thing that
goes well or suitably with sth else, or makes it
adj. made up of (usu several) closely connected
n. any of the parts of which sth is made
compound n. thing made up of
two or more separate things combined together
comprehensive adj. that includes
v. have as parts or members; be made up of
compute v. ~ sth calculate
sth with a computer
conceive v. become pregnant
concentrate v. ~ (sth) (on
sthdoing sth) focus (one's attention, effort, etc)
exclusively and intensely on
sth, not thinking
about other less important things
concept n. ~ idea underlying
sth; general notion
conclude v. ~ (with sth) (usu fml ) come
or bring (sth) to an end
concurrent adj. ~ existing, happening or
done at the same time
conduct n. person's behaviour
confer v. ~ (with sb)
(onabout sth) have discussions (esp in order to
exchange opinions or get advice)
confine v. ~ sbsth keep (a person or an
animal) in a restricted space
v. provide evidence for the truth or correctness
of (a report, an opinion, etc); establish the
truth of
n. struggle; fight
conform v. ~ keep to or comply with
(generally accepted rules, standards, etc)
consent v. ~ give agreement
or permission
adj. ~ (fml ) following sth as a result or an
adj. great in amount or size
consist v. (phr v) consist of sth be
composed or made up of sth
constant adj. going on all the time;
happening again and again
constitute v. (fml ) make up or form (a
whole); be the components of
constrain v. make (sb) do sth by strong
(moral) persuasion or by force
construct v. build (sth); put or fit
together; form
v. ~ sbsth go to (a person, book, etc) for
information, advice, etc
consume v. use (sth) up
contact n. ~ state of
touching (used esp with the vs shown)
contemporary adj. ~ of the time
or period being referred to; belonging to the same
writings preceding and following passage quoted
n. ~ (for sthto do sth) legally binding agreement,
usu in writing
v. say sth that conflicts with by (sb),
suggesting that the person is mistaken or not
telling the
contrary adj. opposite in nature,
tendency or direction
contrast v. ~ A andwith B compare so that
differences are made clear
contribute v. ~ (totowards sth) give one's
share of (money, help, advice, etc) to help a
joint cause
n. ~ public discussion or argument, often rather
angry, about sth which many people
v. summon to come together; arrange (a meeting,
converse v.
~ (about sth); ~ (together) (fml ) talk
convert v. ~ (sth) (from
sth) (intoto sth) change (sth) from one form or
use to another
v. ~ sb make sb feel certain; cause sb to realize
cooperate to work
or act together
coordinate vt. to organize or integrate
(diverse elements) in a harmonious operation
core n. centre of such
fruits as the apple and pear, containing the seeds
corporate adj.
of or shared by all the members of a group;
v. ~ be in agreement; not contradict sth or each
n. two people or things that are seen together or
associated, esp a man and woman together
create v. cause to exist;
make (sth new or original)
credit n. permission to delay payment
for goods and services until after they have been
system of paying in this way
criteria n. (pl of criterion)
standard by which sth is judged
crucial adj. ~ very important; decisive
n. refined understanding and appreciation of art,
literature, etc
n. money system in use in a country
cycle n. series of events
that are regularly repeated in the same order
data n. facts or information used in
deciding or discussing sth
debate n. formal argument or discussion of a
question, eg at a public meeting or in Parliament,
with two or
more opposing speakers, and often
ending in a vote
decade n.
period of ten years
v. say `no' to (sth); refuse (sth offered), usu
deduce v. ~ sth
arrive at (facts, a theory, etc) by reasoning;
infer sth
define v. ~ sth
state precisely the meaning of (eg words)
definite adj. clear; not doubtful
demonstrate v. ~ sth (to
sb) show sth clearly by giving proof or evidence
denote v. be the name, sign
or symbol of (sth); refer to
deny v. say that (sth) is not true
depress v. make sad and without enthusiasm
derive v. ~ sth from sth obtain sth
from sth; get sth from sth
design n. ~ (for sth) drawing or outline from
which sth may be made
prep without being affected by
detect v. discover or recognize that (sth) is
deviate v. ~ from
sth stop following
device n.
thing made or adapted for a special purpose
devote v. ~ oneselfsth to sbsth give
to sbsth; dedicate
differentiate v. ~ between A and B; ~ A (from B)
see or show (two things) to be different; show sth
to be
different (from sth else)
dimension n. measurement of any
diminish v. become
smaller or less; decrease
discrete adj. separate; distinct
discriminate v. ~ ~ A from B see or make a
difference (between two things)
displace v. move from the usual or correct place
display v. ~ sth put sth on
dispose v. place(sbsth)
in a suitable way; arrange
distinct adj. easily heard, seen, felt or
understood; definite
v. pull or twist out of its usual shape
distribute v. ~ sth separate sth
into parts and give a share to each person or
diverse adj. of
different kinds; varied
document n. paper, form, book, etc giving
information about sth, evidence or proof of sth
domain n. lands owned or
ruled by a nobleman, government, etc
domestic adj. of the home, household or family
dominate v. have control of
or a very strong influence on (people, events,
draft n. rough
preliminary written version of sth
drama n. play for the theatre, radio or TV
duration n. time during which sth
lasts or continues
adj. of power or forces that produce movement