
2020年08月18日 03:31


“汽车租上两年,这辆车就归你了。 ”商家如此的承诺,相信对很多消费者都
有一定的杀伤力。这听来似乎有些不靠谱的事情,如今成了一种 全新的汽车消费模
“在通过资质审核的前提下,你只要支付相当于车价20%的保证金 ,就可以租
收 取的保证金也将如数退还。”北京捷翊客服人员小玲向一位消费者详细解释着这
项最新开展的“以租代购 ”业务。
拓展 自己产品的营销渠道。于是,一种名为“以租代购”的汽车融资业务开始在北
京、上海、成都等大中城市 悄然现身。
商 或汽车租赁公司会按照客户指定的车型购进新车,并与客户签订长期租赁协议,
根据协议在客户租用一定 的期限后,将车辆的产权转让给客户。这样一种新营销模
式的适用人群、适用车型,以及优劣之处进行了 分析。

meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes
after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, hardness test
sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon
steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat treatment,
hardness should not be greater than the parent material of 125%. Rate of
pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out according to the
design requirements, no no design requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10

inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high
pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may not allow non-
destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-layer welds
before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by ultrasonic
detector method. Should be consistent with existing national standards
for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for this project
promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal installation method
shown in the following figure: welders Welders and welding methods to
participate in this project should be in accordance with the Ministry of
personnel issued by the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination
rules for qualification examination, after passing the qualification
certificate of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic
welding. Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder,
took part in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure

vessel welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are
not subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to
control. This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc
welding methods.
如果以全款一次付清的方式,在该店购买一辆奔驰C180标准型轿车,消费者< br>需要一次性付款30.8万元,并支付约2.65万元购置税,累计约33.45万元。如果
算上 三年的使用成本——约3.5万元的保险费、3.55万元的保养费(按每年3万公
里计算),以及14 40元的车船使用税,购车加三年使用,共计需要花费约40.6万
如果以分期按揭方 式购买此车,消费者需首付车款的30%,即9.24万元,以及
2.65万元购置税。在日后三年时间 里,每月还款约7000元,36个月累计约为
25.2万元。再算上三年的保险、保养和车船使用税等 使用成本,购车加使用三
而若按以租代购方式购买此车 ,消费者需先行交付相当于车价30%的保证金,
即9.24万元,之后三年按每月1.25万元向商家 支付租赁费,而购置税和各项作用
成本,则全部包含在每月的租赁费中。待三年租期满时,商家将退还9 .24万元保
通过详细计算我们不难发现,选择以租代购的方式购车 ,与分期按揭的总花费
进行分期支付,这 不但节省了购车的一次性投入,而且分摊了车辆的使用成本,从
而降低了购车和用车的门槛。汽车市场资 深专家苏晖也认为,以租代购模式不仅丰

富了市场层次,也为消费者提供了多样选择。“ 对于喜欢尝试不同新车和追求个性
用车的消费者来说,新鲜感过后可以退租,避免了资源的闲置。”同时 ,以租代购
据中国汽车流通协 会副秘书长罗磊介绍,在西方发达国家,以租代购是一种非
常普及的汽车营销手段。“目前美国采用‘以 租代购’方式售出的汽车达到了汽车
销量的35%,日本每年的汽车租赁销售规模为200多万辆,约占 全国新车销售量的
国外如此盛行的汽车消费模式,在国内的起步又是否顺利呢?不过在采访 中记
们恭喜我 买新车时,我却告诉人家车是租的,这多掉价?”北京消费者韩先生的一
席话道破了以租代购不受宠的真 正原因。“与西方人不同,中国人买车强调所有
权。”罗磊认为,“开的车还不属于自己”的心理在很大 程度上阻碍了汽车以租代
北京捷翊汽车租 赁有限责任公司(以下简称捷翊租赁)成立于2015年6月,总
部位于北京,服务遍布北京、广州、深 圳、天津、杭州、贵阳、哈尔滨、沈阳、石
家庄、济南、武汉、长沙、南京、合肥、郑州、南昌、太原、 成都、重庆、西安、
大连、青岛、海口、meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat
treatment of pipes after heat treatment, hardness tests should be
conducted, hardness test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness
120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal
steel after heat treatment, hardness should not be greater than the
parent material of 125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall

be carried out according to the design requirements, no no design
requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10
examination of welded joints and acceptable level
less than the total number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a
wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot
penetrate, the situation may not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray,
used weld backing and two-layer welds before filled by x ray detection
method, the other layer by ultrasonic detector method. Should be
consistent with existing national standards for radiographic testing of
the ... Gas tank used chain for this project promoted the upsidedown
construction. Chain reversal installation method shown in the following
figure: welders Welders and welding methods to participate in this
project should be in accordance with the Ministry of personnel issued by
the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination rules for
qualification examination, after passing the qualification certificate
of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic welding.
Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder, took part
in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure vessel
welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are not
subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to control.
This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc welding

结义帮捷翊汽车租赁 以租代购买车 以租代购汽车

捷翊租赁专注于汽车融资租赁、经营性租赁, 专注于服务个人、企业、政府机
关、互联网租车平台、汽车租赁公司、汽车后市场用户,公司本着简单、 高效的服
务理念,为客户提供 “不限车型”、”不限地区”、”低首付”、”低利
灵活的 服务方案,遍布全国的服务网络,全新的服务理念,不断完善的服务体
系,是捷翊租赁不懈努力的方向, 客户的需求是捷翊租赁永远创新的动力,良好的
牌,我的汽车梦什么时候实现 !!!!

meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes
after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, har3 dness
test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of
carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat
treatment, hardness should not be greater than the parent material of
125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out
according to the design requirements, no no design requirements the
SH3501-2002 table 10
joints and acceptable level
number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm
20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may
not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-
layer welds before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by
ultrasonic detector method. Should be consistent with existing national
standards for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for
this project promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal
installation method shown in the following figure: welders Welders and
welding methods to participate in this project should be in accordance
with the Ministry of personnel issued by the boilers and pressure
vessels welder examination rules for qualification examination, after
passing the qualification certificate of welding work. Tank welding
manual arc welding, automatic welding. Manual arc welding company has a
number of excellent welder, took part in all kinds of large, medium and
small storage tank, pressure vessel welding, with rich experience,

manual welding characteristics are not subject to location restrictions,
welding deformation easy to control. This engineering welding
construction of shielded metal arc welding methods.
零首付 真的可以零首付,零首付,零首付~重要的事情说三遍
上车牌 你想上哪儿的车牌都可以,sorry国外的目前办不到
不限车型 奔驰、宝马、路虎、丰田,不设限,圆你汽车梦
五城同步 北京、天津、杭州、广州、深圳,你在这五个城市吗,那你太幸福

即汽车租赁客户首先缴纳 一定额度的保证金,然后逐月支付租金,待租期满两

meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes
after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, hardness test
sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon
steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat treatment,
hardness should not be greater than the parent material of 125%. Rate of
pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out according to the
design requirements, no no design requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10

inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high
pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may not allow non-
destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-layer welds
before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by ultrasonic
detector method. Should be consistent with existing national standards
for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for this project
promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal installation method
shown in the following figure: welders Welders and welding methods to
participate in this project should be in accordance with the Ministry of
personnel issued by the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination
rules for qualification examination, after passing the qualification
certificate of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic
welding. Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder,
took part in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure
vessel welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are

not subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to
control. This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc
welding methods.

结义帮捷翊汽车租赁 以租代购买车 以租代购汽车

l 低门槛,可以轻松购买车辆,实现更多客户拥有车辆的梦想;
l 解决号牌问题,无购车指标的客户,可以快速拥有当地车牌车辆,为客户生
活增加便利; l 手续简便、快捷办理,免去银行征信繁琐流程;
l 企业用户的用车租期可按企业现金流量来规划, 合同到期还可以选择续租车
l 租金可以在会计处理时全部记入当月费用,年终可以抵扣企业所得税,合法
l 租车不列入固定资产,不列入资产折旧,降低资产负债比例,企业信贷融资
能力相对提升; l 协助日常维修、保养、救援、理赔等事务支持,降低企业行政管
l 当事故发生,可以快速提供代步车,免除事故期间无车或短期高价租车的困
扰。 捷翊汽车租赁
l 不限车型、不限地区;
l 门槛低、手续简单;

l 提供车牌,解决限号地区没有车牌的困扰;
l 服务网点多,全国大部分城市分布有网点。
广州分公司地址:广州市天河区广园东路2193号时代新世界中心北塔907 石家
meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes
after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, har5 dness
test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of
carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat
treatment, hardness should not be greater than the parent material of
125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out
according to the design requirements, no no design requirements the
SH3501-2002 table 10
joints and acceptable level
number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm

20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may
not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-
layer welds before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by
ultrasonic detector method. Should be consistent with existing national
standards for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for
this project promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal
installation method shown in the following figure: welders Welders and
welding methods to participate in this project should be in accordance
with the Ministry of personnel issued by the boilers and pressure
vessels welder examination rules for qualification examination, after
passing the qualification certificate of welding work. Tank welding
manual arc welding, automatic welding. Manual arc welding company has a
number of excellent welder, took part in all kinds of large, medium and
small storage tank, pressure vessel welding, with rich experience,
manual welding characteristics are not subject to location restrictions,
welding deformation easy to control. This engineering welding
construction of shielded metal arc welding methods.







