生活大爆炸 第四季第三集中英文剧本

2020年08月16日 00:14


生活大爆炸 第四季第三集
好的 我准备好答下道题目了All right, I'm ready for my next question.
在一个犀牛被当宠物养的世界中In a world where rhinoceroses are domesticated pets,
谁将赢得第二次世界大战who wins the Second World War?
肯尼亚会因出口犀牛而崛起Kenya rises to power on the export of rhinoceroses.
在中非成为一个强大的政权A Central African power block is formed,
并殖民统治北非和欧洲colonizing North Africa and Europe.
战争爆发后 谁也负担不起养犀牛的这份奢侈When war breaks out, no one can afford the
luxury of a rhino.
肯尼亚衰落 乌干达雄起Kenya withers, Uganda triumphs.
轮到我了My turn.
在一个钢琴被当做武器而不是乐器的世界中In a world where a piano is a weapon, not a musical
斯科特·乔普林会用什么来演奏《枫叶爵士》on what does Scott Joplin play
调谐刺刀Tuned bayonets.
理由不是显而易见吗Isn't it obvious?
你说得对 我的错You're right. My apologies.
你们俩在玩什么鬼游戏呢What the hell are you guys playing?
这是我们发明的一个游戏It's a game we invented.
我们假定一个在某关键方面不同于这里的世界We postulate an alternate world that differs from
然后互相就此发问in one key aspect and then pose questions to each other.
本游戏适合8至80岁人士It's fun for ages eight to 80.
一起来玩吧Join us.
好吧All right.
我也喜欢脑筋急转弯I like a good brainteaser.
我来试试吧Give it a whirl.
你走运了 这道简单You're in luck, this is an easy one.
在一个人类被高智商巨形海狸统治的世界中In a world where mankind is ruled by a giant
intelligent beaver,
哪种食物再也吃不到了what food is no longer consumed?
BLT[培根生菜番茄三明治]吗 其中B代表海狸Uh... a BLT where the
我也说不准I don't know.
莱纳德 认真点Leonard, be serious.
我们在玩游戏呢We're playing a game here.
我能答出来的 让我想想I can figure this out. Let's see.
海狸以树皮喂食Um, well, beavers eat tree bark.
我唯一了解的人类用得着树皮的食物是肉桂The only tree bark I know that humans consume is

所以我说是肉桂So, I'll say cinnamon.
答案很明显是芝士丹麦酥Obviously, the answer is cheese Danish.
在一个被巨形海狸统治的世界中In a world ruled by a giant beaver,
人类为取悦海狸的统治会修建许多水坝mankind builds many dams to please the beaver overlord.
哥本哈根因地势低洼会遭遇洪灾The low-lying city of Copenhagen is flooded.
数万人会死去Thousands die.
更毁灭的是 丹麦人却从未以自己的名字给糕点命名Devastated, the Danes never invent their
namesake pastry.
怎么会有人连这个都想不到呢How does one miss that?
这太荒谬了This is ridiculous.
你们这是在捏造答案You're just making stuff up.
他输的时候总这样吗Is he always like this when he loses?
那当然了Oh, yes.
你要是能目睹08年讨论巨形野牛时的景象就好了You should've been here for the great giant
tantrum of 2008.
你掀的桌子 自己清楚You bumped the table and you know it.
或许我们应该玩个更适合他能力的游戏Perhaps it would be kinder to play a game more suited to
his abilities.
等会儿你躲猫猫的时候 我们会闭眼数到10We'll close our eyes and count to ten while you hide.
我回屋了I'm going to my room.
很好 莱纳德Very good, Leonard.
但下次你藏哪里无需提前告诉我们But next time, don't tell us where you're hiding.
你们看到《美国物理学报》关于超固体的论文了吗Did you guys see the paper in The American
Physics Journal on supersolids?
挺有趣的It's pretty interesting.
这个人从假说...This guy's working from a hypothesis where...
剧透警报 剧透警报Spoiler alert! Spoiler alert.
-咋了 -别提前爆料- What? - Don't ruin it for me, man.
我为了边蹲便壶边看把PDF文件都打出来了I printed out a PDF to read on the potty.
便壶 你多大了 五岁吗On the potty? What are you, five?
就是便便的地方嘛 不然你说该叫什么It's a potty. What do you call it?
晚饭桌上这么叫不觉得有点粗俗了吗That's a little vulgar for the dinner table, don't you think?
那便壶就不俗了吗Oh, and
便壶多纯真 多可爱啊
那你去便便的地方干啥 嘘嘘吗What do you do in the potty, wee-wee?
如果我不必嘣嘣大便]的话If I don't have to boom-boom.
你们都记得艾米·菲拉·福勒吧You all remember Amy Farrah Fowler.
-见到你很高兴 -你好- Nice to see you. - Hello.
抱歉我们迟到了Sorry we're late.
对此我必须得承担责任I must take responsibility.

我不得不半路上买点女性卫生用品I had to stop for feminine hygiene supplies.
-这样啊 -了解- Aha. - Okay.
我认为她正在经期当中I believe she's experiencing her menses.
实际上 还没到时候Actually, I'm not.
但为了避免意外 我得时刻带着卫生巾In order to avoid surprises, I wear them all the time.
-理解 -非常了解- Aha. - Okay.
瞧啊 这不是谢米嘛Hey, look, it's Shamy.
一个幼稚地混合我们名字的做法而已A juvenile amalgamation of our names.
谢尔顿 艾米 谢米
我不喜欢 以后别这么叫了I don't like that. Don't do that.
好吧 有什么新鲜事吗All righty. What's new?
而我并不喜欢and I don't like that.
我了解了 但我想问的其实是你生活上的新鲜事I got it. But what I was going for was, you know,
how's your life?
跟普通人没什么两样Like everybody else's.
经历着万物的成长 衰败和最终的死亡Subject to entropy, decay and eventual death.
谢谢你的问候Thank you for asking.
为何她还没有给我们点餐呢Why is she not taking our order?
我应该提前通知你的I should've warned you,
如果想在这里用餐前 必须要经历连串one has to navigate a labyrinth of social nonsense
繁杂而无用的寒暄before one can be fed here.
是吗 我以为既然起名叫芝士工厂
做事就能更有效率呢the Cheesecake Factory would function more efficiently.
那是它们诱骗你来的伎俩It's how they lure you in.
好吧 我还是遁走好了Okay, I'm just gonna walk away,
因为 我不想待在这了'cause... I don't want to be here.
这真不错啊So, this is nice.
我们第一次齐聚一堂来吃顿饭First time we've all gotten together to eat.
你说得对 他果然在进行无聊的饭前寒暄You're right, he's a festival of humdrum chitchat.
好吧 我没辙了Okay, that's all I got.
霍华德 你上Howard, you're up.
谈谈你的工作吧 艾米Um... tell us about your work, Amy.
我怀疑你听不听得懂I doubt you'd understand.
谢尔顿告诉我你只有个硕士学位Sheldon tells me you only have a master's degree.
拉杰 你有没有问题问艾米Raj, do you have any questions for Amy?
我很好奇 我们怎么不单独吃饭I'm curious as to why we're not eating alone.
他们离不开我They can't function without me.
我是凝聚这个小团体的粘合剂I'm the social glue that holds this little group together.
不用谢我You're welcome.

我能跟你谈谈你的女朋友吗Listen, can I talk to you about your girlfriend?
她不是我的女朋友She's not my girlfriend.
她是女生 也是我朋友She's a girl and she's my friend,
但绝对没有触摸或不洁的交换唾液but there's no touching or unsanitary exchange of saliva.
明白Got it.
不过 倒是有一次Although, for the record, on one occasion,
她舔了一下拇指 然后帮我抹掉she licked her thumb to remove raspberry jelly
嘴角上的树莓果冻from the corner of my mouth.
我们今天都为此后悔不已It's an action we both regret to this day.
不过 我觉得她不太适合Anyway, I'm not sure she's the best fit
我们这个 怎么说呢 反抗军[星球大战]for our little-- how should we call it-- rebel alliance.
我一直不认同反抗军Oh, I never identified with the rebel alliance.
尽管他们想建造死亡星球Despite their tendency to build Death Stars,
我一直支持银河帝国I've always been more of an empire man.
那不是我想说的Yeah, not my point.
我知道你想说什么I know what your point is.
你们被艾米的智慧吓着了You're intimidated by Amy's intellect.
我只能说 振作点To that I say, buck up.
我直接说吧Okay, let me just get right to it.
艾米很爱批评人 假正经 而且Amy is judgmental, sanctimonious and frankly...
很讨人厌just obnoxious.
我们已经要忍受这样一个你了So we already have you for all that.
你这是建议我停止和艾米交往吗Are you suggesting I terminate my relationship with Amy?
不 当然不是No, no, of course not.
只是去别的地方交往Just have your relationship someplace else.
那我可得指出 我忍气吞声整整八个月May I point out that for eight long months,
忍受你女朋友在咱家I suffered in silence as your female companion
大声唱跑调的乡村音乐filled our apartment with her off-key country music caterwauling,
毫不知羞地在咱客厅the unappetizing spectacle of her grinding a pumice stone
用浮石磨长满老茧的脚against her calloused feet in our living room,
一夜接一夜地看and night after night of uninformative
毫无内涵的电视剧《泽西海滩》TV documentaries about the Jersey Shore.
忍气吞声Suffered in silence?
我希望你也能这么做And I'd thank you to do the same.
有没有搞错 忍气吞声Reall-- Silence?!
落基山脉清凉的泉水Nothing makes beer taste better
最能带出啤酒的味道than cool clear Rocky Mountain spring water.
话说 落基山脉在哪啊Where are the Rocky Mountains, anyway?
我以为在西部呢I thought they were out West someplace.

这样想 拉杰Think about it, Raj.
电影《洛奇》的故事发生在哪里Where did the movie Rocky take place?
我明白了Okay, now I get it.
这就是咱的计划吗So this is the plan?
从今天起From now on,
我们就藏这里躲避谢米吗we're just gonna hide out in here to avoid the Shamy?
我觉得这里很舒服I'm very comfortable here.
佩妮亲爱的 再给我来一剂万灵弹吧Penny, dear, why don't you shoot another silver bullet my
自己拿去Get one yourself.
某人吃了泼妇药哦Ooh, somebody's been taking bitchy pills.
老天 他喝了酒真混蛋God, he's an ass when he drinks.
他没喝酒也混蛋Oh, he's an ass when he doesn't.
你只是没听到You just don't hear it.
我们得考虑谢米恋Think we need to start entertaining the possibility
发展数年的可能性that the Shamy could go on for years.
那样的话 佩妮得装卫星电视Well, if that's the case, Penny will have to get satellite TV
而且每周吸一吸灰尘and maybe once a week run a vacuum through this place.
你不是要跟谢尔顿谈吗I thought you were going to talk to Sheldon.
-谈了 -他怎么说- I did. - Well, what'd he say?
他指出他过去有点必须Well, he pointed out that he kinda sorta had to...
忍受你put up with you.
有点必须Kinda sorta had to?
我没同意他的说法I didn't agree with him.
你帮我反驳了吧Well, you defended me, right?
我试了 不过I tried, but...
他说的理由太充分了...he made a fairly well-reasoned argument.
你磨得不对You're not doing that right.
-不要 -相信我- No. - Trust me.
-不要 -我一直帮我妈磨脚- No! - I do this for my mom all the time.
要顺着纹路摩With the grain.
哇 确实好很多Wow, that is better.
改天 你要是得了静脉曲张And someday, when you have varicose veins,
我再教你怎么推拿I'll show you how to massage them.
天呐 没有下次了Oh, God, never again.
你的没有下次应该是指不再I assume by
喝完佩妮的啤酒后跑去加油站all of Penny's beer, then run down to the gas station
买两瓶40s啤酒 一盒肉条for a couple of 40s, a box of Slim Jims
还有最新一期的《孟买美妞翘臀》吧and the latest issue of Bombay Badonkadonks.
人家想家了嘛I was homesick.

当晚最精彩的就是你展示The highlight of the evening was when you showed us
你的宝莱坞霹雳舞技your Bollywood break dancing skills.
你这样很没礼貌That's very offensive.
没错 我们当时也这么想Yeah, we all thought so.
晕Oh, no.
约翰和洋子来了[列侬夫妇]It's John and Yoko.
更像洋子和洋子More like Yoko and Yoko.
大家好Greetings. Hey.
我带了艾米来I brought Amy here
看看我的工作to show her some of the work I'm doing.
对于理论工作来说 很不错了It's very impressive, for theoretical work.
我好像察觉出一点屈就的意味Do I detect a hint of condescension?
抱歉 我说得太间接了吗I'm sorry, was I being too subtle?
我是指跟神经生物学I meant compared to the real-world applications
在现实中的应用相比 理论物理就是of neurobiology, theoretical physics is--
怎么说好呢 小巫见大巫what's the word I'm looking for?-- hmm, cute.
你这是暗指神经生物学家的成就Are you suggesting the work of a neurobiologist
例如巴宾斯基 能上升到物理学家like Babinski could ever rise to the significance
巴宾斯基 法国神经学家
例如克拉克·麦克斯韦或狄拉克的层面of a physicist like Clark Maxwell or Dirac?
克拉克·麦克斯韦:经典电动力学创始人 狄拉克:量子力学奠基者之一
直截了当地说I'm stating it outright.
巴宾斯基把狄拉克当早餐Babinski eats Dirac for breakfast
再排泄出克拉克·麦克斯韦and defecates Clarke-Maxwell.
你给我收回那话You take that back.
绝不Absolutely not.
我和同事们正在绘制My colleagues and I are mapping
神经基质 有利于the neurological substrates that subserve
促进全球信息处理global information processing,
这种研究既要求认知推理which is required for all cognitive reasoning,
也包括科学探索 由此事实可见including scientific inquiry, making my research ipso facto
我的研究在认知序列上更高一层prior in the ordo cognoscendi.
这就说明比他的研究更高级That means it's better than his research,
由此可推 当然也胜过你们and by extension, of course, yours.
不好意思 我的大脑I'm sorry, I'm-I'm still trying
还停留在理解排泄克拉克·麦克斯韦上to work on the defecating Clark Maxwell, so...
不好意思 但是统一场理论Excuse me, but a grand unified theory,
在一定程度上解释了万物insofar as it explains everything,
由此事实可见 也能解释神经生物学will ipso facto explain neurobiology.
是没错 但要是我成功了Yes, but if I'm successful,
我就能绘制和再现你演算出I will be able to map and reproduce your thought processes
统一场理论的思维加工过程in deriving a grand unified theory,
因此 你的结论也得纳入我的范式and therefore, subsume your conclusions under my paradigm.

那是卑劣的心理主义That's the rankest psychologism,
早在19世纪90年代就被费雷格and was conclusively revealed as hogwash
板上钉钉为是胡言乱语by Gottlob Frege in the 1890s!
看来我们陷入了僵局We appear to have reached an impasse.
同意I agree.
我决定立即终止我俩的关系I move our relationship terminate immediately.
还有异议吗There being no objections...
那么立即执行...the motion carries.
日安 艾米·菲拉·福勒Good day, Amy Farrah Fowler.
日安 谢尔顿·库珀Good day, Sheldon Cooper.
女人哈Women, huh?
没法和她们过日子Can't live with them,
也没法反驳她们的各种假设can't successfully refute their hypotheses.
上帝保佑Amen to that.
好呀 谢尔顿Hey, Sheldon.
听说你和艾米分手了I hear you broke up with Amy.
说分手的话就说明她是我女朋友A breakup would imply she was my girlfriend.
她是个女孩 曾经是我朋友She was a girl who was my friend
现在她还是个女孩 但不是我朋友了who is now a girl who is not my friend.
听着像史上最烂乡村民谣Wow. That's like the worst country song ever.
你感觉如何So, how are you doing?
什么感觉Regarding what?
我不懂I don't follow.
分手...不管你怎么叫 总是很难受的Well, breakups-- or whatever the hell this is-- can be tough.
佩妮 放心 我没事Penny, I assure you, I'm fine.
我和艾米只是纯粹智力上的关系My relationship with Amy was purely intellectual,
没有丝毫感情色彩There were no emotional bonds,
所以我也没有任何痛苦the severing of which would cause me any discomfort.
这段关系只是失去效用罢了The relationship simply outlived its utility,
我也像从前一样继续生活and I'm continuing on with my life as before.
好吧 不错Okay. Good.
我得先走了 要去买一只小猫咪Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to buy a pussycat.
这事儿必须跟你们说一下I gotta tell you guys,
我有点担心谢尔顿I'm a little worried about Sheldon.
我们都有点担心谢尔顿We're all a little worried about Sheldon.
我是说自从谢米恋搁浅后No, I mean since the Shamy hit a reef.
我还以为你是一概而论呢Oh, I thought you were just making a generalization:
我担心谢尔顿 可能他某天
就去引爆一个低爆炸力核装置because the cafeteria ran out of lime Jell-O.
搁浅是啥意思What does

一拍两散Uh, went splitsville.
我觉得谢尔顿真的很想念艾米I think Sheldon really misses Amy.
你该把你的那本《孟买美妞翘臀》借给他You should lend him your copy of Bombay Badonkadonks.
他找了只猫作伴He got a cat to keep him company.
不是吧You're kidding.
他上哪儿都带着He takes it everywhere:
不管是卧室还是洗手间to bed, to the bathroom.
他带猫咪用便壶吗He takes the kitty to the potty?
我们不是说好不用这词儿了么I thought we discussed the P-word.
别想着改变我 老兄Don't try to change me, dude.
哥就是哥I am what I am.
先生们Oh, gentlemen.
不给我们介绍下Hey. Aren't you going to introduce us
你的小伙伴吗to your little friend?
不好意思My apologies.
拉杰 霍华德 这位是罗伯特·奥本海默博士Raj, Howard, I'd like you to meet Dr. Robert
你好Hello. Hi.
失陪一下Now, if you'll excuse me,
原子弹之父现在要来一碟牛奶the father of the atomic bomb wants a saucer of milk.
我懂了 的确该担心谢尔顿Okay, I get it. We're worried about Sheldon.
不是吧Oh, no.
奥本海默太孤单了Robert Oppenheimer was lonely.
所以你要把整个曼哈顿计划的人都找来吗So you decided to get the whole Manhattan Project?
对 这位是恩里科·费米 理查德·费曼Yes. This is Enrico Fermi, Richard Feynman,
爱德华·泰勒Edward Teller,
奥托·弗里希Otto Frisch
还有犀利哥and Zazzles.
我本想给他取名为赫尔曼·冯·赫尔姆霍兹I was going to name him Hermann von Helmholtz,
但他实在太犀利了but he's so zazzy.
好吧 我们得谈谈Okay, we need to talk.
谈什么About what?
猫呗 谢尔顿Cats, Sheldon.
显然艾米走后 你很难受You're clearly upset about Amy being gone,
所以你想用一堆猫来代替她and you're trying to replace her with a bunch of cats.
-一群猫 -啥- Clowder. - What?
不用一堆 而要用一群 或者是一窝子A group of cats is a clowder. Or a glaring.
好吧 我懂了Okay, yeah, fine.
既然我们现在与猫为伍It's the kind of thing you ought to know

我觉得有必要给你扫盲一下now that we have one.
很好很强大 我的意思是Terrific. My point is, you need to face up
你得坦然面对这次分手to what you're feeling with this breakup.
这不是分手It wasn't a breakup.
那样的话就说明她是我女朋友A breakup would imply that Amy was my girlfriend.
好吧 我知道了 她不是你女朋友Okay, I got it, I got it; she's not your girlfriend.
听我说Now listen to me.
我知道孤单一人的感觉I know about loneliness.
也明白要借其它事物来寻求安慰I know about trying to replace someone with other stuff.
我那会和佩妮分手后 我又重新开始拉大提琴When I broke up with Penny, I got back into my
还搭了不少模型火箭I built a bunch of model rockets,
我还买了举重手套和五磅重的哑铃I got those weightlifting gloves and that five-pound dumbbell.
你那不叫分手 是佩妮甩了你You didn't break up, she dumped you.
她才没甩了我She didn't dump me.
这是互相的It was mutual!
我就在场 是她甩了你I was there. She dumped you.
好吧 随你吧Okay, fine.
跟猫一起住吧Live with cats.
跟我南希姨妈一样Be like my Aunt Nancy.
她就跟几十只猫一起住She had dozens of them.
你知道她死后怎么样了吗 猫把她给吃了And do you know what happened after she died? They
ate her.
不用再跟说服我喜欢猫了 莱纳德You don't have to sell me on cats, Leonard.
我已经喜欢了I'm already a fan.
Fancy Feast[珍喜]:普瑞纳公司出的猫粮罐头
好了小家伙们 谁想来吃点珍喜猫罐头All right, fellas, who's in the mood for Fancy Feast?
这可一点都不喜人Well, that's not fancy at all.
你好 库珀夫人 谢谢你赶来Hi, Mrs. Cooper. Thanks for coming.
他人呢Where is he?
在他卧室He's in his bedroom.
你在电话里说的Now, when you said on the phone
他跟个女孩分手了 是指真的女孩吧he broke up with a girl, you meant an actual girl,
不是什么你们在实验室造出来的那种not something you kids whipped up in a lab?
不 是真的人No, she's real.
他们做了违反教规的事吗Did they sin?
不 不是那样的No, no, it's not like that.
是...It's, uh...
我不知道怎么描述I don't know what it's like.
但有些事 请你作好心理准备But there is something I should prepare you for.
放心吧莱纳德 他是我一手拉扯大的Oh, relax, Leonard, I have raised that boy.
最好的我见过 最坏的我也见过I've seen him at his best, I've seen him at his worst.
没什么能让我吃惊的了There's nothing he can do that'll surprise me.
话别说这么早Hold on to that thought.

请进Come in.
妈 真是意外之喜Mom, what an unexpected pleasure.
天 好大一股味My, my, that's a powerful smell.
向你引见奥本海默 弗里希 潘诺夫斯基I'd like you to meet Oppenheimer, Frisch, Panofsky,
费曼 维斯可夫Feynman, Weisskopf...
好了 我明白了Yeah, I get it.
你养了很多猫You got a lot of cats
还给它们起了可爱的犹太名字and you gave 'em cute Jewish names.
你来这干嘛What are you doing here?
莱纳德打电话给我的Leonard called.
他说你为伊人消得人憔悴And he said that you were pining for a young lady.
那太可笑了Oh, that's preposterous.
我才没有为谁憔悴I'm not pining over anyone.
哦小羊排 我的说法或许不合适Oh, lambchop, we can quibble what to call it,
但我们都同意 这事儿让人毛骨悚然but I think we can both agree it's creepy.
我才不同意I do not agree.
猫是很好的伙伴Cats make wonderful companions.
不会跟你吵 也不会质疑你的才智权威They don't argue or question my intellectual authority,
还有这个小家伙and this little guy here,
你们会发现它实在太犀利了I think you'll find to be quite zazzy.
你真该早点打给我的You should have called sooner.
谢利 吃饭了Shelly! Dinner's ready!
不许带猫No cats!
她来这干嘛What is she doing here?
我打给她的I called her.
你妈妈认为Your mother thinks
你可能正因我失魂落魄you might be losing your mind over me.
作为神经生物学家 我很好奇As a neurobiologist, I was curious.
放心 我心智完全正常Well, rest assured, I am in full possession of my faculties.
25只猫25 cats!
上帝保佑你 亲爱的Oh, God bless you, dear.
谢尔顿 坐下 我们谈谈Sheldon, sit down. Let's talk.
好吧 但不许骗我All right, but you're not fooling me.
每次你说我们谈谈Whenever you say we have to talk,
都只许你说我听it means you want me to listen.
那就闭嘴Then stop talking.
是 长官Yes, ma'am.
我找艾米过来的原因Now, the reason I called Amy over was
是想看看她是哪种人to find out what type of person she is.
跟她聊了一会后And after chatting a bit,
我不得不说 虽然她是个I have to say that while she is a
绝对 特殊的女士perfectly unique young woman,

你们俩完全不适合对方you two are definitely not suited for each other.
这结论真奇怪That's a peculiar conclusion.
不管以任何标准来衡量 艾米都比我认识的任何人By any standard, Amy is more similar to me
跟我更像than anyone I've ever met.
抱歉谢利 我看不出来Oh, I'm sorry, Shelly, I can't see it.
你看不看得出来没关系Well, whether you see it or not is irrelevant.
我也看不到亚原子粒子I can't see subatomic particles,
但不论任何 它们就是存在的but nevertheless, they're there.
绝妙的观点Excellent point.
且是物理学观点A physics point.
别卖弄拉丁话了Well, putting aside the pig Latin,
很高兴看到it's a good thing that
你们决定分手you two decided to end the relationship
就省得我来拆散你们了so I didn't have to end it for you.
艾米 再三考虑之后Amy, after consideration,
我觉得我们可能决定得太草率了I believe we may have acted rashly.
我建议我们重新开始I propose we resume our relationship
并尝试解决双方差异的障碍and attempt to resolve our differences.
除非你认可 我俩之间I'll agree to that only if you'll stipulate
80%的障碍都是你造成的that 80% of our difficulties were caused by you.
-我只认可占40% -你占65%- I'll go as high as 40. - Sixty-five.
你明白我们继续的话You understand that moving forward,
我们得面对我妈并不认可你的现实we deal with the fact that my mother does not approve of
我明白 我发现扮演个I do. I find being cast
坏女孩的角色 竟让我很兴奋in the role of bad girl oddly titillating.
想看看我的猫吗Would you like to see my cats?
想 我喜欢猫I would. I love cats.
它们是独善其身的典范They're the epitome of indifference.
你会发现犀利哥有点烦人Ah, then you may find Zazzles a little cloying.
我可算看出来了I saw what you did there.
他一向自以为聪明He thinks he's such a smarty pants.
其实跟其他人没什么不同He's no different from any man.
你让他们别去做什么You tell 'em not to do something,
他们就想做什么certainly that's all they want to do.
要不是我让我弟弟矮胖墩If I hadn't told my brother Stumpy
别用手去清理碎木机not to clear out the wood chipper by hand,
他就不会有这外号 还是爱德华了we'd still be calling him Edward.
还有 你坐着别动Now, don't you move.
我来把菜搬过来I'll bring over all the food.
不不不 我来就行No, no, no, I can do it.
真是太给力了Well, isn't that sweet?

谢谢你 艾米Thank you, Amy.
给 你的猫Here's your cat.
还有你的20美元And here's your $$20.
谢谢你 艾米Thank you, Amy.
给你你的猫Here's your cat.
还有你的20美元And here's your $$20.







