
2020年08月16日 14:43


ANATOLY Kasimov, Kasimov, good that you called us.
KASIMOV (sobbing) I don't remember what happened! We were at the bar, drinking, laughing
-- having fun.
KASIMOV I don't even know how I got here. I swear, Anatoly, I never touched her! I didn't lay
a finger on her.
ANATOLY Kasimov. Don't flounder.

JACK Jesus, she's been under too long. Come on, come on!

KASIMOV You're the only one who can help me.
ANATOLY C'mon, c'mon, tell the truth...c'mon.
KASIMOV They'll kill me.
ANATOLY You asked for my help. You asked for my help...come on...
KASIMOV You're right, of course.
JACK The name pal...give us the name.

KASIMOV The contact in Minsk..the contact in Minsk..works in a travel agency.
JACK Come on!
ANATOLY Come on!
KASIMOV His name is.....Dimitri Miediev.
ANATOLY Dimitri Miediev...Dimitri Miediev...
JACK Got him.
ANATOLY Now, we drink.

ETHAN (in English now) Get rid of this scum.
CLAIRE Did we get it?
ETHAN We got it.

FLIGHT ATTENDANT Would you like to watch a movie Mr Rosen?
FLIGHT ATTENDANT Would you like to watch a movie Mr Phelps?
PHELPS No, I prefer the theatre.
FLIGHT ATTENDANT Would you consider the cinema of the Ukraine?
PHELPS Perhaps you'd choose one for me.

KITTRIDGE (on the tape) Good morning, Mr. Phelps. The man you're about to see is
Aleksander Golitsyn -- -- an attache at our embassy in Prague. He is also a traitor. He ahs stolen
one half of a CIA NOC list , a record of all deep-cover agents working in Eastern Europe.
KITTRIDGE For security reasons, the NOC list is divided into two encoded halves.
The portion that Golitsyn already has contains code names. But this portion is useless unless
without its mate -- which matches the code names with their true name. It is the half which
Golitsynis plans to stolen from Embassy during a reception tomorrow night.
KITTRIDGE Your mission, Jim, should you choose to accept it, is to obtain photographic
proof of the theft, shadow Golitsyn to his buyer, and apprehend them both. We've already
dispatched a team selected from your usual group. Sarah Davies is already under cover. Jack

Harmon can hock into any security system. Hannah Williams will handle surveillance. Your wife,
Claire,will cover transport. And Ethan Hunt will be your point man as usual. He's now in Kiev
and will rendezvous in Prague at a safe house of your choosing.
KITTRIDGE As always, should you or any member of your IM force be caught or killed, the
Secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions. This tape will self- destruct in five
seconds. Good luck, Jim!

PHELPS A very straightforward objective: We photograph Golitsyn stealing the NOC list,
follow him to his buyer, apprehend both of them. Now here's the plot. Ethan, you're going into
the embassy in character during a party. Hide in plain sight---- highest possible profile. Are you
ETHAN wouldn't have it any other way?
PHELPS Sarah, you're at the party already as the embassy's Washington visitor liaison. Make
contact with Ethan. You'll run the game together.
SARAH I haven't a thing to wear.
PHELPS Well, I'm sure you'll work it out. You'll mark Golitsyn, hand him off to Hannah.
Hannah, you'll have him for the duration of the interior. Find yourself a perch and stay on him.
HANNAH No problem.
JACK Yeah?
PHELPS Fingerprint security ,there's access through the elevator shaft here.
JACK So I guess I'm not wearing my tux.
PHELPS Open, close , get off. Zero residual presence. Claire, you're cover outside in the
vehicle. Hannah will join you as Golitsyn goer exterior. You two stay on him from there. Anything
goes wrong, I call abort. Everybody walk away immediately. Regroup here at 4 a.m. That's
o-400. Any questions?

ETHAN Yeah. Can we get a cappuccino machine in here? 'Couse I don't know what you call
JACK I cal it cruel and unusual.
CLAIRE I made that coffee.
ETHAN Exactly, is it possible it's even worse than the sludge you made in that barn in Kiev?
CLAIRE Thank you.
PHELPS Hey, take it easy on my wife's coffee, will you?
ETHAN We missed you in Kiev, Jim.
PHELPS Missed you, too, Ethan.
JACK off on one of your cushy recruiting assignments again?
ETHAN Where'd they put you up this time? The Plaza?
PHELPS Drake Hotel, Chicago.
Everyone Ooh! Cushy! 24-hour room service. Chauffeured cars. Fat expense account.
ETHAN He's getting soft in his old age.
JACK Yeah, he is. Look at him.
PHELPS OK, listen. If that list gets out into the open, the names of our agents in every
country in Eastern Europe will be up for grabs to the highest bidders, third world terrorists, arms

dealers, drug lords, any and everybody who'd love to get rid of long-term coverts like us. If they're
exposed, they'll be executed. So, I'll run the whole show from the craw's nest here. Everyone
knows their roles. Let's punch out the details.

JACK There's a camera built right into the bridge. Whatever you see , it sees and then it
transmits it back here. See? Can you hear me?
SARAH Of course I can hear you.
JACK No, in your...Oh, you need an earpiece. You have lovely eyes. Can you hear me now?
SARAH Loud and clear.

PHELPS If he has a car waiting, and he rolls, you stay with him no matter what. You should take
the afternoon drive the streets around this little quarter. They're confusing as hell.
CLAIRE What do you think I've been doing all morning?
ETHAN We're using Waltzer?
PHELPS He's our guy.
ETHAN Isn't he chairing the Armed Services hearing?
PHELPS Not this week. This week he's flyfishing at the Oughterard Slough in County
Kildare, with one of our best Irish guides.

CLAIRE he won't be back anytime soon.

SENATOR WALTZER I'll go you one further. I say the CIA and all its shadow organizations
have become irrelevant at best and unconstitutional at worst.
MAN With all due respect, Senator , it sounds as if you want to lead the kind of the charge that
Senator Frank Church led in the 1970s and in the process destroy the intelligence capability of this
SENATOR WALTZER No, Now , I want to know who these people are and how they're
spending our taxpayer's money. We were living in a democracy the last time I checked.

JACK Stick of gum. Right?
JACK No, Red light. Green light. You come up against a lock you can't pick, you mash
them together, asta lasagna. Don't get any on you -- you'll have about five seconds.
JACK Just don't chew it.

PHELPS Ethan. Jack's inside. Let's go.

DIPLOMAT How do you do, Senator, I'm Rand Housman, the Ambassador's aide. How was
the opera?
SENATOR WALTZER Uh,it was boring.
DIPLOMAT let me see if I can steer you through this reception line.
Another How do you do, Senator?
DIPLOMAT His wife Mrs Reed.

PHELPS Windows open by 2300
DIPLOMAT Petr Brandi, the mayor of Prague, and Mrs Brandi.

SARAH I bet you don't remember me, do you?
SENATOR WALTZER Of course I do. How are you, Miss Norman?
SARAH He's in pocket. On the stairway.
Another Mr Golistyn, nice to see you.
PHELPS Hannah, pull the shade. Sarah, mark the package and go to two.
SARAH Your advance team mentioned you'd want a tour of the facility, so I've gone ahead
and set that up . Excuse me, this way.
JACK Great. Come on.
SARAH -- which leads directly to the Denied Area, the only limited access area in the whole
JACK Governor's in position now.
GUARD Excuse me, can I help you?
SARAH As you can see. There's a Marine guard and video surveillance. This place is
like...Excuse me, I'm sorry. I know it's in here somewhere.

SENATOR Sergeant, why are you not in your uniform this evening?
GUARD Uh, we've been ordered to wear civilian clothes , this evening, sir. Be right back.
SARAH Tell me, Senator, don you have someone on your staff named JACK?
ETHAN Jack? Uh, we did have a Jack. Not a reliable fellow, as I recall. Constantly late
or behind in his work. We were forced to tie him behind one of my best stallions and drag him
around the barn a few times.
JACK Relax your crack, Foghorn, I'm workin' on it.
GUARD Sorry, Sir. Thank you, have a nice evening.
SARAH Thank you. Come.
ETHAN The date with Sarah is definitely off.
ETHAN (to Sarah) Higher.
HANNAH He's heading to the denied area.
PHELPS Get moving, Ethan. He's rolling to you.

ETHAN Jack. Jack. We're in position here.
JACK I didn't touch it.
SARAH What about my coat? I'll freeze.
ETHAN Jack. Open the doors.
PHELPS He's in the box, Ethan, he's in the box!
ETHAN OK. Taking Golitsyn's exit. Jack, open the doors.
JACK I don't have it.
PHELPS I'm opening the doors. Go under.
ETHAN He's got it.
JACK All right.
ETHAN Saved your ass again Jack.

JACK Give me a break, Pops.
SARAH Such a nice ass.
JACK And a lonely ass.
ETHAN Transport in five minutes.
JACK Yes, indeed.
ETHAN Jack, we're in position. Open the doors and let the package roll.
JACK Roger that. Opening doors now.
ETHAN Stairway, you're wrapped, go to transport.

PHELPS Jack, what are you doing?!
JACK I'm not doing anything!
PHELPS I don't have control! Jack.
JACK Uh -- then I got a problem.
PHELPS Cut the power. Cut the power Jack.
ETHAN Come on, Jack.
ETHAN Jack. Jack. Do you copy?
PHELPS Man down, Ehan. Man down. Stay where you are. I'm coming to you.
SARAH The package is out in the open.
ETHAN Jim. Jim. He's in the open.
PHELPS En route.
ETHAN Jim. He's in the open. Jim, the package is in the open.
PHELPS I've got a shadow.
ETHAN Can you lose him?
PHELPS No. Abort.
SARAH Ethan, He's out of pocket.
ETHAN (to Phelps) can't do that.
PHELPS We're being ambushed, Ethan. Abort. That's an order.
ETHAN Negative, Golitsyn's on the move.
PHELPS No, damn it, no, I said ABORT!
ETHAN Sarah, eye on the package. Jim, I'm coming to you.
SARAH Jim gave an abort, we should walk away.
ETHAN No, we're going to recover that disk, you understand me?! Now go!
PHELPS Where are you?
ETHAN About two hundred yards from the bridge.
PHELPS They're covering this frequency. Cut all radio communications. Repeat. Cut
all radio communications.
PHELPS Ethan, Ethan.
ETHAN JIM! Abort, repeapt,abort. Abort. Do you read me? Sarah... God! CLAIRE! Oh
my God. Oh, no Sarah.

FLAT VOICE Satcom seven.
ETHAN Central Europe. Unsecured.
FLAT VOICE Designator?

ETHAN Bravo Echo one one.
FLAT VOICE Switching.
KITTRIDGE This is Kittridge.
ETHAN Go secure.
ETHAN This in Ethan Hunt. They're dead.
KITTRIDGE What? Who's dead?
ETHAN My team. My team is dead. Golitsyn's gone. They knew we were coming, man.
They knew we were coming. And the disk is gone.
KITTRIDGE Are you intacted?
ETHAN The disk is gone. Do you read me? The list is in the open!
KITTRIDGE Listen, I read you. Let's just bring you in safely, and then we'll worry about that,
okay? Were you followed?
ETHAN I don't think so. I don't think so.
KITTRIDGE Don't think, be sure. Are you clean?
KITTRIDGE OK. Location green. One hour. I'll be there myself.
ETHAN You're in Prague?

KITTRIDGE I can't tell you how sorry I am. I know how much Jim in particular meant to
you, Ethan. Personally as well as professionally.
KITTRIDGE Passport, visa, Usual drill. We'll work the exfiltration through Canada, debrief
you at Langley. Throw the Prague police a bone or two, you know , toss them a few suspects.
You follow me?
ETHAN Yeah. I follow you.
KITTRIDGE I think we've lost enough agents for one night.
ETHAN You mean I've lost enough agents for one night.
KITTRIDGE You seem hell bent on blaming yourself, Ethan.
ETHAN Who else is left?
KITTRIDGE Yes. I see your point.

ETHAN Why was there another team?
ETHAN Of IMF agents. At the Embassy. Tonight.
KITTRIDGE I don't quite follow you.
ETHAN Well, let's see if you can follow me around the room. The drunk Russians on the
embankment at 7 and 8 o'clock...The couple waltzing around me at the Embassy at 9 and 11.
The waiter behind Hannah at the top of the staircase - Bow tie, 12 o'clock. The other IMF team.
You're worried about me. Why?
KITTRIDGE Well, for a little over two years we've been spotting serious blowback in IMF
operations. We have a penetration. The other day we decoded a message on the Internet from
a Czech we know as

ETHAN The arms dealer.
KITTRIDGE That's right. Max, it seems, has two unique gifts -- a capacity for anonymity
and for corrupting susceptible agents. This time he's gotten to someone on the inside - he's gotten
himself in a position to buy our NOC list. An operation he referred to as The job he
thought Golitsyn was doing tonight.
ETHAN But the list Golitsyn stole was a decoy.
KITTRIDGE Correct, the actual list is secure at Langley. was a lightning rod,
He's one of ours.

ETHAN This whole operation was a molehunt. This whole operation was a molehunt.
KITTRIDGE Yes, the mole's deep inside. And -- like you said. You survived.
KITTRIDGE (CONT'D) I want to show you something, Ethan. Since your father's death, your
family's farm has been in receivership, and now, suddenly, they're flush with over a hundred
and twenty grand in the bank. Your father's illness was supposed to have wiped out that
bank account -- dying slowly in America after all, can be a very expensive proposition Ethan. So,
why don't we go quietly out of here and onto the plane... I can understand you're very upset.
ETHAN Kitteridge, you've never seen me very upset.
KITTRIDGE All right, enough is enough, Hunt. You've bribed, cajoled, killed - and you
have done it using loyalties on the inside. You want to shake hands with the devil .That's fine
with me. I just want to make sure you do it in hell.

ETHAN Money, money, where's the damn money?
(KITTRIDGE The other day we decoded a message on the Internet from a Czech we know as
An operation he referred to as
ETHAN Job. Job 3:14. I can't ...
ETHAN Job three fourteen. Job -- (a realization, the Biblical pronunciation) It's Job! Oh,
you son of bitch.
ETHAN Max -- Goods tainted. Consider extremely hazardous. DO NOT USE. Fate
will be that of kings and counsellors who built for themselves palaces now lying in ruins.
Must meet to discuss a.s.a.p.

PHELPS Ethan, what are you doing? I needed you, Ethan. 1 needed you on the bridge, but
-- you weren't there. Ethan? Ethan?
ETHAN Don't move.
CLAIRE Ethan -- Ethan, it's okay. Just calm down. It's Claire. It's okay.
ETHAN You were in the car!
CLAIRE No, I wasn't. I heard on the radio ...
ETHAN Shut up! I saw you. You were in the car.
CLAIRE No, I got out of the car . I ran to the bridge. He said someone was...
ETHAN Don't give me that! I was on the bridge. There was nobody on the bridge.
CLAIRE What happened to Jim?
ETHAN Wake up, Claire! Jim's dead, they're dead. They're all dead! Who sent you for me?
CLAIRE Jim's dead?

ETHAN Who sent you here? Take off your coat.
ETHAN (CONT'D) Where were you? Where were you?
CLAIRE I walked away. He said abort. I just... walked away.
ETHAN That was four hours ago! Who sent you? Did they send you here?
ETHAN Who sent you?! Who sent you?
CLAIRE No one sent me! No one sent me! We're supposed to be back here at four o'clock,
four o'clock, if we abort, we don't return here until four o'clock, 0-four hundred, four am, four
o'clock --Ethan...It we are abort, 4 o'clock...

ETHAN I've been disavowed. They actually think I killed Jim and everyone else.
Somehow a hundred thousand dollars found its way into my parents' bank account. Kittridge
assumes I'm a mole they've been tracing and I've been in the employ of an arms dealer, Max, for
the last two years, to get him our NOC list.
CLAIRE What are you going to do?
ETHAN I'm going to get it for him.
CLAIRE Ethan, you're not making any sense. ETHAN Whoever the mole is, I think goes
by the name of Job. 1 can't find him, but if he knows 1 have the NOC list, he'll find me.
CLAIRE I'm going to go in...and I'm going to tell KITTRIDGE myself. I'll tell him you had
nothing to do with this.
ETHAN Claire, if you're not dead, he's going to assume you're with me.
CLAIRE The message is for Job.
ETHAN That's right. And I'm going to answer it.

ETHAN Excuse me, could I trouble you for a match?
MATTHIAS Would you remove your hat please?
MATTHIAS You wish to meet Max? The price of admission.
ETHAN I thought I was going to see Max.
MATTHIAS You misunderstood. No one sees Max.
ETHAN Then what the hell am I doing here?
MATTHIAS Allowing Max to see you and hear what you've got to say.
ETHAN Well, I don't communicate very well through a shroud.
MATTHIAS Well, If Max doesn't like what you have to say, you'll be wearing that shroud
ETHAN I'm willing to take the chance.
MATTHIAS Very well.

MAX Who are you and what are you doing here?
ETHAN I need 150 thousand dollars.

MAX Really? And you thought if you simply showed up I might give it to you?
ETHAN Why not? You gave Job a hundred and twenty five thousand.
MAX The penny drops. You are not Job. Yes, Job is not given to quoting Scripture in his
communications. And there was its tone -- aggressive but playful. Job is not playful. So you're
something of a paradox.
ETHAN Well, That depends.
MAX On what?
ETHAN Whether you like a paradox. I want a hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
MAX No, that's quite out of the question.
ETHAN The disk , Job sold you ,it's worthless. It's bait, part of an internal molehunt.
MAX And how might you know that? Are you another Company man?
ETHAN Like Job?
MAX Ah, we're asking about you.
ETHAN I'm NOC. Was. Now disavowed.
MAX Why, may I ask?
ETHAN That's the question I want to ask Job.
MAX I don't know Job any more than Jov knows me.
ETHAN Even so, I'm sure you could arrange an introduction.
MAX Why should I?
ETHAN Because I can deliver the actual NOC list. The one you have is not only
worthless, it's certain to be equipped with a homing device to pinpoint your exact location.
ETHAN Okay, boot it up . In anywhere from thirty seconds to ten minutes you're gonna have
Virginia farm boys hopping around you like jackrabbits.
MAX It's easy to say the disk is worthless when you say I can't look at the information and
see if it's worthless. Not a tenable position, sir.
ETHAN Okay, use it. But I suggest pack up first.

MATTHIAS Twenty-six, twenty- seven. So far so good.
MAX That's not so good for you, my friend.
ETHAN I'd say you've got about two minutes.
MATTHIAS Thirty-two and change.
MAX (to Ethan) Doesn't mean it's a signal. Could just be the hard drive heating up.
MATTHIAS Forty-four. Forty-five.
MATTHIAS Fifty-seven. Fifty- nine.

KITTRIDGE The man's gone black, Barnes. He's under until he decides to surface.
BARNES we can use someone from the Embassy and we can get the local authorities
involved. Close off his transportation.
KITTRIDGE What can we do, Barnes? Put a guy at the airport? How many identities do
you think Hunt has? How many times has he slipped past custom, in how many countries?
These guys are trained to be ghosts. We taught them how to do it, for Christ's sake!
BARNES So what do you suggest?
KITTRIDGE Let's not waste time chasing him. Let's make him come to us. Everybody's
got pressure points. You find out something that's personally important to him personally and

you squeeze.

MAX Oh dear, Gunther will never let me use one of his apartments again. (turns to Ethan)
Phew, sorry I doubted you, dear boy. You're a good sport. Do accept the compliment.
ETHAN Thanks, Max. Or is it Maxine?
MAX Haha, I don't have to tell you what a comfort anonymity can be in my profession -- It's
like a warm blanket. My deal with Job was subject to a successful boot scan. Obviously it
didn't pass muster. Deal's off.
ETHAN What was your deal with Job?
MAX Six million dollars. I'll give you the same. But I want the complete list now, not
just Eastern Europe. I won't do this piecemeal, it's too dangerous.
ETHAN Ten million. Ten million in negotiable U.S. Treasury certificates, in bearer form,
coupons attached. And one more thing -- your personal assurance that Job will be at the

CLAIRE Max made a deal with you?
ETHAN I deliver the NOC list, Max delivers Job.
CLAIRE We've got seventy- five rounds for your Beretta, but only twenty for the Sig Sauer,
one pair of Visco glasses with monitor, plenty of passports. And...What? You said it yourself -- if
I'm not dead, I'm with you.
ETHAN You're sure about this?
CLAIRE Jim was my husband. I want to get the son of bitch who did this.
ETHAN We need help, and we don't have time. So they're going to have to be local.
CLAIRE What kind of help?

ETHAN Simple game. Four players. (points to Krieger) Exfil opens the pocket -- (and
to Luther) -- cyber ops lifts the wallet.
ETHAN IMF mainframe.
KRIEGER Where exactly is it?
ETHAN In Langley.
LUTHER In Langley? The one in Virginia, Langley?
KRIEGER Inside CIA headquarters at Langley. Is he serious?
CLAIRE Always.
KRIEGER If we're going to Virginia, why don't we drop by Fort Knox? I can fly a helicopter
right in through the lobby and set it down inside the vault and it will be a hell of a lot easier than
breaking into the God damn CIA.
LUTHER What are we downloading?
ETHAN Information.

LUTHER What kind?
ETHAN Profitable.
CLAIRE Payment on delivery.
LUTHER I don't know. This I don't know.

ETHAN This doesn't sound like the Luther Stickell I've heard of. What'd they call you?
The Net Ranger? Phineas Phreak? The only man alive who actually hacked NATO
LUTHER There was never any physical evidence that I had anything to do with that.. that..
With that exceptional piece of work.
ETHAN You don't know what you're missing. This is the Mt. Everest of hacks.
LUTHER You're all kidding yourselves. Even with top of the line crypto. Cray access. STU
3's --
CLAIRE Krieger can get it. (to Krieger) Right?
KRIEGER May take a little time.
ETHAN What the hell do you mean, a little time? That's not what Claire tells me about you.
LUTHER Thinking Machine laptops, I'm talking about the 686 prototypes -- with the
artificial intelligence Risk chip --
KRIEGER Twenty-four hours.
LUTHER And I get to keep the equipment when we're done.
ETHAN Luther, I guess you're all out of excuses.
LUTHER Ha,look, I just can't just hack my way inside. See, there's no modem access to the
mainframe, it's in what we call the stand-alone, which means I'll have to be physically at the
ETHAN Relax, Luther, it's worse than you think. The terminal's in black vault lock-down.
The only person allowed in the room has to pass through a series of security checks. The first is
a voiceprint identification and a six-digital access code. This only gets him into the outer room.
Next, he has to pass a retinal scan. And finally, the intrusion countermeasures. They missed
nothing in that room. Even the vents have laser nets over them.

ETHAN Inside, there are three countermeasure are only deactivated by a double electronic
key card which we won' t have. Now, inside the block voult, there are three systems operating
whenever the technician is out of the room, the first is sound sensitive anything above a whisper
sets it off. The second system detects any increase in temperature. Even the body heat of an
unauthorized person in the room, will trigger it if the temperature rises, just a single degree. The
temperature is controlled by the air- conditioning coming in through on an overhead duct, 30 feet
above the floor. That vent is guarded by a laser net.

ETHAN The third system is on the floor and ins pressure sensitive. The slightest increase in
weight will trigger the alarm and any one of these system if set off, will activate an automatic
lockdown. Now, believe me when I tell you, gentlemen, all three system are state-of- the-art.
LUTHER And you really think we can do this?
ETHAN We're going to do it.

ETHAN We picked up alarms in sectors three, seven, and twelve.
GUARD Yeah. That's what I've got too.
ETHAN What sector's the air conditioning?
GUARD Uh -- twenty-one, but there's no alarm in sector twenty-one.
ETHAN I gotta go in there and shut it down!

GUARD Sorry. Nobody goes into any sector where the alarm hasn't gone off.
ETHAN Do you want to blow the fire through the whole building?
GUARD No one goes into any sector where the alarm hasn't gone off ---and it hasn't gone
off in twenty- one! Wait! it's gone off. Let's go.
ETHAN Let's move!

WIllIAM Can I get anything?
WOMAN No ,thank you.
GUARD 21's through here.

KITTRIDGE he's recruiting. For what purpose?
BARNES Survival.
KITTRIDGE Too shortsighted. This guy initiates. He's proactive. The question is, what does he
want? Where does he need to get it? Barnes, What the hell's that noise?
BARNES Fire alarm, Gene.
KITTRIDGE Do we have to evacuate?

GUARD Hey, there were three of you. Where's the other guy?
ETHAN Zero body count.
KRIEGER We'll see.

ETHAN 1 - 2 - 3 - Toast, toast.
ETHAN Good, Luther, I'm going in. Everest ,man . You ready to plant a flag?
ETHAN Krieger, from here on in, absolute silence.
LUTHER He's rolling to you. He's at the voiceprint corridor. Outer room. He's coming in the
vault. Come on , move. He's in the bathroom. AW96B6. Holy mother of God. The NOC list.
He's in the vault. Four yellows. One red. Get moving. Toast.

ETHAN We're not outta here yet.
WILLIAM Oh , my god.

MAN It's...for you.
KITTRIDGE kittridge.
KITTRIDGE You and I know about this -- and that's where it stops. Understand? It never
BARNES What about him...?
KITTRIDGE I want him manning a radar tower in Alaska by the end of the day. Just mail
him his clothes.

KRIEGER You contacting your buyer? Ethan? Oh, 'scuse me Mr. Hunt? You're not
going to any meeting without me.
ETHAN My contact is extremely shy.

KRIEGER I don't think you're in any position to give orders, do you? Not while I'm holding
CLAIRE Krieger.
KRIEGER Stay out of this.
ETHAN Don't you mean this?
KRIEGER That's not the list.
ETHAN What's the matter, you've never seen this trick? Where did it go?! It's GONE!
CLAIRE No. Come on.
ETHAN But not too far! I know what you're thinking, Krieger. You're thinking, back in
the computer room -- I was up here -- he was down there -- . He was carrying two discs. So
hard to keep track of these things.
KRIEGER Where is it?
ETHAN Do you actually think I'd let you have the NOC list?
KRIEGER Try any sleight-of-hand with my money and I'll cut your throat.
CLAIRE I'm so sorry. Krieger was my call. I'm sorry, Ethan.
ETHAN We did what we had to do.
CLAIRE I'm going to try and get some sleep.

LUTHER Krieger did have the NOC list.
ETHAN Now I want you to hold onto it.
LUTHER What makes you trust me?
ETHAN Because if you knew what you were getting into, you never would have done it.
LUTHER I'm not letting this list get out in the open.
ETHAN Exactly, that's your job tomorrow on the train. Don't let this list get out into the open.
What's the range of this thing?
LUTHER It's hard to tell. I'm gonna have to be close.

CLAIRE Ethan, I need to talk to you.
REPORTER The unlikely setting...a farm in the heartland of America...the State of Wisconsin,
where federal agents claim to have broken the brain trust behind an international drug ring. The
operation was masterminded by Margaret Ethan Hunt and Her brother-in -law Donald Hunt.
They were arrested this morning by the Drug Enforcement officers in a major sting operation
designed to expose illegal manufacture of the drug methcathinone, known as

ETHAN Kittridge...
KITTRIDGE Kittridge.
ETHAN I see you've been out visiting the folks.
KITTRIDGE (covers receiver) It's Hunt. What do you need for a pinpoint? (to Ethan)
Been watching a little T.V., have you?
ETHAN Hauling Mom off to jail in shackles was an especially nice touch.
TECHNICIAN He's in England.

KITTRIDGE Ethan, I want to reassure you that my first order of business after you come in
is to get these ridiculous charges against your family dropped and eliminated completely from
their files. If you ,uh, if you come in now, we can plea down the charges against you as well.
ETHAN Can I ask you something, Kittridge?
KITTRIDGE Certainly Ethan.
ETHAN If you're dealing with someone who's crushed, stabbed, shot and detonated five
members of his own IMF team, how devastated do you think you're going to make him by
marching Ma and Uncle Donald down to the county courthouse?
KITTRIDGE I don't know, Ethan. Why dont' you tell me?
BARNES Lost him. We needed three more seconds. .
KITTRIDGE He wanted us to know he was in London.

PHELPS You're a hard man to catch up with.
PHELPS ..the next day I managed to drag myself to the safe house, must've just missed
you..anyway, I checked our aliases.
ETHAN And that's when you picked us up in the States.
PHELPS - but you left before I could get there and I could check just so many places..
ETHAN Yeah, smaller countries don't computerize customs records -
PHELPS - so I watched Europe. Once you turned up in England..it was easy.
ETHAN You knew I liked the rentals at Liverpool Street.
PHELPS Hey, I showed 'em to you!
ETHAN I remember..
ETHAN Look, who do you think you're kidding? A doctor's gotta look at that. You can't
sit up straight.
PHELPS I can sit up straight. I just can't..sit up straight very well. It's not important! I
saw who shot me. Ethan, I saw the mole. It was Kittridge. Kittridge!
ETHAN Kitteridge. Kittridge is the mole? My god! Of course, you're right. He was at
the embassy that night. First, he took out Jack at the elevator - he shot you on the bridge -
- he must have had back up take out Golitsyn and Sarah at the fence.. How did he do Hannah?
No. No. He could've taken out Hannah himself. Why, Jim? Why?
PHELPS ..when you think about it, Ethan, it was inevitable..。No more Cold War. No more
secrets you keep from everyone but yourself, operations-- you answer to no one but yourself.
Then one day you wake up , The President of the United States is running the country - without
your permission. The son-of-a-bitch! How dare he? Then you realize it's over, you're an
obsolete piece of hardware not worth upgrading, you've got a lousy marriage and sixty- two
grand a year. Kittridge, we'll go after that no good son-of-a-bitch, big time!
ETHAN We won't have to, Jim. He'll come after us.
PHELPS What's going to make him do that?
ETHAN What he didn't get in Prague. The NOC list.
PHELPS Jesus, Ethan. Good for you.
ETHAN A meeting tomorrow on the TGV, en route to Paris.
PHELPS Tight security. No guns. Real plus.
ETHAN If I supposedly deliver the NOC list to Max, Max has agreed to deliver Job to me. I'll
have Claire and Luther Stickell with me on the train. Marcel Krieger will have helicopter

transport waiting in Paris.
ETHAN Jim...?
PHELPS I was in a cafe waiting for you ,Ethan, and there she was, standing in the
rain ..alive and beautiful.. thinking I'm dead and gone. God knows what she's had to do , to
forget me, to keep going , to get the job done, I.. She can't know about me. No one can.
Not till this is over.
ETHAN You're probably right.
PHELPS There's too much at stake.
ETHAN Once we leave the safehouse, Jim, you get in there and crash. I'll call you from
PHELPS You got it.

CLAIRE What happened?
ETHAN I sent the message to Max. We're on for tomorrow.
CLAIRE Okay.........come here....viens pres moi...

KITTRIDGE What's this?
AGENT Incoming, sir, for you. X-ray's clean, electronics, and no explosives.
KITTRIDGE How long to the London Terminus?
AGENT Twenty, twenty-five minutes.
KITTRIDGE You've got ten minutes. Move!

ETHAN Give me Max.
MATTHIAS It's him.
MAX This wasn't what we discussed.
ETHAN My apologies Max. It couldn't be helped. There's a piece of black cloth under your
seat. Tear it away and you'll find the disk.
MAX Ha, dear boy! I hope this doesn't prelude a meeting in private.
ETHAN Not as long as you tell me where the money is.
MAX The mere possibility alone is worth ten million. Baggage car, rack 3. Silver
briefcase. Combination 314.
ETHAN What about Job?
MAX I wouldn't worry about him. Once you've got the money -- he'll find you.

MAX What's the matter.
MATTHIAS It's not transmitting.
MAX Try it, try it again. Damn it, I've got to get this through before we hit the chunnel.
MAX What's the problem.

BARNES Only four more cars.
KITTRIDGE And if we don't find him - we'll search the whole train again.
BARNES What's Hunt doing on the TGV?

KITTRIDGE High speed train. No-one gets on. No-one gets off. High security. Good
place for a pass off to Max.
BARNES But why tell us?
KITTRIDGE He's putting on a show, Barnes.
BARNES What kind of show.
KITTRIDGE I don't know. (looks at his wrist monitor) It didn't say on the tickets.

CLAIRE Ethan...Kittridge is on the train.
ETHAN Kittridge is Job. Max delivered. How far is he from Luther?
CLAIRE Two cars. Where are you?
ETHAN You are my eyes. Stay with him.

MAX (into phone) He's in the baggage car.

MAX What's the problem.
MATTHIAS Connection denied.
MAX I can see that. Did you check the batteries?
MATTHIAS I always check the batteries.
MAX Don't you give me that. Run it through from the top.

KITTRIDGE This is bullshit - we don't even know what Max looks like.
BARNES We don't have to know what he looks like. If he's got that list, he's going to
want to check it. And that means laptops. We should be looking for laptops.

WAITER Excuse me , sir? Your telephone?
MAN I can't here anything.
WAITER Is everything all right, sir?
MAN It's just the battery is gone.
MATTHIAS It's working.
MAX Phew! He is in the baggage car.

CLAIRE Ethan, KITTRIDGE is on the train.
ETHAN I'm behind you. The money is in the baggage car. I'll meet you there.

CLAIRE Ethan's right behind me. Listen to me Jim. Is it such a good idea to kill him?
K is here. We take the money. Ethan takes the blame. No-one else has seen you alive.
No-one will believe him.
ETHAN Of course - I'm sorry to hear you say that Claire.
PHELPS Yes. Ethan Hunt, darling. Remember him?
CLAIRE You knew about Jim?
PHELPS Course he did. Just exactly when he knew is something of a question. Mind
telling me, Ethan? Before or after I showed up in London,
ETHAN Before London. But after you took the Bible out of the Drake Hotel in Chicago.

PHELPS They stamped it, didn't they? Those damn Gideons.
CLAIRE Ethan, if you knew about Jim?..Why..
PHELPS Why the masquerade? Why take the risk? Well, Claire, you've asked the
question and you are the answer.
ETHAN I knew about Jim.
PHELPS But, he didn't know about you. In all fairness, Ethan, Claire was never
convinced her charms would work with you. But I was supremely confident - having tastes the
CLAIRE let's just get the money and get out of here.
PHELPS Yes, let's get the money.
CLAIRE The money Ethan.
PHELPS Give her the money.
ETHAN You've earned it.
CLAIRE All ten million.
ETHAN You know, Claire was wrong about one thing, Jim.
PHELPS What's that?
KITTRIDGE Good morning, Mr Phelps.
ETHAN I'm not the only one who's seen you alive.
PHELPS You son of a bitch.
ETHAN It's over, jim.
CLAIRE Don't Jim.
PHELPS Don't Jim?

CONDUCTOR No, no, it's IN the tunnel! It'll crash into us! Accelerate, accelerate.

ETHAN Red light, green light.

LUTHER I think this is what you're looking for.
MAX My lawyers will have a field day with this. Entrapment, jurisdictional
conflicts --
KITTRIDGE Maybe we'll just keep the courts out of this one.
MAX I'm sure we can find something I have that you need.

TV In a freak accident, a helicopter lost its altitude, veered into the tunnel. And collided with a
high-speed train on its way from london to paris. The polit was killed. But no one on the train was
hurt. Authorities have attributed the accident to instrument failure.

LUTHER Reach your folks? How they feeling?
ETHAN About what?
LUTHER The apology from the Justice Department, the VIP treatment, you know, the
whole nine yards.
ETHAN Well my Mother was a little confused about how the DEA could mistake her and
Uncle Donald for a couple of dope smugglers in the Florida keys.

LUTHER Cheers.
ETHAN To you, Luther. To being off the disavowed list.
LUTHER Hey, I'm the flavour of the month! Why don't you come back with me?
ETHAN Just don't know why I'd be doing it. Got to go catch my flight. So , how does it feel
being a solid citizen again?
LUTHER Oh man...I don't know. I'm gonna miss being disreputable.
ETHAN Well, Luther - if it makes you feel any better I'll always think of you that way.

FLIGHT ATTENDANT Excuse me, Mr. Hunt. Would you like to watch a movie.
ETHAN No, thank you.
FLIGHT ATTENDANT Would you consider the cinema of the
FLIGHT ATTENDANT Aruba, perhaps?







