
2020年08月18日 03:16


雅克· 德洛尔
面对未来的种种挑战,教育看来是使人类朝着和平、自由和社会正义迈进的一笔不可或缺的财富。 在二十一世纪,教育的作用必须立足于人类对更美好世界的向往。为此,我们必须正视二十一世纪面临的一些 问题,并
●长远 考虑和短期考虑之间的紧张关系。舆论总是迫切需要迅速得到问题的答案和现成的解决办法,而许多问题却需要< br>从长计议,耐心协调,策略变通方能解决。教育政策正属于这种情况。
●人类一方面需要竞争, 另一方面也关注机会的均等,这两者之间也存在着紧张关系。这促使我们把三个因素协调起来:
具有激励 作用的竞争力、产生活力的合作精神以及具有凝聚力的团结精神。
●精神和物质之间的紧张关系。在不 违背每个人的传统和信仰的基础上,激励他们升华自己的思想和精神境界,这是教
育的崇高使命。clo se
站在这个立场上,我们建议,人类需要更加重视作为教育基础的四个支柱之一:学会共同生活。教 育的使命之一是让学
生认识人类的多样性,同时还要让他们意识到所有人之间的相似性和相互依存性。从 幼儿开始,学校就应该抓住各种机会进
行这一双重教育。有些学科适合进行这种教育,例如,在基础教育 阶段开设人文地理,晚些时候开设外语和外国文学。为了
学会共同生活,我们可以多了解他人、了解他人 的历史、传统和精神价值,在此基础上创造一种新的精神,这种精神会激励
人们参与共同的项目或者用明 智、和平的方式化解不可避免的冲突。
同时,我们也不应该忽视教育的另外三个支柱,它们可以说是学 会共同生活的基本要素。第一是学会认知。随着科学进
步所带来的迅速变革,人类必须重视以下两个方面 的结合:一是相当广泛的普通教育;二是就少量精选的学科进行深入研究
因此,学 会认知就意味着学会如何学习。由于知识涉及到方方面面,试图想什么都知道,这愈来愈做不到。事实上,在基础教育阶段之后,想成为多门学科的专家就成了不切实际的幻想。今天,一个真正受到良好教育的人需要接 受广泛的通识
教育,同时有机会深入地研究少量的学科。通识教育使学生有机会学习其他语言、熟悉其他 学科,首先而且尤为重要的是,
通识教育提供了与他人交流的手段。这种通识教育可以说是接受终身教育 的通行证,因为它使人对终身学习产生了兴趣并为
另外一个支柱是学会做事。 这和职业培训密不可分:我们如何使教育和未来相适应、使人们有能力做好未来所需要的工
作?这里我们 应该将以雇佣劳动为主的工业化经济同以个体经营或临时工为主的其他类型的经济区别开来。工业化经济的未来取决于它们能否把知识的进步转化为革新,从而开创新企业、创造新的就业机会。除了学习从事一种职业外 ,学会做事也
指获得一种能力,这种能力使一个人能够应付各种各样的情况,而且能够参与集体劳动。如 果在校的中小学生和大学生都有
机会参加一些以获取工作经验为目标的培训活动或社会福利工作,以此来 实践和锻炼自己的能力,以上所说的能力和技能在
最后但同样 重要的是第四个支柱:学会生存。在二十一世纪,人人都需要发挥更强的自主能力和判断能力;每个人都要
对共同目标的实现怀有更强烈的责任感。教育应当促进每个人的全面发展,即身心、智力、敏锐性、审美情趣以 及精神的升
华等方面的发展。每个人在青少年时代接受的教育应该使他们形成一种独立自主的、富有批判 精神的思维方式和判断力。只
有这样,他们才能够在人生不同的情况下自己确定最应该做的事情。蕴藏在 每个人身上的像宝藏一样的才能都必须发挥出来,
例如记忆力、推理能力、想象力、体能、审美意识、与 他人交流的能力以及领导者天生的领袖魅力。这再次证明一个人需要
我们要在二十一世纪建立以获取、更新和利用知识为基础的教育社会。由于“信息社会”不断发展,人们接触数据 和事
实的机会大增,教育应该使每个人都能收集种种信息,并能筛选、整理、管理和使用这些信息。 < br>面对这种对教育越来越多、越来越高的要求,怎样才能使教育政策实现既提高教育质量又体现教育公正这两 个目标呢?
这是我们应该解决的问题,其中涉及课程设置、教学方法和内容、以及提高教学效果应必备的 条件。

教育的这四个支柱不能只涉及一个人一生中的某个阶段或 单纯某个方面。我们有必要重新思考:人的一生什么时候应该
获得教育?所受的教育应该覆盖哪些领域? 教育的各个阶段和领域应该相互补充,相互关联,从而使每个人在一生中都能够
充分利用自己拥有的独特 的教育环境。
for want of for lack of, because of a lack of 因为没有或缺少 ···
1. We've been having a very dry summer this year and many plants have died for want of water.
2. Many AIDS patients in that area have died for want of proper medical care.
Virtual ['vә:tjuǝl] a. 1) made, done, seen, etc., on the Internet or on a computer, rather than in the
real world 虚拟的
2) almost what is stated 实质上的,实际上的
1. The website allows you to take a virtual tour of the car show.
2. Many people do their jobs in a virtual office, i.e. on a computer connected to the Internet.
1. She is the virtual president of the firm, though her title is secretary.
2. That incident has thrown the country into a virtual civil war.
be the case be the actual state of affairs; be true 是实情;是事实
1. Is it the case that the company's sales have declined?
2. They tend to think of these people as untruthful, but that is not the case.
Decline [di'klain] n. [C .; U] a period or process of going from a better to a worse position
1. Heart disease, the country's leading killer, is on the decline.
2. He often claims that there has been a decline in moral standards in recent years.
hit on upon find by lucky chance or have a good idea about 偶然碰上(想起)
1. I'm sure there's something we can do, if only we can hit upon the right thing.
2. Richard hit upon a business that was just starting to grow rapidly.
Rural ['ruǝrǝl] a. of or like the countryside; concerning country or village life 农村的,乡村的,田园的
1. If the number of tourists continues to expand, they'll constitute a threat to traditional rural life.
2. Are you tired of city life? Go to the countryside and live a rural life.
Resident ['rezidǝnt] n. a person who lives in a place or a particular area all the time or just while
working, studying, or visiting 居民;住客;寄宿者
1. Local residents are protesting against the building of a new road through their town.
2. More than ten percent of the residents in this area live on the breadline.
Grade v. esp AmE mark (written work); give (a student) a mark; separate into levels of rank or quality
〖尤美〗给(书面作业)评分; 给(学生)分数
I'm sorry I cannot go to the movie with you tonight, for I have lots of students' papers to grade.
dispense wit ★ [dis'pens] make unnecessary; do without or manage to exist without 使成为不必要;
1. The Johnsons have to dispense with a lot of luxuries as Mr. Johnson has lost his job.
2. The price of gasoline (汽油) keeps increasing; we shall have to dispense with our car.
Comment ['kɔment] v. [(on, upon)] give an opinion; make a comment [常与on或upon连用]发表意见;
1. When asked to comment on the patient's condition, the doctor replied
2. She commented that she was very happy to be a guest in China.
reflect on think deeply about; consider 沉思;思考
1. Mike reflected on the events of the past few weeks as he was lying awake in bed.
2. He had reflected on the possible results before he made the complaint.
in turn one after the other 依次;逐个地

1. To have their oral English tested, the students will see the examiner in turn.
2. Each of us in turn went into the teacher's office and recited (背诵) the poem to her.
Passively ['pæsivli] ad. passive a. not active; submissive 被动的;消极的
1. You should do everything according to your own plan instead of passively doing whatever she asks you
2. Most of us will passively accept what newspapers tell us — we don't even bother to confirm any of the
tick away (of time) go by (时光)流逝
1. As the minutes ticked away the audience (观众) began to lose patience.
2. Time was ticking away and she still hadn't arrived; we became more and more anxious.

Practically ['præktikǝli] ad. in a practical way; very nearly; almost 从实际出发;几乎,差不多
1. Years of living abroad have made her practically a foreigner in her own country.
2. It's practically impossible to get home in less than an hour during the rush hour.
go after [pass. rare] try to obtain or win; chase [罕用被动语态]追求;追逐
1. First find out what job you want and then go after it.
2. Once Sam decided what he wanted, he went after it with single-mindedness (专心致志).
step in enter an argument or begin to take action in an affair; intervene 介入,干预,插手
1. The police stepped in just in time when the two men were about to start a fight.
2. The coach was forced to step in to stop the two athletes from coming to blows.
calm down make or become calm (使)安静下来
1. At last the wild wind calmed down and we carried on our journey.
2. Calm yourself down — there's nothing to worry about.
Enlighten [in'laitǝn] vt. cause to understand deeply and clearly, esp. by making free from false
beliefs 启发,启迪,开导
1. Peter thought the world was flat until I enlightened him!
2. Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened.
Inspection [in'spekʃǝn] n. [C; U] (an act of) inspecting 检查;视察
1. A careful inspection revealed that the windows of the exhibition hall were not in fact completely shut.
2. The watch seemed good at first glance, but on closer inspection there were several defects (瑕疵).
bring back cause to return to the mind 使想起,使忆起
1. His story brought back our happy childhood in which we often played together.
2. Hearing the song brought back many happy memories of my college life.
oddly enough it is odd that 奇怪的是,说也奇怪
1. Oddly enough, he didn't seem to remember his own birthday.
2. Oddly enough, the most expensive shoes sold (the) fastest.
in favor of on the side of or in support of 赞同,支持
1. Ann says she's in favour of saving money, but sometimes she buys things of no use to her.
2. Most teachers are in favor of carrying out teaching reforms while a few others still support the
traditional ways.


雅克· 德洛尔
面对未来的种种挑战,教育看来是使人类朝着和平、自由和社会正义迈进的一笔不可或缺的财富。 在二十一世纪,教育的作用必须立足于人类对更美好世界的向往。为此,我们必须正视二十一世纪面临的一些 问题,并
●长远 考虑和短期考虑之间的紧张关系。舆论总是迫切需要迅速得到问题的答案和现成的解决办法,而许多问题却需要从
●人类一方面需要竞争, 另一方面也关注机会的均等,这两者之间也存在着紧张关系。这促使我们把三个因素协调起来:
具有激励 作用的竞争力、产生活力的合作精神以及具有凝聚力的团结精神。
●精神和物质之间的紧张关系。在不 违背每个人的传统和信仰的基础上,激励他们升华自己的思想和精神境界,这是教育
的崇高使命. 站在这个立场上,我们建议,人类需要更加重视作为教育基础的四个支柱之一:学会共同生活。教育的使命之 一是让学
生认识人类的多样性,同时还要让他们意识到所有人之间的相似性和相互依存性。从幼儿开始, 学校就应该抓住各种机会进
行这一双重教育。有些学科适合进行这种教育,例如,在基础教育阶段开设人 文地理,晚些时候开设外语和外国文学。为了
学会共同生活,我们可以多了解他人、了解他人的历史、传 统和精神价值,在此基础上创造一种新的精神,这种精神会激励
人们参与共同的项目或者用明智、和平的 方式化解不可避免的冲突。
同时,我们也不应该忽视教育的另外三个支柱,它们可以说是学会共同生活 的基本要素。第一是学会认知。随着科学进
步所带来的迅速变革,人类必须重视以下两个方面的结合:一 是相当广泛的普通教育;二是就少量精选的学科进行深入研究
因此,学会认知就意 味着学会如何学习。由于知识涉及到方方面面,试图想什么都知道,这愈来愈做不到。事实上,在
基础教 育阶段之后,想成为多门学科的专家就成了不切实际的幻想。今天,一个真正受到良好教育的人需要接受广泛的通 识
教育,同时有机会深入地研究少量的学科。通识教育使学生有机会学习其他语言、熟悉其他学科,首先 而且尤为重要的是,
通识教育提供了与他人交流的手段。这种通识教育可以说是接受终身教育的通行证, 因为它使人对终身学习产生了兴趣并为
另外一个支柱是学会做事。这和职业培 训密不可分:我们如何使教育和未来相适应、使人们有能力做好未来所需要的工
作?这里我们应该将以雇 佣劳动为主的工业化经济同以个体经营或临时工为主的其他类型的经济区别开来。工业化经济的未
来取决 于它们能否把知识的进步转化为革新,从而开创新企业、创造新的就业机会。除了学习从事一种职业外,学会做事 也
指获得一种能力,这种能力使一个人能够应付各种各样的情况,而且能够参与集体劳动。如果在校的中 小学生和大学生都有
机会参加一些以获取工作经验为目标的培训活动或社会福利工作,以此来实践和锻炼 自己的能力,以上所说的能力和技能在
最后但同样重要的是第 四个支柱:学会生存。在二十一世纪,人人都需要发挥更强的自主能力和判断能力;每个人都要
对共同目 标的实现怀有更强烈的责任感。教育应当促进每个人的全面发展,即身心、智力、敏锐性、审美情趣以及精神的升
华等方面的发展。每个人在青少年时代接受的教育应该使他们形成一种独立自主的、富有批判精神的思维 方式和判断力。只
有这样,他们才能够在人生不同的情况下自己确定最应该做的事情。蕴藏在每个人身上 的像宝藏一样的才能都必须发挥出来,
例如记忆力、推理能力、想象力、体能、审美意识、与他人交流的 能力以及领导者天生的领袖魅力。这再次证明一个人需要
我们要在二 十一世纪建立以获取、更新和利用知识为基础的教育社会。由于“信息社会”不断发展,人们接触数据和事实的机会大增,教育应该使每个人都能收集种种信息,并能筛选、整理、管理和使用这些信息。
面对 这种对教育越来越多、越来越高的要求,怎样才能使教育政策实现既提高教育质量又体现教育公正这两个目标呢?
这是我们应该解决的问题,其中涉及课程设置、教学方法和内容、以及提高教学效果应必备的条件。 < br>教育的这四个支柱不能只涉及一个人一生中的某个阶段或单纯某个方面。我们有必要重新思考:人的一生什 么时候应该
获得教育?所受的教育应该覆盖哪些领域?教育的各个阶段和领域应该相互补充,相互关联, 从而使每个人在一生中都能够

in store (for) about to happen 将要发生,就要出现
1. When he first arrived in the US, Eric did not know what the future held in store for him.
2. What did the future hold in store for the 13-year-old girl who ran away from home?
Indispensable [ˌindis'pensǝbl] a. [(to)] too important or too useful to be without [常与to连用] 必需的,必
1. The skills she acquired in the training courses have proved indispensable to her career.
2. A computer is an indispensable piece of equipment for any office in the information era.
Asset ['æset] n. the property of a person, company, etc., esp. that has value and that may be sold to pay
a debt 资产,财产
Justice ['dʒʌstis] n. [U] the quality of being just; fairness 正义;公正;合理(性)
to this end to help achieve this aim or purpose 为达到此目的
1. Every child in the rural area must be educated. To this end, several programs are being carried out.
2. He hopes to change his fate through education. To this end, he is working hard for the college entrance
Global ['glǝubǝl] a. of or concerning the whole world 全球的;全世界的
1. It's not a problem of an individual country. On the contrary, it's a global one.
2. If only I could afford global travel; I'm keen to see the whole world.
Modernity [mɔ'dә:nǝti] n. 现代性;现代事物
turn one's back on upon avoid or refuse to help, esp. unfairly or unkindly 不理睬;拒绝帮助
1. Laura turned her back on David when she found out that he was a dishonest guy.
2. Don't turn your back on me — I'm talking to you!
cry out for
[no pass.] be in great need of; demand urgently [无被动语态]极其(迫切)需要
1. With her parents busy with work from dawn to dusk, the little girl was crying out for love.
2. The judge said that this sort of crime cries out for a severe punishment.
call for demand; need or deserve 要求;需要;值得
1. The relatives of the dead man are calling for an immediate inquiry into the matter.
2. It's the sort of work that calls for a high level of concentration.
Concerted ▲ [kǝn'sә:tid] a. planned or done together by agreement; combined 商定的;一致的;协同完成的
Negotiate [ni'gǝuʃieit] v. 1) [(with; for)] talk with another person or group in order to try to come to an
agreement or settle an argument [常与with或for连用] 谈判,协商
2) [(with)] produce (an agreement) or settle ( a piece of business) in this way [常与with连用] 议定,商定
1. The strike was caused by the management's refusal to negotiate with the unions (工会).
2. The government has decided to negotiate with the opposition party (反对党) on the new tax law.
1. Union leaders have negotiated an agreement on a shorter working week.
2. I've managed to negotiate a five per cent pay increase with my boss after several discussions with him.
Reform [ri'fɔ:m] n. [C; U] (a) change made, esp. to a system or organization, that is intended to improve
it, remove unfairness, etc. 改革,革新,改进,改良
Equality [i:'kwɔlǝti] n. [U] the state of being equal 平等,同等
Reconcile ['rekǝnsail] v. 1) [(with)] find agreement between (two ideas, situations, etc., that seem to be
in opposition) [常与with连用] 调和;调解;使···与···一致
2) bring back friendly relations between; make friendly again 使和解;使恢复友好关系
1. I wonder how you would reconcile your political principles with your religious belief.
2. It's sometimes difficult to reconcile what one says with what one does.
1. Although they are prepared to be reconciled with one another, neither is prepared to make the first move.

2. The couple was completely reconciled after the husband made a sincere apology.
in accordance with [ǝ'kɔ:dǝns] in a way that fulfils or agrees with 按照,依照;与…一致
1. In accordance with what has been agreed, we have paid them $$12,000 for the service.
2. In accordance with the local residents' request, more policemen are on the beat at night now.
Emphasis ['emfǝsis] n. (pl. emphases ['emfǝsi:z]) [C; U (on, upon)] special force or attention given to sth.
to show that it is particularly important [常与on或upon连用](对事物、重要性等的)强调;(事实等的)重点,
1. Our English course places great emphasis on both listening and speaking skills.
[dai'vә:sǝti] n. [U (of)] the condition of being different or having differences; variety [常与of连用] 差异;多样

Interdependence [ˌintǝdi'pendǝns] n.
interdependent [ˌintǝdi'pendǝnt] a. depending on each other; necessary to each other 互相依赖的,互相需要

two-pronged ['tu:prɔŋd] a. 从两方面的,双管齐下的
lend itself to rather fml (of a thing) be suitable for 〖较正式〗(东西)对…有用,适用于…
1. None of her books really lends itself to being made into a movie.
2. We learned how to handle the problems which do not lend themselves to simple solutions.
Implement ['implimǝnt] vt. carry out or put into practice 实施;执行,贯彻
1. The current tax system has existed for years; a new one will be implemented next year.
2. The government promised to implement a new system to control financial loan institutions.
as it were as one might say 可以说是,换句话说
bring about cause to happen 导致;带来
1. How can we bring about a change in their attitude towards AIDs sufferers?
2. Many possible factors have brought about changes in the weather; the greenhouse effect (温室效应) is an
important one.
Combine [kǝm'bain] v. [(with)] join together; unite [常与with连用](使)联合;(使)结合
1. None of us has much money. But if we combine what we've got, it'll make a difference.
2. She has managed to combine her career with her family life.
in-depth a. [usually before noun] very thorough and detailed [常出现在名词前]深入的,彻底的
They eventually worked out a solution to the problem after making an in-depth study of it.
Multiple ['mʌltipl] a. [no comp.] including many different parts, types, etc. [无比较级]多样的,多重的
Pointless a. often derog meaningless; useless 〖常贬〗无意义的;无用的
Specialist ['speʃǝlist] n. [(in)] a person who has special interests or skills in a limited field of work or study
[常与in连用] 专家,行家
Illusion [i'lju:ʒǝn] n. a false idea, esp. about oneself 幻想,错误观念;错觉
1. It's an illusion to think that our company is doing well. In fact it's facing a financial crisis.
2. Credit (赊购货物) creates the illusion that you can own things without paying for them.
in depth going beneath the surface appearance of things; done with great thoroughness 深入(地),彻底
1. We should study the situation in depth, that is, to do it with great thoroughness.
2. We'll discuss his proposal in depth before we can decide whether to accept it or not.
Pointless a. often derog meaningless; useless 〖常贬〗无意义的;无用的
so to speak infml as one might say; rather 〖非正式〗可谓,可以说,简直是

1. She is as accurate as a Swiss watch, so to speak.
2. The boy is, so to speak, the little king of the family.
Passport ['pɑ:spɔ:t] n. [(to)] a small official book given by a government to a citizen, which proves who
that person is and allows them to leave their country and enter foreign countries; sth., such as a quality or
possession, that makes it possible for a person to do or get sth. desirable [常与to连用] 护照;(获取某物的)
lay the foundation(s) for
provide the conditions that will make it possible for sth. to be successful 为···奠定基础
1. He is always keen to observe animals, which has laid the foundation for his career in biology.
2. This agreement laid a sound foundation for future cooperation between the two countries.
Associate [ǝ'sǝuʃieit] v. [(with)] join (people or things) together; connect (ideas, etc.) in one's mind [常
与with连用] 将(人或事物)联系起来;在头脑中联想(注意等)
1. He wishes to forget everything associated with his former life.
2. A lot of evidence proved that he had never associated with the criminal.
Occupational [ˌɔkju'peiʃǝnǝl] a. of, about, or caused by one's job 职业的
Equip [i'kwip] vt. 1) [(for)] make able, fit, or prepared [常与for连用] 使有能力,使胜任,使有准备
2) provide with what is necessary for doing sth. 装备,配备
1. Her school training has equipped her for her present position in our company.
2. Not being a specialist in the subject, I am not well-equipped to answer such questions.
1. He was well equipped for the trip: bread, water, warm clothes, etc.
2. The hotel rooms vary in size and are equipped with hairdryers, televisions and telephones.
[dis'tiŋkʃǝn] n. [C; U (between)] the fact of being distinct; clear difference [常与between连用]区别,明显差别;
draw a distinction between point out differences between 指出···之间的不同
1. – Can you draw a distinction between these two points of view?
– I think there is no difference between them.
2. He claimed that he would draw make no distinction(s) between terrorism and murder.
wage-earner wage [weidʒ]-earner n. someone who works for wages 挣工资的人
self-employment [ˌselfim'plɔimǝnt] n. 个体经营
self-employed a. earning money from one's own business rather than being paid by an employer 自雇的,非受雇于人的
casual ['kæʒjuǝl] a. (of workers) employed for a short period of time (工人)临时的,短期的
hinge ★[hindʒ] v. [often pass.] [常用被动语态]装铰链于
hinge on upon
[not in progressive forms] depend on; have as a necessary condition [不用进行式]取决于,以···为转移
1. His political future hinges on the outcome of this election.
2. The fate of the prisoner hinges on upon the jury's decision.
Competence ★ ['kɔmpitǝns] n. [U] ability to do what is needed; skill 能力;技能
Readily ['redili] ad. quickly and willingly; with no difficulty 很快地;乐意地;无困难地
try out test (sth.) by use, action, and experience, in order to find out its quality, worth, etc. 试用;试验
1. The new drug has not been tried out on humans yet.
2. We won't know how the plan works out till we have tried it out.
Scheme [ski:m] n. esp. BrE a formal, official, or business plan 〖尤英〗计划;规划;方案
Intelligence [in'telidʒǝns] n. [U] (good) ability to learn, reason, and understand 智力;悟性;聪明

Aesthetic ★ [i:s'Ɵetik] a. AmE of or showing a highly developed sense of beauty, esp. in art 〖美〗(尤
Spirituality [ˌspiritju'ælǝti] n. [U] the quality of being interested in spiritual or religious matters, worship,
etc. 精神性;对精神、宗教等的热衷
course of action activity planned to achieve sth.; procedure followed to get sth. done 行动步骤;办事程

untapped [ˌʌn'tæpt] a. (of sth. useful or valuable) not yet put to use (有用或宝贵的东西)未开发的,未利用

▲ ['æptitju:d] n. [C; U (for)] natural ability or skill, esp. in learning [常与for连用](尤指学习方面的)才能,资
Charisma ☆[kǝ'rizmǝ] n. [U] the strong personal charm or power to attract that makes a person able to
have great influence over people or win their admiration (能使人效忠的)领袖气质;非凡的个人魅力
self-knowledge n. [U] knowledge of one's own nature, character, etc. 自知(之明),自我认识
renewal [ri'nju:ǝl] n.
renew v. make as good as new again; give new life and freshness to 使更新;使复活
access ['ækses] n. [(to)] means or right of using, reaching, or obtaining [常与to连用] 取得(接近)的方法(权
1. The bus is specially equipped with wheelchair access for the disabled.
2. We should make sure that every child from poor families has access to schooling.
Data ['deitǝ] n. information in a form that can be processed by and stored in a computer system; facts;
information (电脑的)数据;资料;材料
quality-minded a. seeing the importance of quality 重视质量的
twin [twin] a. [only before noun] used to describe two things that happen at the same time and are
related to each other [只出现在名词前] 两个同时发生、密切相关的事物的;成对的,成双的
prerequisite [ˌpri:'rekwizit] n. [(of, for, to)] fml sth. that is necessary before sth. else can happen or be
done [常与of、for或to连用]〖正式〗先决条件,前提
anchor ['ænkǝ(r)] v. fix firmly in position (使)稳固,固定
phase [feiz] n. [(in, of)] a stage of development [常与in或of连用] 阶段;时期
1. — My baby sucks almost everything that he can get hold of.
— Don't worry. It's just a phase and it'll get over it soon.
2. The project is only in the initial phase as yet, but it looks quite promising (大有希望的).
Interrelate [ˌintǝri'leit] v. [(with)] connect or be connected to each other in a way that makes one depend
on the other [常与with连用](使)相互关联
get sth. out of sth. sb. gain sth. from sth. sb. 从···得到(获得)
1. Will I get a huge profit out of this deal? No, I'll probably lose a lot of money on it.
2. I never get much out of his lectures. I wish he would try some other ways of teaching.







