
2020年08月18日 01:57



中国如何看俄罗斯How ChinaSees Russia ——北京和
莫斯科关系密切,但不是盟友– Beijing and Moscow Are
Close, butNot Allies 傅莹Fu Ying 在俄罗斯与美欧关系日
趋 冷淡之际,中俄之间相对亲热的关系再次引起关注。西方
学者和媒体记者对中俄伙伴关系的性质展开了讨 论,探寻这
种伙伴关系是否会走向结盟。 At a time when Russian
relationswith the United States and western European
countries are growing cold, therelatively warm ties
between China and Russia have attracted renewed
rs and journalists in the West find
themselves debating the nature of theChinese-Russian
partnership and wondering whether it will evolve into
analliance. 冷战结束后,西方关于中俄关系的评估及其走势< br>的猜测通常有两大种观点。一种认为中俄关系脆弱,不可预
料,充斥不确定因素——许多支持这种 观点的人称之为基于
很可能渐行渐 远。而另一种观点认为,战略甚至意识形态的

Since the end of the Cold War, twomain views have tended
to define Western assessments of the
Chinese-Russianrelationship and predictions of its future.
The first view holds that the linkbetween Beijing and
Moscow is vulnerable, contingent, and marked
byuncertainties – a “marriage of convenience,” to use the
phrase favored by manyadvocates of this argument, who
see it as unlikely that the two countries willgrow much
closer and quite possible that they will begin to drift apart.
Theother view posits that strategic and even ideological
factors form the basis ofChinese-Russian ties and predicts
that the two countries – both of which seethe United States
as a possible obstacle to their objectives – will
eventuallyform an anti-U.S., anti-Western alliance. 这两种
战略伙 伴关系,并非所谓的“权宜婚姻”:其内容丰富、基础
牢固。冷战后的国际关系演变进一步拉近了两国的 关系。一
深度介入当前叙利亚和乌克 兰的冲突,将导致北京和莫斯科
Neither view accurately capturesthe true nature of the
relationship. The Chinese- Russian relationship is astable

strategic partnership and by no means a marriage of
convenience: it iscomplex, sturdy, and deeply rooted.
Changes in international relations sincethe end of the Cold
War have only brought the two countries closer
Western analysts and officials have
speculated (and perhaps even hoped)that the ongoing
conflicts in Syria and Ukraine, in which Russia has
becomeheavily involved, would lead to tensions between
Beijing and Moscow – or even arupture. But that has not
happened. 不过,中国无意与俄罗斯正式结盟,也不会 结成
系,为这两大邻国实现国家发展 目标提供安全的环境,通过
合作提供 范例,这有利于巩固国际体系。 Nevertheless,
China has no interestin a formal alliance with Russia, nor
in forming an anti-U.S. or anti-Westernbloc of any kind.
Rather, Beijing hopes that China and Russia can
maintaintheir relationship in a way that will provide a safe
environment for the twobig neighbors to achieve their
development goals and to support each otherthrough
mutually beneficial cooperation, offering a model for how
majorcountries can manage their differences and

cooperate in ways that strengthenthe international system.
关系牢固Ties ThatBind 中国同沙俄及此后的苏联在19世
纪末到20世纪中叶有过数次结盟。但是每次都 很短暂,因
十年,这两个强大的共产 党领导的国家关系马马虎虎,虽然
互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不 干涉内政、平等
但中俄关系继承 了“不结盟、不对抗,不针对第三国”的原则。
On several occasions between theend of the nineteenth
century and the middle of the twentieth century,
Chinaentered into an alliance with the Russian empire and
its successor, the SovietUnion. But every time, the
arrangement proved short- lived, as each amounted
tonothing more than an expediency between countries of
unequal strength. In thedecades that followed, the two
powerful communist-led countries muddledthrough,
occasionally cooperating but often riven by rivalry and
mistrust. In1989, in the waning years of Soviet rule, they
finally restored normalcy totheir relations. They jointly
declared that they would develop bilateralrelations based

on “mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial
integrity,mutual nonaggression, noninterference in each
other’s internal affairs,equality and mutual benefit, and
peaceful coexistence.” Two years later, theSoviet Union
disintegrated, but Chinese- Russian relations carried on
with theprinciple of “no alliance, no conflict, and no
targeting any third country.” 此后不久,新生的俄罗斯联邦
奉行所谓的“大西洋主义”。 为了赢得西方信任和援助,俄罗
重要 安全问题上也作出让步。但俄罗斯的愿望并没有实现,
反而出现经济萎缩,区域影响力下降。俄罗斯对美 欧援助口
开始重视亚洲。同年,中 俄宣布相互视为“友好国家”并发表
系的正常发展”。 Soon thereafter, the newbornRussian
Federation embraced the so-called Atlanticist approach.
To win thetrust and help of the West, Russia not only
followed Western prescriptions foreconomic reform but
also made concessions on major security issues,
includingreducing its stockpile of strategic nuclear
weapons. However, things didn’tturn out the way the

Russians had hoped, as the country’s economy tanked
andits regional influence waned. In 1992, disappointed
with what they saw asunfulfilled pledges of American and
European assistance and irritated by talkof NATO’s
eastward expansion, the Russians began to pay more
attention to year, China and Russia announced
that each would regard the other as a“friendly country” and
issued a joint political statement stipulating that
“thefreedom of people to choose their own development
paths should be respected,while differences in social
systems and ideologies should not hamper the
normalprogress of relations.” 自此开始,中俄关系逐步改善
和深入。在过去的20多年来,双边贸易和投资 大幅增长。
中国对俄投资增 幅就高达80%——而这一增长势头依然保
持强劲。上世纪九十年代早期,中俄贸易额每年尚不足50< br>亿美元,而2014年这一数字已接近1000亿美元,足以彰显
两国经贸关系的成长。2014 年,北京和莫斯科签署里程碑
最大 输气量将达380亿立方米。此外,双方还计划在核电、
航空制造、高铁、基础设施建设等领域做一些大 事,并且在

储备库等 新的多边金融平台开展合作。 Ever since,
Chinese- Russianrelations have gradually improved and
deepened. During the past 20 years or so,bilateral trade
and investment have expanded on a massive scale. In
2011, Chinabecame Russia’s largest trading partner. In
2014 alone, China’s investment inRussia grew by 80
percent – and the trend toward more investment
remainsstrong. To get a sense of the growth in economic
ties, consider that in theearly 1990s, annual bilateral trade
between China and Russia amounted to around$$5 billion;
by 2014, it came close to $$100 billion. That year, Beijing
andMoscow signed a landmark agreement to construct a
pipeline that, by 2018, willbring as much as 38 billion cubic
meters of Russian natural gas to China everyyear. The two
countries are also planning significant deals involving
nuclearpower generation, aerospace manufacturing,
high- speed rail, and infrastructuredevelopment.
Furthermore, they are cooperating on new multinational
financialinstitutions, such as the Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank, the NewDevelopment Bank BRICS, and
the BRICS foreign exchange reserve pool. 同时,中俄两国
安全关系也在增强 。中国已经成为俄罗斯最大武器进口国,

两国正在探讨开展一系列武器联合研制项目。中 俄开展的广
过去10多年间在双边及 上海合作组织框架下举行的20余次
俄罗斯很多军官也到中国国防大学短期进修。 Meanwhile,
security ties haveimproved as well. China has become one
of the largest importers of Russianarms, and the two
countries are discussing a number of joint
armsresearch-and-development projects. Extensive
Chinese-Russian defensecooperation involves
consultations between high-level military personnel
andjoint training and exercises, including more than a
dozen jointcounterterrorism exercises during the past
decade or so, carried out eitherbilaterally or under the
auspices of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Inthe
past 20 years, thousands of Chinese military personnel
have studied inRussia, and many Russian military officials
have received short-term trainingat the National Defense
University of China. 伴随着经济、军事 关系的加强,中俄政
的领土争议, 划定2600多英里(合4300多公里)的边界线,
从而消除了两国关系的最大隐患——这在邻近的大 国之间

级都有年度定 期会晤的安排。自2013年就任中国国家主席
以来,习近平已五次赴俄,俄罗斯总统普京也三次来华。 两
来见面最多的外国元首。 As economic and military links
havestrengthened, so, too, have political ones. In 2008,
China and Russia were ableto peacefully resolve territorial
disputes that had troubled relations fordecades, formally
demarcating their 2,600-mile-plus border and thus
eliminatingtheir single largest source of tension – a rare
achievement for big recent years, the two
countries have held regular annual meetings betweentheir
heads of states, prime ministers, top legislators, and
foreign 2013, when Xi Jinping became
president of China, he has paid five visitsto Russia, and
Russian President Vladimir Putin has traveled three times
toChina in the same time period. All told, Xi and Putin have
met 12 times, makingPutin the foreign head of state whom
Xi has met most frequently since assumingthe presidency.
管控分歧ManagingDifferences 尽管取得了长足进展 ,但
重。俄罗斯传统上面向欧洲,而 中国则更多聚焦亚洲。两国

外交行事风格也不同,俄罗斯在全球舞台上经验更加丰富,< br>外交上往往强势,主动,常出人意料。而中国外交则应对性
多一些,更小心谨慎。 For all this progress, differencesstill
exist between the two neighbors, and they don’t always
share the samefocus when it comes to foreign policy.
Russia is traditionally oriented towardEurope, whereas
China is more concerned with Asia. The two
countries’diplomatic styles differ as well. Russia is more
experienced on the globaltheater, and it tends to favor
strong, active, and often surprising diplomaticmaneuvers.
Chinese diplomacy, in contrast, is more reactive and
cautious. 中国的崛起 引发了一些俄罗斯人的不安,有些俄
行的一项民意调查显示,约60%的俄 罗斯人担心日益增多的
中国的强大 将损害俄罗斯的利益。随着中国不断寻求新的对
外投资贸易机会,同前苏联国家合作不断深化,俄罗斯人 担
一度对北京的丝绸之路经济带倡议 显示出犹豫。不过,俄罗
人因历史 上的一些问题对俄罗斯存有不满。尽管双方已和平

解决领土争议,沙俄于19世纪末抢占 中国大约一百五十万
平方公里土地的问题在中国评论界仍常有议论。 China’s
rise has produceddiscomfort among some in Russia,
where some people have had difficultyadjusting to the shift
in relative power between China and Russia. There is
stilltalk in Russia of “the China threat,” a holdover
expression from past eras. Apoll conducted in 2008 by
Russia’s Public Opinion Foundation showed that around60
percent of Russians were concerned that Chinese
migration to Far Easternborder areas would threaten
Russia’s territorial integrity; 41 percent believedthat a
stronger China would harm Russian interests. And as
China’s quest fornew investment and trade opportunities
abroad has led to increased Chinesecooperation with
former Soviet states, Russians have worried that China
iscompeting for influence in their neighborhood. Partly as a
result, Moscowinitially hesitated to support Beijing’s
SilkRoad Economic Belt initiative before ultimately
embracing it in ile, some Chinese continue
to nurse historical grievances regardingRussia. Despite
the resolution of the border issue, Chinese
commentatorssometimes make critical references to the

nearly 600,000 square miles ofChinese territory that tsarist
Russia annexed in the late nineteenth century. 然而,以上
去两 年,俄罗斯和美国、欧盟的关系由于乌克兰和叙利亚危
机每况愈下,关于中俄关系会恶化的评论在西方不 时出现。
一致的。为双方各自的安全 和发展所需,双方必须合作。两
解决 。双方既有共识,也有分歧,但双方能承认和有效管控
分歧,同时不断扩大共识。正如中国外长王毅所言 ,中俄关
仿的模式。 However, these differences hardlysupport
speculation in the West that Beijing and Moscow are
drifting theory has occasionally appeared in
Western commentary in the past twoyears, as Russia’s
relations with the United States and the EU have
deterioratedowing to the crises in Syria and Ukraine.
Despite some differences, however,China and Russia
share a desire to firmly develop their bilateral relations
andunderstand that they must join hands to achieve
national security anddevelopment. Their cooperation is
conducive to balance in the internationalsystem and can

facilitate the solution of some international
mes they agree; sometimes they do not.
But they are able to acknowledgeand manage their
disagreements while continuing to expand areas of
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has
noted, the Chinese-Russian relationshipoffers a new
approach for conducting external relations and represents
apossible model for other states to follow. 对乌 克兰和叙利
美国很多人认为中国对乌 克兰问题态度不明朗,或怀疑中国
权和领土完整。中方强调的是,相关所有各方 应通过对话解
克兰维护经济和金融稳 定。中国并未倒向任何一边:在国际
问题方面,北京从来恪守公正、公平和客观的原则。 The
crises in Syria and Ukraineilluminate the ways in which
China and Russia have effectively managed
theirpartnership. Many in the United States see China’s
attitude toward the conflictin Ukraine as unclear or suspect
that China has sided with Russia. In fact,after the Russian
annexation of Crimea in 2014, the spokesperson for

theChinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated unequivocally
that Ukraine’sindependence, sovereignty, and territorial
integrity should be respected. Chinaemphasized that all
the parties involved in the Ukrainian conflict shouldresolve
their differences through dialogue, establish coordinating
mechanisms,refrain from activities that could worsen the
situation, and assist Ukraine inmaintaining its economic
and financial stability. China did not take any side:fairness
and objectivity serve as guiding principles for Beijing
whenaddressing international affairs. 但是,中国外交人士
和领导人也对导致危机的根源更 加关注,包括后苏联国家屡
压力等 。还有一层因素不能忽略,这就是俄与那些前苏联共
和国之间存在的复杂的历史、民族、宗教及领土纠葛 。乌克
乌克兰危机,“不是凭空产生 的”。 But Chinese diplomats
and leadersare also mindful of what led to the crisis,
including the series ofWestern-supported “color revolutions”
in post-Soviet states and the pressure onRussia that
resulted from NATO’s eastward expansion. It is also worth
notingthat there have long been complicated historical,
ethnic, religious, andterritorial issues between Russia and

the former Soviet republics. The Ukrainecrisis is a result of
all these factors. As Xi put it, the crisis is “notcoming from
nowhere.” 在叙利亚问题上,北京认为,俄罗斯应叙利亚政
府请求进行军 事干涉,目的是打击恐怖主义和极端主义分子。
尽管华盛顿呼吁叙利亚总统阿萨德下台,但它与俄打击“ 伊斯
涉,另一方面又表示愿意与俄 罗斯共同打击恐怖主义。俄罗
不完全 是坏事。从中国的角度看,俄罗斯和美国在打击“伊斯
兰国”这样凶残的恐怖主义方面是有共同利益的。 中国希望,
该问题方面取得进展。 On Syria, the view in Beijing isthat
Russia launched its military intervention at the request of
the Syriangovernment in order to combat terrorist and
extremist forces. AlthoughWashington has called for
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down, itshares
Russia’s goal of taking on the Islamic State (also known as
ISIS). So onthe one hand, the United States has criticized
the Russian intervention, but onthe other hand, it has
expressed willingness to work with Russia
oncounterterrorism. The Russian move, then, was not
exactly what the UnitedStates wanted to see but was not

an entirely bad thing for U.S. interests,either. From China’s
perspective, Russia and the United States share aninterest
in confronting the brutal terrorists of ISIS. The hope in
China isthat talks among Russia, the United States, Iran,
and a number of otherregional powers will make progress
in resolving the conflict. 但是,很难说俄美在叙 利亚方面的
许多中国人感到困惑的是 ,美俄观念受冷战影响依然很严重。
都有分析人士认为,莫斯科和华盛顿之间在乌 克兰和叙利亚
更像是冷战终结的漫长 过程。不知道这次双方是否能够抓住
机会,彻底结束宿仇旧恨。 But it is difficult to know how
farU.S.-Russian cooperation in Syria can go without a
common understanding aboutwhat will lead to peace and
order. And many in China find it perplexing thatU.S. and
Russian perceptions are still so heavily influenced by the
Cold War.U.S. politicians and commentators tend to talk
about Russia as if it were stillthe failed Cold War rival.
Meanwhile, Russian officials and observersfrequently
criticize Washington’s behavior as arrogant or imperial.

Someanalysts on both sides have suggested that the
standoff between Moscow andWashington over Syria and
Ukraine could lead to a new Cold War. But fromChina’s
point of view, the current confrontations seem more like a
prolongedending of the original Cold War. It remains
unclear if Moscow and Washingtonwill take this opportunity
to finally put old enmities to rest.







