
2020年08月19日 03:33


Lesson One Modern Legal Education
1 French lawyers are trained in universities, and English
barristers, on the other hand, enter the profession as members
of one of four Inns of Court, which are combinations of a law
school and professional organization
法国律师是 在大学里培养出来的,而英国的大律师是作为四
大律师学院之一的成员进入律师这一行的,这些律师学院 是

2 Today, American legal education is almost uniformly
postgraduate professional education at a formal law school,
usually affiliated with a university. And a degree from an
approved law school is common requirement for admission to
the bar, although the apprenticeship route is still open,
theoretically, in a number of states.
学后职业教育,这 所法学院通常隶属于一个大学。得到经美

3 State university law school tend to concentrate on the

traditional law courses: contracts, torts, constitutional law,
procedure, property, wills, trust and estates, corporation,
partnerships, agency, international law, maritime law, labor law,
administrative law. < br>州立大学法学院往往注重传统课程:合同法,宪法,程序法,
财产,遗嘱,信托和财产,公司,合 伙,代理,国际法,海

4 One reason lawyers are found in so many of the most sensitive
spots in American political and economic life is simply that their
legal education has exposed them to a broader range of public
problems than any other graduate program.
师的一个原因只是由于他们的法律教育使他们比 其他专业

5 More than ever before, law school today offer you a
opportunity to apply your legal skills as you require them, to use
what you learn as you learn it. School all over the country now
have programs under which you can spend time while in law
school working for the city’s legal aid department or the
public defender organization. You are also given opportunities

to work with governmental agencies in drafting legislation,
codes and regulations.

的时候能应用它们,当你在 学习的时候就能用你所学。全国
候就 为城市的法律援助部门和公设律师组织工作。你还有机

6 Most of our law schools do not try to teach you the “law” of
one state or another; they concentrate on teaching you legal
principles, legal reasoning and something of the philosophy of
我们的大多数法学院并不教你某一个州或另 一个州的法律,

7 Minor troubles such as traffic violations or fines for breaking
windows during a spree at college will not be held against you.
But a conviction for having committed a felony will in all
likelihood prevent your being admitted to practice, as will
membership in any subversive group or organization, unless you
can explain away as something you did when you were young

and foolish and show that you have long since resigned.
打 碎窗户而被罚款都不会阻碍你成为律师,但是因犯重罪而
被宣告有罪的话就完全不可能成为律师了,同样 的如果你是
你能解释清楚你当年的所 作所为是因为年少无知而犯的错

8 Judges in the United States, with exceptions in some minor
judiciary, are selected from the ranks of lawyers. In England
they are chosen from the select group of barristers known as
Queen ’s Counsel.
出来的 。在英国法官是从出庭律师当中精选出来的御用大律

9 The diverse training and careers of common ---and civil
---law judges is significant. Similar backgrounds and experience
provide a certain feeling of fellowship and mutual sympathy
between the common-law bench and bar.
普通法 系和大陆法系法官的截然不同的培训和职业生涯的
区别是非常重要的。相同的背景和经历使普通法系的法 官和


10 The prestige of the English and American judiciary is greater
than that of their civil-law counter- part, partly because of the
general feeling that only the better lawyers get judicial posts.
分是因为一般觉得只有好的律师才能 做法官的缘故吧。

Lesson Two Bases of the Legal System
ⅠKey sentence:
1 The law is the set of rules by which the citizens of a country
regulate their conduct in relation to their fellow citizens and to
the State.

2 In the United Kingdom there is no written set of rules; whether
an action is recognized as being in conformity with the law is
determined by a consideration of the authorities. These may be
statutes, statements by legal experts, or reports of decided cases.
If none of these fits the circumstances, the judge makes his

decision by analogy with the past decisions made in somewhat
similar circumstances.
在英国没有成文的成套法律规范,某个行 为是否符合法律规
评述,或者即判案 例的报告。如果以上都不能确定,法官会

3 The base of the legal system , in historical order, are: common
law; case law; statute law.

4 The essence of common law is that it grew through judicial
decisions recorded by lawyers and is not based on express
enactment. It is administered by examination of the decisions
made in previous cases of the same kind, known as
“precedents”, and arrival at a commonsense decision on that
普通法的精髓在于它是随着律师所记录的 司法判决而发展
过去的同样案件的判 决(称为先例)的检验来适用,然后在

5Case law is a development of the common law brought about
through the process of time.

6Reports exist of leading cases raising points of interest to
lawyers. These reports give the facts found by the court, the
arguments put forward and the reasons given by the judge for
coming to his decision. The principles on which these judgments
are based are binding on all lesser courts.
观点 。这些报告中有法庭确认的事实 ,有律师的辩论和法

7Thus, the House of Lords, apex of the judicial system,
decided in 1861 that it could not reverse its own previous
decision, so a House of Lords decision is binding on every court.
A High court decision is binding on a County court. But it can
be disregarded by another High Court judge and can be
overruled by the Court of Appeal.

法院都有约束力。高等法 院的判决对郡法院有约束力,但是

8The earliest enacted law was made by the sovereign with the
concurrence of his Council. Then , with the establishment of the
authority of Parliament, new laws were made or existing laws
changed by a statute, or Act of Parliament. < br>最早的制定法是君主在和他的顾问共同讨论后制定的。然
后,随着议会权力的确立,新法的制定或 现有法律的修改都

9 Statute law includes royal proclamations; orders made by
Ministers under the delegated power, known as statutory
instruments; and the by-law of local authorities or other bodies
having statutory powers.
为授权立法,也包 括地方权力机关或其他具有立法权的部门

10 Whatever court we turn to in our system, the authoritative
sources of the law are confined to statute and reported decisions.

在我们的制度中不管哪个法院,权威性的法 律渊源限定为成

11 But criminal law and civil law also overlap; and many acts or
omissions are not only “wrongs” for which the person injured is
entitled to recover compensation for his own personal injury or
damage, but also “offences” for which the offender may be
prosecuted and punished in the interest of the State.
刑法和民法也会重叠,许多作为或不作为不仅仅是民 事过
犯罪,即犯罪者可能会因触犯国 家的利益而受到起诉和惩

12Criminal law , therefore , deals with offences which are
deemed to harm the whole community and thus to be an
offence against the Sovereign.

13 English criminal law has been classified as “treason, felony
and misdemeanour” with a tentative fourth class described as
“summary offences”.

英国的刑法(中的犯罪)被划分成叛国罪,重罪和轻罪,同< br>时还有所谓的第四种分类,即决犯罪。

14 In the court the burden of proof is on the prosecution to
prove their case.

15 The accused throughout is presumed to be innocent unless he
admits the offence or until he is proved beyond reasonable doubt
to be guilty.

16 There are also so-called “private prosecutions” in which an
aggrieved person starts criminal proceedings either because the
police are reluctant to prosecute or perhaps because he feels he
can put up a more vigorous prosecution.
的情况下 ,受害人也可以提起刑事诉讼程序即所谓的自诉。

17 Civil law concerns the maintenance of private claims and
redress of private wrongs.


18The bulk of the work of administering civil law is concerned
with breaches of contract, including debt; torts(that is, civil
wrongs for which damages are recoverable, such as
defamation, enticement, trespass, or cases where negligence is
alleged); property relationships(such as bankruptcy, winding
up companies and administration of estates); and matrimonial
causes( separation and divorce).
适用民法的大多数工 作涉及违约,包括债,涉及侵权(即民
或过失可构成过错的侵权); 涉及财产关系(如破产,公司

P9 V
• 1尽管美国刑法起源 于英国,当时的刑法主要是判例法,
规范 重罪,轻罪及大量的轻微犯罪。


一般特性。这个学科 就是法理学。

• 3普通法的起源迷失在北欧和斯堪的纳维亚历史的薄雾
中, 它几乎没有被罗马帝国所影响,而北欧人(日耳曼

• 4科学知识的爆炸及转化成技术深远地影响了法律的内

• 5刑法和民法作为法律的两大主要部门也会重叠,许多
作为和不作为不仅仅是民 事过错,因为这个过错受害人

Lesson three sources of English law
1 Freely-negotiated commercial contracts may bind them to
behave in particular way.
• Negotiate谈判; 协商;兑现(支票等)
• Negotiation

• Negotiable instrument可转让票据,可流通票据
• non- negotiable不可转让,不可流通(只限本人使用的;
禁止转让的 )
• Non- negotiable bill of lading 不可转让提單

• Negotiating bank议付行
Act of Negotiable instrument票据法

A negotiable instrument may be a check, a bill of exchange, or a
promissory note。

2 Every time a purchase is made, a contract is made.

3 Here proposals for legislation (bills) are presented to, debated
by, and voted upon by the House of commons and the House of
Lords, finally receiving the assent of the monarch and thus
becoming legislation (statutes or Acts).
立 法提案被提交给上议院和下议院,然后在那里进行讨论和

4 Bills proposed in Parliament become Acts.
• Bill
• (提交议会讨论的)议案,法案
• Bill of Rights 权利法案
• bill of lading提单
• bill of exchange汇票

4 Some of these documents bind the people to whom they are
addressed to behave in particular ways.
• Address
• 向…说话 speak to;
演说;演讲 give a speech to
• (图书、文章等)讨论(某主题) This article addressed „..
*5 In order to discover the way in which legislation should be
applied, the judges have developed a complex network of
principles for statutory interpretation, which are designed to
assist in the proper application of the law.
为了找到立法适用的方法,法官们发展了一套综合 的法律解

*6 It must be evident that the very process of statutory
interpretation always carries with it the risk of divergence
between Parliament and the courts in the eventual conclusion

*7 Leaving aside the difficulties caused in deciding what these
principles of interpretation might mean, it is a matter of
controversy whether they act as rules deciding what the judges
do or provide rationalizations for what the judiciary have
already decided. < br>不考虑确定这些法律解释原则会是什么意思时所带来的麻
烦,这些解释原则是做为确定法官该怎么 做的规范还是对法

Lesson four comparing civil law and criminal law
• 1 In any event, prevention and punishment are essential
reasons why we have criminal law and a criminal justice
• 无论如何,预防和惩罚是我们需要刑法和刑事司法制度


• 2 By allowing lawsuits against individuals who have
behaved in a manner not consistent with society’s rules,
civil law actually acts to prevent nonconformity. However,
prevention of bad behavior may be more the consequence
of civil law than the purpose.
• 通过用诉讼来对抗那些做了违反社会规范的行为的人,
民法实际上起到了预防违法的作用 。然而,预防违法与

• 3 Contract law is a branch of civil law that deals with
written aggreement between two or more parties.
• 合同法是民法的一个分支,它规范两个或两个以上的当

Enter into缔结(协议)
entered into a contract

conclude订立, 达成(协议)
conclude a contract

• Apartment leases公寓租约
• lease租约,出租,租借期限
• The lease on this house expires at the end of the year.
• 这房子的租约年底到期。
• He leased his apartment to his friend.
• 他将他的房间租给他的朋友。

• lessor出租人----lessee 承租人
• tenancy 租期---
• Lease period, rental period
• The tenancy of this large room is five years.
• 这个大房间的租期是五年。

• Rent租金,出租(房屋等)
• house rent
• 房租
• for rent
• 出租的
• He decided to rent the house.
• 他决定租这房子。

• Flipside另一方面

• Flip轻弹, 轻抛[扔]
• flip a coin掷硬币的方法决定
• Tom flipped a coin to see whether he would pass the
• 汤姆掷硬币看他考试是否会及格。

• flip through 浏览
• He flipped through the papers but could not find what he
was looking for.
• 他匆匆翻阅报纸, 但是找不到要找的东西。

• premise【逻】前提
• the major [minor] premise
• 【逻】大[小]前提
• These are the major and minor premises on which the
conclusion is based.
• 这是这个结论所依据的前提。

• Premises [pl. ]房产; 房屋(及其附属建筑, 地基等)
• live on the premises
• 住在楼内
• see sb. off the premises

• 送至门口; 下逐客令

• Damages [pl.]【律】损害赔偿; 赔偿费
• Compensatory damages
• 【律】 补偿性的损害赔偿
• punitive damages
• 【律】惩罚性的损害赔偿
• remote damages
• 【律】间接损害
• liquidated damages
• 违约金

• act with caution 谨慎作为
• Tortfeasor侵权人--- the injured受害人

• 4 When a person fails to act reasonably and
unintentionally injures another, that person is responsible
for a negligent tort. Automobile accidents and medical
malpractice are examples of negligent torts. When a
person injuries another intentionally, a intentional tort has
当某人因未能合理作 为且无意地伤害了他人时,他就要为他

的过失侵权承担责任。交通事故和医疗事故就是过 失侵权的
例子。当某人故意伤害他人时, 就是故意侵权了。

• negligent tort过失侵权
• intentional tort故意侵权
• Automobile accidents交通事故
• medical malpractice医疗事故







