
2020年08月17日 19:46


Shaking Hands
Shaking Hands 握手
How do you say hello? Do you greet people with a kiss? Do you place your arms around new
people, with a hug? Or do you shake hands? Shaking hands is a very common greeting,
especially in countries with an English history. In particular, it is common in business situations.
But it is also easy to make a mistake in shaking hands.
亦或是 和别人握个手以示问候呢?握手,特别是在受过英国历史影响的那些国家中是一种最普通的问候方
式。在 生意场上尤为常见,但我们也很容易在握手这个简单的问候礼上犯错。
To shake hands or not? 是否要和人握手?
Indonesia, November 2010. United States President Barack Obama stepped off the airplane. His
wife Michelle followed him. They were happy to be in Indonesia. They had many people to meet,
and many places to visit. At the State Palace, a large group of government ministers met them, to
greet them and welcome them to the country. They stood in a reception line. The Obamas
greeted each person.
One of these men was Communication and Information Minister Tifatul Sembiring. When
Michelle Obama met him, she held out her hand. He took it in his hands, and they shook hands,
up and down. They smiled at each other, and then she moved to the next person. It seemed like a
normal, natural action, and everyone was happy.

这些人当中有通讯信息部长 森比灵。米歇尔奥巴马伸手向他表示问候。森比灵也热情的予以回应并且
笑脸相迎,随后米歇尔依次问候 之后的各位官员。表面上看这是一次再寻常不过的动作了,并且每个人都
But the next day, on the website Twitter, Indonesians began to question Minister Tifatul. He is
known for his traditional Muslim beliefs. He shares these beliefs widely on the internet. And one
of these beliefs is that he should not touch women who are not part of his family. So why had he
shaken hands with Michelle Obama? Some Indonesians mocked Tifatul - they laughed at him
because he had not acted within his beliefs. He quickly explained that he had no choice. There
was no way to refuse the handshake without being very rude.
但是接下来的一天,印尼民众就开始纷纷在微博上 质疑Tifatul部长的行为,他是一位众人皆知的穆
斯林教徒,他也把他的信仰通过网络公之于众, 并且这些信仰中规定他不能触碰其家族以外的女性。所以
有人质疑为什么他会与米歇尔奥巴马握手呢?有 些印尼民众讽刺嘲笑他是因为他违背了自己的信仰。但他
很快做出解释,他那时别无他法,如果拒绝握手 则会被视为对总统夫人的不敬。
This was a simple handshake. But it had very different meanings to the people involved. Was it a
greeting? A simple welcome? Or was it offensive? Was it wrong? The handshake was a very small
part of the visit. It did not affect relations between the two countries. And yet many people were
talking about it. It showed the power of this small ritual.
一个 简单的欢迎礼仪吗?亦或是一种冒犯?这样做有错吗?握手只不过是见面问候时很细微的一个动作,
他未 必会对两国之间的关系产生积极影响,但是就是有很多人在谈论此事,以此说明了这个细小礼节的重
要性 。

The meaning of a handshake 握手的含义
[September 1993. A large crowd gathered in front of the White House, in the United States. It
was a historic day. The crowd would witness the signing of a peace deal between the Israeli
government and the Palestinian Liberation Organization, the PLO. Many groups had worked to
develop this peace deal. It had taken years of preparation, and many peace talks. But were the
leaders truly devoted to peace?
199 3年9月一个具有历史意义的一天,一大群人聚集在美国白宫门前,亲眼见证巴勒斯坦解放组织
和以色列 政府双方签署和平协议。许多团体致力于和平协议会谈的实施,他们已经花费了10年的时间在
准备和实 施这些和平谈判之。但是这些领导人真的是致力于和平事业吗?
Yitzhak Rabin was the Prime Minister of Israel. Yasser Arafat was the leader of the PLO. Both men
had agreed to attend. In front of the crowd, the foreign ministers signed the peace agreement.
And then, the two leaders shook hands. It was the first time that the leaders of these two
enemies had touched. The enemies had become allies - partners in building peace.
以色列总理伊扎克拉 宾和巴勒斯坦解放组织领导人亚瑟阿拉法特,他们两人都已经同意加入这个会谈。在
民众面前,各国外交 部长签署了和平协议,并且巴以两国领导相互握手表示祝贺。这是第一次两个有敌意
的国家相互接触洽谈 ,现在两国在建立和平问题上已由敌人转变成盟友了。
This meeting did bring a new peace in Israel-Palestine. Sadly, since that time, conflict has started
again. It is difficult to imagine a similar handshake now. A handshake showed that peace and
partnership was possible then. And we hope that it will be possible again.
此次会议给巴以 双方带来了新的和平局势,但不幸的是,自从那次会议结束之后双方又挑起了新一轮
争端。很难想象如今 还会有一次如同之前那样和谐的握手场面。当时的一次握手显示出两国希望和平和友
谊。我们也希望这样 的美好愿望能够再次成真。

Different ways to greet 不同的问候方式
These are examples of very important handshakes. But of course, most of the time, handshakes
do not have as much importance as in that meeting. Most handshakes are a simple greeting.
However, they are more common in some places than in others. As we said earlier, this is
especially true in English speaking countries. In these countries, handshakes are common in
every situation - when meeting a new person, or even when greeting someone that you have not
seen for a long time. People also use handshakes to congratulate, or to say goodbye. Men and
women shake hands equally.
以上这些 是关于握手的重要实例。但是,大多时候这样普通的握手问候没有像之前那样在会议上的握
手来的重要。 大多握手只是一种简单的问候。然而,比起其他国家,握手在一些国家更普遍。就像之前我
们所说的,这 种现象在说英语的国家极为普遍。在这些国家,握手在每个场合都很普遍,可以是遇到一个
陌生人的时候 ,也可以是问候一个你好久不见的朋友。人们总是用握手表达祝贺或者说再见。男女同样可
In Asian countries, handshakes are used in business. But in other situations, there are other
greetings. For example, in Thailand, people greet each other using the wai. A person holds his
hands so that the palms, the inside of the hands, press together. Then, the person gives a small
bow, bending at the waist. If the hands are closer to his face, the person is showing more respect.
Similar gestures are used in India, Cambodia and other countries.
在亚洲国家,握手这 一礼节通常出现在生意场上,但是在其他一些场合,也有其他的一些问候方式。
比如,在泰国,人们用合 十礼来相互打招呼。一人双手合十,也就是说手掌即手的内侧互相并拢,之后稍
稍弯腰鞠躬来表示问候。 如果他的手越是靠近他的脸,说明这个人对你越是尊敬。相同的姿势也用于印度、
柬埔寨和一些其他东南 亚国家。

In Latin America, people shake hands. But they also may greet with a kiss. For example, a woman
greeting another woman will kiss lightly on each cheek, and then shake hands. In some places,
men may also greet this way, but it is not as common. Cheek kissing is common in many other
parts of the world too, but it is slightly different in each place. For example, in Greece, two people
may kiss twice, one kiss on each cheek. But in parts of France, people will kiss FOUR times!
在拉丁美洲国家他们也会握手表示问候,但他们也 会用亲吻的方式来问候对方。比如说,一位女士和
另一位女士打招呼问候,她会亲亲地在她得脸颊上亲吻 一下,之后才相互握手。在一些地方,男士可能也
会用这种方式相互问候,但这样的情况并不多见。贴面 礼在世界一些其他国家也很常见,但每个地方略有
不同。比如说在希腊,两个人问候时可能贴面2次左右 脸颊各一个次,但是在法国,人们居然要贴面 4

Different ways to shake hands 不同的握手方式
There are also different kinds of handshakes to give. For example, have you considered how hard
or soft to hold the other person's hand? In Asian countries, it is common to have a
handshake - to hold the hand lightly, and only move up and down a small amount. But in the
United States, people have a harder handshake - they hold the hand more tightly, or firmly, and
shake up and down more. In Latin American countries, people may feel that a handshake that is
too hard is hostile. But a handshake that is too soft may communicate weakness.
其实有许多种不同的握手方式。比如说 ,你是否考虑过你握手的轻重程度呢?在亚洲国家,普遍的是
轻握——轻轻地握住对方的手,仅仅是上下 微微摆动。但是在美国,人们普遍是重握——他们紧紧抓住对
方的手,上下摆动幅度较大。在拉丁美洲国 家,人们认为握手握得太重是对对方怀有敌意。但是如果握手

So, if you are shaking hands, how do you know the best way to communicate a simple greeting?
Do you use a hard or soft handshake? Do you hold with both hands, or just one? Do you kiss? Or
is a handshake not the right thing at all?
所以当你握手的时候,如何知道最简单的问候是最好的交流方式呢?你是轻轻 地握手还是和对方紧紧
相握呢?又或是你用双手我还是只是用单手呢?你何时用贴面礼呢?或是此时握手 是不是最为合适恰当
There are a few ways to know what to do. You can start by asking questions like these. What do
you know about the person you are greeting? Where are they from? If they are from another
culture, do not be worried if they greet in a different way. Just follow what they do. Sometimes,
you can look to your host - the person whose home or business you are in. How are they
这里有一些方法可以让你知道我们遇到情况应该怎么做 。你可以一开始问些如下问题。你对你要打
招呼 的人了解多少?他们来自哪里?如果他们属于另一种文化圈内,也不要担心他们会用不同的方式和你
问候 ,按照他们的方式来和他们问候。有些时候,你可以看看家里的主人和公司的领导,他们是如何和别
人问 候的。
But if you make a mistake, do not worry. And do not judge too quickly if someone else makes a
small mistake. The important thing is the greeting, and the feeling behind it. The greeting is just
the first step in your meeting. Not every handshake is the center of a peace agreement, or a
statement of belief. The most important thing is your friendly attitude!
的情 感是蕴含其中的,(效果可能更好)。问候只是你待人接物的第一步,不是每一次握手都代表着没有
分歧 或是一种信任的表示,关键在于你是否拥有一颗赤诚之心







