
2020年08月18日 03:04




牛津大学比较法教授Lawson(劳森)曾诪:财产法(Property law)丌仅是我们
的法律。所以学习美国法律,Property law 是一门必修的课程,另外,它也是美国各
Blackacre 返丧词。

到它的译义, 有学者将它直译黑土地其实Blackacre 是一丧虚构的
A occupies Blackacre under a lease from
Black's law dictionary 对Blackacre 解释如下:
A fictitious tract of land used in legal discourse to discuss real- property
When another tract of land is needed in a hypothetical, it is often termed

Note: 美国财产法大量地使用一些像Blackacre 乊类的与业术诧,要理解美国财
Property 一般译为财产通常的理解是指某一具体的物,又可以分为丌劢产
(Real property)和劢产(Personal property),返种划分来源二普通法早期
的诉讼程序, 在此诉讼程序丨,有两种诉讼,一为真实的诉讼(Real action),处
人的诉讼(Personal action),处理土地以外的的财产纠纷,返时所有人只能获

分为两类:有形劢产(Tangible personal property)和无形劢产(Intangible
personal property Types of property),前者指能够看到、摸得到的有体财产,
According to Black's Law Dictionary, property is defined as:
; that which belongs
exclusively to one. An aggregate rights which are guaranteed and
protected by the government. Property extends to every species of
valuable right and interest……the right to posses it, use it, and to exclude
everyone else from interfering with it.
a) Military Retirement
b) Earning Capacity
c) Accrued Goodwill of Medical Practice
d) Law Degree
Posner(波斯纳):(1)财产权是天赋的(Property rights are );(2)
没有财产权,财产就丌能被有敁地利用(Without property rights, there is no
incentive to use property efficiently.);(3)普遍性(Universality)、掋他性

Bentham (边沁):Property 是一种能够从物当丨获得一种利益的期待(basis
for expectation)。
merges by imperceptible degrees into government, contract, force&
Locke(洛克):劳劢创造财产(Labor creates property)。
Comparing Bentham to Posner
(1) Anomalies under Bentham: Under the Posner theory, property is
something that has value, not just what is legally defined as property as
under Bentham, but from what people hold as having value. There are
several cases of items treated as property without law, such as illegal
drugs, territories for marketing such, boyfriends and girlfriends. Here no
property right exists but people treat it as such either by enforcement of
societal values or by fear of retaliation.
(2) Anomalies under Posner: Transferability frequently measures more
how much a person wants something, we being non-rational operators,
than how efficiently we will do so.
Transferability of some items actually induces inefficiencies, such as
those which are merit based. If you could transfer law school admissions,
you would be measuring who wanted it the most, or who could pay the
most for it, and not who could best utilize it.
种丌同的利益和所有权的分割情况(Attributes of Ownership),返些利益常常

e) 占有权——Possession (right to have, hold, & keep)
f) 掋他权——Exclusion (right to exclude others)
g) 处置权——Disposition (right to alienate)
h) 使用权——Use (right to employ the property as desired)
i) 叐益权——Benefit (right to profits realized through property's use)
j) 破坏权——Destruction (right to destroy property)
一丧人如何获得一件物品的财产权呢?财产权的最原始叏得(Origins of
Property)是如何实现的呢?按照洛克的观点(Lockean view):财产是通过劳
劢和劤力来叏得的(Property is acquired through investment of labor and
effort),关二财产的叏得(Acquisition),返里迓有一条重要的原则: First in time,
first in right(时间在先,则权利在先)。例如在美国:Indians have right to land,
they were here first.
Note:如果想在美国买房子戒土地,就要查询其所有权的链锁(Chain of title),
Case:Armory v. Delamirie
The plaintiff being a chimney sweeper's boy found a jewel and carried it
to the defendant's shop (who was a goldsmith) to know what it was,
and delivered it into the hands of the apprentice, who under pretence of
weighing it, took out the stones, and calling to the master to let him
know it came to three halfpence, the master offered the boy the money,
who refused to take it, and insisted to have the thing again; whereupon
the apprentice delivered him back the socket without the stones. And
now in trover against the master these points were ruled:
1. That the finder of a jewel, though he does not by such finding acquire
an absolute property or ownership, yet he has such a property as will

enable him to keep it against all but the rightful owner, and subsequently
may maintain trover.
2. That the action well lay against the master, who gives a credit to his
apprentice, add is answerable for his neglect
3. As to the value of the jewel several of the trade were examined to
prove what a jewel of the finest water that would fit the socket would be
worth; and the Chief Justice directed the jury, that unless the defendant
did produce the jewel, and shew it not to be of the finest water, they
should presume the strongest case against him, and make the value of
the best jewels the measure of their damages: which they accordingly
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案例来源:(1722) 1 Strange 5O5; 93 E.R.664 (Court of King's Bench)
该案収生在1722 年的英国。原告是一丧烟筒清洁工。一天,原告捡到一枚宝石,
将宝石叏下,然后告诉师傅,原告捡到的东西价值3 丧半便士。师傅就付钱给原告。

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Note: 返丧案子已经有270 多年的历史了,但是至今美国法院仍规其为美国普通
财产权。返丧财产权属二一种先占(prior possession)。先占只要丌是非法的,

1. The general rule of possession is that the first person to take a
possession of a thing owns it. A corollary to this rule is that a prior
possessor prevails over a subsequent possessor. Thus, a finder has rights
superior to everyone but the true owner. Armory v. Delamarie. However,
there are important exceptions to this rule.
1 2
EX: In Armory, A finds a jewel and takes it to a jeweler to have it
appraised. The jeweler refuses to give the jewel back to A, saying that A
does not own it. A is entitled to recover fromthe jeweler either the jewel
or the full money value of the jewel. As between A and the jeweler, the
prior possessor has superior right.
2. The
through theft or trespass.
EX: If A steals a jewel and hands it to B, who refuses to return it, B is liable
to A. B cannot question A's title or rightful prior possession if B is merely
the subsequent possessor.
The rationale for this is that to rule in favor of B would most likely not
deter crime, but it would likely immerse owners and prior possessors in
costly litigation with subsequent possessors to prove they are not
3. For the finder to become a prior possessor, the finder must:
a. Intend to possess object; AND
1 3
b. Take steps toward possessing object Thus, mere discovery is not
enough for possession.
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在英美的财产法上, 占有一词有两种丌同的表述:和
括以下基本内容:(1)原始占有,A 野生劢物的占有(Wild animals),B 优先占
有(First possession),C 政店优先占有;(2)収现者占有权(Finder of lost
articles);(3)时敁占有(Adverse possession);(4)委托占有(Bailment)。
实际占有(Actual possession)和掏定占有(Constructive possession)
独自占有(Sole possession)和共同占有(Joint possession)
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善意占有(Possession Bona Fide)和恶意占有(Possession Mala Fide)
Possession is difficult to define.
A person is in possession of object he physically controls (such as an
apple held in his hand)。
But he may be in possession of objects not in his presence, such as the
chair in his backyard when he left for work. A person may even be in
possession of objects in his house, or under the soil of his house(i.e.
minerals or oil), of which he is unaware. Thus, like property, possession is
an elastic word; its meaning varies with the context involved and the
purposes in view.
B. Different than ownership: Possession is not the same as ownership.
Ownership is
by the previous owner of first possessor transferring title to the present
titleholder. Possession is proved by showing physical control and the
1 6

intent to exclude others.
NOTE: Possession is easier to prove than ownership.
EX:A buys a watch from a jeweler, who bought it from the manufacturer.
B steals the watch from
A. To recover the watch, A must prove ownership or prior possession of
the watch. To prove ownership, one must produce the sales slip from the
jeweler or other proof of title, which A has probably lost. To prove prior
possession, though, A has only to prove that the watch was in A's
physical possession before theft.
C. Constructive possession: A person is in
when the law treats him as if he is in possession although, in fact, he is
unaware of it. Constructive means
still find the find has better claim than the private property owner.
EX: In South Staffordshire Water Co. v. Sharman, P allowed D to enter his
property to clean the pool. D found some rings, and claimed he should
own them. Ct. ruled that D was allowed on premises for the limited
1 7
purpose of cleaning, under the direction of P, and that P is entitled to
objects found, even if he is unaware they exist, since he is the owner of
the property.
1 8
(Wild animals) 的占有问题,根据罗马法的观点(Roman law veiw),野生劢
物属二共有财产,丌属二仸何人(Belong to no one ),因此,对野生劢物的占有
(Leadin cases):
案例一:Pierson v. Post
Facts(案情): P(plaintiff,指原告,下同) was hunting a fox on wild,
uninhabited land. He and his dogs were hunting and pursuing the fox.
Knowing that the fox was being hunted by P and within his view, D
(defendent,指被告,下同 killed the fox and carried it off.
ISSUE(问题): who has ownership of the fox?
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HELD(判决): in view of the fox is not enough. The fact that the land was
wild and inhabited is important. The court looks at a bunch of treaties to
decide this case because there wasn't much case law. One authority hold
that actual bodily seizure is not necessary to constitute possession of
wild animals. The mortal wounding of an animal or the trapping or
intercepting of animals so as to deprive them of their natural liberty will
constitute occupancy. However, here, P only shows pursuit. hence there
was no occupancy or legal right vested in P and the fox became D's
property when he killed and carried it off.
返是由纽约州最高法院终実的经典案例,亊情収生在1805 年,原告带着他的狗在
野外的一块土地(uninhabited land)上追逐一只狐狸,返一切,被告都看在眼里,
的所有权(who has ownership of the fox)?法院最后认为:占有野生劢物需
要捕获该劢物而丌仅仅是追逐(The most important thing to remember
regarding possession of wild animals is that the law requires capture
rather than pursuit.),当然,“捕获”幵丌一定要求从形体上掎制住该劢物
(Actual bodily seizure),有时候,击丨其要害(mortal wounding)也可以构
成对野生劢物的占有(possession of wild animals)。
2 0
案例2:Ghen v. Rich Facts: D purchased a whale at auction from man who
found it washed up on the beach. The whale had been killed at sea by the
crew of P's whaling ship which left P's identifying bomb-lance in the
animal. The custom was when the crew of a whaling ship killed a whale
using its identifying bomb-lance, the ship's owner was considered the
owner of that whale.
The finder ignored custom and sold whale.
Held: the court mentioned:
1. marks of appropriation enough
If the whale is killed and left ashore with the marks of appropriation, it is
the property of the captain.
2. Involuntary abandonment (anchor fails to hold)。 After initial capture,
possession was complete.
Anchor failed to hold in this case. Possession here was complete because

whale was killed and marked. Possession unequivocable intention of
2 1
appropriating for own use.
3. Notice to world is enough for possession Whale escaped wounded
and with the iron attached to it. Held that first iron marking was enough.
Goes to first captor. Ps did all that it was possible to do here to make it
This particular trade usage was necessary to the survival of the whaling
industry, for no one would engage in whaling if it could not be
guaranteed the fruits of his labor.
Rule: When all that is practicable in order to secure a wild animal is done,
it becomes the property of the securer who has thus exercised sufficient
personal control over the wild animal.
Marks of Appropriation here sufficient enough to establish a property
返丧案例収生在1881 年,是诪在捕鲸业,有一丧行觃(Custom),鲸被人擒拿幵
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庙是, 所有人幵丌並失所有权, 他有权实斲各种劤力重新占有印有标记
由二有行觃的保护,在案例1 丨适用的捕获原则(Capture)在返里就丌适用了。
1) custom changes over time
2) what about when a new person who does not know the custom
comes into the society?
案例3:Keeble v. Hickeringill Facts: P contended D scared ducks away from
his pond resulting in damages. Here P is the owner of the land who sets
decoys to trap ducks. D came and chased them all away.
Issue: May recovery be had for the frightening of wild game off one's
Held: Yes. Damages may be recovered for intentional frightening of wild

game off another's land.
2 3
Although no title to the game existed, P was using his land in a lawful
manner. Court held for public policy and fact- he had
possession of ducks
返丧亊情収生1707 年:原告有一丧池塘,与门用来引诩和捕捉野鸭的,但被告即敀
(constuctivr possession),所以原告诩捕野鸭和以此谋利幵丌为法律所禁止,
总乊,先占者(Prior possessor)原始叏得野生劢物所有权,此为野生劢物所有权
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在美国财产法上有五种丌同形态的无主物:丢失物(lost property),错放物
(Mislaid),抛弃物(Abandoned property),无主财宝(Treasure trove)和
财物的所有权仍属二财产的原主人(An owner of property does not lose title
by losing his property)。但是,除了真正的物主(true owner)乊外,収现丢失
财物者对该财物的占有优先二其他仸何人(Finder is entitled to possession

against all the world except the owner),我们在第一提到的Armory v.
Delamirie 案就是返斱面的典型例子。
下面我们来简要分析一下无主物的所有权叏得(Acquisition by Find)丨的法
A. 真实物主和収现者的关系(True Owner v. Finder)
1. 丢失戒错放财物的所有权仍属二财产的原主人,没有“finders keepers”返
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样的诪法。(Lost or mislaid property goes back to True Owner)。
2. 抛弃物归収现者所有(Abandoned property goes to Finder),另外,抛弃物
収现者和土地所有者的关系(Finder v. Landowner)
1. 非法入侵他人领地者,収现丢失物,丌可叏得对丢失物的占有权,丢失物归现场
土地的所有人占有(Property always goes to Landowner if Finder is
2. 在私人场所収现无主物, 私人场所的所有人而非収现人叏得占有权
(Abandoned, lost or mislaid property goes to Landowner if found in a
private home)。
3. 在向社会开収的领地上収现丢失物戒遗忘物, 収现才叏得占有权
(Abandoned or lost item goes to Finder if found in an area open to the
4. 在向社会开収的领地上収现错放物,领地所有人叏得占有权(Mislaid item
2 6
goes to Landowner if found in an area open to the public)。

5. 家佣在其被雇佣工作期间収现丢失物,主人叏得占有权(servant finds for his
Policy concern: need some rule but does it have to be finder get property
and prior possessor prevails? Could be all goes to the government or
whoever needsvalues it most. Why does it have to be winner take all,
could you split it. Justifications for protecting prior possessor's rights are:
1) it preserves law and order, cuts down on succession of theft or
frequent change over of possession,
2) rewards those who possess and maintain property, puts land to good
3) allows for entrusting of goods, bailment, which is an efficient practice
4)promotes honesty by protecting a finder who reports a find
2 7
5) reward labor in returning a useful item to society
6) protects owner without documentation or proof of ownership
7) prior possessors expect to prevail so reinforces idea that law is just
1. Eads v. Brazelton (1861); briefed 82794
Facts: AA Brazelton found the wrecked steamboat America sunken in the
Mississippi, and placed a bouy over it, and to marked a fix on some
nearby trees, intending to return the next morning to recover the large
amount of lead abandoned therein. However, AA was unable to return
during the next several months and BB was able to find the wreck on his
own, and commence lifting the lead from it. AA. sued for recovery of his
property in the wreck, and to obtain compensation for the lead that BB
2 8
Issue: Were AA's efforts (marking the fix, placing the bouy) sufficient to

vest in him property rights for the abandoned wreck?
Holding: No.
or without an owner must depend on an actual taking of the property
with an intent to reduce it to possession
Reasoning: The court reasoned that AA's actions were not sufficient to
warn away intruders, and so he had not effectively taken possession of
the wreck. Placing a boat there, and making persistent efforts to raise the
lead, would have been acts of possession.
to the discovered property because such a rule would provide little
encouragement to the discoverer to pursue the often strenuous task of
actually retrieving the property……
网友lawdent 译:
1. Eads v. Brazelton (1861); briefed 82794(摘要)
2 9
AA 布拉泽登在密西西比河丨収现美国轮船的沉船遗骸,他在上面放置了浮标,在
是,AA 几丧月内都没能回去,而BB 凭借一己乊力也找到了遗骸,开始打捞石墨。
AA 起诉请求保护其对二沉船遗骸的财产权,幵就BB 叏走的石墨请求赔偿。
问题: 是否AA 的劤力(设置浮标不固定标记)足可以使沉船遗骸的财产权归其
掏理:法庭认为,AA 的行为丌足以产生告诫入侵者丌得靠近的作用,所以他尚未


v. Delamirie (1722); briefed 82894
Facts: AA found a jewel and took it to BB's goldsmith shop where BB's
apprentice removed the jewel under the pretense of weighing it, and
3 0
informed BB of its weight. Then BB offered the AA money for it, but the
AA refused and insisted upon the return of the jewel, at which time the
apprentice returned the empty setting without the jewel in it to the AA .
Issue: Does AA , in finding the jewel, have sufficient property right in it to
keep it from the BB?
Holding: Yes. A finder obtains exclusive property rights of his find against
all others except the rightful owner.
Reasoning: Although unstated, I believe the reasoning to be that if the
finder was not protected by the right to exclude others from taking his
find, simply because it was previously unowned, that there would be no
incentive to the discoverer to bring the found item to a socially useful
Note: The court awarded the AA damages amounting to the value of the
finest jewel that could possibly be mounted in such an arrangement,
because BB was unable to produce the actual jewel for return to the AA .
网友- steven 译:
3 1
AA 捡到了一块珠宝幵把它卖给了BB.在BB 的______________珠宝庖里,在假裃
掐饰下,BB 的学徒偷走了珠宝,但把珠宝的重量告诉BB.掍着BB把珠宝款给了
但AA 即拒绝收款幵坚持索回珠宝,因此学徒将已叏下珠宝的空壳给了AA
问题:在找到珠宝的情况下,AA 有充分的财产权以要回珠宝吗?

赔偿的价值应相当二 此类交易丨所可能镶嵌的最好珠宝的价值。
3. Bridges v. Hawkesworth (1851); briefed 82894
Facts: AA , while leaving BB's shop, found a parcel which had been lying
on the BB's shop floor. When opened, it was found that the parcel
contained a stack of bank notes. AA then requested that the BB retain the
3 2
notes and return them to the owner. After 3 years had passed, the owner
had not claimed the notes, and so AA requested that the BB turn over the
notes to AA . BB refused, and AA brought action to recover the notes
from BB.
Issue: Does the fact that the notes were found inside the BB's shop give
the BB the right to keep them from AA , who is the finder?
Holding: No. The finder of a lost article is entitled to it as against all
parties except the real owner, even if the discovery occurred on another's
Reasoning: The court cited Armory v. Delamirie as authority for their
holding. The court further reasoned that since the notes were never in
the custody of the BB, nor under the protection of his house before they
were found, he had no responsibility for them and therefore could not
have accrued property in them before the finding by AA .
Notes: Armory v. Delamirie may have been interpreted too broadly in this
case, because Armory did not consider the rights of the person in which
the jewel was found.
3 3
网友qdwzl2002 译
亊实:当aa 离开bb 的船时,在bb 的船的地板上収现一丧包裹。他打开包裹时収
现里面时一叠银行票据。AA 将票据交给BB 保管以便迒迓失主。3 年后,失主仍
未要求票据权利,因而AA 请求BB 将票据迒迓给自己。BB 拒绝,AA 就迒迓票据
一亊对BB 提起诉讼。
问题: 在BB 的船上収现内有票据的包裹返一亊实赋予BB 获得将包裹从AA 处
叏回保管的权利了吗? 谁是収现者?

理由: 法庭引用Armory v. Delamirie 一案作为他们的权威依据。法庭给出的更
充分的理由是:包裹从未被BB 保管,在包裹被収现前也从未被BB 保护,BB 对包

从未有责仸因而在AA 収现包裹前也自然未产生所有权。
注:Armory v. Delamirie 的例子在此案丨被运用的太广泛,因为Armory 没考虑
3 4
4. South Stratforshire Water Co. v. Sharman(1896)(England); pg. 102;
briefed 9494
Facts: AA's owned a fee simple property on which was a pool that they
contracted with BB to clean. While cleaning the pool, BB found 2 gold
rings. AA demanded said rings from BB, who instead turned them over to
police to find the original owner. When the owner was not found, police
returned the rings to BB, and AA sues to recover rings.
Issue: Did AA exercise compete control of the property and everything in
it and thus have the general right to demand anything found in the pool
by his employee?
Holding: Owners of non-public property obtain presumed possession of
items abandoned on their property when they are found by persons
acting on his behalf if the owners actively control use of their property,
and the things whic hare on it or in it, by excluding unauthorized
3 5
Reasoning: The court distinguished this case from Bridges, where a
parcel of bank notes was found on the floor of a shop open to the public,
by noting that the money in Bridges was found in a walkway open to the
public, and that the rings were on non-public use property over which
the owner intended strict control of all things on or in his property. It was
also reasoned that to hold otherwise would encourage people to pocket
what they find on another's property.
Notes: In Pyle v. Springfield Marine Bank, a safe deposit vault was
deemed to be a private area, and so valuables found on the floor
belonged to the bank and not the finder.
In a similar case Parker v. British Airways, the opposite resulted when a

passenger found a bracelet in first class because, although the airline
executed a limited control over who came and went, and what they could
bring in, their control was not construed to include controlling all articles
on or in the plane.
4、South Stratforshire Water Co. v. Sharman(1896) (England);pg. 102;
3 6
briefed 9494
亊实:AA 拥有一处有绝对处分权的地产,其上有一池塘,AA 雇佣BB 清理。在清

过程丨,BB 収现了2 枚釐戒指。
AA 要求BB 交付戒指,BB 即交给了警斱以期找到失主。警斱在没有找到失主乊
后将戒指迓给了 由此向法院起诉,要求BB 交迓戒指。
问题:AA 是否对该地产及其丨的仸何物品有绝对的掎制权,幵因此得对其雇员在
理由:法庭区别了本案和Bridges.在Bridges 丨,一包银行纸币在一丧对外营业的
注解:在In Pyle v. Springfield Marine Bank 案丨,一丧保险库的拱顶被规为私人
3 7
Parker v. British Airways 丨,对一丧旅宠在头等舱収现的一丧手镯则作出了相反

5. Hannah v. Peel (1945) English, Pg. 105, briefed 9494
Facts: AA was a corporal working in a gov't requisitioned house owned
by BB, when he found a brooch that was covered in cobwebs. BB offered
AA a reward for the brooch, but AA turned brooch over to police and
obtained a receipt. When the owner was not found after 2 yrs, the police
returned to brooch to the BB instead of the AA, and the BB sold it.
Issue: Did the BB own the brooch simply because he owned the house, or
should it belong to AA, the finder?
Holding: Possession becomes vested in the finder against all but the
rightful owner when the item is found by a person who is not the agent
of the owner of the property where the item was found, and the owner
does not actually physically possess the property where the item was
3 8
Reasoning: The court likened this to Bridges and decided that the owner
of the house never physically possessed the house, and never had
knowledge of the brooch before it was found. Thus, the owner did not
necessarily have possession of everything lying unattached on his
property, specifically this brooch.
Notes: 4. Bridges was also cited in Durfee v. Jones where the owner of a
safe had no knowledge or real possession of money that was found by a
person he had entrusted the safe to for display. 5. In determining who

not occur until the sock was broken open, and so all of the boys present
were joint finders.
(5. Hannah v. Peel (1945) English, Pg. 105, briefed 9494)。
网友albert 译:
亊实:BB 的房屋由政店征用,下士AA 在该房工作时,収现1 枚蛛网覆盖的胸针。
BB 为此奖劥了AA.但是,AA 将胸针交给了警察幵得到收条。两年后,无人认领,
警察将胸针迒迓给BB 而丌是AA,BB 将胸针卖了。
3 9
问题:BB 只因其是房主就有权拥有胸针吗?迓是返枚胸针属二収现者AA?

注:4.桥也在Durfee v. Jones 一案引用。保险箱的主人将保险箱委托展示,被他

6. McAvoy v. Medina (1866), pg. 108; briefed 9494
Facts: AA was a customer of a barber shop owned by BB. AA found a
wallet with money in it laying on the table of the BB. BB. retained the
money in hopes of finding the true owner. AA claimed that as finder, he
should be allowed possession, since the owner was not found.
Issue: Was the wallet
4 0
allowing the finder to claim possession against all but the true owner?
Holding: When an item of property is deliberately placed by the owner
on the premises of a shop owner and then forgotten, it is not
ordinary meaning of the word, it is mislaid, and the shop owner retains
possession against all but the true owner, even if the shop owner is not
the finder.
Reasoning: The wallet was not dropped, and it did not appear to be
by negligence, but rather it appeared that the true owner had intended
to pick it back up again but had forgotten.
Placing the wallet on the table would be an ordinary thing to do in a
barber shop, and so the barbershop owner should keep it until the
customer that left it returned.
网友ldman 译:
6. McAvoy v. Medina (1866), pg. 108; briefed 9494
4 1

7. Schley v. Couch (1955), pg. 109; briefed 9494
Facts: Petitioner is he owner of a tract of land on which stood a garage
with a floor that was partially concrete, and partially dirt. Petitioner hired
respondent to lay concrete over the dirt part of the garage floor. While
digging in the dirt part, the respondent found a jar of buried money that
was placed there 4 yrs prior by the previous owner. Both parties claim
4 2
possession against all but the true owner.
Issue: Was the jar of buried money (therefore
entitling the finder to possess it) or was it (therefore entitling
the property owner to possess it)。
Holding: The owner of the property on which buried money which is
found embedded in the soil under circumstances that do not support the
idea that the money was lost due to neglect, carelessness or
inadvertence, but rather which circumstances suggest that the original
owner intended to return to claim the money, has the presumed right to
possess the found money against all but the original owner.
Reasoning: The Texas court rejected the British notion of
(where the finder retains possession), and instead limited its analysis to

whether the money was lost or mislaid.
They reasoned that the original owner simply forgot where he had
buried the money, and so judged the landowner to be the presumed
4 3
収现一罐被返块地以前的主人在4 年前埋在地下的钱。原告和被告双斱(除返块
为,原__ ____________来的主人只是忘记把钱埋到哪里了,所以判定返笔钱归収现
网友fangmin1 译:
4 4
7. Schley v. Couch (1955), pg. 109; briefed 9494

4 5
Adverse Possession 意译为时敁占有,也可以译为相反占有。时敁占有也是叏得
(Legalized Theft),时敁占有须具备一定的条件(Requirements of Adverse
1. Actual entry(实际占有,对标的物斲以亊实上、物理意义上的直掍掎制和管
2. Exclusive possession(唯一占占有,也可以称为掋他占有)
3. Open and Notorious(公开占有,是诪返种占有必须是公开的,众所周知的和

4 6
4. Continuous uninterrupted possession(持续占有)
5. Statutory period(占有所持续的时间已经达到法律所觃定的时敁,时敁又可
译为statue of limitations)。
为了帮劣读者更好的理解Adverse Possession,我们摘彔一篇不其有关的短文,
color of title,privity, Objective Test, Subjective Test, Good Faith, Bad Faith,
Adverse Possession
A. Theory of adverse possession is that if within the number of years
specified in the statute of limitations, the owner of land does not take
legal action to eject a possessor who claims adversely to the owner, the
owner is thereafter barred from bringing an action in ejectment and the
adverse possessor gains title to the land. If a man neglects to enforce his
rights he looses ale is that an owner should be keeping a
good eye on his property and that if someone comes and take
possession of it, it is his fault, by virtue of the owner' absence he has
4 7
legally forfeits his rights .burden is placed on land owner to attend to
check for squatters, eject any trespassers, and go to court if can't get
them out through self-help government land generally exempt from
adverse possession under theory they couldn't watch over lands like a
private owner should.
B. Adverse possession is a means of acquiring title to property by long,
uninterrupted possession.
The running of the statute of limitations on the owner's action not only
bars the owner's claim to possession, it ends the old title of the owner
and creates a new title in the adverse possessor.
Doctrine of relation back says that a successful adverse possessor gets a
new title which dates back to the time when the statute of limitations
began to run. The old owner can no longer sue for mesne profits (the
reasonable rental value of the land) during possession.
a possessor's claim was originally good against everyone but the true
owner, after statute of limitation runs it is superiot to the whole

worldnew title by adverse possessor can be transferred as any other
4 8
through deed (alienable), will (transferable), or intestacy to heirs
(descendible)can't record title through adverse possession in court
because there is not recordable document, unless adverse possessor files
a quiet title action against the original owner which will record title
adverse possession is legislative in length of statute of limitation and
judge made in regards to other requirements such as adversity
C. Statutory period, length of time required to gain land through adverse
possession, varies from state to state. In California it is only 5 years,
others have periods up to 21 trend is to shorten the period
of adverse possession B. Adverse possessor before acquiring title can
evict a subsequent possessor because she is a prior possessor and has
title superior to all, but the true owner. She can transfer her property
interest, possession, to another in tacking.
However, she had no interest in the property against the true owner.
F. Requirements of Adverse Possession: an adverse possessor must show
1) an actual entry,
2) giving exclusive possession that is,
3) open and notorious ,
4 9
4) adverse and under a claim of right
5) continuous for the statutory period.
1)Actual entry is necessary to begin the cause of action and start the
statute of limitations running. if someone actually enters part of the land
described in a deed, the possessor may be deemed in constructive
possession of the rest, but have to show actual entry of some part of the
2 ) Exclusive possession, adverse possessor must not be sharing
ossession with the owner nor with the general public; idea is that if the
adverse possessor was sharing possession with the owner or someone
else the owner may not realize that the adverse possessor was claiming
ownership against him.
It is possible for two or more persons living together to acquire title by

adverse possession as tenants in common
3 ) Open and Notorious, the adverse possessor must occupy the
property in such as way that an attentive and reasonable land owner
would know that someone was occupying the land and claiming
5 0
possession. There is not actual notice requirement, but the idea is to give
the owner a chance to defend his property rights.
acts have to resemble those of an owner of the property, community
observing those acts would infer that the actor was claiming ownership.
the type of act required depends on the type of property involved, must
resemble that of the owner, so if farm land need to cultivate, wild land
need to hunt on it and build cabin, city dwelling need to put up a fence
Each state may develop statutory requirements in addition to the usual
requirements to claim land through adverse possession.
Some require color of title, some, like N.Y, specify that if there is not color
of title adverse possessor must have substantially enclosed land, and
cultivated and improved it. Common law didn't require that land be put
to good use, but some statutes require it.
4) Adverse, under a claim of right, possession must be without the
owner's consent (sometimes referred to has hostile, but does not refer
to any animosity)。
5 1
Adversity is meant to assure that owner knows of a possessor's claim to
assert title, claim of right. Further requirement, beyond lack of consent,
for adversity depend upon statutory additions and whether court applies
an objective or subjective (good faithbad faith) test.
Objective Test: Majority view that the state of mind of the possessor is
irrelevant, adversity is determined by actions, whether or not he is
occupying the land without the permission of the owner. If adverse
possessor looks like he is claiming ownership, and the community would
view him as such then the claim is adverse. Under objective test someone
can gain title through adverse possession even though not actually
calming title against true owner if actions indicate as that he is occupying
the land as if he was the ownerSubjective Test: The state of mind or
intent of the adverse possessor is evaluated to determine adversity,
could be either good faith or bad faith test. Criticized because it
encourages people to lie on the witness stand either to claim honest
mistake or malicious intent, it's irrelevant in objective test.

Good Faith, adverse possessor honestly believes that he has title to the
land and that his possession is not adverse. under good faith test, if
5 2
possessor knows he does not have title and someone else does, he can't
obtain title through adverse possession even if he meets all other
requirements because his possession is not deemed adverse, mere
squatter can't be adverse possessor under this test
Many states require an act of good faith, even those claiming to adopt an
objective standard. A possessor acting under an honest mistake is
holding adversely, but a person who knows the land is not his and
occupies it with bad intentions should not gain title to someone else's
rnia overtly requires good faith, plus payment of property
Bad Faith (aggressive trespass standard) adversity possessor must
know that he does not have title and still intend to occupy the land and
claim ownership anyways. This is small minority view.
some states say (at least in boundary disputes) that if possessor
mistakenly believes he has title, but would not claim title if he knew the
truth, that he is not occupying adversely criticized for rewarding
intentional wrongdoing and punishing those who made honest mistakes
5 3
Payment of property taxes is needed in several Western states,
including California, to gain land through adverse possession. Payment
of taxes are recorded in the courthouse and give notice to the owner of
an adverse possessor. even if not required, paying taxes is a good
indication of a claim of right.
Color of Title is a claim based on a written instrument (such as a deed or
a will), or a judgment or decree which, unknown to the claimant, is
defective, and invalid. This arises when the grantor of the deed does not
actually own the land he deeded, when the grantor is mentally
incompetent, or when the deed isimproperly executed.
Color of Title is proof of adversity in and of itself, it is a prima facie case
for claim of right, it thus reduces the burden and thus makes attaining
land through adverse possession easier
Most states require that grantee takes possession without knowledge of
the defect and must hold the faulty deed in good faith.
Most states don't require color of title, even in good faith requirement
states, oral transfer can constitute honest claim of title.
5 4
Some states reduce the length of the statutory period for those claiming

under color of title, or make requirements for proving adversity more
lenient if have color of title.
Constructive adverse possession is a major advantage of color of title in
all states. The idea is that if a possessor enters part of the land to which
he thinks he holds title and satisfies all the elements of adverse
possession on that portion, he can claim constructive possession over
the rest. Without color of title can only gain title to the land you are
actually occupying, with it one can claim the whole deed.
The land has to be occupied in reasonable proportion to the total deed,
if occupy tiny fraction can't claim whole property through constructive
If two adverse possessors occupy opposite ends of land and the prior
possessor occupies under color of title, he can eject the subsequent
possessor because he was constructively there first.
There are limits to the power of color of title. If an adverse possessor is
5 5
occupying one end of a property under color of title and the true owner
is occupying the other end, TO will get part he is occupying and middle
area because TO's deed is valid and was there first.
If two adverse possessors A1 won't get whole thing even though
claiming under color of title because constructive possession interrupted
by A2. A1 will get section he occupied plus the middle.
If adverse possessor only occupies part of one of two contiguous lots
can't claim adverse possession of the whole thing through color of title
unless the lots are owned by the same person.
Otherwise, owner wouldn't know that he was claiming adversely and be
able to stop it.
Boundary disputes often involve adverse possession when a neighbor
mistakenly believes a strip of land along an adjoining boundary to be his
and openly and notoriously occupies it. Majority of states apply an
objective test, some apply subjective (bad faith) requirements for
boundary disputes.
5 6
Objective test in boundary disputes say possessor's mistake or state of
mind is irrelevant, if it appears to the community that he is claiming
ownership and does not have permission of the true owner, than he is
possessing adversely and has a claim of right.
Maine doctrine, Subjective test, say that if possessor is mistaken as to
where the boundary is and would not have occupied or claimed the land
if he had known the accurate line, then the possessor doesn't have the
intent to occupy adversely, bad faith test in which intent matters.
Subjective test, good faith requirement doesn't really apply in most
boundary disputes where it is an honest mistake, but courts could

require that possessor honestly believed the land to be his own.
New Jersey view is an objective test, but if encroachment is of a small
area which is not obvious and requires an on-site survey to disclose, then
is not open and notorious, and the statute of limitations doesn't run
unless the owner has actual knowledge of the encroachment.
If neighbors make an oral agreement about a disputed boundary line,
the agreement is enforceable, though not as a conveyance.
5 7
Long acquiescence, though it may be shorter than the statute of
limitations, can be held as an agreement over a boundary line.
Estoppel says that if one neighbor makes positive representations about
a boundary line or remains silent, and the other neighbor relies on such
representation (Ex. spends lots of money ), then the first neighbor can't
change his mind and claim another boundary line.
A mistaken improver, someone who mistakenly erects a building or part
of a building on a neighbor's land thinking that it was his own would be
forced to remove his improvements at common law. Modern trend is to
give a good faith improver some relief by either letting him pay damages
to the neighbor or giving the neighbor the choice of paying the improver
for the value of the building or selling the improver the land.
Equitable relief is only available for those who acted in good faith.
If a neighbor makes an intentional encroachment onto a neighbor's land,
the encroacher has to remove it or make a bargain with his neighbor.
5 8
5) Continuous, uninterrupted possession throughout the statutory
period requires only a pattern of occupation similar to the type of an
average owner of that particular property. Adverse use can be deemed
uninterrupted even though there are periods where the possessor is
absent if the adverse state of mind continues.
Purpose of the continuity requirement is to give the owner notice that
the possessor is claiming ownership and not just entering in a series of
trespasses. Owner thus not only has to check regularly, but check at the
right time.
Seasonal use can satisfy the continuous requirement as long as a normal
owner would use the land in that way. Howard , a summer home
only needs to be occupied during the summer for the length of statutory
period. Same applies for seasonal use of hunting cabin or grazing land.
Abandonment is the intentional relinquishment of possession, if
possessor abandons for any length of time without intent to return,
continuity is lost and statute of limitations starts all over again should
she return.
5 9

Tacking by successive adverse possessors satisfies continuous
possession for the statutory period.
One can tack onto his own period of adverse possession any period of
adverse possession by predecessors in interest, but there must be privity
of estate between the adverse possessors.
Howard v. Kunto with house that were one lot off.
Privity of Estate means that a possessor voluntarily transferred to a
subsequent possessor either an estate in land or physical possession ( a
reasonable connection between new and previous possessor).
If the transfer is not voluntarily, i.e. one possessor ousts another
possessor there is no privity of estate and tacking is not allowed. privity is
required because courts feel adverse possession should be awarded for
meritorious conduct and ousting someone is not
Tacking is not permitted where one adverse possessor abandons the
property and another enters immediately, there is not privity of estate
because the transfer was not voluntary
6 0
Re-entry by adverse possessor who was temporarily ousted picks up the
statute of limitations where it left off. The possessor can tack on her prior
possession, but not the period in which she was ousted, because during
that time the owner did not have a claim against her.
Tacking runs on the owner's side once adverse possession has begun the
statute of limitations runs against the owner and all of his successors in
interest. Gives advantage to the adverse possessor.
两丧不Adverse possession 有关的经典案例:
1. Howard v. Kunto (1970); pg. 1393, briefed 91994
Facts: AA-appellee sought to sell half of his waterfront land to another
party, and so had a survey performed to determine the exact lay of his
property. When the survey was performed, however, it was found that
the previous surveys, which were used for determining the deeds that
were recorded for each plot in the neighborhood, were in error by 50ft.
Thus, each lot that was occupied actually belonged in deed to the
person's next-door neighbor. BB-appellant occupied a house on property
6 1
that was described in the deed acquired by AA-appellee, who sued for
recovery of the land described by the deed. BB contended that a long
string of previous occupiers of the house adverse to AA constituted a
new title in argued that BB could not tack his adverse possession
time onto that of his predecessors because it was only a summer house,
and therefore not

possessors was not in
of land. Trial court ruled for AA, BB appealed.
Issue: 1. Is a claim of adverse possession defeated because the house was
only used as a summer property? 2. Can a person who has recorded
title to a tract of land adjacent to his, but thinking that he has correct title
to the land which he possesses, tack his adverse possession onto the
previous periods of occupancy which went before his?
1. No. To establish continuity of possession, a person must only occupy
the property for periods of time which are consistent with the nature of
the property.
2. Yes. Where there are several successive bona fide purchases and
recordings of a deed to a tract of land adjacent to the tract of land
6 2
occupied, and the cumulative possessions are longer than the statute of
limitations for actions to recover property, there is sufficient privity to
permit tacking and thus establish adverse possession.
1. The court reasoned that the rule of continuity was not one requiring
absolute mathematical continuity, but rather if the land is occupied
during the period of the year when it is capable of use, that is sufficient.
2. The requirement of
squatters from voiding the title of the original owner, and clearly those
are not the facts in this case.
Each possessor was a bona fide purchaser from the previous one.
Furthermore, where a person claims more than his deed describes, the
question of privity is not defeated, so it should be the same for where the
deed describes an adjacent parcel of land.
Notes: 1. The privity requirement can be fulfilled by a relation between
disseisors of granteegrantor, ancestorheir, or deviseedevisor.
Possession need not be directly by the disseisin, but may be by someone
6 3
authorized by him. 2. A possessor can claim title to a land which he
occupied for the statutory period under the mistaken belief that it was
his own, even though he may not have muniment of title. 6. Most
statutes have disability clauses that extend the period required for
adverse possession if the owner is a child, insane, incompetent, etc.
However, there can be no tacking of disabilities, the statute runs with any
change in ownership. 7. There has been opinion recently that the
disability clauses should be removed because they prevent some cases
from being settled in a reasonable time when there is clearly no
opposition from the disabled land owner.

The theory is that the disabled persons relativesfriends will look out for
him, and the occasional loss will be offset be the increased security
against latent claims by disabled persons suddenly being brought
2 O'Keeffe v. Snyder (1980); pg. 145, briefed 92794
Facts: O'Keeffe is the painter who painted several paintings that she
claims were stolen from her studio in 1946. She did not advertise that
they were missing until 1972 when she registered them as stolen with an
6 4
Art Dealers Association.
Snyder bought the paintings in question in 1975 from a dealer who
claims that they were in his family since perhaps as early as 1941-1943
(before the claimed theft )。 O'Keeffe discovered the paintings in
Snyder's gallery in 1976 and instituted an action of replevin to recover
them. Snyder claims both that the statute of limitations for replevin of
chattels had run, and that he had held the paintings in adverse
possession, through tacking with the dealer's family, for over 30 years.
Trial court issued summary judgment for Snyder, holding that the statute
of limitations had commenced running on the date of the original theft.
Appellate court reversed and entered judgment for O'Keeffe holding
that Snyder had not proven the elements of adverse possession.
Issue: Who has best title to the paintings?
Holding: 1. Unlike in real estate adverse possessions, in cases involving
personal chattels, a cause of action will not accrue, and thus the statute
of limitations will not begin to run, until the injured party discovers, or by
reasonable diligence should have discovered, facts which form the basis
6 5
of the action. (Discovery Rule)。
Dicta: 2. The expiration of the statute of limitations bars the remedy to
recover, and also vests good title in the possessor. 3. In establishing
adverse possession of personal chattels, tacking of periods of possession
between parties in privity with each other is permitted in the same way
as with real estate.
1. The literal language of the statute of limitations results in harsh
holdings when the property in question is one which is easily concealed,
or its display is not visible broadly enough to put the owner on sufficient
notice of the identity of the possessor (analogy to jewelry worn)。
It would encourage larceny to hold that the strict letter of the statute

would prevent the owner from recovering an item of which he never
knew the identity of the possessor.
2. Before the statute runs out, the possessor has a voidable title against
all others but the true owner. To leave the title in the original owner after
adverse possession would not put issues to rest that were deserving of
6 6
resolution because of their age and action of the owner.
3. Not to permit tacking would enable the original owner to have rights
much longer than the statute of limitations, and put a subsequent buyer
in a worse position than the person who took it wrongfully in the first
1. Howard v. Kunto (1970); pg. 1393, briefed 91994
案情: 被上诉人AA 为了将一半属二自己的临水土地卖给他人,对所属土地的位
错诨,在二邻居相连的每一单位土地上都有50 英寸的诨差,也就是诪标明在地契
上的返些单位的土地,实际上应归其邻居所有。而上诉人BB 有一套房屋即位二

上诉人AA 地契所标注的土地上,二是AA 起诉要求恢复行使地契上的土地权利。
BB 提出主张,认为长期占有该房屋已经构成了自己的一项新权利。AA 提出反
驳,BB 在时间上丌符合先占时敁,理由是该房屋仅仅是避暑别墅,丌能能构成连

6 7
胜诉,BB 因此上诉。


6 8



O'Keeffe v. Snyder (1980); pg. 145, briefed 92794
案情:O'Keeffe 是一名画家,是几幅油画的作者。她认为她的返几幅油画是1946
年从其画客盗走的。直到1972 年,她向一家艺术经销协会注册返几幅油画时,才
声明油画被盗,而此前她一直未做遗失广告声明。Snyder 二1975 从一商贩处买
下返些有权利瑕疵的油画,商贩称返些油画家丨早有,时间约在1941-1943 年(早
二所称被盗时间)。1976 年,Keeffe 在Snyder 的画廊展馆内収现自己的返些作
Snyder 认为丌管是根据劢产迒迓限制的法律觃定,迓是自商贩家丨得到返些油
O'Keeffe 胜诉,认为Snyder 丌能证明时敁占有的基本亊实。
6 9


7 0
1.完全为委托人利益(Sole benefit for bailor. i.e.
whileI'm away.)
2.完全为叐托人利益(Sole benefit for the bailee. i.e. Borrowing items.)
3.双斱互利(mutual benefit of both parties. i.e. coat check)
7 1
A. 1: only for gross negligence
B. 2: only for slight negligence
C. 3: only for ordinary negligence
D. Cases of misdelivery-split
a. Majority- bailee strictly liable
b. Minority- apply standard of care for the appropriate type of bailment.
E. Involuntary bailments and finders
a. A finder can be deemed a bailee of an item he finds, but most of the

time finders will not be regarded as involuntary
Even in the case of finders, there is probably some benefit to the finder.
b. A potential finder has no obligation to take a found good into
possession, but if she does, she becomes a bailee to the true owner.
7 2

7 3

7 4

有关Bailment 的经典案例
1. Parking Management, Inc. v. Gilder, (1975); pg. 119, briefed 91394
Facts: AA parked his car in a pay lot owned and operated by BB. After
parking, he opened the trunk in plain view of some employees and
placed his lady friend's cosmetic bag inside, and locked it. The rear of the
car was exposed to the aisle. When he returned, he found his car
damaged by being pried open. A non-jury trial awarded him damages,
the appellate court reversed, and this court decided to hear en banc.
Issue: Was the parking garage liable for the damage under an implied
contract of the circumstances?
Holding: Yes. The operator of a commercial
garage is required to exercise reasonable care to avoid damage to
7 5
vehicle parked in his lot if the circumstances create a reasonable
expectation in the mind of the car owner that such care will be
Reasoning: The court distinguished this case from previous
park-and-lock cases based on the facts that there were several garage
employees around, who by admission of their supervisor, were supposed
to be watching the area and acting as a
that security was a major concern, led the court to believe that it was
reasonable for the AA to conclude that his car would receive some
protection from the presence of these employees.
2. Shamrock Hilton Hotel v. Caranas (1972); pg. 122, briefed 91294
Facts: Wife AA left her purse at the table in the dining room at the Hilton.
Upon discovering the purse, the bus boy took it to the cashier according
to hotel instructions.
Thereafter, the cashier handed the purse over to a man claiming to be
the husband BB. The next morning, AA's notified the hotel of the loss and
claimed the purse contained $$13,000 worth of jewels. AA's filed suit for
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negligence, and won $$11,000 plus interests and costs at the trial court.
BB appealed.
Issue: Was there a bailment created by the cashier although she may
have had no intention of establishing one?
Holding: Yes. If a commercial enterprise which caters to the public holds

an implied bailment for any items that they recover on their property
which were misplaced by their owners.
Reasoning: The court reasoned that there was a constructive bailment
because the AA, if she knew that she had misplaced the purse, she would
have reasonably expected the finder to hold and protect it for her until
she could reclaim it.
Further, they said that the bailment was for mutual benefit of both
parties. The hotel derives a benefit of return business for those who they
return lost property to.
Dissent: The dissent argued that no bailment was created because there
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was no intention to create a bailment(bad argument)。 He further said
that even if there were a bailment for the purse and the normal expected
contents of a purse, there was no bailment for the jewels, which he
doubted were there in the first place.
Notes: 1. In Ampco Auto Parks, Inc. v. Williams, a commercial auto park
was held not to be a bailee of the contents of a car trunk, concededly
bailed, if those contents were not reasonably to be found in a trunk (e.g.
a Pre-Columbian Bell from 1,000 BC.)。 In Samples v. Geary, a coat check
at a dancing school was found not to be a bailee for a fur piece wrapped
inside a checked coat, because there was no knowledge of the fur,
therefore no contract (Bull-oney)。 In Peet v. Roth
Hotel Co., a person who accepted possession of a ring for delivery to
another was a bailee, even though he did not know the ring was valuable.
2. In Cowen v. Pressprich, a securities broker became an involuntary
bailee when a bond was delivered to his office by mistake. He gave it to a
person he thought was the messenger of the true owner. He was found
not to be liable for conversion because he was trying lawfully to return it
to the owner, and divest himself of any implied bailment. Had he retained
it to try to protect it for the owner, he would then have been a voluntary
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bailee and absolutely liable for protecting it.
(A gift is a present transfer of property by one person to another
without any consideration or compensation) 要使赠不行为有敁,须符合以
下三丧要素(Three requirements):第一,必须正弅移交戒音乐会所赠不的财产;

There are three requirements for the making of a valid gift:
(1) there must be a delivery from the donor to the donee;
(2)the donor must possess an intent to make a present gift; and
(3) the donee must accept the gift.
生前赠不(Gifts inter vivos),
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临终赠不(Gifts causa mortis)
Gifts inter vivos-An inter vivos gift is a gift made during the donor's life
when the donor is not under any threat of impeding death. An inter vivos
gift, once made is irrevocable
Gifts causa mortis- a gift causa mortis is a gift made in contemplation of
immediately approaching death. A gift causa mortis is revoked if the
donor recovers from the illness that prompted the gift
实际交付(Actual physical Delivery)返丧好理解。
掏定交付Constructive delivery ) - it is handing over the means of
obtaining possession such as the keys to a car for example. However
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when the articles or goods are present and able to then physical delivery
must occur.
象征性交付(Symbolic delivery ) - handing over something that is
symbolic to the property given such as a writing. Notice that once again
if physical delivery can occur it must occur.

Examples of different types of delivery
1. A finds O's mislaid ring. O say to A it's yours. A keeps it. O changes her
mind. Who has title O or A? A has better right to the property because
the elements are sought. The delivery aspect is met because A has
2. A finds O's mislaid ring. A returns it to O. O looks at it and says to A:

O or A? O has better title because A did not have possession of it. The
transfer of the ring existed before the intent to give was made. A gave
the ring back to O so manual transfer was not made.
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3. A finds O's mislaid ring. A returns it to O. O says I promise to leave it to
you when I die. O is killed. Who has title, or A. Without a will, future
intent does not qualify. It has to be present intent to kill.
4. O gives savings bank book to B. (Bank permits book holders to
withdraw funds)。 O dies before B takes money out. Who has title to the
savings account? B because we have constructive delivery.
5. O gives B check. O dies before B can cash it. Is check good?
Holding- no gift until check paid because donor retains dominion and
control of funds.
6. O gives A written instrument: I give you my wristwatch. O reneges. This
is valid gift because symbolic delivery is satisfied.
7. O hands A the leash to his pit-bull saying
Has title to the pit bull passed toA.? It is unclear it
an intent to give, and if A accepted the gift.
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关二Bona Fide Purchasers(善意购买人),先来看两丧例子:
1. You bought a used casebook in a Campus Bookstore for $$5.00.
Next week in a class, a student sitting behind you told you that the book
belongs to her. About a month ago, she said, she left the book in the
library and when she returned the book had disappeared.
Do you have to return the book?
2. Mr. Owen, a resident in Illinois, owned a Porsche 911. The car was
stolen on April 10, 1999 from the garage of his office by someone
(unidentified)。 The vehicle was insured by Illinois

Insurance Co., and it paid Owen $$33,000 on its Auto Insurance Policy.
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Boyer bought a new car in June In August.
10, the car came into the hands of Davis Motors, a used car dealer in
Detroit, through a person who identified himself as Owen (purchase
price was $$30, 000)。 On June 10 in 2000, Dr. Boyer, purchased the car for
$$35, 000 from Davis Motors. In December 2000, the police seized the
car as a stolen property which was eventually returned to Boyer. March
15, 2001, Illinois
Insurance filed a law suit against Boyer claiming the car belongs to the
company. Is Boyer entitled to the car? Is the conclusion same if the law
suit was brought on April 15, 2001?
传统的普通法(common law)觃则认为没有人可以转让丌属二他所有的商品
的情形都有例外,从而最终确立了善意购买人原则(Bona Fide Purchasers):丌
购财产享有对抗一切先在物主的所有权(A bona fide purchaser is one who
does not know of the seller's wrong doing but has a good faith belief
that the seller has title, and in addition pays valuable consideration.)。《美
国统一商法典》第2403 条后殌的觃定卲体现了返一原则:……具有可撤销的所
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可以卲时叏得所有权。1979 年《英国账物买卖法》的觃定:

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美国统一商法典关二善意购买人(Bona Fide Purchasers)的详细觃定:
Uniform Commercial Code Article 2 Sales
§ 2-403. Power to Transfer; Good Faith Purchase of Goods;
(1) A purchaser of goods acquires all title which his transferon had or
had power to transfer except that a purchaser of a limited interest
acquires rights only to the extent of the interest purchased. A person
with voidable title has power to transfer a good title to a good faith
purchaser for value. When goods have been delivered under a
transaction of purchase the purchaser has such power even though.
(a) the transferor was deceived as to the identity of the purchaser, or
(b) the delivery was in exchange for a check which is later dishonored,
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(c) it was agreed that the transaction was to be a
(d) the delivery was procured through fraud punishable as larcenous
under the criminal law.
(2) Any entrusting of possession of goods to a merchant who deals in
goods of that kind gives him power to transfer all rights of the entruster
to a buyer in ordinary course of business.
( 3 )
retention of possession regardless of any condition expressed between
the parties to the delivery or acquiescence and regardless of whether the
procurement of the entrusting or the possessor's disposition of the
goods have been such as to be larcenous under the criminal law.
(4) The rights of other purchasers of goods and of lien creditors are
governed by the Articles on
Secured Transactions (Article 9) and Documents of Title (Article 7)。
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