
2020年08月16日 13:09


Who is the most lovely people
时间如白驹过隙,一眨眼,一年已经过去了,明天就将迎来2013年的高考。或许现在,对于经历过高 考
Time such as the blink, the twinkling of an eye, a year has
passed, tomorrow will be the 2013 college entrance examination.
Perhaps now, for we experienced the college entrance
examination, to face the university entrance exam, the heart is so
quiet, but this time last year, as it is with us will on tomorrow
高考战场的那些最可爱的人一样,忐忑不安呢?! 最可爱的人,这是我突然想到的对参加高考的勇士们 的
The college entrance examination on the battlefield the most
lovely people, nervous? ! The most lovely people, this is I
suddenly thought of to attend the university entrance exam
warriors. Of course, they are worthy of the title, just as us.
几周前去了一个高中,去看一个对我来说比较重要的人。刚去,那会还没下课,我便在教学楼前面转悠。 那
块是高考补习班,望进去,教室里面老师正在戴着扩音器上课,台下坐满了拥挤的同学,估计大概有八 、
九十人吧,桌上摞着小山似的资料书,地上堆的、抽屉里放的、书包装的。 一如我们那时,讲桌两侧 坐着
A few weeks ago to a high school, I went to see a person is more
important to me. Just when I arrived there, the class hasn’t
finished, I was wandering in front of the building. Looking in the
block is the university entrance exam cram school, the
classroom teacher was wearing a megaphone to class, the
audience full of students crowded, estimates there are about
eight or ninety people, the table of the hilly data book, pile on the
floor, drawer, book packaging. Desk, as we were sitting on either
side of the two classmates, sleepy students stand myself, back
in the classroom, in front of the classroom, next to a wall.

竟然这样 的拥挤,或许是逃离了这样的环境许久,一时竟觉得居然这样的凌乱,不相信我们当时一如他们
Unexpectedly such of heavy, perhaps to escape such a
environment for a long time, I feel there was so messy, and don't
believe we were the same at that time.
有个教室外面蹲着一个女孩,神情木讷,手在地上 划着,估摸着应该是没有做完作业,被老师罚站了,因
A girl squat down outside the classroom, dull, scratching on
the ground, I guessed she should not have done the homework,
so the teacher made her stand as a punishment, because I
also have had that experience.
请原谅并允许我用“木 讷”这个词,因为我觉得:这个女孩对高考已经麻木,在她的眼神里,没有水灵的感
觉,一如看我高三的 老照片,目光无神。要是在大学,她该是一个多么活泼可爱的女生啊。。高考呵,,,
Please forgive and allow me to use the word
think: the girl in the college entrance examination has been
numb, in her eyes, no moist and feeling, like me in the photos
took in grade three, look no god. If in the university, how lively
and lovely girl she can be.. Ah, of the university entrance exam,
college entrance examination.
或许,在大学,我们对那时的经历早已有所淡忘,因为我们已时不时的走 入了小颓废,过上了“正常人”的
Perhaps, in the university, our experience of time already
forgotten, because we have from time to time into a little
decadent, live a
在教室外面徘徊着,看 见墙上贴着些同学们写的作文,抑或说是励志散文吧,文章大多写的慷慨激昂,大
有壮志凌云之感,高考 ,承载着许多,蕴藏着许多,我们把梦想和青春全都作为赌注下进去了,那座梦幻
般的象牙塔,一直在指 引着我们航行的方向,或悲或喜、或忧或乐,依旧无悔,因为我们是最可爱的人。

Wandering outside the classroom, I saw some of the students
wrote composition, posted on the wall or a motivational essays,
articles written most passionate, great ambitions skimming, the
university entrance exam, carrying many, there is a lot, all of our
dreams and youth as a bet in, the dream the ivory tower, have
been guided our sailing direction, or sorrow or joy, or sorrow or
joy, still without regrets, because we are the most lovely people.
看着看着,竟然笑了,或许,似 乎找到了我的影子,或许,看到如此单纯、明确的目标,感觉亲切,或许,
是当初的自己看着回望的自己 尴尬的嘲笑,毕竟,现在的自己貌似是对不起当初的自己的。。
Watch, unexpectedly smiled, perhaps, seem to find my shadow,
perhaps, see such pure, clear goals, feel kind, perhaps, is at the
beginning of looked at back myself embarrassed, after all, now
seems to be sorry at the beginning of their own..
Miss LiQuan no.1 middle school , miss you also, because there,
a deep memory, memory is very long.
Only don’t know those things in LiQuan no.1 middle school
whether still remember me?
那个高高的水塔,还记得吗?那个秋风飒飒的夜晚,圣诞节 的夜晚,你一丝不动的挺立着,我踱着步,背
The high water tower, remember? The autumn wind rustling in
the night, the night of the Christmas, you stand a motionless,
and I was carrying a book. We were having a match, against
our persistence belonging to us, ignoring the noise.
那几棵柏树,还记得吗?那一晚,飘着雪,白皑皑的,银装素裹,路灯很亮,有个不怕 冷的女孩,背着书
包,一直在为你讲着关于她的故事,有两个她的同学过来,赞了她,还记得她得意的笑 吗?

The few cypress tree, do you remember? Starting out that night,
floating the snow, the white, white and street light is very bright,
there is a girl not afraid of cold, carrying bag, has been telling
stories about her to you, and two of her classmates praised her,
do you remember her satisfied smile?
紫藤萝啊,紫藤萝,你和那牡丹聊天的时候,有没有看见,那个女孩偷偷地摘了一瓣, 夹在了她的课本中,
The purple wisteria, purple wisteria, you chat with the peony, did
you see, that girl secretly picked one disc, clip in her book, full of
操场的书法墙,还 记得吗?那个高三,总有个人,心情烦闷的时候,就会来看看你,面面壁,思思过,想
The playground wall of calligraphy, remember? The third year,
there is always individual, when she annoyed she always come
to see you, face side wall, think and think, think of some people.
那间高三二班的教室,还记得那个夏天,那群在青春里肆无忌惮的疯过的孩子吗?关 于我们的梦想,我们
的誓言,我们的汗水,我们的友情,我们的师生情,我们的癫狂,还曾记得吗?那群 最可爱的人。
Between the three class two classrooms, remember that summer,
the group of unscrupulous in the youth crazy kids? About our
dreams, our promise, our sweat, our friendship, our teachers
and students, our madness, still remember? The group of the
most lovely people.
这个夏天,谁是最可爱的人呢?是你,是你,必须是你。因为每一个 敢于上战场的战士都是猛士,都是勇
This summer, who is the most lovely people? It is you, It is you,
must be you. Because each dare to battlefield soldier is brave
warrior, all these were men of valour,
真的勇士,敢于直面惨淡的人生,敢于正视淋漓的鲜血,他们都是最可爱的人。爆发 呵,爆发,一分耕耘,

True warrior, dare to face the dismal life, dare to face dripping
blood, they are the most lovely people. Outbreak o outbreak, you
reap what you sow, you reap what you sow. Youth, what is there
to fear , college entrance examination, what is there to fear? !
最可爱的人,笃定的坚信吧,你是最可爱的人,你曾付 出了那么多的努力,那么多的汗水,神定会佑你的。
The most lovely people, betting firmly believe that, you are
the most lovely people, you have so much effort, much sweat,
god will bless you. Calm, calm, self-confidence, the most
lovely people!!!


To: the person I loved
My friends,
All the children of the college entrance examination
On June 6, 2013







