
2020年08月16日 15:03



Friendship is a kind of interactive emotion that

develops while people are getting along with e
ach other. Thus, any unilateral kindness is not
friendship. Friends are very close to each other
, and they not only share their happiness with
each other but also their sadness. Those who
may develop friendship with each other usually
come from similar environments. As a result, t
hey are easier to understand each other, and h
ave a deeper touch. Surely, people can make fr
iends with strangers as well as those who are
dear and close to us, such as our family memb
ers. As a matter of fact, friendship is always an
immortal subject of poetry. People around the
world value friendship very much. In order to d
evelop and keep our friendship, we should lear
n to communicate with others properly, to be a
good listener and to be honest and frank. Most
importantly, we need to have a correct unders
tanding of friendship. It should always be kept
in mind that the best mirror is an old friend. It
means that a good friend not only encourages
you of your goodness but also alerts you of you

r shortcomings. Besides, a friend in need is a fr
iend indeed. We should never judge a person by
his or her appearance, because a true friend w
ill support you just for who you are originally.

The sense of happiness is of great significance
. As a vital factor of life, it brings us power, aro
uses our enthusiasm for loving life, and helps u
s to create a promising future. However, in con
temporary China, it has become a trend for Chi
nese people to hold different views about happ
iness and the way to enhance it.

In addition to material basis, the sense of happ
iness also refers to several others aspects. Fir
stly, based on a recent survey, a majority of ind
ividuals admit that they are no longer content
with being fed and clothed adequately, and thei

r happiness depends more on their success in
careers,friendshipand love. Secondly, a great
many people claim that health is the key to the
ir sense of happiness. It is health that enables
them to build up a solid foundation for anything

As a college student, I am convinced that neve
r can money equal happiness. To enhance our
sense of happiness, we should educate, advoc
ate and encourage our friends and classmates
to enrich their knowledge, broaden their horizo
n and cultivate their ability.

It can be noticed that there are some unhealth
y living habits among young people, especially
college students. Typical examples include sta
ying up late, being addicted to games, consumi
ng in an inappropriate way. Thus, due attention
should be paid to students’ daily habits.
Apparently, these bad habits may generate ne

gative impacts. To begin with, they may impair
students’ physical health and psychological fi
tness. In addition, what worries many teachers
is that they may also exert negative influence
s on students’ academic performance. To con
clude, never can we turn a blind eye to these p
In view of the seriousness of this issue, it is ti
me took effective measure. Firstly, it is sugges
ted that universities or colleges should cultivat
e students’ awareness of healthy living. Seco
ndly, students themselves are well-advised to l
earn to regulate and control their own life appr
opriately. Only by doing so, can we hope to see
the ideal scenes in which students enjoy their
colorful and healthy life in Ivory Tower.







