
2020年08月18日 02:50


UN5-U01-R1 Are we living in the digital dark ages

Imagine these scenarios: (1) 2040: A box of memorabilia, including
floppy discs and VHS tapes is found in the attic of an old house with
a label that says, ‘Records and early videos of Bill Gates
(1975-1985).’ (2) 2050: You find an envelope labeled ‘bank
records’ in your grandmother’s desk. Inside the envelope, there
is an old CD marked with the date 1998, your great-grandfather’s
name, and the words ‘all overseas bank accounts’.
想象一下这些场景:(1)2040年:在一栋 老房子的阁楼上发现了一盒纪念品,其中包括软盘和VHS磁带,标
签上写着“比尔盖茨的记录和早期视 频(1975-1985)”。(2)2050年:你在祖母的办公桌上发现了一个标有“银行
记录”的 信封。信封里有一张旧CD,上面写着1998年的日期,你曾祖父的名字,还有“所有海外银行账户”的字样。

If these stories were really to happen, the people who found these
items would be very excited – at least at first. Their excitement
would be quickly followed by frustration because it would be very
difficult for them to access the information on the discs and tapes.
Even if the records were still in good condition, it would be very
hard to find a device that could read them. Compare these discoveries
to one that might have occurred around the turn of the twentieth
century: a box of old letters and photographs on a high shelf at the
back of a cupboard. The information these items contain would be
immediately accessible because you would only need your eyes.
如果这些故事真的发生了,发现这些物品的人会非常兴奋 -- 至少一开始时是这样的。 他们兴奋之后很快就
会沮丧,因为他们很难获取光盘和磁带上的信息。 即使这些记录仍然完好无损,也很难找到能够读取它们的设备。
将这些发现与二十世纪初可能发生的一件事进行比较:橱柜后面的高架子上放着一盒旧信件和照片。 这些物品所

Computers and digital technology have vastly expanded our
capacity to store all kinds of information but how long will our
access to this stored information last In fact, the people who found
the discs and tapes in our scenarios would be lucky because discs
and tapes are physically real. Information on the web is much more
vulnerable; it is completely digital and can disappear in a flash.
This is a problem that began to worry technology experts in the early
twenty-first century. They became concerned that, without better
ways of preserving information, future generations might look back
on our times as the ‘digital dark ages.’ If current practices
continue, future generations may not have access to the digital
record of our lives and our world.
计算机和数字技术极大地扩展了我们存储各种信息的能力,但我们对这些存储信息的访问能持续多久呢 事实
上,在我们先前的场景中找到光盘和磁带的人会很幸运,因为光盘和磁带这些是真实存在的介质。 网络上的信息
更加脆弱,容易受到攻击; 它是完全数字化的,可以瞬间消失。二十一世纪初,技术专家 开始担心这个问题,如果
没有更好的信息保存方式,后人可能在回顾我们这个时代时,将之视为“数字的 黑暗时代”。如果当前的做法继续
下去,未来几代人可能无法获取有关我们的生活以及现今这个世界的数 字记录。

Vint Cerf, a vice president at Google, argues that this could
happen if we do not quickly take steps to address the issue. He uses
the term ‘bit rot’ to describe how our digital records may slowly
but surely become in accessible. In our scenarios, for example, we
may no longer have the devices, such as video cassette and CD players,
to access the records. Most software and apps that were used to create
documents and websites ten or twenty years ago are already out of
date, and in another sixty years they may not even be available. The
problem is particularly challenging with interactive apps and
websites. We can read letters from long ago, but will we be able to
read a Twitter feed of access a Snapchat exchange a hundred years
from now
谷歌副总裁文特瑟夫认为,如果我们不迅速采取措施解决这一问题,这一切都有可能发生。 他使用“比特腐
化”这个术语来描述我们的数字记录如何可以稳步地变得易于访问。 例如,在我们先前的场景中,我们可能不再
拥有录像带和CD播放器等设备来访问记录。 十年或二十年 前用于创建文档和网站的大多数软件和应用程序已经过
时,而再过六十年中它们甚至可能无法使用。 这个问题在交互式应用和网站上尤其具有挑战性。 我们可以阅读很

This problem has prompted technology experts like computer
scientist Mahadev Satyanarayanan of Carnegie Mellon University to
take action. He has found a way to store everything that is needed
to interpret a record – the record itself, as well as the original
operation system and the application it used – all together in the
cloud. Using this approach, he has been abl

这个问题促使像卡内基梅隆大学的计算机科学家马哈德夫·萨特亚纳拉亚南这样的技术专家采取行动。 他找
到了一种方法来,可以将解释记录所需的所有东西-- 记录本身,以及原始操作系统及其使用的应用程序 --都存储
在云端。 使用这种方法,他能够保存和恢复可能永远丢失的数字记录。

Both Cerf and Satyanarayanan stress the importance of the
deliberate preservation. In the past, you could throw your old photos
into a box without having to decide what to save and what to throw
away. With digital records, however, you need to make an active
decision about what to keep. Satyanarayanan says it is likely that
important records – government documents, big news stories, etc.
– will be transferred to new forms of storage technology as they
emerge. It is the records of everyday life, the ones we do not yet
know the value of, that may disappear into the digital dark ages.
瑟夫和萨特亚纳拉亚南都强调有意保护的重要性。 在过去,你可以将旧照片放入盒子中,而无需决定什么该
保存什么该扔掉。 但是,对于数字记录,你需要主动决定保存什么。 萨特亚纳拉亚南表示,重要的记录 --如政
府文件,重大新闻报道等—将在形成时就被转换到新形式的存储技术中。 那些我们还不知道其价值的日常生活的

floopy discs and VHS tapes (n) early forms of electronic media

UN5-01-R2 An open letter to the City Council
Roundcastle General Infirmary (RGI), which has stood vacant for
more than ten years, has become an eyesore' in our city centre. In
spite of the fact that the council has spent a significant sum
studying the best use for the site, we are still waiting for action.
Let's stop trying to work out how to save this out-of-date pile of
bricks. Our business community is expanding and prospering, and it's
about time for the council to some leadership by adopting a proposal
that embraces the future, not one that clings to the past.
已经空置了 十几年的圆堡综合医院(RGI)在我们市中心变得碍眼。尽管事实上市政局花了大量资金研究该遗
址的 最佳用途,但显然我们至今还在等待行动,让我们停止尝试找出如何保存这一堆过时砖头的方案。我们正在扩张和繁荣的商业社区,现在是时候让委员会发挥一些领导作用采纳着眼未来的提议,而不是一个墨守成规的提 议。

It has been argued that it would be cheaper to reuse the old
building than to tear it down and build a new one. Almost ten years
ago, experts estimated that saving the RGI building would cost more
than 150 million pounds. This figure may have been true then, but
over the last decade, the building has deteriorated considerably,
which would no doubt add to the cost of any renovation carried out
today. Our experts agree that updating this hundred-year. old
building to meet modern safety standards would actually be more
expensive than starting from scratch.
有人认为 ,重新使用旧建筑要比推倒重建新建筑更便宜。差不多在十年前,专家评估修复RGI大楼的费用将超
过 亿英镑。这个数字当时可能是正确的,但在过去十年里,这栋大楼已经严重恶化,毫无疑问如今要修复它会带来< br>更大的修复成本。2001年12月31日终了的两年期收入和支出及准备金和基金结余今天进行的翻新, 我们的专家

What this city needs is an up-to-date, green structure that will
provide much-needed housing and retail space. Our proposal will
replace the decaying hospital building with a hotel, flats
(including15% affordable housing), and space for shops and
restaurants. Just as important, construction of these structures,
and the businesses that will be located in the them, will provide
good jobs for people in the community. How much longer do we have
to wait for our leaders to make the right decision for the future
of our city Teardown RGI!
这个城市需要的是一个最新的,提供急需住房和零售空间的绿色环保建造。我们建议用酒店、 公寓(包括15%
的经济适用房)来取代破烂不堪的医院大楼,同时也有空间给商店和餐馆。同样重要的 是,这些结构的建设,未来
将会有企业租赁在此,这将为社区人民提供良好的工作。长久以来我们不得不 等待我们的领导人为我们未来的城市

Signed by the members of Roundcastle City Association of Business

Dear City Councillors
Roundcastle General Infirmary, which welcomed patients and their
families for almost a century, is a community landmark. The building
is beautiful, but more beautiful than the structure itself is the
statement it made to the city and the world. When it opened its doors
in 1916, Roundcastle General Infirmary offered an attractive, modern
facility, not just to the city's elite, but also to the poor. It sent
the message that the poor are just as deserving of quality healthcare
as the wealthy. People in the region thought of the hospitals a symbol
of growing social mobility. Let's make sure this site continues to
serve all of our citizens by renovating it now.
圆堡综合 医院是一个具有里程碑意义的社区,近一个世纪以来一直在接待病人及其家属。这建筑很漂亮,但是
比这 个结构本身更漂亮的是它对城市与世界的贡献。它于1916年建成,那时圆堡综合医院不仅为城市的精英们,< br>也为了穷人们提供了一个有吸引力、有现代化医疗设施的医疗环境。它传递了这样的信息:穷人和富人一样 ,同样
应该得到高质量的医疗服务。该地区的人们认为医院是社会流动性不断增强的象征。此刻通过修复 它让我们确保该


Some opponents of our proposal have argued that renovation is too
expensive, but a recent, similar project demonstrated that this may
not be the case. In fact, renovating an existing structure can cost
about £40 per square metre less than even the most basic new
construction, while preserving the beauty of the original building.
And, although it is often claimed that old buildings have a more
significant environmental footprint than new construction,
architect and sustainability experts maintain that the greenest
building is the one that is already built. New construction almost
always has a more serious environmental impact because it requires
the use of all new materials.
反对我们建议的一些人认为改造费用太昂贵,但就在最近,类似的项目表明这可 能不是实际情况。事实上,改
造一个现有的结构每平方米成本约£40%连最基本的新建筑费用都不到, 同时还能保存原有建筑之美。虽然人们常
说,旧建筑比一个新建筑更重要的环境发展足迹,但建筑师和可 持续发展专家认为最环保的建筑已经建成的。几乎
所有的新建筑都会有更严重的环境影响,因为它需要全 部使用新材料。

Our group's proposal for renovation of the hospital site and
building will allow it to continue to serve the community by providing
affordable housing, clinics, a school, and a community centre -
resources that we badly need. If instead we allowed developers to
take over the project, the guiding principle would be profit. The

people who would benefit most would be the investors in the project,
not the people of our community. Save the Roundcastle General
Infirmary building!
我们小组关于翻修医院场所和大 楼的提案将考虑到通过提供经济适用房屋、诊所、学校来继续服务社会—— 这
些资源都是我们急需要的 。如果我们允许开发商接管这个项目,制定原则就是获利。受益最大的将是这个项目的投
资者,而不是我 们社区的人。拯救圆堡综合医院大楼!

Yours faithfully
Roundcastle Residents Society

UN5-U02-R1 Chapter 5 What makes a successful logo

A logo is an efficient visual form that conveys an organization’s
message. Logos may seem quite simple. After all, they are often just
a name or very basic image, but in fact, designing a good logo takes
a lot of time and thought. So, what are the criteria that define a
good logo If you ask ten different answers. However, there are some
common themes.
徽标是传达组织信息的有效视觉形式。标志看起来很简单。毕 竟,它们通常只是一个名称或非常基本的图像,
但实际上,设计一个好的标志需要很多时间和思考。那么 ,定义一个好标志的标准是什么如果你问十个不同的答案。

A good logo is clear and simple. Simple logos are easy to remember.
In studies where participants were shown hundreds of unfamiliar logos.
the ones they remembered later all had simple designs. Some designers
advise the use of no more than two colours.
一个好的标志是清楚和简单的。简单的 标志很容易记住。在给参与者展示数百个不熟悉的标志的研究中。他们
后来记得的那些都是简单的设计。 一些设计师建议使用不超过两种颜色。

A good logo must also be unique so it will not be confused with
the logo from another organization. For example, the logo for IKEA
is so familiar that any new logo in those shades of blue and yellow
would probably remind people of IKEA. A unique logo also arouses
curiosity when people see it for the first time. They want to know
more about it. When tennis star, Novak Djokovic began wearing shirts
by the Japanese clothing manufacturer UNIQLO, people unfamiliar with
the company became curious about the odd combination of letters that
make up its logo.
一个好的标志也必须是独 特的,所以它不会与来自其他组织的标志混淆。例如,宜家的标志是如此熟悉,任何
新的标志在蓝色和黄 色的色调可能会提醒人们宜家。一个独特的标志也会让人们第一次看到它时产生好奇心。他们
想了解更多 。当日本服装制造商优衣库(UNIQLO)的网球明星诺瓦克·德约科维奇(Novak Djokovic)开始穿衬衫时,

Logos should be flexible enough to adapt across time and placement.
We all remember Apple's rainbow-coloured design, which worded in the
1970s,but today it would look dated. The subsequent gray and black
Apple logo looks more contemporary, yet it retains the original
design. Designers also need to consider where the logo will appear.
Will it be on shopping bags Coffee cups Does it need to shrink down
to a tiny icon on a digital device, like the Twitter bluebird or the
Facebook f Will people be able to recognize it from far away on the
side of a lorry
标志应该足够灵活,以适应不同的时间和地点。我们都记得 苹果的彩虹色设计,在上世纪70年代的措辞,但
今天看起来会过时。随后的灰色和黑色苹果标志看起来 更现代,但它保留了原来的设计。设计师还需要考虑标志将
出现在哪里。放在购物袋上吗咖啡杯是否需要 缩小到数字设备上的一个小图标,比如Twitter bluebird或Facebook

More than anything else, a logo needs to tell a story- to convey
the company's identity and evoke an emotional response in the message
and the response must be appropriate for the organization that the
logo represents. The Toys R Us logo, with its childish handwriting
and backwards R, conveys a message of fun. It is childlike and playful.
It works for a toy company, but it probably would not work for a bank
or an insurance company.
最重要的是,一个标志需要讲述一个故事,以传达公司的身份 ,并在信息中唤起情感反应,并且响应必须适合
于标志所代表的组织。玩具反斗城的标志,其幼稚的笔迹 和向后R,传达了一个有趣的信息。它很孩子气,很好玩。
它为玩具公司工作,但可能不会为银行或保险 公司工作。

In contrast, the FedEX logo, with its block letters forming a
forward pointing arrow between the 'E' and 'x', looks like it belongs
to a serious business. Its aim is to inspire confidence: We are a
company you can trust your package to.
相比之下,联邦快递的标志,它的大写字母 形成了“E”和“x”之间的前向箭头,看起来它属于一个严肃的企
业。它的目标是激发信心:我们是一 家你可以信任你的包裹的公司。

An emotional response is particularly important for charitable
organizations. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) hopes that its
iconic black and white panda will resonate with the public and
encourage people to make a donation to support its global
environmental conservation work on saving endangered species and
their habitats as well as reducing people's footprint for a
sustainable future.
对慈善组织来说,情绪反应尤其重要。世界自然基 金会(WWF)希望其标志性的黑白熊猫能够引起公众的共鸣,
并鼓励人们捐款支持其全球环境保护工作 ,以拯救濒危物种及其栖息地,以及减少人类对可持续未来的足迹。

Once a logo becomes widely recognized, businesses and
organizations often rely more on the logo than their name. The public
immediately recognizes the Nike swoosh, McDonald's golden arches,
or Apple's apple. Research has shown that the more evocative the logo,
the more positive the impact on customer loyalty-suggesting that the
most powerful logos are those which forgo lettering to rely on
一旦一个标志得到广泛认可 ,企业和组织往往更多地依赖于这个标志而不是他们的名字。公众立刻认出耐克闪
闪发光,麦当劳的金拱 门,或者苹果。研究表明,商标越有吸引力,对顾客忠诚度的影响就越积极。这表明,最强
大的商标是那 些放弃字母而依赖符号的商标。

Making a brand stand out from the crowed is key to the survival
of a business-and a logo is one powerful tool in achieving this. For
other types of organizations, it is the public's connection to the
role the organization plays in society that is important, and logos
can help to reinforce this. Whatever the type of organization, those
who get their logos right will reap the benefits for many years to
让品牌从人群中脱颖 而出是企业生存的关键,而标志是实现这一点的有力工具。对于其他类型的组织来说,重
要的是公众和组 织在社会中所扮演的角色之间的联系,而logo可以帮助加强这一点。无论哪种类型的组织,那些
获得 其logo正确的人将在未来多年中受益。

forgo(v) not usehave do something that is usual
放弃 没有也行
reap the benefit (v phr. idiom) to get something good as the
result of your own actions

UN5-02-R2 Chapter 6 Rebranding and logos
Businesses need to be able to change as markets change. To keep
up with changes, they frequently update their brands and advertising
in a process called rebranding Rebranding often prompts these
companies to redesign their logos at the same time. Take, for example,
NBC (the National Broadcasting Company of the United States) — this
company started in the days of radio, thus the microphone in its
original logo from 1 944. As it moved into television and then colour
television, the company adopted its iconic peacock design. in 1956.
Since then, it has updated ‘the Bird’ several times to reflect the
tastes and styles of the times.
企业需要能够随着市场的变化而改变。为了跟上变化的步伐,他们经常更 新自己的品牌,而且在称为重塑品牌
的过程中,广告经常会促使这些公司同时重新设计他们的标志。举个 例子,NBC(美国国家广播公司)-这家公司开
始于广播时代,因此麦克风的原始标识是1944。随 着它进入电视和彩色电视领域,公司采用了标志性的孔雀设计。
1956。从那时起,它多次更新“鸟” ,以反映时代的品味和风格。

Rebranding and new logo designs may be needed because a company
has changed its focus. For example, Xerox. a company whose primary
product was once photocopiers, wanted to call attention to the fact
that it handles a much wider range of document technology now. Some
companies may want to change their image because there have been some
negative associations with their old one. For example, Kentucky Fried
Chicken hoped to distance itself from unhealthy, fried foods. When
it redesigned the product’s logo, the word ‘fried’ disappeared
and only the initials, KFC remained. The logo for oil company British
Petroleum (BP) looked like any sign you might see at a petrol station.
Customers often associate fossil fuels with climate change and a
negative impact on the environment, so BP opted for a ‘greener’
logo, one that resembles a sunflower.
因为公司已经改变了重点,所以可能需要重新品牌设计和新的标志设计。例 如,施乐。一家主要产品曾经是复
印机的公司,想提醒大家注意它现在处理范围更广的文档技术。一些公 司可能想改变他们的形象,因为与旧公司有
一些负面的联系。例如,肯德基炸鸡希望远离不健康的油炸食 品。当肯德基重新设计产品标识时,“fried”这个词
消失了,只有首字母缩写。英国石油公司(B P)的标志看起来就像你在加油站看到的任何标志。客户经常把化石燃
料与气候变化和对环境的负面影响 联系在一起,所以BP选择了一个“更绿色”的标志,一个类似于向日葵的标志。

Some brands simply mature and need a new logo to show this. Many
hi-tech companies, often founded by young entrepreneurs, begin with
logos that reflect the age of their founders. If the companies are
successful and begin to appeal to a wider audience, they may want
to modify their logo. Both Spotify and Snapchat have gone through
this process. Spotify’s earlier, youthful logo has recently evolved
into a simple graphic that evokes sound waves. Snapchat’s cute ghost
has lost its silly face, retaining only the figure’s outline.
有些品牌只是成熟了,需要一个新的标志来 显示这一点。许多高科技公司,通常是由年轻的企业家创立的,从
反映创始人年龄的标志开始。如果这些 公司成功并开始吸引更多的受众,他们可能想要修改他们的标志。Spotify
和Snapchat都 经历了这个过程。Spotify的早期,年轻的标志最近演变成一个简单的图形,唤起声波。快照的可

The public generally resists changes to familiar logos at first.
However, opposition to the new design usually dies down after a while,
especially if the new logo retains some familiar elements. For
example., the new BP logo kept the colour scheme of the old logo,
and the new KFC logo retains the familiar bearded face of its founder,
Colonel Sanders. If there is too much change, however, customers may
become confused or reject the change. Executives at PepsiCo found
this out when they changed the logo for one of their brands: Tropicana
orange juice. Customers were looking for the familiar orange with
a straw; they did not recognize the product with the new logo as
Tropicana. Sales dropped dramatically, and PepsiCo brought back the
old logo.
起初,公众通常 拒绝改变熟悉的标志。然而,对新设计的反对意见通常会在一段时间后消失,特别是如果新的
标志保留一 些熟悉的元素。例如,新的BP标志保留了旧标志的颜色方案,而新的肯德基标志保留了创始人桑德斯
上 校熟悉的胡须脸。但是,如果变化太大,客户可能会感到困惑或拒绝更改。百事可乐公司的高管们在改变他们的< br>一个品牌的标志时发现了这一点:纯果乐橙汁。顾客们正在用吸管寻找熟悉的橙子,他们没有认出这个带有 新商标

A final reason for a new logo design comes from technology. New
platforms may necessitate modifications. As devices become smaller,
logos need to be simpler and easier to recognize on a small scale.
Companies like Airhnh and PayPal dropped their names and chose
simpler graphics for their latest logos so that users can identify
them more easily on their mobile devices.
新标志设计的最终原因来自技术。新的平台可能需要修 改。随着设备变得更小,标识需要更简单和更容易在小
规模上识别。像Ayrnh和Paypal这样的 公司放弃了他们的名字,选择了更简单的图形来标识他们的最新标识,这
样用户就可以更容易地在他们的 移动设备上识别它们。

Changes in technology can place limits on logo designs, but can
also offer new options. In particular. as more business and personal
interactions take place in digital environments, more companies are
creating logos that are animated and interactive. The foremost
example of this is Google’s new logo, which appeared in new logo
has the same four basic colours as the old logo, but it transforms
into a number of different images, depending on the product. For
example, at the start of a Google voice search, the logo transforms
into four dots in the Google colours, then into four wiggling lines
that look like sound waves.
技术的变化可以限制标志设计, 但也可以提供新的选择。特别地。随着越来越多的商业和个人交互发生在数字
环境中,越来越多的公司正 在创建动画和互动的标志。最先的例子是Google的新徽标,它出现在2015年。新徽标
与旧徽标 具有相同的四种基本颜色,但是根据产品的不同,它转化成许多不同的图像。例如,在Google语音搜索的开始,这个标志会转换为Google颜色中的四个点,然后转换为看起来像声波的四个摆动线。

New logos can be expensive. The sunflower logo cost BP £ million
to design and a further £132 million to rebrand all its assets. New
logos can also be risky. PepsiCo lost $$33 million in revenue on top
of the cost of rebranding twice with its short-lived Tropicana logo.
Yet, for most companies, the process can inject new energy into a
brand, and is therefore considered worth the investment.
新标识 可能很贵。向日葵的标志设计花费了英国石油460万英镑,重新打造其所有资产又花费了亿英镑。新商

platform (n) the type of system a computer or smartphone uses


UN5-03-R1 Cyber Harassment网络骚扰
Bloggers like Amanda HEAA know about it. Journalist Caraline
Criado-Perez is also familiar with it. Online gamer Jenny Haniver
knows it all too well. They all know about cyber harassment because
they have been all victims. Cyber Harassment ranges from behaviour
such as name- calling online to more disturbing behaviour, including
threats of violence, posting embarrassing photos, and spreading
personal or false information online. In the most serious cases, as
in those of Hess, Criado-Perez, and Haniver, the harassment continues
over a long period of time, with numerous offensive and threating
posts every day.
像Amanda HEAA这样的博客作者对此很熟悉。记者Caraline Criado- Perez对此也很熟悉。网络游戏玩家Jenny
Haniver对此非常了解。他们都知道网络骚 扰,因为他们都是受害者。网络骚扰包括从网上叫名字到更令人不安的
行为,包括暴力威胁、张贴令人尴 尬的照片、在网上散布个人或虚假信息。在最严重的情况下,比如在赫斯、克里
亚多- 佩雷斯和汉尼弗,骚扰会持续很长一段时间,每天都会发出许多攻击性的帖子。
A 2014 survey revealed that this kind of harassment is quite common.
Almost three quarters of all internet users have seen it happen,
and40% have experienced it personally. It has been suggested that
even these figures may not reflect the full extent of the problem.
Cyber harassment is particularly common among younger internet users,
and women are more likely to experience its more serious forms.
Criado- Perez made the suggestion online that the Bank of England
should put more women on their banknotes. For this idea, she received
hundreds of hostile comments against her personally and against women
more generally. Haniver was the victim of ongoing abusive comments
and threats for no other reason than she was an assertive female gamer.
Blogger Hess received similar treatment. You can easily find examples
of cyber harassment on social media, in the comments section of blogs
and websites, and especially in the online gaming world.
一份2 014年的调查显示,这种骚扰现象相当普遍。近四分之三的互联网用户都见过这种事,40%的人亲身经历过。有人提出,这些数字并不能反映问题的严重程度。网络骚扰在年轻的网络用户中尤其常见,女性经历的网 络骚
扰严重得多。克里亚多-佩雷斯在网上建议英格兰银行应该在钞票上放更多的女性。为此,她收到了 数百条针对她
个人以及更普遍地针对女性的敌意评论。Haniver是受到持续不断的侮辱性评论和威 胁的受害者,原因无非就是她
是一个自信的女游戏玩家。Hess也有类似的待遇。你可以很容易地在社 交媒体、博客和网站的评论栏,尤其是网
Who is saying and doing all of these nasty things and why The worst
behaviour is believed to come from so-called trolls, internet users
who disrupt internet communication with negative and offensive
actions and comments. These individuals take pleasure in insulting
other users, causing them humiliation and pain. Studies suggest that
some of these people have mental or emotional problems; however,
experts believe that many people who engage in online abuse are
otherwise unremarkable people. Harassing others simply bring them
the attention and excitement that their lives in the offline world
may lack. The anonymity if the internet allows them ,to behave in
ways that they never would in face-to-face situation.

谁在 说和做所有这些讨厌的事情,为什么人们认为最坏的行为来自所谓的“喷子”,即用消极的、冒犯性的行
一些人有精神或情感障碍。不管怎样,专家们相信许多喷子在现实生活中都是不起眼的人。骚扰别人会给 他们带来
在现实生活中可能缺乏的关注和兴奋。如果互联网匿名性,使他们敢以不会在现实世界出现的方 式行为处事。
Legal recourse against trolls varies from country to country. In
Europe, exceptions to free speech include threatening, abusive or
insulting words or behaviour. In the UK, an average of five trolls
a day were prosecuted in 2015 for improper use of public electronic
communications networks. In the USA, however, the constitutional
right to free speech which guarantee all people the right to say what
want, even if it is unpopular or offensive, may protect trolls. People
argue that limiting what people can say on the internet present
problems of their own. Many people prefer not to reveal their identity
online, not because they are trolls ,but because they want to ask
questions in a chat room about a health problem that you do not want
others to know about it.
针对“喷子”的法律规定因国家而异。在欧洲,言论自由存在异议的有威胁、辱骂 或侮辱性的语言或行为。在
英国,平均每天有五次“喷子”因滥用公共电子通信网络而受到起诉。然而, 在美国,宪法规定的言论自由权,保
证所有人都有权利说出自己想说的内容,即使不受欢迎或有冒犯之意 ,此规定也可能会保护“喷子”。人们认为限
制人们在网上能说的话会带来其他问题。许多人宁愿不在网 上透露自己的身份,不是因为他们是“喷子”,而是因
为他们想在聊天室里问不想别人知道的关于健康的 问题。
Because the harassment takes place online, it is not always taken
seriously. A threat online may not seem as real as a threat that occur
face to face. Victims are often told not to be ‘drama queens’. Yet,
the impact of this harassment on its victims is very real and very
damaging. They often suffer serious psychological shock and pain.
They may lose their confidence and withdraw from an interaction on
the internet because they fear that they or their families will suffer
abusive treatment in return. Recovery can be difficult, and for some,
it never comes. For others, the experience prompts them to speak out.
Jenny Haniver blogs, tweets, and speaks about her experience of
harassment in the world of gaming in hopes of bringing more public
attention to this issue.
因为骚扰发生在网上,所以并不总是被 认真对待。网上的威胁可能并不像面对面的威胁那么真实。受害者经常
被告知不要成为“戏精”。然而, 这种骚扰对受害者的影响是非常真实和非常具有破坏性的。受害者经常遭受严重
的心理冲击和痛苦。他们 可能会失去信心,并且因为担心自己或家人会遭受辱骂而放弃在网上的交流。恢复可能很
困难,对一些人 来说,永远不可能复原。对另一些人来说,这种经历促使他们说出来。詹妮·汉尼弗的博客、微博、
以及 谈论她在游戏希望引起公众对这个问题的更多关注。

Drama queen(n)someone who gets too upset or angry over small

UN5-U03-R2 Combatting cyber harassment
Cyber harassment can have a serious and destructive impact on its
victims and their families in the US. Yet, until recently, it was
not taken seriously. Instead, it was widely believed that this
behaviour was similar to childish fights, but this attitude is
changing. Media attention on several recent cyber harassment cases
has prompted the public to demand that trolls be held accountable
for their behaviour.
在美国,网络骚扰 会对受害者及其家人造成严重的破坏性影响。然而,一直到现在,它还没有被认真看待。相
反,人们普遍 认为这种行为只是一种类似幼稚争斗的行为,不过这种态度现在正在发生变化。媒体对最近几起网络
骚扰 案件的关注促使公众要求骚扰者(喷子)对其行为负责。

Additionally, as offensive and malicious behaviour has become
more prevalent, and the threats by internet trolls have become more
frightening, social media apps and sites, as well as online gaming
communities are taking notice. They worry that their users will begin
to abandon their sites if trolls are allowed to operate freely. In
short, taking responsibility for cyber harassment has become an
economic issue.
此外,由于攻击性和恶意行为变得更加普遍,互联网骚扰者(喷子)的威胁变得更加可怕,社交媒体应用程序和网站以及在线游戏社区也开始关注这些问题。他们担心如果允许骚扰者自由操作,他们的用户将开始放弃他 们的

The effort to combat cyber harassment requires a two- pronged
approach: prevention and penalties; however, to date, most of the
focus has been on the first. Prevention can be controversial. The
anonymity of the internet makes harassment easy, yet placing any
limits on online interaction could threaten the benefits of both the
anonymity and free speech that we value.
打击网络骚扰需要采取双管齐下的方法:预防和惩罚;然而,到目前为止,大多数焦点只集中在第一个。 预防
可能会引起争议:互联网的匿名性使得骚扰变得容易,但对在线互动施加一定限制,可能会让人们感 到因匿名和言
Online gaming communities want to provide maximum freedom to their
participants, but these are the places where a great deal of
harassment occurs, especially of female players. To try to address
this problem, one hugely popular gaming site, League of Legends,
assembled a team of behaviour experts to study its 67 million monthly
users. What they discovered surprised them. < br>在线游戏社区希望为参与者提供最大的自由,但这些区域正是大量骚扰的高发区,尤其是对女性玩家。为了 解
决这个问题,一个非常受欢迎的游戏网站,英雄联盟,组建了一个行为专家团队来研究其6700万月 度用户。研究
They expected to find a small group of badly behaved players- users
who were responsible for most of the abuse and hostile behaviour.
Their plan was to suspend these players in hopes of eliminating, or
at least reducing online harassment. They did find a few ‘bad
apples’, but they discovered that most of the offensive behaviour

came from players who were usually good internet citizens. They only
acted badly occasionally.
他们希望找到一小群表现不佳的玩家——这些玩家应对大部分虐待和敌 对行为负责。他们的计划是暂停这些玩
家,希望消除或至少减少在线骚扰。 他们确实发现了一些“坏苹 果”,但他们发现大部分的冒犯行为都来自那些通
常被认为是优秀互联网公民的玩家。偶尔他们会表现得 很糟糕。
The research team had greater success when the chat function on
the game was turned off as default, although players could choose
to turn it on. This resulted in abusive comments dropping by 30%.
This study suggests that creating even a small barrier to bad
behaviour can often stop abuse before it starts.
研究团队取得了更大的成功,他们发现尽管玩家可以选择将聊天功能打开,但当游戏 中的聊天功能作为默认设
置关闭时,滥用评论下降了30%。这项研究表明,为不良行为创造一个小障碍 通常可以在开始之前阻止滥用。

Other online communities and sites have already taken steps in
this direction. Twitter has had a 'report abuse’ button since 2013.
Some gaming sites have systems that allow players to establish their
reputations in the same way that sellers on online market sites such
as eBay, must do. 其他在线社区和网站已经朝着这个方向迈出了一步。自2013年以来,Twitter(推特)一直有一个 “举报滥用”
按钮。一些游戏网站设置系统,规定玩家也可以建立自己的声誉,其方式与eBay等在线 市场网站上的卖家相同。
They rate one another as ‘good player’ or ‘avoid me’. In other
words, the communities are beginning to regulate themselves. They
are also using the latest technology to identify the worst offenders.
Google has sponsored a research study to find an algorithm for
identifying them. Their posts are more frequent and generally contain
negative words, poor grammar, and misspelled words, allowing
researchers to identify and ban users who exhibit troll behaviour.
他们将对方称为“好球员”或“避开(远离)我 ”。换句话说,社区也开始自我规范。他们还使用最新技术来
识别最严重的罪犯。谷歌赞助了一项找到识 别骚扰者的算法的研究。骚扰者的帖子通常更频繁,包含负面词汇,语
法和拼写错误,(这些特征)使得 研究人员能够识别骚扰者和禁止他们的行为。

The United States government have updated their laws to cover
threats and stalking over the internet. Nevertheless, these laws
still lag disturbingly behind emerging technology. What is more, so
far, very few people have been prosecuted under the laws that do
美国政府重新修改了法律,以涵盖互联网上的威胁和跟踪。尽管如此,法律仍然落后于新兴技术。更重要的是,< br>到目前为止,很少有人根据现行法律被起诉。
Experts offer advice that is familiar to anybody who has been the
victim of bullying: ignore it. Do not respond to the harassment. By
responding to it, you give the trolls what they want-attention.
Although this is generally considered to be good advice,
unfortunately it often does not stop ongoing abuse.
专家经常提供给欺凌受害者的建议都是大家熟悉的:忽略 它,不要回应骚扰。如果回应,你恰恰给骚扰者提供
了他们想要的东西 ——被关注。尽管这些通常被认为是很好的建议,但不幸的是,一般它不能阻止滥用的持续。

As we spend more and more time on the internet, addressing
offensive and threatening behaviour online is becoming increasingly

As Laura Hudson wrote in Wired Magazine in 2014,’ the internet
is now where we socialize, where we work. It's where we meet our
spouses, where we build our reputations. Online harassment isn’t
just inconvenient, nor is it something we can walk away from with
ease. It's abhorrent behaviour that has real social, professional,
and economic costs.’
正如劳拉·哈德森(Laura Hudson)在2014年的“连线杂志”(Wired Maga zine)中所写,“现在,互联网是
我们社交的地方,工作地点,是我们与配偶见面的地方,也是我们 建立自己声誉的地方。网络骚扰不仅仅给人们带
来不便,让人们不能轻易摆脱。更是令人憎恶的行为,真 正需要付出社会、专业和经济成本。”

Maybe you make the world’s best pies, or you have always helps
your friends and neighbours by mending their computers, or perhaps
you have green fingers and your garden is the envy of the street.
A lot of businesses are started by people who have hobbies or special
talents and want to turn these interests into a business. But scaling
up from a hobby to a real business, such as a bakery, restaurant,
or shop, requires business know-how and a substantial investment.
Many entrepreneurs do not have enough of either of these, so they
never take the first step.

也许你制作世界上最好的馅饼,或者你总是通过修复他们的电脑来帮助你的朋友和邻居,或者你的绿色手 指,
你的花园是街头的羡慕。许多企业都是由拥有爱好或特殊才能的人创办的,并希望将这些兴趣转化为 事业。但是,
从业余爱好扩展到真正实业,如面包店,餐馆或商店,需要商业知识和大量投资。许多企业 家既没有足够的这些,

In the UK, an increasing number of aspiring business owners have
found a way to take a first step that makes this transition from hobby
to business more gradual, less expensive, and less risky. They are
taking their dreams and talents on the road-in vans and even lorries.
The first entrepreneurs to do this have been in the food business.
In recent years a wave of street food vans have arrived on the scene,
serving everything from gourmet cupcakes and burgers to Vietnamese
street food. Street food vans have become a way for aspiring chefs
to try out recipes and test the waters before making a big investment
in a traditional, brick-and-mortar business.
在英国,越来越多有抱负的企业主找到了迈出第一步的方法,这使得从业余爱好到 业务的转变更加渐进,成本
更低,风险更低。他们将自己的梦想和才华放在公路货车甚至卡车上。第一批 这样做的企业家一直从事食品业务。
近年来,街头食品车已经到达现场,提供从美食蛋糕和汉堡到越南街 头食品等各种食品。在对传统的实体商业进行
大笔投资之前,街头食品车已成为有志厨师尝试食谱和测试 水域的一种方式。

Beginning on a small scale has its advantages, the most important
of which is the relatively modest size of initial start-up costs.
These costs, which consist primarily of the vehicle and any required
equipment, usually come to about €5,000-€10,000, a fraction of what
it would cost to start a shop or restaurant. Similarly, overhead costs
are generally low. Mobile business owners must pay for fuel, of course,
but other utility payments are modest. With such tightly controlled
costs, mobile businesses often break even in a year or two; in
contrast, success comes to brick-and –mortar businesses much more
slowly, and they often fail within the first two years. In short,
mobile businesses are relatively low- risk propositions.
从小规模开始有其优势,其中最重要的是初始启动成本相对适 中。这些成本主要由车辆和任何所需设备组成,
通常约为5,000至10,000欧元,是开办商店或 餐馆所需成本的一小部分。同样,间接成本通常很低。当然,移动
企业主必须支付燃料费用,但其他公用 事业支付是适度的。凭借如此严格控制的成本,移动业务通常会在一两年内
收支平衡;相比之下,砖和企 业的成功要慢得多,而且往往在前两年内就会失败。简而言之,移动业务是相对低风

In the US, the success of street food vans has inspired other
entrepreneurs to consider starting out on wheels. Rich Harper once
ran a chain of gyms, but his real interest was boxing. In 2005, he
bought an old lorry, equipped it with some gym equipment, and took

to the streets- all for a total start-up cost of just under €5,000.
His business quickly turned a profit and is still going strong, as
he brings the boxing ring to customers all over his state.
在美国,街头食品车的成功激发了其他企业家考虑从车轮开始。 Rich Harper曾经经营过一系列健身房,但
他的真正兴趣是拳击。 2005年,他买了一辆旧卡车,配备了一些健身器材,走上街头 - 所有这些都需要不到5000
欧 元的总启动成本。他的生意很快就变成了利润而且仍然很强劲,因为他将拳击台带给他所在州的顾客。

UK entrepreneurs could take inspiration from the US where, today,
there are vehicles that sell flowers, shoes, clothes, and all kinds
of specialty food items. There are also mobile businesses that
provide services, such as hair styling, pet grooming, and repair of
high-tech devices. Mobile retail has grown steadily, declaring a 12%
increase between 2009 and retail is not without problems, however.
Weather, the fluctuating price of fuel, and just finding a place to
set up are all challenges that mobile entrepreneurs have to deal with.
These business owners, however, feel the advantages outweigh the
disadvantages. In the US, the mobile food business alone- the largest
in the mobile retail sector-generates an average annual revenue of
5857 million.
英国 企业家可以从美国获取灵感,今天,有些车辆可以出售鲜花,鞋子,衣服和各种特色食品。还有移动业务
提供服务,如头发造型,宠物美容和高科技设备的维修。移动零售业稳步增长,宣布2009年至2014年增长 12%。
然而,移动零售业并非没有问题。天气,燃料价格的波动,以及刚刚找到建立的地方都是移动企 业家必须应对的挑
战用。然而,这些企业主认为优势大于劣势。在美国,移动食品业务 - 移动零售业中最大的 - 每年平均收入为亿。

Once convinced that their business has achieved sufficient
success, some successful mobile entrepreneurs move on to a
brick0and0mortar business. Others, like Rich Harper and his boxing
gym, are satisfied to stay mobile. In an interesting twist, some
brick-and-mortar business owners, observing the success of mobile
retailers, have added a mobile component to their business. The
vehicle acts as a marketing tool to bring business into the shop.
As stand-alone businesses or as extensions of shops, mobile retail
has huge future potential in these economic times.
一旦确信他们的业务取得了足够的成功,一些成功的移动企业家就会 转向砖块和企业。其他人,如Rich Harper
和他的拳击馆,对于保持移动感到满意。有趣的是 ,观察移动零售商成功的一些实体企业主已经为他们的业务增加
了一个移动组件。该车辆充当营销工具, 将业务带入商店。作为独立企业或商店的延伸,移动零售在这些经济时期

Brick-and-mortar business (n phr) a business with a physical
location in a building.
实体商业(n phr)在建筑物中具有实际位置的企业。
Overhead costs (n pl) also overheads,
the regular costs such as rent and heating that are involved in
operating a business.

间接成本(n pl)也是间接费用,经营业务所涉及的租金和取暖等常规成本。

UN5-04-R2 Keeping your customers 留住客户
It costs five to ten times more to sell a product to a new customer
than to an existing one. So what are businesses doing to hold on to
their customers The answer is –everything they possibly can. Two
popular business strategies with successful track records for
customer retention are reward schemes, often also referred to as
loyalty schemes, and subscription services.
向新客户销售产品的成本是向现有客户销售产品成本 的5到10倍。那么,企业在做些什么来留住他们的客户
呢答案是——尽一切可能。两种流行的业务策略 是奖励计划(通常也称为忠诚度计划)和订阅服务,这两种策略在客

Loyalty schemes encourage customers to continue buying products
or services from one particular company by offering customers rewards.
Airlines, pioneers of loyalty schemes, provide a good example. When
customers fly with one airline on multiple trips, that airline
rewards them with free travel. Generally customers have to accumulate
a specific number of ‘air miles’ in order to receive their reward,
providing an incentive to continue flying with one airline. Other
companies, from Starbucks to Best Buy, have followed suit, offering
rewards to loyal customers.
忠诚度计划通过向顾客提供奖励,鼓励顾客继续从某家公司购买产品或服务。航 空公司,忠诚计划的先驱,提
供了一个很好的例子。当客户多次乘坐同一家航空公司的航班时,该航空公 司会奖励他们免费旅行。一般来说,客
户必须积累一定数量的“飞行里程”才能获得奖励,从而激励他们 继续乘坐一家航空公司的航班。从星巴克
(Starbucks)到百思买(Best Buy),其他公司也纷纷效仿,向忠实顾客提供奖励。

Consumers often belong to multiple loyalty schemes, yet most
people participate actively in only a few. Companies are interested
in understanding the reasons behind this behaviour . The most
successful loyalty schemes have several features in common. They are
simple and easy to understand, but most important, their rewards are
attainable Customers receive rewards often enough that they see the
benefit of remaining loyal to the company. The schemes not only keep
customers buying the company’s products or services they also
provide the company with valuable information about their customers'
behaviour and preferences.
消费者往往属于多个忠诚计划,但 大多数人积极参与的只有少数。企业有兴趣了解这种行为背后的原因。最成
功的忠诚计划有几个共同点。 它们简单易懂,但最重要的是,它们的回报是可以实现的,客户获得的回报往往足以
让他们看到对公司保 持忠诚的好处。这些计划不仅让客户购买公司的产品或服务,而且还为公司提供有关客户行为
和偏好的宝 贵信息。

A second successful strategy for maintaining customer
relationships is the subscription service. In these schemes,
customers sign up to purchase items, such as shaving products, snacks
or make-up, on a regular basis. These items are delivered to the
customer’s home.
维护客户关系的第二个成功策略是订阅服务。在这些计划 中,客户定期注册购买剃须产品、零食或化妆品等商

The convenience of home delivery is an idea with a long history,
but subscription services offer more than a convenient way to replace
household necessities. They offer customers products that are
tailored to their own personal needs and desires. This kind of
treatment makes customers feel special and deepens their connection
to the brand. In a retail environment where consumers are faced with
a dizzying array of products, this kind of service can combat what
has been referred to as ‘the paralysis of choice.’ In other words,
the service makes decisions for consumers who may have difficulty
making decisions for themselves. For the company, subscription
services offer guaranteed regular sales, an ongoing relationship
with their customers and like loyalty schemes, a rich source of data
about buying behaviour.
送货上门的便利是一个有着悠久历史的理 念,但订阅服务提供的不仅仅是替换家庭必需品人一种方便的方式。
他们为顾客提供符合他们个人需要和 愿望的产品。这种对待方式让顾客感到与众不同,加深了与品牌的联系。在一
个消费者面对琳琅满目的产 品的零售环境中,这种服务可以对抗所谓的“选择困难”。换句话说,这项服务是为那
些自己可能难以做 出决定的消费者做出决定。对于该公司来说,订阅服务提供有保证的定期销售、与客户的持续关
系,以及 类似的忠诚度计划,这些都是有关购买行为的丰富数据来源。

Some companies, such as Amazon, even charge their customers for
their subscription services. In return, customers get what they value
most for example, free delivery or access to digital content. It may
seem as if Amazon would lose money by not charging their customers
for delivery, but the company has shrewdly calculated that customers,
having paid for the subscription service, will even shop on Amazon
for items they might otherwise buy at the local supermarket. One study
showed that Amazon subscription customers spent 100% more after
becoming a member of their subscription service.
有些公司,比如亚马逊,甚至向客户收取订阅服务费用。作为回报,客户得到了他们 最看重的东西,例如,免
费送货或访问数字内容。亚马逊似乎会因为不向顾客收取送货费而赔钱,但该公 司精明地计算出,已经为订阅服务
付费的顾客,甚至会在亚马逊上购买在当地超市购买的商品。一项研究 显示,亚马逊的订阅客户在成为其订阅服务

Reward schemes and subscription services are just two of the
marketing tools that businesses use to hold on to customers. They
have learned that it makes better business sense to devote attention
and even money to their current customers than to try to attract new
奖励计划和订阅服务只是企业用来留住客户的两种营销工具。他们已经认识到,与 吸引新客户相比,将注意力

a dizzying array of ( quantifier ) a confusingly large number of
different things on display

UN5-U05-R1 Mental illness and creative genius: Is there a connection

The association of mental illness with creative genius goes back
to ancient times. The Greeks considered creative but troubled
geniuses to be ‘touched by the gods.’ The list of tortured artists
throughout history is both long and familiar. It includes writers
such as Hemingway, Tolstoy, and Woolf, painters, such as Gauguin,
Van Gogh, and Kahlo, and musicians such as Mozart, Billie Holiday,
and Kurt Cobain, to name just a few. Some artists report their own
mental illness as crucial to their creative process, while others
curse their struggles. Van Gogh, in a letter to his brother, writers,
‘Oh, if I could have worked without this accursed disease - what
things I might have done. ’
精神疾病与创造性天才的联系可以追溯到古代。希腊人认为创造性但有困难 的天才会被“神灵所感动”。历史
上受折磨的艺术家名单既长又熟悉。它包括海明威,托尔斯泰和伍尔夫 等作家,高更,梵高和卡罗等画家,以及莫
扎特,比利霍罗德和库尔特科本等音乐家。一些艺术家声明他 们自己的精神疾病对他们的创作过程至关重要,而其
他人则诅咒他们与疾病的斗争。梵高在写给他哥哥的 一封信中写道,“噢,如果我能在没有这种受诅咒的疾病的情
况下工作 - 我可能会做些什么。

The scientific community is divided on what role, if any, mental
illness plays in creativity. Several important early studies tried
to establish this link. In the 1970s, neuroscientist Nancy Andreasen
conducted a study of 30 well-known American writers and found that
80% of them had experienced a major episode of mood disorder, compared
with 30% of her control group. A subsequent study of 47 famous British
writers and artists reported a lower, but still significant
percentage reporting mood disorders.
科学界对精神疾病在创造力中扮演什么角色(如果有的话)存在分歧 。几项重要的早期研究试图建立这种联系。
在20世纪70年代,神经科学家Nancy Andrea sen对30位着名的美国作家进行了一项研究,发现其中80%的人经
历过一次重大的情绪障碍,而她 的对照组则为30%。随后对47位英国着名作家和艺术家进行的一项研究表明,报
告情绪障碍的比例虽 然略低,但仍然占比很高。

These early studies were on a small scale and relied on interviews
and self-reported behavior. More recent studies have been much larger
and more scientifically rigorous. In these studies, the connection
found between creativity and mental illness has been weaker, yet,
the authors argue, still important and worth pursuing. These studies
suggest a genetic basis for both creativity and some forms of mental
illness, pointing to a possible connection. Commenting on one of the
largest studies, neurologist Dr. Kari Stefansson observed in a 2015
interview in The Guardian, ‘Often, when people are creating
something new, they end up straddling … sanity and insanity.’
这些早期研究规模较小,依赖于访谈和自我报告的行为。最近的研究 规模更大,有更严格的科学性。在这些研
究中,发现创造力和精神疾病之间的联系较弱,但作者认为,这 仍然很重要并值得研究。这些研究表明了创造力和
某些形式的精神疾病的遗传基础,指出了可能的联系。 在评论最大的研究之一时,神经学家Kari Stefansson博士
在2015年的“卫报”采访 中观察到,“通常,当人们创造新事物时,他们最终会跨越......理智和精神错乱”。

Nevertheless, other members of the scientific community are
skeptical of the association between creativity and mental illness,
calling this a romantic, nineteenth-century notion. They stress the
fact that most mentally ill individuals are not particularly creative,
and most creative artists are in good mental health. Furthermore,
they point out that creative artists who do suffer from mental illness
usually work effectively when their conditions are treated and
controlled. They argue that any connection between mental illness
and creativity may be the results of purely practical factors. People
who do not fit in with societal norms and tend to think and act
differently, perhaps even enough to be labelled mentally ill, may
be attracted to a life in the arts, where their behavior is more likely
to be accepted, or at least tolerated.
然而,科学界的其他成员对创造力与精神疾病之间的关联持怀疑态度,称这是一个浪漫的十九世纪的概念 。他
们强调这样一个事实,即大多数精神病患者并不是特别有创意,大多数有创造力的艺术家都有良好的 心理健康。此
外,他们指出,患有精神疾病的创意艺术家通常在他们得到治疗和控制的条件下有效地工作 。他们认为,精神疾病
和创造力之间的任何联系都可能是纯粹实际因素的结果。那些不符合社会规范并倾 向于以不同方式思考和行动的
人,甚至可能被称为精神病患者,可能会被艺术生活所吸引,他们的行为更 容易被接受,或者至少被容忍。

Still, even those who reject the notion of any direct or causal
connection admit that creative artists and those who suffer from some
forms of mental illness may share some characteristics. One recent
study that compared these two group revealed an intriguing result.
Both populations showed high measures of one specific type of
behavior: the inability to suppress competing stimuli and cognitive
activity while focusing on a central task. In other words, they had
difficulty performing the assigned task – remembering sequences of
numbers – when they were presented with other information on a screen
at the same time. They could not stop themselves from paying attention
to this additional information. In 2013, psychologist Barry Kaufman,
writing in a blog in the journal Scientific American, summarizes the
study’s findings this way. ‘It seems that the key to creative
cognition is opening up the floodgates and letting in as much
information as possible. Because you never know: sometimes the most
bizarre associations can turn into the most productively creative
尽管如此,即使 那些拒绝任何直接或因果关系概念的人也承认创造性艺术家和患有某些形式精神疾病的人可能
具有某些共 同特征。最近的一项比较这两组的研究揭示了一个有趣的结果。两个人群都表现出对一种特定行为类型
的 高度一致的测量结果:在关注中心任务的同时无法抑制竞争刺激和认知活动。换句话说,同时在屏幕上显示其他< br>信息时,他们很难执行指定的任务 - 记住数字序列。他们无法阻止自己关注这些额外的信息。 2013年,心理学
家Barry Kaufman在“科学美国人”杂志的一篇博客中以这种方式总结了该研究的发现。 “创意认知的关键似乎< br>是打开闸门并尽可能多地提供信息。因为你永远不会知道:有时候最奇怪的联想可以变成最富有成效的创意 。

As the results of studies like these emerge, the scientific
community will continue to debate the connection between mental
health and creative thinking. In the public imagination, however,
the notion persists that the creative genius straddles sanity and

随着这些研究的结果的出现,科学界将继续讨论心理健康与创造性思维之间的 联系。然而,在公众的想象中,

使痛苦;使苦恼; 使焦急

Tortured (adj) deeply troubled

Mood disorder (in phr) psychological problems that involve
extreme emotions.

UN5-05-R2 The creative mind 创造性的头脑

What is the secret to the world’s most creative minds - the minds
of resourceful inventors, innovative scientists, and inspired artist
Such individuals are certainly intelligent, but intelligence cannot
be the key, as numerous studies have shown that a high IQ alone does
not lead to creativity. Creative thinkers seem to have a special way
of thinking.
世界上最具有创造力的秘诀是什么足智多谋的发明家、创新的科学家和有灵感的艺 术家的头脑这些个体确实是
聪明的,但智力不能成为关键,众多研究表明,单凭高智商并不能带来创造力 ,创造性的思想家好像有一种特殊的

Creativity researcher and neuroscientist Nancy Andreasen, in a
2014 Atlantic Magazine article, describes creative people as 'better
at recognizing relationships, making associations and connections,
and seeing things in an original way- seeing things that others cannot
see.' For example, in the early 2000s, Jack Dorsey one of the founders
of Twitter, tried to use text alerts to improve the system for
reserving and sending out taxis. He made a connection between two
seemingly unrelated systems, but he was too far ahead of his time
--the necessary technology was not yet available .Today, most taxi
services use a version of Dorsey’s original idea.
创造性研究员兼精神科学家南希·安德烈森(Nancy Andreasen),曾在2 014年大西洋杂志的文章中,将有创
意的人描述为“具有更好的关系识别能力、建立联想和关联的能力 ,并以原始的方式看待事物即能看到别人看不到
的。例如,在21世纪初期,杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey),Twitter的创始人之一,尝试使用文本警报来改善系
统以保留和发出出租车.他 在两个看似不相关的系统之间建立了联系,但是他远远超过了他所在的时代--- 必要的技

So what are the requirements for creativity Psychologists contend
that there are actually two levels of creative thinking which they
refer to as ‘Big C’ and ‘Small c’. Big C creativity applies to
breakthrough ideas, ones that may change the course of a field or
even history. Small c creativity refers to everyday creative problem
solving, which psychologists subdivide further into convergent and
divergent thinking. Convergent thinking involves examining all of
the facts and arriving at a single solution. In contrast, divergent
thinking involves coming up with many possible solutions, for example,
thinking of many different uses for a brick or paper clip. What most
people think of as creativity generally involves divergent thinking.
那么创造力的要 求是什么呢心理学家认为,创造性思维实际上有两个层次,他们称之为“大C”和“小C”。大
创意适用 于突破性的想法,这些想法可能会改变一个领域甚至是历史的进程。小c创造力是指日常创造性地解决问
题,心理学家将其进一步细分为收敛性思维和发散性思维。相反,发散思维涉及到提出许多可能的解决方案,例如 ,

Creativity, with a big or small c, takes time. We tend to think
of breakthroughs as coming in a sudden flash of genius, but this is
rarely the case. Ideas often evolve and form over a long period.
Andreasen, referring to her study of creative thinking, described

her findings this way. ‘ ...almost all of my subjects confirmed that
when eureka moments occur. they tend to be precipitated by long
periods of preparation and incubation, and to strike when the mind
is relaxed’. In fact, many of history’s most creative people have
a reputation as procrastinators. Martin Luther King, Jr., reportedly
wrote his ‘I have a Dream’ speech at ten o’clock the night before
he delivered it, Although it is likely to have gone through a long
period of ‘preparation and incubation’ in his mind before that.
创造力,不管是大的 a还是小的c,都是需要时间的。思想经常在很长一段时间内发展和形成。安德瑞森在谈
到她对创造性思 维的研究时,这样描述她的发现。“…我的几乎所有研究对象都证实,当灵光一现的时刻到来时,
它们往 往会被长时间的准备和酝酿所沉淀,并在大脑放松的时候出现。事实上,历史上许多最有创造力的人都有拖
延症的名声。马丁·路德·金,据说写他的“我有一个梦想”的演讲前一天晚上十点钟才截稿,尽管它很可能已 经在

Andreasen and others investigating the sources of creativity
have noted that small c creativity does not always lead to Big C
breakthroughs. True creative geniuses seem to have additional
characteristics, ones that do not always fit in well with societal
norms. These people seem wired to seek novelty, take risks, and push
limits in their explorations. The reward centres in their brains seem
to need more than the average amount of stimulation in order to
release dopamine, the chemical that triggers feeling of pleasure.
As children, they were often unable to sit still, unable to focus
on their lessons, instead, always looking for something new and
interesting to capture their attention. Today, children who display
this kind of behaviour are often labelled ADHD because they cause
problems in the classroom. However their characteristic were
probably extremely useful in the past - when humans depended on
hunting, a risky and unpredictable but exciting activity and -
researchers suspect they may also contribute to creativity.
安德瑞森和其 他研究创造力来源的人指出,小的创造力并不总是能带来大的突破。真正的创意天才似乎有额外
的特征, 这些特征并不总是很符合社会规范。这些人似乎天生就喜欢追求新奇,勇于冒险,在探索中不断突破极限。
他们大脑的奖励中心似乎需要更多的比一般的刺激为了释放多巴胺,化学物质触发快乐。儿童时期,他们常常不 能安
静地坐着,无法专注于他们的经验教训,相反,总是在寻找新的、有趣的东西等着我们去抓住他们的 注意力。今天,
表现出这种行为的孩子经常被贴上多动症的标签,因为他们在课堂上引起问题。然而,它 们的特性在过去可能非常

The search for the source of creativity continues. Most
researchers agree that the answer will be complex and that there is
probably no single characteristic which can explain the world’s most
creative minds.
对 创造力源泉的探索仍在继续。大多数研究人员认为,答案将是复杂的,可能没有单一的特征可以解释世界上

Eureka moment (idiom) : the point at which you suddenly
understand the answer or solution to a problem
Incubation (n) : protected development
Wired (adj): Biologically programmed
ADHD (n): Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


All over the world, business leaders and government officials
complain about the skills gap. businesses have plenty of job openings,
but they cannot find enough qualified applicants to fill the
positions because workers, skills do not match those needed by
employers. Figure I shows the results of an annual survey of about
42,000 companies worldwide.
在世界各地,商界领袖和政府官 员抱怨技能差距。企业有大量的职位空缺,但他们找不到足够的合格申请人来
填补职位,因为工人,技能 与雇主所需要的不相符。图1显示了 全球约42,000家公司的年度调查结果。

For the most part, the employees that employers are seeking fall
into two categories. The first category includes professionals in
STEM fields (sciencetechnologyengineeringmathematics) require
advanced training and expertise, especially in information
technology (IT). The second category is much larger, comprising
workers in the “skilled trades.” Workers in the skilled trades have
expertise in, for example, manufacturing, computers, electronics,
and construction. There are simply not enough workers with training
in these areas to meet the growing demand. These jobs require more
than a secondary education (for example, a training course to develop
the required skill), but often they do not require a university
education. In the United States, almost half of the labour force works
in these kinds of jobs.
在大多数情况下,雇主寻求的雇员分为两类。 第一类包括STEM领域的专业人士(科学 技术工程数学)需
要高级培训和专业知识,尤其是信息技术(IT)。第二类是规模更大,包括“技术行 业”的工人。 熟练的行业在制
造业,计算机,电子产品和建筑方面具有专业知识。在这些领域中,没有 足够的工人接受培训以满足不断增长的需
求。 这些工作不仅需要中学教育(例如,培养必修技能的培训 课程),而且往往不需要大学教育。在美国,几乎一

Causes of the skills gap
Why have we been unable to bridge this gap and prepare workers
for the jobs of the future, or even the jobs of today The answer lies
in both the job market is changing more quickly than ever before.
Many of the jobs that companies need to fill today did not exist when
current job applicants were in school, making it difficult for the
market. Nevertheless, many business leaders argue that school are
not doing enough to provide the technical training that many jobs
demand. For example, only a quarter of all schools in the example,
only a quarter of all schools in the United States teach computer
science. Most schools and universities continue to offer the same
type of education that they have provided in the past. As a result,
many students graduate with degrees that do not prepare them for the
jobs that are available. Given this mismatch between the education
system and the job market, many labour experts say we cannot and
perhaps should not depend on traditional schooling to close the
skills gap and should instead find alternative solutions.

为什么我们无 法弥合这一差距,让工人为未来的工作做好准备,甚至为今天的工作做好准备答案在于就业市场
变化比以 往任何时候都快。公司需要的许多工作都需要当前的求职者在学校时,现在填写并不存在,这使得市场变
有四分之一的学校,美国只有四分之一的学校教授计算机科学。大多数学校和大学继续提供他们过去提供 的相同类
型的教育。因此,许多学生毕业时没有为可以获得的工作做好准备。鉴于教育系统和就业市场之 间的这种不匹配,
许多劳工专家说我们不能也许不应该依赖传统的学校教育来关闭技能差距,应该找到替 代解决方案。

Closing the skills gap

Both industry and academic experts argue that businesses
themselves need to take a more assertive role in the preparation of
the labour force they require. Businesses have the best information
about what skills their employees will need, so it makes sense for
them to participate in training prospective employees will need, so
it makes sense for them to participate in training prospective
employees. First, they need to communicate better with schools and
universities about the skills they require. Second, they should
establish relationships with future employees earlier, perhaps
training future employees while they are still students. Finally,
businesses may need to develop and provide their own in house
行业和学术专家都认为,企业自身需要在准备他们所需的劳动力方面发挥更加自信的作用。 企业拥有关 于员
工所需技能的最佳信息,因此参与培训未来员工所需的培训是有意义的,因此参与培训未来员工是有 意义的。 首
先,他们需要与学校和大学更好地沟通他们所需要的技能。其次,他们应该更早地与未来的 员工建立关系,或者在
他们还是学生的同时关注未来的员工。最后,企业可能需要发展和提供他们自己的 房间里训练。

Technical skills, particularly IT skills, are in high demand, but
developing these skills is not necessarily best accomplished by means
of a traditional university education. There are a wide range odf
schools, courses, and training schemes that have opened in response
to the demand for IT professionals, some in brick-and-mortar
classroom and others online-technical colleges for their graduates,
many of whom find positions that pay S100,000 a year or more. Figure
2 displays the predicted job growth in computing jobs.
技术技能,特 别是IT技能,需求量很大,但发展这些技能并不一定能通过传统的大学教育来实现。有各种各
样的学校 ,课程和培训计划,以满足需求 对于IT专业人士,一些在实体教室和其他在线技术学院为他们的毕业生,其中许多人发现每年支付S100,000或更多的职位。图2显示计算工作预计的就业增长。

The skills gap is both persistent and expensive. One business
expert estimates that a company loses S14,000 when a position remains
open for three months. The skills gap is the result of many factors,
and there is no single solution to the problems it poses. It is likely
that a combination of approaches will be needed before the supply
of qualified workers will be able to meet demand for them.
技能差距既持续又昂贵。 一位商业专家估计,当一个仓位开放三个月时,公司损失了S14,000。 技能差距是
许多因素的结果,并且没有单一的解决方案来解决它所带来的问题。在合格工人的供应能够满 足对他们的需求之前,

UN5-U06-R2 What is the value of a university education
A university education is a significant investment, so it makes
sense to consider carefully whether it is worth the time and money.
In good economic times and bad, and in spite of its rising cost, the
answer is 'yes'. According to the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD), around the world the number of
people getting a university education is rising steadily (see Figure
大学教育是一项重要的 投资,所以仔细考虑它是否值得花费时间和金钱是有意义的。无论经济形势好坏,尽管
成本不断上升,答 案还是肯定的。根据经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的数据,全世界接受大学教育的人数正在稳步
上升 (见图1)。

The impact of a university education
A university education has a broad and positive impact. People
with a degree are by far the most likely to enter and remain in the
labour force. In OECD countries, average participation in the labour
force for those without secondary school qualifications is about 55%.
For those with secondary school qualifications, the figure is about
70%, and for graduates, it is about 83%. Graduates also earn more
than those with only secondary school qualifications. In the United
States, individuals leaving education with only secondary school
qualifications earned on average $$28, 000 per year in 2013, whereas
those with a degree made about $$45, 000. 0ver a lifetime, that
difference adds up to about a million dollars. Figure 2 provides a
dramatic illustration of the impact of a degree on income in selected
OECD countries.
大学教育具有广泛而积极的影响。到目前为止,拥有学位的 人最有可能进入并留在劳动力大军。在经合组织国
家,没有中学学历的人平均参与劳动力的比例约为55 %。对于那些有中学学历的人来说,这个数字大约是70%,而
对于毕业生来说,这个数字大约是83% 。毕业生的收入也高于那些只有中学学历的人。在美国,只有中学学历的人
在2013年平均每年挣28 ,000美元,而那些有学位的人大约挣45,000美元。一生中,这个差额加起来大约有一百
万美元 。图2戏剧性地说明了学位对经合组织选定国家收入的影响。
The consequences of getting-or not getting-a university education
extend beyond income. There is a strong association between education
and health. Chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes,
pose the greatest risks to public health in developed countries today.
These diseases are caused, at least partly, by lifestyle choices,
such as poor diet or smoking. In general, people with higher levels
of education make healthier lifestyle choices and have greater access
to high-quality healthcare.
接受或不接受大学教育的后果超出了收入。教育与健康之间有着密切的联系。 在发达国家,慢性疾病,如心脏
病和糖尿病,对公共健康构成了最大的风险。这些疾病至少部分是由生活 方式的选择,如不良的饮食或吸烟引起的。
一般而言,受过较高教育程度的人会选择更健康的生活方式, 并有更多的机会获得高质量的医疗保健。

Income variance between degrees

It is evident that a university degree provides an economic
advantage, but not all degrees have the same earning power. Most
analyses suggest that degrees in STEM fields (science, technology,
engineering, and math) have the greatest potential impact on future
income. In the United States, a graduate with, for example, a Chemical
Engineering degree can expect to earn about $$70,000 annually, whereas
a graduate with a Literature or Art degree may be lucky to get $$36,
000 for an entry-level position. Marc Andreessen, the founder of the
internet company Netscape, once declared that somebody who studies
a non-technical field like literature will probably end up 'working
in a shoe store.'
很明显,大学学位提供了经济优势,但不是所有的学位 都具有相同的赚钱能力。大多数分析表明,STEM领域
的学位(科学、技术、工程和数学)对未来收入 具有最大的潜在影响。在美国,例如,一个拥有化学工程学位的毕
业生每年可以赚到大约70000美元 ,而一个拥有文学或艺术学位的毕业生可能很幸运能得到36,000美元的入门职
位。互联网公司Ne tscape的创始人马克·安德烈森曾经宣称,学习文学等非技术领域的人可能最终会在鞋店工作。
Yet, technical knowledge alone may not be sufficient for success.
Steve Jobs, one of the founders of Apple, famously claimed that it
was technology married with the arts...'That yields the results that
make our hearts sing.’ Other major employers in the technology field
agree. Industry leaders say employees from arts backgrounds are good
at managing ambiguity, unlike engineers, who tend to see situations
in black and white. Arts graduates can see a problem from multiple
然而,仅仅技术知识可能不足以取得成功。苹果公司创始人之一史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs )曾以科技与艺术
的结合而闻名。“这产生了令人心旷神怡的结果。”科技领域的其他主要雇主也这么认 为。业界领袖表示,有艺术背
景的员工善于处理含糊不清的问题,这与工程师不同,工程师往往只看到黑 白分明的情况。文科毕业生可以从多个
It is interesting to note that the income gap between arts and
STEM graduates gradually diminishes as they continue in their careers.
In fact, arts degrees are quite common among the world's most highly
paid workers. About one-third of the directors of 'Fortune 500
companies' have an arts background. Students, parents, politicians,
and industry leaders may argue over which are the most valuable
degrees, but the value of a college degree in general cannot be
有趣的是,艺术与STEM毕业生之间的收入差距随着他们职业生涯的继续而逐渐缩小。事实上,艺术学 位在世
界上薪水最高的工人中是很普遍的。财富500强公司约三分之一的董事都有艺术背景。学生、家 长、政客和行业领

'Fortune 500 companies' (n) the businesses ranked by Fortune
as the 500 most profitable companies in the US for a particular
《财富》杂志(Fortune Magazine)将500家公司列为美国特定年度最赚钱的500家公司。


They are so small that you need a microscope to see them but so
powerful that experts predict they could kill ten million people per
year worldwide by the year 2050. They are superbugs – drug-resistant
bacteria that have emerged since antibiotics revolutionized medicine
in the early twentieth century. Indeed, the rise of these superbugs
and the use of antibiotics are closely intertwined.
它们非常小,你需要 一台显微镜才能看到它们,但是它们却如此强大以至于专家预测到2050年它们每年可以
杀死全世界一 千万人。它们是超级细菌——在二十世纪初抗生素革新药物后出现的耐药细菌。实际上,这些超级细
菌的 兴起与抗生素的使用密切相关。

All organisms change over time; this is a basic principle of
evolution. Smaller organisms, such as bacteria, are able to evolve
more quickly, adapting as circumstances require. In the face of
antibiotics, bacteria have adapted with deadly efficiency. When a
patient takes antibiotics to fight off a bacterial infection, the
goal is to kill the bacteria causing the infection. Often, however,
although most of the bacteria are killed, a few of the strongest
bacteria survive. Thus, only these drug-resistant bacteria are able
to reproduce. This sets up a cycle in which increasingly powerful
antibiotics are needed to counter bacterial infections, eventually
resulting in the development of superbugs - bacteria able to resist
even the most powerful drugs.
所有生物都随时间而变化; 这是进化的基本原则。 较小的生物,如细菌,能够更快地进化,并根据情况需要
进行调整。 面对抗生素,细菌已经以极可怕的效率适应着。 当患者服用抗生素以抵抗细菌感染时,目标是杀死导
致感染的细菌。 然而,通常,虽然大多数细菌被杀死,但是一些最强的细菌仍然存在。 因此,只有这些耐药细菌
才能繁殖。 这就形成了一个循环,在这个循环中,需要越来越强大的抗生素来 对抗细菌感染,最终导致超级细菌

Scientists believe that a large part of this cycle is preventable.
Few would dispute that patients who are genuinely ill should take
antibiotics, but one recent study suggested that almost 50% of all
antibiotic use is inappropriate or unnecessary. Some patients are
prescribed antibiotics for ailments that would eventually clear up
on their own, or for viral infections, against which antibiotics have
no effect. In addition, some patients do not finish their course of
medication, allowing bacteria to bounce back, but stronger. All of
these factors contribute to the rise and spread of superbugs.
Although many doctors find it difficult to refuse when patients
request medication, in this instance, what may be safe and effective
for the individual can be harmful to society as a whole.
科学家认为,这个循环的很大一部分是可以预防的。 很少 有人会质疑真正的病人应该服用抗生素,但最近的
一项研究表明,几乎50%的抗生素使用都是不合适或 不必要的。 一些患者使用抗生素治疗本来最终会自行清除的
疾病,或者一些患者使用抗生素治疗抗生素 无效的病毒感染。 此外,一些患者没有完成他们的药物疗程,使得细
菌能够反弹,而且更强。 所有这些因素都有助于超级细菌的繁殖和传播。 虽然许多医生发现当患者要求服药时很
难拒绝,但在这 种情况下,对个人而言可能是安全有效的但对整个社会可能是有害的。

Another major factor that promotes the spread of drug resistance
is the use of antibiotics for livestock. In Europe, many countries
have long since enacted laws to limit or ban antibiotic use in
livestock. However, in the United States, 80% of antibiotic use is
for animals. In part, the drugs are used to prevent the spread of
infection among animals, especially those that live in crowded
conditions. However, farmers also use antibiotics because these
drugs help animals to gain weight quickly. Unfortunately, such
non-therapeutic use of antibiotics is problematic because it kills
off the beneficial bacteria that normally lives in the animals’
digestive tract, leaving drug- resistant strains of bacteria to
促 进抗药性传播的另一个主要因素是对家畜使用抗生素。在欧洲,许多国家早已颁布法律限制或禁止在牲畜中
使用抗生素。 然而,在美国,80%的抗生素用于动物。在某种程度上,这些药物用于预防动物传染,尤其是 那些
生活在拥挤的环境中的动物。然而,农民也使用抗生素,因为这些药物可以帮助动物迅速增加体重。 不幸的是,抗
生素的这种非治疗性使用是有问题的,因为它可以杀死通常存在于动物消化道中的有益细菌 ,从而使耐药细菌菌株

The widespread use of antibiotics for the past 70 years in both
the animal and human populations, and the resulting increase in
drug-resistant bacteria, have fuelled an ongoing search for more
powerful drugs. In the early days of antibiotic research, scientists
were successful in finding new classes of drugs, capable of fighting
the drug-resistant bacteria that continually appeared. Drug
discovery tapered off to almost nothing in the 1990s and 2000s,
creating a global panic regarding the future treatment of infection.
Investment has led to recent discoveries of new classes of antibiotic
in the soil and inside the human nose, which offer some hope, but
is will take years for viable drugs to be developed. In the meantime,
very few weapons are currently available against the deadliest
bacteria. Late in 2015, researchers reported the emergence of a
strain of bacteria able to resist even the most powerful medications,
those only used as a last resort.
过去70年来,动 物和人类中抗生素的广泛使用、以及抗药性细菌的增加,促使人们不断寻求更强大的药物。
在抗生素研究 的早期,科学家们成功地发现了新的药物种类,能够对抗不断出现的耐药细菌。在20世纪90年代和
2 1世纪初期,药物开发逐渐减少而至几乎没有,对于未来如何治疗感染,产生了全球性的恐慌。 调查表明最近在
土壤和人类鼻子内发现了新的抗生素,这提供了一些希望,但是需要数年才能开发出可行的药物。与此同 时,目前
很少有武器可以对抗最致命的细菌。2015年末,研究人员报告了一种细菌菌株的出现,这种 细菌菌株甚至能够对

What can be done to preserve antibiotics for future generation
Scientists maintain that as individuals, we can make a difference
with simple steps, such as regular hand washing. It is also important
that patients understand that antibiotics are not always the right
course of treatment. They should not be taken for viral infections
or even for mild bacterial infections. Finally, it is crucial to take
antibiotics out of the food chain. Fortunately, consumers are pushing
for this, so we are likely to see changes in this practice in the
near future. The fast food faint McDonald’s, which sells millions

of pounds of chicken every year, has begun using only antibiotic-free
chicken. If both individuals and corporations around the world
continue to take steps like these, perhaps superbugs can be stopped.
The alternative presents a grim picture for future generations. 如何为下一代保存抗生素科学家坚持认为,作为个体,我们可以通过简单的步骤来改变,例如定期洗手。让患
者明白抗生素并非总是正确的治疗途径也很重要。它们不应用于病毒感染或甚至用于轻度细菌感染。最后 ,将抗生
素从食物链中取出是至关重要的。幸运的是,消费者正在推动这一点,因此我们可能会在不久的 将来看到实践中的
变化。每年卖掉数百万磅鸡肉的快餐麦当劳已开始只使用无抗生素的鸡肉。如果世界各 地的个人和公司继续采取这
样的措施,也许可以停止超级细菌。对于后代而言,替代方案上的形势是非常 严峻的。


Recent headlines have been filled with alarming news of the spread
of pathogens that cause diseases like SARS, MERS, swine flu, dengue
fever, chikungunya, and the latest-the Zika virus. Are these
pathogens really on the increase, or have detection and reporting
methods simply improved In fact, several studies suggest that the
surge in these infectious diseases is quite real. Researchers propose
a number of reasons for these developments.
最近的头条新闻充满了令人震惊的消息,即病原体的传播导致SARS, MERS,猪流感,登革热,基孔肯雅病和
最新的寨卡病毒等疾病。这些病原体是真的在增加,还是只是 改进了检测和报告方法事实上,一些研究表明这些传
染病的激增是非常真实的。研究人员提出导致这些发 展的一些原因。

Probably the most obvious reason is how closely connected the
world has become. Human populations regularly travel long distances
as immigrants, business travellers, or tourists, carrying diseases
with them. For example, it is thought that the Zika virus may have
travelled from French Polynesia to Brazil in the blood of infected
international athletes. People are not the only world travelers;
insects, primarily mosquitoes, can also hop on a boat or a plane and
migrate thousands of miles. Scientists refer to the hosts that carry
pathogens as vectors. When they bite, vectors transfer infected blood
to a new victim, spreading the pathogen in both humans and animal
populations. As these vectors move around the world, and if they can
survive and reproduce in their new environment, the range of the
disease grows.
可能最明显的原因是我们的世界有已经紧密相连。人口常常作 为移民,商务旅行者或游客长途跋涉,携带疾病。
例如,据认为寨卡病毒可能已经从受感染的国际运动员 的血液中从法属波利尼西亚传播到巴西。人们不是世界上唯
一的旅行者;昆虫,主要是蚊子,也可以乘船 或飞机,并迁移数千英里。科学家提到携带病原体作为载体的宿主。
当它们咬人时,载体将受感染的血液 转移到新的受害者身上,在人类和动物群体中传播病原体。随着这些载体在世
界各地移动,并且如果它们 能够在新环境中存活和繁殖,疾病的范围就会增加。

The pathogens themselves are also highly adaptable. Most
pathogens are found in a specific vector. For example, chikungunya
is carried by a particular type of mosquito, Aedes aegypti, in Africa
and Asia, where the diseases originated. As the virus travelled
across the Pacific, however, it mutated to a new form, which thrives
in a different vector, the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus,
allowing the disease to spread beyond the habitat of the original
host mosquito.
病原体本身也具有很强的适应性。大多数 病原体存在于特定载体中。例如,基孔肯雅病毒由一种叫埃及伊蚊
(Aedes aegypti)的特 定类型蚊子携带,这些蚊子来自于非洲和亚洲发病地区。然而,当病毒穿越太平洋时,它
会变异为一种新 形式,它以不同的载体繁殖,即亚洲虎蚊,白纹伊蚊,使该病蔓延到原宿主蚊子的栖息地之外。

Many infectious diseases originated in warm climates, where
insects like mosquitoes live and thrive. As climate change leads to
higher temperatures around the world, mosquitoes are now able to
survive in areas that were once too cold for them. Figure 1 shows
the range of Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti, both major vectors
of tropical diseases, in the United States as of 2016. Aedes aegypti,
once confined to tropical Africa, is expected to expand its range
even farther with global warming.
许多传染病起源于温暖的气候,像蚊子等昆虫喜欢在温暖气候的地方 生活和繁衍。随着气候变化导致全球气温
升高,蚊子现在能够在曾经过于寒冷的地区生存。图1显示了截 至2016年美国白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊的范围,这两
种都是热带病的主要载体。埃及伊蚊曾一度局限于热 带非洲,预计随着全球变暖甚至会进一步扩大其范围。

The increasingly urban nature of the world’s population also
facilitates the transmission of diseases. In large, crowded cities
in developing countries, many people do not have regular household
waste collection or access to clean drinking water. A household
without running water is likely to catch and save rainwater in open
containers – the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes – as are
piles of rubbish and, above all, old tyres.
世界人口日益城市化的特性也促进了疾病的传播。在发 展中国家拥挤的大城市,许多人没有定期收集家庭垃圾
或获得清洁饮用水。一个没有自来水的家庭可能会 在开放式集装箱中捕获并节省雨水 - 这是蚊子的完美滋生地 -

Another aspect of urbanization contribution to the spread of
pathogens is our close proximity to both wild and domesticated
animals. Many dangerous pathogens have the ability to mutate and jump
from one species to another, including to humans. Avian and swine
flu are prime examples of such cross-species transfer, as is Ebola,
which scientists believe originated among gorillas and chimpanzees.
As various species experience the destruction of their habitats as
a result of deforestation and urbanization, many are forced to live
closer to human settlements, increasing the opportunity for
transmission of diseases from animals to humans. Domesticated animal
populations are being squeezed as well. They are confined to
increasingly crowded spaces, creating conditions that facilitate the
transmission of diseases.
城市化对病原体传播的贡献的另一个方面是我们与野生动物和家养动物非常接近。 许多危险的病原体具有从一
个物种变异到另一个物种的能力,包括那些能感染人类的病原体。禽流感和猪 流感是这种跨物种转移的主要例子,
埃博拉也是如此,科学家认为它们起源于大猩猩和黑猩猩。由于森林 砍伐和城市化导致各种物种遭受其栖息地的破
坏,许多物种被迫住在离人类住区更近的地方,增加了从动 物传染给人类的疾病的机会。驯养的动物种群的生存空
间也受到挤压。它们被限制在越来越拥挤的空间中 ,创造了促进疾病传播的条件。

Some pathogens, such as the ones that cause Ebola, are deadly,
with no known cure. Others may not be as dangerous but still have
an enormous economic impact in terms of lost productivity and the
resources needed to fight them and provide healthcare for their
victims. Some of these infectious diseases, once a local menace, now

pose a global threat, and it will require a global effort to eradicate
一些病原体,例如导致埃博拉病毒的病原体,是致命的,没有已知的治愈方法。其他的病毒目前可能没那么危< br>险,但在生产力损失和对抗他们并为受害者提供医疗保健所需的资源方面仍然具有巨大的经济影响。其中一 些传染

pathogen (n) a small organism that can cause disease
mutate (v) to change genetically
breeding ground (n) a place where organisms reproduce


UN5-08-R1 The Value of Talent 人才价值
Much of the work in today’s world is accomplished in teams: in
business, in scientific research, in government, on film sets, and
of course, in sports. Most people believe that the best way to build
a great team is to assemble a group of the best, most talented
individuals. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, commenting on the value
of talent, is quoted as saying that one great engineer is worth a
hundred average ones. And Zuckerberg is certainly somebody who knows
how to build an A-team.
当今世界的许多工作都是通 过团队完成的:商业、科学研究、政府、电影拍摄,当然还有体育。大多数人认为
组建一个伟大团队的最 好方法就是聚集一群最优秀、最有才华的人。脸书的马克·扎克伯格在评论人才的价值时说,
一个伟大的 工程师胜过一百个普通的工程师。扎克伯格当然是知道如何建立一支A级团队的人。

Animal scientist William Muir wondered if he could build such an
A-team —with chickens. He looked for the most productive egg
producers and bred them for six generations. This was his test group.
For comparison, he did the same thing with a selection of average
egg producers. This was his control group. To his surprise, six
generations later, he found that the egg production of the test group
was lower than that of the control group. He discovered that the
super-producers in the test group used an enormous amount of energy
constantly re- establishing a pecking order — competing for the top
spot. As a result, they had little energy left for egg production.
动物学家威廉·缪尔好奇他能否用鸡来建立这样 一个A级团队。他寻找到一些产蛋量最高的鸡繁殖六代。这是
他的试验组。作为比较,他选择了一批普通 产蛋量的鸡做了同样的事情。这是他的对照组。让他吃惊的是,六代以
后,试验组的产蛋量低于对照组。 他发现,试验组中那些超强产蛋能力的鸡花费大量的精力不断地重建啄食顺序(鸡
群的优胜劣汰秩序)- ---来竞争头号位置。结果,它们生产鸡蛋的能力反而所剩无几。

Of course, chickens are not a team, but this kind of group
interaction and its effect on production piqued the interest of
researchers who study teams and teamwork. The owners of sports teams
spend millions of dollars to attract top talent. Companies spend
millions to hire top business people. They want to know if their money
is well spent.
当然,这些鸡不能算作一个团队,但这种群体间的相互作用以 及其对产蛋量的影响激发了那些研究团队和团队
协作的学者们的兴趣。球队的老板们花了数百万美元来吸 引顶尖球员。公司则花费数百万来雇佣顶尖的商业人士。

A recent series of studies examined the role of talent in the
sports world. They focused on three different sports: World Cup
football, professional basketball, and professional baseball. The
results were mixed. For football and basketball, the studies revealed
that adding talented players to a team is indeed a good strategy,
but only up to a point. Performance peaked when about 70% of the
players were considered top talent; above that level, the team’s
performance began to decline. Interestingly, this trend was not

evident in baseball, where additional individual talent continued
to enhance the team’s performance (Figures 1 and 2).
最近一系列的研究 调查了人才在体育界的作用。它们专注于三种不同的运动:世界杯足球、职业篮球和职业棒
球。结果好坏 参半。研究表明,对于足球和篮球来说引入有天赋的球员确实是一个不错的策略,但只是在一定程度
上。 当大约70%的球员被认为是顶级天才时,球队的表现会达到了顶峰;而超过这一水平,球队的表现开始下降。< br>有趣的是,这种趋势在棒球中并不明显,更多的个人天赋会持续提升球队的成绩(图1和图2)。

In looking for an explanation for the different results for
different sports, the researchers isolated one important factor -
the extent to which a good performance by a team requires its members
to coordinate their actions. This task interdependence
differentiates baseball from basketball and soccer. In baseball, the
performance of individual players is less dependent on teammates than
in soccer and basketball. The researchers concluded that when, during
the course of play, task interdependence is high, team performance
will suffer when there is too much talent in the group. When task
interdependence is lower, on the other hand, individual talent will
have a positive effect on team performance.
关于不同体育项目的不同结果,研究人员在寻找合理解释时发现了一个重要影响因素-团队的良好表现很 大程
度上要求球员协调他们的合作。比赛的相互依存性将棒球与篮球和足球区分开来。在棒球运动中,单 个球员的表现
不像在足球和篮球中那样依赖于队友。研究人员得出的结论是,当比赛过程中,任务的相互 依存度很高,而团队中
又有太多的优秀队员时,团队的整体表现就会受到影响。另一方面,当比赛相互依 存度较低时,个人才能对团队表

One explanation for this phenomenon is not so far from the pecking
order situation among chickens. If a basketball star is pursuing his
own personal goals, for example, trying to amass a high personal point
total, he may be less generous as a team player. He may take a shot
himself when it would be better to pass the ball to a teammate,
detracting from the team’s overall performance. Young children
learning to play team sports are often told, ‘There is no I in TEAM.’
Stars apparently do not follow this basic principle of sportsmanship.
对这中现象的一种解释与鸡 群的社会等级现状(啄食顺序)十分接近。如果一个篮球明星正追求自己的个人目
标,比如尝试积累更佳 的个人总分,那么作为一个团队成员,他可能就不那么慷慨大方了。当遇到传球给队友更好
的时机时,他 可能会选择直接投篮,这当然会影响球队的整体表现。学习团队运动的小孩子们经常被告诫,‘团队
里没 有我。(全队的配合不分你我)’明星们显然不遵守这一体育精神基本原则。

Another possibility is that when there is a lot of talent on a
team, some players may begin to make less effort. This is referred
to as the Ringelmann effect. Maximilien Ringelmann, a French
agricultural engineer, conducted an experiment in 1913 in which he
asked two, three, four, and up to 28 people to participate in a game
of tug-of-war. He measured how much force each person used to pull
the rope. He found that whenever he added a person to the team,
everyone else pulled with less force.
另一种可 能性就是当一支球队拥有太多精英时,一些球员可能就不那么努力了。这就是所谓的林格曼效应。1913
年,法国农业工程师马克西米利恩·林格尔曼进行了一项实验,要求两人、三人、四人以及多达28人参加拔河 比
赛,并测量每个人拉绳子所用的力度。结果发现,每当他添加一个人到比赛中,其他人拔河使用的力量 就会减少。

Assembling the ideal team — for sports, business, science, or
entertainment — is more complicated than simply hiring the best
talent. An A-team may require a balance - not just A players, but
a few generous B players as well.
组建理想的团队,对于体育、商 业、科学或娱乐业来说,比简单地雇佣最优秀的人才要复杂得多。一支A级团
队可能需要的是整体的平衡 -不仅仅需要A级优秀队员,也需要一些慷慨的B级队员。


For years, psychologists have known how to measure the
intelligence of individuals, but only recently have they begun to
investigate the issue of group intelligence. This notion stems from
the observation that some groups seem to work well across tasks, even
tasks that are not very similar. Early investigations suggest that
group intelligence is not the sum of the intelligence of the
individuals in it. So what is the secret to their success
多年来,心理学家已经知道如何衡 量个体的智力,但直到最近他们才开始研究群体智力问题。这一概念源于观
察到一些群体似乎在任务中运 作良好,甚至是不太相似的任务。早期的调查表明,群体智力并不是其中个体智力的
总和。那么他们成功 的秘诀是什么

Researchers at Google and MIT have both tackled this question and
they believe they finally have a handle on what makes some teams
successful. In the Google study, researchers amassed thousands of
data points on hundreds of groups and combed through them to find
patterns. Are the members of effective groups friends outside of work
Do groups whose members have similar personalities or backgrounds
work together best Does gender make a difference They floated many
theories but found no patterns to support them. In face, who was in
the group apparently did not seem to make a difference; instead, the
difference between more and less effective groups seemed to lie in
the interaction among the members.
Google的研究中,研究人员在数百个群体中积累了数千个数据点,并通过它们进行梳理以找到模式。有效团 体的
成员是否在工作之外成员具有相似性格或背景的团体最好一起工作吗性别会有所作为吗他们提出了许 多理论,但没
有找到支持它们的模式。从表面上看,群体中的人显然似乎没有什么区别;相反,更多和更 少有效群体之间的差异

The MIT group had already been gathering data on group interaction
using digital ‘badges’ that participants in the study agreed to
wear. These badges provided a wealth of information, including how
long people spoke and to whom, what kinds of gestures they made, where
they were looking during interaction, and their facial expressions.
As in the Google study, this research group concluded that the key
to an effective team is how members interact.
麻省理工学院 小组已经使用研究参与者同意佩戴的数字“徽章”收集了群体互动的数据。这些徽章提供了丰富
的信息, 包括人们说话的时间和对象,他们做了什么样的手势,他们在互动中看的地方,以及他们的面部表情。与

Among the findings, the most consistent and significant is that,
in effective groups, members spoke for a roughly equal amount of time
- not at every meeting or interaction, but across the course of a

project. A second consistent finding was that members displayed
empathy, an understanding of how it might feel to walk in somebody
else’s shoes. This social sensitivity is measured by a relatively
new test, called ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes. ‘The test assesses
individual differences in two key factors, social awareness and
emotion recognition, by asking individuals to guess emotions based
on only a picture of a person’s eyes. A high level of these two
features create what one of the researchers in the Google study calls
psychological safety, members of the group feel comfortable voicing
their opinions and making suggestions without fear of a negative
response from others member of the group, and they believe that others
will listen to them and value what they say. When these conditions
are present, the group as a whole tends to be effective.
在这些调查结果中,最一致和最重要的是,在有效的群体中,成员的谈话时间大致相等 - 不是在每次 会议或
互动中,而是在整个项目过程中。第二个一致的发现是成员表现出同理心,理解走进别人的鞋子会 有什么感觉。这
种社会敏感性是通过一项相对较新的测试来衡量的,称为“在眼中读心”。该测试通过要 求个人仅根据一个人眼睛
的图片猜测情绪来评估两个关键因素(社会意识和情感识别)中的个体差异。这 两个特征的高水平创造了谷歌研究
中的一位研究人员所称的心理安全,该小组成员感到很自在地表达他们 的意见并提出建议,而不必担心其他成员的
负面反应,他们认为其他人会倾听他们并重视他们所说的话。 当存在这些条件时,该组整体趋于有效。

There were additional findings that support these general ones.
For example, in effective groups, members face one another directly
when they speak, they use energetic and enthusiastic gesture. They
also communicate directly with one another, not just through the
leader or manager of the group. In fact, the MIT study found that
side conversations between individual members during meetings, far
from being a distraction, actually increased the group’s
productivity. All the findings underline the importance of having
face-to-face meetings instead of phone calls, teleconferences, or
communicating by email. The positive behaviours uncovered in these
studies occur primarily or exclusively in face-to-face interaction.
The MIT team estimates that 35% of a team’s performance can be
explained just by they number of their face- to-face exchanges.
还有其他发现支持这些一般性的发现。例如,在有效的群体中 ,成员在说话时直接面对面,他们使用精力充沛
和热情的姿态。他们还直接相互沟通,而不仅仅是通过团 队的领导者或经理。事实上,麻省理工学院的研究发现,
在会议期间,个别成员之间的侧面谈话远非分散 注意力,实际上提高了团队的生产力。所有调查结果都强调了面对
面会议的重要性,而不是电话,电话会 议或通过电子邮件进行沟通。在这些研究中发现的积极行为主要或完全发生
在面对面的互动中。麻省理工 学院的团队估计,团队绩效的35%可以通过他们面对面交流的数量来解释。还有其
他的发现可以支持这 些普通的交换。

One might argue that most of these findings are extremely obvious,
and needless to say, good managers have probably always understood
these principles. Our social and professional lives, however, are
not always structured in ways that facilitate the kind of interaction
that apparently underlies effective group performance.
Understanding group intelligence can help businesses and other
organizations make the fundamental changes necessary to improve
group performance.

有人可能会争辩说,这些调查结果中的大多数非常明显,不用说,优秀的管理 者可能总是理解这些原则。然而,
我们的社交和职业生活并不总是以促进有效群体表现的相互作用的方式 构建。了解群体智能可以帮助企业和其他组

Do you look up at the sky at night and marvel at the universe Would
you like to know more Nowadays, all you have to do is point your
smartphone at the night sky to reveal the names of the stars,
constellations and planets. Or, do you love fashion but hate trying
on clothes in shops These days there are mirrors which take the hard
work out of shopping by superimposing your chosen outfits directly
onto a live reflection of your body. These advances are both examples
of augmented reality (AR)-technology which enhances our experience
of the real world with digital information and graphics. AR has
numerous potential applications to improve every area of our daily
你晚上仰望天空,惊叹宇 宙吗你想了解更多吗如今,您所需要做的就是将智能手机指向夜空,以显示星星,星
座和行星的名称。或 者,你喜欢时尚但讨厌在商店里试穿衣服吗现在,镜子可以将您所选择的服装直接叠加到您身
体的现场反 射上,从而将艰苦的工作从购物中解放出来。这些进步都是增强现实(AR)技术的例子,它通过数字信
息和图形增强了我们对现实世界的体验。 AR有许多潜在的应用可以改善我们日常生活的各个方面。

What is augmented reality
Unlike virtual reality, which creates an immersive 3D environment,
augmented reality interacts with and enhances the world that
surrounds us. AR devices can supplement the environment with
interactive 3D projections. AR apps for smartphones and other devices
use the camera and GPS to overlay real-time video with digital
与创造沉浸式3D环境的虚拟现实不同,增强现实与周围环境相互作用并增强了我们周围的世界。 AR 设备可
以通过交互式3D投影来补充环境。用于智能手机和其他设备的AR应用程序使用相机和GPS将 实时视频与数字内容

Travel has never been easier
Forget carrying around heavy guidebooks. Tourists can now
download apps that superimpose facts and information directly on
their surroundings. As you walk the streets of a famous city, you
can read reviews and recommendations from other travelers overlaid
on the places on your route. If you don’t know the language, just
point your smartphone at a foreign sign and a translation will appear.
Experts suggest that future AR apps will allow simultaneous
interpretation of spoken language too.
忘记随身携带沉重的导游手册吧。游客现在可以下载直接 在其周围环境中叠加事实和信息的应用程序。当您走
在着名城市的街道上时,您可以阅读覆盖在您路线上 的其他旅行者的评论和推荐。如果您不懂语言,只需将智能手
机指向外国标志,即可显示翻译。专家建议 ,未来的AR应用也将允许口语的同声传译。

The directions are on the road

With AR navigation technology – specifically devices for motor
vehicles – drivers don’t need to take their eyes off the road to
look at a screen. With a dashboard-mounted set, directions to your
destination can be projected onto your view of the road ahead. In
addition to guiding you to your destination, AR GPS apps for drives
can display speed limits, and traffic and weather warnings. Future
AR navigation apps may even be able to warn drivers about possible
hazards, such as cyclists or pedestrians crossing the road.
使用AR导航技术 - 特别是用于机动车辆的设备 - 驾 驶员无需将视线从路上看到屏幕。使用仪表板安装的设
备,可以将指向目的地的方向投射到前方道路的视 图上。除了引导您到达目的地之外,用于驱动器的AR GPS应用
程序还可以显示速度限制以及交通和 天气警告。未来的AR导航应用程序甚至可以警告驾驶员可能存在的危险,例
如骑自行车者或过马路的行 人。

Helping engineers and technicians
Imagine being an engineer or a technician working on an oil or
gas field. You have been asked to go out and find a leaky pipe or
repair a faulty pump. In the past, finding a broken pipe in the field
could be problematic. Now, with an AR headset you can clearly see
detailed blueprints of the pipes overlaid on your view of the field.
What’s more, there is no longer any need to memorize maintenance
instructions. AR can assist you with that; it not only labels the
different components of a mechanism, but can display step-by-step
instructions on how to maintain them, as well as warnings about any
environmental conditions that may make a repair hazardous.
想象一下,作为一名工程师 或技术人员在石油或天然气领域工作。你被要求出去找漏水管或修理有故障的泵。
在过去,在现场找到破 裂的管道可能会有问题。现在,使用AR耳机,您可以清楚地看到覆盖在您的视野上的管道
的详细蓝图。 更重要的是,不再需要记住维护说明。 AR可以为您提供帮助;它不仅标记机构的不同组件,而且可
以 显示有关如何维护它们的逐步说明,以及有关可能导致维修危险的任何环境条件的警告。

Medicine is the field that has seen the greatest uptake of AR
Applications. AR allows medical professionals to see a patient’s
internal organs and circulatory system displayed on their skin. One
of the most common uses is with IV injections; medical professionals
can now use handheld scanners to project a patient’s veins onto their
skin. This has significantly reduced the number of failed needle
insertions, which often occur with children and older patients. AR
apps are being developed to allow surgeons to see vital information
directly displayed on the patient’s organs. AR projections can help
medical students gain experience of elements of surgical procedures
without any danger to live patients.
医学是AR应用最受欢迎的领域。 AR允许医疗专业人员看到患者的 内部器官和循环系统显示在皮肤上。最常
见的用途之一是静脉注射;医疗专业人员现在可以使用手持式扫 描仪将患者的静脉投射到皮肤上。这明显减少了失
败的针插入次数,这种情况通常发生在儿童和老年患者 身上。正在开发AR应用程序,允许外科医生查看直接显示
在患者器官上的重要信息。 AR预测可以帮助医学生获得外科手术要素的经验,而不会对患者造成任何危险。

The future of AR technology is unlimited. Once the domain of the
gaming and retail industries, AR has revealed its potential to

revolutionize our lives. Across tourism and travel, industry and
engineering, and even surgery, it is already making our lives easier.
Augmented reality technologies are opening our eyes to a world where
real and digital universes can coexist in harmony.
AR技术的未来是无限的。 曾经是游戏和零售业的领地,AR已经显示了其改变我们生活的潜力。在旅游业和旅游,
工业和工程,甚 至手术中,它已经使我们的生活变得更加容易。增强现实技术为我们打开了一个现实世界和数字世
界可以 和谐共存的世界。

UN5-U09-R2 AR in education-A positive of a negative development
From kindergarten to higher education, AR apps and devices are
now available for use as educational aids. The most common devices
are handheld and project digital content onto a student’s book or
on a student’s desk-supplementing their course with 3D interactive
content. This 3D content has the power to engage students in ways
that teachers could previously only dream of. It follows that the
use of AR in education can only be a positive development – with
huge future potential.
从幼儿园到高等教育,AR应用程序和设备现在都可以用作教育辅助工具。最常 见的设备是手持式的,将数字
内容投射到学生的书本或课桌上,以3D交互内容补充他们的课程。这个3 D内容能够以老师以前只能梦想的方式吸
引学生。因此,AR在教育中的应用只能是一个积极的发展—— 具有巨大的未来潜力。

One of the greatest benefits of using AR in education so far is
that it has brought science to life. Science need no longer be taught
using 2D pictures and lifeless models, which may be uninspiring for
young learners; with AR, science can become vivid and fully
interactive. There are already several AR apps that help students
examine the anatomy of different species, or models of human organs.
Students can view and manipulate the 3D objects from all angles
allowing them to learn more independently and effectively than with
traditional content.
到目前为止,在教育中使用AR的最大益处之一 就是它使科学变得栩栩如生。科学不再需要使用二维图片和无
生命的模型来教学,这对于年轻学习者来说 可能没有启发;有了AR,科学可以变得生动和充分交互,已经有几个
AR应用程序可以帮助学生检查不 同物种的解剖结构,或者人体器官的模型。学生能够从各个角度观察和操作三维
物体,从而比传统内容更 加独立和有效地学习。

The potential of AR to bring the same life to other subjects is
equally promising. For example, in geography classes, AR might allow
students to view amazing natural phenomena without the limitations
of time of place. In history lessons, students could explore ancient
monuments of engage with historic figures. Whatever the subject, it
is AR which can go one step further than previous technologies in
bringing the real world to the classroom. < br>AR给其他学科带来相同生活的潜力也是同样有前途的。例如,在地理课上,AR可以让学生不受时间限制 地观
看令人惊叹的自然现象。在历史课上,学生可以探索与历史人物接触的古迹。无论主题是什么,在将 真实世界带到

It comes as no surprise then that educational researchers assert
that one of the major outcomes of using AR in the classroom is an
increase in student motivation. Bacca et al, (2014) claim that
students who used AR in their classes reported not only better
understanding of the subject, but also greater enjoyment in studying.
Radu (2014) maintains that educational AR applications lead to better
learning performance and long- term memory retention. It is the

tactile and interactive nature of AR applications that improves
retention and understanding of new subject content.
因此,教育研究人 员断言,在课堂上使用AR的主要结果之一就是提高了学生的学习动机,也就不足为奇了。
Bacca等 人(2014)声称,在课堂上使用AR的学生不仅对主题有更好的理解,而且在学习中更有乐趣。Radu(2 014)
坚持认为教育AR应用能带来更好的学习成绩和长期记忆保持。AR应用的触觉和交互性提高了 对新主题内容的保留

Advocates of AR in education also emphasize its usefulness for
schools in remote locations, where students don’t have easy access
to museums of science exhibitions. In the past, only students from
elite schools could afford to travel to famous places like the British
Museum of the Louvre. Soon – with the assistance of AR technology
- students from remote of underprivileged schools around the world
may be able to visit these places and inspect the artifacts in 3D.
In some ways, the AR experience would be even more immersive than
a real trip to a museum because, with AR projection, students could
touch and manipulate historical objects freely.
教育领域AR的拥护者也强调它对偏远地区的学校是有用的,因为那里的学生很难进入 科学展览的博物馆。过
去,只有来自精英学校的学生才有能力去像卢浮宫大英博物馆这样的着名地方旅游 。不久,在AR技术的帮助下,
来自世界各地的偏远贫困学校的学生也许能够参观这些地方,并用3D技 术检查文物。在某些方面,AR体验甚至比
真正的博物馆之旅更具有吸引力,因为通过AR投影,学生可 以自由地触摸和操纵这些历史物品。

Despite the numerous advantages associated with using AR in
schools and universities, not everybody is convinced that it is a
positive development, Critics point out the presence of attention
tunneling when using AR in class. This means that the students are
so focused on the 3D display that they do not attend to the content
of the lesson. However, this reservation is arguably short- sighted
in that, as with past innovations such as the internet, the novelty
of AR in the classroom will soon diminish; once students become
accustomed to these 3D projections, they will be able to refocus their
attention on the subject at hand.
尽管在中学和大学使用AR有很多优点,但并不是每个人都相信它 是一个积极的发展,批评者指出在课堂上使
用AR时存在注意力隧道。这意味着学生太专注于3D显示, 以至于他们没有注意课程的内容。然而,这种预约可以
说是短视的,因为和过去互联网等创新一样,课堂 上增强现实技术的新奇性将很快消失;一旦学生习惯了这些3D
投影,他们将能够重新将注意力集中在手 头的主题上。

It is evident that the adoption of AR technology by educators will
be a positive development for all involved. AR applications allow
students to learn in an interactive and engaging way. It is only when
we embrace such innovations in technology that we can learn of their
full potential and develop them further.
显而易见,教育工作者采用AR技术将对所有相关人员都是一个积极的发展。AR应用程序允许学生以一 种交互
式的、有吸引力的方式学习。只有当我们拥抱这些技术创新时,我们才能充分了解它们的潜力,并 进一步开发它们。

UN5-10-R1 Loanwords in English
Language and its words are never static; they travel across
countries and continents. Words that travel – that are incorporated
into another language – are known as loanwords, and there is probably
no language in the world that does not include them, Café from French,
kindergarten from German, and safari from Arabic are examples of
loanwords that are used in modern English.
一门语言及其词汇从来不是静态的,它们可是会旅行的。那些穿越国界、洲界,并被成功融合到另一种语言之< br>中的词,我们称之为外来词,也称借词。世界上几乎不可能找到一门没有沿用借词的语言。例如法语中的c afé,
德语中的kindergarten和阿拉伯语中的safari,正是现代英语中借词的经典 。

When a word is borrowed, it can be incorporated into the new
language in different ways. Some loanwords, for instance, café,
retain their original spelling and meaning. Other words like sugar,
which is derived from the Arabic sukkar, keep their root meaning but
change in their pronunciation or spelling. In some cases, loanwords
change their meaning when they are adopted. For example, the word
ketchup comes from a Cantonese dialect. It entered the English
language in the seventeenth century, when the samples of the sauce
were brought to the UK from Asia by sailors. Mushroom ketchup, not
tomato ketchup as we know it today, soon became a favourite condiment
on the dining tables of London. In a more extreme change of meaning,
the Japanese term tycoon was used in the nineteenth century by English
travellers to address the Japanese shogun. Nowadays, it is used in
English to talk about somebody powerful in business.
一个被借 用的词可以通过不同的形式融合到语言中。一些借词,例如源自法语的café,其拼写方式和含义至
今 仍被完整保留。而另外一些词,如源自阿拉伯语sukkar的sugar,其根本意义得以保留,但发音和拼写 却有所
不同。还有一些词,在借用时甚至连含义都改变了,例如ketchup这个词,源自广东话,是 在十七世纪进入英语的,
原指蘑菇酱,而非我们今天所指的番茄酱。当时蘑菇酱样品被水手们从亚洲带到 英国,很快就成为了伦敦餐桌上最
受欢迎的调味品。除了上述三种,更有甚之的是有些词的含义变得面目 全非。例如来自日语的tycoon,在十九世
纪时被英国旅行者借用于指代日本幕府将军。时至今日, 它在英语中的含义居然是指商业大亨。

Loanwords can take a variety of routes before they enter English.
Geographical and political domination have traditionally been the
biggest contributing factors. For example, a great number of
loanwords from Hindi and African languages entered English during
the colonial period. These loanwords often reflect the exotic
environment in which the colonialists found themselves. Certain
names of animals, such as chimpanzee and mamba, are derived from local
African dialects. Trek comes from the Afrikaans word for travel.
Jungle was adapted from a Hindi word, jangal. Bungalow is derived
from a Hindi word meaning ‘belonging to Bengal’ and was used in
the seventeenth century to describe the homes of the early colonizers

in India and Bengal. In the postcolonial period, it has come to mean
‘a one storey house’.
借词融入英语的途径多种多样,而 地缘和政治一直是影响最大的因素。例如,在殖民时期,大量来自印地语和
非洲语的借词被融入了英语中 。这些借词通常反映了殖民者当时所处的异国环境:某些动物名称如chimpanzee和
mamba ,来自当地的非洲方言;trek来自南非荷兰语,意指travel;Jungle改编自印地语单词jang al;Bungalow
源于印地语,意思是“属于孟加拉”,在十七世纪用于特指印度和孟加拉早期殖 民者的居所。而在后殖民时期,它

Many loanwords in English reflect important historical events.
For example, guerrilla, Spanish for ‘little war’, entered English
in the nineteenth century during a period of struggle between the
Spanish and Napoleon’s troops. The German word blitz, meaning
‘sudden war’, and kamikaze from Japanese, became part of the
English lexicon in the 1930s and 40s, during World War II. The words
cosmonaut and sputnik came from Russian and entered English during
the twentieth century ‘Space Race’ between US and the USSR.
许多英语借词还反映了重要的历史事件。例如西班牙语词guerill a,原意为“小战争”,在十九世纪因为西班
牙和拿破仑军队的缠斗而被引入到英语中。而德语意指“突 发战争”的单词blitz以及日语中指”神风敢死队”的
单词kamikaze,在20世纪三四十年 代第二次世界大战期间正式成为了英语词汇的一部分。 而俄语中的cosmonaut
和sputni k两词在二十世纪美国和苏联之间的“太空竞赛”中,分别代表“宇航员”和“人造卫星”被纳入英语词

Commerce and intercultural exchange are a common source of
loanwords; even before the age of globalization, many commodities
entered English through international trade and travel. For instance,
sugar, saffron, cotton, and coffee have Arabic roots; they were sold
by Arab traders across Europe and Asia. Fruits like lemon and orange
were brought to Europe by Arabic merchants, and the Arabic roots of
these words are evident not only in English, but in Spanish, French,
and German. Potato and tomato have Spanish origins – both vegetables
were brought to Europe from South America by Spanish explorers.
商业和跨文化交流是借词的常见来源 。在全球化时代开启之前,许多商品类词语已经通过国际贸易和旅行往来
的形式被带入英语。例如sug ar, saffron, cotton和coffee等都来自阿拉伯语,因为当时阿拉伯人将这些商品卖< br>向欧洲和亚洲大陆。Lemon和orange也是由阿拉伯商人带到欧洲的。这些根源于阿拉伯语的词语 不仅在英语中,
在西班牙语、法语和德语中同样格外突出。而potato和tomato两词则拥有西 班牙血统——这两种蔬菜都是由西班

Scientific and academic exchange has been another influential
source of loanwords. A disproportionate number of academic words in
English have Latin origins. The reason for this is that, for centuries,
Latin was the ligua franca of science. In modern English, much of
our scientific and technical vocabulary, our medical terminology,
and many legal terms come from these roots. For example, school and
scholar are derived from the Latin word schola; language and linguist
come from the Latin lingua.
科学和学术交流是借词另一颇具影响力的来源。 英语学术词汇中来源于 拉丁语的词数量多到有喧宾夺主之嫌。
其原因在于自古以来,拉丁语一直是科学界的通用语言。 在现代英语中,大部分的科技术语、医学术语以及许多
法律术语都根源于此。 例如school和scholar来自拉丁语schola; language和linguist来自拉丁语lingua。

In modern times, globalization, immigration, and the rise of
low-cost intercontinental travel has led to an unprecedented level
of linguistic and cultural exchange. Several Japanese words, such
as sushi, tsunami, tempura, and anime, are now commonly used in
English. We have also witnessed a surge of foreign food names in
English – Italian latte and espresso and Cantonese chow, wok and
dim sum to name just a few.
现在,随着全球一体化、移民以及低成本环球旅行的实现,各种语言和文化之间的交流达到了 空前的高水平。
很多日语单词如sushi,tsunami,tempura和anime于英语中 被广泛使用。我们还亲自见证了大量的外国食物名称
涌入英语字典中:如意大利的latte和espr esso;粤菜的chow,wok和dim sum等等,不一而足。

Languages change constantly, as a reflection of cultural and
socio-political events; it follows that the study of the etymology
of loanwords in English can reveal a great deal about the cultural
history of its speakers.
作为一个 社会文化、社交、政治事件的镜像反映,语言从未停止变化和生长。因此,英语国家的文化与历史,
可以 通过对英语借词词源学的研究窥知一二。

UN5-10-R2 Is linguistic purism the best way forward
In the last decade, we have witnessed a surge of English words
from technology and social media being adopted into the vocabulary
of other languages all over the word. This linguistic phenomenon has
split public opinion in these countries with respect to whether they
should use the new English words or create local equivalents.
Opponents of the incorporation of English words into their language
argue that accepting English terminology may lead to cultural
dilution and ultimately the extinction of local languages; they want
to preserve their languages in a pure form, keeping them ‘clean’
of foreign influences. There are several problems with this stance.
在过去的十年中,我们目睹了技术和社交媒体中涌现的英语单词涌入其他语言的词汇。 这种语言现象使 这些
国家的公众舆论在他们是应该使用新的英语词汇还是创造当地的等同词方面存在分歧。 将英语单词纳入其语言的
反对者认为,接受英语术语可能导致文化稀释并最终导致当地语言的灭绝; 他们希望以纯粹的形式保存他们的语
言,保持他们“干净”的外国影响。 这种立场有几个问题。

One issue with linguistic purism is that-in a highly competitive
global economy —it has the potential to limit young people’s
opportunities. In countries like Spain and France, linguistic purism
is endorsed by academic institutions, namely the French Academy and
the Royal Spanish Academy, The French Academy, for instance, opposed
the use of the English words computer and email in French and has
enforced the use of French equivalents. There are numerous other
examples of French and Spanish terms that are used instead of
internationally recognized words. Because of this, Spanish and
French students have the added burden of learning this terminology
again in English. Furthermore, a negative attitude towards using
foreign words may give young people the sense that using foreign
languages is unpatriotic and thus demotivate them from learning other
语言纯粹主义的一个问题是 - 在竞争激烈的全球经济中 - 有可能限制年轻人的机会。 在西班牙 和法国这样
的国家,语言纯粹主义得到了学术机构的认可,例如法国学院和西班牙皇家学院,法国学院, 反对法语使用英语单
词计算机和电子邮件,并强制使用 法语等同词。还有许多其他法语和西班牙语术语的例子,而不是国际公认的词
汇。 正因为如此,西班牙语和法语学生又有了用英语学习这个术语的额外负担。 此外,对使用外来词的消极态度可能会让年轻人感到使用外语是不爱国的,从而使他们没有动力学习其他语言。

In order to cope in the modern world, young people need a global
language. They should be encouraged to use social media and the
internet to learn English. Being able to navigate the web and social
networking sites without technical language barriers will be a great
advantage to them in the future. It follows that purist language
academies should stop throwing up these barriers. Knowing two or more
languages improves cognitive processes and has direct impact on an
individual’s multitasking and decision-making abilities. This may

be the reason why people who speak several languages arc sought after
in the job market.
为了应对现代世界,年轻人需要一种全球语言。 应该鼓励他们使用社交媒体和互联网来学习英语。 能够在没
有技术语言障碍的情况下浏览网络和社交网站将是他们未来的一大优势。 因此,纯粹的语言学院应该停止抛弃这
些障碍。 了解两种或更多种语言可以改善认知过程,并直接影响个人的多任务处理和决策能力。 这可能是为什么

A further problem with trying to prevent English words from
entering a language is that it is a futile endeavour. On social media
networks, an unstoppable flow of English words are entering other
languages. In the tech field, innovations gain widespread use across
many fields at a speed that linguistic purists cannot hope to match.
For example, at the time of writing, words such as tweet and selfie
still don’t have accepted French equivalents. Tweet, in particular,
may be virtually untranslatable without some kind of enforced
rebranding. What’s more, it took the French Academy eighteen months
to come up with a French equivalent for the term cloud computing -
in the meantime, French scientists and IT experts had already begun
using the technology and the accompanying English term.
试图阻止英语单词进入语言的另一个问题是,这是徒劳的努力。 在社交媒体网络上,不可阻挡的英语单词流
进入其他语言。 在技术领域,创新以语言纯粹主义者所不无法企及的速度在许多领域得到广泛应用,希望能够匹
配。 例如,在撰写本文时,诸如推文和自拍之类的单词仍然没有接受法语等价物。 特别是,如果没有某种强制性
的品牌重塑,它可能几乎不可翻译。 更重要的是,法国科学院花了18个月的时间才拿出法语等同于云计算的术语
- 与此同时,法国科学家和IT专家已经开始使用这项技术和随附的英文术语。

The fight to banish English loanwords is clearly a losing battle,
but thankfully this is a problem that solves itself. Accepting new
words into a language does not diminish the language, but enriches
it. Language is a living, breathing thing. This means that new
loanwords do not remain unchanged when they enter a new language.
In fact, most loanwords are integrated into a new language and adapt
to the new language’s rules. For example, loanwords usually change
their pronunciation and spelling when they are incorporated into a
new language. This is why speakers of a language are often unaware
that many of the words that they use every day have, in fact, foreign
origins. The new loanwords also adapt to the morphology of the host
language; it is common for loanwords to take on the suffixes and
prefixes of the new language. Finally, the loanwords fill semantic
gaps that may exist in a language. Their existence reflects important
cultural phenomena and historical events; erasing them would distort
the language and its cultural heritage.
消除英语借词的斗争显然是一场失败的战斗,但幸运 的是,这是一个解决问题的问题。接受一种语言的新单词
不会削弱语言,但会丰富它。语言是一种生机勃 勃的东西。这意味着新的借词在输入新语言时不会保持不变。实际
上,大多数借词都被整合到一种新语言 中,并适应新语言的规则。例如,外来词通常会在将它们合并为一种新语言
时改变其发音和拼写。这就是 为什么一种语言的说话者常常不知道他们每天使用的许多单词实际上都是外来的。新
的借词也适应宿主语 言的形态;借用词汇通常采用新语言的后缀和前缀。最后,借词填补了语言中可能存在的语义
空白。它们 的存在反映了重要的文化现象和历史事件擦除它们会扭曲语言及其文化遗产。

Overall, with the billions of people currently using social media
around the world, we are entering an era of accelerated linguistic

and cultural exchange. Linguistic purism has been suggested as an
approach to fight the prevalence of English in local cultures, but
these efforts are misplaced. Because the need for a global language
is unlikely to diminish in the next few decades, the denial and
rejection of English is not the answer to local problems. An effort
to revive respect and appreciation amongst local people for their
cultural heritage might be the best solution to help preserve dying
总体而言,随着目前全球数十亿人使用社交媒体,我们正在进入加速语言和文化交流的时代。 语言纯粹主义
已经被建议作为一种打击英语在当地文化中的流行的方法,但这些努力是错误的。 由于在接下来的几十年里,对
全球语言的需求不太可能减少,否则拒绝和拒绝英语并不能解决当地问题。 努力恢复当地人民对其文化遗产的尊







