
2020年08月16日 20:03


我叫布莱德 科恩My name is Bradley Cohen.
但我小时候有很多绰号But when l was a kid, people called
me by lots of names.
我弟弟杰夫叫我波波医生My brother, Jeff, called me Dr.
我妈叫我 宝贝My mom called me honey.
学校的同学呢And the kids at school?
什么都有叫的 神经病 怪胎等等Well, they called me
everything from spaz to freak.
我没什么朋友I didn't have many friends actually.
但我有个同伴一直陪着我But I did have a constant
印象中它没有不在我身边的时候I can barely remember a
time, when it wasn't there.
现在有时候不会对我带来麻烦Now sometimes, it wasn't a
problem for me.
有时候就会Other times, it was.
丢掉什么丢掉书Drop what? Drop books?
住手 Stop it.
你害怕吗 布莱德怎么啦Are you scared Brad? What's
少烦我Leave me alone.
打 打 打 Fight! Fight! Fight!
这是干嘛What is going on!
来啊 有种就来打 住手 Com'on. Bring it on! Stop.
不准再打了 住手 回去上课 Stop that fighting right
now! Stop! Get back to class!
少胡闹 你完蛋了啦Stop that nonsense. You are in big
trouble, mister.
女孩掉进泥巴里弄脏了The girl fell in the mud and got
我和我多年的同伴有个共识 One thing my Constant
Companion and,
那就是我们讨厌上学I agreed on was that we hated school.
我等不及想毕业了I couldn't wait until I got out.
不用再写作业 不用再看书 No more homework, no
more books,
不用再看老师的狰狞脸色no more teachers' dirty looks.
我的同伴是在我岁时出现的My Companion first showed
up, when I was six
但过了很多年它才有名字but it was years before it had a
现在精神科医生说我只是过动Now the shrinks said I was
just hyper
我会发出怪声和做怪动作 I made funny noises and acted,
来吸引我自己的注意weird to draw attention to myself.
这只是一个过渡期 It was just a phase:
我长大以后就会恢复正常I'd grow out of it and be

跟别人一样like everybody else.
从小到大 这个同伴一直跟着我Through it all, my
constant companion stuck with me.
现在我朋友只觉得 Now, to my friends,
布莱德 本来就是这样I'm just regular, ole Brad.
我喜欢棒球 爱听年代的老歌The guy who likes baseball.
And who loves cheesy s music.
他们觉得这比我发出的怪声更怪Which they think is much
weirder, than the noises I make.
警官好 我有超速吗Afternoon, officer. Was I speeding?
超过速限哩Twelve miles over the limit.
圣路易你是观光客St. Louis, huh? You a tourist?
不是 我住亚特兰大 刚搬来这里No, I live in Atlanta
now, I just moved here.
我刚才大概有点分心吧I guess I was a little distracted.
你有喝酒吗Son, you been drinking.?
没有 我有妥瑞症候群No. No, sir. I have Tourette
放轻松 请你在这里签名Take it easy, son. I'm going to
need you to sign this.
你要找怎样的工作So. What kind of job you looking for?
我想当老师I'm going to be a teacher.
我经常看到这种表情I get that look a lot
但我从不放在心上but I never let it get to me.
你有布莱德利大学的学士学位I see you've got a B. A. from
Bradley University
那是在伊利诺州吧that's in Illinois, isn't it?
是的Yes, ma'am !
毕业成绩优异 推荐度很高Graduated cum laude, high
你的教学成果评估非常优异 好极了your student
teaching evals are outstanding, excellent.
你怎么会决定要教书What made you decide to go into
我就只想教书 我觉得我是天生的老师料It's all I've ever
wanted to do. I feel like I was born to teach.
为什么选择亚特兰大Why choose Atlanta?
我是指你的家乡在密苏里I ri's your home.
我想当勇士队的球迷 所以 I'm thinking of becoming a
Braves fan. So, ahh.
乔治亚州认可 我的伊利诺州教学执照Georgia honors
my Illinois teaching certificate.
就爱上了亚特兰大Plus I fell in love with Atlanta
当我来这里当营队辅导员 when I worked down here as a
camp counselor.
我现在就住这里I live here now.
我爸和我继母也住这里So does my Dad and my Stepmom.
很高兴能得到家人的支持Well, it's nice to have family here
you support.
我们还是来谈谈大象吧Maybe we should talk about the

这屋里的大象 我的妥瑞症In the room: my Tourette's.
不行 基于美国残障法案 No. The Americans with
Disabilities Act
我不能问你doesn't allow me to ask you. . .
我知道 但我想告诉你 I know, but I'd like to tell you
我也有告诉我教的学生just like I tell the kids in my
我跟他们解释这是大脑的问题See, I explain to them that
it's a brain thing
让我发出奇怪的声音 that causes me to make strange
就像打喷嚏一样控制不了they're like sneezes, irrepressible.
你想打喷嚏就非打不可When you have to,
非打不可you have to.
学生都怎么回应How do they react?
他们明白以后就接受了啊Once they understand, they're
fine with it.
在课堂上从来不是问题It's never caused any problems in a
我只想要一个机会All I want is a chance.
让我面试Just get me the interviews,
向他们证明我能胜任这个工作and let me prove to them
that I can do the job.
美国残障法案明文规定 The Americans with Disabilities
Act says
我有权利得到这样的机会I'm entitled to a chance.
朗恩 Ron!
结果怎样Hey, how'd it go?
他们就说谁想要像狗叫的老师Oh, you know: ''Who wants
a teacher that barks like a dog?
叫我去找别的工作You should try another line of work. ''
真的假的Are you serious?
他们没看你的履历吗Didn't they look at your resume?
你是在开玩笑啦You're kidding.
他们会安排我跟几位校长面试They're setting up
interviews with some principals.
太好了 几时Fantastic! When?
我不知道 要等他们的电话Oh, I don't know. I've gotta
wait for their calls.
换衣服 我们去庆祝Get changed we gotta go celebrate.
你不是有约会吗Haven't you got a date?
我问问她有没有朋友I'll see if she's got a friend.
你也是时候该认识几个女生了It's about time you started
meeting some chicks.
我现在没心情交女朋友啦I can't focus on dating right now.
有没有人说过你走火入魔了Has anybody ever tell you
you're obsessive?
只有我去看的每个精神科医生啦Only every shrink I ever
那你慢慢专心吧Well, have fun focusing.
你爸又打来了Oh your Dad called again.
你有空还是回个电话给他吧Maybe you should call him
back, you know?
好 待会儿见All right. I'll see you later.
回电话给我爸Returning Dad's call?
那我要作好准备才行I'd have to prepare for that.
我爸妈在我小时候就离婚了See, Mom and Dad had
divorced when I was a little kid and my relationship
我和我爸的关系一直都 with Dad had always been
怎么说 应该算是复杂吧umm, let's just say complicated?
我磨光了他的耐性 就像黑板上的钉子一样I mean, I
wore out his patience like nails on a chalkboard.
更糟的是我弟弟杰夫也有点过动It didn't help that my
brother Jeff was also a little hyper.
爸爸说他在等着回亚特兰大的家Dad said he's waiting to
get back to his home in Atlanta,
他想跟你说再见he's waiting to say goodbye
再见 Goodbye!
你会惹他生气啦You're gonna make him mad!
来 我们比赛 Come on I'll race you!
想跟我比门儿都没有啦Against The Green Dragon? You
gotta be kidding
笨蛋 Sucker!
你作弊 Cheater!
抄捷径 Short cut!
你骑脚踏车耶 You got a bike.
再见了 杰夫See you, Jeff.
不公平啦Hey! That's not fair!
来啊 Aw, com'on!
你赢不了我啦You're not going to beat me!
看 我就要赢了See, I'm gonna win.
不公平 你骑脚踏车 That's not fair! You got a bike!
不准你这样 不 你作弊 Oh, no you're not! Oh, no! You
你这家伙 小声一点啦Hey guys! quiet down, you guys,
quiet down.
别让邻居发现了 过来We do have neighbors you know.
Come here.
看吧 我赢了See, I did beat you.
冷静下来 布莱德 过来 Yeah. Calm down. Brad,
好了 请你专心一点Com'on honey, focus, would you?
过来 过来这里站好Com'ere. Come here! Stand here.
听着 听我说 请你专心好吗Listen. Listen up. Focus,
please. All right?
请你们帮我一个忙I need you guys to do me a favor.
你们俩要多体谅妈妈 好吗I want you both to make life a

little easier for your mom, okay?
你们快把她搞疯了 You are driving her nuts.
听好 住手 布莱德 Guys, listen! Hey, hey. Stop it!
要帮忙她做家务事Help her out around the house
但首先 不能再捣蛋了 明白but most of all let us stop
the obnoxious behavior, OK?
嗨 听着 我是认真的Hey, listen. I mean it!
别再胡闹OK? Quit the clowning.
你弟觉得好玩 但我不觉得Your brother may think its
funny, but I don't.
我控制不了嘛I can't help it.
不 你可以的Yes, you can.
只要自制一点就可以了There's nothing wrong with you
that a little self-control wouldn't fix.
停下来Now, stop it.
诺曼 什么事Norman? Yeah!
飞机可是不等人的哦They're not going to hold that plane
for you.
好 好了 抱一下Okay, all right. Gimme a hug.
爸爸再见See you, Dad!
再见了 小杰Bye-bye, J-man
爸 我爱你I love you, Dad.
我也爱你Love you too, kiddo.
听好了 下次改住我家吧 咋样Hey, listen up we'll stay at
my house next time. OK?
好 我带你们去看勇士队的球赛OK! I'll get tickets to a
Braves' game.
布莱德 记住我们刚才讲的And Brad, remember what we
talked about:
要自制一点 好吗Selfcontrol. All right?
妈 需要帮忙吗Need any help with anything, Mom? Well.
既然你提了就来帮忙吧now that you mention it.
离婚后 我和杰夫帮忙妈妈创业After the divorce, Jeff and
I helped Mom with her new business.
她四处在兜售精品高级服饰Sort of a high class traveling
可能也不算是帮忙啦Well, maybe helped isn't exactly the
right word.
艾伦 这些衣服好漂亮Oh, Ellen, these things are
在圣路易找不到这种流行款式You never find styles like
this in St. Louis.
这是直接从加州来的 比佛利山庄Well, it is direct from
California. Beverly Hills.
大家都这样穿This is what everyone is wearing.
你看这件 孩子们孩子们Look at this. Boys? Boys!
躲猫猫Hide and seek?
艾伦 我不想看两位数的衣服Now, Ellen, I don't want to
see anything in double- digits.
加州的东西都不贵Oh, honey, everything in California runs
你试穿看看Go ahead. Just try it on.
布莱德 请你冷静下来Brad, would you please calm
他像狗一样吠耶 He's barking like a dog, for goodness
看Now look.
别误会了Don't take this the wrong way
恕我直言 我当你是朋友才讲的you know I wouldn't say
this to you if we weren't friends
你有没有考虑过找人驱魔but have you considered an
我觉得你还是要面对现实 You know, I think you might
have to face.
你的尺寸是12号the fact that you're a size 12.
如果你不好意思 我帮你剪标I can cut the label, if it
makes you feel better.
这是新医生 听听他怎么说It's a new doctor let's just
listen to what he has to say.
我都知道他会说什么了I know what he'll have to say.
你因为离婚的事生你妈的气5吗布莱德Do you feel any
anger toward your mother, because of the divorce, Brad?
没有啊No. No.
你因为爸爸不跟你住而气他吗Do you resent your father
because he doesn't live with you anymore?
爸妈离婚你会自责吗Do you blame yourself for the divorce,
这发生在我很小的时候 我甚至不记得了It happened
when I was a little kid, I don't even remember it.
科恩太太 布莱德无法接受父母离婚Mrs. Chen, Brad has
some serious denial issues regarding the divorce.
在家里要给他界定得很明确What he needs at home are
some clear boundaries.
要让他理解这种行为完全无法接受He needs to understand
that this behavior is totally unacceptable.
这就是你的职责了 科恩太太And that, Mrs. Cohen, is
your job.
最难过的就是我让妈妈很辛苦The hardest part was
knowing how tough I made things for Mom.
我有在尽量帮忙她了I tried as best as I could for her.
记得让他按时吃药Make sure he keeps taking his
medication, OK?
至于我爸And for Dad?
三振 Strike three!
我打棒球I played sports.
在球场上 我是如鱼得水On the ball field, I fit right in.

我是说 打棒球的每个人I mean, everybody makes
都会发出怪声 做一些奇怪的动作funny noises and has
strange tics at a baseball game.
波波加油 Go, Bobo!
布莱德加油 快 Come on, Brad!
非常感谢Thank you very much.
好了 要点什么All right. What can l get you?
听好了 我有好消息要告诉你们Hey, guys. I got
something pretty exciting to tell you.
别吃这么快 你会打嗝Honey, don't eat so fast. You're
gonna get the hiccups.
他老是在打嗝He's always got the hiccups.
你才打嗝咧You're a hiccup!
听好了 你别这么激动好吗Listen, hey! Would you just
relax? .
妈妈说你都没在吃药Mom says you're not taking your
你怎么会你怎么会冷静下来How are you are you
ever going to calm down
你不按医生说的做if you don't do what the doctor tells you
to do?
吃药只会更严重啦Pills just make it worse.
是喔 现在你才是医生吗Oh I see. So you're a doctor now,
他是波波医生He's Dr. Bobo.
闭嘴 Shut up!
好了 我们吃东西吧All right, guys, let's eat, guys.
我有重要的消息要宣布 听我说I have a very important
announcement to make.
听我说 好 闹够了 回车上 走吧Guys? Guys! All
right. That's it. We're going back to the car. Come on.
我还是肚子饿啊I'm still hungry
你知道我想怎样吗 希望你有一天不要胡闹You know
what would be nice? One day without you acting up.
爸 等等我 Wait up, Dad.
你要宣布什么事 爸So, what's the announcement, Dad?
我有新对象了I've been seeing someone.
有新对象是什么意思What do you mean seeing somebody?
她叫黛安 她 Her name is Diane, and she.
布莱德 请你别再这样Brad, please! Stop doing that!
我没办法I can't.
还没决定什么啦 但 I mean, nothings' happened yet, but.
你们想不想要有个继母how would you guys feel about
having a stepmom?
才不要咧No way!
我们已经有个妈妈了We've already got a Mom!
现在会有两个啊Well. Now you're gonna have two.
我跟你妈说了 她不介意I talked to your mom about it and
she's fine with it. She said.
她说 我叫你别再这样 I said STOP It! STOP It!
爸爸发脾气我不怪他See, I really couldn't blame Dad for
losing it.
我的怪动作把他搞疯了My tics drove him nuts.
因为他也跟我的老师一样 Because, like my teachers,
不知道我怎么会有奇怪的行为he had no name for my
strange behavior.
只知道这是无法容忍的Except ''insufferable''.
不知道为什么 我的成绩还可以Now, somehow I don't
know how, I made okay grades.
但正常人要做一个小时的事 But, what would take a
normal person an hour,
我需要两个小时took me two.
甚至三个小时 我喜欢学习 Or three. I mean, I loved
但我讨厌念书but I hated, hated reading.
我一专心 那个长年的同伴就会捣蛋Trying to
concentrate brought out the worst in my Constant
布莱德请你过来Brad? Come up here, please.
我知道你爱耍宝 但我受够你了I know you think you're
the class clown, but I've had it with you.
我就 控制 控制不了I can't help help it.
你每次都这样讲 我不想再听什么借口了That's what you
always say. I don't want to hear any more excuses.
同学们想念书 Your classmates are trying to study.
你这样耍宝会妨碍他们.and your clowning makes it
对不起I'm sorry.
别跟我道歉 你要跟他们道歉Don't apologize to me.
Apologize to them.
各位同学 看这边 请你们坐好Eyes up here, everyone.
Sit up straight, please.
布莱德有话要跟你们说Brad has something to say to you.
对不起 我 I'm sorry l.
害你们没办法念书that you can't study because of me.
你要保证不再发出怪声了You promise never to make any
more silly noises ever again.
我保证不会再发出怪声Promise I won't make any more
silly noises ever again.
回去坐好 大家继续看书Take your seat. All of you, back
to your books.
如此困难可能是给你的As difficult as this may be for you,
科恩太太 你也许很难接受 Mrs. Cohen, I assure you,
但老师们都无计可施了the teachers are at their wits end.
这我知道啦 I understand that, of course.
雪伦 我不接任何电话Sharon, would you hold all my
但我们只能 but all we.

这是最后一次机会了 真的是最后一次Now, this has got
to be the last chance. The very last chance.
布莱德 我找你妈妈来Brad, look, I sent for your mother
因为你在学校的状况很失控because things have just gotten
out of control here.
今天她要带你回家 Now, she's going to take you home
你可以再来上学 You can come back.
我控制不了Can't help it.
对不起 你说什么Sorry, what did you say?
他说他控制不了He said he can't help it.
如果他说的是实话呢What if he's telling the truth?
你儿子很聪明 科恩太太 You've got a bright boy, Mrs.
但你再替他找借口 but making excuses for him.
替他找借口是帮不了他的Making excuses is not going to
他要趁这段时间问自己 Now, he needs to use this time to
ask himself .
布莱德 我们走吧Brad! Com'on. Let's go.
问他为何要自毁前程.this question: am I sabotaging
就算被退学也无所谓 我讨厌那所学校I don't care if they
expel me. I hate that school.
不管哪一所学校都一样啦Well, it's that school or another
我讨厌所有的学校 我们干嘛来这里I hate all schools.
Why are we going here ?
来找答案啊To find some answers.
我不能进图书馆 I can't go in the library
他们会把我赶出来 求求你they'll throw me out. Please,
好吧 你过来 坐这儿All right, com'ere. Sit over here.
也许是我们走错方向了Well, maybe we're just going down
the wrong track.
大家都一样All of us.
放开我 Get off me!
吉娃娃 Wet Willie!
极刑 不要极刑啦 Oh no, wet Willie!
我知道你很忙 诺曼 I know you're busy, Norman,
我不会占用你太多的时间I won't take up much of your
只是想告诉你 but I really think you should hear this
你们小声一点 我在跟爸爸讲话Boys, keep it down, I'm
trying to talk to your Dad!
我要跟他讲话I wanna talk to him!
等一下 小声 In a minute! Keep it down!
听着 那些老师和那个医生Listen. You know, those
teachers and that doctor,
他们只觉得是父母不尽责to them it's all about bad
parenting which, of course,
也就是我 因为我是单亲comes down to me because I'm
the only one who here
我不是在怪你 诺曼No. I'm not blaming you, Norman.
其实我是不想再自责了In fact, I'm going to stop blaming
我跟一位朋友聊过 I was talking to a friend
她认为是医生的诊断错误and she think the doctors are
missing something.
我去图书馆借了一堆医学书I got this stack of medical
books from the library.
妈 小心 我做了一点 Mom, watch out! And, I've been
doing a little.
研究 research.
别再说他欠管教了 诺曼Stop saying he just needs more
discipline, Norman!
我不管做什么都 Nothing I do helps
他控制不了自己 我也无计可施He is out of control and
I'm at the end of my rope
我可以跟爸爸讲话吗Can I talk to Dad?
能不能等我一下Can you just wait a minute, honey?
妈 MOM!
好吧 讲完再叫我听All right. But give him back to me
when you're done.
怎么了 杰夫What is it, Jeffrey?
爸爸Hey, Dad.
对 那场比赛很精彩 Yeah, it was a great game
我两次安打和一次四坏球I got two base hits and a walk.
对不起 妈 我给你添了麻烦Sorry I cause you so much
trouble, Mom.
我找到这本书 你念念看I want you to read something in
this book I found.
这本医学书也许能解释 It's a medical book that
你为何一直发出怪声might explain why you make all those
我讨厌念书 I hate reading, Mom
布莱德不就是这样吗 That, that's Brad, isn't it?
发出怪声和抽动 The noises and the twitches.
我还要进一步检查 但也许你是对的I'll still need to do
more tests but, umm, you could be right.
我们的方向可能错了We may have been headed down the
wrong road, here.
我从来没遇过妥瑞症的病例I've never actually seen a case
of Tourette's before.
我多年的同伴终于有了名字So at last my Constant
Companion had a name.

书上写说无药可医 This says there's no cure.
但也许现在有了 这本书很旧But that may have changed.
This is an old book
现在还是没有 科恩太太 我很抱歉That hasn't changed,
Mrs. Cohen. I'm very sorry.
对啦 但医学界还在研究 对吧Yeah, but they're still
looking for a cure, right?
我是说 总有一天他们会找到的 I mean, they will find
one, won't they?
总有一天会找到 They to find.
没事了 妈 我们不会怎样的It's OK, Mom. We'll get
through this, all right.
过来Oh, come here.
所以这是有原因的 爸SEE? There's a reason, Dad.
我不是故意在捣蛋Joop, joop, I'm not being weird on
布莱德 我 Listen, uh, Brad. l, um.
好了 我要说的话都说完了 再见All right. Well, it's all I
wanted to say. Bye.
我爸终于相信我了 但他对我没信心Finally, my dad
believed me. But he never believed in me.
不相信我会成功 不相信我能教书That I would succeed.
That I could teach.
喂 我是布莱德Hello, this is Brad.
有狗 对 我有养狗A dog? Ahh, yes. Yes, ma'am, that's
my dog.
好的 好 早上点我可以Ahh, OK. Yes. Yes, I can be there
我的第一次面试 My very first interview.
太好了 我没问题 好 谢谢你Great. That sounds great.
OK. Thank you.
我尽量不要反应过度 我克制了身体的抽动I tried not to
over-react. I help in my tics.
好耶 太好了 YES! Waffle, yes!
第一通电话之后 我又接到两通 After that first call, I
got two more:
和三位校长的三次面试机会three interviews with three
不用说也知道 Needless to say,
我这多年的同伴真的是满腔热诚my Constant Companion
was more than a little enthusiastic.
你只拿到学士学位Well, I see you only your bachelor's
有打算修硕士吗Are you planning to get your Master's?
有的 一有机会就去Yes, sir. JOOP! As soon as I can.
这不是必备要件啦Well, we don't require it for entry level.
-但如果你是认真的 -我很认真-but if you're serious
about.-I'm very serious.
我想把教书当终身职I want to make teaching my life.
我发出这些怪声 是因为我有妥瑞症候群I, ahh, I make
these noises because I have Tourette Syndrome.
我想跟你聊这件事I'd like to tell you about it.
这是神经失调 我的大脑 It's a Neurological disorder
where my brain
传送混乱的讯息给我的身体sends mixed signals to my
就像打喷嚏一样 无法控制It's like a sneeze. It's
过一 两个礼拜我再回覆你.a couple of weeks, and I'll
give you a call.
好 好 谢谢你OK! OK. Thank you very much.
谢谢 你保重Thanks. Take care.
一好球Well. Strike one.
但我妈说过 不要轻言放弃But, like Mom always said,
don't ever give up.
我小时候 我妈从来没停止研究When I was little, Mom
never stopped researching because,
因为虽然我无药可医 while there was no cure,
但也许有办法过正常生活there might be ways to live a
normal life.
妈 这是教堂It's a church, Mom!
宝贝 不是要你去上圣经课啦Honey, you're not going to
have to get a Bible lesson.
这只是个互助团体This is just a support group.
我非去不可吗Do I have to?
你要多和其他妥瑞症患者接触You need to connect with
other people who have Tourette's.
看看他们是怎么过日子的 好不好Find out how they live
with it. OK?
我们去试试看Let's do it.
我不要进去I'm not going in there
宝贝 Honey.
我从来没看过妥瑞症患者I'd never seen anyone with
Tourette's before.
有人是眨眼睛和鼻子抽动There were eye blinkers and nose
有人是踏脚和颈部抽动 有人会大叫和咳嗽Foot
stompers and neck jerkers. Some of them yelped and
我在别人眼里就是这样吗Is this what I looked like to other
走吧 波波 Come on, Bobo.
我们是来学习的 开始学习吧We're here to learn. Let's
start learning.
美国残障法案给我们权利 The Americans with
Disabilities Act gives us
做想做的事或去想去的地方the right to do anything or go
anyplace that we want to.
但你去看电影试试看But try going to a movie.
或是去音乐会或餐厅Or a concert or a restaurant.

别人大吼着要你闭嘴 That law doesn't mean anything
这时候法律根本没意义when people are yelling at you to
shut up.
我一回到家 爸妈就关窗户 拉上百叶窗I come home
and my parents close the windows and blinds
因为他们不想让邻居看到我的症状because they don't
want the neighbors to see me tic.
根本没人尝试着要被人接受No one was even trying to be
大人都没工作 小孩都待在家The audits were out of work.
The kids stayed at home.
有件事我可以确定I knew one thing.
我不想跟他们一样I didn't want to be like them.
就连他球队的教练都不接受他Even the coaches on his
team wouldn't accept him.
我受够了Oh, I'd had it.
你们也是在家自学吧Of course, you're home-schooling,
没有 布莱德跟别的小孩一样上学No. Brad goes to
school like any other kid.
这些小孩跟别的小孩不一样 These kids are not like any
other kids
上学对他们来说是浪费时间school's a waste of time for
他三年级我就让他休学了 I took him out at the third
免得我失去了理智just to save my sanity.
听我的劝You want my advice.
你也照做吧.you'll do the same.
好 谢谢你Yep. Thanks.
波波 我们走Let's go, Bobo.
这是互助团体耶 哪里互助了It's supposed to be a support
group! Where's the support?
难道要一辈子躲在家里吗Supposed to just hide away for
the rest of your life?
对不起 我不该带你来这里 还是算了吧I'm really so
sorry that I brought you there, honey, let's just forget this
妈 我不想算了I don't want to forget this, Mom.
那些人向妥瑞症妥协 Those people let Tourette's win.
但我是绝对不会放弃的I'm never gonna do that.
很难想像我才岁It's difficult to imagine that at the age of
就领悟了人生的哲学I would find a genuine philosophy to
live by.
但这就是我决定性的一刻But here it was. This defining
永远都要正面迎战对手To always face my adversity head
我下次去面试 决定更坦白一点When I went to my next
interview, I decided to be even more up front.
先把我有妥瑞症的事讲清楚Get the Tourette's stuff out of
the way first
再把我的教学理念告诉对方and then dazzle 'em with my
approach to teaching.
从你的资料看来做得很成功you seem to have been very
虽然有妥瑞症 .in spite of your Tourette's.
我很努力地想当个好老师I've worked very hard to become
the best teacher I can be
谢谢你抽空过来 我再通知你Thank you for coming in.
I'll let you know.
坦白也没用啦So much for being up front.
我第三次面试For my third interview,
我决定要完全不提我的妥瑞症I decided to discussing
about my Tourette's at all.
我每个礼拜都会寄进度报告给每位学生的家长Each week
I like to send home a progress report to my students' parents.
我希望学生在学习过程中要多发表意见Um, I like to give
my students a voice in their learning to be hands-on.
在课堂上要实作和互动and interactive in the classroom.
同时也要让家长密切参与but also to keep the parents
closely involved!
朗恩 不提我的妥瑞症是一大失策Ron, it was a huge
mistake not mentioning my Tourette's.
这就表示我想掩饰It was, you know, I was trying to hide it
没希望了啦Fat chance.
好吧 这是负面想法Okay, that's the negative
不 你别再给自己压力了 No. The negative is you've
gotta stop stressing out.
你都压得我喘不过气了You're stressing me out.
但正面的态度是But the positive is that, hey,
别人好像不太在意嘛the others didn't seem to have a
problem with it, right?
我还是要等电话I just, I gotta wait for a call.
正面的态度是你要跟我出去The positive is you're coming
out with me.
我的新女友有个室友My new girlfriend she has a roommate
你能不能别再帮我牵线Will you stop trying to set me up?
等我准备好了就会去约会啦When I am ready to date, I will
拜托 你的事她都听说了 Come on, she heard all about
她还是想认识你she still wants to meet you.
多谢你的鸡婆 我想放松一下Oh thanks. Real kind. Listen,
I want to relax. OK?
看勇士队比赛I want to watch the Braves.
大家都想看勇士队比赛 去换衣服啦We all want to watch
the Braves. Get changed.
朗恩跟我说你正在积极找工作So, Ron tells me that you're

on a big job hunt.
进展得怎样How's it going?
还不错Ahh, pretty good.
只是还没人录用我啦Except no one's hired me yet.
他们大概是在抢着要我去吧I guess they're all too busy
fighting to get me.
你也会这样You do this?
给我留下了深刻的印象I'm impressed by this.
-本来就是 -没想到你也会这样-You should be. -I was not
expecting this.
了不起That's amazing.
但我很厉害But I'm pretty good.
你是啊You are.
你真的是运动迷So you are really a sports fan?
对 超迷的 足球 垒球 网球Ah, yes. Big time. Soccer,
对 我大学时代很常运动Yep, I played a lot in college,
但还不到职业水准啦but I'm not good enough for the pros.
我也是 但我想跟他一样棒I hear that because I wish I
was good enough to be him.
你想当吉祥物Oh, you want to be a mascot?
-他叫荷马 -荷马-His name is Homer.-Homer.
这是我毕生的抱负And it's a lifelong ambition.
好吧OK. All right.
-别转过去看 -好-Don't look now. -OK.
现在别看 我们后面有个人Don't look now, but there's this
guy behind us
不知道他哪根筋不对 他一直盯着你看and I don't know
what his problem is. He keeps staring.
我经常看到那种表情Ahh. I actually get that look a lot.
那是羡慕的眼神It's a look of envy.
他在想要怎么跟我一样 发出这么酷的声音He's thinking,

你还满乐观面对你的 You have such a great attitude about
荷马再见 再见 再见了 朗恩Bye Homer! Bye. Bye,
荷马再见 勇士队加油 Bye, Homer! Go, Braves!
进展得不错嘛 你有再约她出来吗So that must have gone
well, huh? Did you ask her out again?
有 我约了 但我有第二次约会症候群Yeah, I asked. But,
it's second date syndrome.
我人很好 她也很风趣 只是 You know, I'm a great guy,
she had a lot of fun, but, umm.
你那些症状酷到她难以招架Your tics are just too cool for
不是啦 她说是因为我室友口臭Actually, no, she says
because my roommate's breath smells so bad.
什么意思What do you mean?
你明知故问You know what I mean.
我是布莱德 嗨 爸This is Brad. Ahh, hey, Dad.
没有 朗恩有跟我说你打给我Yeah, no, Ron, Ron told me
you called.
只是我最近都忙着 I just, ahh, you know, I've been so
busy that, ah.
我还没吃午饭No. I haven't had lunch yet.
好 没问题 你想约在哪儿All right, that sounds great.
Where do you want to meet?
在爸爸工作的地方吃午饭Lunch at Dad's work.
这样他就不必担心我发出怪声了He wouldn't have to
worry about my noises there.
还要再加悬桁再跟我说 好吗Let me know if you need
any more of those trusses, OK?
好All right.
嗨 Hey.
嗨 爸爸 你找到这里了Hey, Dad. See you found your
去我办公室外面吃午饭吧 Let's grab lunch outside my
那里比较隐私一点Be a little more private.
好All right.
黛安在问你几时会来我们家Diane's wondering when
you're gonna come by.
你大概在忙着找工作吧 有进展吗I guess you've been
pretty busy with the job hunt. Any luck?
还在面试Still interviewing.
面试得如何How's that going?
他们有没有介意你的 Are they giving you any trouble
with your, uh.?
你可以说出来 妥瑞症You can say the word, Dad:
有些人介意 有些人不会Some of them are. Some of them
你的钱还够用吧How's your money holding out?
我不是来找你要钱的I'm not asking you for money.
我知道 你从来不跟我要东西I know that. You never ask
me for anything.
但你缺钱随时可以来我这边工作But if you ever do get
short, you know you gotta job with me here.
爸 我要教书I'm going to teach, Dad.
我不能让任何事妨碍我做到I can't let anything get in the
way of that.
好吧 我只是觉得多点选择也没什么不好OK. I'm jut
saying there's nothing wrong.

免得有些事屡试不成啦.with keeping your options open in
case things don't work out.
除了教书以外还有很多工作You know, there are other
things besides teaching.
不适合我Not for me.
我爸永远不懂我的乐观Dad could never understand my
就好像我中学毕业时Like when I graduated to middle
很希望事情能改观I was really hopeful that things would be
怎么了 布莱德一个人吃饭What's the matter Brad? Eat
重新开始 换新的学校 交新的朋友Make a fresh start.
New school. New friends.
结果一样Same result.
今天我们要教的是分数Today, we're going to be talking
about fractions.
分数是你的好朋友Fractions are your friend.
日常生活中经常用到分数Use fractionsin every day life.
你只是不了解它You just don't realize it.
比如你妈妈烤了一个派For example, say your mother
bakes a pie.
她把派切成几份She cuts that pie.
科恩 你去校长室Cohen! Just go to the principal's office.
这不是跟校长自我介绍的好方法Not the best way to
introduce myself to the principal.
布莱德 你把学校当成什么What do you think a school's
for, Brad?
抱歉我一直打断课程 I'm sorry I keep disrupting the class
你没回答我的问题 学校是干嘛的You're not answering
my question. What's a school for?
要教育学生 不是吗To educate, isn't it?
要用知识来打败无知To use knowledge to wipe out
学校的交响乐团今天下午有音乐会The school orchestra's
having a concert this afternoon.
你要不要去You planning on going?
我不去 我这样会打扰演出No, sir. My tics will ruin the
我希望你去I want you to be there.
各位同学 请回座Everybody just keep your seats for a
minute, please.
谢谢 音乐会好听吗Thank you. Did you enjoy the
表现得很好Great job.
安静的时候有没有听到怪声Did you hear any noises
during the quiet parts?
对 我也有听到Yeah. So did l.
还满讨厌的 对吧They're pretty annoying, aren't they?
发出那些怪声的人是布莱德 科恩The person making
those noises is Brad Cohen.
布莱德 你上台Come on up here, Brad.
你喜欢发出怪声惹人讨厌吗Do you like making noises and
upsetting people, Brad?
不喜欢No, sir.
那你干嘛要这样Then why do you do it?
因为我有妥瑞症候群Because I have Tourette Syndrome.
那是什么What's that?
我大脑有问题 所以会发出怪声It's a thing in my brain
that causes me to make weird noises.
但你想控制就能控制 对吧But you could control it if you
wanted to, right?
不对 这是一种病No, sir. It's a sickness.
怎么没接受治疗Well, why can't you just get cured?
没有药可以医There isn't any cure.
你们不喜欢听到怪声 我也不喜欢发出怪声I don't like
making noises any more than you like hearing them.
我压力大的时候会更严重They're even worse when I get
比如你们无法接受我不能控制when you don't accept that I
can't stop them.
但大家都接受我 我就不会那么严重了But when I feel
accepted, then they're not so bad.
我们能怎么做What can we do
我指的是学校里的每一个人and I mean everyone in this
我们能怎么帮你 布莱德What can we do to help you,
我只希望大家别用异样眼光看我I just want to be treated
like everybody else.
说得好 回去坐吧Good job. Go sit down.
说几句话 教育一下A few words a little education
就像开启了通往全新世界的大门and it was like opening a
door to a brand new world.
我知道将来不管怎么做 Now some day, some way, I
无论我有没有妥瑞症Tourette's or no Tourette's,
我都要当一个老师I was going to be a teacher.
我别无选择 只能证明妥瑞症I had no choice but to prove
that Tourette's would
永远不会打倒我never get the best of me.
如果我放弃了 就等于是认同lf I quit, I would be agreeing
with everyone
跟我说我想得太天真的那些人who ever told me I was
barking up the wrong tree.
抱歉 空调坏了 早就应该修好啦Sorry about the air
conditioning. Supposed to already be fixed by now.
没关系That's all right.

你的履历还不错Well, umm, your resume looks okay.
我们五年级也有个缺And we do have an opening in fifth
但我要告诉你 在这里教书可不轻松But I do have to tell
you:this is a tough place to work.
有几个头痛人物We've got some really hard cases.
我视之为挑战Well, I take that as a challenge.
我不认为有哪个小孩是没救的I don't believe that any kid
is hopeless.
他们都想学习 你永远不能放弃You know, they all want
to learn you can't ever give up.
只需要 Let me just.
只是要找对方法教导他们You just gotta find the right way
to teach them.
你喉咙有痰吗Ahh, you got something stuck in your throat?
要不要喝杯水Would you like a drink?
我有妥瑞症 我想解释一下 I have Tourette Syndrome.
I'd like to tell you about it.
它是一种神经上的 妥瑞症It's a te's?
是不是会骂脏话Isn't that where you yell out obscenities?
那是秽语症 这症状很罕见That's coprolalia, It's, ahh, it's
a rare symptom
只有少部分的妥瑞症患者会有that a small percentage of
people with Tourette's have.
-我就没有 -好吧 -I don't have that. -OK, listen.
他们没说你是身心障碍They did not tell me that you were
going to be handicapped.
你要怎么教一群调皮的学生How do you expect to handle a
bunch of wild students
有这方面的残障 with a handicap like that?
就教育他们啊Well. By educating them.
让他们知道这是不必避讳的By letting them know it's okay
to talk about it.
-可以问问题 -这些学生会嘲笑你-It's okay to ask
questions.-These students would laugh at you.
等他们明白 when they understand
-这只是 -好吧 我有看过-it's simply a matter of .OK. I
have seen teachers
有残障的老师with disabilities before .
但从来没遇过你这方面的.but never with what you've got.
我只是不明白你要怎么教学生I just don't see how you
could ever teach a class.
我可以教书 你看我的履历I can teach! Look at my
仔细看Look at it! Ok?
我在教学上非常成功I was very successful as a student
我的妥瑞症从来就不是问题my Tourette's never posed a
我可以教书I can teach!
好吧 反正我需要五年级的老师OK. Bottom line:I need
somebody now for fifth grade.
你想在这里教书You want to teach here,
在课堂上就不能发出怪声you're gonna have to refrain from
making these noises in class.
好 谢谢你给我面试的机会You know what? Thank you
very much for the interview.
你想要这份工作吗But, don't you want the job ?
对 我是很想要Yes, actually. I want it really bad.
但我说什么也不替一个不关心学生的人工作But I would
never, ever work for a man who doesn't care about his
所以我要把我的资料带走So, I'll take my portfolio and,
不再浪费你宝贵的时间and take no more of your time.
你老板人还真好啊You got a great boss.
那是我最烂的一次面试经验Well, it was the worst
interview I've ever had.
他只看到我妥瑞症的那一面All he could see when he
looked at me was my Tourette's.
他们都只看到这一面That's all any of them see.
宝贝 他们没看到你是个好老师Well, honey, if they can't
see what a great teacher you'd be
那是他们的损失 不是你的错that is their failure, not
看起来是我的错Well, it sure seems like my failure.
你要这么说我也没办法啦Well, if you say so. You know
不然你干脆放弃 回家给我养Why don't you just throw in
the towel and come home, huh?
我会给你买了一张票I'll buy you a ticket.
我又没这样讲I'm not saying that
是吗你就是这个意思啊Really? That sounds like what
you're saying.
我听起来就是你被妥瑞症打倒了It sounds like you're
letting Tourette's win.
我没让妥瑞症打倒我I am not letting Tourette's win!
-真的吗 -对 -Really? -Yes, really!
我永远不会放弃 我只是 Look, I'm never going to give
up, I just.
我要找对学校才行I have to find the right school.
你会的 波波You will, Bobo. You will.
我的结论是此事无关妥瑞症So, I decided it wasn't
我只是要找对学校I just hadn't found the right school yet.
我会继续找 不找到好校长是不会放弃的I'd keep barking,
and I wasn't quitting until I found that principal.
我在地图上标示了每一间 I made a map of every school
我还没面试过的学校where I hadn't interviewed.

如果校长不在 我就把履历给秘书或管理员lf the
Principal wasn't in, I'd give my resume to a secretary or a
请他们等校长回来再拿给他看and ask them to drop it off
when the principal returned.
我不在乎 我需要一份工作I didn't care. I needed a job.
我没找到工作就不轻言罢休I wasn't going to stop until I
had one.
你从基层做起You'll be starting at the bottom,
但这样很正常 我也是白手起家but that's no big deal,
that's where I started.
你上班时间是点到点And you're working to .
我说过这是兼差性质I told you this is only part time.
我早上要面试 不能来上班I need to keep mornings open
for interviews.
学校不是早就开学了吗I thought that school had already
有些学校还没No, not all of them.
再看情况吧Well, we'll see what happens.
这是你的工具 至少暂时的啦Here are your tools of the
trade at least for the time being.
我说过了 要从基层做起Like I said, at the bottom.
但这里的每份工作都很重要 天晓得But every job is
important here, and who knows
也许你做一做会爱上 只要你投入时间 maybe you'll
end up liking it. And if you put your time in.
我刚才讲的你没听见吗Didn't you hear what I just said?
我只在这里上班到我找到教职I'm only working here until
I get a teaching job
那些东西都要搬去垃圾堆All that stuff has to go in the
聘任教师的季节快结束了The hiring season was ending.
我的面试机会没了 学校已经开学My interviews had
dried up. School had started.
我没时间 也没钱 没有希望I was running out of time
and hope.
我不指望你会来找我了 所以我直接来找你I gave up on
you ever coming to me, so I just came to you.
你在忙吗You busy?
是我的继母黛安 她想用贝果来拉拢我It was my
stepmom, Diane. Trying to build bridges with bagels.
你爸是凭双手打造他的事业Your Dad built his business
with his own two hands
他希望你能参与 你不能怪他you can't blame him for
wanting you to be a part of it.
他只是在尽爸爸的本份He's just being a dad.
他希望你融入他的人生He wants you in his life.
你喜欢亚特兰大吗 有没有认识好女孩So how do you
like Atlanta? You meet any nice girls?
我讲话都讲不到重点 对吧I'm just saying all the right
things, huh?
我再帮你倒一杯Let me get you a refill
布莱德 Brad. Brad,
你爸很爱你your dad loves you.
非常爱你.so much.
他只是不想看到你受伤He just doesn't want to see you get
最让我受伤的是 他从来就不接受真正的我The only
thing that hurts is the fact that he has never accepted who I
他脑海里有个完美儿子的形象See, he's got this idea of a
perfect son,
他很正常 做的都是正常的事who is and does

我永远也不可能正常Well, I'm never gonna be
也许那不是他本意Well, maybe that's not his idea, Brad.
也许是你的想法 你说得对 你是不正常Maybe that's
yours. And you're right, you are not normal.
你有教学的天分You have this gift to teach,
这不是克服了妥瑞症的障碍and it's not in spite of your
而是因为妥瑞症it's because of it.
我要先走了I have to go.
体}{fs}{b}{ c&HFFFFFF&}{c&HFFF&}{c&H&}现在
球传到三垒 再传到一垒
体}{fs}{b}{c&HFFFFFF&}{c&HFFF&}{c&H&}目 前
是 一好一坏
体}{fs}{b}{c&HFFFFFF&} {c&HFFF&}{c&H&}准备
投球 外侧过低的滑球
体 }{fs}{b}{c&HFFFFFF&}{c&HFFF&}{c&H&}两好
嗨 我是布莱德Hello, this is Brad.
嗯 是的Ahh, yes.
对 我养了牧羊犬That's a sheepdog.
对 布莱德 布莱德 科恩Yep, Brad. Brad Cohen.
十点 我没问题Ten o'clock is is perfect for me.
好 好极了Absolutely. OK, great.
举手 举手 Raise your hand. Raise your hand!
你们要先举手 来 You gotta raise your hand! Come on.
你是布莱德 科恩吧You must be Brad Cohen.
我是吉姆欧贝 本校的校长I'm Jim Ovbey I'm the
Principal around here. And.
希乐莉史崔卡 副校长Hilarie Straka, Assistant Principal.

进办公室聊 布莱德Come on in the office, Brad.
听说你大老远从停车场过来We heard you coming all the
way from the parking lot.
听说你每间学校都跑遍了Hear you've been making the
目前为止是间 这是我的履历表Twenty-five schools so
far. And, uh, here's, here's my resume.
给我吧Oh. Here. Oh.
我们待会儿再看 布莱德We can look at that in a minute,
先进来 谈谈你为什么想当老师Just come on in, tell us
why you want to be a teacher.
这是我毕生最大的愿望Well, it's, uh, oh, it's, it's all I ever
wanted to be.
从我还在念书到现在Ever since I was in school.
一定有什么好老师激励了你You must have had some
pretty inspiring teachers.
是有校长激励了我 麦尔先生Ah, well. I had an inspiring
principal Mr. Myer
但我的老师们 他们but my teachers, they really only
给我的启发都只是让我别像他们一样inspired me to be the
kind of teachers they never were.
那你要当怎样的老师What kind of teacher is that?
就算学生与众不同 也要给他学习的机会One who makes
it possible for a kid to learn even if he's different.
我最好的老师应该算是妥瑞症吧In a way, the, the best
teacher I ever had was my Tourette's.
布莱德 你可以不必谈这个You, you don't have to talk
about that, Brad.
没关系啦 我早就下定决心要直言不讳了No, it's OK. I
make a point of being open about it.
我从来不给学生们设限It's, ah, never off-limits to my
他们随时可以问我任何问题They can ask me anything they
want about it at any time.
有些问题想必很有趣吧You must get some pretty
interesting questions.
对 有时候会牵涉到隐私Oh, yeah. Sometimes it gets
really personal.
希望这个问题对你不会太隐私I hope this question isn't too
personal, Brad.
你睡觉时会不会发出怪声Do you make those noises in
your sleep?
我不知道 我睡着了啊I don't know. I'm asleep.
不是啦 我睡觉时不会发出怪声No. No, I don't tic in my
我放松时就不会发出怪声了 比如现在When I'm relaxed,
the noises give me a little bit of a break. Like just now.
好吧 我想多了解你的教学理念Okay Brad. I want to hear
more about your teaching philosophy.
好 我很乐意分享我的教学理念Yeah. I'd love to tell you
about my teaching philosophy.
我们聊了将近两个小时 We talked for nearly two hours,
这是我最棒的一次面试经验it was the best interview I'd
ever had
布莱德 很高兴认识你Well, Brad, it was a pleasure to
meet you.
我也是You, too. You, too.
我们还要再面试几位老师We've still got a few more
teachers to interview.
一旦决定好就会通知你But we'll let you know when we've
made a decision.
好 太好了Ok, great.
谢谢 谢谢两位Thank you. Thank you.
我这多年的同伴还是一样Still, my Constant Companion, as
警告我不要抱太大的失望warned me not to get my hopes
但希望是很难戒掉的习惯But hope is a hard habit to break.
我最后一次被找去I was called one last time to and asked
come in
和二年级的教职员面谈and meet with the second grade
你有教过二年级Oh, so, you student-taught second grade?
我超爱二年级 那些小孩都像海绵一样Oh, I love second
grade! The kids are still so open- minded.
不管教他们什么都可以吸收They're open to everything.
对 但还是要维持一点纪律吧Yes, but you do manage to
maintain a little discipline, right?
不能让他们什么都吸收啊While they're being so open?
对 我会让他们知道分寸的I do let them know what the
boundaries are. Yes.
布莱德 你觉得你要教的最重要的是什么So, Brad. What
do you think is the most important thing you have to teach?
嗯 除了识字的重要性和数学的价值以外Yeah. Ah, well.
Besides the importance of reading and the value of math.
要教他们做自己that it's okay to be yourself.
着色涂到线外面也没关系 It's okay to color outside the
反正你就是这样的人if that's who you are.
那就可以忽略界线吗So it's okay to ignore the boundaries?
不是 我没有 No, and I didn't.
对不起 学生要怎么学习I'm sorry but how can you expect
kids to learn
当你你一直这样做 when you're doing that all the time?
拜托 布兰妲 Oh. Come on, Brenda
没关系啦 这个问题很好No, no, no. It's OK. It's a valid

我想回答I want to answer it.
学生在了解我之前 Before they know me,
有时候会觉得我很怪 甚至可怕kids sometimes do think
I'm just weird, even scary.
但等我跟他们解释了妥瑞症But, once I educate them about
my Tourette's
他们就知道科恩老师是普通人and they see that Mr. Cohen
is a real person
只是碰巧会发出一些怪声who just happens to make funny
然后他们就认同我是个好老师well, then they accept me as
a good teacher.
就像他们接受你们在座各位一样Just like they accept all of
也许我们该向二年级的学生多学学Well, maybe we should
all try to be more like second-graders.
还有谁有问题要问科恩先生Does anyone have any other
questions for Mr. Cohen?
布莱德 谢谢你抽空过来Brad thanks for coming in.
校方会跟你联络 请你耐心等The school will be in touch
with you, so just be patient.
感觉最后一次机会也搞砸了 It's hard to be patient
要耐心等真的很难 when you feel as though you've blown
your last chance.
而且耐心从来就不是我多年同伴的强项And patience
never was my Constant Companion's strong suit
那所学校应该没跟你联络吧I'm guessing you never heard
from that school.
还没有 他们还在面试No, not yet. They're still
我不担心I'm not worried.
这是什么意思Is that supposed to mean?
我懂你的意思I know what you mean
你觉得还有别的选择 人家就不会选中我you don't think
anybody would hire me if they had a choice.
你是怎样会读心术吗What are you, a mind-reader now?
爸 今天是我最后一天上班You know what, Dad? This is
gonna be my last day here?
你怎么不等找到工作再说Well, why don't you wait and see
if you got the job first?
我一定会找到工作的I'm gonna get the job, Dad.
只是我要保持专注I just have to stay focused.
你难道不能同时专注和实际吗 Why can't you stay
focused and realistic at the same time?
这样有什么不好What's wrong with that?
你没事吧Whoa! Are you all right, man?
你这样会受伤啦You'll knock yourself out doing that!
如果你开车时这样怎么办What if that happens while you're
我没事I'm fine.
对啦 我不知道 你应该换个医生看看Uh, yeah, I don't
know. You oughta see another doctor.
我这辈子都在看医生 根本没用I've seen doctors my
whole life, Ron. OK? They don't help.
你不觉得要找个人看看吗Well, don't you think you need to
see somebody?
我真的不需要I really don't!
你就 So, just.
这就是我There I was.
我又在等电话响了Waiting for the phone to ring again.
我想说服自己 有好事会发生I tried to convince myself
something good would happen.
是我弟弟 我没想到他会来My kid exactly
what I had in mind.
-你好啊 波波 -杰夫 -How are you doing, Bobo? -Jeff,
你怎么会来what, what are you doing here?
怎么没事先告诉我Why didn't you tell me you were
你身上穿的是短裤耶You know you're in your boxers,
是老妈叫你来查我的勤吗Did, ah, Mom send you to check
up on me?
干嘛你需要别人查勤Why? You need checking up on?
不是啦 就 No, but.
我的东西要放哪儿Where do I put my stuff? .
很好 你睡沙发That's great. You get the couch.
这高尔夫球杆不错 新的吗Whoa! Nice clubs, are these
都是老爸的 他借我用Ah. They're Dad's, he let me borrow
我想找你去打打高尔夫球Thought maybe you and I could,
ah, play a little golf.
他让我们去他那个俱乐部打He got us a tee-time at his
你觉得怎样这里要用号铁杆So, what do you think? Three
iron from here, little bro?
对了 谢谢你带我来打球Hey, by the way, thanks for the
要谢就谢老爸吧 等一下 Thank Dad. Oh, wait, forgot.
我忘了你们不讲话.you guys aren't speaking.
我现在不想提到老爸I don't want to talk about Dad right
你这样讲只是想激我啦You're just saying that to rattle me
because you know
我一定会赢你I'm going to beat you.
我是认真的 你跟爸该和好了啦I'm serious, Brad, you
and Dad gotta start getting along.

我们处得很好啊We get along fine
只要保持够远的距离就好了as long as we keep it long
所以你才搬来这里吗 Is that why you moved down here?
为了保持够远的距离To keep it long distance?
你没什么好向他证明的吧I mean, it's not like you have
anything to prove to him right?
现在怎样你改当心理医生了 杰夫医生What are you now,
Jeff, a shrink? Dr. Jeff, huh?
不好意思I'm sorry, sir?
请你别再发出那种怪声I'm going to have to ask you to stop
making those noises.
老兄Look, pal.
他不是故意的 他有 He's not doing it on purpose, he's
没关系 我自己来就好了No, no, no. I can handle it, Jeff.
知道了I got it.
这样对其他要打球的人不公平Look, it's just not fair to the
other golfers.
我懂 只是我不能不发出怪声No, I understand, that, umm,
I can't help making these noises
因为我有妥瑞症because I have Tourette Syndrome.
这是一种神经性疾病 我来解释给你听It's a neurological
disorder I'd like to tell you about it.
我要请你离开这个球场You're gonna have to leave the
我要替其他会员着想I gotta think of the other members.
乔 别为难他了 他很好啦Hey, Joe. Leave the guy alone.
He's fine.
我们两个打球 约好的朋友没来Hey, man. We're a
twosome and our buddies don't appear to be showing.
要不要跟我们一起Would you like to join us?
如果你不走 我就要叫警卫了lf you don't leave, I'm going
to have to call security.
好啦OK, OK. Umm.
好 谢谢 明年再看看吧OK. Thanks, guys. Maybe next
year, all right?
杰夫 我们走 走了啦 谢谢Jeff, come on. Come on,
buddy. Thanks.
好了啦 杰夫 这种场面你又不是没见过Come on, Jeff,
it's not like you haven't seen it before.
大家都这么无知 How can you stand living in a world
你怎么受得了生活在这种世界where everybody's so
又不是每个人都这样 Everybody's not.
你也看到刚才那两个打球的人You saw those golfers back
他们还帮我讲话 They went to bat for me.
我的人生中到处都有那样的人My life is full of people like
我就很少遇到好人了That's not always been my experience.
那是因为你老是为了挺我而打架Well, that's because
you're always getting into fights sticking up for me.
你和妈都是 你们老是在维护我You and mom. You've
always been there for me and my tics.
你知道吗 我开始觉得你很烦了 You know what? You're
beginning to
比赛看谁先到车上race you to the car.
-什么 -笨蛋 -Oh, yeah? What! -Hey! HEY! Sucker!
杰夫的来访让我暂时忘却烦恼 你作弊 Jeff's visit did
give me a break from my worries.
在他走后 我就接到学校的来电And, right after he left, I
got a call from the school.
校长要我去见他The principal wanted to see me in his
跟小时候一样Just like old times.
满吵的吧Pretty noisy, huh?
但小朋友们都能接受 不是吗And yet somehow the kids
manage, don't they?
是啊 他们都能接受Yes, they do. They do.
我和希乐莉跟老师们讨论过你Hilarie and I discussed you
with the teachers.
聊到我们有多骄傲能教学生 And, we talked about how
proud we are of teaching our kids
永远不让任何事妨碍他们的人生to never let anything hold
them back in life.
希乐莉说如果要教学生And, Hilarie said that if we're
gonna talk the talk,
我们就得以身作则we need to walk the walk.
她在等着带你去参观教室She's waiting to show you your
二年级人很多 所以要多开一班Second grade is
overcrowded so we've had to create a new class.
你的学生都是从别班调来的Your kids are being taken out
of other rooms
有几个还搞不清楚状况so some of them might be a little
他们已进来这间学校三个礼拜了They've already been in
school for three weeks.
你的学生名单在那里There's your student roster.
礼拜一就开始上课The fun starts Monday, Brad.
有什么需要尽管告诉我Let me know if there's anything you
我什么都需要I need everything.
我低头看着那份学生名单I looked down at that roster like I
was announcing
就好像在宣布 明星棒球队的先发球员名单the starting
line-up for an all star baseball game.
希乐莉 这是 谢谢你 Hilarie, this is, thank you.

我们想说你可能会需要这些Hey! We thought you might
need these.
各位 都搬进来吧Hey, everybody, bring them in.
先随便放 放好再来整理Just put them down anywhere.
We'll get them arranged.
给我 我来帮忙 谢谢Here, let me help you with that.
Thank you!
欢迎光临山景小学Welcome to Mountain View.
对 妈 这真是太好了 但我 Yeah, Mom, it's
phenomenal, but, you know,
好不容易才有这一天it's taken me so long to get here I still
have to remind myself
我还得提醒自己一切才刚开始that I'm just at the
宝贝 这是个天大的好消息 太好了Honey, that is, that is
wonderful news! That's wonderful.
嗯 妈妈Yes, yes, Mom.
这非常好 但是 你知道It is absolutely wonderful, but,
you know,
他们只跟我签约一年they've only given me a contract for a
year. OK?
我还是要证明他们没看错人I still have to prove to them
that they made the right choice
宝贝 你先享受这一刻吧Honey, listen, just take a moment
to enjoy this.
天哪 我 Oh my gosh. Oh my.
你有没有跟你爸讲 他一定会很骄傲的Did you call your
father? He is gonna be so proud of you.
我会告诉他啦 但现在I will, Mom. But, you know, right
我要在两天之内准备好两个礼拜要做完的事I literally
have about two weeks of preparation to do in about two days.
既然我找到工作了And, ah, you know, now that I have the
我就要认真开始进修硕士学位I gotta really seriously start
working on getting my Master's degree.
好啦 一次做一件事OK, one thing at a time, all right?
学校里有没有漂亮的女老师Listen. Are there any cute
teachers at that school?
妈 Mom!
怎样我只是希望你快乐啊What? I want you to be happy.
好啦OK, all right, yes.
放心吧 我也有在想 先这样了 再见Don't worry I'm
working on that, too. I gotta go. Goodbye.
你是布莱德吧You must be Brad.
你是南西吧You must be Nancy.
嗨 我是布莱德Hi, I'm Brad.
我知道I know.
对啦 我只是有点紧张Right. Of course. I guess I'm a little
这是我第一次网络交友 This is my first time computer
-所以 -对-So.-Oh, yeah.
对 我也是 我妈觉得很危险Me too. My mom thinks it's
是啊 谁知道你会遇到什么怪人Well, yeah, I mean, you
never know what kind of weirdo you might meet.
但你看起来满正常的But you look pretty normal. So.
是喔 那就好Good, I'm glad.
其实你比正常更好啦Actually, look much better than
谢谢你Thank you.
我们要把自己的事告诉对方吧So, ahh, I guess we're just
supposed to tell each other our life stories.
好啊Umm, OK. Do, do.
那我能不能先喝杯咖啡.you think I could get a, get a cup of
coffee first?
-要喝咖啡 -对-Cup of coffee. -Yeah.
好 没问题 马上来Right. Yeah! Of course. Coming up.
你要不要吃个杯子蛋糕Ah. Do you want, like, a muffin?
我在节食I'm on a diet.
但我好想吃杯子蛋糕But I would love a muffin.
我室友快把我搞疯了My roommate is driving me
absolutely crazy.
她从来不整理床铺 She never makes her bed
衣服到处丢she's got clothes everywhere
她从早到晚都在大声听音乐she's, like, always blasting her
但我每次听我的音乐 .night and day. But, of course,
whenever I want to listen to my music,
她就叫我转小声一点she's all, like, need to keep it
你都听怎样的音乐So what kind of music do you listen to?
-就 -说啊-Well, umm, -Yeah?
大部分都是老歌啦 尤其是史汀 Mostly oldies stuff.
Especially Sting
我超爱史汀的Oh, I love Sting!
玛丹娜 邦乔飞Madonna, Bon Jovi, you know
米利瓦尼利Milli Vanilli.?
我好喜欢米利瓦尼利I love Milli Vanilli!
等一下 你也喜欢Wait. You too?
全世界大概只有我们两个人We've gotta be the only two
people on earth
喜欢米利瓦尼利吧that love Milli Vanilli.
不会吧You do not.

我今天好开心 谢谢你Well, I had a really nice time.
Thank you.
我不应该吃那个杯子蛋糕啦I shouldn't have had that
muffin but.
但我很高兴能认识你I really enjoyed meeting you.
我也是Yeah, me too.
好了 谢谢你 布莱德OK. Well, thanks again, Brad.
你这个猪头 你自己说她很完美I can't believe you! You
said she was perfect
她是很完美啊 我只是不想毁了这一切She was perfect. I
just didn't want to ruin it.
再约她出去会毁了一切Oh, by asking to see her again?
对啦 第二次约会症候群Oh, right: second date syndrome.
那你打算就这样过一生 So is that gonna be your life?
第一次约会就结束Nothing but first and only dates?
那你怎么可能有进一步的发展How do you ever expect to
have a relationship?
也许就不要有啊Maybe I don't.
请进 进来吧 请进Come on in. Get in there. Come on in.
怪咖 Weirdo!
你们的老师有警告过 Did your teachers warn you that
科恩老师会发出怪声吗Mr. Cohen makes funny noises?
她说你有妥 妥 She said you have .
妥瑞症Tourette Syndrome.
好 想知道什么就问吧OK. Anything you want to know
about it, I want you to ask.
会不会传染Is it catching.?
不会 绝对不会No. Absolutely not.
这是天生的 像我一样You have to be born with it, like I
会不会痛Does it hurt?
有时候 比如颈部抽搐就会痛Well, sometimes, like when
my neck jerks.
但发出怪声不会痛啦But the noises do not hurt at all.
问得很好 继续问These are great questions, keep 'em
关于妥瑞症的事都可以问我And, it's okay to ask me
anything about Tourette's
你可以去看电影吗Can you go to movies?
我可以去看电影Yes, I can go to movies,
但有时候会被赶出来 让我觉得很难过but sometimes I
get kicked out and that makes me sad.
那只兔子叫什么名字What's the bunny's name?
威威威化Wa Wa Waffle!
它叫威化啦His name is just Waffle!
好了All right, guys.
还有关于妥瑞症的疑问吗Any more questions about
科恩老师 你能不能好起来Are they ever gonna make you
well, Mr. Cohen?
目前是没有药可以治好妥瑞症Well. Right now there's no
medicine that can cure Tourette's.
但没关系But, it's okay.
因为我学会了接受 Cuz I've learned to accept it
我不会让它毁了我的一生and I don't let it run my life.
你有什么不能做的吗 比如不能吃东西What can't you do?
you not eat?
我可以吃东西 而且我很会吃哦I can eat. OK, I eat a lot.
其实别人能做的事我都能做In fact, I can do anything
anybody else can do except
科恩老师只有一件事不能做there is one thing that Mr.
Cohen can never do.
是什么What is it?
告诉我们嘛Tell us
科恩老师永远不能玩Mr. Cohen can never play
捉迷藏hide and go seek.
为什么你不能玩捉迷藏Why can't you play hide and seek?
因为会被人听到啦 笨蛋Cause they'd hear him, stupid.
答对了 但用这样的字眼是不对的Well, that's the right
answer but it's the wrong words
因为在科恩老师班上不能骂人because there won't be any
namecalling in Mr. Cohen's class,
你好 请问你要去哪儿Excuse me? Where are you going?
你叫什么名字And what's your name?
好 汤玛斯 如果你要离开座位OK. Well, Thomas, if you
want to leave your seat,
就要先征求我的同意you have to ask for permission.
科恩老师再见Bye, Mr. Cohen.
盖伦再见Bye, Gaylon.
科恩老师再见Good bye, Mr. Cohen.
再见 海瑟 明天见Bye Heather, I'll see you tomorrow.
我好喜欢上你的课 科恩老师I really like your class, Mr.
谢谢你 亚曼妲 莱特先生 你好吗Oh, well, thank you,
Amanda! How are you doing Mr. Wright?
我很好I'm fine.
四眼田鸡 Four eyes!
四眼田鸡Four eyes!
口香糖给我 不要过来 Gimme gum! Leave me alone!
好了 你抓住他 汤玛斯OK, take him, Thomas.
伊莱 汤玛斯 你们谁想帮我Eli! Thomas! Which one of

you guys thinks that you can help me? Huh?
我要 我要 I can, I can!
好 这样吧All right, all right. Here's the deal.
我这个球要放回篮子里 I need to get this ball and put it
back in that bin.
你们来猜拳决定Why don't you guys shoot for it?
剪刀 石头 布Rock, paper, scissor, shoot!
好 伊莱 你今天赢了Whoa! All right, Eli. You win today.
哎哟 Ah, man!
没关系啦 汤玛斯 你去帮他It's OK, Thomas, you can
help him.
抱歉 我把汤玛斯丢给了你Sorry I stuck you with
但他实在闹得我不能上课but he was making my class
他有一大堆问题:He's got a whole alphabet of problems:
注意力缺陷症 过动症ADD, ADHD, OCD.
听我的劝 把他转去特教班吧You want my advice, you'll
pass him on to Special Ed.
我不能这么做I can't, ah, I can't do that.
等他妨碍你几堂课你就知道了Oh. See how you feel after
he's trashed a few classes.
没事的啦 我只需要适应一下I'll be all right. I just need to
get settled.
我等不及明天了I can't wait for tomorrow.
你比我的喇叭还要吵啦You make more noise than my air
你好像是有妥瑞症吧Sounds like you got healthy case of
开玩笑的啦 我有个同事也有妥瑞症I was just kidding
with you, son. I've got a dispatcher buddy with TS.
你有要搬东西就找梅心吧You ever need any cross-country
hauling, just call for Maxine.
你有名片吗Hey, umm. Do you have a card?
我不是认真的啦 I wasn't being serious, son.
除非你是从事运输业Unless you're in the shipping
不是 我是二年级的老师Nah, I teach second grade.
-这是我的名片-好- Here's the card. -All right.
梅心给了我一个地理课的好主意Maxine gave me a great
idea for a geography lesson.
谢谢你 梅心Thank you so much, Maxine.
不客气You're welcome.
小心开车Safe trucking.
我发现自己一直都在专心教书I found myself focusing on
teaching all the time.
几乎啦Well, almost.
你知不知道我刚才发现什么You know what I just realized?
所有的鸭子都有妥瑞症All ducks have Tourette's.
为什么Why is that?
我不知道 我跟它们是同类I don't know. We're birds of a
你一点也不介意吧So, it really doesn't bother you, does it?
你明知故问 You know what.
我的妥瑞症啊 我发出的怪声My Tourette' noises.
跟别的男人比起来就没什么啦Not when I compare them to
the noises other guys make.
就是吹牛 讲话超大声 You know, like, braggers,
自我中心 一堆自大的白痴egocentric, humor-challenged
真的不会 你的怪声我毫不介意Seriously, no. Your noises
don't bother me at all.
只要你一直逗我笑就好了As long as you keep me
别这样讲 你知道我压力大会怎样Well, don't say that.
You know how I get under pressure.
对不起Oh, I'm sorry.
我爸早就知道我会嫁给逗我笑的人My Dad has always
said I was going to marry somebody who made me laugh.
我这样讲没什么特别的用意Not that that has anything to
do with anything.
讲话嘛Say something.
呱 Quack.
别笑 我呱得很认真Hey. Don't laugh. That was a serious
我有吓到你喔I got you though.
科恩老师Mr. Cohen!
我妈要我问你可不可以My Mom said to ask if it's okay.
什么可不可以 海瑟Is what okay, Heather?
这个可不可以给威化吃lf I give this to Waffle.
告诉你妈妈我说可以You tell your Mom that I said that's
fine. OK?
他说可以吗Did he say it was OK?
感觉怎样Feel OK?
是喔 我爱你Yeah? I love you.
我也爱你I love you, too.
你今天要乖哦 好吗You have a good day, OK?
我放学再来接你I'll see you right after school.
好 再见OK. Bye-bye.

亚曼妲你还好吧Amanda? Is everything all right?
我想上你的课 科恩老师I wanna be in your class, Mr.
你就在我班上啊 亚曼妲You are in my class, Amanda.
没了 他叫学校把我转到别班No. He made them take me
我放学后再来接你See you after school, honey. OK?
不公平 It's not fair!
没事吧 我是亚曼妲的老师科恩Is everything OK? I'm
Amanda's teacher, Mr. Cohen.
-我们昨天见过 -不 不 不-We met yesterday. Oh, no,
no, no.
没事 没什么问题啦There's nothing wrong.
我只是要为我女儿着想I just have to do what's right for my
走吧 亚曼妲Come on, Amanda.
走了啦Come on.
他担心亚曼妲不能专心He's concerned about Amanda's
ability to concentrate.
他觉得你是她学习上的阻碍He just thought that you'd
make it a little harder for her.
他不能给我一次机会吗Can't he just give me a chance?
学期才刚开始We've only just started.
我有讲了I pointed that out.
他说他很同情He said he was sympathetic
但他说亚曼妲需要正常的老师but that Amanda needs as he
put it a
布莱德 你别放在心上 Don't take it to heart, Brad.
家长是老师最难解的课题 Parents are the hardest part of
the job.
好 有谁知道梅心和她的大红卡车All right, who can tell
me the names of the capitals Maxine
要经过哪几州的首府 有谁知道and her big red truck have
passed through? Anybody?
不好意思 天哪 Oh, all these hands! Excuse me. Excuse
我该选谁Ah, man. Who do I choose?
我不知道耶I don't know.
亚特兰大 纳许维尔 春田
答对了 很多人都以为是芝加哥That's great! Because a
lot of people think it's Chicago.
春田是在这儿吧And, ah, this is Springfield, right?
不对 Noooo.
那是印地安纳波利斯That's Indianapolis.
答对了Oh, that's right!
我在想什么啊 这才是春田So, what am I thinking? This
is Springfield.
不对 NO!
那是哥伦布 春田在这里 科恩老师That's Columbus!
Springfield's over there, Mr. Cohen.
在哪里 伊莱是在这里吗Where is it, Eli? Is it over here?
不是 Nooo!
春田在哪里Where is Springfield?
我不知道 你们要指给我看I don't know. You guys have to
point it out to me.
指给我看 Point it out. Point it out.
我看不到啊I don't see it there.
我看到了Ahh! I see it!
你们是说这才是春田吧You're telling me that this is
Springfield. Right?
对 YES!
我没同意你离开座位 汤玛斯You don't have permission
to leave your seat, Thomas.
对 科恩老师的后脑勺有长眼睛 That's right. Mr. Cohen
has eyes in the back of his head.
请你回去坐好 下次要先问我Go back and sit down,
please. And next time, ask.
但我要削铅笔啊But I need to sharpen my pencil.
回来坐好 汤玛斯Now, Thomas.
好了All right, now.
梅心和她的大红卡车礼拜二要去哪里Where's Maxine and
her bug red truck going to be on Tuesday?
我 我 ME! ME!
明天一大早再见了 大卫See you bright early tomorrow,
好了 记得要走路哦All right. Hey. Remember to walk.
我很喜欢你的帽子 科恩老师I really like your hat, Mr.
谢谢你 海瑟 我喜欢你的发型Well, thank you, Heather.
I like your hair.
我头发很短是因为我吃的药啦It's just short 'cause of the
宝贝 Hey, honey!
妈妈Hi, Mom.
你可以等我一下吗Can you wait right here for just a
-好啊 -好-Sure. -OK.
嗨 我早就想找你谈海瑟的事了Hey, umm. I've been
meaning to come and speak to you about Heather.
我想我大概知道I think I know.
对 我们刚开始不想告诉别人Yeah, umm. We were just
reluctant to tell anybody at first.
当然别人迟早会看到化疗的影响Of course it was only a
matter of time before the chemo became obvious, so .
她会好起来吗Is she, ah, going to be okay.?
海瑟很喜欢上你的课Umm. Heather just loves your class.

她每天都等不及要来上学She can't wait to get to school
every day.
如果你能帮我保密更久一点 我会很感激你And, umm,
I'd be grateful if you kept our secret a little longer.
我只是不希望她被排挤I just don't want her to be singled
谢谢你 好了 宝贝女儿 我们走吧Thanks. All right,
baby girl. Let's go.
要不要去吃冰淇淋How ice cream?
你觉得怎样Uh-oh. What do you think? What do you think?
不要 那顶我已经有了I already have that one.
但你戴起来很好看Looks great on you, though.
怎么了Hey, what's wrong?
没事 我只是专心在想学校的事Oh, nothing, I'm just
focusing on school stuff.
能不能专心在我身上一下Can you focus on me for a
嘿 你试戴这顶Hey, hey, hey! Try this one on!
会让你心情变好It'll make you feel better.
-好 -不错-Yeah. -OK. Yes.
-可以吗 -很好-Yeah? -Yes!
-真的假的 -天哪 你戴起来很好看-Really? -Oh my
goodness, this suits you.
远超出你的想像啦More than you know.
我决定要去修硕士学位了I've, ah, decided it's time to go
for my master's degree.
意思是你要搬走了吗Wow, does that, does that mean you'll
be going away?
没有 我念本地的学校No. I'd go locally.
我要先通过研究所的入学考试啦Anyhow, I have to pass
the entrance test to graduate school first, so.
等一下 像学力测验那样吗Oh, wait. Isn't that like the
你要和很多人 在一个大房间里考试Do you have to take
that in a big room with a lot of people?
对 他们说我可以自己一个房间Yeah. They said I could
have a room all to myself.
那就好Ah, good.
妥瑞症患者是有特权的Tourette's does have its privileges.
我搬走你会难过吗Would it bother you if I did go away.?
当然会 别开玩笑了 出去啦Of course it would. Are you
kidding me?
不信你说的Get out of here.
过来 我有东西要给你看Come here, I want to show you
嗨 布莱德 科恩Hey, ah, chchchch, Brad Cohen.
布莱德 科恩Brad Cohen.
找到了 科恩先生Here you are, Mr. Cohen.
好了 请你带着这份资料进去All right, I need you take
this packet, and I need you to go right in there.
我应该要有特殊的考场Oh, I'm supposed to have special
这我不知道耶I don't have any notation of that.
今天大家都在同一个考场测验I mean, everybody tests
under the same conditions today.
好吧 我有打电话问过OK, yeah, but I called and they said
他们说They said
他们说我可以有单独的空间They said that I could have a,
ah, space to myself
这样吧 你去问问负责人 You know what? I need you to
talk to the administrator about that.
他的办公室在那边His office is right over there.
我不能破例I can't make an exception.
我们没遇过这种事.we're not set up that way
他们同意给我特殊的个人考场They promised and I have
the right to special testing accommodations
你身障我很同情 但我帮不上忙Listen, I'm sorry about
your disability but there isn't anything I can do.
如果你想考试 就马上进去lf you want to take the test,
you need to go in there now
你看看我 有我在那里面 Look at me! How could
anybody possibly concentrate
谁还能专心考试if I'm in that room?
测验现在就要开始了Listen, I have to start the exam, now.
你要我打电话给你的医生吗Do you need me to call you a
还是你能请谁来帮忙Isn't there anyone you can call for
布莱德 冷静点 我听不懂Brad, calm down, I can't
understand you.
他们说你可以单独考试Well, they said you could take it
好 没问题 我马上过去OK. All right. No problem. I'll be
right there.
出了什么事吗Has something happened?
你可以考试了 有单独的考场You can take the test. And
you'll have a room to yourself.
你跟他们说了什么What did you say to them?
关键字:我要告他们The magic word: lawsuit.
我该去上班了I've gotta get to work.
爸Hey, Dad.

祝你考试顺利Good luck on the test.
结果我需要的不只是爸爸的祝福As it turned out, I needed
more than just Dad's good luck. I needed time.
时间有限 我的妥瑞症不配合With the clock, and my
Tourette's, ticking away.
我来不及把考题全部写完I failed to get all the way through
the test.
很好 汤玛斯 我以你为傲Good job, guys. Thomas I am
so proud of you.
谢谢你 科恩老师Thank you, Mr. Cohen.
你的火鸡好漂亮 海瑟Wow! Look at that turkey, Heather.
谢谢老师Thank you.
你今年感恩节会过得很热闹吗So. Are you gonna have a
big Thanksgiving this year?
会啊 妈妈说爷爷奶奶都要来Uh-huh. Mom says all my
grandparents are gonna come.
好特别哦Well, that sounds special.
只是他们会哭'Cept when they cry.
他们都偷哭 但我每次都有看到They try to hide itbut I
always see them.
我可以摸威化吗Can I pet Waffle?
你当然可以摸威化You bet you can pet Waffle.
科恩老师 你要过感恩节吗Are you gonna have a good
Thanksgiving, Mr. Cohen?
要啊 我和威化要去Yes, I am. Me and Waffle are going to
take a little trip
圣路易看我妈to see my Mom in St. Louis.
我知道圣路易在哪儿I know where that is!
是喔 太好了 海瑟 Well, that is super, Heather.
就是在那里That's exactly where it is.
请你帮我一个忙 好吗Now, do me a favor, will you?
我要请你照顾我的好朋友威化And I'm going to trust you
to take good care of my friend Waffle. All right?
我马上就回来And I will be right back.
嗨 亚曼妲 你不用上课吗Hi, Amanda. Shouldn't you ja
be in your class?
好了 走吧 我陪你走回教室All right. Come on, I'll walk
you to your room.
为什么我不能在你班上Why can't I be in your class, Mr.
你爸爸都是为了你好Well, ah. Your father had to do what
was best for you, Amanda.
而且你有个很好的老师And you know what? You've got a
great teacher.
好吧 再见了 科恩老师 you later, Mr. Cohen.
汤玛斯 那些字你从哪儿学来的Where did you learn
those words, Thomas?
没我的同意 你不能离开教室You know you're not
supposed to leave the class without asking.
你要把门擦干净Well, you're going to clean that up.
然后我要处罚你不能下课And then, ah, you're on detention:
no recess.
但你的拼字真是一级棒But you do get an
你不翻开书就不能念了啊You can't read it if you don't open
it, Thomas.
我讨厌念书I hate reading.
我也是So do l.
真的假的You do?
真的 要我念书是很困难的Yeah. Reading's really hard for
对你来说才不难 你是老师It's not hard for you. You're a
要不要打赌 我们来玩个游戏You wanna bet? Let's play a
假装你是科恩老师要念书 You be Mr. Cohen trying to
而我是妥瑞症候群And I'll be Tourette Syndrome. OK?
你念这一页Read this page.
继续念Keep reading.
很久以前有一个 好痒哦a time, there was aThat
会痒吗 好了 继续念Does it itch a little bit? All right.
Keep reading.
汤玛斯 Hey, Thomas!
好了 很难吧All right. That's hard, isn't it?
这样很难专心It's hard to concentrate.
念书对我来说就是这么困难That's how hard reading is for
对你来说没那么难吧It's not that hard for you, is it?
对 对我来说很简单No. It's easy for me.
可是你讨厌书要怎么当老师 can you be a teacher
if you hate books?
讨厌书 我不讨厌书啊 Hate books? I don't hate books.
世界上的所有知识都在书里Everything in the world is in
只是我要多费点心力才能学到I just have to work extra
hard to get it out.
我不会放弃你的I'm not going to give up on you, buddy.
我也不会让你放弃自己And I'm not going to let you give
up on yourself.
继续念 从这里开始Now keep reading. Right here.
魔 魔 Mag- magi.

有个魔法师 他遇到一个小男孩magician who met a
small boy.
这个小男孩想把一把长剑 从石头里拔出来A small boy
who was trying to pull a big sword out of a big rock.
石头里怎么会有剑Why would a sword be in a rock?
我不知道 但你再念下去就会知道了Well, I don't know,
but if you, ah, keep reading, you might just find out.
把剑从石头里拔出来的人whoever could pull the sword out
就会成为真正的国王the rock would be the true king.
继续念啊 后来呢Keep going. What happens next?
圣路易 再过个出口 诺伍广场
怎么了Hey. What's wrong?
我好紧张Oh, I'm so nervous.
有什么好紧张的你只是要去见我妈啊What's there to be
nervous about? You're just gonna meet my mom.
谢谢你哦 你还真会安慰人Thank you. That's, that's
还有杰夫 还有我的舅舅阿姨们And my aunts
and uncles.
还有我这辈子最爱的每个亲人and anybody I've ever
my entire life.
你要作好准备 场面会很大Prepare your self. This is big.
我准备好了 干嘛要我准备I'm ready. Why do I have to
prepare myself? .
对 你要作好准备That's right. Prepare yourself.
你来了啊Oh, you're here!
嗨 我终于见到南西了Oh, hi! I can't believe I'm finally
meeting Nancy.
你比我想像中更漂亮Oh! You're even prettier than I thought
布莱德经常提到你 科恩太太Brad has told me so much
about you, Mrs. Cohen
叫我艾伦Oh, Ellen.
他都没什么提到你啦Well, that's more than he tells me
about you
什么我经常跟你提到南西啊Wha-what! What? I tell you all
about Nancy.
你都没告诉我实话啦Oh, you never tell me the real stuff.
-走吧 南西 -波波 拿行李-Come on, Nancy -Bobo, get
the bags, honey.
对 波波 快去拿Yes, Bobo. Get on that.
你累不累So, are you exhausted?
很好 因为我们约了 Oh, good. Because we've got a
一个小时以后要修指甲appointment in an hour.
-她是南西 -嗨-This is Nancy. -Hi.
-我讲的就是她 -幸会-Who I was telling you about. -So,
nice to meet you.
不行 等一下 过来见见珍娜And, no, wait, Janet. Here,
come and meet Janet.
-好啊 嗨 南西 -还有一个人 -OK. Hi! Nancy. -And
one other person.
妈妈有点过头了 Mom's going a little overboard
她想给南西回家的感觉making Nancy feel like family.
有可能吗 她会变成家人吗Is that a possibility? Her being
我不知道 你也知道的I don't know. I mean, you know,
我就不 I know but I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't.
好 你是认真的 她见过老爸了吗Oh, yeah. It's, it's
serious. Has she met Dad?
没有 还没有 No! No, no, no, no.
你还在等什么Well, what are you waiting for?
少管闲事啦Hey. Back off, will'ya?
结果他跌倒了.He ended up falling flat
头去撞到人行道and then he hit his head straight against the
还脑震荡Gave himself a concussion.
失陪一下 厨房需要南西Well, You'll excuse me, Nancy's
needed in the kitchen.
我要借用她一下I'm just going to steal her for one second.
厨房需要我Needed in the kitchen.
你来救我吗 我不需要你救啦Are you rescuing me?
Because I don't need rescuing
我需要I do.
出了什么事What's going on ?
你修指甲好玩吗How was your pedicure?
如果你想知道lf you're wondering
我跟你妈聊什么 我们聊的是你啦what did your Mom
and I talked about, we talked about you.
还有我们And us.
怎么了吗Is something wrong?
我只是在想I was just wondering,
应不应该告诉你 if I told you,
我爱你I love you.
我好害怕I mean, it just, it scares me. Right?
我从来没想过这件事I never thought about it before.
我从来就不敢去想I never dared think about it.
布莱德 Look, Brad.
她知道你会发出怪声 她不介意She understands about
your noises, she doesn't care.
你让她快乐You know, you make her happy, Brad
这是她告诉我的 你逗她笑she told me that, Brad. You
make her laugh.
如果有一天她不笑了怎么办Well, what if one day she stops

如果有一天她不想再跟我这种 What if one day she gets
fed up of living with someone who
我只是 我不想伤害她 妈I just, I don't want to hurt her,
也许你是不想受伤吧Maybe you don't want to get hurt.
只有一件事会伤害你们The only thing that can hurt either
of you:
那就是你让妥瑞症把她赶走is if you let Tourette's drive her
away from you.
不要被它打败lf you let it win.
海瑟的妈妈打电话来Heather's mother had called to say
说海瑟没办法再上学了Heather was no longer able to
attend school.
全班同学都在想办法替她打气So, the class all pitched in to
cheer her up
你看看这张桌子Oh, wow. Look at this table.
看起来很棒嘛It looks very good.
这个看起来也很棒Ah, this looks great over here.
过了几个礼拜 我们大家害怕的消息来了The news we'd
all been dreading came a few weeks later.
嗨 科恩老师Hi, Mr. Cohen.
你好 亨利What's up, Henry.
-嗨 伊莱 -嗨 科恩老师-Hey, Eli. -Hi, Mr. Cohen.
嗨 科恩老师Hey, Mr. Cohen.
你好 盖伦What's up, Gaylon?
这是我爷爷奶奶 詹姆斯和雪莉These are my
grandparents, James and Shirley.
仪式就要开始了Sir, they're about to start the service.
你先进去吧You go ahead.
科恩老师 你不进来吗Mr. Cohen? Aren't you coming in?
很抱歉 我很想进去I'm sorry.I thought I could but I.
但我会干扰仪式的进行I think I'd be too disruptive.
你改变了海瑟的一生You made such a huge difference in
Heather's life.
你是她最喜欢的老师You were her favorite teacher.
请你务必送她最后一程Please, don't leave without saying
goodbye to her.
好了 汤玛斯 你那组叫什么Okay, is your
team's word?
怪咖 不是汤玛斯那一组的人 Weird. Anybody not on
Thomas's team
有谁知道怪咖是什么意思know what that word means?
很好Very good.
谁会用奇怪造句Who can use the word weird in a
我 我 Me, oh, me!
, , , .
绑辫子的女生The girl in pigtails.
盖伦 ! Gaylon!
我喜欢奇怪的电影 抱歉 科恩老师

我知道你不能去看电影I know you can't go to them
因为你会被戏院赶出来because you get thrown out of the
movie theater.
没关系 盖伦Well, that's OK, Gaylon.
因为我可以租片子回家看Boom. Because I can rent
而且我喜欢奇怪的电影And I also like weird movies.
所以奇怪是个好字So weird is a good word, right?
但如果有人跟你说:喂 你
to you and they say,
就是你 我在跟你讲话 你好奇怪Yeah, you. I'm talking
to you. You're weird.
这样还是个好字吗Is it still a good word?
那是什么声音What, what's that?
好了 大家都回座位上坐好OK, everyone, stay in your
是梅心和大红卡车It's Maxine and big Red.
科恩老师 我们可以去看吗Mr. Cohen, can't we go see
好 但大家都要小声一点Okay, but voices.
到门口排好队 不准用跑的Everyone line up by the door
and no running.
没问题 好啊 伊莱 上去啊You got it. Yeah. Exactly.
Eli, get in there, man.
没关系 但你要小心All right, but be careful.
你觉得怎样满酷的吧So, what do you think of it? Pretty
cool, huh?
伊莱 我不是说了吗 好了 不准按喇叭Eli! What did I
tell you? All right, no pulling the horn.
否则就全部都下来Or else you guys are coming down.
对不起 梅心Sorry, Maxine.
没关系啦That's all right.
小孩就是小孩Kids will be kids.
对 永远是这样Yes, yeah. Yeah, they will.
他们相处得还好吧They still getting along?
看起来是不错Well, it looks like it.
给他们一点时间Give 'em time.

我喜欢南西I like Nancy.
她让我想起我当年刚认识的你妈She reminds me of your
Mom when we first met.
她们长得一点也不像They don't look anything alike.
我指的不是长相 而是 I'm not talking about looksI'm
talking about that.
那种活力 很难形容啦spark, that spirit, that, ah,
学校还好吗How are things at school?
你知道的Oh, you know.
书太多 书柜不够放 We got more books than bookcases,
屋顶漏水 预算删减roof leaks, budget cutbacks.
有点担心他们明年不会续聘我Little worried they might
not ask me back next year.
有很多老师比我经验更丰富There's plenty of teachers with
a lot more experience than me.
不管怎样 我都以你为傲I'm proud of you regardless.
我感觉不到Doesn't feel that way.
我为什么觉得我还是让你丢脸Why do I feel like you're
still embarrassed by me?
没关系 爸 你大可承认And it's okay, Dad, you can
admit it.
你又想吵架了吗You're not trying to start something.?
不是 No. No, no.
但我们终于讲话了 这样很好 那就来聊吧But, you
know, we're finally talking, and it's good, so let's talk.
我一直让你觉得丢脸I've always been an embarrassment to
对不对你以前来看我I have, haven't l? Even when you used
to come visit me,
别人盯着我看 你还是介意you used to squirm when all
those eyeballs would click my way.
你从来就无法接受You've never been able to accept it.
你说得对You're right.
有时候跟你在一起很难受It is tough being with you
我最讨厌跟你去餐厅 大家都用那种眼神看你I hate it
when we go to restaurants and people give you those looks.
有时候我 Sometimes, I just.
我觉得好无助I just feel so helpless.
我这辈子都在帮别人修东西You know, I've always been a
guy who could fix things.
但有样东西我一直修不好.but the one thing I could never
fix was the one thing
那就是伤你最深的东西that was hurting you most.
不需要修啦It doesn't need fixing.
没人修得好Nobody can fix it.
我知道 我知道I know. I know.
但也许是我的错But maybe it's my fault.
也许是我遗传给你的Maybe I gave it to you.
这些肉应该熟了I think these babies are done.
快点Come on, guys.
媒体中心再过两分钟 就要关了We only have two
minutes before the media center closes.
后面的跟上来 靠旁边走Hurry up, back there. Stay to the
side, guys.
靠旁边走 我不是讲了吗 Stay to the side. What did I tell
后面的快一点 跟上来Guys in the back, come on, hurry
你怎么会来这里What are you, ah, what are you doing here?
你不是说学校缺书柜吗You said you needed bookcases,
didn't you?
你爸要帮我们的图书馆钉书柜Your Father's built us new
bookshelves for the library.
流程跑起来有点慢啦Things are a little slow at the office.
这边请This way, gentlemen.
我有样东西要给你Oh, and I got you something for your
科恩老师 你快戴啊Put it on, Mr. Cohen.
硬帽子戴在顽固的脑袋上面A hard hat for an extremely
hard head.
各位同学 他是我爸爸Hey, class, that's my dad.
嗨 科恩先生Hi, Mr. Cohen!
过来Come on.
来啊Come on!
希乐莉没说是为了什么事And, and Hilarie didn't say what
this was about?
我不知道No idea.
我们正好下课 她说要来你的教室找你We were at recess
and she said she needs to see you in your classroom.
可能是和明年的事有关吧I think it might have to do with
next year.
他来了Here he is.
请你过来一下 好吗Would you come over here a moment,
希乐莉有事要宣布Hilarie's got an announcement to make.
有些人可能注意到Some of you may have noticed
最近几个礼拜 有个人一直在学校里旁观an observer
hanging around school the last few weeks.
他是来评估我们的一位老师Well, he was here to assess one
of our teachers.
科恩老师Mr. Cohen.
我要宣布我们的科恩老师And I'm here to announce that
our very own Brad Cohen has been chosen
在乔治亚州的教育界 新血中脱颖而出from amongst all
the new educators in the state of

获选为本年度的最佳教师Georgia to be Sallie Mae's First
Year Teacher of the Year.
我看着我的学生们 我觉得自己也像个小孩As I looked
at my students, I felt like a kid inside.
因为小孩看待人生的观点Because children look at life
和多数的成年人不一样than most audits.
他们看着这个世界 会说我要做 They see the world and
say, I will.
不是我做不到 我也一样Not I can't. And so did l.
这件衬衫太紧了 标签刺得我的背好痛This shirt's too
tight. The label's digging in my back.
标签我剪掉了 真搞不懂你有什么好紧张的I cut out the
label. I don't know what you're so nervous about.
你每天都在面对群众啊You're in front of a crowd every
这些人可不是二年级的小孩Well, these aren't
现在 Now.
天哪 真希望我可以隐形Oh, man, I wish I was invisible.
这你就永远不必担心了Well, that is something you'll never
have to worry about.
别乱动 别乱动 Hold still, hold still!
我爱你I love you.
科恩老师加油 Go, Mr. Cohen!
加油 波波 你一定可以的Come on, Bobo, you can get
through this
放心吧 他绝对没问题Don't worry. He's going to get
through it.
你们刚才听到的怪声The noise you just heard is the
Tourette Syndrome
就是我从岁就得的妥瑞症I've been living with since I was
six years old.
我今天站在这里 I'm standing up here today
是因为有很多人的爱与支持because the love and support
of a lot of people put me up here
我的家人My family,
我学校的大家庭 我的学生和所有好朋友my school
family, my students, and all my friends.
这个奖要归功给他们I owe this award to all of them.
但我也要感谢我这辈子But I also owe it to the toughest,
最难搞 也最执着的老师and, and most dedicated teacher I
ever had:
我多年的同伴 也就是妥瑞症my Constant Companion.
My Tourette's.
有些人可能会觉得奇怪 怎么会感谢一种残疾Now, some
of you may think that's pretty weird to thank a disability.
还称之为好老师and calling it a great teacher?
好奇怪哦That's really weird.
我从残疾中会学到什么呢I mean, what could I possibly
learn from a disability?
盖伦 请说Yes, Gaylon.
你学会了坚持到底You learned to keep going.
你学会了不让残疾阻止你You learned to not let it stop you.
汤玛斯 请说Yes, Thomas.
你学会了不被残疾打倒You learned to not let it win!
答对了That's right.
去适应我的妥瑞症Coping with my Tourette's has taught me
让我学到全世界最宝贵的教训the most valuable lesson
that anyone could ever learn:
那就是千万别让任何事 And that is to never let anything
阻止你去追逐梦想stop you from chasing your dream
阻止你工作或玩耍或是谈恋爱from working or playing or
falling in love.
没错That's right.
去适应我的妥瑞症让我学到 Coping with my Tourette's
has taught me
这个最宝贵的教训 the most valuable lesson.
汤玛斯 请说Yes, Thomas.
你礼拜一上课能不能带奖牌 Can you bring that award
去讲故事给我们听to show and tell on Monday?
没问题You bet.







