
2020年08月16日 00:08


Hold back put forward
Distract sb
Ew 没兴趣
Oh gee 老天爷
What’s going on
Rats 老鼠 小人
Repay sb 报答某人

这一集出现了Sheldon的仰慕者Ramona , 为了让Sheldon有更多时间投入到工作上去,
Ramona严格管教其衣食住行, 甚至帮Sheldon剪脚指甲,难怪Penny大呼Holy crap on
a cracker.
1. fence with搪塞,回避,周旋
2. Touche.一语中的,一针见血
3. on the verge of接近于,濒临于
This swift, beautiful animal is on the verge of extinction.但这种敏捷而美丽的动
4. came for为某种目的而来取;向…冲来;对…进行袭击
With a word she can get what she came for. 只需要一个字眼她就能获得自己的

1. cognitive processing认知过程, 认知历程
2. Rats差劲,胡扯,rat老鼠
3. take my breath away使大吃一惊;让我无法呼吸
4. pick your brain向你讨教下
You sound very well traveled, so I'm hoping to pick your brain. 听起来你的旅
5. on a roll运气好;超常发挥;做得很顺
The private banking business is on a roll.私人银行业务正发展得如火如荼。
6. servings服务;(食品等的)一份;上菜
This recipe is enough for four servings. 本食谱为四人份。
生活大爆炸》(第二季) 地道口语第六集1
2011年12月19日16:30 来源:沪江英语 【发表评论】
《生活大爆炸》是一部以“科学天才”为背景的情景喜剧。主人公Leonard和S heldon是一对好朋友。他
们的智商绝对高人一等,但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻 底没了脾气。直到有一天,隔壁
搬来一位美貌性感的女孩Penny ,顿时吸引了Leonard的目光„„

这一集出现了Sheldon的仰慕者Ramona , 为了让Sheldon有更多时间投入到工作上去,
Ramona严格管教其衣食住行, 甚至帮Sheldon剪脚指甲,难怪Penny大呼Holy crap on a


[助你说出有个性的英语(1)] [(2)]

趣味英语 │各种发型的英语说法
双语阅读 │英国人圣诞节戴纸帽子
词汇大全 │与薪水有关词汇
双语职场 │“鼠标主妇”也赚钱
经验交流 │流利口语是这样炼成的
LEONARD: So... how'd it go with Ramona last night?
SHELDON:Oh, great. She's smart, insightful and she has a very unique way of, you
know, revering me.
PAMONA:Here's your spinach mushroom omelet.
SHELDON: Thank you. Did anyone touch it?
PAMONA: Gloves were worn by everyone involved. I was vigilant.
SHELDON: Ramona pointed out that I've been wasting 20 minutes a day standing on
cafeteria lines.
PAMONA: Time which would be better spent tackling the great physics problems of our
SHELDON: You don't tackle the big issues, Ramona. You fence with them.
PAMONA: En garde. Riposte.
LEONARD: Touche.
LESLIE: Morning.

LEONARD: Hi, Leslie.
LESLIE: So, Sheldon, I see you're organizing your papers for the Smithsonian Museum
of Dumbassery.
PAMONA: There won't be any room until they get rid of the permanent Leslie Winkle
SHELDON: Oh, good one.
LESLIE: I see you got a grad student to fight your battles for you. I'll let you
keep your lunch money today.
PAMONA: Okay, Dr. Cooper is on the verge of a breakthrough. If you're going to stay,
you'll have to be respectful and quiet.
LEONARD: Wait for me.
PAMONA: So have you worked out the neutrino issue?
SHELDON: Well,to paraphrase Mozart, all the subatomic particles are there. I just
have to put them in the right order.
PAMONA: You're so witty.
SHELDON: Aren't I?
PENNY:Hey, guys, this package came for...
PAMONA: Dr. Cooper is working.
SHELDON: Yes, I'm close to a breakthrough. Ooh, it tickles!
PAMONA: Sorry.
PENNY: Holy crap on a cracker.

1. fence with搪塞,回避,周旋
2. Touche.一语中的,一针见血
3. on the verge of接近于,濒临于
This swift, beautiful animal is on the verge of extinction.但这种敏捷而美丽的动
4. came for为某种目的而来取;向„冲来;对„进行袭击
With a word she can get what she came for. 只需要一个字眼她就能获得自己的所需。
5. holy crap 在美国几乎很多人都会说, 这个不代表骂人的意思, 只表示我很惊讶, 很不

《生活大爆炸》(第二季) 地道口语第六集2
2011年12月19日16:32 来源:沪江英语 【发表评论】
《 生活大爆炸》是一部以“科学天才”为背景的情景喜剧。主人公Leonard和Sheldon是一对好朋友。 他
们的智商绝对高人一等,但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气。直到有一天,隔 壁
搬来一位美貌性感的女孩Penny ,顿时吸引了Leonard的目光„„


SHELDON: Yes. She's in the living room. Go. I'll wait here.
PAMONA: Sheldon,what are you doing out of bed?

SHELDON: Now! Do it!

[助你说出有个性的英语(1)] [(2)]

趣味英语 │各种发型的英语说法
双语阅读 │英国人圣诞节戴纸帽子
词汇大全 │与薪水有关词汇
双语职场 │“鼠标主妇”也赚钱
经验交流 │流利口语是这样炼成的
PAMONA: You know you need your sleep in order for your cognitive processing to perform
at optimum levels.
SHELDON: Now come on. Godzilla clause?
LEONARD: Not unless she destroys Tokyo.
SHELDON: Rats. I've got it! I finally reconciled the black hole information paradox
with my theory of string-network condensates!
PAMONA: It's unbelievable! It's paradigm- altering.
SHELDON: And I could not have done it without you.
PAMONA: Oh,please,I just offered a little encouragement.
SHELDON: It was a lot more than that. You helped me work out the masses of all the
fermions and you pumiced my hammer toe. How can I ever repay you?
PAMONA: Well,would you consider naming it the Cooper-Nowitzki Theorem?
SHELDON: Who's Nowitzki?
PAMONA: I'm Nowitzki.

SHELDON: Oh,you want me to share credit? Get out!
PAMONA: Oh, bite me!
KATHY: Excuse me,Dr. Cooper. I'm Kathy O'Brien. I just finished reading your paper
reconciling the black hole information paradox with your theory of string - network
condensates,and it just took my breath away.
SHELDON: Maybe when I publish it,I'll include an inhaler.
KATHY: Would you possibly have any time for me to pick your brain?
SHELDON: Let's see. Today's Thursday. Thursday nights,I eat pizza from Giacomo's.
Sausage,mushrooms,light olives.
KATHY: Great. I'll bring it to your place. I have the address.
SHELDON: What a nice girl.真是个好姑娘
LEONARD: Sheldon,do you see what just happened here?
SHELDON: Yes,I'm getting a free pizza. I'm on a roll. More pad Thai,please.
HOWARD: Sheldon,you've already had four servings.
RAJ: You might want to slow down a bit,buddy.
SHELDON: Just one more bite.
LEONARD: Sheldon? Sheldon? Sheldon, are you okay?
SHELDON: I'm just so... full.
LEONARD: That's it. No more Thai food.

1. cognitive processing认知过程, 认知历程
2. Rats差劲,胡扯,rat老鼠
3. take my breath away使大吃一惊;让我无法呼吸
4. pick your brain向你讨教下
You sound very well traveled, so I'm hoping to pick your brain. 听起来你的旅行经
5. on a roll运气好;超常发挥;做得很顺
The private banking business is on a roll.私人银行业务正发展得如火如荼。
6. servings服务;(食品等的)一份;上菜
This recipe is enough for four servings. 本食谱为四人份。







