
2020年08月17日 00:36


010940835 宫铭
所谓供应链,其实就是由供应 商、制造商、仓库、配送中心和渠道商等构成
的物流网络。同一企业可能构成这个网络的不同组成节点, 但更多的情况下是由
愈高的供应链中,不 同节点基本上由不同的企业组成。在供应链各成员单位间流
动的原材料、在制品库存和产成品等就构成了 供应链上的货物流。

所谓供应链管理,就是指在满足一定的客户服务水平的条件下,为了 使整个
地组织在 一起来进行的产品制造、转运、分销及销售的管理方法。


首先,供应链管理 把产品在满足客户需求的过程中对成本有影响的各个成员
单位都考虑在内了,包括从原材料供应商、制造 商到仓库再经过配送中心到渠道
商。不过,实际上在供应链分析中,有必要考虑供应商的供应商以及顾客 的顾客,

其次,供应链管理的目的在于 追求整个供应链的整体效率和整个系统费用的
有效性,总是力图使系统总成本降至最低。因此,供应链管 理的重点不在于简单

结合成一 体这个问题来展开的,因此它包括企业许多层次上的活动,包括战略层

低成本和 提高服务水平,但是在实践中供应链的整合是非常困难的,这是因为:
首先,供应链中的不同成员存在着 不同的、相互冲突的目标。比如,供应商一般
希望制造商进行稳定数量的大量采购,而交货期可以灵活变 动;与供应商愿望相
标与制造商追求灵活 性的目标之间就不可避免地存在矛盾。

其次,供应链是一个动态的系统,随时间而不断地 变化。事实上,不仅顾客
需求和供应商能力随时间而变化,而且供应链成员之间的关系也会随时间而变< br>化。比如,随着顾客购买力的提高,供应商和制造商均面临着更大的压力来生产
更多品种更具个性 化的高质量产品,进而最终生产定制化的产品。

研究表明,有效的供应链 管理总是能够使供应链上的企业获得并保持稳定持
久的竞争优势,进而提高供应链的整体竞争力。统计数 据显示,供应链管理的有
增值提高 15%以上。越来越多的企业已经认识到实施供应链管理所带来的巨大好
处,比如HP、IBM、DEL L等在供应链管理实践中取得的显著成绩就是明证。

供应链管理:它从 战略层次和整体的角度把握最终用户的需求,通过企业之
间有效的合作,获得从成本、时间、效率、柔性 等最佳效果。包括从原材料到最

生产产品和服务并将其递送 给客户的艺术和科学的结合。供应链管理包括五大基

计划:这是 SCM的策略性部分。你需要有一个策略来管理所有的资源,以
满足客户对你的产品的需求。好的计划是 建立一系列的方法监控供应链,使它能

和服务的管理流程结合起 来,包括提货、核实货单、转送货物到你的制造部门并

最多的部分,包括质量水平、 产品产量和工人的生产效率等的测量。

配送:很多圈内人称之为物流,是调整用户 的定单收据、建立仓库网络、


供应链管理(Supply chain management,SCM)是一种集成的管理思想和方
企业角度来看,是指企业 通过改善上、下游供应链关系,整合和优化供应链中的
业流程的优 化。整合并优化了供应商、制造商、零售商的业务效率,使商品以正
确的数量、正确的品质、在正确的地 点、以正确的时间、最佳的成本进行生产和

20世纪70年代晚期,Keith Oliver通过和Skf、Heineken、Hoechst、
Cadbury-Schweppe s、Philips等客户接触的过程中逐渐形成了自己的观点。并在
1982年《金融时代》杂志的一 篇文章里阐述了供应链管理(SCM)的意义,Keith
Oliver曾经认为这个词会很快消失, 但“SCM”不仅没有消失,还很快地进入了
公众领域,这个概念对管理者的采购、物流、操作、销售和 市场活动意义匪浅。
供应链至今尚无一个公认的定义,在供应链管理的发展过 程中,许多专家和学
3、最近供应链的概念更加注重围绕 核心企业的网链关系,如核心企业与供应
商、供应商的供应商乃至与一切前向的关系,与用户、用户的用 户及一切后向的
供应链管理主要涉及到四个领域:供应、生 产计划、物流、需求。职能领域主
要包括产品工程、产品技术保证、采购、生产控制、库存控制、仓储管 理、分销
场营销 。
价值, 3、确定竞争战略,4、分析本企业的核心竞争力,5、评估、选择合作伙

作为中国最大的IT分销商,神州数 码在中国的供应链管理领域处于第一的地
位。在IT分销模式普遍被质疑的环境下,依然保持了良好的发 展势头,与CISCO、
SUN、AMD、NEC、IBM等国际知名品牌保持着良好的合作关系。e- Bridge交
易系统2000年9月开通,截至2003年3月底,实现64亿元的交易额。这其实< br>就是神州数码从传统分销向供应链服务转变的最好体现。本着“分销是一种服务”
的理念,神州数 码通过实施渠道变革、产品扩张、服务运作,不断增加自身在供
应链中的价值,实现规模化、专业化经营 ,在满足上下游客户需求的过程中,使
供应链系统能提供更多的增值服务,具备越来越多的“IT服务” 色彩。

Supply Chain Management
Open Category: intelligent transportation, supply chain management

The so- called supply chain, in fact, from suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses,

distribution centers and channels, and so constitute a logistics network. The same
enterprise may constitute the different components of this network node, but the
situation is different from a corporate network in different nodes. For example, in a
supply chain, companies may not only in the same manufacturers, storage nodes, and
in distribution centers, such as possession node location. In the more detailed division
of labor, the higher the professional requirements of the supply chain, different nodes
are basically composed by different enterprises. In the supply chain flows between the
member units of raw materials, finished products, such as inventory and production
constitutes the supply chain of goods flow.

The so-called supply chain management, that is, to meet a certain level of customer
service under the conditions, in order to make the whole supply chain to minimize
costs and the suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers and channels,
and so effectively organized together to carry out Product manufacturing, transport,
distribution and sales management.

From the above definition, we can be interpreted to include supply chain management
of rich content.

First of all, supply chain management products to meet customer demand in the
process of the cost implications of various members of the unit are taken into account,
including from raw material suppliers, manufacturers to the warehouse distribution
center to another channel. However, in practice in the supply chain analysis, it is
necessary to consider the supplier's suppliers and customers of the customers, because
their supply chain performance is also influential.

Second, supply chain management is aimed at the pursuit of the whole supply chain's
overall efficiency and cost effectiveness of the system as a whole, always trying to
make the total system cost to a minimum. Therefore, the focus of supply chain
management is not simply a supply chain so that members of the transportation costs
to minimize or reduce inventory, but through the use of systems approach to
coordinate the supply chain members so that the entire supply chain total cost of the
minimum so that the whole supply chain System in the most fluent in the operation.

Third, supply chain management is on the suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses,
distribution centers and organically integrate the channel into one to start this problem,
so many businesses, including its level of activities, including the strategic level,
tactical and operational level Level, and so on.

Although the actual logistics management, only through the organic supply chain
integration, enterprises can significantly reduce costs and improve service levels, but
in practice the supply chain integration is very difficult, it is because: First of all, in
the supply chain There are different members of different and conflicting objectives.
For example, providers generally want manufacturers to purchase large quantities of

stable, and flexible delivery time can change; desire to the contrary with suppliers,
although most manufacturers are willing to implement long-term production
operations, but they must take into account the needs of its customers and to make
changes Positive response, which requires manufacturers choice and flexibility in
procurement strategy. Therefore, suppliers and manufacturers to the goal of flexibility
in the pursuit of the objectives inevitably exist between the contradictions.

Secondly, the supply chain is a dynamic system, with time and constantly changing.
In fact, customers not only demand and supply capacity to change over time, supply
chain and the relationship between the members will change over time. For example,
the increased purchasing power with customers, suppliers and manufacturers are
facing greater pressure to produce more and more personalized varieties of
high-quality products, then ultimately the production of customized products.

Research shows that effective supply chain management can always make the supply
chain of enterprises will be able to maintain stability and a lasting competitive
advantage, thus increasing the overall supply chain competitiveness. Statistics show
that, supply chain management will enable the effective implementation of enterprise
total cost of about 20 per cent decline in the supply chain node on the enterprise-time
delivery rate increased by 15 percent or more, orders to shorten the production cycle
time 20 percent to 30 percent, supply chain Node on the enterprise value-added
productivity increased by 15 percent or more. More and more enterprises have already
recognized that the implementation of supply chain management of the great benefits,
such as HP, IBM, DELL, such as supply chain management in the practice of the
remarkable achievements made is proof.

Supply chain management: it from a strategic level and grasp the overall perspective
of the end-user demand, through effective cooperation between enterprises, access
from the cost, time, efficiency, flexibility, and so the best results. From raw materials
to end-users of all activities, the whole chain of process management.

SCM (supply chain management) is to enable enterprises to better procurement of
manufactured products and services required for raw materials, production of goods
and services and their delivery to clients, the combination of art and science. Supply
chain management, including the five basic elements.

Plan: This is a strategic part of SCM. You need a strategy to manage all the
resources to meet our customers for your products. Good plan is to build a series of
methods to monitor the supply chain to enable it to effective, low-cost delivery of
high quality for customers and high-value products or services.

Procurement: you can choose the products and services to provide goods
and services providers, and suppliers to establish a pricing, delivery and payment

processes and create methods to monitor and improve the management, and the
suppliers to provide goods and services Combined with management processes,
including the delivery and verification of documentation, transfer of goods to your
approval of the manufacturing sector and payments to suppliers and so on.

Manufacturing: arrangements for the production, testing, packaged and
ready for delivery, supply chain measurement is the largest part of the contents,
including the level of quality, product yield and productivity of workers, such as the

Delivery: a lot of as is to adjust the user's orders
receipts, the establishment of the storage network, sending and delivery service
delivery personnel to the hands of customers, the establishment of commodity pricing
system, receiving payments.

Return: This is the supply chain problems in the handling part. Networking
customers receive the refund of surplus and defective products, and customer
applications to provide support for the problem.

Supply Chain Management (Supply chain management, SCM) is an integrated
management ideas and methods, the implementation of the supply chain from
suppliers to end-users of logistics planning and control functions. The enterprise from
a single point of view, is an enterprise through improved on the lower reaches of the
supply chain, supply chain integration and optimization of information flow, logistics,
capital flow, to get their competitive edge.
Supply chain management is the effectiveness of enterprise management, enterprise
performance at the strategic and tactical operations of enterprises throughout the
process of optimization. Integration and optimization of the suppliers, manufacturers,
retailers, business efficiency, so that the number of goods to the right, the right quality,
in the right place, right time, the best production and marketing costs.
70 in the late 20th century, Keith Oliver adoption and Skf, Heineken, Hoechst,
Cadbury-Schweppes, Philips, and other contact with customers in the process of
gradually formed its own point of view. And in 1982,
an article on the supply chain management (SCM) of the significance, Keith Oliver
was that the word will soon disappear, but not only not disappeared, and
quickly entered the public domain , The concept of the managers of procurement,
logistics, operations, sales and marketing activities sense a great deal.
Supply chain has never been a universally accepted definition, supply chain
management in the development process, many experts and scholars have put forth a
lot of definition, reflecting the different historical backgrounds, in different stages of

development of the product can be broadly defined by these For the three stages:
1, the early view was that supply chain is manufacturing enterprises in an internal
2, but the supply chain concept of the attention of the links with other firms
3, the last of the supply chain concept of pay more attention around the core of the
network links between enterprises, such as core business with suppliers, vendors and
suppliers, and even before all the relations, and a user, after all the users and to the
Supply chain management involves four main areas: supply, production planning,
logistics, demand. Functional areas including product engineering, product assurance,
procurement, production control, inventory control, warehouse management,
distribution management. Ancillary areas including customer service, manufacturing,
design engineering, accounting, human resources, marketing.
Supply Chain Management implementation steps: 1, analysis of market competition
environment, identify market opportunities, 2, analysis of customer value, 3,
identified competitive strategy, 4, the analysis of the core competitiveness of
enterprises, 5, assessment, selection of partners
For the supply chain partners of choice, can follow the following principles:
1, partners must have available the core of their competitiveness.
2, enterprises have the same values and strategic thinking
3, partners must Fewer but Better.
As China's largest IT distributor, Digital China in China's supply chain management
fields in the first place. In the IT distribution model generally questioned the
circumstances, still maintained a good momentum of development, and CISCO, SUN,
AMD, NEC, IBM, and other famous international brands to maintain good relations
of cooperation. e-Bridge trading system in September 2000 opening, as at the end of
March 2003, and 6.4 billion yuan in transaction volume. In fact, this is the Digital
China from the traditional distribution supply chain services to best reflect the
changes. In the of services is aconcept, Digital China through the
implementation of change channels, expansion of product and service operations,
increasing its supply chain in the value of scale and specialized operations, to meet
customer demand on the lower reaches of the In the course of the supply chain system
can provide more value-added services, with more and more







