
2020年08月16日 13:09


正方(Affirmative):Men contribute more to the society than women
反方(Negative):Women contribute more to the society than men
Good morning everyone. I'm honored to be nominated as a master for today's debate. The topic is
women contribute more to the society”. As we all know , there are two kinds of people in the world , men
and women .They play different roles in the society . But they are all indispensable .Even though I'm a
girl, I have to admit that men make a huge contribute to the society. So it is really hard to say which
one(who) contribute(s) more to the society. But our debater(s) have their own viewpoints . We have 8 debaters
today, 4 on each side. This is the affirmative side(pointing to the affirmative),they believe that men
contribute more to the society . This is the negative side(pointing to the negative), they hold that women
contribute more to the society. Now, I'd like to introduce the procedure of today's debate. First, introduce
their viewpoints. Second, free debate. Third, conclusion. As everybody is ready , now let's start the debate.
First ,welcome the affirmative side ,number one debater.
Today, our topic is about who contributes more to the society, men or women. As we all know, for most
of human existence, our society is man- dominated. At almost every pivotal historic moment, the people who
navigated the direction of history are always males. This is beyond dispute. Those great ancient emperors
and kings who create prosperous and powerful kingdoms, and those who desire to explore and discover our
splendid nature, dedicated their lives to invent, to create the inventions that entirely changed the human
world into highly advanced civilization, they are nearly all men. We can give countless illustrations such
as emperor QinShihuang, scientist Newton, inventor Edison, thinker Marx, etc. All in all, we hold the view
that men contribute more to the society.
Our opinion is that “Women contribute more to society than men”. If you look up in a dictionary, you
will find what the word “contribute” means. The definition in the dictionary is: to give money, help,
ideas, experience etc to something that a lot of other people are involved in. According to the definition,
we can see obviously that women contribute more to society than men. My reasons may be as follows:
First, the role they play in family. As we all know that women are in charge of the whole family’s daily
life, make meals, wash clothes, clean houses, bore children and then take care of children. All the things
above are basic element to make a family run normally and happily. And we all know that society is made
up of all families. So, at the role women play well, the family will be more harmonious, and then there’s
no doubt the society will be more harmonious, too.
Second, the role they play in society. In the past, women are fettered by cultural effects and by the
tradition idea of family. But now, things changed. As it’a a society call for women’s liberation, nowadays,
there are an increasingly large amount of women who go out and make their own career. In this process, women
make their own contributions to the society, aren’t there more and more Business Superwoman in society,
and at the same time women aloso have to take care of the whole family’s daily life. So how can you say
that women are less contributory, how can you say that men contribute more to the society.
Finally, the characters they are born with. It’s know to everbody that men are bellicose and impatient.
On the contrary, women are always peacefull and patient. According the the history, men’s shortcomings
in characters have cause many disasters. For examples, Emperor Qin Shi Huang who burn the books and bury
the scholars alive, and Adolf Hitler who was regarded as one of the initiators who lead to the World War
With the reasons above, we have enough evidence to say that women contribute more to society than men.
My dear friend, do you mean “women hold up half the sky”. But could you tell us why people always emphasize
the important of the half sky held up by women instead of the half sky held up by men?
In the ancient times, a woman without talent is virtuous. In general, woman’s knowledge level is lower
than that of man. What’s more, woman is weaker than man in physiology. There is no doubt that at that time
most of the contribution to the society was made by men. But with the development of the society, women

can hold up half of the sky. But, we all know just half of it, which means women are still helping men to
hold up the sky. Man is still taking the leader role. Even though, many successful women have proved sometimes
women can do as well as men. But what’s the actual situation? In all the social classes, the top leaders
are always men. For example, we have so many men presidents instead of women presidents. Granted that women
do have the ability to contribute, but base on the fact, women didn’t do contribution as much as men.
Women's contributions are usually behind-the-scenes, while men often say work comes first, women have
no choose to sacrifice themselves to take care of the elder and the child. What is more, they sometimes
go to work too. They devote a lot to the family, and play an important role in making the family's happiness
and harmony. As long as family is the foundation of the society, they do a lot to the society's harmony.
There is a saying that every succeed man need a woman behind him to support him. Why? Because women often
do the most complicated work, such as washing, cooking, and caring. They carry the obstacles for men to
become succeed. Without women, men can do little contribution.
Women are more careful and tender, which is useful and helpful to child's growing. Most kindergarten
teachers and nurses are women. They do a lot to the society's future.
Yes, you got it! I quite agree with you. I admit that a woman means so much to a man. Men can never live
well without women. But please remember our topic, women sacrificed much to men, and men contribute more
to the society. Quite right!
Firstly,it’s incorrect to claim women play a more important role by emphasizing the minority women who
make enormous contributions. Take Soong May- ling and Madame Curie for example, which just tell us that women
are capable to do the same thing as men do. But, the fact is that most women didn’t choose to do that despite
of their having capabilities or intelligence. And thus the development of our society is pushed by countless
men except for women who are few and far between. The contributions made by men are far beyond women’s
whether in quality or quantity.
When it comes to the importance of domestic happiness, I have to acknowledge that women have more impacts
on men then men have on themselves. Although woman seldom devote to diplomacy and internal affairs, they
definitely create a good living environment for men. However, what we discuss today is who makes more
contributions to society rather than who makes more contributions to men. So, compared with women, men
contribute more to the society.
As you’ve said, there are some men that, indeed, have brought disasters to the society; yet, we can’t
deny the contributions made by men. Our task today is to work out men or women who make more contributions,
not to compare the difference after merits offset faults.
Our society has always been run by men and men are more powerful. Furthermore most of the contributions
towards our society have been made by men. Men are the head of families and controlled the means of the
production, and women played a secondary and supportive role as opposed to a leadership one.
As for that point, your argument is totally untenable. Ladies and gentlemen, we are no longer in the primitive
stage of slash and burn cultivation when bigger muscles implied more agricultural productivity. We are in
an age of mechanism and automation, in which more significance is attached to intelligence and wits. And
it’s intelligence and wits that makes us men, not muscles. Even when muscles can be of some avail in sports
undertakings, men did not live up to our expectation as women did. To illustrate, take Beijing Olympic Games
for example, among the 100 medals that we had won, women won 27 gold medals, men 24; women won 11 silver
medals, men 10; women won 19 bronze medals, men 8. Altogether women won 57 medals, while men 42(The last
one was shared by both men and women.). Another example is Chinese football. The best ever record of Chinese
male football team was made in 2002 JapanSouth Korea World Cup, when Chinese male football team broke through
the elimination round, making the so-called historic record. Take a look at the Chinese female football
team. They had won the champion of 6 and 7 Asian Cup in 1986 and 1989. They were the sliver winner of

Atlanta Olympic in 1996 and Women World Cup in 1999. In addition, Sun Wen was named the women’s world player
of the year in 1999. It’s so hard for us to expect a men’s world player of the year while the Chinese
football fans were still waving homemade signs which read “Chinese football, rush out of Asia!”
Yes, in a way. But haven’t you realized what you said can just indicate that people of either sex are capable
of doing the same job well. And the fact is, many women have abilities to create their own career, but they
didn’t do it. Perhaps the opportunity this man-dominating society offered to women is so rare. Any way,
their contribution is very limited.
human history, there are many great statesmen; scientists are women, such as Sung Mei-ling, Madame
Curie and so on. But I think these are a few examples that women make great contributions to the society.
And they just indicate that women can also do the things that men always do. We must declare that although
women can also many jobs that men always do, they don't do them. So from the history, we can know that men
who make progress in society are countless, but women are rare.
2 even though women do more contribution to our family, and someone may say that, it's women behind the
men, but who is over the women or behind or protector of women? the answer is men. And today's topic is
that who contributes more to the society, not women contributes more to men.
3 In our history, there are also many instances that men bring many disasters to our society. For example
Qin Shihuang, Adolf Hitler. But I think that even though a few men bring bad effort to our society, much
more men do help to our society's progress, such as Mao Zedong, Newton and so on. And if we say that men
bring disasters to our society, women also do it, the most famous women as CiXi, Lvzhi.
4 Men are stronger than women in many aspects such as physical strength. Men play an very important role
in our society development .They are the organizers, the workers and so on. Take a look at our government
and politics 90% of the position is being taken by the men. So men is more in contributing towards the society.
Even though today there are some women have a higher salary than most of the men. but this is just a small
number!At the top of society we can see men everywhere: most world rulers, presidents, prime ministers,
most members of Congress and parliaments, most CEOs of major corporations, and so forth — these are mostly
5 Because of the discrimination to the female, women can't make great contribution to our society?
We all know that in the development of the human history, first appeared the matriarchal society. In that
society, women had the power to do everything they want to do, they was not discrimination to them. And
in contrast, at that time men did not have any social status. But did the women make great contribution
to the society development? I think the answer is no. In the end, the matriarchal society was replaced
by patrilineal society . From that time, males make the human society develop fast. Why did it happen? Why
did not worldlast longer than the worldCan this manifest that the society was eliminated
because human society development needs higher advanced civilization.
Although both men and women contribute to society, as to contributions to the society, I would definitely
stand with the opinion that women contribute more to the society than men.
Only a woman can carry in her body an eternal being which bears the very image of God. Only she is the
recipient of the miracle of life. Only women can conceive and nurture this life using her own flesh and
blood, and then deliver a living soul into this world. God has bestowed upon her alone a genuine miracle---the
creation of life, and the fusing of an eternal soul with mortal flesh. This fact alone established the glory
of motherhood, and also the glory of women.
Contribution to the society includes material contribution and spiritual contribution.
First of all, men do more material contribution. According to a survey conducted in 1990, the average monthly
incomes for male and female workers in urban areas were 193.15 yuan and 149.60 yuan respectively, with women

receiving only 77.4 percent of the pay given to men. In rural areas, the average annual incomes for men
and women were 1,518 yuan and 1,235 yuan respectively, with women getting 81.4 percent of the earnings of
Moreover, men do more spiritual contribution:
When some disasters happen, man can always keep a clear mind and does something really helpful. Did you
still remember the earthquake took place in Qinghai province? Aid workers are in a race against time to
save thousands of earthquake victims stranded near the epicenter. Chinese soldier went to the
earthquake- stricken area at top speed for succoring the injured person. Most of the soldiers are men, right?
They served the public with dedication and integrity. Their selfless dedication and bravery do ever lasting
spiritual contribution to the society.
We always say “teachers are engineers of soul”. Teachers make notable spiritual contribution to the
society. The survey given by China Education Yearbook in 1992 showed that only 14.6% of the graduate student
tutors are women. It’s clear that men do more contribution to the higher education, which is a part of
men’s spiritual contribution.
The education level of women is lower than men. In 2002, the female students in college are only 40.98%
of all the college students. Then we can conclude men have higher comprehensive quality, which can help
them to do more spiritual contribution.
So according to the analysis of material contribution and spiritual contribution, we can safely come to
the conclusion that men contribute more to the society than women.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, women, from biological point of view, are bestowed with a unique ability to
conceive, to give birth, to nurture and educate their children. They also had to suffer the sickness of
being pregnant, they dare not take pills because they take the health of the baby into serious consideration,
they had to bear the sharp pain of delivery, they had to feed the baby in the depth of night, they had to
try desperately to keep a slim figure to prevent any possibility of their husband’s abandonment just because
of their changed, sacrificed figure for delivery. While at the same time, they burden themselves with most
of the domestic affairs, they refuse to give up their dreams; they work as teachers, policemen, engineers,
scientists, doctors, journalists, coal miners or what not. You have no idea or you have always been neglecting
the enormity of the contribution that women have made and would have made. All in all, ladies and gentlemen,
the victory of this debate alone is not the thing that my teammates and I are seeking for. We just wan to
convince you when everything is said and done, women still contribute more than men.
We have long been debating on the topic. Indeed, we are so impressed by the eloquence of our fellow debaters.
But on another thought, however, it is not hard to find some mistakes in your argument. For example, you
have evaded definitions. What we are talking about is the contribution to the society instead of contribution
to the family. So we would like to reiterate our viewpoint that men contribute more to the society than
women. Let’s conclude our opinion as follows:
On the one hand, let’s talk about the subject condition.
First, man’s physical strength is enormous. If a man and a woman have the same knowledge background and
skills, man can do better and do more contribution.
Second, on the mental aspect, we always hold the opinion that woman is emotional, while man can always
make decisions swiftly. The different can be noticed when people are dealing with some emergencies. Just
think about, who make the decision that we must press ahead with the reform and opening up policy. The answer
is man, right?
So, on the subject condition, we can reach the conclusion that woman has less ability than man to do
contribution to the society.
On the other hand, let us down to the objects condition.
First, the public opinion makes people believe men should do more contribution than women do, and even
make women themselves believe that they do not have duty or ability to do contribution.

Second, the fact of life gives women few chances to make contribution. The unemployed women are much more
than unemployed men.
Looking back to history and our daily life, we can find the men who help us to make progress in society
are countless. But women who make a big contribution are rare as the phoenix. So base on the reasons we
mentioned above, we cherish the unshakable belief that men contribute more to the society than women.
Thank you.







