第四讲 科技翻译中的语法成分选择

2020年08月18日 02:26


Chapter Four Grammatical Items in Scientific Translation

 Adverbial turned subjects
But the Civil War in the 1860s saw the competing sides field much larger forces, including

The third day of the Battle of Gettysburg, 3 July 1863, provides a good example of field artillery
employment during the Civil War.

The past five years have yielded incremental improvements in Go programs but no breakthroughs

要让电脑模仿人那样思考牵涉到人工智能的核心技术,例如要教会电脑如 何学习、下结论、
The challenge of programming a computer to mimic that process goes to the core of artificial
intelligence, which involves the study of learning and decision-making, strategic thinking,
knowledge representation, pattern recognition and perhaps most intriguingly, intuition.

But research into different, lighter materials - such as zinc combined with air - could produce
batteries with greater

If more power can be packed into less space, portable computers can be made even lighter than the
current crop of ultralights.

Slight modifications of the design enable the lethality of the weapon to be greatly enhanced.

4. 原因状语变主语
与此同时,由于美国的加入,以及德国后勤和人员资产不断受到压力,同盟国逐渐在数 量上

Meanwhile, a combination of the arrival of the Americans and the continued strain on German
logistical and personnel assets gradually saw the Allies gain complete numerical superiority in the

Detecting movement of rain and other precipitation tells scientists about another piece of the
atmospheric puzzle --- wind.

但该战机没有垂直尾面,这显示了该战机将实现全向宽频隐形优化, 该性能是极具挑战性的
But the lack of vertical tail surfaces suggests the aircraft would be optimized for all-aspect
broadband stealth, which would be needed for operations in the most challenging anti-accessarea
denial environments.

Improved organizational structures, such as the development of global positioning systems in the
1990s, have minimized artillery vulnerabilities in terms of communications.

5. 方式状语
经过持续不断改进其持久(巡逻)能力、传感能力、数据处理和通信能力,情 报、监视、侦
Continuously improving capabilities in persistence (loitering), sensors, data processing and
communications have broadened ISR UAV use over land in both defenseintelligence and civil

 谓语部分变主语
但是中国向太平洋地区单边投送两栖部队---无论理由多么正当--- 都有将整个地区推入长期
But unilateral projection of Chinese amphibious forces into the Pacific --- no matter how strongly
justified --- risks pushing the entire region into perpetual crisis.
The decision to use a fixed wing was one that had to be made before any airplane could fly

Worries about the flow of genes from the original plant to others also surround GM crops.

 宾语变成主语
Many different schemes for performing these three functions have evolved during recent years

“天宫一号”与“神州 八号”飞船对接后,中国还将发射“神舟九号”以及“神舟十号”,与“天宫
After docking with the Shenzhou-8 spacecraft, it will await the Shenzhou-9 and -10 aircraft, to be
launched successively for more docking tests.

北京时间29日晚21时16分,中国在酒泉卫星发射中心载人航天发射场 ,用“长征二号FT1”
运载火箭,将中国全新研制的首个目标飞行器“天宫一号”成功发射升空。一个 月后,中国
China’s first space lab Tiangong-1 successfully blasted off at 9:16 pm Beijing Time Thursday
from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The unmanned module, carried by a Long March-2FT1
rocket, will test space docking with the Shenzhou-8 spacecraft in a month from now.

互联网在设计之初对安全问题考虑不足,形成了如今一个核心简单、边缘复杂的Internet 体
The insufficient consideration of safety issues in the early days of Internet has led to today's
Internet system model that is simple in the core while complex in the periphery.

The implications of the chip shortage are also being felt beyond the technology industry.

对于TNC的这些不足,目前也提出了一些解决思路和方法:如IBM 公司在TNC架构的基
Solutions have been proposed to address the deficiencies of TNC, including IBM’s integrity
assessment protocol (integrity reporting protocol) based on the TNC architecture.

 整句变主语
That close proximity and the way it was found so early in astronomers' search for habitable
planets hints to scientists that planets like Earth are probably not that rare. 天文学家们搜寻可居住行星的方法是极为相似的,而且是早就有的,这提示科学家们,像地
球一样可 以居住的行星可能并不少见。

The LEMV (Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle) being developed by British and
American engineers will ensure troops on the ground to get valuable surveillance information.

EEPROM存储器件正广泛地应用在太空和军事领域,使得国际上对EEP ROM抗辐射性能的
Wide applications of EEPROM memory devices in space and military field leads to more and
more researches focusing on its radiation hardened characteristics internationally.

 主语信息焦点转移
Apple is likely to suffer less than its rivals, as it has the financial muscle to fight for the chips it

The LAMV features redundant, independent computer systems for flight management, stability,
and control.

The world seems increasingly divided into those who favor genetically modified (GM) foods and
those who fear them.

多亏了几份负面的报告, 目前大众主要关注的是Bt作物;管理当局也正积极评估基改作物
At the moment, public attention is most trained on Bt crops, thanks to several negative studies.
Regulators, too, are surveying the risks intensely.
LAMV在盘旋以及过渡阶段的飞行都由计算机控制,驾驶员要做的只是控制飞 行速度和方
Since computers control the LAMV's flight during hover and transition, the only operator input is
to control speed and direction. Undesirable movements caused by wind gusts are prevented

 主语位移
The technology industry faces a growing shortage of semiconductors and other high-tech
components following a failure to invest in new manufacturing facilities during the recession.
由于未能在经济衰退期间投资 新的生产设施,科技行业正日益面临着半导体和其他高科技产


过去人们认为火星是一颗类 似地球的行星,有着四季的更替,它的两极被冰覆盖并相应作着周期的变化。冰雪
的存在证明了水份的存 在,也就是生命存在的前提。有人还曾提出火星上面的暗区可能是植物带。因此,火星
生命之谜深深地吸 引着人们。为了探索火星的秘密,近30年来己有20余只探测器对火星作过科学探测,其中
主要是美国 的水手9号、海盗1号和海盗2号。这些探测器拍了数千张照片。每个探测器都能自动地从火星上
采集土 壤样品进行实验,并将实验结果传回地球。实验结果表明:火星上没有江河湖海,土壤中也没有植物、
动 物或微生物的任何痕迹,更没有“火星人”等智慧生命存在。

1996年12月美国科学家 宣布:1984年在南极洲发现的ALH84001陨石来自火星。研究其岩石成分发现,
这些陨石可能 含有原始生命的微化石。这表明几十亿年前的火星很可能相当温暖潮湿,适合生命的存在与维持。


6.1 军事科技英语中的复杂定语
6.1.1 英汉定语的差异
定语是用来说明名(代)词的品质与特征的词或一组词。(薄冰, 2002: 466)定语是句子< br>中的一个较常见的语法成分,英汉句子中都不可少。但两者之间存在不少区别。第一,扮演
定语的 成分不尽相同。英语中可以作定语的有形容词(a natural musician)、名词(a baby girl)、
代词(your hair)、数词(a second chance)、副词(the way out)、不定式(her promise to write)、
动名词(a sleeping child)、现在分词(a walking dictionary)、过去分词(an improved version)、
介词介词短语(a map of china)、从句(the car that is parked outside is mine)和句子(He is
a God-wants-to-save-his-soul- but-cannot-find-it man)。(薄冰, 2002: 466-469)汉语中,做定语
的)等等 。(刘月华, 2004: 469-474)第二,定语信息容量不同。英语的定语一般根据信息容
量 的大小可分前置定语和后置定语,分为左分支和右分支现象。这种左右开工的定语结构给
了英语非常大的 修辞潜能。然而,与英语不同的是,汉语中不存在后置定语。在传统的汉语
语法中,即使前置定语也是少 用或不用的。
6.1.2 复杂定语的概念与分类
本章中的“复杂定语”主要是指形容词、 名词等天生符合定语特征、适合充当定语成分
的词语。从英汉对比的角度来说,这些在英语句子中充当定 语的成分,在汉语中没有现成的、

同样充当定语的语言成分,因此在某种程度上也可称之 为“非典型性定语成分”。复杂定语
的功能在于,能够以较为紧凑的形式传递相对大量的信息。由于其信 息传递的高效性,复杂
定语在英语中,尤其在用语正式的军事科技英语中比比皆是。下面主要列举几类常 见的、且
1. 前置定语
如上所述,英语中的 前置定语类别较多,但通常会给翻译造成一定障碍的有以下两种:
一为现在分词;二为过去分词;还有一 种为复合定语,即由两个或以上的词语复合而成的定
语结构,且一般具有一定的临时组合性。其中最为常 见的为过去分词复杂定语。三种定语结
While the laser won’t be considered a big gun just yet, Navy officials say it will provide a new
layer of protection against swarming small boats and unmanned aerial vehicles.(现在分词)
The FCS consists of a networked battle command system and advanced vehicles and
weapons platforms.(过去分词)
What is interesting is that we are already doing this. For example, Patriot missile batteries,
close-in-weapons systems, cruise missiles, and other “smart” weapons are already pretty
2. 后置定语
VR (Virtual Reality) technology also has other potential applications that can make military
activities safer.
的一种变体,两者 常可互相转换。一般而言,被修饰词与定语从句的谓语动词之间为被动关
系时,从句可替换为过去分词定 语短语;为主动关系时,则一般可替换为现在分词定语结构。
The FCS (Future Combat System) simulators include three computer monitors and a pair of
joystick controllers attached to a console.
本句中的“attached”引导的定语短语可以被视为等同于“whichthat were attached to a
They use an Xbox console to run the game and take on the role of a team leader attempting
to achieve specific objectives in various scenarios.

本句中的“attempting to…”则可视为“who is attempting to….”的变体。
6.2 翻译策略
复杂定语至少可有以下三种 翻译方法:一,调换位置。有的后置定语结构可以调节为前
置结构,反之亦然;二,译为其他语法结构, 如状语、补语等;三,译为其他语法单位。一
般为上一级语法单位,如句子,甚至是句群。应对复杂定语 从句时,应主要考虑以下两点:
一,定语的信息含量。信息含量小时,可尝试直接译为前置定语;而信息 含量越大,则越趋
向于非对应处理,即转换为其他语法结构或单位。二,汉语中是否有类似结构和语义。 一般
讨论前置和后 置定语的翻译策略。

虽然人们还不把激光视为大炮,海军军官称其将提供一个新的保护层, 以防四周游弋的小型
While the laser won’t be considered a big gun just yet, Navy officials say it will provide a new
layer of protection against swarming small boats and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Using adjustable autonomy or supervised autonomy, humans will still have to interact with the
machines and help guide them.

For example, Patriot missile batteries, close-in- weapons systems, cruise missiles, and other
“smart” weapons are already pretty autonomous.

Unmanned aerial and terrain vehicles and increased use of robotics will be a part of tomorrow’s

现在的纤维有一毫米厚,对于制服 而言仍然显得太厚。美国陆军士兵系统中心的研究人员希

望能够在未来十年继续将这一概 念精细化,将厚度削减至100微米。
The millimeter-thick fibers are too thick for a uniform and researchers at the Army’s Soldier
Systems Center hope to scale them down to 100 microns over the next 10 years as they refine the
concept further.

VR technology also has other potential applications that can make military activities safer.

计算机科学家设计 的未来作战系统模拟器可通过网络互连,有助于完成包括扮演各种角色的
多个参与者在内的复杂训练任务 。
Computer scientists designed FCS simulators to link together in a network, facilitating
complex training missions involving multiple participants acting in various roles.(现在分词)

The FCS (Future Combat System) simulators include three computer monitors and a pair of
joystick controllers attached to a console.

The simulator sits on top of either an electronic motion base or a hydraulic lift system that reacts
to user input and events within the simulation.

阿尔法计划小组是美国联合部队司令部一个快速概念分析小组, 目前正在进行一项研究。该
研究主要研发和使用机器人,使其能够在战场上替代人类执行大多数作战任务 。
Project Alpha, a U.S. Joint Forces Command rapid idea analysis group, is in the midst of a study
focusing on the concept of developing and employing robots that would be capable of replacing
humans to perform many, if not most combat functions on the battlefield.

因为飞机 的驾驶舱布局各不相同,因此不存在某种完美模拟方案能够精确再现所有飞机。
Because one aircraft can have a very different cockpit layout than another, there isn’t a perfect
simulator choice that can accurately represent every vehicle.

他提到,美国国防部高级研究计划局发起了一场名为“大 挑战”的竞赛,其中不乏概念交通
He noted that DARPA sponsored a competition called “Grand Challenge” that featured
civilian-developed, robot-controlled concept vehicles.

Turn the following sentences into Chinese

1. The system includes a special load-bearing vest that holds the batteries for the unit and a
wireless computer unit.
2. The Uniform would transmit information such as who you are, what time you went down,
where the wounds are, what is the estimated severity of the wound, et cetera.
3. Virtual environments work well in military applications. When well designed, they provide
the user with an accurate simulation of real events in a safe, controlled environment.
4. Trainers use everything from CAVE systems to head-mounted displays and treadmills to
reinforce concepts and techniques with trainees.
5. Soldiers may have armed robots as battle buddies by early next year, according to industry
and military officials attending the biennial Army Science Conference.
6. Boron carbide -- ceramic material used in today’s upgraded body armor -- was once
expensive to make.
7. Other DARPA items developed for troops’ use in Iraq and elsewhere include the Phraselator --
a hand-held device that translates spoken English phrases into foreign speech -- and a
compact water-sterilizing device.
8. DARPA also is working on miniaturized unmanned aerial vehicles, improved digital
communications systems, and more precise sensor systems that could be used to detect and
destroy hidden surface targets.
9. It’s common throughout several Coalition- maintained bases in Afghanistan to see small
green- or tan-colored, all-terrain vehicles maneuvering through the country’s rocky, dusty
terrain, hauling equipment and personnel from one place to another.

10. Individual vehicles are designed with different special features, from blackout lights to
litter- carrying capabilities, but overall, their uses are similar.
11. The Army uses several specific devices to train soldiers to drive specialized vehicles like tanks
or the heavily-armored Stryker vehicle.
12. They don’t understand how close we really are to being able to implement these
technologies in some sort of cohesive way into a cohesive force to achieve the desired
13. PCs have provided dedicated maritime security and force protection capability to U.S. 5th
Fleet since 2003.
14. The gold fibers don’t actually communicate anything quite yet, although the concept is
rooted in technology that demonstrated fibers could be fabricated not just of single-material
glass fibers, but a “multiplicity of materials”.
15. The navigation, seamanship and ship- handling trainer (NSST) accurately replicates the bridge
of a large Navy ship.
16. The system consists of a weapons platform mounted on a Talon robot, a product of the
engineering and technology development firm Foster-Miller.
17. Some flight simulators include a completely enclosed module, while others just have a series
of computer monitors arranged to cover the pilot’s field of view.
18. Engineers mounted a camera to a servo-controlled base (a base platform connected to one or
more motors that adjust the position of the base by rotating or tilting the platform).
19. In the next section, we’ll look at the various simulators commonly used in military training.
20. Some flight simulators include a completely enclosed module, while others just have a series
of computer monitors arranged to cover the pilot’s field of view.
21. Others, however, are mounted on a set of pneumatic arms that can tilt the module, allowing
it to physically simulate a diving or surfacing maneuver.
22. Military officials and video game studios have partnered to create realistic, immersive virtual
scenarios that help soldiers acclimate to various combat environments and situations.
23. They use an Xbox console to run the game and take on the role of a team leader attempting
to achieve specific objectives in various scenarios.

24. Some programs are web-based, allowing recruits to interact with experienced soldiers and
learn about real-life techniques that can help keep them safe.
25. It’s a wearable and wireless system that allows soldiers to move unencumbered through a
virtual environment with the help of the following virtual-reality gear.
26. The system includes a wireless weapon controller that matches the size, weight and shape of
real military weapons.
27. The viewer wears a pair of special goggles that create the illusion of depth, so that the images
displayed on the workbench appear to be three dimensional.
28. The control box weighs about 30 pounds, with two joysticks that control the robot platform
and the weapon and a daylight viewable screen.
29. It is said that the thermobaric bomb that was used in Afghanistan to destroy al Qaeda and
Taliban members in their mountain hideouts is directly linked to the basic research in DoD.
30. The concept has been demonstrated, to a limited degree, with a monkey that was taught to
move a telerobotic arm simply by thinking about it.







