生活大爆炸第11季 第24集中英剧本
第十一季 第二十四集[本季终]
好啦 周六就是大日子了 All
right, Saturday is the big day.
很多人曾以为这一天永远不会到来 A lot of people thought this would
never come.
其实我也曾是其中一员 I may have been one
of those people.
其实我也曾是其中一员 I may have been
one of those people.
等等 是在说我们的婚礼吗 Wait,
wait, are we talking about the wedding?
-那对 我也绝对曾是其中一员 - Yes. - ?Oh, yeah, I was
definitely one of those
但现在我们走到这一步了 And yet, here we are.
明天会有会有很多亲朋好友来 Now, we got a lot of family coming
in tomorrow.
我会需要大家的协助 I'm gonna need
everyone's help.
就把这个当做是你们的那种漫画电影吧 Think of
this as one of your comic book movies.
有一群超级英雄 每个人都有不同职责 There's a bunch of superheroes,
each with a
different task.
就像是新的《复仇者联盟》吗 Oh, like the new Avengers.
是哪一部来着 Which one was that?
The one you slept through last weekend.
我睡得可香了 Oh, that was a good nap.
这更像是《指环王》 I-I think it's more like, uh, like Lord
of the Rings,
而你们就是护戒使者 and you're the
有人得去刚铎 Uh, someone's got to go
to Gondor,
有人得去魔多 someone's got to go to
有人得去阻挡影与炎之恶魔 someone's got to hold
off the demon of shadow and flame.
You mean the Balrog?
我是说我老母 I mean my
艾米 这个比喻超棒 That is a perfect
metaphor, Amy.
谢谢 Thank you.
Because it also involves a ring
that binds me in servitude forever.
Aw, he said forever.
刚才是威尔·惠顿 That was Wil
他很期待明天的婚礼呢 He's really excited
about tomorrow.
我也是 As am I.
如果你在我小时候告诉我 If you'd have told me as a child that
an actor from Star Trek
会有《星际旅行》的演员帮我证婚 我会说
would be officiating my wedding, I would've said,
而如果你说不是 是威尔·惠顿
而如果你回 And if
you'd have said,
试过 可是他出场费太贵
你为什么一直在鼓捣那个领结啊 Why do you keep
tying and untying that bow tie?
我怎么绑都不对称 I
can't seem to get it even.
Well, I don't think it's supposed to be even.
有时候稍微不对称反而更好看 Sometimes a little asymmetry looks
在文艺复兴时代 他们称之为潇洒不羁
文艺复兴吗 The
艾米 你明知道我更喜欢启蒙运动 Amy, you know
I'm more of an Enlightenment person.
世纪的一场哲学与文化运动 又称启蒙时代 该运动相信理性发展知识可以解决人类实存
总有一天 我们会需要决定 At some point, we have to
该怎么养育我们的孩子 how we want to raise the
你感觉还好吗 So are you feeling okay?
会有婚前恐惧吗 No wedding jitters?
没有 No.
世上没有任何人事物 There is nothing in the world
能够阻止我在明天娶你 that would stop me from marrying you
那怕是未来的我穿越回来阻止婚礼 even me from the
future coming back to prevent the
从而阻止我们未来会毁灭人类孩子的降生 and the subsequent birth of a
child who will
destroy humanity.
因为如果你从未来回来 Because if you came from the future,
那就表示你已经在过去结完婚了 that would mean you already
went through with the
因为你相信时间旅行的命定悖论 because you believe that time
travel is on a closed loop.
我真是太他妈爱你了 I love
you so damn much.
福勒先生 在后面坐得还舒服吗 Uh, Mr.
Fowler, are you okay back there?
需要开窗透气吗 Do
you need more air?
他很好 He's fine.
真没想到艾米不来接我们 I'm surprised Amy didn't pick us up.
哎呀 你也懂的 Oh, well, you know,
大婚之日前一天很多事情要忙 she's pretty busy the day before her
忙到老妈都可以放一旁吗 Too busy for her
想当年她是多么以母为天的女儿啊 She used to be such
a devoted daughter.
她现在就等着我死 好继承我的上好瓷器 Now
she's just waiting for me to die so she can
get my china.
再次谢谢你来接我们 Thank you again
for picking us up.
这是我的荣幸 库珀太太 My pleasure,
Mrs. Cooper.
我们去机场时的司机先生 You know, our
driver to the airport
也是个印度小伙呢 was also a
Indian fella.
妈 Mom...
这年头注意到人家是印度人就是种族歧视吗 Oh, so now it's racist to
notice when
somebody's Indian.
我也注意到你们俩都是白人啊 I don't think it's racist. I noticed
you were
both white.
你看吧 你多多谅解她 See?
You'll have to excuse her.
她现在怀孕 荷尔蒙过多在说胡话
She's just pregnant and hormonal.
恭喜你怀第二胎啊 Oh, yeah, congratulations on baby number
对对对 真好啊 Yeah. Whoopie.
Her husband would be here,
可是他得在家照顾他们大儿子 but
he stayed home to watch their older son,
所以一切都没问题 so e-everything's fine!
得了吧 Stop
我们分居了 We're separated.
真没想到啊 You
don't say.
你是谢尔顿的大哥啊 So, you're Sheldon's
big brother.
是啊 他有聪明脑袋 Uh, yeah. He got the
我有完美身材 I got the bod.
还有一头秀发 And the face and the hair.
我喜欢你的口音 I
like your accent.
谢尔顿 你以前也有那种口音吗 Sheldon,
did you used to sound like that?
现在还能有吗 Can
you still?
我可以说 但我才不要 I can. I will not.
艾米 你早先对我领结发表的见解 Amy, you said something
about my bow tie
让我忍不住一直回味 that I can't stop
thinking about.
你想说的不该是... Don't you mean...
来嘛 说啊 Go on, say it.
让你说 Say it.
大家看看我带谁来了 Hey, guys, look
who I have.
谢利 Hey, Shelly.
你能到真是太好了 I'm so glad you made it, Missy.
这是我未婚妻艾米 This is my fiancée, Amy.
艾米 这是我姐姐
Amy, this is my sister.
如果我哪天需要换肾 你可以去找她 If
I ever need a kidney, this is where you get it.
很高兴见到你 It's so nice to meet you.
我一直想要一个姐妹 I've always wanted a sister.
为什么 Really? Why?
我也爱你 谢尔顿 I love you, too,
是吗 为什么 Really? Why?
Where's Mom?
她想先去酒店梳洗一下 Uh, she wanted to
stop by the hotel and freshen up,
然后打给她的牧师为米希的灵魂祷告 and then call her pastor to pray
for Missy's soul.
要老命了 Oh, my God.
妈妈的乖女儿 There's mama's girl.
妈 你来啦 Hi, Mom.
拉里 你瞧瞧她 Oh, Larry, look at her!
你能相信我们的小羊羔终于要嫁人了吗 Can you believe our little lamb
is finally getting
他肯定不信 He
can't believe it.
我也不敢相信 And neither can I.
爸 你还好吗 Hi, Dad. How you doing?
这是什么玩意 What the hell is that?
拜托 你明明就懂 Come
on, you know this one.
这是一只... It's a...
狗子啊 dog.
我在后院发现它 I found him in the
别担心 我已经打给它的主人了 And don't worry, I
already called the owner.
很好 咱们家不需要狗 Good,
'cause we don't need a dog.
你和斯图尔特了 We already have two babies, you and
估计是狗主人来了 That's probably him.
你好 Hi.
给我一分钟 I'm gonna need a minute.
那是马克·哈米尔啊 That's Mark Hamill!
你好 Hello.
非常感谢你找到了这个小家伙 Thank you so much for finding this
我的老天 Oh, my goodness.
你还好吗 小家伙 Hey, Bark. How are you, buddy?
你家狗的名字是巴克吗 Y-Your dog's name is Bark?
巴克·哈米尔吗 Bark Hamill?
我在网上让粉丝给他取名 Yeah. Well, I let the fans name him
不过我还算走运 I got lucky, though.
他差点就要叫蜂蜜烤火腿·哈喇米尔 He was almost Honey Baked Hamill.
总而言之 非常感谢 Anyway, thank’s so much.
你帮我找到他 我一定要好好酬谢你 I-I want to give you a reward
for finding him.
不用了 我不能拿你的钱 Oh, no, I
couldn't take your money.
见到你已经是我的荣幸了 It's
just an honor to meet you.
拜托 别客气 No. No,
你不知道这只狗对我来说多重要 You don't know what
this dog means to me,
我还以为再也看不见他了呢 and I
thought he was gone for good.
肯定有什么我可以帮上忙的地方 Please? There must be something I
can do for
什么都行 Anything.
你肯定会后悔说出这句话 Oh, you're gonna regret that.
Hey, dude.
哥们吗 Dude?
是啊 就想让你知道 Yeah,
you know, just want you to know
that I don't think of you as a woman.
我也没有把你当男人看 Oh, perfect. I don't think of you as a
太棒了 Great.
所以作为两具无性别的肉身 So, as
two genderless blobs of human flesh,
你跟我一起去参加 how would you like to go
谢尔顿和艾米的婚礼怎么样 to Sheldon and Amy's wedding with me?
斯图尔特 Oh, Stuart.
感谢你的邀请 但这可能
Look, I appreciate that, but it just might be
有点怪 毕竟你是我老板 a little weird, considering you're my
猜猜谁要为谢尔顿和艾米证婚 Guess who's gonna
officiate Sheldon and Amy's wedding!
Mark Hamill!
卢克·天行者将会在婚礼上出现 Luke Skywalker
is gonna be at the wedding!
You'll need to buy me a dress.
你们知道我家艾米 And
did you know that my Amy
曾在八年级的时候扮演阿梅莉亚·埃尔哈特吗 played Amelia Earhart in the
eighth grade?
你从未说过你演过校园话剧 Amy, you never said you were in a
school play.
不不 是在家演 Oh, no, no, at home.
我绝不会让她参演校园话剧 I'd never let her do a school
那些孩子只会吸毒和交配 Those kids just take drugs
and have intercourse.
艾米现在还有在表演啊 You know,
Amy still does some performing.
她和谢尔顿有个关于旗帜的网络节目 She and Sheldon do an Internet
show about flags.
艾米 Amy?
网络视频吗 the
V-Videos on the Internet?
你明知男人用那些视频干什么 You
know what men use those for.
If you're talking about Fun with Flags,
我一般用来助眠 I use it to go to sleep.
你真是出奇地安静啊 Sheldon, you're awfully quiet.
你没事吧 Are you okay?
抱歉抱歉 Oh. Oh, I'm sorry.
我刚才在思考弦理论 I was thinking about string
跟我说说 我都错过什么了 But catch me up.
What'd I miss?
你看见了吗 拉里 Are you seeing
this, Larry?
等你死后 我得跟这种人生活在一起 These are the
people I'm gonna have to live with after
you're dead.
欢迎 伯特 一身西装好帅啊 Welcome,
Bert. Don't you look nice.
是啊 就像紫晶洞
处理过后换发迷人光彩 Yeah. Like a geode, I clean up good.
紫晶洞通常不都是破开来观赏的吗 Don't you crack a geode
我也没说我的比喻很完美啊 It's not a perfect
老天 Oh, my God.
-是的 - Is that Mark Hamill? - Yeah.
我的老天 Oh,
my God.
-那不是... -伯特 找你座位坐下 - Is that... -
Bert, go find your seat!
他怎么会来这里 W-What is
he doing here?
我捡到了他的狗 I found his dog
然后用人情压力拐他来主持这场婚礼 and guilted him into officiating
the wedding.
别告诉谢尔顿 这是给他的惊喜 Don't tell
Sheldon. It's a surprise.
Wait, I-I thought Wil was officiating the wedding.
是啊 本来是的 Yeah, so did he.
How did he take the news?
答案马上揭晓 I'll
let you know.
威尔 Hey, Wil!
你是对我别在翻领上的花过敏吗 Are you having an allergic reaction
to my boutonniere?
不 我是由衷为你感到开心 No. I'm
just so happy for you.
还有为我自己 And for me.
今天过后 你正式 After today, you are officially--
更重要的是 合法地成为艾米的麻烦了 and, more important,
legally-- Amy's problem.
别傻了 莱纳德 Don't be
silly, Leonard.
我永远都会是你的麻烦 I will always be
your problem.
宝贝 Hey, baby.
你好 妈妈
Hello, Mother.
莱纳德 你能回避一下吗 Leonard, could
you give us a moment?
当然可以 Oh, of course.
谢利 Oh, Shelly.
真希望你爸爸能看到你这副模样 I wish
your dad could see you now.
我也是 我好想他 Me,
too. I miss him.
他肯定会很以你为荣 He would be so
proud of you.
我就是 I know that I am
Thank you.
你为我做的一切 I mean, for everything.
照耀了我一生 My whole life.
我帮你调整下领结吧 Let me
straighten your tie.
不必了 不用调整 No, no, no,
it's all right.
就应该有点不对称 It's supposed to be
a little asymmetrical.
Apparently, a small flaw somehow improves it.
我懂你的意思 I can see that.
有时候... Sometimes it's
有不完美的地方才能让事情显得完美 imperfect stuff that
makes things perfect.
失陪一下 Excuse me.
完美的例子 Case in point.
我们终于见到面了 So, we finally
抱歉 你是哪位 I'm sorry, who are you?
威尔·惠顿 I'm Wil Wheaton.
本来应该是我来证婚 I was
supposed to officiate this wedding.
我整晚没睡就为了准备这些笔记 I was up all night preparing these
太感谢了 肯定对我大有帮助 Well, thanks so much.
It's gonna be a great help.
艾米 Amy.
艾米 Amy.
进来吧 Come in.
我有话要对你说 There's something I need to tell you.
你真是美呆了 Wow, you look amazing!
That's not what I need to tell you.
-怎么了 - But you do! - What's wrong?
刚才发生了不可思议的事情 Something incredible just happened.
还记得你怎么说我的领结 Remember when you were telling
me about my bow tie
以及为什么不对称是好事吗 and how a
little asymmetry is good?
-记得 -我的方程式一直试图 -
Yeah? - My equations have been trying
描述一个不完美的世界 to describe an imperfect world,
唯一的办法就是将不完美 and the only way to do that is to
introduce imperfection
引入到基本理论 into the
underlying theory.
所以不是超对称性 So, instead of
super symmetry,
而是超不对称性 it would be super
超不对称性 Super asymmetry.
That's it!
-把你的唇膏给我 -什么 - Give me your
lipstick. - What?
快给我 你个大美人 Just give it to
me, you beautiful thing!
我们有活要干 We have work
to do!
新郎和新娘 Hey, uh, the bride and groom
貌似有点事耽搁了 seem to be running a little behind.
你觉得你可以拖延一下吗 Do you think you could stall?
拖延 怎么拖 Stall? How?
各位 Hey, everybody!
还得再等几分钟 不过不会让大家白等 Uh, it's gonna be a few
more minutes, but while we
关于《星球大战》大家有什么问题吗 does anyone have any questions
about Star Wars?
你能行的 You got this.
所以如果在四维空间用世界面 So if I make slightly asymmetric
做出稍微不对称的结点 with sheets in four
我能将这整个想法 I can bootstrap the
whole idea
引入到十一维度的大型不对称 to a large
asymmetry in 11 dimensions.
Maybe even at the initial moment of creation,
几种基本力都缺乏对称性 the fundamental forces lacked
大家都在等着呢 你们俩在干什么 Everyone's
waiting. What are you guys doing?
Super asymmetry.
超不对称性 有这个东西吗 Super
asymmetry? Is that a thing?
我们现在就在创造它 We're
inventing it right now.
你们俩就不能等到... Don't
you think this can wait until...
慢着 Hold on.
这理论有意思 This is interesting.
马克先生 So,
yeah, Mr. Mark?
当您在伍基族人的母星时 When you were on
the, uh, Wookiee home planet,
how did you even understand what they were saying?
我不记得我曾去过伍基族人的母星 I don't remember ever being
on a Wookiee home planet.
Uh, actually, Luke was on the Wookiee home planet,
卡希克星球 在《星战假日特别版》里 Kashyyyk, in the Holiday
他帮楚伊回家跟老婆团聚 when he helped Chewie
get home to his wife.
楚伊还有老婆吗 Chewie had a
她名叫马拉 Her name's Malla.
记忆力惊人啊 Wow, it's impressive.
是啊 Yeah.
我有个问题 Hey, uh, I got a question.
为什么星球大战的交通工具都没有轮胎呢 Why aren't there tires on any
of those Star Wars
I'm sure some of them had tires.
Actually, they don't.
话说HAVw A5 型涡轮坦克是金属夹轮
I mean, the HAVw A5 turbo tank has metal gripping
但我不会称其为轮胎 but I wouldn't call
them tires.
你太帅气了 You are so hot.
这也太久了 This is taking too long.
我敢肯定是谢尔顿抛下我女儿了 I bet that Sheldon stood my baby
不好意思 Uh, excuse me.
你要去哪里 Where-
where are you going?
整件事就是一个天大的错误 This whole
thing was a big mistake.
我要去找艾米 I'm gonna
find Amy
-带她离开这 -给我坐下 - and get her out of
here. - Sit down!
你说什么 Excuse me?
谢尔顿爱艾米 Sheldon loves Amy,
他绝对不会在婚礼当天伤害她 and
he would never hurt her on her wedding day
其他日子也绝不会 给老娘坐下 or any other day, so park it.
你也坐下 Oh, you sit down, too.
你就让她这么跟我说话吗 Are
you gonna let her talk to me like that?
说点什么啊 Say something.
谢谢您了 Thank you.
根据我刚才搜谷歌 Uh, according to Google,
网上没有任何有关超不对称性的论文 there are zero papers that
mention super asymmetry.
这是全新理念 还没有人想出来过
This is brand-new. No one's thought of it.
你们这帮疯子在干嘛 What are you lunatics doing?!
谢尔顿有了科学突破 Sheldon had a breakthrough.
应该说是我跟艾米有了科学突破 Actually, Amy and I had a
科学吗 真没想到啊 Oh, science?
你可能不理解 这可能十分重大呢 You don't
understand. This could be really big.
佩妮说得对 No, Penny's right.
我们还有一生可以一起研究科学 We
have our whole lives to do science together.
我们去结婚吧 Let's get married.
这就对了 All right.
要开始啦 It's go time!
我超兴奋的 I am pumped!
好啦 大伙们 好戏上场啦 Okay, everyone. Here we go.
莱纳德 Leonard.
那是马克·哈 哈 哈... That's
Mark Ha-Ha-Ha...
是马克·哈米 哈 哈...
It's-it's Mark Hami-Ha-Ha...
谢沃罗威茨吧 是他安排的
Yep. Thank Wolowitz. He set it up.
谢谢你 Thank
恭喜你们结婚了 Congratulations on your
谢谢你 Thank you.
我有4000样东西想请你签名 When this is over, I have 4000
things for you to
谢谢你 老爸 Thank
you, Daddy.
我还以为是威尔来证婚呢 I-I thought Wil was
marrying us.
沃罗威茨帮我们升级了 Wolowitz got us an
另一个蓄胡子的科幻片男 Another sci-fi guy with
a beard.
感觉大同小异 不过行吧 Seems lateral, but
欢迎各位 Welcome.
今日我们齐聚一堂 在家人 友人
We are gathered here today in the sight of family,
与全能的神的见证下 friends and Almighty God.
这宗教性太强了 That's too religious.
那边的女士逼我说的 That
lady over there made me say it.
想撤回是不可能的 He heard you, and he can't un-hear you.
我们欢聚于此 一同庆祝 We're here to celebrate the
谢尔顿·李·库珀 of Sheldon Lee Cooper...
与艾米·菲拉·福勒喜结良缘 ...and Amy Farrah Fowler.
我本来准备了更多证婚词 I had more prepared,
但我决定直接跳到交换戒指与婚誓部分 but I'm just gonna skip to the
rings and vows,
因为我在这里回答了45分钟你们的问题 since
I've been answering your questions for
呵 还他回答呢 Yeah, he answered them.
艾米 你先来 Amy, you're up.
谢尔顿 当我还是个小女孩
Sheldon, when I was a little girl,
我就对自己梦想中的婚礼充满期待 I used to dream about my wedding.
但终于某天我不再怀揣梦想 But, eventually, I stopped,
因为我觉得此生等不到出嫁那天了 because I thought that day
would never come.
后来我遇到了你 And then I met
从我们在那间咖啡厅初遇的那一刻 From the first moment
in that coffee shop,
我就知道我们之间有不一样的火花 I knew
that there was something special between us,
尽管我曾经做过研究 even though I did work on a study
证明一见钟情并不存在 that disproved love at first sight.
那个研究我当时看了就特别喜欢 I loved that study the moment
I read it.
格外讽刺吧 Ironic, huh?
那个研究是错的 Clearly, it was wrong.
Because I felt something that day,
而那感觉随着时间越来越浓烈 and those feelings have only gotten
stronger with time.
我无法想象自己还能比此时此刻更爱你 I
can't imagine loving you more than I do right now.
但我每一天都感到对你的爱远胜过前一天 But I felt that way
yesterday and the day before
一天比一天更强烈 and the day before that.
是线性增长还是加速增长呢 Is that growth linear or
是加速增长 Accelerating.
那或许我们还能画出表来 Oh, maybe we could graph it out.
留点激情的到度蜜月时再说吧 Save something for the honeymoon.
好主意 Smart.
谢尔顿 Sheldon,
我不知道未来会是如何 I don't know what the future holds,
但我知道我此生最开心的时刻 but I know that I've never
been happier than I am
就是在此刻 我嫁给了你 in this
moment marrying you.
真是出乎意料的感人啊 Well, that
was unexpectedly beautiful.
让我缓一下 I might
need a minute.
艾米 Amy...
我通常都明确知道自己该说什么 ...I usually know exactly what to
但此刻... But in this moment...
我无以言表 I have no words.
我猜 I guess...
我是被你吓坏了 I'm overwhelmed by you.
是好的那种吓坏 In a
good way.
不是迪士尼《鬼屋》电梯的那种吓坏 Not in the
elevator in the Haunted Mansion way.
即便我现在无法描述出内心的感受 Even if I can't tell you now how I
可我会穷尽一生让你知道我有多爱你 I will spend my life
showing you how much I love you.
你愿意... Do
你愿意... Do you...
我插一句 如果你不行了
我乐意上场 Hey, I'm just saying, I'm here if you need
me to step
不用 不用 No, no, no.
我能行 I got this.
艾米 你愿意接受谢尔顿作为你的合法丈夫吗 Amy,
do you take Sheldon for your lawful
我愿意 I do.
谢尔顿 同样问题 And,
Sheldon, same thing.
我愿意 I do.
所赋予我的合法权利 by ...
我现在宣布你们正式结为合法夫妻 ...I now pronounce you husband and
你可以吻新娘了 You may kiss the bride.
♪ 最忠 ♪ ♪ At wast... ♪
At last - Etta James
♪ 偶的爱终鱼来了 ♪ ♪ My wove has come awong ♪
♪ 偶孤蛋的日子终鱼结束 ♪ ♪ My wonewy days are over ♪
人生就香是一馊歌 ♪ ♪ And wife is wike a song ♪
♪ 欧耶
♪ ♪ Oh, yeah. ♪