
2020年08月17日 00:41


1. 仓库的主要功能之一是将零散货物拼装成整担进行运输,从而大量节约运输成本。
The one of primary functions is to consolidate smaller shipments into a large shipment with
significant transportation savings.
2. 交叉理 货是一项完成产品组合功能而进行的操作。在此项操作中,供货商的产品以整车
的数量运到仓库。这些产 品不是被储存起来等待以后的分拣,而是越过仓库运到等待装
Cross-docking is an operation that facilitates the product-mixing function. In across-docking
operation, products from different suppliers arrive in truckload lots, but instead of being
placed into storage for later picking, they are moved across the warehouse area to waiting
trucks for movement to particular customers.
3. 传统的仓库只有储存的功能。随着商业经济的发展,传统的仓库已经无法满足现代商业
快 速转变的需求。因此,它们已经变成了配送中心或者立体自动化仓库。配送中心实现
以下功能:收货,入 库,分拣和配送。在仓库的规划设计中,应该遵循便于产品穿过仓
库连续向前流动这一原则。这种直线式 的产品流动提高了运作的效率,并将拥堵和冗余
The only function of traditional warehouse is to storage cargo. With the development of
commercial economy, the traditional warehouse has been unable to satisfy the demands of
modern commercial rapid change. In consequence, they have changed into the distribution
center or three- dimensional warehouse automation. Distribution center is to facilitate the
following functions: receiving, put-away, order picking and shipping. The warehouse layout
and design should follow the principle which is to use straight-line or direct flow of goods
into and out of the warehouse to improve the efficiency of operation and drop congestion
and redundancy to the lowest level. (My answer)
The main function of an old-fashioneda traditional warehouse is to store goods. As a result
of the modern commerce development, traditional warehouse failed to satisfy the
requirements for the rapid changes of contemporary business. Therefore, it has developed
into a distribution center which providersoffers the functions as follows: receiving, storing,
replenishing, picking and delivering.

1. 对于今天的企业来说,它们的一项首要任务是找出新的、创造性的方法来减 少关键业务
A major priority for many firms today is to figure out new and innovative ways to take cost
out of their key business processes, including those relating to logistics.
2. 虽然许多公司都优先将物流设施放置在靠近市场和顾客的地方,但 从成本角度来看,一
个过分复杂的物流网络可能不具有优势。同时,从物流设施的及时性方面来看,高质 量
自主要 物流设施的及时物流服务。
Although many companies place a high priority on locating logistics facilities near markets
and customers, an overly complex logistics network can be disadvantageous from a cost
perspective. Also the availability of high-quality transportation services and capable
information technologies has resulted in an expansion of the geographical areas that can be

served in a timely manner from key logistics facilities.

1. 一个很好的例 子就是沃尔玛使用信息系统为其店铺的服装销售进行补货。每天各个销售
点汇集的信息使其总部能够决定 补货需求。这些信息被直接发往各个供应商,供应商根
据各商店的要求将货物分别包装并贴好条码。(使 用定语从句)
A good case in point is Wal-Mart’s information system that drives the replenishment process
for the clothing and apparel sold through their US stores. The head office determines
replenishment requirement based on the daily information from the points of sale that is
transmitted directly to the suppliers who package individual store requirements into
bar-coded parcel.
2. 运输管理系统(TMS)可以对运输批量和运输 服务成本及质量要求进行匹配,尤其是在
多种运输服务相互竞争时更是如此。一个好的运输管理系统能够 储存多种运输方式、服
务费用、预计运输时间、可用方式和服务频率的数据, 并能为每单货物提议最好的承
The TMS can match shipment size with transport service cost and performance requirements,
especially where there are competing choices involved. A good TMS will store data on
multiple modes, freight rates, expected shipment times, mode availability, and service
frequency and will suggest the best carrier for each shipment.

1. 逆向物流指对基础物流反方向流动所涉及的货物、需求信息和资金的管理。它包括减少
废 物产生以及对有害和无害废弃物的收集、运输、处理和回收利用。这样可以使企业的
Reverse logistics is the management of all the activities involved in goods, demand
information, and money flowing in the opposite direction of the primary logistics flow. It
involves reducing the generation of waste, as well as managing the collection, transport,
disposal, and recycling of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste in a way that maximizes
the long-term profitability of the business.
2. 在逆向物流运作方面,仓库管理起着非常关键的作用。逆向物流的大部分业务来自于厂
家 对产品的主动召回、回收、对存储过量以及损坏的库存品进行处理等。这些作业都要
在仓库进行。许多公 司都通过翻新、循环、处理损坏货品和有缺陷的产品产生大量的现
Warehouse management plays a criticalessentialkeycrucial part in terms of reverse
logistics operation. Most of the businesses of reverse logistics come fromderive from the
proactive product recalls, recycling and disposal of overstock as well as damaged inventories
by manufacturers, which are implementedoperatedcarried out in the warehouse.
Enormous finance flow is generatedis derived from the refurbishment, recycling and
disposal of damaged and defective products.

1. 海运是迄今为止使用最广泛最重要的国际运输方式,占国际运输量的三分之二。
Transport by ship is by far the most pervasive and important global shipment method,
accounting for 23 of all international movements.

1. 库存管理是供应链管理的重点,是评价供应链管理成功与否的主要绩效标 准。简单来讲,
库存水平必须既能合理满足客户需求,同时又要降低供应链成本。为了保持商品库存供< br>求的平衡,需要对供应链进行综合管理以避免不必要的重复。因为可见性能够消除安全
库存,所以 当库存在供应链中移动时,为了减少或消除不确定性,存货的可见性就显得
Inventory control is a primary concern of the SCM and a key performance indicator in SCM
evaluation. To put it simplyIn simple words, the inventory level should meet the reasonable
need of customers and simultaneously minimize the SC costs. To strike a balance between
the supply and demand of goods, and to prevent the unnecessary redundancy, we find it
necessary to manage the inventory in a comprehensive way. Due to the fact that visibility can
eliminate the safety stock, the visibility of inventories is critical to the minimization or
elimination of uncertainty when the inventories flow along the SC.

1. ABC货物运输代理有限公司成立于2000年1月 。ABC货运凭借香港同仁与世界各大航
空公司和船公司的长期良好合作,并且在世界各地办事处和代理 的全力配合下,提供极
具竞争力的国际空运、国际海运、多式联运、包机、租船、进口、大型工程项目、 展览
ABC Freight Forwarder Co. Ltd set up in January 2000, relying on a good long-term
cooperation with Hong Kong business partners and the world’s largest airlines and shippers.
As alliance with offices and agents all over the world, ABC Freight provides the competitive
proxy services, such as international air cargo, international shipping, intermodal
transportation, charter airline, shipping service, large-scale engineering project, exhibition
goods and personal effects delivery.
2. ABC货运业务始于中东非洲线空运,经过近十年的努力,公司整合香港, 广州,深圳,
澳门四大机场的优势,配合拖车接驳,空运网络覆盖中东、非洲、南美、澳洲、欧洲、东南亚等世界各大国际机场;与CX,EK,EY,SV,QR,UL,GA,TK,ET,BA,AM,C A,CZ
Originally, ABC Freight started its business with air freight forwarding service in the Middle
East and Africa. Making a decade of efforts, ABC consolidates its strengths among the
airports in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Macao. With well-facilitated trailer service,
the air cargo network has been extended to the world's major international airport including
South America, Australia, Europe and Southeast Asia. ABC has signed agency agreements
with CX, EK, EY, SV, QR, UL, GA, TK, ET, BA, AM, CA and CZ, with some of which ABC enjoys
exclusive cargo reservation.
3. ABC货运在立足空运市场的同时,不忘对海运渠道的 开发,目前我们与
东、非洲、南美线优势明显。ABC货运成立之初就制定了“ 以人为本”, 巩固核心业务,
持续完善网络和产业链布局,扩大业务规模,加大信息化建设投入的发展战略, 立志< br>打造“诚信、高效、经济、安全”的服务团队,以“货主至上,服务第一”为宗旨,与
各界新老客 户共存共荣,共同发展。
Besides its excellence air cargo service, ABC expands its operations to shipping channel.

Currently, ABC is in close cooperation with COSCO, MAERSK, APL, UASC EVERGREEN, PIL and
YML. Especially ABC has obvious advantages in Middle East, Africa and South America. At the
beginning, ABC gives priority to customer service by enhancing its core business, expanding
its service network and supply chains. Through expanding the scope of business and the
strategy with IT support, ABC belief in “Integrity, Efficiency, Economy and Security” and
makes efforts to offer the best service and highest value to its clients, which enable it to
develop together with new and old customers in the industry.
4. 在二维码越来越流行的今天,RF技 术仍然具有其独特的优势。比如能够读取移动的物
体,批量读取和对标签进行写操作等。RF技术的应用 范围也很广泛,如不停车收费系
统、门禁系统、小额支付等领域。在物流体系中,RF技术最大的优势是 能够实时更新







