
2020年08月18日 02:18


莫干山 中英双语介绍

The clogged streets and smoggy skies of Asia's cities make it hard to imagine any great
drives in the region. But every time Karen Yu travels, she and her husband make time
to get behind the wheel.

虽然 亚洲城市似乎很难摆脱街道拥挤不堪、天空烟尘弥漫的景象,让人很难想像
在这种地区驾车旅行能有什么 好感受,但是,每次Karen Yu和丈夫一起旅行的

In recent years, the couple has toured Phuket in Thailand, Melbourne and Perth in
Australia and Kyushu and Nagoya in Japan -- all by car. 'It's all about the freedom,' says
Ms. Yu, a Hong Kong attorney. 'You're on your own, and you can see what you like,
wander off and explore side roads.'

最近几年,他们两人驾车游历了泰国普吉岛、澳大利亚墨尔本、帕斯以及日 本的
可以完 全自己做主,能看到喜欢看的,到处随意 踏,兴之所至还可以去探索偏

Whether a four-day trip or an afternoon jaunt, whether you take the wheel yourself or
hire a driver, your route is out there. From the clove- scented interior of Bali to
Thailand's wine country to the mountains and fiords of New Zealand's South Island,
Weekend Journal takes readers on the road.

不论是一次三、四天的远行,还是短短一个下 午的小游,不论是自己驾车还是雇

司机同行,道路都在那里等候你的到来。四处散发着丁 香芬芳的巴厘岛、泰国的

Moganshan, China

The first foreign vacationers to visit the mountaintop resort area of Moganshan, at the
turn of the last century, were carried up in sedan chairs. These days, travelers can drive
up a steep, winding road past tea plantations and bamboo forests.

上世纪初,第一位到莫干山山顶景区观赏的外国人是坐在轿子上被抬上去 的。现

That scenic route is the last leg of a trip from Shanghai that can be done, for the most
part, on an expressway. It is a relatively easy and relaxing three-hour drive, and the trip
grows more interesting as you approach Moganshan and get away from the urban and
industrial sprawl of the Yangtze River delta. But in this case it is the destination rather
than the journey that is the highlight. (A detour on the return trip, though, turns out to
be charming; details below).

从上海出发,在体 验这段风景如画的山路之前,大部分路程都可走高速公路。这
段路大约开行3个小时,算是比较顺畅和轻 松,而且,离开“长三角”的城市和工
业区越远、越接近莫干山,道路两边也就越有看头。不过,这次我 们的重点是目
的 一段)。

Wealthy Westerners living in Shanghai in the early 1900s built sprawling stone villas,
hotels, tennis courts, clubs and even a municipal pool in Moganshan. Rich Chinese,
including nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek and his wife, soon followed. In 1936,
Shanghai's North China Daily News rhapsodized that the resort was blessed with 'the
skies of Italy, the verdure of Japan, the grandeur of the Rockies.'

上世纪初,住在上海的富有西方人在莫干山一带建了大量别墅还有酒店 、网球场、
包括 前国民党领导人蒋介石和他的夫人。1936年,在上海出版的英文《字林西
报》(North China Daily News)形容莫干山有“意大利的天空、日本的青翠、落基山

The natural beauty remains, but the man- made amenities have fallen on hard times.
Many of the stone mansions were turned into getaways for Communist officials and
sanitariums for work units after the party's 1949 victory, and gradually sank into a state
of often not-so- genteel disrepair. Some of the old villas and hotels have been poorly
restored and reopened as state-run guesthouses. Others house multiple local families.
On the balcony of one whose gatepost reads 'Pine Nook,' tattered underwear is hanging
out to dry -- a far cry from the days of the gin fizz.

如今,莫干山依然保持着当年的自然美景,但人工设施 在动荡时期遭到了破坏。
1949年共产党上台后,许多用天然石材建造的房屋成了领导干部的度假别墅 和
维修之后被改 造成国营旅馆。其他房屋则变成了多个家庭合住的单位宿舍。在一
处门柱上写着Pine Nook的房子,可以看到阳台上晾着破旧的内衣,与当年灯红

For our one-night stay, we pick a relatively new place down the mountain from the old
resort area. Known as Naked Retreats, though no nudity is involved, it's a series of
converted farmhouses that can sleep individuals and couples as well as families and
larger groups.

夜晚,我们在莫干山选择了从老景区往山下、位于 半山腰的一处相对较新的度假
村,名叫Naked Retreats。不过别误会,这里与裸体无关, 它实际上是农舍改造

The accommodations are simple. Our lodge has six bedrooms and three shared toilets
and shower stalls. But they are clean, comfortable and even stylish. Our bedroom had
a groovy, Scandinavian-looking bentwood chaise lounge.

干净、舒适甚 至还有点格调。卧室里有一只很漂亮的斯堪的纳维亚风格曲木马车

Staff members will cook your meals for a fee, or you can whip up your own. Breakfast
is do-it-yourself, with eggs, bread and bacon in the fridge. The verandah in front of our
building had large drums set up for use as barbecue grills.

这里有服务员为你准备餐点(要收费),也可以自己动 手做饭。早餐是自助式的,
冰箱里有鸡蛋、面包、熏肉。旅馆前的走廊上支起了好几面大鼓,可以用来烧 烤。

Mountain trails around the retreat make for some great, if steep, walks. The morning
after we arrive we set out, accompanied by one of the retreat's resident dogs, to walk
up the mountain to the old resort area. In some spots, old stone stairways ease the way
up the path, lined with bamboo and other vegetation that is often more than head high.

山间小路包围着这片幽静之地。 这些小路虽然可能有点陡峭,但慢慢走来却非常
惬意。到达那里的第二天早晨,我们出门爬山去老风景区 ,身边跟着一只度假村
的狗。有些地方还保留有旧的石阶,走起来容易多了。路两边种着竹子和其他动< br>辄超过一人高的植物。

The greenery has completely overwhelmed the ruins of an old hotel on the mountainside.
A vine-entangled stone archway and retaining wall is almost all that is left of a home
that once belonged to one Laurenz Bergfriede, according to an inscription on the arch.

Laurenz Bergfriede。

The exuberance of nature run riot is a welcome antidote to many of the views on the

road from Shanghai, of nature subjugated to economic development. On the return trip,
we try a newly opened expressway connecting Hangzhou to Nanjing on the other side
of Shanghai. But the road isn't finished, and at Yao Zhuang, a farming village in
Zhejiang, construction puts us on a detour that lasts to the touristy waterfront town of
Zhu Jia Jiao. We end up on a road following the course of a broad tributary of the
Huangpu River, the main waterway that cuts through Shanghai. It turns out to be the
most scenic part of the drive.

自然景观的今天 实在难得。回程我们试着开上刚通车不久的宁杭高速。但这条路
还没有完全开通。走到浙江境内一个叫姚 庄的村子时,我们不得不转向通往上海
水乡古镇朱家角的公路。那里也是一个旅游景点。最后我们开上了 一条沿着黄埔

Trip Planner

Most visitors to China will probably want to hire a car with a driver. China doesn't
recognize international driving permits, and getting a short-term Chinese license
requires taking classes on local traffic rules. The license allows the driver to operate
only certain small cars with automatic transmissions. Foreigners living in China aren't
eligible for the short-term license; to get a regular license they must pass a written exam
and a physical.

取得 临时驾照需要参加当地的交规培训班,而且有了临时驾照也只能开某些自动
档的小型车。在中国生活的外 国人不能申请临时驾照,要取得普通驾照则需要参

Safety is another good reason to hire a professional driver. China leads the world in
deaths per vehicle on the road, so you want someone behind the wheel who's skilled at
local defensive-driving techniques.

从 安全方面考虑,也有必要聘请专职司机。中国的道路交通事故死亡率是全世界
最高的,所以,最好有个能 应付当地情况的高手。

The eight buildings that make up Naked Retreats range from small 'studios' that could
accommodate a single couple to a lodge that can squeeze in 15 people
Naked Retreats共有8幢房子,各种房型都有,既有小小的两人房,也有能挤下







