
2020年08月19日 04:04


Chinese-English Translation Course
Unit One
Error Analysis:
Part One On the test paper
I. Choose the one which is proper and idiomatic .
1. Our home, once full of laughters, now deafens us with its silence.
译文A: 我们的家,曾经充满了欢声笑语,现在却充 满了令人震耳欲聋的沉寂。
译文B: 我们的家,曾经充满了欢声笑语,现在却十分安 静。
2. There are few of us but admire his courage.
译文A: 我们人人都佩服他的勇气。
译文B: 我们中很少有人佩服他的勇气。
3. All cities did not look like as they do today.
译文A: 在过去,城市面貌并不都像今天这样千篇一律。
译文B: 过去,城市面貌与现在完全不同。
4. To starve oneself emotionally is a mistake.
译文A: 不满足自己感情上的需要是一种错误。
译文B: 使自己的感情挨饥受饿是一种错误。
boss‘s girl Friday called me.
译文A: 老板的女儿星期五打电话给我了。
译文B: 老板的女秘书打电话给我了
6. Marriage bed is full of roses and thorns.
译文A: 婚姻总是有苦有甜。
译文B: 婚姻的花坛里既长鲜花也生荆棘。
7. I never go past that kindergarten but think of my happy childhood there.
译文A: 每当我走过那所幼儿园,我就回想起在那里度过的 幸福童年。
译文B: 尽管我从未经过那所幼儿园,但是我回想起在那里度过的幸福童年
8. And soon over the whole surface of the marsh, a great cloud of birds hung screaming and circling in the air.
译文A: 很快就有一块乌云似的一大群野鸟在沼泽上空惊叫着,盘旋着。
译文B: 很快就有黑压压的一大群野鸟在沼泽上空惊叫着,盘旋着。
9. SS guards then shoved each prisoner in the direction the doctor had indicated.
译文A: 希特勒的党卫军按医生所指的方向推着被监禁者。
译文B: 希特勒的党卫军按医生所指的方向推着犯人。
10. Thus it was that our little romantic friend formed visions of the future for herself.
译文A: 我们的小朋友一脑袋幻想,憧憬着美丽的未来。
译文B: 我们浪漫的小朋友憧憬着美好的未来。
II. Improve the Chinese version.
1. He was wrinkled and black, with scant gray hair.
译文: 他又皱又黑,头发灰白稀疏。
2. Wall Street is a dog-eat- dog place.
3. All freely falling bodies descend from the same height in equal time.
译文:一切自由降落的物体,从同样的高度,以相等的时 间下降。
4. Why waste breath on them, who have turned such an unwilling ear?
5. We have plenty of company in the way of wagonloads and mule-loads of tourists — and dust.
译文:跟我们做伴的人真不少,有乘马车的,有骑骡子的—— 一路尘土飞扬。
6. His speech leaves no room to improvement.
7. He thought, not very vividly, of his father and mother.
8. Casualties were taken to several hospitals in southwestern Georgia, some of which operated on backup generators.
9. To cure his patients, he relied on a palette of remedies that included modern science, folk medicine and plain common

10. Struggle and submission are before the colonial people; this leads to slavery, that to freedom.
III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1. All the time spent online has left many young infotech workers without much time for life offline.
2. Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit of
3. Nowhere has the impact of family breakup been more profound than in our school. Principals report a dramatic rise in
the aggressive, acting-out behavior characteristic of children living in single-parent families.
4. Books are of the people, by the people, for the people. To some extent, book- friends have some advantages over living
5. This victory means the victory of civilization over ignorance, of science over superstition and of truth over falsehood.
6. My assistant, who had carefully read through the instructions before doing his experiment, could not obtain satisfactory
results, because he followed them mechanically.
7. The book describes the march of civilization from ancient Egyptian times to the present.
8. It was diamond cut diamond when the two men met because they were both so sure their own ideas were right.
9. She is always finding excuse for her failure by saying that I can‘t make bricks without straw; in fact, carelessness is her
heel of Achilles.
10. Mr. White is a very white man. He has been feeling blue today. When I saw him, he was in a brown mood. I hope he'll
soon be in the pink again.
IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese.
1. Online newspapers are a look into the future, and just pondering it raises the question of whether it isn‘t nicer
getting your daily news curled up in your favorite chair with your ballpoint pen handy to circle items of interest, or scissors
ready to snip out articles you want to save.
在线报纸是对未来的一种窥视。只需沉思片刻你就能提出这样一个问题:每天蜷缩 在舒适的椅子上,顺手用圆
珠笔将你所关心的内容圈划下来,或用剪刀将你想保存的文章剪下来,这样是 不是更好一些?
The rest of the world is moving into cyberspace more slowly than the United States, and, in the developing world,
the Internet has hardly penetrated at all. U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan is determined to change this through the
United Nations Information Technology Service, which will train large numbers of people to tap into the income- enhancing
power of the Internet.
与 美国相比,世界其他地方进入电子空间的速度较慢,而在发展中国家,因特网几乎还根本没能渗入进去。联合国秘书长科菲·安南决心通过联合国信息技术服务机构来改变这种情况。根据他的计划,该机构将训练大量人 员开发互联

At Microsoft, Bill Gates predicts that by 2018 major newspapers will ― publish their last paper editions and move
solely to electronic distribution,‖ and that by 2020 dictionaries will redefine books as ― eBook titles read on screen.‖

在微软公司,比尔·盖茨预言到2018年主要报纸将―出版他们的最后一张纸张版本,然后转入完全出版电子读 物‖,

2. Our challenges may be new. But those values upon which our success depends --- hard work and honesty, courage
and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism --- these things are old. These things are true. They have been
the quiet force of progress throughout our history. What is demanded then is a return to these truths. What is required of us
now is a new era of responsibility --- a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our
nation, and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is
nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character, than giving our all to a difficult task.

2. 我们可能面临着全新的挑战,但是我们 的成功所仰赖的价值标准却是古老的——勤劳、诚实、勇气、公正、忍耐、
好奇、忠诚和爱国。这些东西 都是真实的,它们在整个美国历史上一直是我们取得进步的背后推动力。现在所亟需的是回
归这些真理, 现在我们需要进入一个新的责任时代——需要每个美国人都认识到,我们对自己、对这个国家、对整个世界
都负有责任,不是勉强接受的责任,而是当仁不让,应该彻底明白一点,即除非将我们的一切献给一项艰巨的任 务,我们
Part Two Class activity
Chinese have the custom that they eat sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour and appreciate festive lanterns at
the night of January 15.
The project makes less progress because of his incooperation.

You whoever wants to go spring outing please sign up your name and pay dues before Friday.
I think the clothes prices in the shop were so expensive even if they are made 60 percent discount.
With respect to the current situation, the cost of this engineering will exceed 30 percent of the budget.

If you want to cancel this travel, please tell us by writing at least one month earlier.

I‘m afraid it is impossible for him to agree such requirement.
On the annual board of directors, he reminded everyone to pay attention to a problem which was ignored in common.
9.中国饮茶的风尚,到了第七世纪的唐代,已经相当盛行了(A)。那时日本派有大 批的留学生,到中国来学习中国文 化,
日本现在的所 谓茶道,向西方人士夸说是日本独特的艺术,其实完全是中国的古风,明代以前的烹茶办法(C)。除了日
A. In the seventh century of Tang dynasty, the Chinese prevailing custom of drinking tea was in vogue.
B. At that time, large quantities of students were sent to China by Japan to study Chinese culture. Accordingly they learned
the Chinese tea-drinking custom.
C. The so-called Tea Doctrine now in Japan was bragged to the Western personalities about that it‘s the Japanese unique
in fact, it was completely ancient Chinese custom and the way to make tea till the Ming dynasty.
D. Except the Japanese, the foreign people who are fastidious about drinking tea should be Englishmen, but it is only two or
three hundred years after the Englishmen knowing about drinking tea.
10.一六四四 年,李自成挥师北上,攻入北京;崇祯自缢于煤山,明朝就此覆亡(A)。假如山海关统兵大率帅吴三桂顺李自成,中国的近代史就会是另一个样子(B)。然而吴三桂却因为李自成抢了他的爱妾陈圆圆,―冲冠一怒为 红颜‖,放清兵

A. In 1644, the leader of revolting armies, Li Zicheng,led his army to attack the north and occupied
Beijing, the last emperor of the Ming dynasty, hung himself to death at Mountain Mei. From then on, the Ming dynasty died
B. If the chief commander of Shanhaiguan, Wu San-gui, came over and pledged allegiance to Li Zicheng, Chinese modern
history would be another appearance.
C. However, because Li Zicheng robbed his wife Chen Yuanyuan, whom he loved deeply, so Wu Sangui flew into a rage for
beauty and helped the troops of Qing come into Shanhaiguan.
D. And in this case, the people of Man ruled the country instead of Ming without difficulty.
Unit Two Differences between English and Chinese
I. General introduction
1. Different language families
2. Different nature of language
3. Difference of sentence structure
II. Differences

English and Chinese vocabulary

differences in thinking ways result in the differences in this two languages
―天人合一‖ - ―人物分立‖

eg. I do believe in fate that falls on us no matter what we do, but, I do believe in fate that will fall on us if we do nothing.
---- Ronald Reagan
Particular-General Pattern (----Chinese)
General-Particular Pattern (----English)
It was keen disappointment that I had to cancel
the visit I had intended to pay to Hong Kong on
July Ist.
eg2. 在全球经济事务中,中国应继续保持一个积极而充满活力的力量,我坚信这是符合我国利益的.
I strongly believe that it‘s in the interests of my countrymen that China should remain an active and energetic power in
global economic matters.

2) word for word correspondence
3) one word with multiple equivalents of
the same meaning
4) words without correspondence
5) hypotaxis and parataxis
Difference in Word, Sentence, Text Discourse
Sentence: hypotaxis, parataxis
Eg. The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and the lack of transport facilities, is compounded by the paucity of
the information media.

由于距离远,又缺乏交通 工具,使农村社会与外界隔绝,而这种隔绝,又由于通讯工具不足而变得更加严重。
(Poor English: Because there is a great distance and there are not enough transport facilities, the rural world is isolated.
This isolation has become more serious because there are not enough information media. )
Text Discourse:
subject-prominent, topic-prominent
Eg1. They tell us, Sir, that we are weak; … But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it
be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by
irresolution and inaction? … Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath
placed in our power.
先生,他们说我们力量小…但是什么时候我们才会强大起来?下星期还是明年?是不是要 等我们完全被解除武装、家家户
户都驻扎了英国士兵的时候?我们迟疑不决、无所作为就能积聚力量吗? …先生,如果能恰当地利用万物之主赋予我们的
Eg2. 春眠不觉晓,
I awake light----hearted this morning of spring,
Everywhere round me the singing of birds,
But now I remember the night, the storm,
And I wonder how many blossoms were broken.

2. Lexical and Syntactical Differences
1) matching of words
eg. 炉子着得很旺。
(The fire is burning briskly in the stove.)
她着凉了 。
(She has caught cold.)
你猜着了 。
(You have guessed right.)
老李躺下就着了 。
( Lao Li fell asleep as soon as he lay down.)
他走错了一着 。
(He has made a false move. take a wrong
(These children are all neatly dressed.)
(All these measures are aimed to further emancipating the productive forces.)
2) order of words in the sentence
eg. He also concluded that insight into prehistoric cultures should ideally proceed from knowledge of living cultures.

他还得出这样的结论:要 对史前各种文化有深刻的认识,应从了解现存的种种文化着手,这是最理想的方法。

3) sentence order
compare the following sentences:

The government would wait a month or two
before deciding their next move.

2) 女儿经常熬夜,这让妈妈很担心。
It worries her mother much that her daughter
often stays up so late.
3) 如果有人敢于语言此事的结果,那他定是个鲁莽
He would be a rash man if he should venture
to forecast the results of this event.
III. Comment on Last Week‘s Homework
Error Analysis:

By the Tang dynasty in the seventh century, tea-
drinking had become very popular in China.

At that time many Japanese students were sent to China to study Chinese culture. Naturally they acquired the Chinese
tea-drinking habit.
C. The so- called tea ceremony in modern Japan, boasted to Westerners as a unique Japanese art, was in fact entirely an
ancient Chinese custom, the way to brew tea before the Ming dynasty.

D. Except for the Japanese, no other foreigners attach more importance to tea drinking than the British, who learned to
drink tea only two or three hundred years ago.

In 1644 the rebel leader Li Zicheng marched north with his troops, attacking and capturing Beijing. Chongzhen, the last
Ming emperor, hanged himself at the foot of Coal Hill. Thus the Ming dynasty collapsed.
( Leading his troops north, the rebel leader Li Zicheng attacked and occupied Beijing in 1644. The death of Emperor
who hanged himself on Coal Hill, marked the end of the Ming dynasty.)
B. If Wu Sangui, commander of the strategic Shanhai pass, had surrendered to Li, modern Chinese history would have been
much different. (taken on a different look.)
C. However, because Li Zicheng robbed him of his favorite concubine, Chen Yuanyuan, Wu flew into a rage for the sake of
the beauty and let the Qing troops enter the pass.
D. In this way, the Manchu people took over the Ming empire without much difficulty.

Paragraph translation (参考译文)
In building a well-off society in all-round way, it is of vital importance to take economic development as the central
task and keep releasing and developing the productive forces. In light of the new trends in the economy, science and
technology of the world and the requirements of our national economic development in new period, we should undertake
the following main tasks for economic development and reform in the first two decades of this century: to improve the
socialist market economy, promote strategic

adjustment of the economic structure, basically accomplish industrialization, energetically
apply IT, accelerate modernization, maintain a sustained, rapid and sound development of the
national economy and steadily uplift the people‘s living standards. In the first decades, we will accomplish all the objectives
set in the 10th Five-Year Plan and for the years up to 2010 so as to bring the economic aggregate, overall national strength
and the people‘s living standards up to a much higher level and lay a solid foundation for even greater development in the
second decade.

江南的春天素称多雨,一落就是七八 天。住在上海的人们,平日既感不到雨的需要,一旦下雨,天气是那么阴沉,谁也
耐不住闷在狭小的家里 ;可是跑到外面,没有山,没有湖,也没有经雨的嫩绿的叶子,一切都不及晴天好;有时阔人的汽
车从你 身旁驶过,还得带一身污泥回来。
参考译文:Spring in the south is known to be rainy. During this season, it never rains there but it remains wet for seven or
eight days on end. Dwellers in Shanghai, who usually do not feel the need for rain, will be bored with having to confine
themselves in their close quarters when outside it is gloomy with rain. While in the open, seeing no mountains, nor lakes,
nor rain-drenched soft green leaves, you‘ll find nothing comparable to a fine day. Sometimes, worse still, a rich man‘s car
flashing past may splash you all over with mud.

Unit Three
Hypotaxis and Parataxis
I. Review (Contrasts between E and C Languages)

English Chinese
1. synthetic analytic
2. hypotaxis parataxis
3. chain language block language
4. complex simple
5. tightly-knitted loosely- structured
6. result + cause cause + result
7. impersonal personal

8. static dynamic
9. substitutive repetitive
10. passive active

abstract concrete
eg1. Thus encouraged, they made a still bolder plan for the next year.
eg3. 有一个英国人,不会讲中国话,有一次在中国旅行。
An Englishman who could not speak Chinese
was once traveling in China.

eg7. 她独处时感到一种特别的安宁。
A strange peace came over her when she was alone.
eg8. 你一定是不善于学习,要不然就是教你的人很不会教。
You must be a very bad learner; or else you must be going to a very bad teacher.
eg9. 他讨厌失败,他一生中曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且藐视别人的失败。
He hated failure; he had conquered it all his
life, risen above it, and despised it in others.

II. Hypotaxis and Parataxis
Hypotaxis: The dependent or subordinate
construction or relationship of clauses with
connectives; for example, I shall despair if you
don‟t come.
----( The American Heritage Dictionary)
Parataxis: The arranging of clauses on after
the other without connectives showing the
relation between them.
---- ( The World Book Dictionary)

以朱自清的《匆匆》(Transient Days)为例:
译文一:Swallows may have gone, but there is a time of return; willow trees may have died back, but there is a
time of regreening; peach blossoms may have fallen, but they will bloom again.
译文二:If swallows go away, they will come back again. If willows wither, they will turn green again. If peach
blossoms fade, they will flower again.

1) 把小孩冻坏了,我们怎么向他的母亲交代?
If the child catches a chill, what are we going to say to its mother?
2) 他老是见异思迁。
He is always changing his mind the moment he sees something new.
3) 他说得太快,我们不能理解他的意思。
He spoke so rapidly that I could not clearly understand him.
4) 我只见到他的背影,认不清是谁。
I could not make out who he was as I only saw his back.

5) 话不投机半句多。
When the conversation gets disagreeable, to say one word more is a waste of breath.
6) 汤姆干了这事,干得非常成功。
Tom did it, and did it very successfully.
7) 江山易改,本性难移。
It is easy to change rivers and mountains but hard to change a person‟s nature.
Shanghai was once paradise for the adventurers but hell for the working people.
9) 他于1830年离校,去伦敦生活。
He left school in 1830, and went to live in London.

III. Basic Clause Pattern in English
1. SV 5. SVOA
2. SVA 6. SVOO
3. SVC 7. SVOC
4. SVO
eg. 内战使他们的生意萧条.
Version 1. Their business has suffered much
through the civil war.
2. The civil war has affected their business to a remarkable extent.
3. The civil war has rendered their business dull.
4. The effect of the civil war upon their business has been depressing.

1. Sentence translation, pay attention to the differences mentioned above:
1) 他因受贿而被捕入狱的消息传来,我们大吃一惊。
2) 海洋学是人们认识星球的关键,而其重要性却不是人人都知晓的。
3) 那个女孩哭得似乎心都碎了,我问她的时候,她说她已经有两天没有吃东西了,她实在是饿极了。
4) 健康比财富更重要,因为财富不能像健康那样带来幸福。
5) 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。
Word came that bribery has sent him to prison, which amazed us.
2. The importance of oceanography as a key to the understanding of our planet is seldom as well appreciated.
3. The girl, who was crying as if her heart would break, said, when I spoke to her, that she was very hungry,
because she had had no food for two days.
4. Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that.
5. A person cannot be judged by his appearance, just as the sea cannot be measured with a bucket.

2. Paragraph translation
S君有妻,丑,为此颇感自豪,常于有靓妻之友面前夸口:丑妻是宝,见了恶心,不见省心,出 门放心,免得有第三
者插足。友听毕,掩口笑道:君言差矣,常言道:以为最安全的却是最危险,岂不闻 情人眼里出西施吗?S君听毕,顿

The Advantages of Having A Plain Wife
Mr. S had an unprepossessing wife, of whom he was very proud, so much so that to his friend who had a
beautiful wife, he often raved about his spouse like this, “A plain wife is an absolute treasure, unpleasant to
look at, but out of mind out of sight and free from suspicion when the husband is away from home. And there
is no fear of „another man‟”.On hearing this, his friend couldn‟t help a smile and the following comment,
“Forgive me, sir, for pointing out that you‟re wrong there. As the saying goes, the greatest dangerresides in
the false sense of security. Haven‟t you heard of love being blind?”
Suddenly and thoroughly enlightened by his friend‟s kind warning, Mr.S sighed with feeling, “How true it is
that one can learn more from the talk of a wise person than from ten years‟ reading! Otherwise I may lose her
through oversight.”

IV. Comment on Last Week‟s Homework

Unit Four

Translation of Subject

A comparative Study of Chinese and English Subject
1.施动主语(agentive subject): Susan is growing flowers.
2.受动主语 (affected subject): Her books translate well.
3.工具主语 (instrumental subject): A stone broke the glass.
4.地点主语 (locative subject): The jar contains honey.
5.时间主语 (temporal subject): Yesterday was Monday.
6.事件主语 (eventive subject): The dispute over the problem lasted a decade.
7.―it‖做主语,表时间、气候或距离:It‘s very late. It‘s very hot in summer here. It‘s only half an hour‘s walk from here to
the museum.
II. The Translation of Subject
Eg1. 我的头疼得要命。
⑴ My head aches badly.
⑵ My head is killing me.
⑶ I have a terrible headache.
Eg2. 中国的人均农业土地面积比不上世界上其它许多国家。
⑴ China‘s per capita agricultural land cannot compare with that of many other countries in the world.
⑵ In its amount of agricultural land per capita, China compares unfavorably with many other countries.
⑶ China compares unfavorably with many other countries in terms of per capita agricultural land.
Eg1. 一个星期前我遇到了一件不可思议的事情。
⑴ I had the most incredible experience a week ago.
⑵ I had the most inconceivable encounter a week ago.
⑶ The most unbelievable thing happened to me a week ago.
Eg2. 一个企业的前途怎样,在很大程度上要看它的经营管理人员,尤其是市场管理人员的素质。
⑴ The future success of an enterprise depends heavily upon its managing executives, esp. those with marketing
⑵ The quality of the management, esp. of the marketing executives, largely determines the future of an enterprise.
⑶ The quality of managing executives, esp. those with marketing responsibilities, goes a long way in determining the future
of an enterprise.
Eg1. 已经有数千人在持续了一年的内战中丧生。
⑴ Thousands of people have died in the civil war, which broke out a year ago.
⑵ The civil war, which has been going on for a year, has claimed thousands of lives.
⑶ The death toll of the civil war, which broke out a year ago, has amounted to several thousand.
Eg2. 通过进一步研究,科学家们推测存在着一种迄今尚未人所知的粒子。
⑴ After further investigation scientists conjectured the existence of a hitherto unknown particle.
⑵ Further investigation led the scientists to conjecture about the existence of a previously unknown particle.
⑶ Further research by scientists pointed to the possible existence of a previously unknown particle.
Eg3. 在刚刚结束的中国十运会上,辽宁女子田径队有出色表现。
⑴ The Liaoning women‘s track and field team put on an excellent performance at China‘s just-completed Tenth National
⑵ China‘s just-completed Tenth National Games saw the outstanding performance by the women‘s track and field team
from Liaoning.
Eg1 昨天他们表演得很成功,引起了媒体的广泛关
Their highly successful performance yesterday has attracted wide media attention.
Eg2. 必须强调我国某些高级政府官员贪污腐败的严
⑴ We must put great emphasis on the seriousness of corruption and embezzlement among some high- ranking officials in

⑵ Special emphasis must be placed on the gravity of corruption and graft among some high officials in China.
Eg1 缘木求鱼,虽不得鱼,无后灾。
⑴ If you climb a tree to seek for fish, although you do not get any fish, you will suffer no subsequent calamity.
⑵ By climbing a tree in search of fish, one will not come to harm even though one cannot get any fish.
⑴ Our company has absolutely no use for an ignorant and presumptuous man like him.
⑵ Someone as shallow and conceited as him is the last person our company wants.
⑶ Shallow and conceited, he is the last person our company wants.
⑷ The last thing our company needs is someone as ignorant and self-important as him.

1 (1) The World has probably never faced pollution threats as serious as destruction of ozone layer and global warming.
(2) Probably no pollution threats the world has ever faced before is nearly as serious as ozone depletion and the greenhouse
(3) Ozone depletion and global warming are probably the most serious pollution threats the world has ever faced.

2 (1) Long-term studies of sunspots show that their numbers vary quite dramatically over a cycle of about eleven years.

(2) According to long-term research, the number of sunspots change rapidly on a cycle of about eleven years.

(3) According to long-term research, sunspots vary greatly in number over a cycle of about eleven years.

(4) A cycle of about eleven years during which the number of sunspots undergoes dramatic changes has been revealed by
long- term research.

3 (1) Since the introduction of the reform and open-door policy in the late 1970s, China‘s service sector has grown at an
average rate of 10.9% per annum.
(2) Since the introduction of the reform and open- door policy in the late 1970s, China has enjoyed an average annual
growth rate of 10.9% in its service sector.
(3) The reform and open-door policy, introduced in the late 1970s, has given China‘s service sector an average annual
growth rate of 10.9%.
(4) The introduction of the reform and open-door policy in the late 1970s has given China‘s service sector an average
annual growth rate of 10.9%.
(5) An average annual growth rate of 10.9% has been achieved in China‘s service sector since the introduction of the
reform and open-door policy in the late 1970s

III. Impersonal Subject Sentence in English vs. Subjectless Sentence in Chinese
译文1) They have also introduced new technologies for food storage, processing, and distribution , which has reduced
post-harvest losses.
译文2) …

2. 我们在分析破损材料时,通常需要先做直观判断,再做实际试验。
译文1) When we are doing an analysis of a damaged material, usually it requires intuitive judgment followed by real-life
译文2) …
3. 即使我们将普通食盐溶于水,也不能改变其化学性质。
译文1) Even though we dissolve the salt in water, we cannot enable common salt to change its chemical properties.
译文2) …


1.又过了几个月, 我看见他们手上戴了结婚戒指。可是他们不像以前那样健谈了,她又在看书,他在看报。
2.由眼前的 神木,我不禁想到大千世界中的人。每个人的一生都不可能一帆风顺,总会遇到这样或那样的坎坷与挫折。
4. 四十岁 的女人呢?揽镜自照,昔日光滑的额头已见依稀纹路,…。哦,时光流逝太快,还没有很好地一览风光,怎么就已
igation fathered the baby on him.
car obeys the slightest touch of the wheel.
3. A new dignity crept into his steps.
1. Months later, rings appeared glistening on their fingers but chatting was gradually replaced by reading, one with a book
the other a newspaper.
2.This Wonder Wood started me thinking of all sorts of people in the world. Life is no plain sailing. One is bound to suffer
frustrations and setbacks.
sees him on a job and in love. Now soft drinks will have given way to coffee.

4.…A touch of frustration and helplessness comes over me as I realize how time flies. …
5. A woman is never more beautiful when the full sense of being a female dawned on her and makes her very proud of the
6. … The sight of it , even in the distance, bring warmth from the window all the way to the heart.
7. Thus the gathering dark often finds me hastening home in a hurrying crowd. Whether it rains or snows, windy or foggy,
it is the longing to be home that quickens my steps.

IV. Comment on Last Week‘s Homework
1. Sentence translation (difference in C, E)
2. Paragraph translation (丑妻)
1.子曰: ―学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?‖
2. 子曰: ―三人行,必有我师焉.择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之.‖1.
译文1. The Master said: ― Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application? Is it not delightful to
have friends coming from distant quarters? Is it not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may
take no note of him?‖
译文2. The Master said: ― To learn and at due times to repeat what one has learnt, is that not after all a pleasure? That
friends should come to one from afar, is this not after all delightful? To remain unsoured even though one‘s merits are
unrecognized by others, is
that not after all what is expected of a gentleman?‖
译文3. Confucius said: ― Isn‘t it a pleasure for one to learn and then constantly review and practise what he has already
learned? Isn‘t it a pleasure for one to have like-minded people coming from faraway places? If others don‘t know him, he
doesn‘t feel displeased. Isn‘t it a superior person‘s bearing?‖
译文4. Confucius said: ― Is it not a pleasure after all to practice in due time what one has learnt? Is it not a delight after all
to have
friends come from afar? Is it not a gentleman after all who will not take offence when others fail to appreciate him?‖
译文5. Is it not pleasant to learn and to review constantly what one has learned? Is it not delightful to have friends coming
afar? Is he not a superior man, who feels no discontent though others do not know him?‖
译文6. Confucius said: ― Is it not a pleasure to learn and practise from time to time what is learnt? Is it not a joy to see a
friend who has come from a faraway place? Is it not gentlemanly to have no resentment when one is not properly
译文1. The Master said: ― When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers. I will select their good
qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them.‖

译文2. The Master said: ― Even when walking in a party of no more than three I can always be certain of learning from
those I am with. There will be good qualities that I can select for imitation and bad ones that will teach me what requires
correction in myself.‖

译文3. Confucius said: ― When I walk together with two others, they can surely serve as my teachers. I‘ll find out their
merits so as to follow them and their demerits so as to avoid them.‖

译文4. Confucius said: ― When walking in the company of other men, there must be one I can learn something from. I shall
pick out his merits to follow and his shortcomings for reference to overcome my own.‖

译文5. Confucius said: ― Whenever I walk with two other men, I can always find teachers among them. I will select their
good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them.‖

译文6. Confucius said: ― Whenever I walk with two other men, I can always find teachers in them. I can learn from their
good qualities , and correct those faults in me which are like theirs.‖

Unit Six
Translation of Predicate
I. An Analysis on the Structure of Chinese Predicate
1.―连动式‖谓语(Seriate Verbs)
⑴ 并列式:V1 (O1 or X1) +V2 (O2 or X2)
(a) 会客赴宴:V1 (O1)+V2 (O2)
(b) 脱了鞋进屋:V1 (O1)+V2 (O2)
(c) 敲锣打鼓:V1 (O1)+V2 (O2)
⑵ 从属式:V1 (O1 or X1) →V2 (O2 or X2)
(a) 条件关系

(b) 对象关系
(c) 方式关系
⑶ 链式:S+V1 (O1 or X1) V2 (O2 or X2)… Vn ( On or Xn)
eg. (a) 请假坐火车回家探亲 :
(b) 打个电话约个时间见面叙谈:
2.兼语式谓语(Pivotal Verbs)
S1V1O1(O1 simultaneously = S2 )V2O2

Eg. (a) 我们派他做代表。We delegated him to be
a representative.
(b) 老师叫你去。
3.紧缩式 (contracted verb patterns)
(a) 吃点药祛寒退热(吃点药,药能祛寒退热)
Take some medicine to bring down a fever
(b) 爱去不去。(你)爱去也好,不爱去也好,(与我无关)
I don‘t mind whether you go or not.
II. Translation of Special Forms of Chinese Predicate
Eg. (a) 打肿脸充胖子:
look imposing by slapping one‘s face until it‘s swollen---put oneself up to one‘s own cost

(b) 打着灯笼没处找:

not to be found even with lanterns to light the way---to be hard to come by

too dark to see one‘s hand in front of one‘s face

(please) come over to one‘s place for a chat

Homework: 翻译以下句子,注意谓语动词的翻译:
1.中国政府将继续坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策, 同世界各国建立和发展友好关系,反对霸权主义和强权政治,

维护世界和平,推动社会发 展,促进人类进步。
5.为了保护海洋环境及资源 ,防止污染损害,保护生态平衡,保障人体健康,促进海洋事业的发展,特制定本法。

Key to the Sentence translation: (谓语动词)

The Chinese government will unswervingly
pursue its independent foreign policy by
establishing and developing friendly relations
with other countries and opposing hegemonism
and power policies so as to safeguard world
peace and promote social development and the
progress of mankind.
2. Close attention must be paid to the changes and ideological trends in the world today, along with scientific analysis with a
view to correct understanding.
3. 1)We should take stronger measures and enforce the combat against criminal activities to improve public security.
2)We shall implement harsher measures to combat criminal activities in order to improve public security.
4. 1)By the year 2000, the nine-year compulsory education will be basically popularized and the adult illiteracy essentially
be eliminated.
2)The nine- year compulsory education will be basically popularized by the year 2000, with adult illiteracy essentially
being eliminated.
5. This Law is formulated in order to protect the marine environment and resources, prevent pollution damage, maintain
ecological balance, safeguard human health and promote the development of marine programmes.

Comment on Last Week‘s Homework
Sentence translation: (论语)

Unit Seven
Conversion ( of Word Order)
Eg. 1)他起身拿了雨伞就走了。
1) He stood up, took the umbrella and went away.
2) How can we go and see the film without tickets?
3) I‘ll go to buy medicine for you after lunch.

At other houses the door were slammed in my face, cutting short my politely and humbly couched request for something to
2. 汉语语序:从最大到最小,从最宽到最窄,
从最 远到最近
Eg. 5)他在北京师范大学英语系办公室工作。
He works at the office of English Department of Beijing Normal University.
We ate to our heart‘s content at her home last Sunday.
7)从小学一年级到进入大学,一个中国学生要经历多次期中考试、期末考试和毕业考 试,还有三次犹如生死搏斗的升学
From first grade to college a Chinese student has to pass many mid-term, final and graduation exams and three

life-or-death entrance examinations in order to enter junior and senior middle school; and college. The only way to get into
a key middle school and key college or university is to pass the entrance examinations with top scores.
8)中小学 elementary and high school
衣食住行 food, clothing, shelter and
悲欢离合 joys and sorrow, partings and
经风雨,见市面 face the world and brave the
3. 因果顺序
Eg.9) 汤姆一点也没有疑心我要另起炉灶,和我相
Tom and I lived on a pretty good familiar
footing, and agreed tolerably well, for he
suspected nothing of my setting up.
4. 若定语是形容词,一般按限制性定语→描述性定语→类属定语→中心词的语序排列
……these dull French teaching materials
11) 这个县经历了那场中国70年代第四次较为严重的遍及数省的自然灾害。
The county underwent the fourth rather serious natural disaster that plagued several provinces in China in the 1970‘s.
(He witnesses the sixth post-war economic crisis of serious consequence that prevailed in various fields in the USA.)
12) 我们为顾全大局于同年秋末在第三方的调停下开诚布公地多次强烈要求贵方赔偿我们的一切损失。
With the third party acting as an intermediary, to take the interest of the whole into account, we strongly demanded with
frankness and sincerity many times at the end of the autumn of the same year that you should compensate all our losses.
(For this reason, our company explained solemnly to your company many times in February last year. )
Translate the following sentences, paying
attention to the conversion of sentence
1. Many cracks began to appear on the city wall during that war.
2. It‘s not your fault that this has happened.
3. A thin and weak girl susceptible to diseases, she wrote one inspiring novel after another with her strong will.
4. Conscientious and eager, she took down what was said, careful not to miss a word.
5. The smaller the thing the less the pull of the gravity on it and the less the weight.
6. The pupils that had been watching started to applaud.
7. The meeting ended in disagreement.
2003年1 0月15日上午9时,中国的航天计划又前进了一步:神舟五号载人飞船在全国人民万众瞩目之下升空。每
个中国人都兴高采烈,全世界聚焦甘肃酒泉。毫无疑问,对任何中国人、亚洲人而言,神舟五号的升空都是值得 欢庆的。
一个亚洲的发展中国家变成了空间大国,跻身能将人发射到太空的大国俱乐部。我同千千万万的 留学生一样为中国的这一
历史时刻充满自豪。我们中国人为神舟五号而骄傲,这是理所当然的。同时我们 还必须指出,中国的航天事业也将促进各


In Celebration of the Launch of Shenzhou VChina took a step forward in its space
programme (China‘s space programme made a great leap forward) at 9 a.m. on October 15 when, with the entire nation
watching, its first manned space flight (spaceship) Shenzhou V blasted into space (blasted off). Every Chinese was Elated
(thrilled), and Jiuquan, the Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China‘s Gansu Province, became the focus of global
attention (the center of worldwide interest). For any Chinese or Asian, the successful launch of Shenzhou V
spaceship(Shengzhou V‘s successful launch) is doubtless a cause for jubilation (celebration).
A developing Asian nation has become a space power and joined the elite (exclusive) club of nations that have sent a
man into space. Like thousands of overseas Chinese students, I was flushed with pride over this historic moment for China.
We Chinese are justifiably (rightfully) proud of Shenzhou V.

Meanwhile, we should point out that the Chinese space programme will also promote (contribute to )scientific and
technological exchanges among nations and (to) the world peace.

Comment on Week 5‘s Homework
Sentence translation: (论语)
Unit Eight
Culture and Translation
I. Definitions of Culture
★ ―It is the totality of the spiritual intellectual,
and artistic attitudes shared by a group,
including its tradition, habits, social customs,
morals,laws,and social relations,
Sociologically,every society,on every level,
has its culture;the term has no implications of
high development.
——The New World Encyclopedia

★ Culture or civilization taken in its wide anthro-graphic sense, is that complete whole which includes knowledge,
beliefs, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by a man as a member of society.
——Edward Tylor
★ Culture can be explained as what the society does and thinks.
——E. Sapir
★ Culture refers to the way of life of a certain community, including what people think, say, do and all things they have

★ ―I define culture as a way of life and his
manifestation that are peculiar to a community
that uses a peculiar language as its means of
expression.‖ ----Peter Newmark

II. Translation of Cultural Words and Culturally Loaded Words

Cultural words
The word (phrase) that carries the meaning of a
cultural trait particular to a certain socio-cultural
community, that is, whose referent is a unique thing or
conception, and therefore that has no corresponding
equivalent in other communities, when it is used in
cross- cultural communication, is called word of
cultural unique or culture word.

Categories of cultural words:

5)body language
Translation of cultural words
1) full borrowing
2) transliteration (loan words)
3) semi- transliteration
4) loan translation ( calque)

2. Culturally loaded words
A类:切分和归类不同的文化含义词 culturally loaded words due to different classification
B类:联想不同的文化含义词 culturally loaded words due to different association
C类:语用规范不同的文化含义词 culturally loaded words due to different cultural norms

Translation of culturally loaded words


1) borrowing

2) substitution

3) paraphrasing

1) loan translation
2) substitution
3) paraphrasing

You must have had a tiring journey.

You must be tired from a long trip?

Well done!

That was a hard job.

You‘ve got a hard job.

饭桶good- for-nothing

吃不开be unpopular

吃不了兜着走land oneself in serious trouble

吃不消be unable to stand

吃不住be unable to bear or support

吃老本live off one's past gains

吃软不吃硬be open to persuasion but not to coercion

吃闲饭lead an idle life
吃香be very popular

他砸了我的饭碗He has taken the bread out of my mouth.
Comment on Last Week‘s Homework

Unit Nine
Translation of Chinese Idioms

The translation of Chinese set phrases
黛玉道:―跌了灯值钱呢,还是跌了人值钱?你又不穿惯木 屐子。那灯笼叫他们前头点着;这个又轻巧又亮,原是雨里自

己拿着的。你自己手里拿着 这个,岂不好?明儿再送来。--就失了手也有限的,怎么忽然又变出这‗剖腹藏珠‘的脾气来!‖
―Which is more valuable, lamp or man? You‘re not used to wearing pattens, so get them to carry the horn lantern in front
and take this one yourself, since it‘s handy and bright and meant to be used in the rain. Wouldn‘t that be better? You can
send it back later. And even if you drop it, it won‘t matter. What‘s come over you suddenly that you want to ‗cut open your
stomach to hide a pearl‘?‖ (translated by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang)

Group 1:
1)涸泽而渔to drain a pond to catch all the fish
(=kill the goose that lays the golden eggs)
2)打草惊蛇to stir up the grass and alert the snake
(=wake a sleeping dog)
3)易如反掌to be as easy as turning over one‘s hand
(=as easy as falling off a log)
4)玩火自焚to get burnt by the fire kindle by oneself
(=fry in one‘s own grease)
5)挥金如土to spend money like dirt

(=spend money like water)
6)掌上明珠a pearl in the palm
(=the apple of one‘s eye)
7)对牛弹琴to play the lute to a cow
(=cast pearls before swine)
8)守口如瓶to keep one‘s mouth closed like a bottle
(=keep a still tongue in one‘s head)
9)雪中送炭to send charcoal in snowy weather
(=help a lame dog over a stile)
10)画蛇添足to draw a snake and add feet to it
(=paint the lily)

Group 2:
1)声东击西to shout in the east and strike in the west
2)刻骨铭心to be engraved on one‘s heart and bones
3)井底之蛙to be like a frog at the bottom of a well
4)调虎离山to lure the tiger from the mountain
5)口蜜腹剑to be honey- mouthed and dagger-hearted
Group 3:
1)劳苦功高to have spent toilsome labour and won distinctive merits
2)屡教不改to fail to mend one‘s ways after repeated admonition
3)牢不可破to be so strongly built as to be indestructible
4)攻其不备to strike sb. when he is unprepared
5)史无前例to be without precedent in history
Group 4:
1)粗枝大叶 to be crude and careless
(死译:with big branches and large leaves)
2)无孔不入 to take advantage of every weakness
(死译:to get into every hole)
3)扬眉吐气 to feel proud and elated
× to raise the eyebrows and let out a breath
4)灯红酒绿 dissipated and luxurious
( × with red lights and green wine)
5)纸醉金迷 (a life of) luxury and dissipation
(×with drunken paper and bewitched gold)6)开门见山 to come straight to the point
(死译:to open the door and see the mountain)
7)单枪匹马 to be single-handed in doing sth.
(死译:with a solitary spear and a single horse)
8)大张旗鼓 on a large and spectacular scale

(死译:to make a great array of flags and drums)
9)海阔天空 (to talk) at random
(死译:with a vast sea and a boundless sky)
10)风雨飘摇 (of a situation) being unstable
(死译:The wind and rain are rocking)
Group 5:
1)毛遂自荐to volunteer one‘s service
2)叶公好龙professed love of what one really fears
3)东施效颦crude imitation with ludicrous effect
4)南柯一梦a fond dream or illusory joy
5)四面楚歌to be besieged on all side
6)罄竹难书(of crimes)too numerous to mention
7)初出茅庐at the beginning of one‘s career
8)倾国倾城to be exceedingly beautiful
9)悬梁刺股to be extremely hard-working in one‘s study
Group 6:
1)小题大做make a mountain (out) of a molehill
2)赴汤蹈火go through fire and water
3)洗心革面turn over a new leaf
4)七颠八倒at sixes and sevens
5)横行霸道throw one‘s weight about
6)大发雷霆blow one‘s top
7)过河拆桥kick down the ladder
8)乳臭未干be wet behind the ears
9)格格不入be like square pegs in round holes
10)魂不附体jump out one‘s skin
Group 7:
左右为难 between the devil and the blue sea
进退维谷 stick in the mud
骑虎难下 between the horns of a dilemma
不上不下 at a nonplus
进退两难 hold a wolf by the ears
无所适从 with one‘s back to the wall
II. Translation of Proverbs
Group 1:
1)明枪易躲,暗箭难防。It is easy to dodge a spear in the open, but hard to guard against an arrow shot from hiding.
2)城门失火,殃及池鱼。A fire on the city wall brings disaster to the fish in the moat.
3)路遥知马力,日久见人心。As a long road tests a horse‘s strength, so a long task proves a person‘s heart.
4)初生牛犊不怕虎。New-born calves make little of tigers.
Group 21)失之东隅,收之桑榆。What one loses on the swings one gets back on the roundabouts.
( × ―lose where the sun rises and gain where the sun sets‖)
2)塞翁失马,焉知非福?A loss may turn out to be a gain.
(×―When the old man on the frontier lost his mare, who could have guessed it was a blessing in disguise?‖)
3)庆父不死,鲁难未已。There will always be trouble until the trouble-maker is removed.
(×―Until Qing Fu is done away with, the crisis in the state of Lu will not be over‖.
4)此地无银三百两。A guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protesting his innocence.
(× ―No 300 taels of silver buried here.‖)
Group 3:
1)一次被火烧,二次避火苗。A burnt child dreads the fire. (直译: A burnt man always evades fire.)
2)半瓶醋,出事故。A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. (直译:A little learning gives rise to accidents.)
3)少见多怪。Wonder is the daughter of ignorance. (直译:Seeing little is the cause of amazement.)
4)三思而后行。Look before you leap. (直译:Think thrice and then do it.)
III. Customary Usage
Group 1:

1)连根拔 tear up by the roots
2)走后门 get in by the back door
3)捋虎须 stroke a tiger‘s whiskers
4)走下坡路 go downhill
5)一窝蜂 like a swarm of bees
6)及时雨 timely rain
7)九牛二虎之力 the strength of nine bulls and two tigers
8)病急乱投医 turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill
Group 2:
1)卷铺盖 pack up and quit
2)饱眼福 feast one‘s eyes on sth.
3)单打一 concentrate on one thing only
4)咬耳朵 whisper in sb‘s ear
5)扇阴风,点鬼火 fan the winds of evil and spread the fires of turmoil
Group 3: 1)门外汉 a man outside the gate
(改译成 the uninitiated或 a layman)
2)小广播 a small broadcast station
(改译成 spreading of hearsay information
或套译 bush telegraph)
3)风凉话 cold words
(改译成 irresponsible and sarcastic remarks)
4)扣帽子 put a cap on sb.
(改译成 put a label on sb.)
5)寻短见 look for a short view
(改译成 commit suicide或take one‘s own life)
Group 4:
1)赔了夫人又折兵 give one‘s enemy a wife and lose one‘s soldiers as well
(改译:suffer a double loss instead of making a gain)
2)跑了和尚跑不了庙 The monk may run away, but the temple can‘t run with him. √
(改译:A fugitive must belong to some place that can provide clues .)
3)不到黄河心不死 not stop until one reaches the Yellow River
(改译:not stop until one reaches one‘s goal)
4)说曹操曹操就到 mention Cao Cao and there he is (改译:talk of the devil and he will appear )
Group 5:
1)杀风景 be a wet blanket
2)拍马屁 lick sb‘s boots
3)放空炮 spout hot air talk big
4)绕圈子 beat around the bush
5)摆架子 put on airs
6)露马脚 let the cat out of the bag
7)戴高帽子 lay it on thick
Group 6:
1)开绿灯 give the green light
2)泼冷水 pour cold water on
3)唱反调 sing a different tune
4)挖空心思 rack one‘s brains
5)试金石 touchstone
IV. Translation of enigmatic folk similes
As for Baoyu, he‘s like a ten-foot lampstand that sheds light on others but none on itself.
―We‘re like two grasshoppers tied to one cord: neither can get away!‖
3) 哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出。
He was like the dumb man eating the bitter herb: he had to suffer the bitterness of it in silence.

4) 肉包子打狗,一去不回头.
A dog given a bone who doesn’t come back for more!
5) 他心里像有十五个吊桶打水,七上八下地不安宁。
It was as if the sword of Damocles hung over him.
6) 等他们赶来增援时,已是‗正月十五贴门神—晚了半月啦‘。
But they were too late for a rescue.
7) ―他吗,棺材里伸出手来——死要钱。他哪会借钱给我?‖
―No, he‘s still after my blood. How can you imagine he‘d lend me anything?‖
8) 骑着毛驴看书——走着瞧吧
―Let’s wait and see …‖
9) 咱们是孔夫子搬家,净是书(输),
We lose every fight.
Homework: 面子
刘公自幼酷爱书法艺术,又师从名家,二十岁便名声大振。但从不乱涂乱画,乃至晚年更是惜墨如金,所见手迹多 在
一日,其妻去书社购一唱片,倾其囊,差三钱,面带难色,曰:差三分 ,算了吧?店主答:不可,我乃薄利多销,差
三分,无利矣。其妻转身欲去,忽见墙上刘公『妙趣横生』 题字,便说:吾夫为你题字,差三分不可,太小气矣。店主曰:
『你刘夫人耶?失敬失敬!那三分钱罢了 』。
Face: Lost & Found
Liu had loved calligraphy ever since childhood and later studied it under a famous calligrapher. Consequently,
Mr. Liu had made a name for himself at the young age of twenty. He never took up the brush and wielded it nonchalantly.
And the evening of his life found him even more meticulous in his work and his calligraphy mostly displayed in places of
taste and elegance.
One day, his wife was buying a disc at a bookstore. She dug into her purse and took out all her money only to find she
was 3 fen short. Looking much embarrassed, she asked the shopkeeper to ―forget it‖. The man answered, ―Sorry, no. I aim
at small profits and quick returns. Deducing the 3 fen would be depriving me of any profit.‖ Mrs. Liu turned and was about
to leave the shop when she saw her husband‘s inscription ―Miao Qu Heng Sheng‖ (meaning ―Full of Humour‖ – the
translator) on the wall.
―How could you be so mean about such a fleabite when my husband wrote the inscription for you?‖ she grumbled. ―So –
you are Mrs. Liu! I sincerely apologize for not knowing you. Please do me the honor of forgetting about the balance,‖ the
surprised shopkeeper responded.
On hearing his spouse‘s story, the revered calligrapher glared at her with dilated eyes and rewarded her with a
resounding slap in the face. Then and there he made up his mind to part with his brush. Never again did he touch his
beloved tool.

Comment on Last Week‘s Homework
Unit Ten Practice
We should not be too romantic in interpersonal relations. Human beings are interesting in that they tend to first see good
in a new acquaintance. This is like dining in a impressed with the first dish or the cold dishes, but also profuse in praise of
the first two courses. However, the more you have, the more sober you become until the dinner ends up with all the flaws
Consequently, your joy would give way to anger; your praises to criticism or even fault- finding; and your nodding in
agreement to shaking the head. What accounts for all this is, in the first place, you are hungry when you start to eat. As the
saying goes, ―Hunger is the best sauce‖, and vice versa. And secondly, unfamiliarity, rather than familiarity, breeds freshness, in
you when you start to eat in a restaurant new to you, which is so-called effect of unfamiliarization.

Han Yu wrote this essay to defend himself against the attack of his time on his having accepted some disciples. In his
opinion, having some disciples was not something to be surprised at because, as a teacher, he was not necessarily better than
his disciples in every way, nor his disciples always inferior to him. As a matter of fact, one who has learned the truth earlier
than you, no matter who he is, should be acknowledged as a teacher.

You need not ask whether he was born before or after you because what matters is the knowledge that he can import to
you. Nor should you presume him to be omniscient. So long as he excels you in one respect, you should learn from him and
call him your teacher.

Unit 11
Scientific Document
Principles in C-E Translation of Scientific
1. precision
2. clarity
3. brevity
4. objectiveness
1. For precision : diction, collocation
2. For clarity : amplification, non-finite structure
eg1. 大多数金属都是良导体,而银是最好的导电金属。
Most metals are good conductors, and silver is the best of the metals that conduct electricity.
改译: Most metals are good conductors,with
silver being the best.
eg2. 钢筋混凝土连续梁在荷载作用下,其钢度不断产生变化,内力出现重新分布现象.
The sectional rigidity of an R.C. continuous beam subjected to external load will change

The sectional rigidity of an R.C. continuous
beam subjected to external load will change
continuously. Thus, a redistribution of forces
改译:The sectional rigidity of an R.C. continuous beam subjected to external load will change continuously, thus, causing a
redistribution of forces.
3. For brevity: Omission, Nominal structure
ing- structure, Combination
compound word:

专门用于汽车大赛的汽车如,夏夫来(Safari)或蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo),从外观上看与从 汽车修理厂买来的主要用
于普通用途的汽车没有什么区别。事实上,它们有区别,参加大赛的汽车是经过 特殊方式制造的。首先,它们所采用的部
件必须经过严格的测试;其次,选好的部件要经过精心组装,也 就是说,参赛的汽车事实上是通过手工制造的。

译文1:The car which are used in rallies like the Safari or the Monte Carlo look the same as ordinary cars which have been
bought from a garage. In fact, they are not the same; they are cars which have been specially prepared. Firstly, only
components which have been rigorously tested are used. Secondly, the components which are chosen are put together much
more carefully. In other words, the cars which are driven in rallies are in effect cars that have been built by hand.
译文2:The rally-used cars like Safari or the Monte Carlo look the same as ordinary garage-bought cars. In fact, they are
not the same; they are specially-prepared cars. Firstly, only rigorously- tested components are used. Secondly, the chosen
components are put together carefully. In other words, the rally-driven cars are in effect hand-built cars.

钢制的工具箱放在仓库里。箱里除了一些标准工具以外,还有下列工具:一把12英 寸长的卷尺,一些10公分长的
The box for tools, which is made of steel, is kept in the room for stores. In addition to the standard tools, it should contain a
ruler for measuring up to 12 inches, some nails 10 centimeters long, a number of plugs with 2 pins and a can containing oil.

If any tools are missing, the manager of the workshop should be told.
-ing Structure:
Eg1. Pullman was farsighted enough to foresee the formation of a company which would build and own a fleet of such
cars to run over all the railways of the United States, the railways being paid a rental for including the cars in their trains,
and Pullman‘s company repaying itself the cost of building, staffing and servicing the cars by pocketing the supplementary
fares which would be exacted for their use.


Combination:1.汉语相邻两个句子表示因果,对比逻辑关系;2.相邻句子表 示主语,述语关系;3.相邻句子表示部分与整

体关系;4.相邻句子表示连续关系;5 .相邻句子表示平行关系。
Eg. 1.地铁乘客近来大量增加了。其原因是公共汽车
2. 最奇特的用途莫过于将金刚石做成拉丝模。那就是钻有许多细孔的金刚石石板。
3. 可以预言,钛材在飞机或各种飞行器上的应用将会与日俱增。并且,它在其它工业中的应用也会扩大。

4. 一般说来,这种指示图可以帮助开车的人找到不熟悉的目的地。如果原先选定的路线上交通堵塞, 指示图还可以帮助
(5. 可见,在钛及其合金上进行电镀,就可以大大 强化材料表面性能,扩大其应用范围。这无疑为钛材发挥其优异性能开
辟了广阔前景,并将有力推动宇航 事业向前发展。)
译文:1. The recent great increase in passengers carried on the underground is due to the transfer of passengers from the
buses because of its unreliability.
2. Most marvelous of all are the diamond dies, which are flat diamond with a number of holes drilled through it.
3. It can be prophesied that titanium materials will be used increasingly in aerospace and in other industrial products.
4. Basically, the map can help drivers find an unfamiliar destination and alternate routes if a primary route is filled with
The Use of Long Sentences:
Eg1. Each cylinder therefore is encased in a water jacket, which forms part of a circuit through which water is pumped
continuously, and cooled by means of air drawn in from the outside atmosphere by large rotary fans, worked off the main
crankshaft, or, in the large diesel-electric locomotives, by auxiliary motors.
Eg2. Correct timing is of the utmost importance, and also extreme accuracy, down to a twenty-thousandth part of an inch,
in the grinding of certain parts of the fuel injection pump and the valves.
4.For objectiveness
passive voice:
Eg. a) He made turns in a helicopter by banking.
b) Turns are made in a helicopter by banking.
Eg. 钢缆有几千根具有很高抗拉强度的钢丝组成,
The cables are composed of thousands of wires, made of high-tensile steel, which are galvanized to resist corrosion.
Eg3. 本文认为掺有矿物掺合料的混凝土复合材料的 强度有水泥混凝土基体产生的强度和矿物掺合料的物理和化学两方面
对强度的贡献两部分构成,据此提出 了全面混凝土矿物掺合料的强度效应的新方法;并从理论和实践两方面分析了水胶比、
掺合料掺量以及龄 期对矿物掺合量强度效应的影响规律.
In this paper, the strength of concrete composites containing mineral admixtures is considered to include two parts: one is
generated by cement concrete matrix, the other by physical and chemical effects of admixtures on concrete.
On this basis, a new method is presented for evaluating strength- effect of mineral admixture on concrete. Furthermore, the
water to binder ratio, content of mineral admixture and ages on the strength-effect are quantitatively analyzed from theory
and experiment.
Eg. 可见,在钛及其合金上进行电镀, 就可以大大强化材料表面性能,扩大其应用范围。这无疑为钛材发挥其优异性能开
辟了广阔前景,并将有 力推动宇航事业向前发展。
Therefore, electroplating on titanium and its alloys may greatly strengthen the superficial properties of the material,
enlarging its scope of application. …
河流生态环境需水问题是一个涉及到水文、地质、气候、水资源开发利用 、生态环境保护和社会经济发展等多方面的重要
问题。目前,河流生态环境需水量研究正处于起步阶段, 对河流生态环境需水量的概念及其内涵、河流生态环境需水量的
确定原则与计算方法、需水量的保证措施 与途径等,都有待于广泛深入研究。本文在总结分析前人工作的基础上,对河流
生态环境需水量理论体系 做了初步探讨。

Eco- environmental water requirements of river play a great role in many fields, such as hydrology, geology,
climate, water resource exploiting and using, eco-environmental protection, social economic development, etc. Now it has
been paid great attention to in academic circles in China, but the research is just on its beginning stage and requires
extensive thorough study on many aspects, including its conception and connotation, definition principle, calculating
approaches, guarantee measures and ways, etc. Therefore, based on the analysis and summary of the previous studies, this
paper carried out an in-depth study on the theory systems of eco- environmental water requirements of river.

Comment on Last Week‘s Translation
Unit 12

I. English Translation of (Academic) Paper Titles and Abstracts
1. Translation of Titles

Eg. 微机处理系统的可靠性面面观
Reliability Aspects of Microprocessor System
2) 中心词+动词不定式或分词短语
Eg. 影响水力旋转器工作性能的诸因素(动宾结构
Factors Affecting Hydro Cyclone Performance
Key word in Chinese title
影响:Effects of … on upon…
Influence of …to…
Eg1. 对《论语》两个海外著名英译本的技术评鉴
A Critical Assessment of Two Classic English Translations of The Analects
Eg2. “文革‖时期毛泽东诗词的对外翻译
On the English Translation of Mao Tse-tung‘s Poems during the ― Cultural Revolution‖
Eg3. 大学生网络英语学习初始条件的实证研究
An empirical study of students‘ prerequisites for on- line learning
Eg4. 隐喻与翻译:一项关于《围城》英译本的个案调查
Metaphor and Its Translation: With English
Translation of Fortress Besieged as a Case Study
for scientific paper:
1) topic sentence
2) supporting sentence
3) concluding sentence
Sentence pattern for topic sentence:
passive voice

long subject + passive voice
Eg. (本文)阐述了一种用来采集周围雾滴进行化学分析的回转臂采集器的详尽特征。
The detailed characterization of a rotating arm collector to sample ambient fog droplets for chemical analysis is discussed.

b. Short subject + passive voice+ splitted modifier
Eg. (本文)研讨了六种用来完成鼠标跟踪功能的技术
Six different techniques are discussed which are used to perform the tracking function of a mouse.
Active voice
Eg. The author proposes an approach to the creation of an integrated method of investigation and designing objects, based
on a local computer system.
This paper …

Translation the following into English:

This paper analyses the process and factors of the origin of the Chinese Ancient Agricultural Literaturals systematically and
points out that it originates in the periods of the Xia, Shang and Western Zhou dynasties in the Chinese history and shapes
in the period of the Warring States, and also deals with the effects of literature significance of its origin upon the traditional



Asking for Application Forms for Admission
Dear sir:
I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in Chemistry Engineering at your university. My desired date of entrance is fall, 200
7. Please send me necessary application forms at your early convenience.
If possible, I also wish to obtain a graduate assistantship so that I can support myself and obtain more experience while
pursuing graduating study.

I obtained my B.E (Chemistry Engineering) and M.E (Environmental Protection) from Zhengzhou University. At
present, I work as a teacher at the same university.
I have taken TOEFL and received a score of 612. I am going to take GRE general test this coming October.
Would you please send me the application forms for admission and financial support? Thank you very much.
Sincerely yours,
Wang Wei

Unit 13
Different Texts

2.进一步落实党的民族政策,坚持和完善民族区域自治制度 ,发展平等,团结,互助的社会主义民族关系。

6.―办好98 ‘国际友好活动月‖ (宣传口号)
7.这儿的峡谷又是另一番景象:谷中 急水奔流,穿峡而过,两岸树木葱茏,鲜花繁茂,碧草萋萋,活脱脱一幅生机盎然
的天然风景画。各种奇 峰异岭,令人感受个异,遐想万千。
8.路边有一巨石, 石上原有苏东坡手书―云外流春‖四个大字。
10. 林边有一个洞,叫白龙洞.传说《白蛇传》的白娘子曾在这里修炼。

1. …bring younger comrades to the leading posts of the Central Committee.
2. We need to make further efforts to implement the Party‘s policy on ethnic affairs, adhere to and build on the system of
regional ethnic autonomy and develop socialist ethnic relationship characterized by equality, unity and mutual assistance.
3. We need to continue education of our cadres in the important principle of ― Three Represents‖. (The CPC represents …
4. To promote Sino- American relations, China needs to know the US better and vice versa.
5. We have decided on an open policy in two respects: namely, to open up both externally and internally.
6. a. ― Make a Successful 98‘ International Friendly Month‖
b. ―To Make Success in 98‘ International Friendly Month‖
c. ― Making Successful 98‘ International Friendly Month‖
― Make Successful 98‘ International Friendly Activity Month‖
7. It is another gorge through which a rapid stream flows. Trees, flowers and grass, a picture of natural vitality, thrive on
both banks. The weird peaks arouse disparate thoughts.
8. To its left is another rock formerly engraved with four big Chinese characters Yun Wai Liu Chun (Beyond clouds and
flows spring) written by Su Dongpo( 1037-1101), the most versatile poet of the Northern Song Dynasty.
9. ….
10. Near the forest is the White Dragon Cave which is said to be the very place where Lady White, the legendary heroine of
The Story of the White Snake, cultivated herself according to Buddhist doctrine.

Asking for Application Forms for Admission
Dear sir:
I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in Chemistry Engineering at your university. My desired date of entrance is fall, 200
7. Please send me necessary application forms at your early convenience.
If possible, I also wish to obtain a graduate assistantship so that I can support myself and obtain more experience while
pursuing graduating study.

I obtained my B.E (Chemistry Engineering) and M.E (Environmental Protection) from Zhengzhou University. At
present, I work as a teacher at the same university.
I have taken TOEFL and received a score of 612. I am going to take GRE general test this
coming October.
Would you please send me the application forms for admission and financial support?
Thank you very much.
Sincerely yours,
Wang Wei

Unit 14
TEM-8 Analysis
The Chinese nation has never believed in
human supremacy. And the nation finds full
expression in the philosophy, literature and art
that humans coexist with other species in
nature with a proportionally proper rather than
an absolutely dominant position. Therefore
we generally suffer less depression than
as the degree of the suffering varies with that of our desire and ambition. People in the agricultural society have much less
enjoyment than those in the industrial society, and hence less desire. Moreover, the main Chinese ancient philosophy of life
is always to be free from the encumbrance or enslavement of the outside world.

( Certainly there are among us misers who, however, pale in the presence of the misers and careerists depicted by Moliere
and Balzac. In comparison with Westerners, the Chinese people, easier to be satisfied, are mostly unbiased, peaceful,
unworldly and guileless.)

Version 2:
Chinese people has never regarded human being as the highest creature among everything else since ancient times,
whose behavior in both philosophy and arts takes a rather appropriate proportion with all others in the natural world, but
not as an absolute dominant ruler. Therefore, our bitterness and depression are, by and large, less than those of westerners,
because the degree of which is growing with the changing of one‘s desire and ambition. People in the agriculture society

Far less than people in the industry society, thus their desire is far less either. Moreover, ancient Chinese always treat ― not
confined by material, not driven by material‖ as the uppermost life philosophy.


What is the significance of life? Is there any criterion for its measurement? Difficult as it is to advance an absolute one,
it will not be so to judge the very meaning of one‘s existence generally from whether he is serious about life and what his
attitudes are towards work and life.

Throughout the ages, all people of accomplishment take their lives seriously.

As long as they are alive, they would rather devote themselves to more work and study than let a single minute slip by in
vain. And the same is true of the common labourers as well as the great statesmen and thinkers in our country.


Version 2:
Could there be any standards to evaluate the meaning of one‘s life? Certainly, it is quite difficult to bring forward
such an absolute standard. However, if we, on the whole, could find out whether his attitude towards his life is serious or not
and what are his attitude towards his life and work, it would not be that difficult to make an appropriate evaluation of the
meaning of one‘s life.

From the ancient times till now, all accomplished men treat their lives very seriously. As long as they are living,
they always work and study as hard as possible, unwilling to dream their life away, let alone waste even a single moment of
their lives. Such examples have been set a lot by Chinese laboring people, great statesmen and thinkers of past dynasties.

学问要有根底,根底要打得平正坚实,以后永远受用。初学阶段的科目之最重要的莫过 于语文与数学。语文是阅
读达意的工具,国文不通便很难表达自己,外国文不通便很难吸取外来的新知。 数学是思想条理之最好的训练。其他科目
也各有各的用处,其重要性很难分轩轾,例如体育,从一方面看 也是重要得无以复加。总之,我们在求学时代,应该暂时
且把趣味放在一旁,耐着性子接受教育的纪律, 把自己锻炼成为坚实的材料。学问的趣味,留在将来漫漫享受一点也不迟。

Laying a solid foundation for learning will be of great life-long benefit to you. Of all the school subjects during the
preliminary stages of learning, languages and mathematics are the most important. Languages serve as a tool for reading
and communication. Without a good knowledge of Chinese, you will find it difficult to express yourself. Without a good
knowledge of a foreign language, you will find it difficult to absorb new knowledge from abroad. Mathematics makes for
logical thinking.

Other subjects also have their respective uses. It is hard to say which is more important. Physical education, for example, is
also extremely important for another point of view. In short, while in school, we should temporarily put aside our personal
liking and patiently observe school discipline so that we may temper ourselves and become solid stuff.
Translated by Zhang Peiji

中国古代思想 家孔子说:―40而不惑,50知天命。‖一个人有了几十年的生活经历,就可以更好地理解世事之变
迁 ,更坚定地去实现自己的志向和理想。今天,在庆祝联合国50诞辰之际,人们自然更加殷切地希望联合国遵循宪 章的
世界的发展变化昭示人们:人民是历史的创造者和推动者。历史洪流回旋跌宕,奔腾不息,人类社会走向进步的趋 势

Confucius, China‘s ancient philosopher, say, ― At 40 I had no more doubts and at 50, I knew the will of Heaven.‖ A
man, with decades of life behind him, can better understand the changes of events and be more hardened in his resolve to
fulfill his aspirations and ideals. At this 50th birthday of the UN, it is all too natural for people to have high hopes that the
UN will observe the purposes and principles of its Charter, heed the calls from people of all countries, keep pace with the
times and greet the new century with a fresh outlook.
What the changing world tells us is that people make history and push it forward. As history surges forward like an
unstoppable deluge, human society evolves toward progress with an irresistible force.
3. 曲曲折折的河塘上面,弥望的是田田的叶子.叶子出水很高,像亭亭的舞女的裙.层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着 些白
All over this winding stretch of water, what meets the eye is a silken field of leaves, reaching rather high above the
surface, like the skirts of dancing girls in all their grace. Here and there, layers of leaves are dotted with white lotus







