
2020年08月18日 02:23



ADR – American Depositary Receipt (see DR below)

AIM – London’s Alternative Investment Market (part of the London
Stock Exchange)

AG – Aktiensgesellschaft or public limited liability company (in
Germany, Austria, Switzerland)

Arbitrage – the tactic of taking advantage in differentials between two
different market prices, to secure a profit

Bear Market – one where share prices (also those for commodities or
bonds) are falling, or expected to fall during the medium period, if not
longer (see also Bull market)

Bearer share – see Shares

Bond – a loan or debt security which the issuer – government or private -
promises to repay with interest when it reaches its date of maturity

Bookrunner – the bank or funder which leads, or manages, the issuance of
corporate loans, debt or other securities, usually in association with other
such financiers

Bought deals – are ones between brokers and a company, where the
former by an entire stock issue from the latter in a private transaction,
then sell the shares on to private purchasers (see also Brokers)

Brokersbrokerages – place shares on behalf of companies, selling them
to private clients who want to invest in those companies. Banks, as well
as specialised brokerage Houses, act as brokers (see also Bought Deal)

Bull market – one where share prices (also commodities and bonds) are
rising or expected to rise over the medium period, if not longer (see also:
Bear market)

BV – a limited company whose shares are privately registered and not
freely transferable (in Netherlands)

CDIs – CHESS Depositary Interests are the form in which ordinary

shares and some options are traded electronically on the ASX (see also:

Collateral – a guarantee to meet a debt, usually by ceding an asset, in the
event that the debtor is unable to repay the loan

Common shares – see Ordinary shares

Contrarian investors buy (sometimes sell) stocks in the belief that they
have been mis- priced by the “market”; the aim of course being to make a
profit by doing so

Convertible bonds – bonds which can be exchanged for stock in the
company which issues them on terms set at their issue

CSDICSD – An (International) Central Securities Depository holds
securitiesbonds and settles trades between them. The Depository Trust
Company (DTC) in the US holds more than US$$2 trillion in non-US
securities and ADRs (qv)

Debenture – a bond which is not secured by property or collateral

DIs – Depositary Interests are UK-registered securities that enable trading
in non-UK incorporated and registered company shares, to be undertaken
and settled within

the UK in electronicpaperless form

DR – a Depositary Receipt - enables investment in a company registered
offshore, through one’s home-domiciled bank.

Derivative – literally something which “derives” from something else; in
financial markets, the use of futures and options contracts to bet on the
rise or fall of value of an equity, credit “product” or other type of security

Distressed situations – see Special Situations

Dividend – that portion of a company’s net profits, proposed by its board
and confirmed at an annual shareholders’ meeting, which represents
revenue on a share

EDR – European Depositary Receipt (see DR)

Event driven – a euphemism for the hedge fund strategy of profiting from
falls in the value of a company’s shares (see also: Special situations)

ETFsETNs – Exchange Traded Funds Exchange Traded Notes (see
Footnote 4)

EquityEquities – see Shares and Private Equity

Floating rate – a debt subject to periodic changes in interest rates

Fund of Funds – a portfolio held in a number of investment funds, rather
than directly in equities or bonds, viz. a “Hedge Fund of Funds”

FY – Financial Year; usually running for twelve months from middle or
late calendar year

GDR – Global Depositary Receipt (see DR)

GmbH – a company with limited liability (in Germany, Austria,
Switzerland and in Central Europe)

IPO – the Initial Public Offering of shares in a specific company

Junior – a mining company registered on a stock exchange (eg. TSE,
TMX, AIM, ASE, AltX), seeking venture (or “start up”) capital, usually
for exploration purposes.

JV – Joint Venture

LBO (Leveraged Buy Out) – where a company raises debt finance to
acquire another

LLC – Limited Liability Company

London Metal Exchange (LME) – the world’s premier forum for daily
trading in the prices of aluminium, copper, nickel, zinc, other nonferrous
metals and (from 2009) iron ore.

Contracts are agreed by means of “open cry” across a physical space, to
which only eleven named Ring Traders are admitted, and which are
purportedly backed by physical supply in LME warehouses

LPLLP – Limited (Liability) Partnership

Managed Fund – see Mutual fund

MBO (Management Buyout) – where managers acquire a company for
which they work

M & As – Mergers and Acquisitions

Market CapMarket Capitalisation – the value of a company’ shares,
consolidated between their price(s) on one or more stock exchanges at
any given moment

Mutual Fund – one which pools money from many clients, to invest in
stocks, bonds et al. Known in Europe as a Unit Trust; in the US as an
OEIC (qv) and in Australasia as a Managed Fund

Nominees – brokers, or banks acting as such, which hold a named
person’s shares in a non-paper form, rather than as a share certificate (see
Footnote 2).

OEIC (Open-ended investment company) - arranges for customer’s
money to be added to that of other investors and spread across a wide
range of equities andor fixed interest securities

Ordinary shares – those which normally carry voting rights (see also
Shares and Preference shares)

PE – Price to Earnings ratio, which evaluates dividend received against
the price, paid for a share; the higher the PE then, usually, the less
attractive the stock.

PLC (Plc, plc) – Public Limited Company (in UK and Ireland)

Preference shares – grant the owner dividends, even when ordinary
shareholders may not receive them, as well as the first pick of proceeds
when a company is liquidated. They normally do not carry voting rights

Private Equity – share holdings not listed on a registered stock exchange;
see also Venture Capital

Pty Ltd – Proprietary Limited (in Australia)

Re-insurance – insuring an insurer and thus spreading liability

Revolving creditdebt – a flexible facility by which loans are made and
repaid with interest over time, up to an agreed limit and without a fixed
rate of repayment

Ring trader – see London Metal Exchange

Royalties – payments made for the use of an asset (in the case of mining
usually a produced metal or mineral) delivered to the “owner” of the asset
(usually a government), either at gross or net value of the asset, as
determined by the owner

SE – Stock Exchange

Securities – see Bond

Senior debtdebenture – a debt which has priority in any conversion to
equity etc.

Shares – also called “equities” or stock – is that portion of a limited
company’s capital, registered either in the owner’s name or in an account
held by a bank, stock broker, or other intermediary (known as a bearer
share). (See also Footnote 2).

Share option – a privilege, sold by one party to another that gives the
buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell (put) a stock at
an agreed-upon price within a certain period, or on a specific date.

Share warrant – a paid-up share which can be transferred by its holder to
another party without any need for a registered transfer (UK) (see also

Special situations – hedge fund jargon for taking advantage of failing
companies, usually by “shorting” the asset – i.e. betting on the failure
itself. The term is also a euphemism for “vulture funds” which buy failing
equity or bonds, and government debt, at a cheap rate, in order to cash in
on their collapse

SPVsSPEs – Special Purpose Vehicles or Entities provide a means of
isolating risks taken by a bank or other company, often in order to escape

taxation or regulation. They were one of the main concoctions used by
Enron, to criminally conceal its vast financial losses during the late 1990s

Stock – ordinary or common shares held in a company

Sub- account – a category of general insurance, aimed at a specific sector
(e.g. buildings, shipping, accident)

SWF – Sovereign Wealth Fund: an investment agency of a state
government in onshore and offshore companies

Underwriting – the process by which an issue of equity, debt, bonds, is
afforded credit worthiness

Unit – the minimum amount of stocks, bonds, commodities, or other
securities accepted for trading on an exchange. While one unit often
equates to one share, it may also include a subscription warrant (qv)

Venture Capital – start-up funding provided for new companies (in the
case of mining, usually junior exploration companies) and generally
classified as part of private equity (qv)

Voting shares – see 0rdinary shares

Warrant – a piece of paper which entitles the owner to purchase shares in
a specific company, at a specified price (known as “exercising” the

Bank Secrets – “Bank Secrets; Banks and their Alarming Investment
Practices”, Netwerk Vlaanderen in association with BankTrack,
December 2007

Financing Global Mining – “Financing Global Mining: The Complete
Picture” (ed. Rob Morrison), pfi market intelligence, Thomson’s 2007

Hemscott – Hemscott supplies daily- updated information on share prices
and equity investment in companies registered on the London Stock
Exchange (including AIM), along with the company’s own official
announcements. (See also Footnote 4).

FT – Financial Times (UK)

MJ – Mining Journal, published weekly in London

Piplinks 2007 – Research (currently being updated) on mining companies
active in the Philippines, carried out by Philippine Indigenous Peoples’
Links (Piplinks) UK

An excellent prime source of information on all aspects of Canadian mine
finance is:

Mining Investors: Understanding the legal structure of a mining company
and Identifying its management, shareholders and relationship with the
financial markets, by Joan Kuyek, Mining Watch Canada, November

Mined U - Financing of new uranium mines, WISE (World Information
Service on Energy) Amsterdam, March 1998.

溧鸿矿业 (灵宝溧鸿矿业投资有限责任公司),成立于2004年,是一
家集探矿、采矿、选矿、加工、冶炼一体 型企业,现总资产达3亿元,
元工贸有限公司(以冶炼黄金、铜 、银、硫等为主的冶炼厂)。采矿
业投资分三个矿区:文峪矿区、朱阳矿区、甘肃矿区。是一家私营独< br>资企业。 经营范围: 本公司主要从事矿产资源投资开发开采、加工、
冶炼为主。在河南灵宝小 秦岭地区文峪矿区投资5000余万元开发矿
产资源,日产量200吨的选厂长年加工;在甘肃设有圣宝 矿业分公司,
19.1 平方公里矿山探矿权,现已大力开发,日产量200吨的选厂已
投产。在三门峡地区金矿开采行业具有领 头羊地位。下设的陕西华兴
富元工贸有限公司)。集团公司全 体员工团结一心、努力拼搏、迎难
续发展战略、人才强企战略 ,逐渐发展为主业突出、结构合理、管理
先进、拥有先进技术和具有竞争力、影响力的矿业集团。 企业文化:
1、宗旨:矿业立企,报国惠民 2、价值观:和谐创造财富;企业、
员工和社会协调发展 3、精神:艰苦创业,开拓创新 4、经营理念:
以人为本,追求卓越 5、安全理念:生命比金贵,安全出效益 6、学

习理念:爱学才会赢 7、环保理念:要金山银山,更要绿水青山.







