
2020年08月17日 00:16


Issued Date:15
Update Date:1
1. Purpose
Regulation on
Material Stock
Doc. No.:CC-H0-B116
Rev.:A0 Page(s):3
To provide control method for Steel Structure Material Stock effective
2. Scope
Applied for material including: receiving inspection and receiving stock
control , preserving, issuing, rejecting etc.
3. Definition
Material:include welding material, paint, welding machine, tool etc used
for steel structure plant.
4. Responsibility
4.1 GM Office is responsible for the control of this procedure.
4.2 Material section of Engineering Department is responsible for the
performing of this procedure.
5. Procedure
5.1 Stock should maintain the related copies of Application &Purchasing Form
as receiving inspection reference information.
5.2 Stock personnel should check the delivery voucher from supplier and
contact inspector to inspect.
5.3 Stock should check actual parts and delivery voucher and sign the return
receipt and receive material.
5.3.1Stock personnel should fill up Receiving Inspection Form and conduct
it according to Regulation on Application for Purchasing.
5.3.2 Stock should register account and identify the material after placed
in the right location.
5.3.3 Stock should check the Application &Purchasing Form and file the

Approved Checked



Material Receiving &Inspection Form .
5.4 Stock should plot out position for material preservation and maintain
material by different category with clear identification. In order to save
space, material rack is preferred to use.
5.4.1 Stock should preserve material by different category and should issue
different material rack number for Accepted Material, Waiting for
Inspection Material, Waiting for Issuing Material, Scrap Material.
5.4.2 Material should be controlled by category, spec etc and packaging
should be checked.
5.4.3 Material placed on ground should be under-laid with board and stock
should keep ventilated to avoid higher temperature.
5.4.4 All instrument and valuable material should be locked in cabinet.
5.4.5 The flammable and danger material such as oil, gas should be
segregated with other material and identified with NO FIRE.
5.5 Primness material should be reviewed with related department every 6
5.6 Material should be got with Steel Structure and Components Out Stock
5.6.1 The material not inspected should not be obtained except the material
which can only be accepted after trial using. Temporarily obtaining
material should be with the filled Steel Structure and Components Out
Stock Form with “Temporary” mark on the up right corner. After trial
using and qualified, the Receiving Inspection Form and Steel
Fabrication and Components Out Stock From should be filled up and
passed to Stock for account entry and material write-off.
5.6.2 The Steel Structure and Component Out Stock Form should be
approved by department supervisor or authorized personnel for
material obtaining.
5.6.3 Stock should register the account according to Steel Structure and
Component Out Stock Form after material out from Stock ,then file the
Steel Structure and Component Out Stock Form.
5.7 The rest material after using or returned material should be returned to
Stock with filled Steel Structure Returned Material Form. Stock personnel
should check the actual parts according to Steel Structure Returned
Material Form and file this form.
5.8 Incoming material should be inspected according to Material Inspection

Criteria. Rejected material should be returned to supplier.
5.9 Stock should fill up the Raw Material Returned Form for the returned
material which is already registered in the account and the form should be
approved by Q.A. Department. If material is not registered in the account,
Stock should fill up the Goods Discharging Form and notify Purchasing
Section to inform supplier for RTV handling.
5.10 Stock should inspect stored material every half year. The decayed and
damaged material should be scrap after verified by Q.A. Department or
related department.
5.10.1Maintenance and using department should apply to scrap the material
that can not be used after verified by Q.A. Department and fill up
Scrap Form which needs to be approved by responsible supervisor.
5.10.2Maintenance and using department should apply to scrap the
production equipment, tooling, fixture that can not be used after
verified by Equipment Maintenance Section and fill up Scrap Form
which needs to be approved by responsible supervisor one by one.
5.10.3 Purchasing Department is responsible to deal with the scrap material.
Administration section should deal with the scrap material if it can not
be sold.
5.10.4 Stock should prepare the Stock Inventory List (including Part Number,
Part Name, Spec, Unit, Quantity) to control the actual inventory status.
5.11 Retention of related quality record
Related quality record should be preserved according to the Regulation on
Quality Record.
6. Reference
6.1 Regulation on Application for Purchasing

(File. No.:CC-B0-B93)
6.2 Regulation on Material Receiving &Inspection (File. No.:CC-H0-C152)
6.3 Regulation on Quality Record (File. No.:CC-A0-B93)
7. Related Form
7.1 Application& Purchasing Form
7.2 Receiving &Inspection Form
7.3 Steel Structure & Components Out Form
7.4 Steel Structure Returned Form

7.5 Raw Material Returned form
7.4 Scrap Form








