
2020年08月18日 01:21



1.单心室辅助人工心脏应用于实验动物山羊,存活11天又23小 时。在存活期间,动物心电
图,中心静脉压,呼吸,体温等参数基本正常。石泵分流量可调,驱动装置连 续工作11天,
性能稳定可靠。动物死后的病理解剖表明,死亡的主要原因是肾动脉的广泛性血栓引起的 急
A univentricular assistant artificial heart was applied to the experiment goat, which survived for
11 days and 23 hours. During the period of survival, the parameters such as E.C.G., central venous
blood pressure, respiration and temperature appeared to be essentially normal. The necessary
amount of blood flow was well regulated by the pump. The driving system worked continuously,
smoothly and reliably for 11 days. Postmortem patho-anatomy revealed that the chief cause of
the animal’s death was acute renal failure as a result of widespread multiple embolism of renal

2.中国已经成功地发射了第一颗试验通信卫星。这颗卫星是 由三级火箭推动的,一直运转正
The successful launching of China’s first experimental communication satellite, which was
propelled by a three-stage rocket and has been in operation ever since, indicates that our nation
has entered a new stage in the development of carrier rockets and electronics.

3.石墨晶体结构 遭到破坏时,总是碎化为微小尺寸的片状粉末。孤立的石墨烯片在其边缘存
在大量的悬挂键,使得石墨烯 片的能量较高,状态也不稳定。石墨烯片卷曲形成碳纳米管后,
When a graphite crystal is crushed, it breaks into micro-scaled laminar flakes. There are many
dangling bonds on the edge of an isolated graphite micro-sheet which elevates its energy and
makes it unstable. When a graphite micro-sheet curls into a nanotube, the number of dangling
bonds decreases, and the system energy is reduced accordingly.

4.舌诊是传统中医诊病的重要方法,然而传 统舌诊中存在一个很大的问题是具有主观性,难
于进行定量化描述。随着计算机技术的发展,图像处理和 模式识别技术正在用于舌诊的辅助

Tongue diagnosis is an important diagnostic method in traditional Chinese medicine. However,
one important problem in tongue diagnosis is that its practice is subjective, qualitative and
difficult in automated diagnosis. Recently it is a trend to utilize the image processing and pattern
recognition technology in aid of the quantitative analysis of tongue image.

5. 指南针是利用磁铁在地球磁场中的南北指极性而制成的一种指向仪器,它和以差动齿轮结
构的指南车不同 。我们现在所说的指南针是个总的名称,在各个不同的历史发展时期,它有
不同的形体,也有不同的名称 ,如司南、指南鱼和指南针。关于指南针的最初发明者和发明
年代现在无可查考。但是有一点是清楚的: 指南针是我国古代劳动人民在长期的生产实践中
A magnetic compass is an instrument showing direction based on the phenomenon that a
magnetic bar or needle swinging freely in the earth’s magnetic field will direct itself to lie in a
magnetic south-north position. It differs from the south- pointing chariot in that the latter has
differential gearing. The term “compass” in this article includes all the various models in different
historical periods, among them there are the Sinan, the Zhinanyu and the Zhinanzhen. The
inventor and the exact invention dates remain unknown, but it is clear that the primitive
magnetic south-pointing instrument appeared very early in China as a result of the knowledge
people gained over long years of labor.

6. 原油一般发现地下之深处,只通过对地表面的研究是不能确定油的存在的。因此必须进
行 地下岩石结构的地质勘测。如果认为某地区的岩石中有油,就架起钻井机。钻井机最显目
的部分是称之为 起重机的高塔。钻孔后放下管道,起重机就是用来起吊一节节管道的。钻井
时,将钢管压进孔道,既能防 止四壁向内塌陷,又能防止水灌进孔道。一旦发现了油,油管
的顶端就牢牢地套上一个盖子,这样油便通 过一系列的阀门源源不断地喷出来。
As oil is found deep in the ground, its presence cannot be determined by a study of the surface.
Consequently, a geological survey of the underground rock structure must be carried out. If it is
thought that the rocks in a certain area contain oil, a drilling-rig is assembled. The most obvious
part of a drilling-rig is a tall tower which is called a derrick. The derrick is used to lift sections of
pipe, which are lowered into the hole made by the drill. As the hole is being drilled, a steel pipe is
pushed down to prevent the sides from falling in and to stop water filling the hole. If oil is struck,
a cover is firmly fixed to the top of the pipe and the oil is allowed to escape through a series of

7.“苏钢”操作的要点是:先把料铁放到炉里鼓风加热,后把生铁 的一端斜放到炉口里加热,

继续鼓风,使炉内温度不断升高。当炉温在摄氏一千三百度左 右的时候,炉内的生铁不断地
往下滴铁水,料铁已经软化。然后钳住生铁块在炉外的一端,使铁水均匀淋 到料铁上,并且
不断翻动料铁。这样就产生剧烈的氧化。淋完以后,停止鼓风,夹出钢团,砧上锤击,去 除
铁中铁的氧化 物氧化了生铁中的碳以后,铁便被还原出来,这样就提高了金属的收得率。
The main steps in processing su steel are as follows: wrought iron is put into the furnace and
heated with a blast, then one end of a cast- iron block is placed obliquely in the furnace opening
to be heated. The blast is maintained so that the temperature continues to rise. When a furnace
temperature of about 1,300℃ is reached, the cast iron will melt and start to drip, while the
wrought iron is softened. The cast-iron block is then held in tongs from the outside to let the
molten cast iron drip evenly onto the wrought iron, which is being steadily stirred to cause strong
oxidation. After dripping, the blast is stopped and the steel mass taken out and hammered to
remove impurities. This dripping should generally be done twice. Su steel smelting has two
advantages: ① during the pouring process there is strong oxidation which results in separation
of slag and iron, the wrought iron being soft in structure and containing large amounts of oxide
impurities, and also silicon, manganese and carbon. ② after oxides in the wrought iron cause
oxidation of the carbon in the cast iron, iron will be deoxidized, giving higher rates of metal

8.吸拔时先用右手食、中指夹持罐腹,用拇指按压罐 底,使气罐变成凹底形状,随后把气罐
平放于应吸部位上,再用左手拇、食两指固定罐口,右手拇、食两 指移到罐腹进行挤捏,使
First, clamp the belly part between you right-hand fore and middle fingers, press the thumb
against the bottom so that the air jar becomes concave; then lay the jar mouth on the part of the
body to be cupped. Second, fix the jar mouth with the left-hand thumb and forefinger, then move
the right-hand thumb and forefinger to squeeze the belly part so that the bottom of the jar
becomes convex. Once the belly part is concave the jar is cupped tightly.

9.到了清代康熙年间,我国大 规模地开展全国性地图测量工作,绘制《皇舆全图》的时候,
吸取了欧洲制图理论中考虑大地是球面的优 点,进行经纬度测量,并且采用了地图投影方法。
但是我国传统的制图理论,讲求比例尺寸、方位和距离 的准确,仍然是测绘地图所必须遵守

During the reign of the Emperor King Xi (1662-1722) in the Qing Dynasty, a complete
geographical survey of the empire was carried out in preparing Huang Yu Quan Tu (Complete
Atlas of the Imperial Domain). The European method of regarding the earth’s surface as a sphere
was adopted. Latitude and longitude surveys were done and the project method was used in
drawing the map. Nevertheless, the traditional Chinese rules of map-making-- accurate
proportion, correct orientation and precise distance-- were closely adhered to by cartographers
pf those days.
传递规则 的应用层网络行为逻辑网络。人们利用新型耦合抽象模型考察典型的虚拟网络逻辑
拓扑给互联网整体特性 带来的影响。结构表明在虚拟网络作用下,节点数据包排队长度存在
相变特性,相变临界点比对规则网络 发生了明显左移,网络性能相对恶化。当数据包注入速
率小于相变临界速率时,节点数据包排队长度不相 关或短程相关;在接近临界速率处,节点
数据包排队长度长程相关,幂指数H增大,网络获得更强的长程 相关性。同时,在注入速
A virtual network is defined as a logical network, in which users exhibit their access behaviors.
Virtual networks rely on physical computer networks like the Internet, but here different
topologies, and cause significant influence on the physical networks. A novel two- tier model is
used to study influences of virtual networks to Internet collective behavior. It is shown that the
queue lengths of the node data packets present phase transition characteristics. Moreover, the
phase transition critical point moves to the left and network performance is deteriorated. In a
free flow, the nodes are independent of each other or short-range correlative. In the critical state,
the nodes are long-range correlative, and there exists a higher power exponent H which means
stronger long-range correlation. When the system state is on the right of critical point, virtual
network behaviors make the network to present consistent long-range correlative characteristic.
21.摘要:采用红外扫描仪、扫描电镜以及电子束诱生电流仪研究 了不同温度和不同冷却速
度下原生直拉单晶硅的铜沉淀规律。红外扫描仪观察发现:只有在热处理温度高 于800°C的
样品中才能观察到铜沉淀团,表明在原生单晶硅中铜沉淀温度为800°C。同时,红外 扫描仪
和电子束诱生电流谱仪照片显示,快冷(30Ks)时,形成高密度的小铜沉淀团;而慢冷(0. 3Ks)

Abstract: Scanning infrared microscopy (SIRM), scanning election microscopy (SEM), and electron
beam induced current (EBIC) are used to investigate the precipitation behavior of copper in
as-grown Czochralski silicon. Copper-precipitate colonies could be observed through SIRM only in
the specimens that experienced annealing at temperatures greater than 800°C. These results
indicate that the copper precipitation temperature in the as-grown Czochralski silicon is
approximately 800°C. In addition, SIRM and EBIC images show that tiny copper-precipitate
colonies with high density formed in the specimens under air-cooling (30Ks), while large star-like
colonies with how density generated in the specimens under slow cooling (0.3Ks). Furthermore,
the recombination ability of the tiny copper-precipitate colonies. Finally, the mechanism of
copper precipitation in as-grown Czochralski silicon is discussed.
Key words: silicon copper precipitation
22.摘要:本文借助于没有PS条件 的翻山引理,并利用Sobolev嵌入的最佳达到函数,克服
了由于Sobolev嵌入失紧性而带来 的系列困难,证明了含临界增长的两类双调和方程边值问
Abstract: With the help of the Mountain-Pass Theorem lacking Palais- Smale compactness
condition ((PS)c condition) and by adoption of the best attained function of Sobolev embedding,
the paper proves the existence of nontrivial solutions of two classes of critical biharmonic
equations on boundary conditions by overcoming serial difficulties caused by loss of compactness
due to Sobolev embedding.
Key words: (PS)c condition Mountain-Pass Theorem Best Embedding Constance Biharmonic

23.摘要:车身设计在汽车设计中 ,占有极其重要的地位。本文根据现代设计方法的要求,
在与传统设计相比较的基础上,对客车车身造型 设计、零部件有限元分析、内饰设计、色彩
设计及其一体化设计界方法进行了研究,增加了各设计阶段之 间的相关性,以达到协同设计
Abstract: The body design is of great important in bus design. On the basis of comparing
traditional and modern design methods, the authors of this paper illustrate the research they
have made on the integrated design method of body design which satisfies the requirements of
the modern design method. This research helps to increase the relativity of different design
phases for the realization of good cooperative design.

Key words: modeling of bus body finite element analysis interior ornament color design
24.摘要:将定性和模糊性评价合理地转化为定量评价,进而选择最优设计解,是产品 创新
设计过程中重要的一步。论文运用模糊综合评判与比较的方法,以Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0
为软件平台,建立了一个计算机辅助的设计方案择优系统。该系统提 供了对产品设计方案进
Abstract: It is a very important procedure of product design to transform rationally fuzzy and
qualitative evaluation into quantitative evaluation for optimum solution. This paper introduces a
computer-aided selection system for optimum solution to product design. The system is
established on the platform of Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 with the method of fuzzy
comprehensive judgment and comparison. It has the functions of quantitative evaluation,
selection of the optimum design solution, filling, consulting and printing of the optimized results.
Key words: innovative product design selection of optimum solution fuzzy comprehensive

25.采用真空顺序蒸发铜铟金属预置层后真空(硒 化法),以及真空三元叠层蒸发后氮气气氛
退火的方法(叠层法)分别制备太阳电池吸收层材料CuIn Se2薄膜。通过X谁信安衍射、扫
描电子显微镜、能量色散X射线分析技术等分析手段对薄膜进行了表 征。结果表明:两种方
法制备的薄膜形貌都比较致密均匀,晶粒直径分别约1.5μm和1μm。成分分 析表明所制薄
膜均为富铜CIS.硒化法制备的CIS薄膜具有单一的黄铜矿相结构;而叠层法制备的薄 膜含有
少量杂相,如β-2In2 Se2等。因此硒化法制备的薄膜更适用于座位太阳能吸收层材料。
Abstract: The CuInSe 2(CIS) films were fabricated by selenization of evaporated metallic
precursors and vacuum evaporation of stacked elemental layers(SEL) followed by a thermal
annealing step. The morphology, microstructure and composition of the films were investigated
by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), X-ray diffraction(XRD) and energy dispersive X-ray
spectroscopy(EDX). The results show that these two thin films are both compact and uniform.
The grain sizes of the two kinds of films are 1.5 μm and 1.0 μm, the films made by
the two methods are Cu-rich and show p-type conduction. However,the CIS thin films fabricated
by the former method consist of a single phase of chalcopyrite structure, while those films
fabricated by the later method contain impurity phases such as β-In 2Se 3 besides CIS phase.
Thus the former method is better for fabricating the CIS absorber in solar cells.

1.混合选择法,就是根据育种的目的,每年按照一定的经济目的,从大田或留种地中, 选出
状一致的优良 品种。
Mix Selection refers to selecting and re- selecting fine plants in the fields or seed plots each year
according to a definite economic purpose. Those undesirable are eliminated, the remaining fine
plants are threshed together, stored together and their seeds are sowed together. Comparisons
are made between the mixed fine plants and the standard ones. With such a treatment in several
successive years, fine types of plants in uniform properties and shape can be selected from the
mixed groups.
显的不 良反应。该药能干扰脑中的食欲控制系统,并阻止脂肪组织的积聚。服药的试验用小
鼠减少的体重高达其 体重的三分之一。在给小鼠服用被叫作C75的减肥药之后20分钟内,
这些小鼠失去了进食的兴趣,仅 满足于其正常进食量的10%生存。更重要的是,该药似乎能
阻止代谢率的严重下降。代谢率的下降通常 会引起疲劳乃至昏睡,这是以处于饥饿状态的饮
食来维持生命时所出现的典型现象。实验结果显示,服用 该药的小鼠于喂给相同数量食物的
小鼠相比,其体重下降了45%以上,但后者则变得比较懒怠,即以减 少活动量的方法来为“脂
肪酸合酶”的一种酶结合在一起。这种酶参与了把过量的食物摄取转化成脂肪储 存起来的过
程。对这种酶的抑制导致在肝脏中产生一种化学物质,该物质是预示脂肪沉积的先兆,被认< br>为会对脑产生一种的作用,从而抑制食欲。在正常情况下,当动物节制饮食时,一种被称为
神经肽 Y的激素就在脑的食欲控制中心急剧增加,从而刺激食欲。然而,当给动物服用了
C75时,该激素就下 降,使其失去对食物的兴趣。
Scientists have developed a slimming drug that successfully suppresses appetite and results in a
dramatic loss of weight without any apparent ill effects. The drug interferes with appetite control
and prevents the build-up of fatty tissue. Laboratory mice given the drug lost up to a third of their
total body weight. Within 20 minutes of being given the drug, called C75, the mice lost interest in
eating and survived apparently content on just 10 percent of the food they would normally eat.

More importantly, the drug appears to prevent a serious decline in metabolic rate—causing
tiredness and lethargy—which is typically associated with living on a starvation diet. As a result,
mice taking the drug lost 45 percent more weight than mice fed the same amount of food, which
compensate for the lack of food by becoming more scientists believe that C75, which
they produced synthetically in the laboratory, binds to an enzyme called fatty acid synthase,
which is involved in storing excess food in take as fat. Inhibiting the enzyme caused a build-up of
a chemical in the liver which acts as a precursor to fat deposition. This precursor is thought to
have an indirect effect on the brain, causing appetite suppression. Normally, when animals fast, a
hormone called neuropeptide Y increases sharply in the appetite- control centers of the brain,
stimulating the desire for r, when animals are given C75, levels of this hormone fall,
leading to a loss of interest in food.

3.振动吸收板,用于放置天平和其他高敏度的仪器 ,可消除附近的马达、搅拌混合器、重型
车辆的出入等环境振动因素,使感度更精确,误差更少。黑白相 间的高级水磨石子抗刮蚀板,
四角处有特殊除振设计,总高度76mm,可吸收振动至9Hz,载重量可 达16kg。
This Vibration Damping Mount can keep sensitive analytical balances and other instruments from
disturbing vibrations so that they work more reduces to 9Hz the vibrations caused by
nearby pumps, blenders, stirrers, and heavy-weight automobiles. It is made of black and white
terrazzo with a polished surface that resists scratches and chemicals and supported by four
Vibro-Absorbers with neoprene feet. With an overall height of 76mm, it can carry a weight up to

1.摘要:本文介绍了高炉铜冷却壁(blast furnace wall with copper stave)的一种监控方法,
实现了对铜冷却壁炉墙热面温度和渣皮(slag)厚度 进行监控和高炉炉墙内型的可视化。从
实践的角度证明了铜冷却壁炉墙监控的必要性,给出了本监控方法 的实现思路,在对铜冷却
壁前段渣皮进行监控过程中发现:通过监控可以在操作过程中防止铜冷却壁裸露 、结瘤(wall
accreditons)等异常发生;通过调整高炉操作维持适当厚度的渣皮,能 实现高炉长寿和高效
Abstract: A monitoring method for blast furnace copper stave is introduced in this
ring for heating surface temperature of copper stave wall and slag thickness was
realized and internal profile of blast furnace wall was visible. Practice proves that monitoring of
blast furnace wall with copper stave is ation idea of the monitoring method is
monitoring results show that monitoring in operation process can prevent
abnormalities happened such as copper stave naked status,wall accretions and so h

regulation of blast furnace operation and keeping a proper thickness of slag,long campaign and
high productivity as well as optimizing operation and maximum production of blast furnace can
be realized.

2.摘要:药 物性不良反应(ADEs)是医疗保健中的一个主要问题。本文分析了用以预防不良
反应的计算机信息系 统。引言部份定义了相关概念和术语,然后分析了药物性不良反应的临
床表现、、影响和费用以及药疗类 型和原因。文章讨论了针对药品取得和使用不同阶段的信
系统,构成 了最有效的预防系统。和其他方法对比,计算机信息系统的成本效益最佳和最有
前途的不良反应预防工具 。文章也讨论了其他问题和可能的改进
Abstract: The occurrence of adverse drug events is recognized as an important health care issue.
This paper provides a review of the computer information systems that have been developed and
used for the prevention of ADEs. Following an introductory section that defines concepts and
terms, the clinical manifestations, influences, and costs of ADEs are reviewed, along with the
medication classes, types, and causes of ADEs. Information systems that target different stages of
the drug ordering and delivery process are discussed. Different studies show that computerized
physician order entry systems are essential in the prevention of ADEs. Computer-assisted
decision support programs that are integrated with systems that cover each stage of the drug
ordering and delivery process provide the most powerful prevention tools. Through comparison
with other methods, computer-based information systems are shown to be the most
cost- effective and promising strategy for preventing ADEs. Further challenges and possible
improvements are also discussed.







