新发展研究生英语1 学生用语UNIT8 SOLITUDE 翻译

2020年08月17日 07:06


Emerson says, exquisitely made can live alone, and must; but coop up
most men and you undo them.a man in a way society does not; it throws him
upon his own resources, and if these resources be meager, if the ground he occupies in and
of himself be poor and narrow, he will have a sorry time of it.
爱默生说“有时候,一个至精 之人能够也必须独孤地生活,但是孤独禁锢了多数人而却得不到解脱”,有
别于社会,孤独用另一种方式 试探一个人。它让人诉诸于自身的资源,如果人的这些资源寥寥,如果他所
拥有或掌控的范围狭小匮乏, 孤独将会带给他悲伤的时光。
Hence we readily attribute some extra virtue to those persons who voluntarily embrace
solitude, who live alone in the country or in the woods, or in the mountains, and find life
sweet. We know they cannot live without converse, without society of some sort, and we
credit them with the power of invoking it from themselves, or else of finding more
companionship with dumb things than ordinary mortals.
因此,那些自愿拥抱孤独的人,他们或独居于乡村,或隐迹于树林山涧而甘之如饴, 我们乐意把他们归之
于某些高风亮节。我们知道没有交谈,没有某种社交他们就无法生存,但我们相信他 们激发自己内心的力
In any case they give evidence of resources which all do not possess. If not
无论如何他们印证了一些不是所 有人都具备的才智。如果不是人中精品,隐士们通常也趋于杰出,使得他
If a man wants to get away from himself or from a guilty conscience he does not retreat into
the country, he flees to the town. If he is empty, the town will fill him; if he is idle, the town
will amuse him; if he is vain, here is a field for his vanity; if he is ambitious, here are dupes
waiting to be played upon; but if he is an honest man, here he will have a struggle to
preserve his integrity.
如果一个人想要摆脱自己、摆脱负罪感, 他不归隐山村,他会逃向城市。如果他空虚,城市来充实他;如
果他无聊,城市可愉悦他;如果他爱慕虚 荣,城市有名利场;如果他野心勃勃,城市有待以被耍的傻瓜;
但是如果他秉性诚实,这里他将为洁身自 好而抗争。
The rapid growth of cities in our time has its dark side. Every man who has a demon to flee
from, a vice to indulge, an itching for notoriety to allay, money to squander, or a dream of
sudden wealth to cherish, flees to the city, and, as most persons have one or the other of
these things, the city outstrips the countr y.在我们的时代,城市的快速增长有其阴暗的一面。每一
个要逃避恶魔的人,沉溺堕落的人,渴望减轻 恶名的人,挥霍金钱的人,做一夜暴富发财梦的人,都会趋
之若鹜于城市。因为绝大多数人都有着一个或 几个上述的情况,城市的发展超过了农村。
It is thought that the more a man is civilized, the more his tastes are refined, the more he will
crave city life and the more benefit he will get from it. But this may be questioned. It is not,
as a rule, a refined taste that takes men to cities, but a craving for a vain superficial elegance,
the pride of dress, of equipage, of fashion, of fast living, and the shams and follies of the
world. The more simple and refined taste loves the seriousness and sobriety of the country.
通常认为一 个人越文明,一个人的品味越优雅,他就越渴求城市生活,越能从中受益。但是这受到质疑。
一般来说, 把人们带到城市的不是优雅的品味,而是虚荣肤浅的附庸风雅,是爱慕穿衣打扮、时髦快活的
虚荣,是世 间的虚假荒唐。更简单更优雅的品味者酷爱乡村的严谨和清醒。

People find country life dull because they are empty and frivolous; having only themselves
on their hands, they can extract no entertainment from such a subject. How can a man
profitably commune with himself if the self is small and frivolous and unworthy? He will not
go to his own garden for fruit if there be only thorns there.
人们觉得乡 村生活平淡无味那是因为他们空虚轻浮,因为他们除己身之外别无长物,因为他们不能从乡村
生活自娱自 乐。如果一个人自身渺小肤浅、一文不值,他又如何从与自己交谈中相得益彰?一个人自己的
花园里只有 荆棘,他就不会前往。
The finest spirits are not gregarious; they do not love a crowd. Crows and wolves go in flocks
and packs, but the eagle and the lion are solitary in their habits.
Solitude is not for the young; the young have no thoughts or experience, but only unsatisfied
desires; it is for the middle-aged and the old, for a man when he has ripened and wants time
to mellow his thoughts. A man who retires into solitude must have a capital of thought and
experience to live upon, or his soul will perish of want.
孤独不属于年轻人,他们没有思想和阅历,只有不满足的欲望。孤 独属于中年人和老人的,属于那些已经
成熟并希望时间能醇厚他的思想的人。一个遁世孤独的人必须有思 想和阅历的资本赖以生存,否则他的灵
This capital must be reinvested in the things about him, or it will not suffice. Either as a
farmer or as a student and lover of nature, or as both, can he live as it were ,on the interest
of his stored-up wisdom.
这种资本需要重新在人的身上进行注资,否则就会捉襟见肘。农 夫也好,热爱自然的学生也好,或者两者
selves till you are alone,
Mexico to an American traveler who had claimed the hospitality of his hut;
make up your mind that there is no harm in them, you find out that they are pretty good
“有些事情直到你一个人独处时才会显现,”一个墨西哥的老隐士 对一个称赞他小屋里的好客的美国旅行
者说,“但是如果你一旦认定他们没有什么害处,就会发现他们是 非常好的伙伴。”
The old recluse knew what he was saying. Things do show themselves when one is alone;
they emerge on all sides; they come in troops from all points of the compass, and one is only
master of the situation when he can make good company of them. How your misdeeds find
you out! The still small voice of conscience, which you could not hear amid the roar of the
town, makes itself heard now; all the past beleaguers you, -- whether with an army of angels
or of demons, depends upon what your past has been.
老隐士知道他在说什么。一些东西在一个人独处时才自我显现。它们四处显现,它们从四面 八方成群而来,
当一个人能很好地和它们作伴时,他就成为唯一能掌控局面的人。你会发现自己的劣迹! 你在城市的喧嚣
中不能听见的静谧弱小的良心的呼声现在能够听到。前尘往事萦绕着你—--是成群的天 使还是魔鬼呢?取
The old recluse above referred to, the traveler found living in a hut alone in the mountains.
He had lived there many years, with no companionship but his dogs. An Irishman by birth, he
had tried many parts of the world, and seen many phases of life, and had at last found his

place in the solitude of the Mexican mountains. He had learned the art of dreaming with his
eyes open, which is the charm of solitude. A man who cannot dream with his eyes open had
better not court solitude.
上 面提及的老隐士,旅行者发现他独自住在山林的一个小屋里。他在那里生活多年,只有他的狗狗作伴。
他 是个爱尔兰人,他尝试过世界的很多地方,见证过生活的形形色色,最终在墨西哥山林的孤独中找到了
自 己的归宿。他学会了睁眼做梦的艺术,这就是孤独的魅力。一个不能睁眼做梦的人最好不要寻求归隐。
Such an old dreamer was found the other day by some railroad surveyors on a mountain in
North Carolina. He had lived there in his hut for fifty years. He, too, had for companion a dog.
If Thoreau had made friends with a dog to share his bed and board in his retreat by Walden
Pond, one would have had more faith in his sincerity. The dog would have been the seal and
authentication of his retreat. A man who has no heart for a dog, -- how can he have a heart
for Nature herself?
前几天铁路测量员在在加州北部的一个山林里也发 现这样的一个年老的梦者。他在那里的小屋里已经住了
15年了。他一样以狗为伴。如果梭罗在瓦尔湖归 隐时和狗为伴,食则同席,寝则同床,人们将会更加相
信他的真诚。如果一个人对于狗狗都没有爱心,他 怎么会对自然有爱心呢?
For many reasons women seldom voluntarily face solitude, but in my boyhood I knew an
aged widow who lived all alone on her little farm, in her little brown house, for many years.
She kept five or six cows, which she took care of herself winter and summer. She hired her
hay gathered, her wood cut, and that was all. She was a gentle and pious little woman, and
her house was as neat as a pin.
因为诸多原因女人很少 自愿面对孤独,但是在我孩童时代我知道一个老孀妇,完全一个人独自住在她的小
农场里,在她的棕色的 小房子里住了很多年。她养了5、6头牛,春去秋来她都自己照看它们。她只在收
干草、砍木头时才雇人 。她是个温柔虔诚的小女人,她的房子井井有条,十分整洁。
But think of those long years of solitary life; the nights, the mornings, the meals, the
Sundays, the week days, and no sound but what you made yourself! How intimately
acquainted with one's self one must become in such a life! If one's self was not a pretty good
fellow, how cordially one would learn to dislike his company!
但是想像一下那些孤独生活的漫长年 头吧。夜晚、清晨、休息日、工作日、都只有自己发出的声音。在这
样的生活里,一个人和自己多么熟悉 多么亲密啊。如果一个人自身不是一个怎么好的家伙,他会多么热烈
One Sunday, as my people were passing the house on their way to church, they saw her
old dame! She had lost her reckoning, and had kept Sabbath on Saturday. The last time I
passed that way I saw only a little grassy mound where Aunt Debby's house used to stand.
一个礼拜日,我们在去教堂的路上经过她的房子,我们看见她在洗刷。“你好,DEBBY 阿姨,你不 知道
今天是星期天吗”。看到这个老婆婆脸上多么惊愕啊。她算错日子了,已经在周六做了安息。最后一 次我
The truth of the matter is, that neither he who is a fop in the world is a fit man to be alone; nor he who has set his
heart much upon the world, though he have never so much understanding: so that solitude can be well fitted and sit
right but upon a very few persons. They must have enough knowledge of the world to see the vanity of it, and

enough virtue to despise all vanity; if the mind be possessed with any lust or passion, a man had better be in a fair
than in a wood alone.
事实是,世间的花花公子不适合于独处,太醉心于尘世的人,尽管没有那 么多的悟解,也不适合于孤独,,
因此只有极少的人很好地适应和接受孤独。他们必须要有足够的知识能 看清世间的浮华,并有足够的美德
不屑一切虚荣。如果一个人的心智被情欲所困,他最好是待在市井里而 不是一个人在林间。







