
2020年08月18日 03:30



Hello, ···. Yea, it’s me.
You must be Prof. Zhou.
Nice to meet you. How are you! I am fine, thank you.
It was very nice to meet with you and thank you give me this opportunity to interview.
···king (type, sort) of ···
Gonna, wanna, gotta,···
Then, ···
That’s it. You got it.
That makesdoesn’t make sense. 这个绝对正常。
Thanks. You are welcome.
要主动和教授沟通,多说一些:Yeah, that’s great, okay, no problem, it’s fine, thank you.
对方声音太小:Could you please speak a litter more loudly? I can hardly hear you.
对方讲的太快:Could you please slow down? I cannot follow you.
没听懂问题:I was lost about you said. Could you repeat your question? pardon
个别单词听不懂:what do you mean by “ ” ? what is the meaning of “ ” ?
最后的感谢和问候:Thanks for your time and have nice day.

1. What are your long term career goals?(showing your ambition and passion)
My ultimate goal is to be a distinguished professor in my research areas. If I have the
chance to your group, I will try my best to carry out the research projects. During the
postdoctoral work, what I am expecting are not only to obtain the good research papers by
my hard work, but also to have the best training in ···, and enrich my research experiences.
I think that the later is more important to me.

And after completed my postdoctoral training in your lab, I want to obtain a faculty
position in university. I hope I can not only be productive in research achievements and
papers as a scientist, but also be outstanding in education as a professor.
Those are my mention.

2. What is it that you are hoping to learn in my laboratory?
我想扩展一下我的学术视野。当然,我的知识还是很有限,我希望继续深造, 提高自己的

3. Give the available information on the web, what types of projects that my laboratory does
interest you most?
My interest is include ···. Current project in my present lab focused in ···. I think the peoject
carried in your group are interesting and more beneficial to ··· research area. The work
involving··· would benefit to treat the diseases of mammalian, especial of human beings. So
that, I am very hope to do some works in the area.
Second is the nice work done in your group in recent years, and the perfect research back
ground and technique supports in your lab. To be honesty, like every postdoctors, I really want
to do the good project under your instruction and can produce good papers, which would be
helpful to me finding a suitable position in anywhere.
Third is that I can learn a lot of new techniques in your lab and most important the ideas in
project selection, phenomena analyses and results conclusion. For research, I think that the
ideas are the key to success. I hope I can learn more from you. Otherwise, I think that with the
techniques I had commanded, such as DNA, RNA and protein manipulation techniques, I can
benefit a lot to your lab.
Those are my statement.


What research project or reaearch subjectare you going to let me do?
(2)我2019年1月才能去加入您们课题组, 在此之前我需要准备掌握哪些知识和实验技术来提高自己?
As Imentioned in my application letter, I will be able to join your group in January 2019. Before that, what
knowledge and experimental skills need I strengthen so as to adapt to the laboratory faster and get work
as soon as possible.
How many doctoral and postdoctoral staff are there in your research group?
Is the postdoctoral appointment two years?

1. 一些基础理论和基本技术,以及具体的技术
2.毕业之后要干嘛, 毕业后打算干什么,愿意在什么地方?
What’s your plan after you finish your study? What will you plan to do in the future?
r, How about the whether here or in some place today?
al information, Please introduce yourself. Tell me some thing about yourself
interest, hobby,sports,etc, 个人兴趣 (individual interests), What's your hobby?
What do you do in your spare time?
name of the courses you have taken, 你研究生阶段学了几门课?你学过计算机方面

kind of research you have done, Please tell me your working experience.你做的课
you have any special or excellent idea during your research experience?
you use any english textbook in classes?
you like to study in a small but with high quality university or a biguniversity like
Harvard or Princeton?
you apply for other university or contact with other faculties in the university? Do
you apply any other school? 你申请了几个学校?你都选择了哪几个学校申请?北卡州你会放在
about your abblity to be a teaching assistant? (I told him it's no problem if use
Chinese, but I need some practice in English.)
you have some question on me or on my institute? Now, you could ask me questions
about this position. 有什么要问他的。
are you doing now?
for XXX, are you insterested?
are you interesting in ***University? 你为什么选我们学校我们系?你为何选择此
are you going to USA not staying your homeland to study? Why you want to have
your graduate study in US? Why do you want to study in UA?
is your major now? What's your major?
something about your work, etc.
is your favor? (maybe)
is the great person in the world in your eyes?
ch interest
ch background, What's you graduate research work?
ng experience, 以前有无teaching和researching的经验?有无教书、主持会议的
what means I know his University.

are your plan in 5 to 10 years? What will you plan to do in the future?
is your TOEFL score?
your research project very difficult?
you are given an offer, can you come here this July? tell him you only can come
august,else he will feel you are not strong we give you thi
s offer, will you accept it?
pursue Ph.D.?
are you from?
’s your plan in this univ.?
36.中美两国教育体制不同,你做了哪些准备,对此学校有何特别的准备。There is a lot
difference between the China & Amercia Education systems, what you will prepare for it and
for the school.
39. What did you study at college?
40. Are you a graduate student, what is your job?
41. Have you received any offers? Which school gave you offers?
42. How will you choose? If we also accept you will you come?

51.你的班级排名, 我们年级一共多少人。我排多少名
's you graduate research work?
formal TA training? Have taken TSE?
is the vacation of your University?
are a undergraduate or postgraudate student?
do you study your English?
programming language do you know?
there some special faculty you are interested in?







