
2020年08月18日 03:02


Chapter One Introduction to Mass Communication

Key Terms
communication 传播,交通:mass communication, be in communication with,
feedback 反馈: asked the students for feedback on the new curriculum.
interpersonal communication 人际传播:interpersonal relationships
encoding 编码: audio encoding, hybrid encoding
decoding 解码: adaptive decoding
public relations 公共关系
noise 噪音,响声,无用数据,吸引注意的言行
medium 媒介(media),手段,
mass medium 大众媒介,大众传播工具,影响大量观众的一种公众媒介
mass communication 大众传播,大众传播工具
inferential feedback 推断性反馈
reciprocal messages 交互讯息:(reciprocal互惠的,彼此相反的)
cultural definition of communication 传播的文化定义
dominant culture (mainstream culture)主流文化
bounded culture (co-culture) 亚文化: bounded function
technological determinism 技术决定论: (determinism决定论,宿命论)
visual communication 视觉传播
third participant 第三方:(participant 参与者,参与的)
concentration of ownership 所有权集中
convergence 融合,会合点,集中,收敛
conglomeration 集团化,混合物,凝聚:The state of being conglomerated
economies of scale 规模经济;因经营规模扩大而得到的经营节约
oligopoly 寡头式的垄断,求过于供的市场情况(oligopolies)
globalization 全球化:globalize
audience fragmentation 受众分析:(audience:听众,观众,读者。fragmentation: 分裂,破碎)
narrowcasting 窄带广播
niche marketing 分众营销:By definition, then, a business that focuses on a niche market is addressing a need
for a product or service that is not being addressed by mainstream
targeting 瞄准目标
taste publics 对某媒体内容有共同兴趣的人群
literate culture 书面文化 (literate 学者,有文化的)
oral culture 口头文化(oral 口头的,口腔的 oral surgery)
Production values 制作标准

Mass Communication
Communication: transmission of a message from a source to a receiver.

Basic elements of communication
Says what?
Through which channel?
To Whom?
With what effect?

Conditions of communication
Sharing (correspondence)
The process of creating shared meaning

Important Clause:
The media so fully saturate our everyday lives that we are often unconscious of their presence, not to mention

their influence.
Media often reduce us to mere commodities for sale to the highest bidder.
A fundamental theme of this book is that media do none of this alone. They do it with us as well as to us through
mass communication, and they do it as a central—many critics and scholars say the central –cultural force in our
There is no clear identifiable source or receiver.
All the participants, or interpreters are working to create meaning by encoding and decoding messages.
Mass communication is the process of creating shared meaning between the mass media and their audiences.
Encoded messages are carried by a media, that is, the means of sending information. When the medium is a
technology that carries messages to a large number of people---we call it a mass media.

Definition of Culture
The learned behavior of members of a given social group.
Contents of Culture
Patterned, repetitive ways of thinking, feeling, and acting
Functions of Culture
Guide of life style
Limitation of Culture
Unwilling or unable to move past patterned, repetitive ways of thinking, feeling, and acting.

Mass Communication and Culture
We are everyone involved in creating and maintaining the culture that defines us. We are the people involved in
mass media industries and the people who compose their audiences.
A culture’s values and beliefs reside in the stories it tells. Our stories help define our realities, shaping the ways
we think, feel, and act.
Mass communication has become a primary forum for the debate about our culture. The most powerful voices in
the forum have the most power to shape our definitions and understandings.

Scope and Nature of Mass Media
No matter how we choose to view the process of mass communication, it is impossible to deny that an enormous
portion of our lives is spent in interaction with mass media.
Despite the pervasiveness of mass media in our lives, many of us are dissatisfied with or critical of the media
industries’ performance and much of the content provided.

The role of technology
To some thinkers, it is machines and their development that drive economic and cultural change. This idea is
related to as technological determinism.
But others see technology as more neutral and claim that the way people use technology is what gives it
Technology can be our best friend, and technology can also be the biggest party pooper of our lives.
Technology does have an impact on communication. What technology does not do is relieve us of our obligation
to use mass communication responsible and wisely.

The role of money
Some observers think the money on mass communication was a devastatingly bad development, not only in the
history of mass communication but in the history of democracy. It robbed people of their voice, or at least made
the voices of the advertisers more powerful.
Others think it was a huge advance for both mass communication and democracy because it vastly expanded the

Chinese to English:
因特网被称为 第四媒体,是将它作为继报刊、广播、电视之后发展起来的、并与传统大众传播媒体并存
的新的媒体。实 际上第四媒体是不同于大众传媒的全新的传播媒介。它包含了人类信息传播的两种基本
的方式,即人际传 播和大众传播,因而它的发展突破了传统大众传播模式的框架。
今天因特网的触角已经延伸到了世界的 几乎每一个角落,信息在网上的流通已经不再受到时间和空间的
限制。世界上任何地方发生的任何事情, 任何国家的任何用户的观点,只要上了网,就可以在瞬间传遍
全球,而只要这一信息具有足够的价值或吸 引力,就可能引起全世界的关注。

在传统媒体的传播理念中,传者和受者是严格区分的 。前者主动地传播信息,后者被动地接受信息。也
就是说,无论报纸、广播还是电视,受众对于传播的内 容没有挑选的余地,最多只能选择看(听)还是
不看(听)。现在,网络媒体的受众除了可以在极大的范 围内选择自己需要的信息外,还可以参与信息的
Translation Practice
English to Chinese:
Culture is the learned behavior of members of a given social group. Many writers and thinkers have offered
interesting expansions of this definition.
Creation and maintenance of a more or les common culture occurs through communication, including mass
communication. When we talk to our friends; when a parent raises a child; when religious leaders instruct their
followers; when teachers teach; when grandparents pass on recipes.
A culture’s learner traditions and values can be seen as patterned, repetitive ways of thinking, feeling, and acting.
Culture limits our options and provides useful guidelines for behavior.

Chapter Two Books

Key Words
linotype 莱诺机械排版,莱诺排版机
offset lithography 胶版印刷(offset 偏移,平版印刷,胶印;lithography 平版印刷术)
dime novels 廉价小说(dime 一角硬币;novel 新奇的)
pulp novels 低俗小说(pulp 纸浆,果肉)
paperback books 平装本,纸面本
pocket books 口袋书
hardcover 精装本,精装的
audience reach 受众面(reach 延伸,区域)
censorship 审查制度,审查机构
mail order books 邮购书(order 定购,定单)
trade book 普及版图书,普及版
publishing houses 出版社
remainders 滞销书(残余物,剩余的,廉价出售)
e-publishing 电子出版
print on demand (POD)按需印制
d-books 网上下载图书
e-books 电子图书
personal digital assistants (PDAs) 个人数字助理
priority 优先,优先权
refinement 改进,精致,文雅
concentrate on 集中,全神贯注于
literacy 有文化,有教养
magnitude 大小,数量,巨大,广大
commercialization 商品化

History of books
In addition, books and reading were regarded as symbols of wealth and status and therefore not priorities for
people who considered themselves to be pioneers, servants of the lord, or anti-English colonists.
After the War of Independence, printing became even more central to political, intellectual, and cultural life in
major cities.
The 1800s saw a series of important refinements to the process of printing.
These dime novels were inexpensive, and because they concentrated on frontier and adventure stories, they
attracted growing numbers of readers.
The combination of technically improved, lower-cost printing and widespread literacy produced the flowering of

the novel in the 1800s.

Books and their Audiences
The book is the “mass” of our mass media in audience reach and in the magnitude of the industry itself, and this
fact shapes the nature of the relationship between medium and audience.

The Culture Value of the book
The book industry is bound by many of the same financial and industrial pressures that constrain other media,
but books, more than the others, are in a position to transcend those constraints.

The role of books in social movements
The mystery and miracle of a book is found in the fact that it is a solitary voice penetrating time and space to go
beyond time and space, and to alight for a moment in that place within each of us which is also beyond time and

Trends and Convergence in Book Publishing
Convergence is altering almost all aspects of the book industry. Most obviously, the Internet is changing the way
books are distributed and sold.
Because anyone with a computer and a novel to sell can bypass the traditional book publishers, first-time authors
or writers of small, niche books now have an outlet for their work.
Print on demand is another form of e-publishing. Companies store works digitally and, once ordered, that book
can be printed and bound at a bookstore that has the proper technology.
Industry insiders believe POD is here to stay. After all, it reduces production and distribution costs, and it gets
more books to readers faster and cheaper than can the current publishing business model.
One way books can be read in their electronic form is to download them to your computer. The publishing and
technology industries had a brief flirtation with e-books, handheld computers resembling books and dedicated to
the receipt of downloaded works.
Trends and Convergence in Book Publishing
Opinion is divided on the benefit of corporate ownership. The positive view is that the rich parent company can
infuse the publishing house with necessary capital, enabling it to attract better authors or to take gambles on new
writers that would , in the past, have been impossible.
Publishers attempt to offset the large investments they do make through the sale of subsidiary rights, that is, the
sale of the book, its contents, and even its characters to filmmakers, paperback publishers, book clubs, foreign
publishers, and product producers like T-shirt, poster, coffee cup, and greeting card manufacturers.

Growth of small presses
The overcommercialization of the book industry is mitigated somewhat by the rise in the number of smaller
publishing houses. Although these smaller operations are large in number, they account for a very small
proportion of books sold.
Restructuring of book retailing
There are approximately 20000 bookstores in the United States, but the number is dwindling as small
independent operations find it increasingly difficult to compete with such chains as Barnes & Noble, Borders,
and Books-A- Million.

Hot Topic
The power of computer
Advantage:Gather and store information,Process problems,Control working process,Design new products,
Help manage hotels, schools, hospitals, banks and so on,Teaching
Disadvantage:Violation of privacy,Computer crime,Unemployment,Lack of social interaction,Hackers,
Porn,Make people lazy and dependent
Chapter Three Newspapers

Key Words
executive editor 执行编辑(executive 执行的、行政的;执行者、经理主管人员)
front page 头版(front 前面、开头、前线;面对、朝向)
newsstand 报摊、杂志摊
subscription 订阅(量)(捐献、订金、签署、同意;subscriber)
(annual subscription 年度订阅,全年定费;bulk subscriptions 大批订阅)

newsworthy 新闻价值;有报导价值的(news 新闻、消息、新闻报导;foreign news; home news; news to this
hour; piper’s news)
pseudojournalism 虚假新闻(pseudo 假的,冒充的;journalism 新闻,新闻材料,新闻学)
news sheets 新闻纸(sheet 一片,一张,薄片,被单)
diurnals 日报、日刊;每日的,白天的
penny press 便士报,廉价报纸(press 压、按、印刷、压力、拥挤,新闻)
mainstream paper 主流报纸
wire services 电讯服务(金属丝、电线、电报、电线;拍电报)
on-the-spot coverage 现场报道(coverage 覆盖、分析和报道某事物的范围、观察)
newspaper chains 报业集团(chain 一连串、一系列、连锁商店)
distribution 分销, 发行
zoned editions 地区版(zoned 划成区域的)
ethnic press 少数种裔语言报纸(ethnic 人种的、种族的、少数民族)
alternative press 非正统报纸(alternative 二者选一的,可供选择的办法、事物,传统之外的)
dissident press 持不同政见报纸?(dissident 持不同政见者)
commuter papers 为乘交通工具上班族设计的报纸 (commuter 经常往返者)
digital delivery daily 电子化投递日报
circulation area 发行区域(循环、流通、发行额)
layout 排版
newsletters 简报、时事通讯
public opinion 舆论
agenda setting 议程设置
After the Revolution, the new government of the United States had to determine for itself just how free a press it
was willing to tolerate.
When the first Congress convened under the new Constitution in 1790, the nation’s founders debate, drafted, and
adopted the first 10 amendments of the Constitution, called the Bill of Right.
At the turn of the 19th century, urbanization, growing industries, movement of workers to the cities, and
increasing literacy combined to create an audience for a new kind of paper, known as the penny press.
Throughout this early period of the popularization of the newspaper, numerous foreign language dailies also
began operation, primarily in major cities in which immigrants tended to settle.
Loss of competition within the industry, commercialism, civic journalism, and the evolution of newspaper
readership are altering not only the nature of the medium but also its relationship with its audiences.
The newspaper industry has seen a dramatic decline in competition. This has taken two forms: loss of competing
papers and concentration of ownership.
Online job hunting and auto sales services are already cutting into advertising profits of newspapers.
The Internet and the World Wide Web provide readers with more information and more depth, and with greater
speed, than traditional newspaper.
In October 2001, the New York Times began digital delivery daily, delivering the paper, as it looks in print, to
home and office computers.
To the chagrin of the established paper, readily available, easy-to-use, and inexpensive computer hardware and
software can now be combined to do desktop publishing, small-scale print design, layout, and production.
Chapter Three
A more pessimistic view of the future of newspapers is that as newspapers have reinvented themselves and
become more user-friendly, more casual, more lifestyle-oriented, and more in touch with youth, they have
become inessential and unimportant, just another commodity in an overcrowded marketplace of popular,
personality-centered media.

New Trend in Digital Publishing and Communication
Publish on Mobile Phone
Search engine from PC to Mobile Phone

Integration, publishsubscription

How to make a presentation
Focus on one interesting topic
Find the material
Get useful information and organize these information
Finish the PPT
Organize your speech

How to make a presentation
Content of the material:
Basic Concept
Existing Problem & Current Method
Problem not resolved
Trend in the future
My interest and opinion

Chapter Four Magazines
online magazine 在线杂志
pictorial magazines 画刊 newsstands 报摊
targeted audience 目标受众 split runs 专门特刊
circulation 发行量 subscription 订阅
single-copy sale 单册零售 controlled circulation 赠阅发行
webzines 网络杂志 brand magazine 品牌杂志
cable television 有线电视
ad revenues 广告收益
online magazine 在线杂志
readership 读者人数,读者的身份
pictorial magazines 画刊(pictorial 图示的,画报)
newsstands 报摊,杂志摊
targeted audience 目标受众
split runs 专门特刊
circulation 发行量
subscription 订阅
single-copy sale 单册零售
controlled circulation 赠阅发行
webzines 网络杂志
brand magazine 品牌杂志
cable television 有线电视
ad revenues 广告收益
direct mail 直接邮件,直接投递广告
advertorials 报道式广告
complementary copy 补充性内容

Chapter Five Film

Key Words
exhibition ( 电影) 上映(表现,展览会,显示)
zoopraxiscope 幻灯片放映机
persistence of vision 视觉惯性 (persistence 坚持,持续)
kinetograph 活动影像摄影机

emulsion 感光剂
replica image 图像复制品(replica 复制品)
montage 蒙太奇
factory studio 摄影棚,一般指电影制片公司(studio 工作制,演播室,摄影棚)
budget nights 特价夜场(budget 预算,做预算,廉价的)
concept film 概念电影
sample audience 抽样观众(sample 样品, 例子;取样,采样,尝试)
franchise film 系列电影(franchise 特权)
movie tie-in product 置入电影的产品广告(tie-in 搭卖的,搭卖的广告)
product placement 置入式产品广告,软广告的一种形式
theatrical film 剧场广告(theatrical 戏剧性的)
microcinema 微型影院
online video-on-demand 在线视频点播
paid-for messages 有偿信息

History of the Movies
Early newspapers were developed by businesspeople and patriots for a small, politically involved elite that could
read, but the early movie industry was built largely by entrepreneurs who wanted to make money entertaining
Unlike television, whose birth and growth were predetermined and guided by the already well-established radio
industry, there were no precedents, no rules, and no expectations for movies.

The early stage
When people watched the rapidly projected, sequential slides, they saw the pictures as if they were in motion.
This perception is the result of a physiological phenomenon known as persistence of vision.

The big studios
In 1908 Thomas Edison, foreseeing the huge amounts of money that could be made from movies, founded the
Motion Picture Patents Company, often called simply the Trust.
The new studio system, with its more elaborate films and big-name stars, was born, and it controlled the movie
The industry prospered not just because of its artistry, drive, and innovation but because it used these to meet the
needs of a growing audience.

Change comes to Hollywood
As was the case with newspapers and magazines, the advent of television significantly altered the
movie-audience relationship.
The movie business also survived the Depression because of its size and power, both residing in a system of
operation called vertical integration.
Using this system, studios produced their own films, distributed them through their own outlets, and exhibited
them in their own theaters.

Movies and Their Audiences
The movies are “larger than life”, and movie stars are much more glamorous than television stars.
What becomes of film as an important medium, say the movies’ defenders, is completely dependent on us, the

Scope and nature of the film industry
The movie business today enjoys financial health for two reasons. The first is improvements in its three
component systems- production, distribution, and exhibition. The second, is that the movie industry has learned to
live with television.

Chapter Six Radio and Sound Recording

Key words
sound recording 音响设备
electronic mass medium 电子媒介

national broadcast medium 全国广播媒介
new and emerging 新兴的
public radio 公共广播
narrow defined audiences 细分受众
telegraph code 电报编码
point-to-point communication 点对点传播
radio telephone 无线电话
recorder player 留声机,唱机
soap operas 肥皂剧
listenership 听众数量
playlist 播放单
Internet piracy 网络盗版
Web radio 在线广播
Web-only radio 仅在线广播
streaming 网络浏览
MP3 音频压缩格式

Chapter Eight The Internet and the World Wide Web

Key words
Internet 互联网
Web censorship 网络审查(censorship 审查机构、审查制度)
lap top 手提电脑
Palm Pilot 掌上电脑
website 网址
digital computer 数字电脑
protocols 协议
hosts 服务器
mainframe computer 主机;中央处理器
minicomputer 微型电脑
terminal 电脑终端
operating system 操作系统
semiconductor 半导体
integrated circuit 集成电路
multimedia 多媒体
ISP( Internet Service Provider) 互联网服务提供商
World Wide Web 万维网
search engine 搜索引擎
spider 网络蜘蛛
spam 垃圾邮件
global village 地球村
copyright 版权
censorware 审查软件
encryption 加密术
click stream 点击流

A short history of the Internet
In 1962 the Air Force wanted to maintain the military’s ability to transfer information around the country even if
a given area was destroyed in an enemy attack.
Scores of computer expert joined the rush toward the development of what we know today as the Internet, a

global network of interconnected computers that communicate freely and share and exchange information.
The commercial computer explosion was ignited by IBM. Using its already well-entrenched organization system
of trained sales and service professionals, IBM helped businesses find their way in the early days of the computer

The personal computer
The leaders of the personal computer revolution were Bill Gates and the duo of Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak.
Sensing that the future of computing was in these personal computers and that the power of computers would
reside not in their size but in the software that ran them
At nearly the same time with Bill Gates, in 1977, Jobs and Wozniak, also college dropouts, perfected Apple Ⅱ, a
low- cost, easy-to-use microcomputer designed specifically for personal rather than business use.

The Internet Today
The World Wide Web is not a physical place, the heart of the Web lies in the protocols that defines its use, such
as using hypertext transfer protocols (HTTP) to transport files from one place to another.

The Internet and Its Users
Finding information on the Web is becoming easier thanks to the growing number of companies creating search
engines, spiders, or Web crawlers.

Changes in the Mass Communication Process
The Internet is different from these more traditional media. Rather than changing the relationship between
audiences and industries, the Net changes the definition of the different components of the process and , as a
result, changes their relationship.

Changes in the Mass Communication Process
On the Net a single individual can communicate with as large audience as can the giant, multinational
corporation that produces a network television program.

The double edge of technology
Technology is a double-edged sword. Its power ----for good and for bad---resides in us. The same aviation
technology that we use to visit relatives halfway around the world can also be used to destroy the World Trade

Translation Technique

They are waiting for a sight of the Queen passing by.
We can house you if the hotels are full.

On this question, people of different age groups think differently.

Officially, he’s on holiday; actually, he is in hospital.
Surprisingly enough, none of them showed any sign of fear in face of death.
She wisely didn’t attempt to apologize.

Tom, normally a timid boy, jumped into the river and saved the drowning girl.
Shanghai, once the paradise for adventurers, is now the largest industrial base in China.

I leave Beijing tonight, heartened with agreements we have reached, cheered by the frankness and fullness of our
discussions, grateful for the hospitality you have accorded our party.

The unemployment rate in that country is expected to remain stable for 2009.
His frequent absence from class must be dealt with immediately.
Nowadays, her songs are so popular among the young people that they are played on the radio every Sunday.

What we say here will not be long remembered.
We both believe that through vigilance and strength, in your words, a war can be postponed, and in our words,

war can be avoided.

It is said that the new president is going to pay a visit to the refugee camp.
It is reported that ten people died in the traffic accident.
It must be pointed out that mistakes of this kind should not be repeated.
It is believed that more and more people in China will be moving out of the city to live in the country.
It is known to all that smoking does harm to our health.
It is hoped that you will be back after you complete your Ph.D. in the U.S.A.

Law offers us our best hope of overcoming the differences that prevail the world.
I am deeply touched by the warm and friendly words the President has just addressed to me.

I told the news to Robert, who told it to his friend Larry, and soon the news spread all over the campus.

He appeared to be returning home from a walk, for his shoes, which followed a fashion long since out of date,
were covered with dust.

Norway is, quite naturally, paying great attention to developments in Europe and in the Atlantic community,
which are so instrumental to the maintenance of peace and security of the world.

My uncle, who will be seventy tomorrow, is still a keen soprtsman.

Charlie, who never believed in interfering if it could be avoided, left her alone, hoping that she would eventually
come around.

Most people in America, minority people in particular, are convinced that injustices exist in their economic
the +ed分词(形容词)
the exploited(被剥削的人)
the oppressed(受压迫的人)
the disabled (残疾人)
the inexperienced (没经验的人)
the young
The wounded was a policeman.
The wounded were taken to hospital.
Robin Hood and his men robbed the rich to help the poor.

Standing together, we can further peace and security. Great nations, if adversaries, cannot draw from each other’s

I suppose that if a man has a confused mind he will write in a confused way, if his temper is capricious his prose
will be fantastical, and if he has a quick, darting intelligence that is reminded by the matter in hand of a hundred
things, he will, unless he has great self-control, load his pages with metaphor and simile.

The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slave;
whether they are to have any property they call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and
destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them.







