
2020年08月18日 02:12


1. 我读博的目的是想用现代科技知识来武装自己的头脑,以便很快出人头地。
My purpose to pursue PhD is to arm myself with modern science and technology in order to get
ahead sooner.
2. 据说今年有125680个学生要去竞争仅仅2668个政府公务员岗位。
It is said that there are 125680 students competing nearly 2680 positons of government
officials this years.
3. 由于物价飞涨,工资不动,许多下岗职工生活十分困难,常常接不上茬。
As a result of rocketing prices and stationary salary, many laid-off workers living a hard life
and they often can not make both ends meet.
make (both) ends meet 收支平衡
4. 她人长得漂亮,很会说话,整天也打扮的整整齐齐,但家里常年四季都是乱七八糟。
She is beautiful, can often talk in good tastes and is dressed neatly, but room is always at
sixes and sevens.
5. 有些学生每次考试前都要悄悄地去看望老师,想得点有关考试的情况,但总是一无所得。
Before the examination, some of the students often call on their teacher in the hope of
getting some hints of the exam,but in vain.
6. 当我明白考官以这样方式来考我时,一下子全给蒙住了,不知道如何动手。
When I realised that I would be tested in the way, I was at a loss and did not know where to
at a loss
7. 正是邓小平的市场经济和他的南巡讲话才进一步推动了中国经济的快速发展。
It was Deng Xiaoping market economy and his remarks during his southern tourism that
promoted the rapid development of the chinese economy pushed forward.
8. 现在市场上之所以假货屡禁不止是因为他们造假货比造真货赚钱多。
The reason why there are so many fake products in the market is that manufacturers can
make more money from producing fake ones than from genuine ones.
9. 作为一名即将退休的高级干部,他特害怕将他的所作所为登在报上。
As a senior official to be retired, he is afraid that what he has done will find its way into the
10. 同SARS相比,HINI没有什么好可怕,因为它可防可治,不会对人类造成大规模死亡性
Comparing with SARS, H1N1 is not terrible at all, because it can be prevented and cured and
never cause great disasters in the end.
11. 追求美并没有什么不好的,但是如果只有美丽的容颜,而没有出色的工作照样被人瞧不
It is good for a girl to pursue beauty, but she will be looked down upon by others, if she only
has a good appearance but does poorly in work.
12. 在大学里,数学之所以是一门必修课主要是因为用它可以解释清楚我们日常生活所 好奇
In college, maths is one of the required courses, because with it, we can explain everything
that we are curious about in the daily life.
13. 令我们谁也想不到的是:一个在美国呆了多年的博士竟说不了几句英语,看不懂这样的

To our surprise, the doctor who has lived in America for years, can not speak much English
and understand such an easy article.
14. 由于他最近家中烦事缠身,不能集中精力工作,这篇5000多字的论文花了整整11个小
As she was troubled with home affairs recently and could not concentrate herself on work,
she spent 11 solid hours in revising the 5000-word paper.
15. 一个省部级领导人与一般干部的不同之处就是要有在关键时具有应付各种复杂局面的
The difference between a provincial-level leader and a small potato, the former has the
ability to deal with all kinds of complicated situation.
16. 在引进人才中,许多单位都把申请人的素质和才能作为主要条件,但他们也不排斥其外
In the introduction of talents, many departments usually take applicants quality and ability
into their key consideration, but they also pay attention to their appearance.
17. 由于条件越来越严,许多高校的教师都放弃了晋升教授的努力,整天在混日子。
As the qualifications for a professor are becoming more and more rigid, many college
teachers have give up striving for a professor and they kill their time everyday
18. 三鹿奶粉(sanlu milk podwe r)的事件告诉我们:企业的利益和对人民的责任是当前一
The event of sanlu milk powder tells us that the enterprises’profit and their responsibility
for people are the problom that calls for urgent attantion and better solution.
19. 由于一时的疏忽,他现在很难向法官提供有力的证据来证明自己在案件中的清白。
Owing to his carelessness it was hard for him to provide relative evidences to the judge to
convince him of his innocence.
20. 随着社会的发展,越来越高的生活要求使我们只得求助现代实验室来创造大自然无法给
With the social development of society, the higher and higher demand for life forces us to
turn to the morden lab to create things that native cannot provide us.
21. 在大学教育中,知识教育靠教师,而校园教育靠校园的整个环境,两者都不可缺。
In college, knowledge education depends on teachers while campus education relies on the
while environment, both of which are important.
22. 许多科学家认为:解决我们未来能量短缺的根本出路在于利用最可靠、最持久的太阳能。
Many scientises believe that the best way to the problem of energy shortage is the utilizaton
of the most reliable and losting solar energy.
23. 心理医生告诫人们:家庭成员之间的正常关系是人们健康生活中一个不可忽视的方面。
Psychologists warned people that the normal relationship among family members is an
important aspect in people’s healthy life that should never be ignored.
24. 人人都知道吸烟有害健康。但对于一个烟瘾很大的人来说,戒除这类坏习惯很难。
Everybady knows that smoking is harmful to his health, but for a chain smoker, it is hard to
get rid of such a bad habit.
25. 一个年轻领导,只要他工作上勤政廉洁,作风上待人不摆架子,就会很快得以提拔。
As long as a young leader is diligent and honest and never puts on airs before the public, he
will soon be promoted.
26. 在西部大开发中,我们一是要与旧的观念做斗争,二是要走可持续发展的道路。

In the development of west region, we should firstly fight against the old concept, and
secondly stick to the way of sustainabe development.
27. 他本来只想照导师说的那样去做,但实验一开始,他的兴趣就转到别的方向去了。
He intended to do as his tutor said, but his attention was shifted to a different gear when
the experiment started.
28. 煤矿安全是过去、现在一直强调的问题,但接二连三的事故证明我们的工作很不力。
The safety in coal mines is the problem that was ,is and has always been, but the accidents
in a row have shown our poor work about it.
in a row 接二连三
29. 经过多年的艰苦谈判和不断沟通,各国代表最后才就共同控制全球污染的问题达成共识。
Through hard negotiation and communication for years, the representatons from all the
countries, at lost, reached an agreement for the global control over the pollution.
30. 市政府关闭市区所有的燃煤锅炉和污染企业后,西安良好天气的天数一年比一年多了。
After the city government closed all the coal-burning boilers and polluting enterprises in the
inner city, there are more and more fine days.
31. 交通拥挤、污染严重、资金匮乏,这是影响西安发展成为国际著名旅游城市的三大主要
Traffic congestion, serious pollutions and financial shortage are the three important
problems that affect the further development of Xi’an into an internationally famous tourist city.
32. 我们日常饮用的水的性质与组成水的氢和氧分子的性质不同。
The prosoerties of water we drink every day are different from those of hydregon and
oxygen it is made of.
33. 人们常常通过将一个物体在空气中和水中的重量来确定它的比重。
The specific gravity of an object is often detemined by comparing its in air with that in water.
34. 分子可以被认为是在不改变其性质的情况下能存在的物质的最小微粒。
Molecules can be considered as the smallest particles that exist without changing their
35. 人像汽车一样,在大大低于其获得体能的情况下工作时效率最高。
The human body, like a car, can function most officiently well below its requeired copacity.
36. 流体与小管道之间的摩擦力要比它与大管道之间的摩擦力相对大。
The frictional force between the fluid and the pipe is greater in smaller pipes than in larger
37. 工程师们应该知道:结构材料的选择应使其在外界条件下保持弹性。
The engineers should know: the structure materials should be selected, so that they can
behave elastially in the envirmental conditions.
38. 铁在氧气燃烧中所生成的物质不同于它在生锈时所生成的物质。
The substances fromed by burning iron in oxygen is different from that produced when it
39. 某些概念、原理和定律往往能构成基以建立一门新学科的其它概念、原理和定律。
Some ideas, principles and laws can form the basis on which others ideas, principles and law can be

40. 同水相比,电的便利之处在于它能很容易从产生的地方输送到需要的地方。
Compared with water, electricity is convenient to transport easily from where it is produced
to where it is needed.

41. 在设计设备时,工程师应该考虑到电动机功率的大小受其尺寸大小控制之道理。
In equipment design, the engineer should take it into account that the output motor power is
controlled by its size.
42. 在大型建设项目实施之前应进行实地调查,使其数量合理、位置恰当、与环境协调。
Before the implementaion of a large-scale construction projects, on-the-spot investigation
should be carried out, so that it can be suitcable in number proper in location and harmorous
with the environment.
43. 在日常生活中,我们常常忽视像沙子和石头这些普通的物质。实际 上,他们存在着我们
In the daily life, we often neglect such ordinary as sands and stones, in reality there exists in
exhaustible energy in them we can use of.
44. 由于这种新型的塑料重量轻,强度大,所以它在许多机械制造业中被广泛采用。
As this new plastic is light inweight and great in strength, it has found wide applecation in
many mechanical manufacturing industry.
45. 热能的一部分虽然有变成机械能,但要使全部热能重新变成机械能是绝对不可能的。
Though part of heat can be converted into mechanical energy,it is impossible to recover.
46. 由于水要么很容易漏掉,要么会很快被蒸发,所以它永远也不能成为很好的润滑剂。
As water can either leak or evaporated, it can never be a good lubricant.
47. 当一个物体与另一个物体接触时,只要产生运动,总会有摩擦力反抗其相对运动。
Whenever an object moves while it is in contact with another object, a frictional force often opposes its
relative motion while the object moves.
48. 这种金属在市场上之所以遭到冷漠的主要原因是其熔点低限制了它的使用范围。
The main reason why this metal has a bad sale in the market is that its low melting point
limits its usefulness.
49. 卫星总是要飞离地球,而结果却被地球吸引力拉回来,拉回来的距离与飞出去的距离相
The satellite is always escaping from the earth, only to be pulled back by it’s gravity, with
the same distance as it escapes.
50. 直到如今,只有几种稀有元素才能通过原子裂变的方式将聚集的能量释放出来。
Till now, there are only a few rare elements where the locked energy can be released by
atom fission.







