
2020年08月19日 03:39


在现实生活中,这样的事屡见不鲜,①堆成小山的脏衣服想洗却一直没动手;④< br>明知马上要交作业,却还在玩游戏、晒照片、在各大论坛看帖子,直到最后一刻
才不得不开始工作 ;⑤期末考试临近,却不愿碰专业书本或文献一下,甚至哪怕
deadline就在几天之后,这样的人 有一个共同的名字——“拖延症患者”
In our daily life, such things are common. A pile of dirty clothes to be washed have
been not started. Knowing immediately to hand in papers, still playing the game,
uploading photos, seeing posts in various forums, not until the last minute will you
get started to work. Final exams are approaching, but you do not want to touch the
professional literature about the book or even just a few days comes the deadline
even. Such people have a common name - delaying disease patients, or we can call
them patients with procrastination
拖延症(Procrastination)指的是 非必要、后果有害的推迟行为。取意“将之前
的事情放置明天”。目前这个词并不是一个严格的心理学或 医学术语,但拖延现
Procrastination refers to a non necessary to postpone the consequences of harmful
behavior, which is Intended to take
word is not a strictly psychological or medical terminology. However, delays have
become to be an important research topic in the management and psychology
中国青年报的一项网上心理调查结果显示,2250名被访者中,有72.8%的人 坦言
美国和加拿大的统计数据表明,70%的大 学生存在学业拖延的状况,普通人中也
有20%的人每天出现拖延行为。按照这个数据推算,全球有近1 0亿人患有拖延
The results of an online survey of psychological made by China Youth Daily, Show that
2250 respondents, 72.8% of people admitted that they are suffering from
procrastination. Of which 14.0% feel that their amount procrastination
41.5% of people think only 7.3% of people feel that they do not have
delay disease. The U.S. and Canada statistics show 70% of college academic
procrastination condition exists, also 20% ordinary people have daily delays behavior.
According to this data, nearly 1 billion people worldwide suffer from procrastination.
1 lack of confidence. Because each task is not up to the highest ability, the ability for
self- assessment will become more lower.
2 I am too busy. I don’t have it done is dragging because I've been busy.

3 stubborn. Your urge on me has no use, I will be ready to start doing naturally.
4 manipulate others. Their worry is useless, all things will not begin before my
5. Against pressure. Every day a lot of pressure to be faced so that something has
to be dragged down.
分析原因 一个人认为自己5天之内可以做完一件事情,所以在离期限还有15天的时候一
点不着急,直到最后 只剩5天了才开始。 这种紧迫感和焦虑往往促发人的斗志,
会让自己觉得,自己只有在压力状态下才有 做事情的状态。最后拿到成绩的时候,
成绩往往不是很差,这样子就强化了自己最适合在deadlin e之前短期高压的状态
下工作的心态,并且对以后的行为不断进行自我暗示, 即使结果不好,我也可以
1. 完美主义。所有事情都要达到一个很高的境界,要一次做好,所以不愿意匆
匆忙忙开始,要万事俱备才行 。
事情,等明 天再做吧。但是往往明天到了,心里还是不高兴做,又继续往后推
4懒散 总觉得时间充足,认为在最后可以一口气完成 性格本身拖拉,意志力
Someone thinks he can finish within five days of the thing, so it is not in a hurry when
there are 15 days away from the deadline, and their will not start until only five
days left .This sense of urgency and anxiety often trigger people's morale, they think
they can only to do things under pressure. The examination, for example, the final
results are often not very poor, so students will strengthen their work in the short
term under high-pressure before the deadline, even if the result is not good, they can
also say, that is because I did not do my best, if I really work, the results will certainly
be good. Psychological experts think the following are the reasons for people’s
1. Perfectionism All things have reached a very high level, so they do not want to
have a rush beginning, everything should be ready for the job.
3. Easy decadence The task is too difficult, they just ask why I need to do this. they
can not tolerate continued to do this, they want to do it tomorrow. But more often
they are not willing or unhappy to finish when tomorrow comes, and continue to
push back their work.
4 lazy Always feel there is sufficient time , and that to complete in the last breath,
willpower is not strong.
How to get rid of procrastination? 如何摆脱拖延症?
1. Stop thinking. Start doing.停止东想西想,立即采取行动
Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.——Spanish Proverb“明天总是一周
One of the most common problems is procrastination.拖延症是极其常见的一个毛
Stop thinking. Start doing.停止东想西想,立即采取行动。
A bit of planning can certainly help you to achieve what you want to achieve. A lot of
planning and thinking tends to have the opposite effect.有点计划确实有助于实现

You think and think and try to come up with
don't have to make mistakes, where you will never be rejected, where there will be
no pain or difficulties.你绞尽脑汁想得出一个“完美计划”——用这个计划,你就
能避免犯 错,永远都不会碰壁,也不会遭遇痛苦或困难。
Such a thing does of course not exist. But as long as you work on that plan you can
protect yourself.
毋庸置疑,这种事压根儿 就不存在。其实,只要坚持实行一个计划,你也能保护

2. Don’t blow a task out of proportion.不要过犹不及
By over thinking and putting things off you are not only trying to protect yourself
from pain. You also make mountains out of molehills. 思虑过头或不断拖延推迟并
The quotes above are so true it isn't even funny. The more hours and days you put
something off the worse it grows in your mind.前面那句谚语确实是至理名言啊。拖
Because you are dwelling on it. And so it expands in your mind. And since you are
putting it off you are probably thinking about it in a negative way. 因为你总是止不
住去想,脑子里全是这事儿;而且因为 这事儿被一拖再拖,你的情绪也跟着消极
So plan a little and then take action.所以还是把计划定小一些,然后采取行动吧。

3. Just take the first step.只需迈出第一步
When you start to look too far into the future any task or project can seem close to
And so you shut down because you become overwhelmed and start surfing the
internet aimlessly instead. That is one of the reasons why it is good to plan for the
future but then to shift your focus back to today and the present mom ent.接着你会
Then you just focus on taking the first step today. That is all you need to focus on,
nothing else.
By taking the first step you change you mental state from resistant to
this, cool

4. Start with the hardest task of your day.从最棘手的任务着手。
Maybe you have an important call to make that you also fear might be

uncomfortable. Maybe you know you have gotten behind on answering your emails
and have big pile to dig into. Maybe you have the last five pages of your paper to
finish.或许你得打一个重要电话 ,但你心里有些抗拒;或许你意识到邮件已经积
了一大堆,必须得去处理了;又或许你的论文还有最后五 页需要赶一赶。
Whatever it may be, get it out of your way the first thing you do.不管是什么任务,都
If you start your day this way you will feel relieved. You feel relaxed and good about
yourself. 如果每天先处理棘手任务,你将大大松一口气、放松且自我感觉良好。
And the rest of the day – and your to-do list – tends to feel a lot lighter and
easier to move through. It’s amazing what difference this one action makes.接下来

5. Just make a decision. Any decision.只需下定决心,任何决定都行。
We feel bad when we sit on our hands and don't take action because it's unnatural.
The natural thing is to be a decisive human and take action.当我们干坐着什么也不
做时,情绪 会变得很坏,因为这是有违天性的。我们的天性就是不断作出决定、
When you procrastinate you want to do something but you don't take the action that
is in alignment with that thought. You become conflicted within.你明 明想做某件事,

What you do always sends signals back to you about who you are. Sure, doing
affirmations where you say to yourself that you are confident can help you. 你所做
But taking the confident actions you want to take over and over again is what really
builds your self confidence and a self-image of you being a confident person.只有反

6. Face your fear.直面内心恐惧。
I think this is true. It's easier to live on that
take action. 我觉得这一点很正确:人们很容易陷入“将来某一天„„”的思维
To risk looking like a fool. To make mistakes, stumble and not avoid that pain. To take
responsibility for your own life.请像傻瓜一样去冒险吧,请去犯错误、去碰壁、去
The easier choice can come with a sense of comfort, with a certain level of success,
pangs of regret for all the things you never dared to do and a vague sense of being
unfulfilled. You wonder about what would have happened if you had taken more
action and more chances.容易的选择能带来舒心和某种程度的成功,但你也将会
为所有不敢尝试的事情而感到后 悔,你将会感到空虚,你会特别想知道:如果抓

7. Finish it.坚持完成。
Not taking the first step to start accomplishing something can make you feel bad. 没有迈开第一步去完成某事会让你感到糟糕,但没有完成已经开始的事情也会让你
But not finishing what you have started can also leave you in a sort of negative funk.
You feel fatigued or stressed and sometimes you don’t even know why. It’s like
someone zapped your inner power.就好像有什么东西掏空了你内心的力量一样。
If that is the case, go over tasks and projects what you are currently involved in. 如
Is there something there you know you want to finish but haven’t yet? Try to get
that finished as soon as you can you will start to feel a whole lot bett er.你是不是有







