大叔控请注意 如何展现独具魅力的个人风度

2020年08月16日 08:22


There is one in every office--the person who gets the attention of senior managers
and interns alike at the morning meeting, who sends out witty tweets in the
afternoon and who glides effortlessly through the after-work cocktail party, never at
a loss for words. 每个办公室都有这样的人――在晨会上能获得高级管理人员和实习生的关注,下午在推
特上发布风趣 诙谐的消息,在下班后的鸡尾酒会上也谈笑自若,从来没有无话可说的

What is this person's secret? It boils down to presence, a magical mix of confidence,
charm and communication skills that exerts an outsize impact on one's social stature
and ability to climb the ranks, experts say.
这种人的秘密是什么?专家们说, 归根到底就是风度――自信、魅力和沟通技巧的神奇
组合,它对一个人的社会地位和晋升能力有极大影响 。

With blurring work-home boundaries, the rise of social media and our 247 lifestyle,
it's harder than ever to find and maintain personal presence on the job, on weekends
and online. The number of people you reach has been 'magnified far more than the
one-on-one conversations you are used to having,' says Muriel Maignan Wilkins,
managing partner and co- founder at Isis Associates, an executive coaching and
leadership-development consulting firm in McLean, Va. 'With that power comes much
bigger consequences.'
由于工作与家庭的界限日趋模糊、社交媒体的兴起以及我们的全天候 生活方式,在职
场、周末和网络上展现并保持个人风度比以往任何时候都困难。弗吉尼亚州麦克莱恩市高管辅导和领导力开发咨询公司Isis Association的执行合伙人和联合创始人威尔金
斯(Muriel Maignan Wil kins)称,与以前人们习惯的那种一对一的对话相比,一个人现
在所能影响的人数已经大大增加。他 表示,而这种影响力会产生比以前大得多的后果。

The executive coaching world offers myriad ways to define presence--finding your
signature voice, presenting your authentic self, combining strength and warmth.
Sylvia Ann Hewlett, founding president of the Center for Talent Innovation, a New
York City think tank, says it comes down to just three elements--'how you behave,
how you speak and how you look.'
高管辅导行业提出了很多定义“风度 ”的方式――发现自己最具特色的嗓音、展现真实
自我、集优势和热情于一身。创建纽约市智库人才创新 中心(Center for Talent
Innovation)并任总裁的休利特(Sylvia Ann Hewlett)说,风度可归结为三个元素:你的

The behavioral part, sometimes called gravitas or intellectual heft, is most important,
Ms. Hewlett says, basing her conclusions on her research, including a survey of
nearly 4,000 managers and executives, 40 focus groups and dozens of interviews, all
of which are the basis for her new book, 'Executive Presence: The Missing Link
Between Merit and Success.'
依据是她的研究结论 ,包括对近4,000名管理人员进行的调查、40个小组座谈以及数
十次采访,而这些也是她的新书《 高管风度:优点与成功之间缺失的环节》(Executive
Presence: The Missing Link Between Merit and Success)的基础。

Gravitas is first and foremost about confidence and staying calm in a stressful
situation, and then showing teeth, which means being decisive even when faced with
hard choices, Ms. Hewlett says. Emotional intelligence, or an ability to show empathy,
also matter. < br>休利特说,要做到举止端庄,最重要的就是自信和在有压力时保持冷静,其次是表现
出强硬的一面 ,这意味着要果断,即便是在面对艰难抉择的情况下。情商,或者说表

Next comes communication, or the ability to express your point of view in an
effective way, she says. A concise and compelling speaking style matters most,
especially when it isn't scripted. Confident body language and eye contact help you
command a room, as does finding a low register for your speaking voice.
她说,其次是沟通,或者 说以有效方式表达自己观点的能力。一种简洁而又有说服力
的讲话方式至关重要,特别是脱稿讲话。自信 的肢体语言和眼神交流有助于你掌控一
个房间的气氛,为自己的讲话声调找到一个低音区也有同样的作用 。

Appearance is the least important element, according to Ms. Hewlett's survey. Yet it
holds a crucial position as a filter, the first test of presence that people
subconsciously subject you to. 'If you don't pass that test, no one's going to worry
too much about your gravitas because you are struck off the list,' Ms. Hewlett says.
Her research has found women are most often discredited because of provocative
clothing, while men are docked for appearing out of shape.
休利特的调查结果显示,外表的重要性 最低。但外表承担着过滤器的重要作用,因为
这是对你的风度给别人留下怎样印象的最初测试。休利特说 ,如果你没有通过这个测
试,就没有人会太在意你举止是否庄重,因为你已经被从名单上除名。她的研究 还发
走样而 受到轻视。

The rise of informal office culture can make it especially hard for women to find
presence, Ms. Hewlett says. 'Think Silicon Valley, the shlumpy, nerdy, hoodie thing,'
she says. 'It's very hard to look like a rock star or leader-Ly if you do the shlumpy,
nerdy thing as a woman.' Ms. Hewlett recalls how, for Facebook's 2012 initial public
offering, Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg wore his signature hooded sweatshirt,
while Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg wore a blazer. 'She knew that she
couldn't copy the guys,' Ms. Hewlett said. It was 'very smart on her part.'
休利特认为, 随着非正式办公室文化的兴起,女性拥有风度会变得尤为困难。她说,
想想在硅谷,那种懒散的、书呆子 气的连帽衫,如果女性穿上这样的衣服,很难看起
来像是摇滚明星或领导者。休利特回忆起在2012年 Facebook进行首次公开募股(IPO)
时,首席执行长扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)穿着其标志性的连帽运动衫,而首席营运
长桑德伯格(Sheryl Sand berg)穿了一件休闲西装。休利特说,桑德伯格知道她不能照
搬男性的着装,这是个非常聪明的选择 。

Consistency is critical--even though being consistent is difficult in our always-
connected lives. 'Presence just can't be there on Mondays when you are rested,' says
Jessica James, a 31-year-old Brooklyn, N.Y., development director at a nonprofit.
who learned about presence from an executive coach. 'It's there with you when you
are on a crowded subway, it's there with you when you have lost your luggage or
when you are with your husband,' she says.
“一贯性”至关重要――尽管在我们总是互联的生活中, 要保持始终如一是件很难的事
情。今年31岁的詹姆斯(Jessica James)来自纽约布鲁克 林,她在一家非营利机构担任
发展总监。她是从一位高管培训师那里了解到风度这件事的。她表示,风度 不是在每
铁 里时、当你丢了行李时、或者当你和你丈夫在一起时。

Email and texting introduced the need for presence online. Social media has its own
set of issues. Beware creating a serious disconnect between your real- life and online
presence. You run the risk of falling flat in person. For people who want to highlight
another side of themselves on social media, she recommends making sure that other
side 'marries well' with the real-life presence.
电子邮件和短信让催生了在网络上展现风度的需要。社交媒体有其自己的特定问 题。
对于 想要在社交媒体上突出自己另一面的人,詹姆斯建议,确保自己展现出的这个另
一面与真实生活中的你“ 嫁接得很好”。

The first step to finding your presence is self-assessment, experts say. Make a list of
your strengths and weakness. Then solicit feedback. Ask your spouse, boss, co-
workers and even your followers which words come to mind when they think of you.
Give these people permission to be totally honest and to be specific.
专家们表示,找到自己风度的第一步是自我评估。首先列出你的优 势和劣势,然后征
求周围人的反馈意见。询问你的配偶、上司、同事甚至“粉丝”,他们想到你的时候< br>会首先想到哪些词语。允许他们给出完全诚实和具体的回答。

Don't try to be someone you aren't. If, in the 1-to-10 zone of expressiveness, you
are naturally a 3 or a 4, don't suddenly try to be an 8 or 9. Still, introverts, defined
as people who get their energy from turning inward, can learn something from
extroverts, who get their energy from others, says Peggy Klaus, a Berkeley, Calif.,
executive coach. Watch for the specific things an extrovert does well, like
schmoozing at a cocktail party. Think of them as behaviors or skills that can be
learned and applied, not as personality changes.
不要试图装扮成一个与你自己本性不一样的人。假如按 照1-10的打分划定每个人的表
现力,而你的分数是3分或4分,那就不要突然试图装成8分、9分的 那种人。不过,
加州伯克利的高管培训师克劳斯(Peggy Klaus)说,性格内向者(从自己的 内心世界获
且运用的行为或技能 ,而不是性格的改变。

There is one thing you absolutely must nail, she says--the ability to talk about
yourself 'artfully and gracefully,' in real life and online. 'No one is going to do it for
you,' says Ms. Klaus, who wrote a 2003 book, 'Brag! The Art of Tooting your Own
Horn Without Blowing It.' She recommends devising a 'brag-a-log,' a short,
entertaining story about your personal accomplishments. It isn't a laundry list. It's a
story that delivers the same points. Humor and an enthusiastic delivery are musts.
'No one would say that you've bragged about yourself because it was entertaining,'
Ms. Klaus says.
她表示,有一件事情你 必须搞的定,那就是,不管是在现实生活中还是在网络上,都
要拥有艺术地、优雅地介绍自己的能力。克 劳斯称,没有人会帮你做这件事情。她曾
在2003年写了一本书,名为《吹嘘:如何不露痕迹地自吹自 擂》(Brag! The Art of
Tooting your Own Horn Without Blowing It)。她建议策划一篇“吹嘘日志”,也就是
一个介绍自己个人成 就的简短而有趣的故事。这不能像一篇流水账那么无聊,而应是
一个能够传递出同样信息的故事。幽默以 及热情洋溢的表达是必须的。克劳斯说,因

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