机电工程技术 2011年第 40卷第 04
基 于
MATLAB 的 平 面 四 连 杆 机 构 运 动 仿 真
1, 黎炯宏
(1. 上海海事大学物流工程学院 , 上海
2. 广州市珠江机床厂有限公司 , 广东广州 511450
(编号 :20110040 , 应用 MATLAB 软件编程进行运动仿
真分析 , 、
直观的仿真手段 。 运动仿真 MATLAB 文献标识码 :A
四连杆机构因其结构灵活 、
能够传递动力并有效地实 现预定动作 , 在很多领
。 进行连杆机
构运动分析 , 传统方法主要是图解法或分析法
, 无论设
计精度还是设计效率都相对低下 , 无法满足现代机械高速 高 精
度 的 要 求 。
随 着 计 算 机 技 术 的 飞 速 发 展 , 特 别 是 以
MATLAB 为代表的数值计算软件的出现 , 为进行机构分析
件 , 具备强大的科学计算功能 、
开放式的扩展环境 、 以及 多达 30多个面向
不同 领 域 的 扩 展 工 具 箱 , 在
世 界 范 围 内 得到了广泛使用 。
动模型 , 然后应用
MATLAB 软件编程进行四连杆运动仿真 计算 , 得到连杆运动位移
、 速度及加速度
等运动参数 。
图 1为四连杆机构的复向量坐标图 , 设四个构件的长 度 分 别 为
r 1、 r 2、 r
3、 r 4, 方 位 角 分 别 为 θ1、 θ2、 θ3、
θ4, 其 中 θ1=0。
构件 2为原动件 , 下面分别推导未知方位角 、 端点位 置 、
程 。
根据连杆机构特性 ,
运动方程可写为 :
将上式展开 , 整理后得 :
对于一个特定的四杆机构 ,
2的运动规律已知 , 则可根据式 (2 得到求解 θ3、 θ4的表
达式 :
对式 (1 求导 , 整理后得到角速度方程为 :
图 1
2011年第 40卷第 04期
1.2端点 B 运动分析
在复数坐标系中 , 端点 B 的位置可表示为 B =r 2e j θ2, 则
分别对上式求一次 、 二次导数 , 得到 B 点的速度 、 加 速度分别为 :
1.3端点 C 运动分析
端点 C 的位置可表示为 C=B+r3e j θ3, 则
分别对上式求一次 、 二次导数 , 则 得 到 C 点 的 速 度 、 加速度分别为 :
通过 以 上 推 导 , 在 复 向 量 坐 标 系 中 建
立 了 四 连 杆 机 构 方 位 角 及 端
点 运 动 参 数 的 矩 阵 数 学 模
型 , 可 编 制
MATLAB 7.0程 序 进 行 计 算 。 计 算 步 骤 可 分
为 :
(1 首先定义连杆尺寸及原动件参数 , 并进行参数初 始化
(2 借 助
牛 顿 -辛 普 森 法 或 fsolve 函 数 , 求 出 连 杆 3、
θ3、 θ4;
(3 将上述参数代入后 , 得到端点 B 、 C 的位置 、 速
度及加速度等运动参数 ,
绘制运动曲线图 。
下面以某一具体连杆机构进行计算 。
假 设 该 机 构 各 构 件 尺 寸 为 :r
1=1500mm, r 2=500mm、
r 3=1200mm, r 4=900mm, 构件
2以等角速度 10rads逆时针
方向回转 。 将上述参数代入程序后 , 计算得到机构运动参
数 。
图 2~4分别为 θ4角速度 、 点 C
的速度变化曲线 。
本 文 在 复 数 向 量 坐 标 系 中 推 导 了
四 连 杆 机 构 运 动 方 程 , 并应用
MATLAB 软件进行了连杆机构运动数值仿真
。 从计算结果可以看出 , 该方法可以
方便快捷地得到连杆运 动参数 ,
能够有效提高分析效率和计算精度 , 可进一步推 广
到多连杆机构设计及优化计算中 。
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图 4端点 C 垂直方向的速度曲线
图 2
图 3
端点 C 水平方向的速度曲线
(下转第 84页
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机电工程技术 2011年第
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第一作者简介 :刘
龙 , 男 ,
1977年生 , 山西太原人 , 博士 , 讲
师 。 研究领域 :机械设计及理论 。
已发表论文 22篇 。
(编辑 :向 飞
a 相电压波形 (b a 相电压对应的频谱
图 5载波相移下相电压波形及其对应频谱
(a a 相电压波形 (b a 相电压对应的频谱
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作者简介 :李小凡 ,
男 , 1981年生 , 江苏盐城人 , 硕士 , 讲师 。 研究领域 变频
调速技术 ,
电力电子与电力传动 。
(编辑 :王智圣
(上接第 52页
研 究与开发
method of mechatronic product
knowledge model at present provides a line of
thought for other standard parts of stamping
(Knowledge Management & the
KBE (Knowledge-
based Key Word: Solidworks; die holder;
configurations; parametric
Engineering system
is a very important process, according to the
modeling; characteristic
application of the ontology technology and
network describing language, this thesis
the electromechanical product as example to
explain the strategy method of the
Knowledge Acquiring & Retrieving, providing the
multi-class model of the
LUO Ming-deng
knowledge acquiring & retrieving and function
structure skeleton,
meanwhile bringing up the
ECA rule of the Maintenance mechanism Abstract:
mating structure of mobile DVD mechanism
base of the web-based & ontology-based
knowledge model.
and disk-pressing-arm axis
has a great influence on the structure Key words:
mechanical product; knowledge model;
acquiring stability of suction DVD. The
theoretical analysis of mating & retrieving
structure is done firstly in this paper, then
interference jointing and stress analysis of
the disk-pressing-arm axis is done using the
finite element method. Compared with
traditional calculation method, the proposed
method has advantages of accurate and quick,
and can be a reliable theoretical support for
structure design of mobile DVD.
SU Hai-fu, QU Jie, YU Wei-gao Key words:
mobile DVD mechanism; stress
analysis; finite
element method
Abstract: Brake is the main
components of the vehicle brake system. The paper
takes a ventilated disc brake which is
currently widely used for passenger cars as an
example. The thermal-mechanical coupled finite
element model for braking system was
Long, LI Jiong-hongestablished using the non-
linear finite element software
ABAQUS. The hot
judder phenomenon appears for transient
temperature field and stress
field of the disc
are simulated during emergency braking. Abstract:
The motion
mathematical model of four-bar
plane linkage The results show that the stress
field is
coupled with the temperature
mechanism was established using complex vector
Then its field and they are
periodically fluctuated, and the frequency of the
analysis was realized using MATLAB
software. Motion fluctuation is consistent with
rotational frequency of the disc
parameters, including its motion positions,
velocities and
brake. The coactions of the
time-varying moving thermal load and accelerations
calculated. This approach was more
convenient the convection heat transfer play the
major role in the fluctuations of than
conventional methods for analyzing linkage motion.
temperature and the stress field. The uniform
distribution of the Key words:
design; four-bar linkage; motion thermal stress
causes the disc thermal
deformation of warping
simulation; MATLAB
toward the hub and the
thickness variation of the disc. And the thermal
causes the contact state and
contact pressure changes during braking, then the
hot judder
Key words: ventilated
disc brake; thermal- mechanical coupling; DAI Zi-
thermal deformation; hot judder
Abstract: This article is focused on the study
of a B-type Lift-sliding mechanical
system, by using NX-Ideas, the mechanical parking
system model were
established, and the DUAN Xiao-min structural
analysis of the main structures under
load were carried out. The elastic and elasto-
plastic analyses of wheel-rail Abstract:
paper created the system simulation and presented
a contact were introduced. Based
on meeting
the structural strength, test of the water
hydraulic pipe-mounted relief
valve,The test
stiffness and reliability, recommendations to
improve the platform includes
the range of
pressure fluctuation and pressure stability,
structure were presented; the
results showed
that less material was open-close performance
experiment, pressure drop
experiment and used
and cost was decreased while its performance was
re-flow characteristic experiment; dynamic
performance tests Key
words: mechanical
parking system; main structures; wheel-rail
contains the pressure
overshoot, stability
time y the paper rolling contact; FEA; optimum
compared with simulation and
experimental results.
Key words: AMESim; open-
close performance; pressure drop; pressure-flow
GAO Zhi-heng Abstract: The
inlay method has carried on the introduction to on
ZHANG Xin-qun product reduction gear box body
bearing hole. The paper analyzes the
of inlay on the heat and mechanics. The analysis
Abstract: The die holder is the
complicated standard part of believed that good
inlays a set of craft to be supposed
to pay
stamping dies. In the designing process of
stamping die, the die attention inlays a
of material, inlays set of and the reduction gear
holders are used repeatedly. This
takes improving box body axle hole has coordinated
the full quantity and so on,
the automaticity
of three-dimensional modeling of die holder as a
overall evaluation
affects, the
electrochemistry corrosion influence, starting
point, has discussed the
parametric modeling
process of die the distortion hotly and so on is
various to the box
body holders with the
Configuration functions in Solidworks, and
performance influence, chooses the most
appropriate material and
11-04-48 Stress Analysis of Mobile DVD
Mechanism Mating Structure Based on
11-04-38 Hot Judder Simulation for a Ventiled
Disc Brake
11-04-51 Motion Analysis of Four-
Bar Plane Linkage Using MATLAB Software
11-04-53 Finite Element Analysis of a
Mechanical Parking System
11-04-42 The System
Simulation and Test of the Water Hydraulic Pipe-
Relief Valve
11-04-57 The Analysis
of Reduction Gear Box Body Inlay Method and the
11-04-45 The Parametric Modeling
Completion of Die Holders with the
Configuration Functions in SolidWorks
(Foryou Multimedia Electronics Co., Ltd,
Huizhou516005, China
(College of
Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China
University of
Technology, Guang zhou 510641,
(ics Engineering College, Shanghai
Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China;
hou Pearl River Machine
Tool Works Ltd,
Guangzhou 511450, China
(Changsha engineering
and research institute of nonferrous
metallurgy, Changsha 410011, China
(School of Modern
Manufacturing,Guangdong Lingnan Institute of
Guangzhou510663, China
(Haizhuang Chongqing Bureau, Chongqing 400020,
(Chuzhou Vocational and Technical
College, Chuzhou239000, China