普通学术英语教程(阅读)译文Unit 3

2020年08月18日 02:53


Core Reading 1
What if I Ate the Silica Packets
Marked “Do Not Eat”?

Katherine Neer

1 你吃下去的很有可能是硅胶或者其他种类的
What you would be consuming is most 干燥剂——用于吸收(收集)和储存水蒸气。
likely silica gel or some other desiccant -- 这样用于保质的小包可见于各种产品中。
something that absorbs (collects) and holds water
vapor. These little packets are found in all sorts of
products to help maintain quality.
2 Shipping can cause all kinds of atmospheric

2 海运会造成各种大气条件和温度变化。增加
如果 迅速降温,冷凝水蒸气就会损坏这些药片。
都能找 到小包装的硅胶。

conditions and changes in temperature. Increased
moisture can spoil or permanently damage many
products. For example, if a bottle of vitamins
contained any moisture vapor and was cooled
rapidly, the condensing moisture would ruin the
pills. You’ll find little silica gel packets in
anything that would be affected by excess
moisture or condensation.
3 Silica gel can adsorb about 40 percent of its
weight in moisture and can take the relative 3 硅胶能吸收约等于自重40%的水分,并将密
humidity in a closed container down to about 40 闭容器中的相对湿度降低大约40%。通过加热
percent. Once the gel is saturated, you can get rid 可以去掉硅胶中的水分,加热300华氏度(150
of the moisture and reuse silica gel by heating it 摄氏度)以上,硅胶就可以重新使用。
above 300 degrees Fahrenheit (150 degrees
4 Silica gel is nearly harmless, and that’s why

4 硅胶几乎是无害的,所以适用于食品保质。
料是一样的。胶质的硅由成百万的能吸收和 储

you find it in food products. Silica, which is
actually silicon dioxide (SiO2), is the same
material found in quartz. The gel form contains
millions of tiny pores that can adsorb and hold
moisture -- it’s essentially porous sand.
5 While the contents of a silica gel packet are 5 虽然硅胶包的内容基本无毒,但企图吞下这
basically harmless, it would be a rather unpleasant 些石英晶体的过程非常令人难受。这些微小干
experience to attempt to consume the silica 燥剂的唯一作用就是吸收水分。如果你把一整
crystals. The sole job of these tiny desiccants is to 包干燥剂倒入口中,水分会从口腔内的左右两
adsorb moisture. If you emptied a packet of the 壁、上颚、牙床和舌头上迅速流失,给你一种
stuff into your mouth, the moisture would be 全新而异常精确的“口干舌燥”的感觉。如果
whisked away from the sides and roof of your 硅胶真的经过了口腔(这倒不太可能,因为你
mouth, your gums and tongue -- giving an entirely 一定会想尽办法把它吐出来),你会遭受一些非
new and all-too-accurate meaning of the phrase 常刺激的副作用,比如:
“dry mouth.” If silica gel did happen to make it

past your mouth -- which is unlikely because you


would probably be making every effort to spit it

out -- you might suffer a few irritating side

effects, such as:
•Dry eyes
•An irritated, dry feeling in your throat
nasal cavity
•An upset stomach or stomach discomfort
6 So just how many silica packets would it

•Aggravated, dry mucous membranes and

6 要多少包硅胶才能吸光人体的水分呢?我们
以一个210磅的男性为例 来计算:人体70%都
知硅胶可以吸收自重 40%的水分,那么吸收4

8 如此计算,吸光147磅水需用367.5磅硅

take to adsorb all the water from someone’s body?
Let’s use a 210-pound man as an example. We
know that 70 percent of a human body is made up
of water - 70 percent of 210 pounds is 147 pounds
of water. We also know that silica gel can adsorb
about 40 percent of its weight in moisture. So 10
pounds of silica gel are needed to adsorb 4 pounds
of water.
7 It turns out that it would take 367.5 pounds
of silica gel to adsorb 147 pounds of water. Since
a single packet of silica gel weighs 0.1 ounces,
that means a 210-pound man would have to
consume 58,800 packets of silica gel.
(464 words)
(Retrieved and adapted from

Core Reading 2
Here’s to your Health

Joan Duanyer

As the only freshman on his high school’s 1 作为所在高中摔跤校队中唯一的一年级学
varsity wrestling team, Tod was anxious to fit in 生,Tod急于融入到年长的队友中。一次比赛
with his older teammates. One night after a match, 后的晚上,在回家的路上,队友递给他一瓶龙
he was offered a tequila bottle on the ride home. 舌兰酒,Tod觉得他必须得喝,否则会显得娘
Tod felt he had to accept, or he would seem like a 娘腔。他喝了一口,每次酒瓶传回到他手中,
sissy. He took a swallow, and every time the 他都喝一口。喝完第八口后,他失去了知觉。
bottle was passed back to him, he took another 队友们吓坏了,把他送回了家,他的母亲赶紧
swallow after seven swallows, he passed out. His 送他去了医院。洗胃之后Tod才知道他的血液
terrified teammates carried him into his home, and 酒精含量很高,他很幸运才没有陷入深度昏迷
his mother then rushed him to the hospital. After 或者死亡。
his stomach was pumped, Tod learned that his
blood alcohol level had been so high that he was
lucky not to be in a coma or dead.
2 Unfortunately, drinking is not unusual

2 不幸的是,喝酒在高中生中很普遍 ,这一点
我们的社会中有数不清的理由促使人们喝 酒,
酒类经销商每年在电台和电视广告上花60亿< br>美元,在印刷广告上花9亿。此外,制酒业每
年花23亿在印刷广告上,自1966年以后大幅< br>扩展了在有线电视和独立广播电台的广告。就

3 更有甚者,这些侵略性的酒类广告深化了人
among high-school students or, for that matter, in
any other segment of our society. And that’s no
accident. There are numerous influences in our
society urging people to drink, not the least of
which is advertising. Who can recall a televised
baseball or basketball game without a beer
commercial? Furthermore, alcohol ads appear
with pounding frequency in magazines, on
billboards, and in college newspapers. According
to industry estimates, brewers spend more than
$$600 million a year on radio and TV commercials
and another $$90 million on print ads. In addition,
the liquor industry spends about $$230 million a
year on print advertising, and since 1966 it has
greatly expanded its presence on cable and
independent broadcast stations. Just recently,
NBC became the first network station to accept
hard liquor ads for broadcast.
3 To top it all off, this aggressive advertising 们关于饮酒的误解。

4 有 一种误解是酒类标志着职业成功。在一本
士忌广告 ,里面有两位男士坐在一个高雅的饭
来很昂贵的灰 色西装。窗户上垂着天鹅绒窗帘,
of alcohol promotes a harmful myth about
4 Part of the myth is that liquor signals
professional success. In a slick men’s magazine,
one full-page ad for Scotch whiskey shows two
men seated in an elegant restaurant. Both are in
their thirties, perfectly groomed, and wearing

expensive-looking gray suits. The windows are 桌上铺着无瑕的白色亚麻。两人的餐具中都摆
draped with velvet, the table with spotless white 放着高脚酒杯、银质餐具和粗闪银盘;每个盘
linen. Each place setting consists of a 子上有一杯喝了一半的鸡尾酒。两个男人笑着
long-stemmed water goblet, silver utensils, and 握手,似乎刚刚谈成了一桩生意。广告标题写
thick silver plates. On each plate is a half-empty 着:“成功的滋味”。
cocktail glass. The two men are grinning and
shaking hands, as if they’ve just concluded a
business deal. The caption reads, “The taste of

5 Contrary to what the liquor company would

5 和酒类企业推销的理念相反,饮酒更容易 导
最差。职场上,酗酒者经常迟到、旷工,表现< br>更差,并经常被解雇。尽管酒精滥用在所有的

have us believe, drinking is more closely related
to lack of success than to achievement. Among
students, the heaviest drinkers have the lowest
grades. In the work force, alcoholics are
frequently late or absent, tend to perform poorly,
and often get fired. Although alcohol abuse occurs
in all economic classes, it remains most prevalent
among the poor.
6 Another part of the alcohol myth is that 6 另一个关于饮酒的误解就是喝酒令你更具异
drinking makes you more attractive to the 性吸引力。“性感、性感、性感,”一则广告配
opposite sex. “Hot, hot, hot,” one commercial’s
soundtrack begins, as the camera scans a crowd of 的海滩游客。接下来画面上出现了一个女人腿
college-age beachgoers. Next it follows the curve 部的曲线,镜头一路延伸到裸露的臀部,停顿
of a woman’s leg up to her bare hip and lingers
there. She is young, beautiful, wearing a bikini. A 男人拎着一个冰箱走来,坐在了她的附近,皮
young guy, carrying an ice chest, positions 肤黝黑,肌肉发达。但她对他并不感兴趣,直
himself near to where she sits. He is tan, 到他打开冰箱取出一听啤酒。现在她对他笑了。
muscular. She doesn’t show much interest—until
he opens the chest and takes out a beer. Now she 她和他坐在了一起喝酒。广告曲总结道:这啤
smiles over at him. He raises his eyebrows and, 酒“比任何人都有吸引力”。
invitingly, holds up another can. She joins him.
This beer, the song concludes, “attracts like no

7 Beer doesn’t make anyone sexier. Like all

7 啤酒并不会令人更性感。和所有酒 精一样,
指数。大量的酒精会导致女性不孕和男性 阳痿。

alcohol, it lowers the levels of male hormones in
men and of female hormones in women—even
when taken in small amounts. In substantial
amounts, alcohol can cause infertility in women
and impotence in men. Some alcoholic men even
develop enlarged breasts.
8 The alcohol myth also creates the illusion 8 关于饮酒的误解还造就了一个假象:啤酒和
that beer and athletics are a perfect combination. 运动员是绝配。一个广告牌上呈现了三幅高速

One billboard features three high-action images: a 运动画面:一位短跑选手极速奔跑、一个冲浪
sprinter running at top speed, a surfer riding a 运动员乘风破浪、一个篮球运动员跃起扣篮。
wave, and a basketball player leaping to make a 某品牌的低度啤酒在广告牌上承诺:“它不会让
dunk shot. A particular light beer, the billboard 你慢下来”。
promises, “won’t slow you down.”
9 “Slow you down” is exactly what alcohol

9 “让你慢下来”正是酒精的作用。每年超 过
事故。即便是少量,酒精也使大脑迟钝,降低< br>肌肉协调性并延长反应时间。饮酒还干扰眼睛
头号 原因。持续酒精滥用会造成大脑的物理改
养不良、 骨质疏松和溃疡都有关,并增加罹患

does. Drinking plays a role in over six million
injuries each year—not counting automobile
accidents. Even in small amounts, alcohol dulls
the brain, reducing muscle coordination and
slowing reaction time. It also interferes with the
ability to focus the eyes and adjust to a sudden
change in brightness—such as the flash of a car’s
headlights. Drinking and driving, responsible for
over half of all automobile deaths, is the leading
cause of death among teenagers. Continued
alcohol abuse can physically change the brain,
permanently impairing learning and memory.
Long-term drinking is related to malnutrition,
weakening of the bones, and ulcers. It increases
the risk of liver failure, heart disease, and stomach
10 Finally, according to the myth, alcohol is the 10 关于饮酒的最后一个误解是:喝酒是促进社
magic ingredient that generates social success. 交成功的良药。近几年来,上百个电视和电台
Hundreds of TV and radio ads have echoed this 广告都传递着这样的信息。以其中一则广告为
message in recent years. In one commercial, for 例:一个肥胖的男人独坐在起居室里,毫无生
instance, an overweight man sits alone in his drab 气。他把手伸进冰箱,取出一瓶啤酒,拧开瓶
living room. He reaches into a cooler, pulls out a 盖。立刻,跳舞音乐响起,几十个外形出众的
bottle of beer, and twists off the bottle cap. 年轻人出现在聚会彩带和五彩纸屑中。一个声
Instantly dance music erupts, and dozens of 音说到:“这就是聚会开始的地方”。那个起初
attractive young adults appear in a shower of 落寞的男人现在成为了拥有众多男女朋友的热
party streamers and confetti. “Where the party
begins,” a voice says. The once lonely man, now a
popular guy with lots of male and female friends,
has found the answer to his social

11 基于酒精的关 系是不太可能发展成为社交
成为社交聚会的中心时 ,通常会发生群体性醉
一个不可否认的事实:喝酒 会破坏而不是建立
分之二的家庭暴力事件有关。饮 酒导致孤独感、
11 Relationships based on alcohol are unlikely
to lead to social success and true friendships.
Indeed, studies show that when alcohol becomes
the center of a social gathering, it may lead to
public drunkenness and violence. The ad’s image
of the man’s new friends ignores an undeniable
reality: that alcohol ruins—not

creates—relationships. In addition to fighting and 绝望感和精神疾病,而非导向健康的社会关系。
simple assault, drinking is linked to two-thirds of 州立和县级精神病院里四分之一的病人都有酗
domestic violence incidents. Rather than leading 酒问题;超过一半的暴力犯罪与喝酒有关;酒
to healthy social connections, alcohol leads to 瘾者的自杀率比普通人群高出15倍。
loneliness, despair, and mental illness. Over a
fourth of the patients in state and county mental
hospitals have alcohol problems; more than half
of all violent crimes are alcohol- related; the rate
of suicide among alcoholics is fifteen times higher
than among the general population.
12 Advertisers would have us believe the myth
that alcohol is part of being successful, sexy,
healthy, and happy; but those who have suffered
from it—directly or indirectly—know otherwise.
For alcohol’s victims, “Here’s to your health”
rings with a terrible irony when it is accompanied
by the clink of liquor glasses.
(1069 words)

12 酒类经销商想让我们相信喝酒是成功、性
感、健康和快 乐的原因;但只有那些直接或者
们而言,觥筹交错 时的祝语“祝你健康”是十








