
2020年08月16日 07:56



Mechanical equipment installation need to pay attention to several issues

伴随着市场经济的快速 发展,机械设备的使用越来越频繁,几乎所有的工程项目都要依赖
相关的机械设备来支持才能完成施工任 务,而关于机械设备的安装施工就成了各个工程施工
的重要组成部分,只有科学地完成机械设备的安装, 才能发挥机械设备的功能,才能更好地
完成工程。因此如何有效控制机械设备安装工程质量是成为机械设 备安装工程的施工重点内

Along with the rapid development of market economy, the use of mechanical equipment is more
and more frequent, almost all of the project relies on related machinery and equipment to support
to complete the construction tasks, and about the mechanical equipment installation construction
becomes the engineering construction is an important part of, only to complete the installation of
the mechanical equipment scientifically, to exert the function of the mechanical equipment, in
order to better complete the project. Therefore how to effectively control the mechanical
equipment installation engineering quality is become one of the important content of mechanical
equipment installation engineering construction, so the installation personnel technical level
determines the quality of the whole installation project.


1. The assembly of mechanical equipment installation engineering

1.1 螺栓连接的防松装置;螺栓连接本身具有自锁性,承受工作温度比较稳定的情况 下

1.1 bolt connection locking device; Bolt connection itself has the self-locking, work under the
temperature under the condition of stable is reliable, but in the impact vibration and alternating

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loads, since the lock is damaged. Therefore, needs to increase the locking device.

1.2 键连接;键是用来连接轴和轴上零件,键连接的特点是结构简单工作可靠装拆方便键
通常按构造 和用途分为松键紧键和花键。

1.2 key connection; Keys are used for connecting shaft and shaft parts, key link is the feature of
simple structure, convenient operation and reliable work key press structure and USES are divided
into loose tight usually key and the spline.

1.3 滑动轴承安装;滑动轴承是一种滑动摩擦的轴承,其点是工作可靠平稳无噪音油膜
吸振能力强,因此可承 受较大的冲击载荷。

1.3 slide bearing installation; Sliding bearing is a sliding friction bearing, the points are reliable
work smoothly without noise of oil film vibration absorbing ability is strong, so can bear bigger
impact load.

1.4 齿轮传动机构的安装;齿轮传动机构具有传动准确可靠结构紧凑体积小效率高维修
方便等优点。 1.5 蜗轮蜗杆传动机构的安装;蜗轮蜗杆传动机构的特点是传动力大准确,
传动平稳,噪音小,结构 紧凑,能自锁不足之处是传动效率低,工作时产生摩擦热量大需要

1.4 the installation of the gear transmission mechanism; Gear transmission mechanism has a
compact structure small volume for accurate and reliable transmission of high efficiency and easy
maintenance. 1.5 the installation of the worm and worm wheel transmission mechanism; Worm
gear and worm drive mechanism is characterized by accurate transmission power is big, smooth
transmission, low noise, compact structure, and can be self-locked deficiency is low transmission
efficiency, work need good lubrication friction heat.



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2. When installation, pay attention to the problem of mechanical equipment

2.1 设备开箱与清点:在设备交付现场

2.1 equipment out of the box and the count: at the scene of the equipment delivery

安装之前,技术人员要按照设备装箱清单和设备技术文件对安装的机 械设备全部进行清
点、登记和检查、同时,还要对其中的重要零部件的质量进行检查验收清点设备的零件 、附

Prior to installation, technical personnel should according to the packing list and equipment
technical documentation for the installation of all machinery and equipment inventory, registration
and inspection, at the same time, also to examine one of the important parts of quality acceptance
check of equipment parts, attachment is shortage, check the appearance of the equipment and zero
accessories for damage and corrosion phenomenon well out of the record, check whether manual
factory certification is complete.

2.2 设备安装前的基础放线:施工技术人员在进行安装之前 ,一定要先按照设备设计图
和相关物的轴线或边沿线、标高线,来合理地划定安装的基准线、同时设置具 体基础位置线

2.2 pay-off: the basis of the equipment before installation before construction and technical
personnel to install, must according to the equipment drawings and related material first axis,
elevation along the line or edge, to reasonably defined installation line, at the same time set the
specific line of position and elevation of the line.

2.3 对设备的精确度检测与调整:精确度检测的主要内容包括检测设 备零部件之间的相
对位置误差,如垂直度平行度同轴度误差等进行精度的检测,为了保证设备在原定基础 上准

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2.3 to the accuracy of the detection and adjustment equipment, precision testing test equipment
(including spare parts between the relative position errors, such as perpendicularity, parallelism
and so on carries on the precision of the alignment error detection, in order to guarantee the
accuracy of the equipment on the basis of original in place, after the equipment hoisting in place
should be based on has been set at the center of the board, hung a baseline for sections appear
error to test the accuracy and scientific adjustment, to ensure that installation is accurate.


3. Machinery and equipment installation requirements and content

3.1 各种机械设备的安装工序一般必须经过吊装运输;设 备开箱检验;放线就位;设备定
位;零件装配和部件组装调整;试运转及工程验收等。所不同的是,在这 些工序中对不同的
机械设备采用不同的方法;例如在安装过程中对大型设备采取解体安装法,而对小型设 备则

3.1 all kinds of mechanical equipment installation process generally must go through lifting
transport; Unpacking inspection equipment; Pay-off in place; Equipment positioning; Parts
assembly and parts assembly adjustment; Commissioning and acceptance of work, etc. The
difference is that in the process of different mechanical equipment adopts different methods; For
example, during the installation process to collapse on large equipment installation method, and
the whole installation method will be used on small devices.

3.2 机械设备安装的要求;首先要严格保 证设备安装的质量、要按设计图纸、设备结构
图、安装说明书和施工验收规范、质量检验评定标准以及操 作规程进行正确的施工、其次,

3.2 mechanical equipment installation requirements; First to strictly guarantee the quality of

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equipment installation, according to design drawings, equipment structure, installation instruction
and construction acceptance specifications, quality inspection evaluation standards and operational
procedures for the correct construction, second, to adopt scientific construction method, speed up
the project progress, ensure production on schedule.

3.3 机械设备安装的施工内容;主要包括机械设备的起吊和运输、机械设备与零部件组

3.3 mechanical equipment installation construction of the content; Mainly includes the machinery
and equipment, hoisting and transportation machinery and equipment, spare parts and assembly,
the installation of pipe fittings, all kinds of container assembly, cutting and welding of internal


4. Equipment installation fixed and sealing surface treatment

4.1 设备固定时在设备基础上,除了一些 可移动机械设备外,设备的固定在重型。高速、
振动的机械设备安装工程中,绝大部分机械设备必须在其 中心牢固地固定,因为若没有牢固
的固定就可能会造成重大事故的发生,如果是解体设备的安装则需要把 底座就位固定后,再

4.1 devices when fixed based on the equipment, in addition to some mobile machinery and
equipment, fixed in the heavy equipment. High speed and vibration of mechanical equipment
installation engineering, most of the machinery must be securely fixed in the center, because if not
strongly attached may cause major accidents happen, if it is the collapse of the equipment after the
installation you need to put the base in place fixed, and then to assemble.

4.2 在对进行设 备按装时,施工技术人员必须按照相关单位所提供的设备质量合格证明
书和相关技术要求进行安装。如果 在安装过程中发现有制造缺陷, 应该联系制造厂家研究处

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4.2 in the equipment, under the construction technical personnel must, in accordance with the
relevant units of the equipment supplied by quality qualification certificate and related technical
requirements for installation. If found in the installation process manufacturing defects, research
should contact the manufacturer processing, shall not make decision without authorization.

4.3 设备安装时锁定的位置包 括,坐标位置(不同平面的标高、平面外形尺寸、凸台上
平面外形尺寸、凹穴尺寸)、平面的水平程度、 基础的铅垂程度、预埋地脚螺栓孔的中心位
置、预埋地脚螺栓的标高和中心距、深度和孔壁铅垂程度、中 心位置、带槽锚板和带螺纹锚

4.3 lock position including equipment installation time, coordinates (elevation in different plane,
plane shape size, convex platform plane size, the size of the recess shape), flat level degree,
vertical degree, the center of the embedded anchor bolt hole, the elevation of embedded anchor
bolts and center distance, depth and vertical degree, the center position of hole wall, slotted anchor
plate and the degree of the level of the anchor plate with screws, embedded anchor bolt anchor
slab elevation, etc.

4.4 防止设备安装时发生位移或倾覆,同时也 为保持设备长期的安装精度,保证设备的
正常运转需要将设备与基础进行连接,即把机械设备牢固地固定 在设备基础上。在安装工程
中,地脚螺栓的作用是将机械设备与地基基础牢固地连接起来,防止设备在工 作时发生位移、

4.4 to prevent displacement or capsized during equipment installation and also to maintain the
equipment installation accuracy for a long time, ensure the normal operation needs to be
connected with the equipment, and is the mechanical equipment firmly fixed on the basis of
equipment. In installation engineering, is the role of anchor bolt connecting with mechanical
equipment foundation firmly, prevent the equipment on the job displacement, vibration, and
capsized. The length of the anchor bolt should conform to the provisions of the construction

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4.5 设备密封面应涂色,用平板检查其接触情况, 法兰及主要阀门密封面整圈连续接触
无间断且达 一定规定。油结合面平整光洁,接触均匀并不得有贯通的沟痕, 接触不良时应进行
研制。设备油接口的 法兰面,应涂色检查,达不到要求应研制。丝扣联接件应涂相应的涂料和
垫料,联接牢固。油(水)位计 ,安装位置正确、易观察、保护罩工艺美观。平台梯子栏杆按图

4.5 equipment sealing surface should be painted, with flat check the contact situation, flange and
valve sealing surface, the uninterrupted and continuous contact up to a certain rules. Oil combined
with smooth surface is bright and clean, and uniform contact and should be well versed in the
trench, when poor contact, should be developed. The oil interface flange, the equipment should be
painted, can not meet the requirements shall be developed. Threaded connection corresponding
coatings and coating must be padded, connection is firm. Oil (water) level gauge, installation
location, easy to observe, right shielding technology and beautiful. Achieve platform ladder rail
according to the figure construction, fabrication and installation process requirements.

综上所述,机械设备安装质量是直接关系到企业生产效 益的发挥,以及生命财产的安全。
安装质量与工人操作水平有直接关系, 而且受到设计、材料设备制造 等质量因素影响。因此
机械设备安装要求工程技术人员必须具备扎实的基础理论知识和丰富的实践经验, 严格执行

To sum up, mechanical equipment installation quality is directly related to the enterprise
production efficiency, as well as the lives and property safety. Installation quality and operation
level has a direct relationship between the workers, but also affected by the design, material
quality factors such as equipment manufacturing. So mechanical equipment installation
engineering and technical personnel must have a solid basic theoretical knowledge and rich
practical experience, and strictly enforce standards, ensure mechanical equipment installation
process and reasonable quality control.








