
2020年08月17日 16:58


1 我们班每年开两次英语晚会。(twice a year)
1 Our class has an English party twice a year.
2 好几百人为赛跑者加油。(cheer for)
2 Hundreds of people cheer for the runners.
3 我们院长早上总要慢跑1,000米。(jog)
3 Our president always jogs for 1,000 meters in the morning.
4 他们班有多少学生?(there be)
4 How many students are there in their class?
5 你擅长什么体育运动?(good at)
5 What sport are you good at?
6 我不想参加200米赛跑。(take part in)
6 I don't want to take part in the 200-meter race.
7 让我们在竞争中互相帮助。(competition)
7 Let's help each other in the competition.
8 她铅球总得第一。(come first)
8 She always comes first in shot putting.

1 Mr. Wang has worked as the president of Binhai College for three years.
1 王先生在滨海大学当校长已经3年了。
2 Oh, I can't wait. When does the museum open at weekends?
2 噢,我简直等不急了。这个博物馆周末什么时候开门?
3 They'd like to invite the English professor to the party this evening.
3 他们今晚想请这位英语教授参加晚会。
4 They have been playing basketball on the playground for two hours.
4 他们在操场上打篮球已经两个小时了。
5 I have learned to cook some Chinese food. But I can't make spring rolls.
5 我已经学会做一些中国饭菜了。但是我还不会做春卷。
6 How beautiful the music is! Is it by er-hu?
6 多美的音乐!是二胡演奏的吗?

1 时间过得真快!现在我们已经进校两年了。(fly, have been in)
1 How time flies! Now we have been in the college for two years.
2 这座城市现在大不一样了。它已经变得很现代化了。(different, modern)
2 The city is quite different now. It has become very modern.
3 他喜欢和祖父母一起呆在乡村。(country)
3 He enjoys being staying with his grandparents in the country.
4 这个城市举世闻名。然而很少有人去过那儿。(world famous, have been)
4 The city is world famous, but few people have been there.
5 你今天下午有空吗?我们去购物吧。(free, go shopping)
5 Are you free this afternoon? Let's go shopping.
6 你去听过中国民族音乐会吗?(have been to, concert)
6 Have you ever been to a Chinese concert?
7 他学习汉语取得了很大进步,我们学习英语也取得了很大进步。(make progress in)
7 He has made great progress in his Chinese learning and we have made great
progress in our English study.
8 我们邀请了所有的朋友来参加吉他 (guitar) 比赛。(take part in, competition)
8 We have invited all the friends to take part in the guitar competition.

1 王小姐正把电话接到经理办公室。(connect)
1 Miss Wang is connecting the telephone call to the manager's office.
2 在开始工作之前,你应当做好必要的准备。(before, necessary preparation)
2 Before you begin to work, you should make some necessary preparation.
3 我想先提一下会议的时间和地点。(mention, first)
3 I'd like to mention the date and place of the meeting first.
4 您愿意留言吗?(leave a message)
4 Would you like to leave a message?
5 这可以帮助你有效地利用时间。(make an efficient use of)
5 This can help you to make an efficient use of your time.

1 谢拉(Sheila)打字能打得很快,但不怎么仔细。(be able to type)
1 Sheila is able to type very fast, but not very carefully.
2比尔上班时穿着整洁得体。(dress, properly and neatly)
2 Bill dresses properly and neatly at work.
3 今天上午我们要开一个紧急会议。(urgent)
3 We'll have an urgent meeting this morning.
4 这封信我是该用传真还是电子邮件发? (by fax, by e-mail)
4 Shall I send the letter by fax or by e-mail?
5 更多的女性正走上管理岗位。(become executive)
5 More women are becoming executives.

1 请看一下火车时刻表。(have a look at)
1 Please have a look at the train schedule.
2 女士们很快都睡着了。(fall asleep)
2 The ladies soon fell asleep.
3 他们走到那位代理面前问了一个问题。(come up to)
3 They came up to the agent and asked a question.
4 在图书馆里读者要保持安静。(be requested to, keep quiet)
4 Readers are requested to keep quiet in the library.
5 开往北京的火车定于10点发车。(be due to)
5 The train to Beijing is due to leave at 10.

1 This is a fast train to Nanjing.
1 这是一列开往南京的快车。
2 Mr. Chen asks the travel agency for advice.
2 陈先生向旅行社咨询。
3 Tommy apologizes to his parents for his bad manners.
3 汤米为自己的无礼行为向父母道歉。
4 My father continues to wait although it is getting dark.
4 尽管天色已晚,我父亲仍继续等待。
5 When he saw the old woman, he offered his seat to her immediately.
5 当他看到这位老妇人时,他立即把自己的座位让给了她。

1 在这个特别的地方开晚会很有趣。(special)
1 It is very interesting to have a party at this special place.
2 设想一下你和她在一起工作。(imagine)
2 Imagine that you are working with her.
3 50块钱买这样一辆自行车?可真便宜。(bargain)
3 Fifty Yuan for such a bike? It's really a bargain.
4 她喜欢音乐、舞蹈、服装,等等。(go on and on)
4 She likes music, dancing, clothing ... the list goes on and on.
5 这真是一场让人激动的比赛。(exciting)
5 This is really an exciting game.
1 Don't miss such a good chance.
2 This plan is made to suit the young people。这项计划是为年轻人制定的。
3 Our company has become a leader in fashion in the world.
4 This tour begins from Dalian and ends in Hainan.

5 You'll find lots of bargains waiting for you in Hong Kong.
1 这件真丝衬衫会使我想起中国。(remind ... of)
1 This silk shirt will remind me of China.
2 我会把这个玩具装在盒子里,再用纸包起来。(pack, wrap up)
2 I'll pack the doll in a box, and then wrap it up in paper.
3 我最后选定了一条丝绸领带。(settle for)
3 In the end I settled for a silk tie.
4 我可以用信用卡付款吗?对不起,我们只收现金。(by, accept)
4 Can I pay by credit card? I'm sorry. We only accept cash.
5 李英正在试穿那条黄裙子。裙子有点长。(try on, a bit too)
5 Li Ying is trying on that yellow skirt. It's a bit too long for her.

1 The teacher tells us a very interesting story. We all feel amused.
1 老师给我们讲了一个非常有趣的故事,我们都觉得有意思。
2 The salesgirl carefully wrapped the gift up in a beautiful piece of paper.
2 售货员小姐用一张漂亮的纸把礼物包起来。
3 When I go shopping, I like to pay by credit card.
3 我购物时喜欢用信用卡。
4 The old lady bought a nice ring. She paid for it in cash.
4 这位老妇人买了一只漂亮的戒指。她用现金付的款。
5 He is surprised at the result of the football match.
5 他对于这场足球比赛的结果感到吃惊。

1 她去和她的外教谈如何写一份英文简历。(resume)
1 She went to talk with her foreign teacher about how to write a resume in English.
2 我需要写一份简历申请到一家外国公司工作。(apply for, foreign company)
2 I need to write a resume to apply for a job in a foreign company.
3 你的简历应以你的名字、性别、年龄、地址及电话号码等个人情况开始。(start with, personal
data, such as)
3 Your resume should start with personal data, such as name, sex, age, address and
telephone number.
4 你还应填写你的教育程度和工作经历。(put in, education, experience)
4 You should also put in your education and work experience.
5 你也可以在你的简历中写上你的业余爱好和其他个人情况。(hobby, personal data)
5 You could also put in your hobbies and other personal data in your resume.
6 你的工作目标很高吗?(job objective)
6 Is your job objective very high?

1 Mr. Li gave some advice on how to be successful in a job interview.
1 李先生就如何取得面试成功提出了一些建议。
2 List all paid or volunteer work you've done.
2 列出你做过的所有有报酬的和志愿的工作。
3 How has the experience helped you grow professionally?
3 这段工作经历对你业务上进步有何帮助?
4 If you haven't thought about that ahead of time, you're asking for trouble.
4 如果你事先没有想过这些问题,那你就是自讨苦吃。
5 You should talk about yourself and what you've done enthusiastically and in detail.
5 你应该详细热情地说说你自己以及你做过的事情。
6 He needs some advice on how to write a resume.
6 他需要一些写简历的建议。
7 Planning well is quite important to the success of the interview.
7 做好计划对于面试的成功非常重要。
8 You have to think about your personal qualifications ahead of time.
8 你必须事先考虑好你的个人资历。

9 If you don't dress properly for an interview, you are asking for trouble.
9 如果你去面试时穿着不得当,那么你就是自找麻烦。
10 He explained his job experience and educational background in detail.
10 他详细解释了他的工作经历和教育背景

1 院长代表学院做了讲话。(give a speech, on behalf of)
1 The president has given a speech on behalf of the college.
2 我的朋友提议为了我们的友谊举杯。(propose a toast to)
2 My friend has proposed a toast to our friendship.
3 他已经离开这儿回国了。但他仍然思念这儿的朋友。(miss)
3 He has left for his country. But he still misses his friends here.
4 她希望有一天能飞到月球上去。(hope)
4 She hopes wishes that one day she could fly to the moon.
5 他不能忍受这里的生活。他怀念着乡村的简朴生活。(can't bear, simple life)
5 He can't bear the life here. He misses the simple life in the country.
6 我的确感激您的帮助。我永远也忘不了您。(do appreciate)
6 I do appreciate your help. I will never forget you.
7 你们已经结束了所有的工作吗?(finish)
7 Have you finished all the work?
8 我想请你们周末去听一场音乐会。(invite to a concert)
8 I'd like to invite you to a concert at the weekend.

1 The story may help us with an answer to the question.
1 这个故事可以帮助我们找到问题的答案。
2 Some people regard generosity as a show-off of their wealth.
2 有些人把慷慨当作炫耀财富的手段。
3 She is too proud to accept your generosity.
3 她的自尊心太强了,她绝不会接受你的慷慨。
4 I'll forever appreciate your invaluable friendship as well as the valuable book.
4 我将永远珍惜你无价的友谊和这本珍贵的书。
5 For me, a real gift lies in the giver's thoughtfulness, not in its price and wrapping.
5 在我看来,真正的礼物是送礼人的心意,而不是礼品的价钱和包装。

11 下课后,我们经常在操场上打篮球
11 After class, we often play basketball on the playground.
12 这是他在伦敦度过的第一个新年。
12 This is his first New Year's Day in London.
13 我很高兴把格林先生介绍给你们。
13 I'm happy pleased to introduce Mr. Green to you.
14 孩子们可以从这些活动中学到很多东西。
14 Children can learn a lot from these activities.
15 照片上的这个农场看起来很漂亮。
15 The farm in the picture looks very beautiful.
16 我哥哥想跟你学法语。
16 My brother wants to learn French from you.
17 你知道怎样用英语写简历吗?
17 Do you know how to write a resume in English?
18 他已经从这所大学毕业了,正在找工作。
18 He has graduated from this university and now he is looking for a job.
19 这个年轻人又高又壮。他肯定是个运动员。
19 This young man is both tall and strong. He must be a sportsman.
20 作为大学生,你必须学会使用计算机。
20 As a college student, you must learn to use a computer.







