
2020年08月15日 14:00


Key to Exercises Less on 4 The Man in the Water
Vocabulary 1
1 in compete nee
2 immoral
3 impossible
4 in complete
5 impers onal
6 in direct
7 in direct
8 immovable
9 immortal
10 impolite
11 in formal
12 improper
13 impartial
14 impatie nt
15 in correct
16 in capable
17 in sig ni fica nt
18 impractical
19 imperfect
20 insen sitive
21 impermissible
22 impe netrable
23 in differe nt
24 immovable
25 in visible
26 immodest
27 immature
28 in valuable
29 in variable
30 immeasurable
2) Guess the meaning of the following suffixes
(1) -ee
Referee; employee; payee; divorcee; trainee
(2) -eer
volun teer; pion eer; engin eer; profiteer;
(3) -ess
Stewardess; actress; con ductress; tigress; lion ess; duchess; coun tess; mistress;

prin cess; hostess;

3) Tran slate the followi ng expressi ons pay ing special atte ntio n to the compo
und nouns in bold type made of verbs+adverbs.
8. 严重的精神崩溃
9. 给了个表示许可的信号
10. 怀疑这是有意掩盖真相
1 employer
2 un faste n
3 badevil
4 uniden tified
5 con cernedcari ngin terestedsympathetic
6 immovable
7 impers onal
8 irresp on sible
9 selfish ness
10 in dividual
pers on alspecificprivate
11 shallow
12 un dress
13 slightly
somewhati n part
14 deny
15 groom

1 air crashesair collisio n and other disasters
2 huma n n ature and character
3 the tail sect ion of a jet pla ne
4 huge chu nks of ice
5 a floatati on ring
6 faste n the seat belt
7 cultural con flictclash
8 Flight 911
9 mecha ni cal failure
10 huma n tragedy
11 harsh remarks
12 make a disti ncti on betwee n good and evil
13 preside ntial monuments
14 typicalclassic circumsta nee
15 uni versal character
16 a public hero
17 emotio nal impact
18 a mome nt of high traffic
19 en duri ng won der
20 Air Florida
21 Con gressi onal Budget Office
22 mass casualties
1 refer to; known as
2 in reality; as ever; resp on sible for
3 brought; to tears; sticks
4 worth; refer to; On the other hand; make a careful distinction
5 came to the con clusi on; for
6 takes off; on behalf of
7 to be sure; care about; rise to the occasi on
8 resp on sible for; acco unt for
1 to; as
2 on; to
3 to; of
4 on; in; un der
5 accordi ng to; over
6 with; at; at
7 aga in st; for; to
8 on, to
9 on, to
10 InOwi ng toBecause of; of

1 The fact that he was able to avoid the seem in gly in evitable crash made him a n ati onal hero.
2 Of the four stude nts who risked their lives to try to drag the drow ning childre n to shore, two n
ever retur ned.
3 The Japa neseare known for their long life spa n. They believe they owe this to their eating
habitsthe composition of their diet, which contains a lot of fish products.
4 I know Harris. I couldn ' t imagine a man like him making such stupid remarks.
5 After testing her loyalty many times, he is now going to give her the most dan gerous task.
6 I hear that Lincoln delivered an extremely powerful speech on that occasion. Whatever did he
actually say?
7 That this time they must be ready to challe nge death was clear to everybody. But no one
regretted this move.
8 As accide nts go As far as accide nts are concern ed, this one was not special: a crazy young
man drives a car on a university campus and kills a young woman student. What is unusual is the
fact that the man dares to challenge the people who want to take him to Public Security Bureau,
because his father is a local police officer.
9 Every timeWhe never we decide on a finan cial policy, we have to make a clear distinction
between short-term interests and Iong-term interests.
10 Although it was early October, people could already be seen driving across the froze n river.
Respondto or rewrite each of the remarks, using an appositive clause and the words in brackets.
1. The boy ' s fear that he would fail the exam in ati on is totally groun dless.
2. I have athe feeling that the farmer ' s wife doesn ' t like the way some young people
3. A year after the pla ne crash, the couple still clung to the hope that their son would one
day retur n home.
4. I think the police 'opinion that the victim was partly responsible for theft is ridiculous.
5. The international community welcomes the news that the two countries have decided to return
to the negotiating table.
6. A lot of scientists don' think the result of their research is absolute proof that global warming
isn ' t really happening.
7. Ted decided to join the team, for he came to the con clusi on that he had more to gain tha n
8. Our departme nt head seems to have accepted the fact that wome n gen erally have better
com muni cati on skills.
1) anybody (usually in questions) somebody (when you expect a
2) anybody else ' s
3) Everybody
4) every one. Nobody
5) no one else
6) No one
7) anyone (in questi ons)

“ yes ” answer

8) some one else
9) Every one, no one
10) Nobody
Using anything, somethi ng, everythi ng, nothing.
1) everythi ng
2) something (when “ yes ” is expected) anything
3) no thi ng
4) somethi ng, any thi ng
5) somethi ng
6) no thi ng
7) anything
8) Someth ing, anything
9) somethi ng
(10) noth ing
Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
(1) made

(3) scheduled

(5) takeoff

(7) But
(8) dan gerous
(9) turn
(10) Somethi ng
Q Tran slate the senten ces using the word in brackets and an appositive clause.
1. The fact that he is somebody ' s relative won ' t change our opinion of him.
2. The wives of the miners trapped in the pit for three days were overjoyed by the n ews that their
men had all bee n rescued.
3. We must accept the possibility that we might be wrong.
4. There ' s little hope that the patient will suvei.
5. The faculty shares the opinion that the majority of this year' feeshmen are promisi ng.
6. In spite of our econo mic growth, we should bearkeep in mi nd the fact that ours is still a
develop ing coun try.
7. We should hear his explanation before we jump to the conclusion that he' to blame.
8. There aren ' m any people who still cling to the idea that man should conquer nature rather
than live in harmony with it.
Q Ide ntify and correct the mistake(s) in each of the sen ten ces.

1. Every one in our class went to the intern ati onal book fair.
2. Every one of their new products became popular soon after it was laun ched.
3. The Chin ese Delegati on expressed the hope that the two sides would soon stop fighting in
the area.
4. I don ' t like the way (in which) he speaks to his patients.
5. Is there anyone in the office?
6. I think it was the director ' s fault, and nobody else is responsible for the disaster.
7. Has anyone got anything importa nt to say?
8. Lee Ying can' be in the library. I saw her going to the sports ground just a mome nt ago.
9. If the fir efighters hadn ' t been caught in a traffic jam, they would have arrived an
hour earlier.
10. Not only did the medical team save many earthquake victims, but they also helped them to
recover from the shock.







