
2020年08月17日 16:49


Lesson 1 美食娱乐 丰富生活
1. He has a healthy appetite 他的胃口真大
2. I am stuffed 我太撑了
3. We’ve been expecting you 我们正等着你呢
4. For here or to go? 在这里吃还是外带?
5. Would like a refill? 再来一杯,怎么样?
6. She eats like a bird or tiger 她饭量很少或大
7. Growl my stomach is growling 我的肚子在叫,很饿
8. You can start without me 你先吃吧
9. This food is out of this world 这真是人间美食
10. The movie is a blockbuster 这部电影是超级大片
11. Don’t cut in line 别插队
12. I am tone deaf 我五音不全
13. I am sorry to visit you in a short notice 我突然来访,很抱歉
14. I am not in the mood to go out today 我今天不太想出门
15. I will pass this time 这次我就不去了
16. Who’s starring in the film?这部电影是谁主演的?
17. She is a gold digger 她是个拜金女
18. You are really killing me 真是笑死我了
19. Flirt 花痴
20. What’s my place in your heart ? 我在你心里排第几位?
21. Don’t blow me off 不要敷衍我
22. I kind of like you 我对你有好感
23. I’m finished with you 我跟你完了
24. I was dumped 我被甩了
25. We just have a strong connection 我们就是这么投缘
26. Do you think we have a chance at getting back together? 你觉得我们俩有可能复合吗?
27. So affectionate 真亲密
28. What a gossip 搬弄是非
29. Goes without saying 可想而知
30. Not a chance 门儿都没有
31. Just what i thought 果然不出我所料

Lesson 2 外出旅行 放飞心情
1. Jet lag 时差
2. This road is under construction 这条马路正在施工
3. I have a tight schedule 我的时间排得很紧
4. It’ll work out 总有办法解决的
5. Took you long enough 你现在才来
6. How dare you stand me up 你竟敢放我鸽子
7. Gawdy 太艳了
8. Wrap sth in sth 包装,打包
9. Keep the change 不用找了
10. Good taste 有眼光
11. I’ve maxed out my credit card 我的信用卡刷爆了
12. I need to report my credit card missing 我要挂失信用卡
13. Hard to pass up 不买有点可惜
14. Bottom price 底价
15. You get what you pay for 一分钱一分货
16. Can you spot me ?你能帮我垫下吗?
17. It rained cats and dogs last night 晚昨雨下得很大
18. I got wet to the skin in the rain 我被雨淋着落汤鸡了

Lesson 3 工作世界 精彩无限
1. Brownnosers flatterer 拍马屁的人
2. I see your point 我明白你的意思
3. Pull yourself together 打起精神来
4. I am goning to make a fortune 我要发财了
5. This is just between you and me 我们私下说
6. He doesn’t like to show off 他不喜欢出风头
7. Every dog has his day 人人皆有得意时
8. Let’s not jump the gun let’s not rush into things
Let’s not be too hasty don’t count on your chicken before they are hatched
9. Doze off 打瞌睡
10. It seems like the paper is jammed in the printer 打印机卡纸了
11. Don’t forget to punch in and out 上下班记得打卡
12. Plans can never keep up with change 计划永远赶不上变化
13. This is a dead-end job 这个工作一点前途也没有
14. The project is still up in the air 那个企划还没有通过
15. Please switch your cell phone to the vibrating mode 把手机调成震动
16. A day’s walk went down the drain 一天的努力付诸东流
17. He left me hanging 他把我晾在了一边
18. You are a smooth talker 你真会说话
19. It’s woth a try 这值得一试
20. It’s now or never 现在是绝佳的机会
21. My efforts paid off 我的努力得到了回报
22. It ‘s your turn 看你的了
23. Got any idea? 有头绪吗?
24. It’s all over 大功告成
25. Don’t rush me 别催我
26. I need it badly 我急着要
27. You are the man ,you are the boss 一切都听你的
28. A little bird told me 我听小道 消息
29. Let’s see you do it 有本事你做给我看
30. When do you expect her back ?你知道她什么时候回来吗?

Lesson 4 多彩生活 珍藏点滴
1. I stayed up late last night 我昨晚熬夜了
2. Take your time 不着急
3. Things will work out in the end 船到桥头自然直
4. One step at a time 做事要一步一步来
5. I’ll walk you to door 我送你到门口吧
6. Mary is quite hospitable and always keeps her house open 玛丽特别好客
7. It’ll be all right in the end 一切都会好起来的
8. My glasses are very strong vision 眼镜度数很高
9. Shrewd he is shrewd about money 他把钱看得紧
10. I’m going to hang out the cloths 我去把衣服晾好
11. You are standing in my way 你当住我的路了
12. It must be hard for you 真是辛苦你了
13. I am out of breath 我踹不上气了
14. You face is talking to me 从你的脸上就可以看出
15. The cat is out 露馅了 stuffing 馅
16. You’re going away too far 不像话
17. We’re two years apart 我们相差两岁
18. Not again 你又来了
19. Don’t pretend 别装了
20. Say cheese 笑一个
21. Things aren’t even strarting to the shape yet 八字还没有一撇
22. Good for both sides 两本其美
23. I hit the jackpot 我中了头彩了
24. Money makes the world go round 有钱好办事
25. I’ve got nothing to lose 我豁出去了
26. Better than nothing 有总比没有好
27. Take it for granted 身在福中不知福
28. You’re thinking too much 你未免想得太多了吧
29. Do you want to play hooky? 你想翘课?
30. I had diarrhea yesterday 我昨天拉肚子了
31. My nose is stuffed up 我的鼻子不通气
32. I have a runny nose 我有点流鼻涕
33. You look pale 你的脸色不太好
34. This room is stuffy 这个房间不太通风

Lesson 5喜怒哀乐 别样人生
1. Don’t go looking for trouble 别没事找事
2. Oh,that’s a relief 噢,那就放心了
3. How ruthless 真绝情
4. Drive me nuts 气死我了
5. Keep it down 别闹了
6. I’m fed up 烦死了
7. It’s most unexpected 真想不到
8. What a small world 世界真小
9. I got your back 你放心
10. Be playing with fire 她在找死
11. Shameless 无耻
12. No way over my dead body 休想
13. Don’t take it to heart 别往心里去
14. Odious 讨厌的 comprsions are odious 人比人,气死人
15. Every cloud has a silver lining there is always a way out 天无绝人之路
16. Let it be go with the flow 顺其自然
17. Easier said than done 说起来容易做起来难
18. You just wait i won’t forget this in a hurry 你给我记住
19. Everything seems to be going wrong today 今天真背
20. You are really annoying 你真无聊
21. Stop exaggerating 少吹了
22. Do you have a death wish ? 你想找死
23. Now i beat you 服了吧
24. You are out of your mind 你有病啊
25. You don’t know the half of it 你懂什么
26. Who do you think you are?donot be so stuck-up don’t flatter yourself too much 你认为你
27. You are good for nothing 你一无是处
28. I don’t need a lecture give one a lesson 别教训我
29. I wish i could vanish into the air 我恨不得找个地缝钻下去
30. He rubes me the wrong way 你把我惹火了
31. Suit yourself 随便你
32. Behave yourself 放尊重点
33. Same old story 又是那一套
34. Look what you did 看你做的好事
35. Lucky bastard 狗屎运
36. Eat your heart out 羡慕吧
37. Stop picking on me 别惹我
38. What for? 何必呢?
39. You’re dreaming 别妄想了

40. What is the rush? 急什么?
41. That’t too much 太过分了
42. Don’t even think about it 想都别想
43. What’t good about it? 你有什么好的
44. Shame on you 你真丢人
45. Save it 你省省吧
46. You messed up 你搞砸了
47. That’s easy for you to say 你说得太轻巧了
48. Move over 坐过去点
49. You’ll pay for this 你会找你算帐的
50. I’m numb 我已经麻木了
51. You’ve got some nerve ! 你好大的胆子!
52. Who did i piss off? 我招谁惹谁了?
53. Why are you always on my back?你干吗老是找我麻烦
54. He looks down on me 他根本不把我放在眼里
55. I don’t know what are you thinking ! 真不知道你怎么想的!

Lesson 6 多多沟通 畅通无限
1. Fancy meeting you here 居然能在这儿碰见你
2. As usual 老样子
3. Not bad 凑合吧
4. I’m out of here 我要走了
5. A little this ,a little of that 忙这忙那的
6. Drop by anytime ! 有空常来!
7. Don’t be petty!别这么斤斤计较
8. Watch your step 小心脚下
9. I am flattered 守奖了
10. Quit that 少来了
11. Maybe some other day 改天吧
12. Where were me? 我们刚才说到哪了
13. Let’s talk it over 我们好好聊聊吧
14. Good for you 真有你的
15. You are not worth my time 懒得理你
16. It’s nothing to speak of 没什么好说的
17. Stop nagging 别唠叨了
18. You’ll be sorry 你会后悔的
19. I’ve got you 我赢了
20. You lazybones 你这个懒骨头
21. We are even 我们扯平了
22. Let bygone be bygones 过去的就让它过去吧
23. Why are you so glum?你怎么闷闷不乐啊?
24. You set me up 你出卖我
25. Business is business 对事不对人
26. Stingy miser 小气鬼
27. Make a long story short 长话短说
28. Cut the crap 少说废话
29. Will it never end?有完没有完啊?
30. You win 算你厉害
31. No such thing 没这回事
32. So what? 那又怎样?
33. Off the hook 放你一马
34. Want it badly 求之不得
35. That’s not the point 这不是重点
36. Do you have an oppion? 你有意见吗?
37. You haven’t changed a bit 你一点没有变
38. No use asking you 问你也是白问
39. You can ease up 你就放心好了
40. Cat got your tongue? 怎么不说话了?

41. Are you through? 你有完没完?
42. Wash your mouth out with soap 嘴巴放干净点
43. Why torture yourself ? 你这是何苦呢?
44. How about this instead? 不然这样好不好?
45. Stop being so indecisive! 别婆婆妈妈的了 An indecisive leader优柔寡断的领导
46. Relax ,you can count on me 你就放一百二十个心吧
47. That’s a bad idea if i ‘v ever heard one 你出的这是什么馊主意
48. What brings you here ? 什么风把你给吹来啦?
49. Just pretend i didn’t say anything 就当我什么也没有说
50. Speak of the devil 说曹操,曹操到

Lesson 7 这些短句 你要知道
1. It could have been worse 这还算好的呢
2. Who knows 谁知道呢
3. It’t too good to be true 哪有这么好的事
4. Easy go 来得容易 去得容易
5. I’m done i’m screwed 完蛋了
6. It’s a nono 万万不可
7. You beat me 我服了你
8. No need 免了吧
9. That’s monkey business 简直是胡闹
10. Happens all the time 这是常有的事
11. Not necessarily 不见得
12. No wonder 这也难怪
13. It’s about time 总算到了
14. It takes two to tango 一个巴掌拍不响
15. Not really 也不是
16. What fun! 太好了
17. Talk about luck 真走运
18. Don’t pull my leg do not talk about nonsense 别逗了







