
2020年08月16日 06:34


Apple's unique sales strategy
of: SteveTobak Source: Business network of
excellence 2010-6-13
Recommended hot: 36 words to communicate the secret of the
team management team determines the future of the company building
Tags: Apple online store sales strategy
From the Direct and channel pricing strategy to retail and online stores, Apple in
the consumer electronics company in a unique way different from other sales
oftheir products . If you know the
it is definitely not an easy thing. But it achieved, and very successful. This
raises two interesting questions:
First, other companies are able to
channel strategy is only to apply to Apple? Second, the structure is
permanent? Or Apple will eventually lose control of pricing and channels, loss of
their status?
Let's take a closer look it. First, take a look at Apple's sales and channel strategy
is unique:
Apple never discounts through direct sales company does
sell some refurbished products discount, the price of these products are
relatively cheap, but this is not a
the name of the first.
Apple distributor price is very gh the manipulation of prices
(the price of sales to end users) is illegal, but Apple is still trying to control retail
prices, it remained at a stable level. They may profit by the distributors control
meager in comparison, does not offer volume discounts and other methods for
different distributors in accordance with the same price as the same product.
Apple's retail and online stores are very play more the role
of education and support, not sales. They are very simple, even a little too far
simpler to at least the most clear sign of providing information. They give

people the impression that a lot of people there to help you, and no one there
waiting to sell you anything.
Apple products are very unique part, this approach is feasible,
Apple retailers like their products to sell as a distinct species, rather than their
products and competing products side by side together, both in the store
shelves or online stores alike. For example, there is a Best Buy online forum
Now, the product positioning is different from the competitors; maintain a high
degree of channel control, to maintain a high priced products in order to
maintain the status of the strategy is not new. In fact, it has become the Holy
Grail of sales.
Many companies try to do a lot of products are also used such a strategy, and
with varying degrees of success, including Intel processors, Microsoft's software,
Tiffany jewelry, Swarovski crystal Dyson vacuum cleaner, the founder of each
product category are trying to adopt a similar strategy, from the wine, watch
the ** and knives, and so forth.
In each of the above example, the Holy Grail to use this type of sales strategy,
must have the same five factors:
1. Demand and limited supply
2. Unique value proposition with a sense of superiority or brand image
3. Feel, or the implementation of a monopoly has been formed
4. High enough profit to support a strong channel support structure
5. Clear, top-down sales channel strategy and the implementation of
Even so, in order to implement such a strategy a long time is almost
system sooner or later collapse. Sooner or later things will
change: perhaps the competitive environment has changed, and perhaps
intellectual property protection expires, there is a new product or innovation ,
as society changed, even the government's management of the Ordinance has

changed. Sometimes, even the company itself will also want to break this rule,
in order to accelerate profitable growth.
In short, with certain conditions, these policies can be successful. However,
these conditions will occur over time to change.
So, if you have a company, and has already had more than a product of five
factors, then you should do everything we can to build airtight sales
channels and pricing strategies, and as long as possible to maintain this system
work. To go ahead, sell products like apples, of course, that you can. But you
should always observe the market situation, because these factors will change
over time, you need to change before they are aware of this change, and plan
For Apple, too.







