(01) (10-R-1) We are even farther removed
from the unfocused newspaper reviews published in
England between the turn of the 20
century and the eve of World War II, at a time
newsprint was dirt-cheap and stylish arts
criticism was considered an ornament to the
in which it appeared. (49 words)
(02) (10-R-1) “So few authors have brains
enough or literary gift enough to keep their own
end up
in journalism,” Newman wrote, “that I
am tempted to define „journalism‟ as „a term of
applied by writers who are not read
to writers who are‟.” (43 words)
(03) (10-R-3)
For a social epidemic to occur, however, each
person so affected, must then
influence his or
her own acquaintances, who must in turn influence
theirs, and so on; and just how
many others
pay attention to each of these people has little
to do with the initial influential. (48
(04) (09-R-3) Progress in both areas is
undoubtedly necessary for the social, political,
intellectual development of these and all
other societies; however, the conventional view
education should be one of the very
highest priorities for promoting rapid economic
in poor countries is wrong. (46
(05) (09-R-4) Sexual confusion,
economic frustrations, and religious hope — all
came together in
a decisive moment when he
opened the Bible, told his father that the first
line he saw would settle
his fate, and read
the magical words: “Come out from among them,
touch no unclean thing, and I
will be your God
and you shall be my people.” (58 words)
(0-TR) Religious associations began, for example,
in the desire to secure the favor of
overruling powers and to ward off evil
influences; family life in the desire to gratify
appetites and
secure family perpetuity;
systematic labor, for the most part, because of
enslavement to others, etc.
(45 words)
(07) (09-TR) Even today, in our industrial
life, apart from certain values of industriousness
thrift, the intellectual and emotional
reaction of the forms of human association under
which the
world‟s work is carried on receives
little attention as compared with physical output.
(41 words)
(08) (08-R-2) Other models exist
that are hybrids of these three, such as delayed
where journals allow only
subscribers to read a paper for the first six
months, before making it
freely available to
everyone who wishes to see it. (40 words)
(09) (07-R-1) If you were to
examine the birth certificates of every soccer
player in 2006‟s World
Cup tournament, you
would most likely find a noteworthy quirk: elite
soccer players are more
likely to have been
born in the earlier months of the year than in the
later months. (47 words)
(10) (07-R-3) From
the middle-class family perspective, much of this,
understandably, looks far
less like an
opportunity to exercise more financial
responsibility, and a good deal more like a
frightening acceleration of the wholesale
shift of financial risk onto their already
shoulders. (41 words)
(07-R-4) Just as bosses and boards have finally
sorted out their worst accounting and
compliance troubles, and improved their feeble
corporation governance, a new problem threatens
to earn them — especially in America — the
sort of nasty headlines that inevitably lead to
rolling in the executive suite: data
insecurity. (48 words) 总第38页
(07-R-4) Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT
staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of
data-rich industries such as banking, telecoms
and air travel, information protection is now high
on the boss‟s agenda in businesses of every
variety. (41 words)
(13) (07-R-4) Surely it
should be obvious to the dimmest executive that
trust, that most valuable
of economic assets,
is easily destroyed and hugely expensive to
restore— and that few things are
more likely
to destroy trust than a company letting sensitive
personal data get into the wrong
hands. (47
(14) (07-R-4) Meanwhile, the theft of
information about some 40 million credit-card
accounts in
America, disclosed on June 17th,
overshadowed a hugely important decision a day
earlier by
America‟s Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) that puts corporate America on notice that
will act if firms fail to provide
adequate data security. (49 words)
(06-R-1) Rodriguez notes that children in remote
villages around the world are fans of
superstars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and
Garth Brooks, yet “some Americans fear that
immigrants living within the United States
remain somehow immune to the nation‟s assimilative
power.” (40 words)
(05-R-2) Do you remember all those years when
scientists argued that smoking would kill us
but the doubters insisted that we didn‟t know
for sure? That the evidence was inconclusive, the
science uncertain? That the antismoking lobby
was out to destroy our way of life and the
government should stay out of the way? (53
(17) (05-R-2) A century ago, Freud
formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams
were the
disguised shadows of our unconscious
desires and fears; by the late 1970s, neurologists
switched to thinking of them as just
“mental noise” — the random byproducts of the
work that goes on during sleep.
(47 words)
(18) (03-R-2) Finally, because
the ultimate stakeholders are patients, the health
community should actively recruit to
its cause not only well-known personalities such
as Stephen
Cooper, who has made courageous
statements about the value of animal research, but
all who
receive medical treatment. (42 words)
(19) (03-R-3) If railroads charged all
customers the same average rate, they argue,
shippers who
have the option of switching to
trucks or other forms of transportation would do
so, leaving
remaining customers to shoulder
the cost of keeping up the line. (40 words)
(20) (03-TR) Therefore, it is important to study
humans in all their richness and diversity in a
calm and systematic manner, with the hope that
the knowledge resulting from such studies can
lead humans to a more harmonious way of living
with themselves and with all other life forms on
this planet Earth. (51 words)
(02-R-2) But the human mind can glimpse a rapidly
changing scene and immediately
disregard the
98 percent that is irrelevant, instantaneously
focusing on the monkey at the side of a
winding forest road or the single suspicious
face in a big crowd. (42 words)
(22) (02-R-4)
Although it ruled that there is no constitutional
right to physician-assisted suicide,
the Court
in effect supported the medical principle of
“double effect,” a centuries-old moral
principle holding that an action having two
effects — a good one that is intended and a
one that is foreseen — is permissible
if the actor intends only the good effect. (57
(23) (02-R-4) Nancy
Dubler, director of Montefiore Medical Center,
contends that the principle
will shield
doctors who “until now have very, very strongly
insisted that they could not give
sufficient medication to control their pain if
that might hasten death.” (40 words)
(02-R-4) The profession is taking steps to require
young doctors to train in hospices, to test
knowledge of aggressive pain management
therapies, to develop a Medicare billing code for
hospital-based care, and to develop new
standards for assessing and treating pain at the
end of life.
(45 words)
(25) (02-TR) As
the interaction between organism and environment
has come to be understood,
however, effects
once assigned to states of mind, feelings, and
traits are beginning to be traced to
accessible conditions, and a technology of
behavior may therefore become available. (40
(26) (01-R-1) Thus, in the nineteenth
century, local geological studies represented
research in their own right but, in
the twentieth century, local studies have
increasingly become
acceptable to
professionals only if they incorporate, and
reflect on, the wider geological picture.
(27) (01-R-4) I believe that the most
important forces behind the massive M & A wave are
same that underlie the globalization
process: falling transportation and communication
cost, lower
trade and investment barriers and
enlarged markets that require enlarged operations
capable of
meeting customers‟ demands. (44
(28) (01-R-5) I have discovered, as
perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized
from the editorship of She after a
build-up of stress, that abandoning the doctrine
of “juggling
your life” , and making the
alternative move into “downshifting” brings with
it far greater
rewards than financial success
and social status. (49 words)
(29) (01-R-5)
While in America the trend started as a reaction
to the economic decline — after
the mass
redundancies caused by downsizing in the late ‟80s
— and is still linked to the politics of
thrift, in Britain, at least among the middle-
class downshifts of my acquaintance, we have
different reasons for seeking to simplify our
lives. (52 words)
(01-R-5) For the women of my generation who were
urged to keep juggling through the ‟80s,
downshifting in the mid-‟90s is not so much a
search for the mythical good life — growing your
own organic vegetables, and risking turning
into one — as a personal recognition of your
limitations. (47 words)
(31) (00-R-3)
When a new movement in art attains a certain
fashion, it is advisable to find out
what its
advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched
and unreasonable their principle may
today, it is possible that in years to come they
may be regarded as normal. (46 words)
(00-R-3) But it is a little upsetting to read in
the explanatory notes that a certain line
describes a fight between a Turkish and a
Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both
into the river — and then to find that
the line consists of the noise of their falling
and the
weights of the officers: “Pluff!
Pluff! A hundred and eighty-five kilograms.”(64
(33) (99-R-4) Declaring that he was
opposed to using this unusual animal husbandry
technique to
clone humans, he ordered that
federal funds not be used for such an experiment —
although no
one had proposed to do so — and
asked an independent panel of experts chaired by
President Harold Shapiro to report
back to the White House in 90 days with
recommendations for
a national policy on human
cloning. (67 words)
(34) (99-R-4) Nor, if
regularity and conformity to a standard pattern
are as desirable to the
scientist as the
writing of his papers would appear to reflect, is
management to be blamed for
against the “odd balls” among researchers in favor
of more conventional thinkers
who “work well
with the team.” (50 words)
(35) (97-R-4) “The
test of any democratic society,” he wrote in a
Wall Street Journal column,
“lies not in how
well it can control expression but in whether it
gives freedom of thought and
expression the
widest possible latitude, however disputable or
irritating the results may sometimes
be. (46
(36) (96-R-3) Such large, impersonal
manipulation of capital and industry greatly
increased the
numbers and importance of
shareholders as a class, an element in national
life representing
irresponsible wealth detached from the
land and the duties of the landowners; and almost
detached from the responsible
management of business. (47 words)
(96-R-3) Towns like Bournemouth and Eastbourne
sprang up to house large “comfortable”
who had retired on their incomes, and who had no
relation to the rest of the community
that of drawing dividends and occasionally
attending a shareholders‟ meeting to dictate
their orders to the management. (47 words)
(38) (95-R-3) As families move away from
their stable community, their friends of many
their extended family relationships,
the informal flow of information is cut off, and
with it the
confidence that information will
be available when needed and will be trustworthy
and reliable.
(42 words)
(39) (94-R-1)
Thus, in the American economic system it is the
demand of individual consumers,
coupled with
the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and
the desire of individuals to
maximize their
incomes, that together determine what shall be
produced and how resources are
used to produce
it. (44 words)
(40) (93-R-2) The oiling is
done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories
and piped music,
and by psychologists and
“human-relations” experts; yet all this oiling
does not alter the fact that
man has become
powerless, that he does not wholeheartedly
participate in his work and that he is
with it. (48 words)
(41) (93-R-2) I suggest
transforming our social system from a
bureaucratically managed
industrialism in
which maximal production and consumption are ends
in themselves into a
humanist industrialism in
which man and full development of his
potentialities — those of love
and of reason —
are the aims of all social arrangements. (47
(42) (93-TR) There is no more
difference, but there is just the same kind of
difference, between
the mental operations of a
man of science and those of an ordinary person, as
there is between the
operations and methods of
a baker or of a butcher weighing out his goods in
common scales, and
operations of a chemist in performing a difficult
and complex analysis by means of his balance
and finely graded weights. (73 words)
(43) (92-TR) No one is in the least interested in
the marks a little child gets on his test; what we
are interested in is whether we can conclude
from his mark on the test that the child will do
or worse than other children of his age
at tasks which we think require „general
intelligence‟. (55
(44) (92-TR) On
the whole such a conclusion can be drawn with a
certain degree of confidence,
but only if the
child can be assumed to have had the same attitude
towards the test as the others
with whom he is
being compared, and only if he was not punished by
lack of relevant information
which they
possessed. (56 words)