
2020年08月15日 15:46


the Child in the Grave
by Hans Christian Andersen(1859)

IT was a very sad day, and every heart in thehouse felt the deepe
st grief; for the youngestchild, a boy of four years old, the jo
y and hope ofhis parents, was dead. Two daughters, the elderof who
m was going to be confirmed, stillremained: they were both good,
charming girls;
but the lost child always seems the dearest; andwhen it is youngest
, and a son, it makes the trialstill more heavy. The sisters mour
ned as young hearts can mourn, and were especially grievedat the si
ght of their parents' sorrow. The father's heart was bowed down, bu
t the mothersunk completely under the deep grief. Day and night she
had attended to the sick child,
nursing and carrying it in her bosom, as a part of herself. She c
ould not realize the fact thatthe child was dead, and must be laid
in a coffin to rest in the ground. She thought God couldnot take
her darling little one from her; and when it did happen notwithst
anding her hopes andher belief, and there could be no more doubt o
n the subject, she said in her feverishagony,
“God does not know it. He has hard-hearted ministering spirits on e
arth, who doaccording to their own will, and heed not a mother's
prayers.” Thus in her GREat grief shefell away from her faith in G
od, and dark thoughts arose in her mind respecting death and afutur
e state. She tried to believe that man was but dust, and that wit
h his life all existenceended. But these doubts were no support to
her, nothing on which she could rest, and shesunk into the fathoml
ess depths of despair. In her darkest hours she ceased to weep, an
dthought not of the young daughters who were still left to her. The

tears of her husband fell onher forehead, but she took no notice
of him; her thoughts were with her dead child; herwhole existence
seemed wrapped up in the remembrances of the little one and of ev
eryinnocent word it had uttered.

the day of the little child's funeral came. For nights previously th
e mother had not slept,
but in the morning twilight of this day she sunk from weariness int
o a deep sleep; in themean time the coffin was carried into a dis
tant room, and there nailed down, that she mightnot hear the blows
of the hammer. When she awoke, and wanted to see her child, the
husband, with tears, said,
“We have closed the coffin; it was necessary to do so.”

“When God is so hard to me, how can I expect men to be better?
” she said with groansand tears.

the coffin was carried to the grave, and the disconsolate mother sa
t with her youngdaughters. She looked at them, but she saw them no
t; for her thoughts were far away fromthe domestic hearth. She gave
herself up to her grief, and it tossed her to and fro, as thes
ea tosses a ship without compass or rudder. So the day of the fune
ral passed away, andsimilar days followed, of dark, wearisome pain.
With tearful eyes and mournful glances, thesorrowing daughters and
the afflicted husband looked upon her who would not hear their words
of comfort; and, indeed, what comforting words could they speak,
when they werethemselves so full of grief? It seemed as if she wou
ld never again know sleep, and yet itwould have been her best frie
nd, one who would have strengthened her body and pouredpeace into h

er soul. They at last persuaded her to lie down, and then she wou
ld lie as still as ifshe slept.

One night, when her husband listened, as he often did, to her br
eathing, he quitebelieved that she had at length found rest and rel
ief in sleep. He folded his arms and prayed,
and soon sunk himself into healthful sleep; therefore he did not no
tice that his wife arose,
threw on her clothes, and glided silently from the house, to go w
here her thoughtsconstantly lingered—to the grave of her child. She
passed through the garden, to a pathacross a field that led to the
churchyard. No one saw her as she walked, nor did she see anyone
; for her eyes were fixed upon the one object of her wanderings.
It was a lovely starlightnight in the beginning of September, and t
he air was mild and still. She entered thechurchyard, and stood by
the little grave, which looked like a large nosegay of fragrantflo
wers. She sat down, and bent her head low over the grave, as if
she could see her childthrough the earth that covered him—her litt
le boy, whose smile was so vividly before her, andthe gentle expre
ssion of whose eyes, even on his sick-bed, she could not forget.
How full ofmeaning that glance had been, as she leaned over him,
holding in hers the pale hand whichhe had no longer strength to rai
se! As she had sat by his little cot, so now she sat by hisgrav
e; and here she could weep freely, and her tears fell upon it.

“Thou wouldst gladly go down and be with thy child,” said a voic
e quite close to her,
—avoice that sounded so deep and clear, that it went to her heart.

She looked up, and by her side stood a man wrapped in a black cl

oak, with a hood closelydrawn over his face; but her keen glance
could distinguish the face under the hood. It wasstern, yet awakened
confidence, and the eyes beamed with youthful radiance.

“Down to my child,” she repeated; and tones of despair and entre
aty sounded in thewords.
“Darest thou to follow me?” asked the form. “I am Death.”

She bowed her head in token of assent. then suddenly it appeared as
if all the stars wereshining with the radiance of the full moon o
n the many-colored flowers that decked the earth that cover
ed it was drawn back like a floating drapery. She sunk down, and
thespectre covered her with a black cloak; night closed around her,
the night of death. She sankdeeper than the spade of the sexton c
ould penetrate, till the churchyard became a roof aboveher. Then the
cloak was removed, and she found herself in a large hall, of wi
de- spreadingdimensions, in which there was a subdued light, like twi
light, reigning, and in a momenther child appeared before her, smi
ling, and more beautiful than ever; with a silent cry shepressed h
im to her heart. A glorious strain of music sounded—now distant, n
ow near. Neverhad she listened to such tones as these; they came f
rom beyond a large dark curtain whichseparated the regions of death
from the land of eternity.

“My sweet, darling mother,” she heard the child say. It was the
well-known, belovedvoice; and kiss followed kiss, in boundless del
ight. Then the child pointed to the darkcurtain.
“There is nothing so beautiful on earth as it is here. Mother, do
you not see themall? Oh, it is happiness indeed.”

But the mother saw nothing of what the child pointed out, only the
dark curtain. Shelooked with earthly eyes, and could not see as t
he child saw,
—he whom God has called to bewith Himself. She could hear the soun
ds of music, but she heard not the words, the Word inwhich she w
as to trust.
“I can fly now, mother,” said the child;
“I can fly with other happy children into thepresence of the Almigh
ty. I would fain fly away now; but if you weep for me as you ar
eweeping now, you may never see me again. And yet I would go so
gladly. May I not fly away
And you will come to me soon, will you not, dear mother?”
“Oh, stay, stay

!” implored the mother
only once more

“only one moment more
that I may look upon thee, and kiss thee, and press thee to my

then she kissed and fondled her child. Suddenly her name was called
from above; whatcould it mean? her name uttered in a plaintive v
“Hearest thou?” said the child.
“It is my father who calls thee.” And in a few moments deepsighs
were heard
“They are my sisters

as of children weeping.
” said the child. “Mother,
surely you have not forgotten them.”

And then she remembered those she left behind, and a GREat terror
came over her. Shelooked around her at the dark night. Dim forms fl
itted by. She seemed to recognize some ofthem, as they floated thro

ugh the regions of death towards the dark curtain, where theyvanishe
d. Would her husband and her daughters flit past? No; their sighs
and lamentationsstill sounded from above; and she had nearly forgot
ten them, for the sake of him who wasdead.

“Mother, now the bells of heaven are ringing,” said the child;
“mother, the sun is goingto rise.”

An overpowering light streamed in upon her, the child had vanished,
and she was beingborne upwards. All around her became cold; she l
ifted her head, and saw that she was lyingin the churchyard, on t
he grave of her child. The Lord, in a dream, had been a guide t
o herfeet and a light to her spirit. She bowed her knees, and pra
yed for forgiveness. She hadwished to keep back a soul from its imm
ortal flight; she had forgotten her duties towards theliving who wer
e left her. And when she had offered this prayer, her heart felt
lighter. The sunburst forth, over her head a little bird carolled h
is song, and the church-bells sounded forthe early service. Everythin
g around her seemed holy, and her heart was chastened. Sheacknowledg
ed the goodness of God, she acknowledged the duties she had to per
form, andeagerly she returned home. She bent over her husband, who
still slept; her warm, devotedkiss awakened him, and words of he
artfelt love fell from the lips of both. Now she was gentleand stro
ng as a wife can be; and from her lips came the words of faith:
“Whatever He doethis right and best.”
then her husband asked,
“From whence hast thou all at once derived such strength andcomforti
ng faith?”
And as she kissed him and her children, she said,
“It came from God, through my childin the grave.”

屋 子里充满哀伤,心中充满哀伤,最幼小的孩子,一个四岁的男孩,这家人唯一的
儿子,父母的欢乐和希望 ,死掉了。他们诚然还有两个女儿,最大的一个恰恰在今年该参加
向上帝表示终身坚信的仪式了,两个都 是很可爱的好姑娘。可是这最小的孩子却总是最受疼
爱的,他最小,还是一个儿子。这是一场严峻的考验 。姐姐们极为悲痛,就像任何年轻的心
的悲痛一样,她们的父母的痛楚特别使她们揪心。父亲的腰弯下了 ,母亲被这巨大的悲伤压
垮了。她整天围着这病孩子转,照料他,搂着他,抱着他。她感觉他是她的一部 分。她不相
信他死了,不肯让他躺进棺材埋进坟里。上帝不能把这个孩子从她身边带走,她这样认为:< br>在事情仍然如此发生,成了事实的时候,她在极度痛苦中说道:“上帝知道这件事情!世上
有他的 没有心肝的仆从,他们为所欲为,他们不听一位母亲的祈祷。”
在痛楚中她离开了上帝。於是黑暗 的思想,死亡,人在泥土中化作泥土的永恆死亡
的想法,在她心中出现了;接着一切便都完了。在这样的 思想中她失去了依附,而陷入迷惘
的无底深渊中去了。 在这最沉痛的时刻,她再也哭不出了。她 不想自己年幼的女儿。
男人的泪水滴到她的额头,她不抬眼看他。她的思想完全专注在那死去的孩子身上 ,她的整
极点,略 为休息了一会儿。就在这时,棺材被抬到一间偏僻的屋子里,棺盖在那儿被钉上,
为的是不让她听到鎯头 的响声。
她抽泣痛 哭。
没 有瞧见她们,她的思想里已经再没有甚么家了。她完全被哀伤所控制,哀伤在撞击着她,
就像海洋在撞击 一条失去了舵、失去了控制的船一样。安葬那天便这样过去了,之后几天也
是在这种同样沉重的痛苦中度 过的。全家人都用湿润的眼睛和忧伤的目光望着她,她听不到
他们安慰她的语言。他们又能说甚么呢,他 们也是悲伤得很的。
就好像她已经不懂得甚么是睡眠了。现在只有睡眠才是她最好的朋友,它能使 她的
己的手叠上, 祈祷,然后便很快睡着了。他没有觉察到她爬了起来,把衣服披在身上,然后
静悄悄地走出屋子,走向她 日夜想念的那个地方,走向埋着她孩子的地方。她走过自家屋舍

的院子,走到了田野里, 那里有小路绕过城通到教堂的坟园。谁也没有看见她,她也没有看
那是九月初 ,一个满天繁星的美好夜晚,空气还很柔和。她走进了教堂墓地,走到
那座小小的坟前。这坟就像唯一一 个大花环,花儿散发着芳香。她坐下来,把头垂向坟墓,
就好像她能够透过密实的土层看到她的孩子似的 。孩子的微笑还是那样活灵活现地存在於她
的记忆中。他眼中那亲切的表情,即便是在病床上,也都是永 远不能被忘记的。在她弯身向
他,拉着他自己无力举起的手的时候,他的目光就像在倾诉一样。就像坐在 他的床边一样,
她现在坐在他的坟旁,眼泪在不由自主地流淌,都落到了坟上。“你想到下面你孩子的身 边
望 了望,看见身旁站着一个男人,他身上裹着很大的哀丧大氅,帽子盖过了头。不过,她还
是从帽子下看到 了他的面孔,十分严峻,很能引起人的信任。他的眼睛闪闪发光,就好像他
还是一个青年。“到下面我的 孩子身边!”她重複了一遍,声音中露出一种犹豫的祈望。“你
敢随我去吗?”那身形问道。“我是死神 !”
散 发的那种亮光。她看见坟上的五颜六色的绚丽的花朵,泥层变得松软柔和,像一块飘忽的
布。她下沉了, 那身形把他的黑大氅摊开裹住她,已经是夜晚了,是死神的夜晚。她深深地
沉了下去,比掘墓的锄挖的还 要深,教堂的坟园像一片屋顶似地覆盖在她的头上。
大氅的一个边滑向一旁,她站在一个宏大的厅 里,大厅向四边延伸很远,有一种友
善的气氛。四周瀰漫着一片昏暗,突然之间,孩子在她面前出现。她 把孩子紧紧地抱到她的
胸前。孩子对她微笑,那笑的美丽是前所未有过的。她高声地喊了起来,可是声音 却听不见。
因为此时有一阵宏亮的音乐,先在她近身的地方,接着又在远处响了起来。从来没有这样令< br>她感到幸福的声音在她的耳畔响过。这声音在漆黑密实的挂帘的那边响荡着,那挂帘把大厅
和那巨 大的永恆的土地隔开了。“我亲爱的妈妈!我的亲妈妈!”她听她的孩子在说。这是
那熟悉、可爱的声音 。在无穷无尽的幸福之中,她一次又一次地亲吻着他。孩子用手指着那
漆黑的挂帘。“尘世上没有这样的 幸福!你瞧见了吗,妈妈!你瞧见所有的那些人了吗!这
可是,在孩子所指的 地方,除去茫茫黑夜之外,母亲甚么也没有看见。她是用尘世
的眼在看,不能像这个被上帝召去的孩子那 样看。她听到了声音,乐音,但是她听不到那些
她应该相信的话。“我现在能飞了,妈妈!”孩子说道, “和其他所有快乐的孩子一起,一
直飞进那边,到上帝那里去。我很想去。可是在你哭的时候,像你现在 这样哭的时候,我是

不能离开你的。可我多想啊!我要是可以,该多么好啊!要知道,你 不用多久,也会去到那
边我那里的,亲爱的妈妈!”“哦,留下吧!哦,留下吧!”她说道,“只再呆一 小会儿!
子说道, “那是爸爸在呼唤你!”接着,只歇了一小会儿,又传来深深的歎息,像是孩子在
哭。“这是我的两个姐 姐!”孩子说道,“妈妈,你当然没有忘记她们吧!”
於是她记起了尚存留世上的几个人,一丝不 安掠过她的心头。她朝自己的前边望去,
总有几个摇曳的身形走过,她觉得她认识几个。他们游过死亡的 大厅,朝那漆黑的挂帘走去,
在那儿消失掉。是不是看见的身形中有她的男人,她的两个女儿?不是,他 们的喊声,他们
的歎息还是从上面传来。她差一点为了这亡故的人而把他们忘记掉了。“妈妈,天国的钟 声
这时朝她射来了一股极强烈的 光,——孩子不见了,她升了上来——她四周很冷。
她抬起自己的头瞧了一瞧,看见她躺在教堂坟园自己 孩子的墓上。但是在梦中上帝成了支持
她腿脚的力量,成为她的理智的一道光线。她跪下去,祈祷着:“ 原谅我,我的上帝!我竟
想让一个永恆的魂灵不飞走,我竟会忘却我对你给我留下的倖存者的职责!”作 完这些祈祷
之后,她的心似乎宽松下来。这时太阳喷薄升起,一只小鸟在她的头上歌唱,教堂的钟声响< br>起来了,像一曲晨歌。四周是圣洁的,她的心中也是同样的圣洁!她认识了自己的上帝,她
认识了 自己的职责,在急切中她赶着回到家里。她弯身朝向自己的男人,她的热烈、衷诚的
吻搅醒了他,他们会 心地、诚挚地交谈。她恰如一个妻子一样地坚强、温顺,她的身上又产







