
2020年08月16日 06:34


In 2007, Apple introduced the iPhone, which instantly became one of the most
about consumer products ever. Thousands of customers lined up to be the first to bu
y the phones, which featured computing and Wi-
Fi capabilities, along with a crisp, computer-
like display on an innovative touch screen. Rivals rushed phones with similar features
onto the market.
In October 2011, as Apple unveiled the iPhone4S, the competitive landscape had cha
nged significantly. Millions of people were expected to start plotting how to be amon
g the first to buy it. But millions more may be considering an Android phone. Android
’s share of new smartphone sales is now more than double Apple’s share, a striking c
hange from 2010, when the two were roughly even, and a reflection of how Android
phones have improved and become more broadly available.
Yet Apple, by many measures, still remains the smartphone player to beat, with bett
er profits from the business, huge influence among mobile app makers and innovatio
ns that rivals scramble to copy.
The new version, the iPhone 4S, comes with a “virtual assistant,” Siri, that recognize
s voice commands by users to schedule appointments, dictate text messages and co
nduct Web searches.
Although the new phone is virtually indistinguishable on the outside from its predece
ssor, the iPhone 4, the company says it is packed with better technical innards, inclu
ding a more advanced camera. The phone also includes a more powerful chip known
as the A5, the same microprocessor that acts as the brains inside the iPad.
The company also said the new phone would run on two kinds of cellphone networks
, GSM and CDMA, allowing its operation worldwide. Prices were to start at $$199 for a
model with 16 gigabytes of storage.
Apple will continue to sell its older iPhone 4 through its wireless carrier partners, whi
ch will drop the price to $$99 from $$199 when customers commit to a two-
year contract. An even older model of the device, the iPhone 3GS, will be free, instea
d of $$99, with a two-year contract.
The new phone will be available on the AT&T, Verizon and Sprint networks. Read Mo
re... Legal Dispute
Soon after the iPhone 4S was introduced, Samsung Electronics said that it would see
k to block its sale in France and Italy, asserting that the phone violated its patents. I

seeking a court order against its rival in the two large European markets, Samsung in
dicated a more aggressive stance in its expanding patent battle with Apple. Samsung
said that it planned to file for preliminary injunctions in other countries after further
review. The two companies are locked in about 20 legal disputes over patents in nine
countries, including Australia, Britain, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands and the Unit
ed States.
The fight began when Apple sued Samsung in April 2011 in the United States, asserti
ng that the Samsung Galaxy lineup of smartphones and tablet devices
“slavishly” copied the design, user interface and packaging of the iPhone and iPad.
Samsung responded with its own lawsuits accusing Apple of violating its intellectual p
An Issue of Control

Nowadays we can see every person got a cell phone in their hands. Cell phone was
no longer a tool just for sending texts or making cell phone calls, because the iPhone
have changed things considerably. In other words ,we can say this is a iPhone time.
The iPhone was such a best-
seller when it had been unveiled, it was sold out almost everywhere for many weeks,
and still continues to be essentially the most preferred cellphones on the market. W
ell, let me introduce you more details about it . 1. Appearance
We can first from its exquisite ed to the common telephone, iPho
ne has a brand-
new appearance. It is just several millimeters. As we all know, it has produced sixth-
generation relative products. The latest one is famous for its thinner,faster and smart
er. When it was first introduced in recent years, it was the thinnest smart-
phone in the world at that time. Stainless steel, glass on the front and back. Extraord
inary build quality. From this we can learn the excellent appearance is an primary fac
tor , either for people or for the matter in terms of. 2. Retina display
Then we have to mention its advanced scientific research. For one thing, The Retina
display has many times the number of pixels as previous common telephone product
s; whatever else you do with your iPhone—
will be clearer than ever. This will be especially beneficial with fonts, whether they be

in emails or when reading in the browser. 3. Self-
dependent and search developed chip
For another thing, The iPhone is powered by the Apple self-
dependent search and developed chip. It makes the machine running speed and soft
ware application loading speed more fluent and faster. Notice: Innovation is of overri
ding. 4. Its Magic Camera
The iPhone features an additional front-
facing Video Graphic Array camera, and a backside- illuminated megapixel rear-
facing camera integrated with an Light Emitting Diode flash. The rear-
facing camera is capable of recording High Definition video in thousands pictures at d
ozens frames per second. 5. iPhone Operating Systems
The most advanced mobile operating system in the world. It has a new important fe
ature: multitasking. you can quickly switch between applications. that's really conven
ient and gorgeous. 6 . Amazing Face Time
The iPhone supports Face Time, an embedded video calling application that is able to
use either the front or back camera over a Wi-
Fi connection to communicate with another iPhone , the relative-
generation iPod Touch, or any Mac computer running Mac Operating System. This is
a more sleek, extra feature packed edition of the any phone, complete with a high re
solution retina display, face time, improved 8MP camera with flash, a front camera fo
r video calls High-definition video recording, as well as improving the battery life!
Considering so many attractive functions , how can we resist to have one







