Instructions for Lubrication Oil Station
China Luoyang Wanli Metallurgical&
Machinery Co., Ltd
March, 2013
Ⅰ. Brief Introduction
Ⅱ. Main Specifications
Ⅲ. Work
Theory& Structural Feature
Installation-Adjustment& Test Running
Maintain & Safety Skills
Ⅰ. Brief Introduction
station is mainly applied in the field of Cement,
metallurgy, Rolling, Mining,
Energy, Light
Industry, Communication& Transportation, Petrol-
chemical and
electrical fields. Through
Circulating Thin Oil System, the stations supply
lubricant to
friction sections as gears and
bearings of host gearboxes for mechanic equipment
which can reduce the attrition and cool
equipments so that the equipments can
properly and continuously.
The station use
N220-N320 medium-workload industrial gear oil or
other mechanical
lubricant oil as its work
This device consists of a lubrication
oil station, a panel and an electronic control
The oil supply pressure≤0.4MPa; Oil
Supply Temperature: 40±3℃; Filter Accuracy:
0.08-0.12mm; Temperature of Cooling Water≤30℃;
Pressure of Cooling Water: 0.2~
0.3MPa; Oil
supply temperature of Heat Exchanger is about 50℃;
Main Specifications
Nominal Flow Rate
Nominal Pressure
Oil Tank Capicity
Oil Supply Temperature
Oil Pump Type
Electric Motor Type
Electric Motor Power
Filter Type
Filter Accuracy
Cooler Type
Cooler Area
Heater Power
Oil Supply Pipe
Oil Return
Lubricant Oil
N220~N320 medium-workload industrial gear oil
Ⅲ. Work Theory& Structural
Work Theory
During operation, the
gear-wheel pump absorbs the oil from the tank,
then the oil will
be supplied directly to
lubricating point through the one-way valve, the
center valve
and pipe of the duplex filter and
tubular- type oil cooler,.
The maximum
operating pressure of the lubrication oil station
is 0.4MPa. According
to the requirement of
lubricating point, safety valve should be adjusted
to choose the
work pressure, when the pump
pressure exceeds the setting pressure, the safety
will be opened automatically, and oil
will return to the tank.
Normally, one pump
works, the other for spare. The spare pump will
supply the lubricant when the
system pressure falls to the setting pressure due
to some
reasons. The spare pump will stop
working until the pressure is normal; however,
when the pressure continues to reduce to the
other setting pressure, the warning signal
will indicate alarm and stops the mainframe.
So as oil filter, one for work, the other is
spare. Also, there is a pressure-difference
controller installed on the input and output
gate. When the pressure-difference is over
0.1MPa, the spare filter will work by
work, then taking out and cleaning or changing
filtering element.
There are two pressure-type
temperature controllers installed to maximum and
minimum two boundaries according to oil supply
temperature. That is, under low
circumstance, the signal light shines, operate
manually the heater to heat;
when the oil
temperature reaches the maximum point, cut off the
heater automatically
and stop heating; when
the oil outlet temperature is high, the signal
turns light, alarm
bell rings and turn on the
There places a bypass straight pipe
beside the cooler. When there is no need for
or it need inspecting, the valve can be
closed and the bypass should be opened so that
the oil flows out directly through the
straight pipe and repair the cooler, which will
not affect the normal work of oil lubrication
The oil lubrication station is an
integral structure which adopts electrical heating
all parts are installed on the oil tank.
Structural Feature
1. Installing
Spare Pump
There has two oil pumps for the
station, one pump works, the other for spare.
Normally, one pump works, the spare pump start
when the system pressure falls to the
pressure in order to supply lubricant oil
2. Adopting duplex oil filter.
There two filter element in the duplex oil
filter, one for work and the other one for
spare. It doesn’t need to stop the mainframe
when change the element by using the
valve to take out the original filter element and
start the spare one. The filter
without bypass
has a compact structure, which can be connected
and exchanged
It can improve the
filtering ability by placing the filter in front
of coolers; lubricant
with higher viscosity
can also get through.
3. Adopting GLC tubular-
type oil cooler.
Copper-heater exchanger- tube
has fine cooling effects with a small volume and
weight, and has much less resistance
than plate heater exchangers, so it is relatively
adoptable to use in the Lubrication Oil System
which has no intense pressure.
4. Installing
magnetic filter in the gate of oil returning.
This may keep the oil clean by adsorbing and
filtering small ferromagnetic
5. Installing bypass valve
Open the bypass
valve when heating, so that oil can keep flowing
and even heating,
also to avoid aging of the
oil for the too high temperature partially.
Installing dashboard and electric cabinet, by the
device running parameter can be
viewed easily,
also for automatic controlling and emergency
Installation-Adjustment& Test Running
integral lubrication oil station doesn’t need to
be fixed by foot screw but just
placed on a
flat ground or the hole beside the mainframe. It
can be carried when hang
the four lifting lug
on the oil tank.
The station has been passed
performance test before out of our factory, so it
can work
well after connecting with oil
supplying pipe, oil returning pipe, water pipe,
cabinet and after trial running.
Pipes should be pickled to remove rusts or
phosphate treated, neutralized by lime
rinsed by clean water and dried by compressed air
before connecting with
Operation Manuel
1. Set the pressure
controller and temperature according to the system
pressure and
oil temperature, then turn on the
oil, water and pressure of the station;
2. Set
the duplex to the operating place of one filter
and check whether the
connection of the cooler
is tight or not, and fasten if necessary;
Turn on the electric heater to heat the
oilaccording to the oil temperature required ,
and the oil should be kept flowing when being
4. Start the oil pump before the
mainframe works, only the system temperature is
achieved can the mainframes begin to work.
When stop the machine, mainframe
should be
stopped firstly and then the pump.
5. During
the operating of the lubrication oil station,
there will be signal lights
lighting and alarm
sound if the oil pressure temperature level on the
place, then turn off the alarm and
remove the failure according to the signal light.
6. It should move the change valve immediately
when the pressure difference is over
then start the spare filter and take out the
filtering element from the
original (the work
one) and clean or exchange the filter.
7. When
the supplying oil temperature is over 45℃, the
cooler could turned on, at
the same time it
should open the water valve, the oil valve and
close the bypass
valve of the cooler.
Otherwise, the water valve and the oil valve
should be closed
and the bypass valve
should be opened if not use the cooler long-term.
Ⅴ. Maintain & Safety Skills
1. The seal
gasket of the gear- wheel should be checked
frequently, any leakage or
damage should be
replaced in time;
2. According to the water
quality, coolers should be inspected and cleaned
5-10 months;
3. The duplex filter
should be cleaned to remove the dirt deposited
inside every 3
months, and replaced according
to the sealing condition;
4. The Magnetic
Filter should be cleaned every 3 months;
Pay attention to the oil level, once there is
water, it should be discharged by loose
two oil screws;
Lubricant oil in oil box
should be sampled and tested every month to decide
to be exchanged according to the oil