
2020年08月16日 20:24


绝望主妇 desperate housewives.
Come across an article.读到这样一篇文章
Anything newsworthy? 有新闻价值吗
I performed my chores. 做家务
I ran my errands. 跑腿
It is a normal day, I spent the day as I spent every other day.
I went to the hallway and retrieve a revolver. 左轮手枪
I was startled by a popping sound.
My curiosity aroused.
Drop in on me even unannounced. 随便来坐坐
After some initial hesitation, she decided to return the blender to me
Screams. 尖叫
You’ve got to sent an ambulance. 你们要马上派救护车来
Stand motionless. 呆呆的站着
Look on the bright side. 朝好的方面想
Resident come to the funeral to pay their respect to him.
A great recipe for fried chicken.
Moving up the corporate ladder. 爬职
U r pregnant now.
This is not the case. 事实并非如此
Life is so hectic. 兴奋
I appreciate your irony. 反话。
Behave today, behave yourself. 规矩一点。
I am not going to be humiliated in front of the entire neighborhood.
I know someone who knows someone who knows someone an elf. 我认识小恶魔(吓唬小孩的
If you act up, I will.. 如果你捣蛋
R u willing to risking that? 要试试吗?
I work in mergers and acquisitions. 我是搞兼并和收购的
Pin a receipt on her chest. 钉个价目表。
In the context conversation..
People are starring, keep ur voice down. 别人都在看呢。。小声点
Many talents were known thru his neighborhood.
He is out of his mind with grief. 悲痛万分
Don’t tease me about my Macaroni, say like I rarely made it well 不要调侃我的通心粉
Lipstick on my t shirt,
Sometimes people pretend to be one way while totally different inside. 内心却完全不同。
U confront me? 反对我?
Philanderer’s book. 花花公子之类的书
Tell me u punched him. 你打他了吗?
An erect penis don’t have a conscience. Even a limp one is not that ethical. 阳痿的。。也没有
I don’t know how I gonna survive this.
Everyone has moments of desperations

Have a crisis in her life.
Death wish. 遗言
Burnt and undercooked. 烧焦却又没有煮熟。
He illustrates children’s books. 画插图
I am looking all over for u. 到处找你
I saw u 2 flirting. 调情
Love life 我的私生活
Dog barks. 狗吠
The first to stop by. 拜访
An eligible bachelor.
Rumors travels quickly.
She was the most predatory divorcee in the five block radius.
Slut 荡妇
Rivalry with somebody can be friendly. 公平竞争。
I can’t afford to lose the job.
I won’t even dignify your suggestion. 我不会考虑你的建议。
Don’t say “it’s ok” in a sullen tone.
Serve cuisine Show ur cuisine. 展示厨艺。
A warning sign shows he is doing drugs.
He raise the question that I mostly dreaded.
Can I have a drug? 我来一根烟吧
Plastic surgery. 整容手术, no big deal.
Stop stalling and go. 别拖拉。
Stuff the pipe, get the clog, then ask the plumber. 堵管子,
Popsicle sticks stuffed the sink.
She longed to share the truth about her hundred’s painful betrayal. 想要一个倾听她丈夫背叛的
You sound frazzled. 你听起来很疲惫。
Put on a condom.
I got distracted. 我心烦意乱的
She sobbed quietly in the bathroom
Paramedic 护理人员
He got smoke inhalation 窒息
You will get thru this. You will find a way to survive this. 度过难关
Police line, do not cross
A phoenix raising from the ashes. 凤凰涅槃
Have a toast. 干杯 、 lift them up. 干完
He find the skeleton on the closet.
Platinum jewelry 白金首饰 = white gold
Infuse her life.
He is panicked. 惊慌
I want u to know my full force of wrath
The peaceful façade was shattered. 宁静的生活打破了

Discover the implication. 发现含义
He is still mourning, he will freak out. 失去理智。
Another bear claw. 有一重大打击
It is an age-old joke, with poor taste. 低级。。
Propose engage 求婚 订婚
A marriage counselor顾问
She is parched. 口渴万分
your nerdy friends. 狐朋狗友
I can fix it if you don’t tell me. 我不会放过你的,如果,,
Sort of a tradition. 老传统。 Home cooked meal
I order takeout. 叫外卖
I am working out the kinks. 突发奇想。
Fluids. 点滴
I am glad you rekindle your love life.
U can be homeless, or u can be ungracious, yet you really can’t afford to be both.
What kind of a Christian would I be if I denied shelter to a friend in need? 我还算什么基督徒
There is something we can salvage
An accomplished marriage counselor经验丰富的。
He deal with all kinds of problems ranging from subsidence abuse to infidelity. 吸毒到婚外情。
Buckle up. 系好安全带
Do u know why I pulled u over. -----I have a theory. 拦你的车在路边? 愿闻其详!
U stand here and judge me. 品头品足
I am not giving u a ticket. 我不开罚单了
Do u have a clue? 有证据吗?
Whatever u feel, it is so far away below the surface, no one see thru it.
Would you respond what he said.
Pls 够够 slow motion. 用慢镜头
I don’t want to intrude. 我不想打扰你们, three is a crowd.
The more, the merrier.
R u a vegetarian? 你是素食者吗
Add salt to the would. 雪上加霜
Kids are always be willful. 任性
The truth is elusive.
Joint session 多人会话
Color palette. 点缀
From sunup to sundown.
U will never know what freak them out? 你不知道是什么招它惹它了啊
It takes 2 to mess up something… 一个巴掌拍不响
He was took away in handcuffs. 手铐
Use gogo to ingratiate myself with the boss. 用一直鉤去讨好老板
I failed u. 我让你失望了

Humanity has discarded. 人性已经丢弃。
Travel lightly。。thru eternity 轻装上阵。
He started to realize that his world is unraveling 瓦解
A woman who despise loose ends. 重视细节的女人
They don’t need to be burden our marital problems. 不应让他们操心我们的婚姻危机
Take scoop jam out of jar. 在瓶子中挤挖东西吃
Want to throw a dinner party. 举办一个聚会
That works for me. 对我来说,没有问题
I am not being flip. 不是我无理轻率,
Make braised lamb shanks. 炖小羊腿
Sounds right? 好吗? 、 does that sound right?
Ur advice is a completely mess.
U R tense. 你太紧张了
Algebra. 代数课
After unpacked, I need a few days to chill out. 卸下行李后,我只想静静休息几天
My head is just pounding. 我头都大了。
I am beat. 我累了
Given that we are hosting it, we will do our best. 既然是我们主办
When u drink, u get chatty. 话多。
Plausible alibi. 不赖的借口。
Improving immensely. 进步神速
U can afford a travel, why can’t u scrape up a child support? 付不起抚养费呢
A girl with dental guard. 带护齿的女孩
Don’t be petulant. 不要耍性子
That will be ur choice to make. 你说了算。
A-minus A-plus
A frat party. 一次兄弟聚会
Watch cable. 看有线(电视)
Whine ur 60 hours working. 发牢骚60.。
Private session. 单独谈话
Adultery prostitution pornography. 通奸、卖淫,黄色
Social engagement. 社交活动
We throw the party in ur month’s honor 以你母亲的名义组织的聚会
It is a casual party with the gang.
Sugar make us hyper. 糖使我们兴奋
Not ready? Just wing it. 即兴发挥吧
He is a scum. 人渣
It is hard to replace that screen? 你能忘掉刚才的情景吗
That thought also cross my mind. 我也有这想法
U need a tune up. 你要调整一下
Think you can give me the tele no of ur pro? 教练的电话
Concoct it to cover sth.. 编造。。来掩盖
Did the sky fall? 天塌下来了吗
Lewd behavior 下流行为

Then again, who am I to judge. 话又说回来,我又有什么资格评论呢
I will never get past of that. 我忘不了那些。。
I have snuck a peek 偷窥
Drop the act. 别装了
Who cracked it 谁搞砸了
She retaliate with revelation. 揭短来报复。。
He stormed out. 他发火后离开
A man get torn down like that…那样被整。
That would only happen once. 没有下一次
Better rate..更好价格 let him get away. 放过他。
Golden couple. 黄金一对
I will not pack heating. 我不会火上加油
Scoot a little. 挤一下(坐车空间小)
It is unethical. 不道德的。
Playmate. 性伴侣
Play hard ball. 强硬态度
Everyone has his dirty little laundry. 每一个人都有他的杀手锏。。
Career woman 职业女性
Eye- catching .显眼的
They will be punished for this severely.
He is going to freak. 他会疯掉的
Malignant不怀好意的vindictive 报复
Be stubborn about. 对。。顽固
It is perverse. 这是不对的
U bring out ur big gun. 杀手锏
Be lust after sb. 追求
He is a catch. 他很迷人
Being coy is a strategy best employed virgins on their first dance. 谦虚是少女的常用手段
Land him. 勾引他
With all due respect,,but,,,我很尊重你, 但是
Don’t change the subject. 不要转换话题
Seems u have some sort of moral authority. 不要讲大道理。
Gym sock. 运动袜子
Will you drop it? 你失望了吗?
It can be medicated. 可以治愈的
Wrangle 3 guys 整治3个家伙
They really make me want to tear my hair out. 很烦人
If I change the bad stuff, in the meanwhile, i change their good stuff.
He know you are behind me, so, act causal. 装随便点
I reach the end of patience with you. 对你没有耐心了
Fantasize about these women?
Molestation. 虐待
My water heater is burst. 坏了

I am being blackmailed.
Stand guard. 放风、放哨
Play Frisbee 玩飞碟
Hang on 等一下
Outburst 发火
Continuing level of frustration 不断升级的挫折感
Don’t want you to strain yourself. 不要勉强你了
I will take a strong stand. 强硬立场
Careful, . 小心一点,家伙 (报复)
It is not entirely my fault. 不全是我的错
Arson 纵火罪
U r a piece of work. 你这混蛋???
I run into Jack today in supermarket
Where Susan went, bad luck was sure to follow.
Misfortunes. 倒霉事
Bizarre 奇异的事情
Wave goodbye. 挥手致别
Surveillance will deter EVEN the most determined criminals.
Do u have a second? 能给我一点时间吗
Enroll somebody 招收某人
Lose-lose situation. 品味
U have a boyfriend? Yeah, sort of. 可以这么说
The whore girl. 鸡
Hatch a plan to do sth.
He find ways to upset me.
Piss me off. 让我失望了
No more screw-ups. 不要搞砸了
Soap opera 肥皂剧
They all sing off-key..下班后哼的小调
Manipulate him. 操纵他
U r a Tom in disguise. 你和tom是一类人
Husband clash with wives. 夫妻内战
Parents cross words with children. 父母和儿女吵架
He has an affair. 外遇
Take stamina. 春药
Evasive answer. 含糊回答
I am fresh out. 我忘了
Sex surrogate 性爱专家
I have an excellent referral. 我强烈推荐。。
He is very discreet. 他很巧妙的
Ur questions really tick me off. 恶心。
A guy takes his opponents on face to face. Yet girls different. 男人当面叫板对手,女人就不
Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. 每个人都有他们的选择权利
I never socialize with my clients.

I am not going to force you
This clothes need trim. = need sewing
U r overstating. 你言过其实了
Garage sales. 甩卖
This is beyond kitsch. 太俗了
Slap sb. 扇某人
Suit yourself. 随便你
For the record, I wish you… 事先申明。。
Smooth all these out. 摆平。。
Bachelor pad. 光棍
I am stuck in the middle. 我被夹在中间
A friend rivalry. 友好型的竞争
No victory comes out without a price. 胜利是有代价的
5 grand. 五千
A widely read book tell us that everyone of us is a sinner.
He got straight A’s. 他得了一排A
She is been in a coma.
It is a little bit extreme. 太极端
I can put up with ur debauchery,but I will not tolerate your spying. 可以忍受放荡,但不能,,
I am up all the night, yet dozing off all the day… 我晚上睡不着,白天却打瞌睡
A powerful herbal remedy. 草药方
Worse come to worst,we could grab a room..更糟糕一点的话..开房
Sth is less than desirable. 不太好的。。
There is an accepted fact that anybody who still lingered out in midnight usually come up to no
Eye witness 目击者
Deals need to be renegotiated.
U r off the hook. 解脱了
Keep a low profile = stay low
Snoop my house and went thru my stuff 巡视我的房子,检查我的东西
Rest assured. 放心
Stop condemning me with your eyes
A big no-no. 不应该的事情
Feel remorse
Hollywood talent scout 好莱坞星探
Girls fantasize a millionaire would sweep her off her feet. 拜倒在石榴裙下。
Media get wind of this 媒体知道这些事情了
Crime scene. 犯罪现场
Guest starring. 客串?
Word of tragedy soon spread throughout the neighborhood.
We are on the clock. 我们赶时间
Vicious cycle. 恶性循环
I am in the middle of sth. 我有点琐事
It is cheap stuff because I had to economize. 我得节约

I am on house arrest, it was a condition of my bail. 我被软禁了,这是保释的条件之一
He neglected to tell me that. 他忘记告诉我了
Human beings feed on misery. 人类爱看别人的悲惨
It is hard to hear. 很难接受
Scratching and bruising on her body. 抓痕和瘀伤
Don’t buy me orchid. It is expensive. ----no, it did not cost me a dime. 我没有花钱
Suck up to sb. 拍某人马屁
Let’s go over a few of basics just to make sure we are ready. 复习要点
I did not treat you well, so I make amends. 补偿
Birth-control pills. 避孕药
We have to agree to disagree. = can not share an idea. Ideas apart.
I handled him. 摆平了某人
Let’s not beat a dead horse.
Hand out flyers. 发传单
Use a hamper. 避孕套
He is condoning sth. 默认
U have the right to remain silent, anything you do say can be used against you, in a court of law,
you have the right to consult an attorney, if you can not offer an attorney, one will be appointed to

That was risky in retrostpect. 回想起来是很冒险的
U r under arrest for solicitation. Maiying beibu
I will do it at cost = pay me when all finished.??
Return my call 回电话
Why is everything a conspiracy theory with you?. 阴谋论,小题大做







