
2020年08月17日 00:29


Contract for Warehousing (holding in trust) of Ordinary Goods

合同编号: Contract No.:_____
签约日期 Date of Signature :

甲方: Party A:
地址: Address:
电话: Tel:
电子邮箱: E-mail:

乙方: Party B:
联系人:Liaison Person:

Pursuant to relevant provisions of the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of
China, Party A and Party B, through adequate consultation, have entered into this
Contract according to the terms and conditions set out as follows:

第一条、仓储货物标的:Article 1 Terms of Goods and Warehouse
1) 货物类型及包装: Goods type and packing:
2 ) 租用区域及建筑面积: Rented Area and Building Area:

3) 仓储期限: Term of

第二条、入库货物的验收:Article 2 Check and Acceptance of In-Coming Goods:
2.1 Any in-coming or out-going goods of Party B shall be checked and accepted by
Party A.

2) 甲方对出入库货物的验收仅 以货物的本质外观或符合国家标准的外包装是否完好无
2.2 Party A will only check the nature and appearance of the in-coming goods as well
as whether the outer packing up to the national standards is damaged or not, and
will not check the quality and quantity of the goods.

3) 如货物在约定的仓储期限内会基于其本身原因而发生损耗的,乙方须提前向甲方
予 以说明。如甲方须乙方配合方能对货物予以验收的,乙方应积极予以配合。
2.3 In case some goods may suffer from loss within the term of warehousing agreed
herein due to any cause of the goods itself, Party B shall notify Party A of the matter
in advance. In case Party A needs Party B’s assistance to check and accept the
goods, Party B shall provide necessary assistance.

4) 如货物有保质期限的,其约定仓储期限不得超过国家规定的保质期限,双方另有约
2.4 If the goods have a quality guarantee period, the term of warehousing agreed by
both parties shall not exceed the quality guarantee period required by the State,
unless otherwise agreed by both parties.

5) 甲方收货时如发现乙方货物 有破损等异常情况,应及时通知乙方,并经乙方书面确
2.5 Party A shall, upon discovery of any damage or abnormal condition to the goods
of Party A during the course of check and acceptance, notify Party B as soon as
possible. After Party B gives a written confirmation, Party A shall, according
requirements of Party B, accept or not accept to store the goods.

第三条:费用结算:Article 3 Settlement of Fees
计费项目及标准:Fees and Standards:
1)仓储费warehousing fee(RMB):
2) 装卸费 loadingunloading fee (RMB)
3)管理费management fee (RMB)
4)电梯使用费Lift fee (RMB) 1㎡

The normal business time of our company will start from 8:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m.,
and from Monday to Friday. Any hour falling out of the normal business time shall be
treated as overtime work.

The loadingunloading fee shall be collected when the goods are stored in the
warehouse at double amounts. In such case, the goods shall not be charged with the
loadingunloading fee when the goods are taken out of storage. In case of overtime
work, the overtime work fee shall be charged separately.

The loadingunloading fee for overtime work shall be 200% of the normal
loadingunloading fee.

Means of settlement: Unless otherwise agreed, both parties will settle the
warehousing fees on a monthly basis.

甲方每月五号前将本月的仓储费、上月实际发生的装卸的结算单和货物库存 数使用传
数量,乙方应按甲方 出具的结算单3个工作日内支付相关费用。乙方如不能按时支付,

每延迟一天,甲方有权 按乙方欠费总额的1%加收违约金;如乙方在一个月内未付清
仓储及相关费用,甲方有权单方面解除合同 并有权单方面对乙方的库存货物采取变卖
或委托拍卖的方式行使留置权以折抵仓储等相关费用,不足部份 甲方有权向乙方继续
Party A shall, on or before the 5th day of each month, send the final statement of
warehousing fee of the month and the loadingunloading fee of the previous month
and the inventory number to Party Bvia fax or mail. Party B shall, within 2 to 7 days
after receiving the fax or mail, confirm and send back the final statement. In case
Party B does not raise any objection over the said fees or inventory number within 7
days, it shall be deemed that Party B have agreed and recognized the fees on the
final statement and the inventory number, and Party B shall, within 3 working days,
pay the relevant fees according to the final statement submitted by Party A. Should
Party B fail to effect the payment within such time limit, Party A shall be entitled to
seek a liquidated damage against Party B at 1% of the outstanding amount for each
delayed day. Should Party B fail to pay the amount due and payable within a month,
Party A shall be entitled to terminate this Contract unilaterally and exercise the right
of lien over the goods in the warehouse and sell or entrust to auction the goods to
recover the warehousing fee. In case of any difference, Party A shall be entitled to
seek the amount from Party B till Party B pays off the amount.

3)保证金:甲乙双方达成租仓意向后,乙方需向甲方支付人民币 元作为保证金。如
仓储合同到期乙方不再续租,在乙方结算清所有相关费用后,甲方在五个工作日内返< br>还,保证金不计利息。
3) Deposit: Party B shall, after both parties agree on the warehousing matter, pay a
deposit to Party A at RMB____. In case this Contract expires and Party B has no
intention of renewal, Party A shall return the deposit to Party B without any interest
within 5 working days after Party B pays off relevant amount.

Article 4 Warehousing Condition and Requirements

1) 除双方特别约定外,甲 方不负责易燃、易爆、有毒、有腐蚀性、有放射性的危险
品和易腐、易烂及鲜活物品的仓储保管。如乙方 故意隐瞒事实真相,甲方将不承担仓
储责任并有权单方面予以合理处置,因此给甲方造成的任何损失,乙 方将予以全部赔
4.1 Unless otherwise agreed by both parties, Party A will not store any inflammable,
explosive, toxic, corrosive and radioactive dangerous goods or perishable, fragile or
live goods. Should Party B deliberately conceals the truth from Party A, Party A will
not be responsible for the warehousing obligations and shall be entitled to

unilaterally dispose the goods in reasonable manner. Party B shall be held liable to
indemnify Party A for any damages or losses arising therefrom.

第五条、货物入、出库程序:Article 5 In-comingOut-going Procedure for Goods
1)乙方 可根据双方约定,将规定货物分批分次入、出库。但须在每次入、出库前用甲
方规定的形式提前通知甲方 ,并配合甲方办理好入、出库登记手续。
5.1 Party B may, according to the agreement between the two parties, store or take
out the goods in different batches. However, Party B shall notify Party A in advance
before doing so through the means agreed by the two parties, and assist Party A to
go through the registration procedure for the in- comingout-going goods.

2) 出库方式一般为乙方自提,亦可委托甲方代办运输。
5.2 Generally, Party B shall take out the goods in person. In addition, Party B may
entrust Party A to transport the goods on behalf of Party B.

3) 乙方提取仓储物须凭 甲方签发的仓单连同存货证明(事前约定方式)和提货人的身
份证方可提货,仓单需甲方签字盖章认可方 可。
5.3 In case Party B needs to take out the goods, Party B shall provide the
warehouse receipt 签发issued and signed by Party A and the inventory certificate (in
the manner agreed by both parties in advance) and the ID card of the person to take
out the goods. The said warehouse receipt shall have the signature and the seal of
Party A.

第六条、货物的损耗及处理:Article 6 Loss of Goods and Settlement
6.1 In case the goods suffer from any loss due to the nature of the goods or other
natural causes, Party A shall not be held liable for relevant obligations.

2)因货物包装不符合国家规定标准或货 物超过有效储存期限而造成的任何损失,甲方
6.2 In case of any loss to the goods due to the cause that the packing of the goods
fails to meet the national standards or the goods are stored in the warehouse for a
period exceeding the valid term of warehousing, Party A shall not be held liable for
any obligations.

3) 如甲方发现入库仓储物有变质或者其它损坏,危及其它仓储物的安全和正常保管的,
经 向乙方催告,乙方不予处置的,甲方可根据情况予以合理处置,但应事后及时告知
6.3 In case Party A finds that the goods in the warehouse go bad or are damaged
and threaten the safety and normal storage of other goods, Party A shall notify Party
B of the case. In case Party B fails to take any actions, Party A may take reasonable
actions according to the situation, but shall promptly notify Party B of the actions
taken by Party A.

4) 如仓储费用临近或超出仓储货物的估价值,有可能引起费用支付风险的,甲方有权
向乙方 催告,经催告后一个月内乙方不予合理处置的,甲方有权代为处置,以折抵相
关费用。如获得货值不足以 抵偿仓储及相关费用的,甲方有权继续向乙方催讨直至乙
6.4 In case the warehousing fee is to be due and payable or the warehousing fee
exceeds the value of the goods and the situation may cause a risk to Party A, Party A
shall be entitled to request Party B to pay the amount. Should Party B fail to settle
the amount within a month after Party A raises its request, Party A shall be entitled
to dispose the goods to recover relevant fees. In case the value of the goods fails to
meet to warehousing fee and other relevant fees, Party A shall be entitled to request
Party B to pay off the difference.

第七条、甲方责任:Article 7 Liabilities of Party A:
1) 在仓储保管期限内,因甲方未按双方约 定的仓储条件和保管要求保管货物从而造
成仓储货物的灭失、短少、变质、污染、损坏的,应承担赔偿责 任。
7.1 Within the term of warehousing, Party A shall be held liable to indemnify Party B
against any loss, shortage, deterioration, pollution or damage to any goods in the
warehouse due to the reason that Party A fails to keep or store the goods according
to the warehousing condition or requirement agreed by both parties.

2) 因甲方的原因造成仓储货物出库与入库不相符的,甲方应承担相应责任。
7.2 Party A shall be held liable for any unconformity between the in-coming goods
and out-going goods due to Party A’s cause.

3) 当因甲方或甲方连同其他责任人的原因,给 乙方造成相应的损失而应由甲方或甲方
连同其他责任人负责予以赔偿时,乙方应首先向保险公司和其他责 任人提出理赔,在

保险公司和其他相关责任人依法予以赔偿后,甲方再负责赔付乙方保险 公司免赔额部
7.3 In case Party A or Party A and other responsible parties cause(s) damage or loss
to Party B due to Party A’s or Party A and other responsible parties’ fault and
isare held liable to indemnify Party B, Party B shall at first claim against the damage
or loss at the insurance company and other responsible parties. After the insurance
company and other responsible parties indemnify Party B for the damage or loss
according to applicable laws and regulations, Party A shall indemnify Party B for the
amount not covered by the insurance company and other responsible parties.

第八条、乙方责任:Article 8 Liabilities of Party B:
1)未按国家标准或双方约定对仓储物进行必要的 包装,造成仓储损坏、变质的,或影
8.1 Party B shall be responsible for any damage or deterioration to its goods in the
warehouse or the damage or loss to the goods of other parties in the warehouse due
to the reason that Party B fails to pack the goods according to the state standard or
the manner agreed between the two parties.

2)仓储期限已到 ,并经甲方通知出库,由于乙方(含乙方用户)的原因,致使货物不
能如期出库的,甲方有权每日按乙方 所欠仓储费总额的30%加收违约金。
8.2 In case the term of warehousing expires and Party A notifies Party B of taking
out of the goods, Party A shall be entitled to charge a liquidated damage against
Party B at the amount of 30% of the total outstanding warehousing fee on a daily
basis, provided that Party B fails to take out of the goods on time due to Party B or
Party B’s users fault.

3)乙方需提前终止合同,须提前 通知甲方并需赔偿给甲方 个月的仓租.
8.3 In case Party B intends to terminate this Contract, Party B shall notify Party A
____ days in advance and pay ____ months’ warehousing fee to Party A as an

4)乙方不按合同约定储存货物、或国家法律禁止的货物 、或转租租赁的仓库,甲方有
8.4 In case Party B fails to store the goods according to provisions under this
Contract, stores any goods prohibited by the state laws or sub-leases the rented

warehouse, Party A shall have the right to terminate this Contract and requires Party
B to pay a liquidated damage no more than 20% of the Contract Value.

8.5 Party B shall hold in strict confidence any and all trade secrets of Party A, and
shall not disclose any content herein or the warehouse situation to any third party.
Otherwise Party B shall be held liable to indemnify Party A against corresponding
economic losses.

第九条、续租及免责条款Article 9 Extension and Exceptions
1) 合同到期时,乙方如需续租,应在租赁期限届满前 个月提出,经双方协商一致后,
甲乙双方应于 租赁期限届满前壹个月对有关租赁事项重新签订租赁合同。在同等承租
条件下,乙方有优先权。如合同到 期后,双方虽未就续约等相关事项签定新的合同,
但双方实际继续履行着本合同,并且任何一方都未将终 止合同继续履行的意向书面通
知对方,则视为双方自然续约 ,续约的条款内容等同于本合同。
9.1 Upon expiry date of this Contract, if Party B intends to renew and extend this
Contract, Party B shall notify Party A of the intention ___ months prior to the expiry
date hereof. Upon the approval of both parties, Party A and Party B shall, one month
prior to the expiry date of this Contract, enter into a new Lease Contract for all the
lease matters. Under the same conditions, Party B shall have the priority to rent the
warehouse. In case the two parties continues to execute this Contract after the
expiry date hereof without entering a new contract for relevant matters, and neither
party notifies the other of the intention of ending this Contract in written, it shall be
deemed that the parties extend this Contract in a natural manner and the terms and
conditions of the extended contract shall be the same as those herein.

2) 除政府管理行为以及凡因发生严重的地震等自然灾害、战争或其他政府性要求而影
响甲方 仓库经营等不能预见的、其发生和后果不能防止或避免的不可抗力致使任何一
方不能履行本合同的原因以 外,甲乙双方不得擅自终止或修改本合同,否则守约方有
权要求违约方承担不超过合同总额20%的违约 金。如仍有损失,还可要违约方承担相
9.2 Neither party hereto may terminate or alter this Contract without the other’s
consent except for any force majeure event that is unforeseeable and whose
occurrence and consequence is unpreventable or unavoidable, including, without
limitation, administrative activity of the government, grave earthquake or other acts
of God, war or other requirements of the government that affects the operation of
Party A’s warehousing service. Otherwise the non-breaching party shall be entitled

to seek a liquidated damage against the breaching party at an amount no more than
20% of the Contract Value. In case some loss is still uncovered, the non-breaching
party may demand the breaching party to bear the corresponding economic loss.

3) 遇有上述原因的一方,应立即用邮递或传真通知对方,并应在三十日内,提供相关< br>证明文件,可由此而免责。
9.3 The party affected by any of the above mentioned force majeure events may be
exempted from any obligations and liabilities provided that it notifies via mail or fax
the other of the event within 30 days after occurrence of the event and provides
relevant certificate thereof.

第十条:争议的解决Article 10 Settlement of Disputes

在执行本合同的过程中所发生的争议,双方应友好协商 解决,协商不成,双方同意
Any dispute arising from or in connection to the execution of this Contract shall be
settled between the two parties through friendly consultation. In case no agreement
can be reached, both parties agree hereby to submit the case in dispute to Shenzhen
Arbitration Commission for arbitration.

单,为本合 同不可缺少的补充部分,同本合同一起享有法律效力
Article 11 The supplementary agreement made by the two parties for any matters
not covered herein and relevant warehouse receipts signed and issued by Party A
and signed and accepted by Party B for the in-comingout-going goods shall be the
inalienable supplementary parts of this Contract and shall have the same legal effect
with this Contract.


1. A Copy of the Business License of Party B that has passed the annual inspection.

甲方: Party A 乙方: Party

委托代理人签章: 委托代理人签章:
Seal of Entrusted Agent: Seal of Entrusted Agent:







